Hmm, it's almost like he's training Ritsuka to expand his mental framework so that he doesn't just sputter like a tsun everytime the World buddyfucks him with something he didn't anticipate
That's the sneaky King Casgil explanation for why he's randomly Dex-checking Rits.

The ArchGil answer is that his expressions right before the suplex are amusing.
Quick reminder that servants are very literally walking memes and it doesn't actually matter how things looked back in the day (in universe or IRL) because they can, have and will always be colored by the advancement of history and culture.

Look up the newest servant in JP if you haven't already.
I thought he was training Ritsuka so he could see Ritsuka counter-suplex a god?
I know, I looked plenty before posting, and I'm still leaning towards "doesn't look like metal". I never thought of it as armor in the first place. That looks like a leotard with a metal skirt, and the only thing making me thing other wise is that it's thicker than the rest around the chest.

Thanks to the Personal Training CE, we know that there is a boobplate on top of the leotard/spandex undersuit.

I thought he was training Ritsuka so he could see Ritsuka counter-suplex a god?
Gilgamesh can have multiple reasons after all he is the KING.
That's the sneaky King Casgil explanation for why he's randomly Dex-checking Rits.

The ArchGil answer is that his expressions right before the suplex are amusing.
Gilgamesh's reason for doing anything and everything, first and foremost, is because it amuses him. There may be other, secondary, reasons as well, but the primary reason is always his own personal amusement.

Because he is the King, and seeking amusement is therefore the most noble and fulfilling endeavor that exists.
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Quick reminder that servants are very literally walking memes and it doesn't actually matter how things looked back in the day (in universe or IRL) because they can, have and will always be colored by the advancement of history and culture.

Look up the newest servant in JP if you haven't already.
This is definitely true, but also doesn't apply to certain servants. It's probably unintentional on Type Moon's part and will be hand-waved away if it gets asked about, but some of them are pretty much as they were when they were alive. You can tell some of them based on meeting them in the singularities when they were alive. Also Merlin, Musashi, and Arthur, probably. Maybe. Eh.

I still wanna see what the non-Leticia Jeanne looks like dangit.

Gilgamesh's reason for doing anything and everything, first and foremost, is because it amuses him. There may be other, secondary, reasons as well, but the primary reason is always his own personal amusement.

Because he is the King, and seeking amusement is therefore the most noble and fulfilling endeavor that exists.
I mean, sometimes, he- and hear me out here, sometimes he might do something in order to not piss Siduri off.

But Siduri can't get to him while he's on vacation (yet).
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Doesn't stop some diehard fans from Grailing Gilles to lvl 100.
I know some people who grailed Caesar too even tho Bedivere exists.

The punchline is that in JP this month Caesar suddenly got the god-of-all NP upgrades that makes him a wargod of a unit up there in the same echelons as NP5 SSR units.

Saber Gilles doesn't have his NP upgrade yet, he could yet be saved. Eventually.

Sometimes faith is rewarded.
This is definitely true, but also doesn't apply to certain servants. It's probably unintentional on Type Moon's part and will be hand-waved away if it gets asked about, but some of them are pretty much as they were when they were alive. You can tell some of them based on meeting them in the singularities when they were alive. Also Merlin, Musashi, and Arthur, probably. Maybe. Eh.

I still wanna see what the non-Leticia Jeanne looks like dangit.
I mean, all of them have their own soul as the core, but the memes stick to them. Edison is still Edison-like (within context), just happens to sport a lion head and spandex.
What I meant is that they are aware of modernity and can choose to show up in ways different from how they actually looked back in their day. Kintoki is a very obvious example here.

If I recall my Apocrypha stuff correctly, non-Leticia Jeanne looks like Leticia with slightly less boobs. It's pointed out they really were that similar.
I see Mash lacks the boobplate this time round. Probably for the best when you compare how Arturia's armour looks, as far as Knights of the Round Table cladding themselves go. Same for Mordred, come to think of it.
Wow this is extremely AU, either that or Ritsuka has no clue what he is talking about.


The primary issue with boobplate has nothing to do with its practicality in battle and everything to do with the practicality of forging and wearing it; how exactly is a blacksmith supposed to forge form-fitting metal boob shapes, and how comfortable actually wearing those would be (hint, not at all).

Also note that swords are not actually intended for use against armored targets, or more specifically slashing attacks are not intended for use against armored targets, piercing (or crushing) attacks are what you use against armored targets, of which certain types of swords were specifically designed to perform. Mostly piercing attacks were from lances, polearms, arrows and daggers though, not swords. Swords were mostly intended for use against unarmored or lightly armored targets, aka peasant militia; one of the reasons why they were historically considered a weapon of the nobility (along with their expense).
I always believed that Mashu would look better with an arturian-style cuirass over what we actually get, so now you all get to indulge my headcanon. Neener neener. :V

Maybe one day I'll commission it. It's not a big departure from her canon look, just that her cuirass doesn't have perfectly sculpted breast cups.

The logical outside universe reason is twofold. One: she is the main heroine in a wifu collecting mobile game, and Two: Given how every other Knight of the Round Table is armored it's a clever way of throwing people off from guessing as to who the servant welded to Mash's soul was.

In universe? Servants have some input in how they manifest, and Galahad is Lancelot's son. Well either that or on a subconscious level Mash wanted to show off to her Senpai...

Anyway changing the subject I can't wait till we get to post-London in story. Why? Because best girl Moedred will be joining the cast! Like I except three canon ships in Grand Order. Jeanne d'Arc Alter (Adorkable Tsundere set to: Angesty), Mash (Adorkable Tsundere set to: Best Kohai), and Mordred (Adorkable Tsundere set to: Energetic Tomboy). I can't wait for the rom/com shenanigans to start.
Well that and Mordred repeatedly setting off EMIYA "Mom" button.

You know I don't think we ever really have those two interacting at all.

@Swordomatic you said that your planning on covering the Accel Zero Order story right? Dare I hope Mordred will be with the cast by then?
I don't know what gave you that impression. Bedivere did hit harder if you could NP5 him. I have the numbers to prove it.

If you get him to NP5, he hits harder, but that's not why Caesar was good, so it's not terribly relevant outside of the bit where there's a fairly big if there. Bedivere has Tactics and a team defense buff, but Caesar has Tactics, Charisma, and a targeted Crit Star Gen + Crit Damage buff, AND his NP also freely generates a bunch of extra crit stars on top of the shitload it gets from being a 10 hit Quick NP.