At long last, he breathes deeply. His audience tenses and get ready for the tale to continue.
And are immediately disappointed.
Come on Rits we expect better from you by now!

"Senpai's a Berserker whisperer," Mashu says with a satisfied nod.
Yeah I still don't know how Rits does it but i'm impressed all the same.

Ritsuka blinks. Kana blinks. Mashu blinks and then tilts her head. "Wait, I'm confused. Could we try again?"
Yeah not going to lie had to reread this as well.

Despite how she acts and dresses like… Well like an actual bimbo
Yep thats Fate Artemis for you, poor Orion

Herakles does not move. He does, however, blink. This is a day for firsts.
Wow even Herc doesn't know how to react to this.

Atalanta has curled up into a ball and is leaning against Herakles' shin, trying desperately to wipe the memory out of her brain with a cast iron brush.
That's not going to help Atalanta all you can do is accept it and try to move on.

forced to bend over for the crime of being too swole. At least he has the abs to make it work.
Truly no greater crime then making Herakles bend over to enter a cave.

"She'd probably thank him for the opportunity," Mashu notes.
Yeah Jeanne would do that wouldn't she?

Immediately, David goes to Medea and kneels as he takes her hand in his own. "Fair lady, you have struck me with your beauty. Please, sire my children. God wills it."
And there's the David we all know, now come on David try to keep it in your pants for at least five minutes.

"I'm screaming," Atalanta murmurs, shaking. "I'm screaming and I don't know if I'll stop."

"It helps to blame other people," Medea says, a comforting hand on her shoulder..
Awww look at that Atalanta and Medea are bonding over shared pains isn't that sweet!
"...Yeah I have no idea how to convey this narratively so I'll just say what happened," Ritsuka sighs. "I get a dream of the Argonauts on Lemnos and see the memory of Herakles chiding the entire crew, and Jason there is more like a good hearted idiot who didn't consider the consequences of giving the Queen three kids. And he is also a diplomatic genius who successfully kept an entire island of women who just murdered all the men from murdering them." He stays silent for a while longer. Medea fumes silently at the memory but says nothing. "I'm sorry, I don't know how to translate this."
The Illiad was wierd, that's all there is to it.
"I tried and failed to explain Herk's dream as a story. So I just told them what happened."

She blinks. "Wait you actually understood that? I just figured you agreed when I said Jason doesn't seem like himself. I woke up with a headache!"

"Senpai's a Berserker whisperer," Mashu says with a satisfied nod.

"It's a gift," he shrugs. "
You grew up around Rin. Of course you'd grok crazy people.
"But yeah, anyways four days later we arrived at the mystery island. And found some really weird people."

"You can't really call them people, Rits."

"Fine. We ran into a Goddess, her literal boy toy, and a Shepard who got crowned King by God."
I love how David doesn't count as people. HA!
Despite how she acts and dresses like… Well like an actual bimbo, Ritsuka can taste the amount of bullshit packed into her. If she tried anything… Well honestly it's a good thing she's ditzy and approachable. Goddesses be cray, you see.
And this is why Gilgamesh likes Ritsuka.
"Wait!" Atalanta, who Kana told to stay on the Golden Hind for fire support earlier, materialises suddenly before them, bowed on the ground so hard her forehead is touching the sand. "My Goddess… It… It is me, Atalanta!"

"Hm?" The Goddess opens one eye and her smile droops slightly. "Atalanta? My Atalanta, who gave her virginity to Hippomenes within one of my sister's temples and was cursed thusly?"

"...The very same." She looks up, eyes wide. "But I have remained true to you in other ways, Goddess! Renounce me for my shame, but know that their mission is true, and--"

Atalanta's plea is drowned by a large bear hug by her Goddess, who laughs merrily. "Awww, you've grown so big! I'm glad I could see you again, you're so beautiful now! Oh, Hippomenes was such a lucky boy! And now you are with Chaldea!" She steps back from the hug and a dazed Atalanta to look at the obsidian giant standing behind Ritsuka. "And you must be Herakles! My little brother!" She extends her arms. "Give your big sister a hug, little brother!"

Herakles does not move. He does, however, blink. This is a day for firsts.
Even Bersercules is like "... my sister did not act like that, who is this hussy?"
"Aw, don't be like that, Orion! We've finally found some friends!"

In Mashu's head, something like a record scratch is heard. Except it's actually five trucks crashing into one another. "Wait. Orion? The Hunter?"

"Yeah," the now-identified hunter of legend sighs.

"The constellation?" Kana asks.

"I remember when I still needed three stars to hold up my belt," he sighs harder.

"Why are you a bear," Ritsuka asks.

"Oh! I--"

"Gaia held a grudge," he says quickly, a paw on Artemis' mouth.
Well, you did basically promise genocide on her and her kids.
"Gaia is a huge bitch," Artemis nods enthusiastically. "But she made my darling small and huggable so I guess she's alright!"

"Woman you did this to me!"

"Whaaaaat no I would never hurt my darling - just like how my darling would never throw his beloved Goddess aside like dirty laundry for ever girl he meets, right? D a r l i n g ?"

"...N-No, 'course not. You're my l-lovely… l-lovely Goddess."

"D-awwwww you're so sweet - and so cute and cuddly ohmigosh eeeeeeeeee--"
She squees. A goddess squees.

This is why FGO is trash and I am too.
"...Right, Kana, we should probably look for the -- Kana?" Ritsuka looks around. His sister is nowhere to be seen. "Kana, c'mon. Kana." More nothing. "Kana! Where are y--KANA! GET DOWN FROM THERE!"

Atop the Golden Hind, right next to the Captain, Kana shakes her head. "Nuh-uh! I'm staying right here! You can go play with the creepy bear and the bimbo Goddess yourself!"

"Don't be like that, fair Kana of Chaldea!" Orion calls out. "You have nothing to be afraid of! I, Orion the Hunter, do solemnly swear to be a gentleman! A great beauty as yourself has nothing to fear, not your skin like fine marble, your eyes like bright amber, your great bounty to grace the--ack!"

"O r i o n n n n ~ ?"

"B-Besides we are looking for the Ark of the Covenant and could really use the help!" He rushes out, while his Goddess almost chokes him with one hand and a smile.
Kana, you shouldn't throw stones in glass houses. Or have breast envy. OK, maybe with the more fanservice-y ones, but not Artemis.
"Hey!" Atop the Golden Hind, Kana holds out Euryale like a cat, and the middle Gorgon Sister scowls at Artemis. "Get that bimbo out of here! No mountainous cows are allowed!"

"How rude!" Artemis thrusts Orion out at her in a similar fashion. "Darling, protect my honour!"

"Your sacrifice doesn't change anything! But I'll still bully him!"


Atop the Golden Hind, Kana starts hissing like a cat. "No mercy! Only snek."

Orion looks over at Ritsuka in a panic. "A-Anything you ask Chaldean JUST SAVE ME!"

Ritsuka sucks on his teeth and nods. Yep. A day of firsts.
This is gonna end in a slap fight. And by slapping I mean Orion.
And sitting before it, legs crossed and a shepherd's crop nestled upon his lap, is a man with handsome, well cut features and long green hair, held back by a white headband. His eyes are closed, his breathing even and his posture perfectly still, but all the same he cranes his head as they approach. Then, he opens one eye, as green as his hair. And his expression softens.

"Ah, Chaldea. You've finally come. And you've recruited the Goddess and her Hunter. Excellent." He stands up and walks over quickly, shaking their hands in quick succession. "I am David. I've been waiting for you to come."

"...Well, here we are." Ritsuka furrows his brow slightly. A shepherd named David in the presence of the Ark of the Covenant? Yeah this is probably King David of Israel. Yeah. No pressure. He'll just let Kana take the lead on this one.
Ritsuka you utter fool.
At that, David shakes his head. "You've been deceived. The Ark does not grant wishes. It is a holy artefact, an instrument used to commune with God, and my Noble Phantasm. And," he adds sharply when Kana goes to touch it, "It burns with His divinity, which burns sin. It tends to kill anyone who touches it, and quite painfully I might add."

Kana stops just short of it. She looks at Ritsuka with a wordless scream on her lips. He looks back with a bemused frown. "...Right. That was my fault."

"You referenced the movie earlier, you dummy. You should know better."
Oh good, Kana didn't burn for being an ultraviolent perv and David didn't hi-
"Jeanne D'Arc, I presume?" Kana nods. "Ah, she's the one who heard Hi--" He raises an eyebrow suddenly. "Excuse me."

Immediately, David goes to Medea and kneels as he takes her hand in his own. "Fair lady, you have struck me with your beauty. Please, sire my children. God wills it."
... do not let him near Jeanne. Chaldea will be overrun with tiny blonde kids before the Demon Pillars are defeated.
Something breaks. Medea, the very image of a smug witch with loads of experience, blinks. Even for her, something this brazen elicits a reaction. "I… I beg your pardon?"

Orion squeaks as Artemis digs her fingers around his furry bear body. Kana is so disgusted she can't even laugh at the absurdity. Mashu is trying and failing to process the hypocrisy of it all. And Ritsuka is suddenly happy he didn't bring Jeanne along.

Nevertheless, David tries his luck.
Welcome to the fun of the old Testament.
"...So yeah, we found the King of Israel."

"Is that so," Roman says, the most dissatisfied that Ritsuka has ever seen him. Arms folded, eyes half-lidded, almost… pouting? "Well, I shouldn't be surprised. History was written by the winners."

David laughs and folds his arms. "'And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; swarm in the earth, and multiply therein.' Genesis 9:7."

"'Why have you despised the word of the Lord, to do what is evil in his sight? You have struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword and have taken his wife to be your wife and have killed him with the sword of the Ammonites.' 2 Samuel 12:9." Roman looks at the King of Israel, entirely unamused. "We could do this all day, King David. The word of God is not for self-serving men."
Eh, it's how it goes for Israel. Things start OK with the big man and the kingdom, kingdom goes astray, the big man sends someone over to 'take care of business', the kingdom says sorry and asks for a champion, the big man's champion kills the other guy, the new ruler is declared, and the whole cycle starts again.

Until God decides he's done with this shit and is going to try his luck with the Romans.
"Chosen for myself, but with His blessing, certainly," David nods. "I was actually summoned in a distant land called Italy, during the reign of a Roman Emperor - or the Singularity thereof. At once, I was unsettled. Foul forces were at play there, and I had to act. So I left, and sought to commune."

"That explains why there wasn't an Archer," Ritsuka mentions distractedly.

"What about the Caster or Assassin?" Kana asks.

"...You shut up."
"And yet, with the Incineration in progress, I could not hear His voice, nor He I." David spreads his arms, gesturing to the cave. "This Singularity is the first I've seen where Gods may still act, and so I have hoped to speak to Him here. But I haven't had success thus far." He glances at Orion and Artemis. "Especially with my many… visitors."

Orion holds his bear hands up. "Hey, I didn't know it killed people! I just wanted a wish."

The Goddess nods furiously. "And I want my darling to be happy!"

"I'd be happy if you didn't hijack my summoning! ARTEMIS!"

"I'm screaming," Atalanta murmurs, shaking. "I'm screaming and I don't know if I'll stop."
It's either this or a Kill-Sat Atalanta. Your call.
"It helps to blame other people," Medea says, a comforting hand on her shoulder.
And in this case, it's actually accurate.
"It kills everyone who touches it," Kana nods. "Gods, right? Even when they try to help, they kill people."

"Don't I know it," Jason says bitterly.

"Even I ain't bold enough ta steal it," Drakes says with a shake of her head. "Shame, too. Tis a beaut."

David shrugs, hands close to his chest. "At least He tries. It's more than I can say for the Olympians."

Jason ignores him and looks angrily back at his younger Medea, floating passively beside him. "What is the meaning of this, Medea?! You told me that the only way to grant my wish would be the Ark! Why did you lie to me?"!"

"I would never lie to you, Jason," Medea says, airily and sincerely, but chills run up Ritsuka's spine anyways. "I love you. I would do anything for you, Jason. Anything."

The Argonaut tenses up. Something is wrong. Kana's hand slowly hovers over Asriel. "Yes," he murmurs. "You would do anything for me."
Chibi Medea's evil.
From the ship, a flash is spotted. Only then does Ritsuka realise that Hector isn't around. "OH SHI--"

"Oh, Anti-Army Noble Phantasm. Stand back, I got this." David clears his throat and holds out one hand. In the other, he carries a sling, filled with stones. He twirls it, keeping his eye on the rapidly-approaching Duridana.

As the spear makes its final approach, David launches his projectiles.

"Hamesh Avanim!"

The stones are launched. Four miss the spear. The fifth knocks it off-course and elsewhere, where it detonates in the nearby woods instead. Exhaling softly, he turns around to Ritsuka and Kana, hands on his hips. "And that's my part of the battle. Your turn, Masters of Chaldea."

At this, a Hydra screams out of the ocean and onto the beach, one hundred heads roaring.

"Seriously?!" Ritsuka points at it, nearly in hysterics. "There's a MONSTER!"

"Can't do all the work," David shrugs. "Prove yourselves. Show me the mettle of the ones who will save the world."
True. Ya'll do have Herc with you.
"Any plans?" Ritsuka asks his sister.

"Yeah," she says, and draws her blade. "We'll kill Jason."

"You sure? He's still a proper Servant."

"Yeah, well, I've been practicing!"
It wouldn't be the first time a Magus gave a Servant a proper spanking.
And so Atalanta and Herk discover that Artemis is a ditzy bimbo.
She's not as ditzy as you might think. Just wait till Lost Belt 5.

David wins the "amazingly embarassing parent" award for this singularity. Poor, poor Roman. I wonder if David recognizes him?
He dose. If not now, then later once he meets Roman in person he will.

Welp, farewell you crafty bastard.

Well, until Chaldea summons you, of course. Then you can apologize to Anne and Mary.
One does get the impression that he regrets what happened in this story ark.

Always Late said:
Until God decides he's done with this shit and is going to try his luck with the Romans.
And look how that turned out!
When Altera showed up in her debut event she immediately goes dead serious and remains so for the brief time she's around there.
Wait, was this during the Moon Goddess Festival event? Because I barely remember that one aside from something about a Great Werewolf Genocide, and Altera's most notable appearance (for me) was in the Septem Singularity.
Wait, was this during the Moon Goddess Festival event? Because I barely remember that one aside from something about a Great Werewolf Genocide, and Altera's most notable appearance (for me) was in the Septem Singularity.
Yep. Brief showing, but it stuck in my head because Artemis was actually serious during it.
Unlike Atilla "Dumplings are good civilization" the Hun.
Well yeah it totally is his fault but I can't help but feel some pity for him. With him being cursed with a bimbo yandere goddess that won't ever leave him alone.
and he wouldn't have it any other way

their relationship just boil down to " it won't ever work, we are too different but fuck it, we try anyway"
"Yeah I guessed." Despite how she acts and dresses like… Well like an actual bimbo, Ritsuka can taste the amount of bullshit packed into her. If she tried anything… Well honestly it's a good thing she's ditzy and approachable. Goddesses be cray, you see. "We are Chaldea. We've come from the future to stop the Incineration."

I mean, it's either ditzy yandere bimbo, or utterly inhuman "I can actually kill the fucking planet from high orbit" god-machine, take your pick.

In Mashu's head, something like a record scratch is heard. Except it's actually five trucks crashing into one another. "Wait. Orion? The Hunter?"

"Yeah," the now-identified hunter of legend sighs.

"The constellation?" Kana asks.

"I remember when I still needed three stars to hold up my belt," he sighs harder.

"Why are you a bear," Ritsuka asks.

"Oh! I--"

"Gaia held a grudge," he says quickly, a paw on Artemis' mouth. "Look, this is seriously awkward, can we talk about it later?"

"Gaia is a huge bitch," Artemis nods enthusiastically. "But she made my darling small and huggable so I guess she's alright!"

"Woman you did this to me!"

Being Orion is suffering.

And sitting before it, legs crossed and a shepherd's crop nestled upon his lap, is a man with handsome, well cut features and long green hair, held back by a white headband. His eyes are closed, his breathing even and his posture perfectly still, but all the same he cranes his head as they approach. Then, he opens one eye, as green as his hair. And his expression softens.

"Ah, Chaldea. You've finally come. And you've recruited the Goddess and her Hunter. Excellent." He stands up and walks over quickly, shaking their hands in quick succession. "I am David. I've been waiting for you to come."


At that, David shakes his head. "You've been deceived. The Ark does not grant wishes. It is a holy artefact, an instrument used to commune with God, and my Noble Phantasm. And," he adds sharply when Kana goes to touch it, "It burns with His divinity, which burns sin. It tends to kill anyone who touches it, and quite painfully I might add."

Huh. So the Ark is like a divine payphone to God? Make sense. I always thought that it's EX-rank bullshit is from the accumulated faith of the Abrahamic religions concentrated into one gilded box. Well, either that or that it houses the Ten Commandments, acting as the physical, concrete contract between humanity and God.

Orion squeaks as Artemis digs her fingers around his furry bear body. Kana is so disgusted she can't even laugh at the absurdity. Mashu is trying and failing to process the hypocrisy of it all. And Ritsuka is suddenly happy he didn't bring Jeanne along.

Nevertheless, David tries his luck.

Hey, if I meet Medea, I'd honestly try my chances with her. Props for David for having the balls to actually go through with it, though.

"Is that so," Roman says, the most dissatisfied that Ritsuka has ever seen him. Arms folded, eyes half-lidded, almost… pouting? "Well, I shouldn't be surprised. History was written by the winners."

David laughs and folds his arms. "'And you, be ye fruitful, and multiply; swarm in the earth, and multiply therein.' Genesis 9:7."

"'Why have you despised the word of the Lord, to do what is evil in his sight? You have struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword and have taken his wife to be your wife and have killed him with the sword of the Ammonites.' 2 Samuel 12:9." Roman looks at the King of Israel, entirely unamused. "We could do this all day, King David. The word of God is not for self-serving men."

... technically, Solomon did worse, what with the whole 'thousand wives' and 'build temples for foreign gods' and 'smashed foreign coocie...' So, yeah. The word of God hits them both in this case.

And it's nice to have David and Roman trading jabs like this. Really feels like that awkwardly one-sidedly hostile relationship between a son and a womanizing dad.

"On a mission from God?" Kana asks hopefully.

Can you even play blues with a harp? Just asking.

Orion holds his bear hands up. "Hey, I didn't know it killed people! I just wanted a wish."

The Goddess nods furiously. "And I want my darling to be happy!"

"I'd be happy if you didn't hijack my summoning! ARTEMIS!"

Again, being Orion is suffering. Huh. Actually, while it is overkill as all hell, it might be hilarious to have Superhuman Orion running around in an alternate Okeanos. So that, for once, Ritsuka's expectations of Servants are proven to be actually correct for once.

"I won't!" Artemis chirps. "I like Jason, so I'll just wait here!"

Jason absolved himself somewhat in Atlantis. Fucker suffered having his pride kicked repeatedly to the curb, and even pulled a glorious last stand. Props, Jason, props.

"It kills everyone who touches it," Kana nods. "Gods, right? Even when they try to help, they kill people."

At least it's coated in gold. The very best color!

"Oh, Anti-Army Noble Phantasm. Stand back, I got this." David clears his throat and holds out one hand. In the other, he carries a sling, filled with stones. He twirls it, keeping his eye on the rapidly-approaching Duridana.

As the spear makes its final approach, David launches his projectiles.

"Hamesh Avanim!"

The stones are launched. Four miss the spear. The fifth knocks it off-course and elsewhere, where it detonates in the nearby woods instead. Exhaling softly, he turns around to Ritsuka and Kana, hands on his hips. "And that's my part of the battle. Your turn, Masters of Chaldea."

Well, David does see his time as a Servant as something of a sabbatical from his time as King of Israel, so this doesn't surprise me much. The fact that he uses an always-accurate attack as a parry feels very Exalted, which makes this better.

"Can't do all the work," David shrugs. "Prove yourselves. Show me the mettle of the ones who will save the world."

Delegation! The most difficult part of a leader's responsibilies!

Oh, David, you're just lucky you walked away from that with a polite refusal from Medea.

And to be honest, I can't tell if he'd be more faithful to her than Jason was.

I think David would be more faithful to her, in a sense. His lust push him to hit on other women, but his heart truly does love those very same women. So while he will go after other women, David will sincerely love them... which is more than what can be said about Jason.

So while Jason would toss you aside if he gets a better offer, David wouldn't. He'll just push for the harem ending.

I mean, it worked for Solomon, it'll be remiss if the father can't keep up with the son!

Eh, it's how it goes for Israel. Things start OK with the big man and the kingdom, kingdom goes astray, the big man sends someone over to 'take care of business', the kingdom says sorry and asks for a champion, the big man's champion kills the other guy, the new ruler is declared, and the whole cycle starts again.

Until God decides he's done with this shit and is going to try his luck with the Romans.

That... is an excellent summation to how the Israelis cycle of getting screwed over by God's frustrated wrath and their resulting apologies.
... technically, Solomon did worse, what with the whole 'thousand wives' and 'build temples for foreign gods' and 'smashed foreign coocie...' So, yeah. The word of God hits them both in this case.
Even nowadays, Solomon still hasn't stopped worshipping foreign idols:V
I mean, it's either ditzy yandere bimbo, or utterly inhuman "I can actually kill the fucking planet from high orbit" god-machine, take your pick.
SRS Mode 'Put That White Titan Back Where It Came From Or So Help Me' Artemis, from their very brief appearance is somewhere in between the two extremes. Probably due to Pan-Human Artemis being more human; LB Artemis speaks using the text color for machines until the Sun That Shot Down God.
Can you even play blues with a harp? Just asking.
They're Heroic Spirits, the right one can probably play blues on a bow.
... technically, Solomon did worse, what with the whole 'thousand wives' and 'build temples for foreign gods' and 'smashed foreign coocie...' So, yeah. The word of God hits them both in this case.
isn't Solomon basically sitting in the driver seat being told by god over the phone where to drive while Goetia sit in the back watching everything

Roman was Solomon chance at just being himself instead of a cab driver obediently listening to order

like he said to Goetia, he didn't have the freedom to be angry at thing like it did
Is this cray somehow different from the usual cray at Chaldea?

Artemis went completely loopy when she fell in love with Orion, possibly because of the ways it conflicts with her initial state (Gods are absolutely miserable at adapting to situations not generally under their purview- she's supposed to be virginal.). This is bad, as she is slightly insane, but good because the alternative is her acting cold hearted and attempting to be emotionless as a perfect hunter, which means she'll take you and the island you're standing on off the map for barely anything.

Their relationship is best summed up by Actual Orion's NP, I think. Half the time it's a heartfelt declaration of love between the two enacting insane buffs - the other time it's her buffing him by way of snapping his fucking neck.
Artemis went completely loopy when she fell in love with Orion, possibly because of the ways it conflicts with her initial state
Sorta, iirc translations of LB6 more or less paint Artemis as not exactly loopy, because she fell in love with Orion (remember, the greeks in nasu are alien gods gundams and nanomachines that got adopted by earthlings), but because she was isolated in space.

The fact that a unit of her, that held a 1:1 copy of her consciousness could chat with Orion, made her incredibly jealous (which ends with her blowing an island in her attempt to destroy the unit and kill Orion).
Even nowadays, Solomon still hasn't stopped worshipping foreign idols:V

David: You do realize that your favorite idol is actually M-

Roman: *choke-slams David to the ground* Let. Me. Have. This.

being told by god over the phone where to drive while Goetia sit in the back watching everything

Roman was Solomon chance at just being himself instead of a cab driver obediently listening to order

like he said to Goetia, he didn't have the freedom to be angry at thing like it did

So what your saying is that God wanted divine foreign coocie.

... Makes sense.

Tristan seems a likely candidate to me. Pretty sure his bow is also a harp, or some nonsense like that.

It'll be great if at the Camelot Singularity David actually stop playing around and get serious against Tristain.

They'll just break into harp solos in the middle of a howling rain with the death-cries of Hassans in the background to keep tempo.
Sorta, iirc translations of LB6 more or less paint Artemis as not exactly loopy, because she fell in love with Orion (remember, the greeks in nasu are alien gods gundams and nanomachines that got adopted by earthlings), but because she was isolated in space.

The fact that a unit of her, that held a 1:1 copy of her consciousness could chat with Orion, made her incredibly jealous (which ends with her blowing an island in her attempt to destroy the unit and kill Orion).
Orion please bone the orbital bombardment platform. For the sake of humanity, see.

Is it a harem end if its multiple copies of the same girl?
Sorta, iirc translations of LB6 more or less paint Artemis as not exactly loopy, because she fell in love with Orion (remember, the greeks in nasu are alien gods gundams and nanomachines that got adopted by earthlings), but because she was isolated in space.

The fact that a unit of her, that held a 1:1 copy of her consciousness could chat with Orion, made her incredibly jealous (which ends with her blowing an island in her attempt to destroy the unit and kill Orion).

Different events. The lostbelt FIVE (NOT 6) one went insane because she was alone in space for like 15000+ years, that's why Orion felt he needed to save her beyond all else. However, that has nothing to do with the Pan Human History one from here. She changed her personality in a radically different manner upon meeting Orion in, like, everything not the Lostbelt. Throughout the Lostbelt you see Artemis drones pop up, meet Orion, and fall for him again, but the one up in space is completely incapable of understanding why.

It is extremely notable that at the moment Orion's arrow pierces her, for the literal first time, her lines shift from "nonhuman character" color to "human" color, as she finally comes to understand love and is hit with the memory of Pan-Human Artemis talking with him about his decision to not become a god, and immediately gives up any attempt to fight.