Which could also be used to confront the impression some have that he's just the Load and is not actually helping Chaldea as much as Kana*

Then again, come to think of it, this might be the narrative reason behind the kidnapping in the first place.

*Which in fact is something I disagree with so much it made me decide to finally join SV but the unexpectedly long time necessary to effectively join resulted in the discussion ending before I could hop in but that's on me.
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It's not. He happened to be there on the ground and much easier to kidnap than the girl right behind the angry (Demi-)Servant. He just also happens to be the perfect kidnap target, because he's not susceptible to the more nasty bits of Carmilla vampirism (getting turned into a thrall-slave).

It does fuck Chaldea up a bit, however, because they're missing three perfectly good Command Seals and their most magically capable Master - so they're missing useful things like healing, tracking, ritual effects, short-term non-Command Seal infusions of mana via gemcraft, et cetera. Who they have left is a... capable Master, with excellent circuits but poor magical ability.

Kana does have a capable military mind, but she didn't get to showcase it until now. There was no need to, because Cu and Medea just murdered everything. As far as Chaldea is aware, they're down to less than half capacity - probably less than a quarter, because Kana is currently turning into a vampire thrall.
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It does fuck Chaldea up a bit, however, because they're missing three perfectly good Command Seals and their most magically capable Master - so they're missing useful things like healing, tracking, ritual effects, short-term non-Command Seal infusions of mana via gemcraft, et cetera. Who they have left is a... capable Master, with excellent circuits but poor magical ability.
Speaking of Command Seals, how have you ruled them in F/SO? Do they regenerate and how fast, or do Ritsuka and Kana have a limited pool they draw from?
Speaking of Command Seals, how have you ruled them in F/SO? Do they regenerate and how fast, or do Ritsuka and Kana have a limited pool they draw from?
One regens everyday, no known upper limit but they each only have three.

EDIT: To clarify, they each regenerate one everyday, so two seals return everyday, capped at a maximum of six seals.
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One regens everyday, no known upper limit but they each only have three.

EDIT: To clarify, they each regenerate one everyday, so two seals return everyday, capped at a maximum of six seals.

Do they use one every day before going to bed?


Is there a way that can be phrased better?
Don't forget to be awesome.

More likely though, Nobu eats at least one command spell every day just to keep Chaldea from exploding.

Ah, never encountered that particular acronym before...

To be honest that is really heartwarming as a concept now that I think about it...

But yeah... Nobu is a black hole into which you send command seals in order to not receive bombs.
Poor Da Vinci left in the wayside even though she's got TC and IC at rank A just like Medea plus Natural Born Genius and is canonically the one that makes all the fancy gadgets and outfits up to and including a magical swimsuit.
Poor Da Vinci left in the wayside even though she's got TC and IC at rank A just like Medea plus Natural Born Genius and is canonically the one that makes all the fancy gadgets and outfits up to and including a magical swimsuit.
They are both great at the building stuff routine, but there are only so many hours in a day, you know? Da Vinci is most experienced with gadgets, dodads, vehicles, and other mergers of magic and tech. Medea is more traditional potions, weaving, and talismans. Da Vinci can get as good as Medea in her specialty, but why would she? Medea is already there, already ridiculously skilled, and Da Vinci is busy. There are about twenty staff members left alive, and because Medea can equip the Masters Da Vinci can do things like improve the Rayshift coffins, or make new security measures, or make repairs.
Ah, never encountered that particular acronym before...

To be honest that is really heartwarming as a concept now that I think about it...

But yeah... Nobu is a black hole into which you send command seals in order to not receive bombs.

...But why wouldn't you want bombs? They solve nearly as many problems as they make! (which still leaves you few problems, but eh, you can use bombs to solve those problems as well!)
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There are no relationships if there are no people, thus no problems with relationships, see?

While explosives can be used to solve all problems, the solutions involving them are seldom elegant, and even more rarely optimal.