Dungeons and Dragons Megathread

Havocfett Homebrew: Quillbeast
Large Beast, Unaligned

AC: 12
HP: 16
50 foot movement speed
Str: 16 Dex: 14 Con: 10 Int: 2 Wis: 10 Cha: 8

Claw: +5, 8 Slashing Damage (2d4+3), 5 foot reach. If the target is a creature it must make a DC 13 Strength save or be knocked prone.
Quill: +5, 6 Piercing Damage (1d6+3), 60/120 foot range.

Senses: Passive Perception 10
Languages: -
Challenge: 1/2

Quillbeasts are creatures of the steppes. Porcupine-like beasts larger than a horse, amenable to being trained as war-mounts. Their backs are lined with untold quills the size of small javelins which they can shoot at predators, a potent defensive measure and something that makes them invaluable mounts. Domesticated quillbeasts have flattened or clear stretches of back for a rider to rest on safely, a rider can draw a quill from a quillbeast's back as part of their move action. These quills are treated like Javelins. A trained Quillbeast costs four hundred gold (Six Hundred if Quillbeasts are particularly rare and exotic in a region).

A Quillbeast is an acceptable target for Find Steed. Their base carrying capacity is 480 pounds.

I am debating the cost and barding status, maybe disallowing types of barding, maybe increasing health. Thoughts?
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Maybe have the riders take damage from the spines when they fail their Ride check by more than 5?
I am reading through Pathfinder sorcerer stuff and the nanite bloodline seems tailor-made to use Eldritch Heritage feats to gain a second bloodline (heritage feats as available bloodline bonus feats!). Now I'm really wanting to play a sorcerer character who was part of some bizarre experiment by their parents... something like a tiefling who's parents were disappointed they showed no magical aptitude so injected them with nanites and (X).

Please someone tell me they have an idea for a pathfinder game ^^
I am reading through Pathfinder sorcerer stuff and the nanite bloodline seems tailor-made to use Eldritch Heritage feats to gain a second bloodline (heritage feats as available bloodline bonus feats!). Now I'm really wanting to play a sorcerer character who was part of some bizarre experiment by their parents... something like a tiefling who's parents were disappointed they showed no magical aptitude so injected them with nanites and (X).

Please someone tell me they have an idea for a pathfinder game ^^
I'm considering doing a 3.5 game during the summer, and backporting PF is something i'm willing to consider if people have an interesting mechanics concept.

I was basically envisioning a sort of "explore this massive tower that was fabled to be a mighty academy of magical knowledge before it went wrong and time-space imploded. Now it's back-ish and you're going to go wander in and loot stuff."

I realized, just today, that my setting is basically Darkest Dungeon except lighter and going up.
I'm considering doing a 3.5 game during the summer, and backporting PF is something i'm willing to consider if people have an interesting mechanics concept.

I was basically envisioning a sort of "explore this massive tower that was fabled to be a mighty academy of magical knowledge before it went wrong and time-space imploded. Now it's back-ish and you're going to go wander in and loot stuff."

I realized, just today, that my setting is basically Darkest Dungeon except lighter and going up.

I've kinda realized that as long as I'm in PF games, I'm pretty much never going to stop coming up with character ideas, so I'd be interested either with that character or some other.
So 5E Bards are broken....

The Jack of all trades ability allows you to add 1/2 your proficiency bonus to all skill and ability checks you are not proficient in

Initiative is a ability check

Concentration is a ability check

Counterspell and dispel magic use ability checks
I'm considering doing a 3.5 game during the summer, and backporting PF is something i'm willing to consider if people have an interesting mechanics concept.

I was basically envisioning a sort of "explore this massive tower that was fabled to be a mighty academy of magical knowledge before it went wrong and time-space imploded. Now it's back-ish and you're going to go wander in and loot stuff."

I realized, just today, that my setting is basically Darkest Dungeon except lighter and going up.
I would be interested as well, if you do run it.
I've kinda realized that as long as I'm in PF games, I'm pretty much never going to stop coming up with character ideas, so I'd be interested either with that character or some other.
Keep in mind i mostly use 3.5 rules, which means XP is currency, and awards are calculated based on CR, rather than been inviolate and fixed like it is in PF.

It's a substantially different strategic calculus.
So 5E Bards are broken....

The Jack of all trades ability allows you to add 1/2 your proficiency bonus to all skill and ability checks you are not proficient in

Initiative is a ability check

Concentration is a ability check

Counterspell and dispel magic use ability checks

That's not how it works. You don't add your proficiency bonus to those normally.
That's not how it works. You don't add your proficiency bonus to those normally.

Doesn't matter

Exact wording of Jack of all Trades
Starting at 2nd level, you can add half your proficiency bonus, rounded down, to any ability check you make that doesn't already include your proficiency bonus.

Initiative is a dexterity check therefore it applies
At the beginning of every combat, you roll initiative by making a Dexterity check.
Players Handbook p. 177

As is Counter spell
....If it is casting a spell of 4th level or higher, make an ability check using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 + the spell's level....

And Dispel Magic

....For each spell of 4th level or higher on the target, make an ability check using your spellcasting ability. The DC equals 10 + the spell's level. On a successful check, the spell ends.....

Sadly it appears that concentration is constitution based save not a check.
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I'm considering doing a 3.5 game during the summer, and backporting PF is something i'm willing to consider if people have an interesting mechanics concept.

I was basically envisioning a sort of "explore this massive tower that was fabled to be a mighty academy of magical knowledge before it went wrong and time-space imploded. Now it's back-ish and you're going to go wander in and loot stuff."

I realized, just today, that my setting is basically Darkest Dungeon except lighter and going up.
I think the PF Sorcerer is one of the flat-out improvements over 3.5 that should basically always be backported. The Sorcerer in 3.5 is an awful, awful base class, whereas the PF one has actual class features and stuff.

Also saying that I'd be interested in that.
Doesn't matter

Exact wording of Jack of all Trades

Initiative is a dexterity check therefore it applies

As is Counter spell

And Dispel Magic

Sadly it appears that concentration is constitution based save not a check.

Yea, uh. Sage Advice already addressed this. It's only supposed to apply to things you can possess proficiency in.
I think the PF Sorcerer is one of the flat-out improvements over 3.5 that should basically always be backported. The Sorcerer in 3.5 is an awful, awful base class, whereas the PF one has actual class features and stuff.

Also saying that I'd be interested in that.
Ugh, and now I remembered that I usually run Spellcasting-No games. (If you have cool bloodlines that do noncasting stuff, then Sorc is still quite playable because you get Supernatural Exchange for free, but you'll be mid tier 3 instead of high tier 2.)

I'm going to have to think about that. I don't like to restrict people from what they want, but Tier 1/2 casters are hard to keep in line with other classes, and I like AMSes. I like Totemists and Dragonfire Adepts and Worldthought Medics.

Yeah, the 3.5 base sorcerers lack of class features is dumb, but there are a lot of ways of fixing that, even without using PF.
The only broken Bard is 1e. So what if 5e Bards go first? That just means they get to suck before anyone else. :p:D
Not true. :p Bards were broken in Baldur's Gate, since they cast as a wizard of one level lower, but used the Thief XP-advancement table, which meant they basically cast as well as a wizard, due to Thief table being more generous, and making them higher level at the same XP. /pedant
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Ugh, and now I remembered that I usually run Spellcasting-No games. (If you have cool bloodlines that do noncasting stuff, then Sorc is still quite playable because you get Supernatural Exchange for free, but you'll be mid tier 3 instead of high tier 2.)

I'm going to have to think about that. I don't like to restrict people from what they want, but Tier 1/2 casters are hard to keep in line with other classes, and I like AMSes. I like Totemists and Dragonfire Adepts and Worldthought Medics.

Yeah, the 3.5 base sorcerers lack of class features is dumb, but there are a lot of ways of fixing that, even without using PF.
I think spontaneous casters are easier to slot into a game with Totemists and Dragonfire Adepts and such, because it's all in the spell selection. I've also played in tiered gestalt games tuned so that you couldn't play a straight tier 1, and found that to work pretty well also.
The only broken Bard is 1e. So what if 5e Bards go first? That just means they get to suck before anyone else. :p:D

Starting at 6 for Lore bard or 10th and 14th for basic bard you get to choose spells from any caster list...

A maxed dexterity and charisma bard can easily alpha strike a boss or his minions then precede fairly easily counter any return fire.
I think spontaneous casters are easier to slot into a game with Totemists and Dragonfire Adepts and such, because it's all in the spell selection. I've also played in tiered gestalt games tuned so that you couldn't play a straight tier 1, and found that to work pretty well also.
My inclination is to be all like "oh, you want to be an X? How about you try Y instead" where Y is a class using some mechanic other than spellcasting. I really want to promote the use of alternate magic systems. They're generally more fun, less overpowering, and less fiddly the Vancian magic.

But for some reason, people are just so attached to spellcasting. :(
I myself love a good Barbarian.

Playing one now, and ordered a mini for him via heroforged.

Should have it by next week, I'll be sure to show him off!
If I'm playing a magic user, I'd prefer a sorc, but I am fairly full of char ideas so I *do* have alternatives.