Killing is fine, I'm not going to toss it at them that they are not trying every bit of diplomacy on everything ever, despite the paladin trying his best at that. With mixed results.
+ Avoiding a 'boss fight', having him commit honoraburu seppuku and them getting his stuff. The guy was undead and delirious though sapient, when confronted with what happened and how long it has been, he opted 'out'.
+ Sending a pair of orc 'toll collectors' into an internal squabble/rage/fight over some of the harder words the party used.
- Wolves.
- Actual undead.
Can't stop the rock.
So, hyeah, there's a bit of difference between just laying the smackdown on some idiots willing to put up a fight (The paladin has armor and martial weapons proficiency for a
reason) and deciding that because earlier incidents left the enemy army on high alert they decided that sneaking in and torching the supplies to force a retreat was too risky*, the alternative was to chug a fire elemental down a sleepy volcano. That or rounding up allies for an honest to god battle.
To be
fair if there is one thing the party is hilariously inept at it's anything approaching stealth. The rogue is blind as a bat (consistent sub-5's on her perception check), the Magus has a tendency to scream murderous rage and kill all those goddamn fuckers with FIRE for daring to threaten her home, and then there's the Paladin, who has vowed not to lie. Ever. And the priest, who is walking around with a horrible german accent and is generally playing up the likeable beer chugging priest thing far too much.
If I have to sum up their exploits in one sentence it would be "If it's stupid but it works, usually, then it's not stupid,
Anyway, they tossed the elemental into sleepy mt. Doom and completely rekt the surrounding countryside including the valley the opposing army was in. As in, most of them, noncombatants included.