Dungeons and Dragons Megathread

If you're going for a non-Earth based version of a modern setting one of the things I'd do is go full on fantastical with the base setting. Don't have the world be round, orbiting a star, with a moon(s) and so on.

Imagine, for example, a world which is a infinite flat plane. You could move north, south, east or west and just never reach the end of things. There is just Always More North you can go.

Break up the world with a bunch of huge impassable oceans full of krakens and aboleths and dragon turtles and other navigation hazards like volcanic mountain ranges and glaciers and swamps full of giant insects. Throw in some truly supernatural barriers as well like a giant canyon a hundred miles deep and thirty miles across that extends for thousands of miles in a meandering course, or a desert where water isn't just scarce but that magically converts all water to dust over the course of a few days and so on.

Why do this?

Well, it allows you to have your cake and eat it too. Want a giant technologically sophisticated modern democracy with extensive trade ties to other nations in a huge air, sea and land trade route? Go ahead. Want a endless wilderness dotted with the remains of destroyed villages and buried ruins from a pre-apolcalyptic civilization? Place it 10,000km to the north, or 30,000km north if you want it really remote.

Yeah, modern planes are very fast but even they need fuel and you can't fly forever (especially with rocs and dragons around) so you can basically have any kind of setting you want, maybe even entire clusters of civilization at various tech levels ranging from stone age to full on transhuman cyberpunk dotted around and many of them only slowly growing into contact with each other.

How does stuff like the sun and moon and stars work? Magic.
Have I mentioned how great the On Hallowed Ground supplement from Planescape is for the ccampaign I'm working on? It's great, and well written. Lots of interesting places to visit based on the realms of gods (the interesting ones are guys that have realms in out of the ordinary place, like Anubis).

What are some other cool ADnD supplements, maybe some good Spelljammer ones (I know nothing of that version of the setting)?
As you are mostly dealing with godlings there, AD&Ds The Complete Priest's Handbook
might be useful for you as they spend quite a bit talking about Priesthoods in a fantasy setting, and that is the local priest not the holy murderhobo and how the gods portfolio shape stuff if I remember it right.
So, anyone else realize how broken paladins are?

I just found out in the 7th level game I was DMing....

Apparently all Paladins can provide that charisma bonus to one another.

Three paladins walking in phalanx? They add +12 to all saves

The party is basically putting itself in perfect fireball formation because not only do they virtually auto make saves but one of the paladins gives resistance to all magic damage

And I can't do much about it other than focus on mobs rather than spells
So, anyone else realize how broken paladins are?

I just found out in the 7th level game I was DMing....

Apparently all Paladins can provide that charisma bonus to one another.
*tilts head* That sounds like someone's got a glitchy reading of the rules. Certainly 3.x had a rule to the effect "bonuses of identical type do not stack".
*tilts head* That sounds like someone's got a glitchy reading of the rules. Certainly 3.x had a rule to the effect "bonuses of identical type do not stack".

They actually showed me a page from the book where a character got bonus's from 2 Paladins, I left my book over at one of the players so I don't know the page number but I will look for it.

5Edition by the way

Couldn't find the page however here is this, in 5E bonus's stack unless told otherwise
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5Edition by the way

Couldn't find the page however here is this, in 5E bonus's stack unless told otherwise
Ah, the Aura of Protection.

Yeah, that's a thing.

Not sure how it would stack -- I've only seen one-Paladin parties, but if it stacked amongst multiple Paladins, that seems like it would break bounded accuracy right over their steel-clad knees.
I thought the general rule of thumb was, in the case of multiples of the same rule, the strongest is applied and the rest are ignored (unless the strongest is otherwise nullified)?
They actually showed me a page from the book where a character got bonus's from 2 Paladins, I left my book over at one of the players so I don't know the page number but I will look for it.

5Edition by the way

Couldn't find the page however here is this, in 5E bonus's stack unless told otherwise

If it's RAW then just ban it as the DM on account of it being stupid.

Edit: Crawford's explicitly said that they stack. That said, if you don't want it at your table you can ban it.

If you don't mind it/aren't willing to ban it, use Spell Attacks, stuff that doesn't require a save, and stuff that's still good if they save.
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It appears that they do stack, there aren't rules against it that I can find.
I suspect the intention is that everyone can add one Paladin's Charisma bonus to their saves, not the Charisma from multiple Paladins.

I'd give them the highest bonus only.

If it's RAW then just ban it as the DM on account of it being stupid.
Yeah, this.

5e is built around NOT stacking infinite bonuses.

Also: throw flying kobold archers at them.
I suspect the intention is that everyone can add one Paladin's Charisma bonus to their saves, not the Charisma from multiple Paladins.

I'd give them the highest bonus only.
I really want a party of 4 Paladins, a wizard, and a bard. Three of the Paladins are optimized to beat things into the ground, one is a face character/healer, the wizard is utility, and the bard fills in the rest. The party would be amazing. :p
I really want a party of 4 Paladins, a wizard, and a bard. Three of the Paladins are optimized to beat things into the ground, one is a face character/healer, the wizard is utility, and the bard fills in the rest. The party would be amazing. :p
Make the Wizard a sorcerer and you can have a quintuplet of siblings with similar statlines that all try to impress the lone face bashing paladin to finally be noticed.
Well, the one-off is dead. No more Cleric for me.

Not my class.

Next up: Cavalier. Wooooooo.
Psychotic warhorse get. If you thought the paladin was into divine judgement:

Well, mostly just pretty accurate, but level , humble beginnings and all that.
Rest of the party is a bard, a fighter and a ranger.

Such balance. Much subtlety.

Any naming suggestions for my trusty equine murderbeast?
Height: TALL
Weight: HEAVY
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Havocfett Homebrew: Modern D&D Enemies
My latest creation, for that project I referenced on page 49: Variant Vehicle Combat Rules, Pilot Statlines, and the Light Tank Vehicle Chassis! Also just a Light Tank for those of us who aren't using Variant Vehicle Combat but do want the nifty tank.

New Weapon Tags:
Anti-Armor: Treated as a magical weapon for the purposes of overcoming the Damage Resistance and Damage Immunities of Constructs and Vehicles. In addition, if this weapon kills a Crewmember in a Vehicle with multiple Crewmembers, remaining damage is dealt to another crewmember until all damage is dealt or all Crewmembers are dead.

Variant Vehicle Rules (AKA: Warthunder Rules):
A Vehicle isn't a complete monster on its own. Instead, it's a chassis with some stats and attacks, but missing Mental Ability Scores, a proficiency bonus, or the ability to actually do anything. A Vehicle needs to be piloted to be complete.

Vehicles, as such, all have the Armored and Vehicle Special Properties and a Crew. Each Crew Member provides their Proficiency Bonus and possibly relevant abilities to any duties their Crew Station has. If a Crew Member dies, the Tank is Penalized as noted in the Vehicle section in its stat block. AOE attacks have their damage to the crew reduced by the Armor Rating and hit all members of the crew but only do damage to the tank once. You can, of course, ignore the crew and opt to just suplex the tank into a smoking ruin. While generally less efficient, it's an option.

(Vehicles do not give spellcasters line of sight to people outside of the vehicle unless explicitly noted or they have an ability that would let them, like Online Casting, or they decide to pop outside of a hatch where people can shoot at them without dealing with the Armored rating)


AC: 12 HP: 9 Prof: +2
Str: 10 Dex: 13 Con: 11 Int: 13 Wis: 12 Cha: 11
Proficiencies: Pilot: +3 (Any Two Vehicle Types)
Automatic Pistol: +3 To Hit 8 (2d6+1) Piercing Damage. 40/120 feet. Reload 15.
Fist: +2 To Hit 1 (1) Nonlethal Damage.

AC: 14 HP: 18 Prof: +2
Str: 10 Dex: 17 Con: 11 Int: 13 Wis: 12 Cha: 13
Proficiencies: Pilot: +5 (Any Three Vehicle Types), Perception: +3
Cunning Piloting: While driving, use a Bonus Action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide Actions.
Automatic Pistol: +5 To Hit 10 (2d6+3) Piercing Damage. 40/120 feet. Reload 15.
Fist: +3 To Hit 1(1) Nonlethal Damage.

AC: 15 HP: 54 Prof: +3
Str: 11 Dex: 19 Con: 14 Int: 13 Wis: 14 Cha: 14
Proficiencies: Pilot: +7 (All), Perception: +5
Cunning Piloting: While driving, use a Bonus Action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide Actions.
one of the following abilities depending on their crew position:
Pilot: +2 Vehicle AC against one attack per turn. Advantage on Piloting checks made to control vehicles.
Loader: +1 on Recharge rolls.
Gunner: If Dex Bonus is higher than Vehicle's Dex Bonus, use it instead.
Commander: Advantage on Perception checks in the Vehicle, +2 Initiative
Automatic Pistol: +7 To Hit 11 (2d6+4) Piercing Damage. 40/120 feet. Reload 15
Fist: +3 To Hit 1(1) Nonlethal Damage.

Light Tank Chassis:

Huge Vehicle
AC: 13+Driver Proficiency Modifier Health: 150 (20d10+40) Crew: 3 (Gunner, Loader, Driver) Speed: 80 feet.
Str: 20 Dex: 16 Con: 14 Int: - Wis: - Cha: -
Armored 20: Enemies outside of the vehicle may target the crew of the vehicle. If they do, then the Light Tank takes the first 20 damage and the crew takes the rest. Resistances and Immunities are applied before calculating Armored.
Damage Resistances: Fire, Lightning
Damage Immunities: Poison
Heavy Armor Mastery: Non-Magical Bludgeoning, Slashing, and Piercing Attacks do three less damage.
Vehicle: The Light Tank requires a crew to function properly. For each missing or dead crewmember, the Tank's functionality is impeded as follows.
No Driver: Speed becomes 0 feet. Tank is Paralyzed. Tank Cannot Ram.
No Gunner: Cannot fire Main Cannon.
No Loader: Cannot fire Machine Gun, cannot Recharge Main Cannon.​

Multiattack: If applicable, a Light Tank can make a Ram attack and a Machine Gun attack on the same turn.

Main Cannon: +3+Pilot Proficiency To Hit. Piercing or Explosive round. Recharge 4-6.
Piercing Round: 48 (10d8+3) Piercing Damage. Anti-Armor.
Explosive Round: On hit, 15 foot radius burst. 16 (5d6) Slashing Damage and 10 (3d6) Fire Damage and knocked prone. DC 15 Dexterity Save Half and no Prone. Characters behind cover get advantage on the save. On miss, shell scatters into the distance and blows up a piece of scenery.​
Machine Gun: +3+Pilot Proficiency To Hit, 16 piercing damage (3d8+3). Range 80/240.
Burst Fire: 10 foot cube within 80 feet. Everyone within that cube must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity Saving Throw or take 16 (3d8+3) damage.
Ram: +5+Pilot Proficiency To Hit. 15 (3d6+5) bludgeoning damage. Five foot reach.

Light Tank (Green Crew):
Huge Vehicle
AC: 15 Health: 150 (20d10+40) Crew: 3 (Gunner (9 HP), Loader (9 HP), Driver (9 HP)) Speed: 80 feet.
Str: 20 Dex: 16 Con: 14 Int: 13 Wis: 12 Cha: 11
Armored 20: Enemies outside of the vehicle may target the crew of the vehicle. If they do, then the Light Tank takes the first 20 damage and the attacker decides how to distribute the rest of the damage among the Crew. Resistances and Immunities are applied before calculating Armored.
Damage Resistances: Fire, Lightning
Damage Immunities: Poison
Challenge: 5
Vehicle: The Light Tank requires a crew to function properly. For each missing or dead crewmember, the Tank's functionality is impeded as follows.
No Driver: Speed becomes 0 feet. Tank is Paralyzed. Tank Cannot Ram.
No Gunner: Cannot fire Main Cannon.
No Loader: Cannot fire Machine Gun, cannot Recharge Main Cannon.​
Heavy Armor Mastery: Non-Magical Bludgeoning, Slashing, and Piercing Attacks do three less damage.

Multiattack: If applicable, a Light Tank can make a Ram attack and a Machine Gun attack on the same turn.

Main Cannon: +5. Piercing or Explosive round. Recharge 4-6.
Piercing Round: 48 (10d8+3) Piercing Damage. Anti-Armor.
Explosive Round: On hit, 15 foot radius burst. 16 (5d6) Slashing Damage and 10 (3d6) Fire Damage and knocked prone. DC 15 Dexterity Save Half and no Prone. Characters behind cover get advantage on the save. On miss, shell scatters into the distance and blows up a piece of scenery.​
Machine Gun: +5, 16 piercing damage (3d8+3). Range 80/240.
Burst Fire: 10 foot cube within 80 feet. Everyone within that cube must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity Saving Throw or take 16 (3d8+3) damage.
Ram: +7 To Hit. 15 (3d6+5) bludgeoning damage. Five foot reach. Cannot hit targets above ground level or who have climbed atop the Tank.

Non-Variant Light Tank:
Huge Vehicle
AC: 16 HP: 150 Speed: 80 feet
Str: 20 Dex: 16 Con: 14 Int: 12 Wis: 11 Cha: 11
Challenge: 6
Damage Immunity: Poison
Damage Resistances: Fire. Lightning.
Heavy Armor Mastery: Non-Magical Bludgeoning, Slashing, and Piercing Attacks do three less damage.

Multiattack: If applicable, a Light Tank can make a Ram attack and a Machine Gun attack on the same turn.

Main Cannon: +6. Piercing or Explosive round. Recharge 4-6.
Piercing Round: 48 (10d8+3) Piercing Damage. Anti-Armor.
Explosive Round: On hit, 15 foot radius burst. 16 (5d6) Slashing Damage and 10 (3d6) Fire Damage and knocked prone. DC 15 Dexterity Save Half and no Prone. Characters behind cover get advantage on the save. On miss, shell scatters into the distance and blows up a piece of scenery.​
Machine Gun: +6, 16 piercing damage (3d8+3). Range 80/240.
Burst Fire: 10 foot cube within 80 feet. Everyone within that cube must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity Saving Throw or take 16 (3d8+3) damage.
Ram: +7 To Hit. 15 (3d6+5) bludgeoning damage. Five foot reach. Cannot hit targets above ground level or who have climbed atop the Tank.

Important Notes for Tanks and Similar Long Ranged Vehicles:

Tanks have ranges in the kilometers. PCs...don't. As such, a Tank sniping at the PCs from two and a half clicks out isn't the encounter that the Challenge would make you think it is. The statblocks given for the Tanks are assuming a relatively constrained battlefield, like city-streets, the inside of a building, or a running car-chase, where the PCs are actually able to strike back. If this isn't the case then it is not a combat encounter and should not be run like one, instead it's a scenario encounter like being trapped in a collapsing cave or something, with the goal being to escape the tank's line of fire or get close enough to engage it in proper combat.

Don't be a dick. Your players won't appreciate it and I don't appreciate it.

EDIT: Some changes!

Dropped the Resistance Non-Magical because it fucked with damage calcs and didn't behave as I wanted it to at this CR. While Resist Non-Magical will fit on the eventual MBT I instead decided to give the Light Heavy Armor Mastery, encouraging high-damage weapons, legitimizing Anti-Armor before other vehicles start going up, and making plinking away at it less viable without being quite as annoying. Even if you're hitting it with Hunting Rifles, this baby should be able to eat....close to twenty shots to the face before it goes down. Eighteen, I think. Assuming no dex bonus to damage and every shot hits.

(The MBT or a theoretical METAL GEAR will likely have resistance non-magical and HAM. Pricks.)

Damage on Penetrating Round dropped due to how it would instakill mages too often and Overrun got reworked into a multi-attack capable ram attack. Overall DPR isn't changed too much, but it is less loaded around those Recharge procs.

As designed, Penetrating Rounds will one hit Variant Rule Tanks via killing green crews outright and crippling pilot crews. This is working exactly as intended. Tank-on-Tank combat under Variant rules should be pretty vicious.

That said, Aces are hilariously durable. This is, admittedly, also as intended since as an Ace you are less 'random pilot' and more 'Mobius One' or 'Char'.

To Do:
Test Variant Light Tank against Level 5, 6, and 7 parties.

Test Non-Variant Light Tank against level 6, 7, and 8 parties.

EDIT: Post-Testing Errata:

Tank Challenge Ratings have been solidified. Please try them out and provide feedback! Anti-Armor has been changed slightly to be more lethal to Variant Tanks and there are rules for desperately bailing out of your tank when it blows up.
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Mmmmmmm tanks sitting in ambush.

In that setting I'd grab a cavalier just because I can... And then make it an Iron Fang Uhlan. LANCE. MINE!
Anybody have any good pictures of a massive empty throne, preferably art and not an actual picture? I need to make the artwork for Anubis' empty throne.
Havocfett Homebrew: Modern D&D Assorted Rules
New Weapon:
Anti-Tank Rocket Launcher. 3d10 Piercing Damage. Ammunition (80/240 Range) Anti-Armor. Loading. Two Handed. Special. Heavy. Weight: 15 Pounds.
Ammunition: Anti-Tank Rocket. Weight: 6 pounds. Quantity: 1. Cost: 50 gold.​

Special: You cannot negate Loading on a Rocket Launcher with feats or through other means.

Note to GMs: Please track weight limits if your players have a rocket launcher.

Find Vehicle is added to the Level 2 Paladin Spell List.
Crossbow Mastery allows you to ignore the Reload/Loading tag on firearms
Ghost in the Machine lets Warlocks make Int based hacking checks with Charisma.

Right, so, made a playtest squad to test out the tank (And future creations). Largely they don't have any real gear, save for Jeborah who has some spells added to her spellbook.

(To improve the number of tests I will probably throw a refluffed Light Tank at @Cat during our next DnD session)

These guys will eventually become some Iconic characters for the setting. We have:

Roland: Male Personality Warforged Paladin of Devotion with Acolyte Background

AC: 19 Health: 49
Str: 17 Dex: 10 Con: 16 Int: 8 Wis: 10 Cha: 14
Insight: +3 Religion: +2 Athletics: +6 Persuasion: +5
Wis: +3 Cha: +5
Special: Warforged Traits, Divine Sense 3/Day, Lay On Hands 25/Day, Fighting Style (Great Weapon Fighting), Spellcasting (4 Spells Prepared Spell DC 13), Divine Smite, Divine Health, Extra Attack, Channel Divinity: Sacred Weapon and Turn the Unholy

Multiattack: Attack Twice Per Turn

Greatsword: +6 To Hit. 12 (2d6+3. GWF) Slashing Damage.
Assault Rifle: +3 To Hit. 9 (2d8) Piercing Damage. Burst Fire.

Spells Slots: 4 1st level, 2 2nd level.
Prepared Spells: Bless, Command, Find Vehicle, Magic Weapon

AC: 19 Health: 58
Str: 17 Dex: 10 Con: 16 Int: 8 Wis: 10 Cha: 14
Insight: +3 Religion: +2 Athletics: +6 Persuasion: +5
Str: +5 Dex: +2 Con: +5 Int: +1 Wis: +5 Cha: +7
Special: Warforged Traits, Divine Sense 3/Day, Lay On Hands 25/Day, Fighting Style (Great Weapon Fighting), Spellcasting (5 Spells Prepared Spell DC 13), Divine Smite, Divine Health, Extra Attack, Channel Divinity: Sacred Weapon and Turn the Unholy, Aura of Protection

Multiattack: Attack Twice Per Turn

Greatsword: +6 To Hit. 12 (2d6+3. GWF) Slashing Damage.
Assault Rifle: +3 To Hit. 9 (2d8) Piercing Damage. Burst Fire.

Spells Slots: 4 1st level, 2 2nd level.
Prepared Spells: Bless, Command, Find Vehicle, Magic Weapon, Compelled Duel

AC: 19 Health: 67
Str: 17 Dex: 10 Con: 16 Int: 8 Wis: 10 Cha: 14
Insight: +3 Religion: +2 Athletics: +6 Persuasion: +5
Str: +5 Dex: +2 Con: +5 Int: +1 Wis: +5 Cha: +7
Special: Warforged Traits, Divine Sense 3/Day, Lay On Hands 25/Day, Fighting Style (Great Weapon Fighting), Spellcasting (5 Spells Prepared Spell DC 13), Divine Smite, Divine Health, Extra Attack, Channel Divinity: Sacred Weapon and Turn the Unholy, Aura of Protection, Aura of Devotion

Multiattack: Attack Twice Per Turn

Greatsword: +6 To Hit. 12 (2d6+3. GWF) Slashing Damage.
Assault Rifle: +3 To Hit. 9 (2d8) Piercing Damage. Burst Fire.

Spells Slots: 4 1st level, 3 2nd level.
Prepared Spells: Bless, Command, Find Vehicle, Magic Weapon, Compelled Duel

AC: 19 Health: 76
Str: 19 Dex: 10 Con: 16 Int: 8 Wis: 10 Cha: 14
Insight: +3 Religion: +2 Athletics: +7 Persuasion: +5
Str: +6 Dex: +2 Con: +5 Int: +1 Wis: +5 Cha: +7
Special: Warforged Traits, Divine Sense 3/Day, Lay On Hands 25/Day, Fighting Style (Great Weapon Fighting), Spellcasting (5 Spells Prepared Spell DC 13), Divine Smite, Divine Health, Extra Attack, Channel Divinity: Sacred Weapon and Turn the Unholy, Aura of Protection, Aura of Devotion

Multiattack: Attack Twice Per Turn

Greatsword: +7 To Hit. 13 (2d6+4. GWF) Slashing Damage.
Assault Rifle: +3 To Hit. 9 (2d8) Piercing Damage. Burst Fire.

Spells Slots: 4 1st level, 3 2nd level.
Prepared Spells: Bless, Command, Find Vehicle, Magic Weapon, Compelled Duel

Ramon: Wood Elf Assassin Rogue/Battlemaster Fighter with Criminal Background.

Fighter 2/Rogue (Assassin) 3
AC: 16 Health: 41 Speed: 35 feet
Str: 9 Dex: 17 Con: 15 Int: 8 Wis: 10 Cha: 14
Stealth: +6, Deceit: +5, Civilian Ground Vehicles: +3, Thieves Tools: +3, Perception: +3, Acrobatics: +6, Insight: +3, Disguise Kit: +3, Poisoner's Kit: +3
Strength: +2 Con: +5
Special: Wood Elf Traits, Assassinate, Sneak Attack +2d6, Action Surge (1 Use), Fighting Style (Archery), Second Wind (1d10+2), Expertise (Stealth, Deceit), Thieves' Cant, Cunning Action

Two Shortswords: +6 To Hit. 6 (1d6+3) Slashing Damage. Bonus action to make second attack: +6 To Hit. 3 (1d6) slashing damage.
Hunting Rifle: +8 To Hit. 14 (2d10+3) Piercing Damage. Range (80/240), Reload (5)

Fighter (Battlemaster) 3/Rogue (Assassin) 3
AC: 16 Health: 49 Speed: 35 feet
Str: 9 Dex: 17 Con: 15 Int: 8 Wis: 10 Cha: 14
Stealth: +6, Deceit: +5, Civilian Ground Vehicles: +3, Thieves Tools: +3, Perception: +3, Acrobatics: +6, Insight: +3, Disguise Kit: +3, Poisoner's Kit: +3, Smith's Tools: +3
Strength: +2 Con: +5
Special: Wood Elf Traits, Assassinate, Sneak Attack +2d6, Action Surge (1 Use), Fighting Style (Archery), Second Wind (1d10+2), Expertise (Stealth, Deceit), Thieves' Cant, Cunning Action, Maneuvers (DC 14)

Two Shortswords: +6 To Hit. 6 (1d6+3) Slashing Damage. Bonus action to make second attack: +6 To Hit. 3 (1d6) slashing damage.
Hunting Rifle: +8 To Hit. 14 (2d10+3) Piercing Damage. Range (80/240), Reload (5)

Maneuvers Known:
Trip Attack, Precision Attack, Menacing Attack
Superiority Dice: 4d8

Fighter (Battlemaster) 4/Rogue (Assassin) 3
AC: 16 Health: 64 Speed: 35 feet
Str: 9 Dex: 18 Con: 16 Int: 8 Wis: 10 Cha: 14
Stealth: +7, Deceit: +5, Civilian Ground Vehicles: +3, Thieves Tools: +3, Perception: +3, Acrobatics: +7, Insight: +3, Disguise Kit: +3, Poisoner's Kit: +3, Smith's Tools: +3
Strength: +2 Con: +6
Special: Wood Elf Traits, Assassinate, Sneak Attack +2d6, Action Surge (1 Use), Fighting Style (Archery), Second Wind (1d10+2), Expertise (Stealth, Deceit), Thieves' Cant, Cunning Action, Maneuvers (DC 15)

Two Shortswords: +7 To Hit. 7 (1d6+4) Slashing Damage. Bonus action to make second attack: +6 To Hit. 3 (1d6) slashing damage.
Hunting Rifle: +9 To Hit. 15 (2d10+4) Piercing Damage. Range (80/240), Reload (5)

Maneuvers Known:
Trip Attack, Precision Attack, Menacing Attack
Superiority Dice: 4d8

Fighter (Battlemaster) 5/Rogue (Assassin) 3
AC: 16 Health: 73 Speed: 35 feet
Str: 9 Dex: 18 Con: 16 Int: 8 Wis: 10 Cha: 14
Stealth: +7, Deceit: +5, Civilian Ground Vehicles: +3, Thieves Tools: +3, Perception: +3, Acrobatics: +7, Insight: +3, Disguise Kit: +3, Poisoner's Kit: +3, Smith's Tools: +3
Strength: +2 Con: +6
Special: Wood Elf Traits, Assassinate, Sneak Attack +2d6, Action Surge (1 Use), Fighting Style (Archery), Second Wind (1d10+2), Expertise (Stealth, Deceit), Thieves' Cant, Cunning Action, Maneuvers (DC 15)

Multiattack: Make two attacks with each Attack action.

Two Shortswords: +7 To Hit. 7 (1d6+4) Slashing Damage. Bonus action to make second attack: +6 To Hit. 3 (1d6) slashing damage.
Hunting Rifle: +9 To Hit. 15 (2d10+4) Piercing Damage. Range (80/240), Reload (5)

Maneuvers Known:
Trip Attack, Precision Attack, Menacing Attack
Superiority Dice: 4d8

Jaborah: Human Female Technomancy Wizard with Soldier Background

AC: 13 Health: 32
Str: 8 Dex: 16 Con: 14 Int: 18 Wis: 10 Cha: 10
Proficiencies: Arcana: +7, Medicine: +3, Card Games: +3, All Ground Vehicles: +3, Athletics: +2, Intimidate: +3, Hacking Tools: +3
Int: +7, Wis: +3
Special: Arcane Recovery, Spellcasting (9 spells prepared. DC 15), Technological Savant

Revolver: +6 To Hit. 12 (2d8+3) Piercing Damage. Ammunition (Range 40/120). Reload (6).
Spell Attack: +7 To Hit. Varies.

Cantrips: Minor Illusion, Mending, On/Off, Fire Bolt
1st Level: Mage Armor, Shield, Fog Cloud, Grease, Detect Magic, Silent Image, Ray of Sickness, Infallible Relay, Remote Access
2nd Level: Digital Phantom, Mirror Image, Misty Step, Flaming Sphere, Arcane Hacking
3rd Level: Haste, Fireball, Invisibility to Cameras
Spells Prepared: Mage Armor, Shield, Fog Cloud, Mirror Image, Arcane Hacking, Fireball, Haste, Invisibility to Cameras, Digital Phantom
Spells/Day: 4 1st level, 3 2nd level, 2 3rd level

AC: 13 Health: 38
Str: 8 Dex: 16 Con: 14 Int: 18 Wis: 10 Cha: 10
Proficiencies: Arcana: +7, Medicine: +3, Card Games: +3, All Ground Vehicles: +3, Athletics: +2, Intimidate: +3, Hacking Tools: +3
Int: +7, Wis: +3
Special: Arcane Recovery, Spellcasting (10 spells prepared. DC 15), Technological Savant, Program Spell

Revolver: +6 To Hit. 12 (2d8+3) Piercing Damage. Ammunition (Range 40/120). Reload (6).
Spell Attack: +7 To Hit. Varies.

Cantrips: Minor Illusion, Mending, On/Off, Fire Bolt
1st Level: Mage Armor, Shield, Fog Cloud, Grease, Detect Magic, Silent Image, Ray of Sickness, Infallible Relay, Remote Access
2nd Level: Digital Phantom, Mirror Image, Misty Step, Flaming Sphere, Arcane Hacking
3rd Level: Haste, Fireball, Invisibility to Cameras, Haywire, Counterspell
Spells Prepared: Mage Armor, Shield, Fog Cloud, Mirror Image, Arcane Hacking, Fireball, Haste, Invisibility to Cameras, Counterspell, Digital Phantom
Spells/Day: 4 1st level, 3 2nd level, 3 3rd level

AC: 13 Health: 44
Str: 8 Dex: 16 Con: 14 Int: 18 Wis: 10 Cha: 10
Proficiencies: Arcana: +7, Medicine: +3, Card Games: +3, All Ground Vehicles: +3, Athletics: +2, Intimidate: +3, Hacking Tools: +3
Int: +7, Wis: +3
Special: Arcane Recovery, Spellcasting (11 spells prepared. DC 15), Technological Savant, Program Spell

Revolver: +6 To Hit. 12 (2d8+3) Piercing Damage. Ammunition (Range 40/120). Reload (6).
Spell Attack: +7 To Hit. Varies.

Cantrips: Minor Illusion, Mending, On/Off, Fire Bolt
1st Level: Mage Armor, Shield, Fog Cloud, Grease, Detect Magic, Silent Image, Ray of Sickness, Infallible Relay, Remote Access
2nd Level: Digital Phantom, Mirror Image, Misty Step, Flaming Sphere, Arcane Hacking
3rd Level: Haste, Fireball, Invisibility to Cameras, Haywire, Counterspell
4th Level: Polymorph, Synchronicity
Spells Prepared: Mage Armor, Shield, Fog Cloud, Mirror Image, Synchronicity, Fireball, Haste, Invisibility to Cameras, Counterspell, Polymorph, Arcane Hacking
Spells/Day: 4 1st level, 3 2nd level, 3 3rd level, 1 4th level

AC: 13 Health: 50
Str: 8 Dex: 16 Con: 14 Int: 20 Wis: 10 Cha: 10
Proficiencies: Arcana: +8, Medicine: +3, Card Games: +3, All Ground Vehicles: +3, Athletics: +2, Intimidate: +3, Hacking Tools: +3
Int: +8, Wis: +3
Special: Arcane Recovery, Spellcasting (13 spells prepared. DC 16), Technological Savant, Program Spell

Revolver: +6 To Hit. 12 (2d8+3) Piercing Damage. Ammunition (Range 40/120). Reload (6).
Spell Attack: +8 To Hit. Varies.

Cantrips: Minor Illusion, Mending, On/Off, Fire Bolt
1st Level: Mage Armor, Shield, Fog Cloud, Grease, Detect Magic, Silent Image, Ray of Sickness, Infallible Relay, Remote Access
2nd Level: Digital Phantom, Mirror Image, Misty Step, Flaming Sphere, Arcane Hacking
3rd Level: Haste, Fireball, Haywire, Counterspell
4th Level: Polymorph, Synchronicity, Animate Objects
Spells Prepared: Mage Armor, Shield, Fog Cloud, Mirror Image, Synchronicity, Fireball, Haste, Invisibility to Cameras, Counterspell, Polymorph, Animate Objects, Arcane Hacking, Digital Phantom
Spells/Day: 4 1st level, 3 2nd level, 3 3rd level, 2 4th level

Wu Mei: Half Elf Ghost in the Machine Gunlock with Urchin Background

AC: 16 HP: 38
Str: 8 Dex: 18 Con: 14 Int: 10 Wis: 10 Cha: 16
Proficiencies: Hacking Tools: +3, Sleight of Hand: +8, Stealth: +8, Disguise Kit: +3, Thieves' Tools: +3, Investigation: +3, Deception: +6
Wisdom: +3 Charisma: +6
Special: Information Surge, Pact Magic (DC 14), Pact of the Blade, Invocations (3)

Thirsting Blade: When using Pact Weapon, attack twice.

Pact Hunting Rifle: +7 To Hit. 15 (2d10+4) Piercing Damage. Range (80/240)
Pact Assault Rifle: +7 To Hit. 13 (2d8+4) Piercing Damage. Burst Fire. Range (80/240).
Pact Revolver: +7 To Hit. 13 (2d8+4) Piercing Damage. Range (40/120)
Pact Rapier: +7 To Hit. 8 (1d8+4) Piercing Damage.

Invocations: Arcane Gunslinger, Thirsting Blade, Misty Visions
Cantrips: Mage Hand, Minor Illusion, Poison Spray
1st Level: Hex, Infallible Relay, Hellish Rebuke
2nd Level: Hold Person, Mirror Image
3rd Level: Hunger of Hadar
Spell Slots: 2

AC: 16 HP: 45
Str: 8 Dex: 18 Con: 14 Int: 10 Wis: 10 Cha: 16
Proficiencies: Hacking Tools: +3, Sleight of Hand: +8, Stealth: +8, Disguise Kit: +3, Thieves' Tools: +3, Investigation: +3, Deception: +6
Wisdom: +3 Charisma: +6
Special: Information Surge, Pact Magic (DC 14), Pact of the Blade, Invocations (3), Wire Walk

Thirsting Blade: When using Pact Weapon, attack twice.

Pact Hunting Rifle: +7 To Hit. 15 (2d10+4) Piercing Damage. Range (80/240)
Pact Assault Rifle: +7 To Hit. 13 (2d8+4) Piercing Damage. Burst Fire. Range (80/240).
Pact Revolver: +7 To Hit. 13 (2d8+4) Piercing Damage. Range (40/120)
Pact Rapier: +7 To Hit. 8 (1d8+4) Piercing Damage.

Invocations: Arcane Gunslinger, Thirsting Blade, Misty Visions
Cantrips: Mage Hand, Minor Illusion, Poison Spray
1st Level: Hex, Infallible Relay, Hellish Rebuke
2nd Level: Hold Person, Mirror Image
3rd Level: Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern
Spell Slots: 2

AC: 16 HP: 52
Str: 8 Dex: 18 Con: 14 Int: 10 Wis: 10 Cha: 16
Proficiencies: Hacking Tools: +3, Sleight of Hand: +8, Stealth: +8, Disguise Kit: +3, Thieves' Tools: +3, Investigation: +3, Deception: +6
Wisdom: +3 Charisma: +6
Special: Information Surge, Pact Magic (DC 14), Pact of the Blade, Invocations (3), Wire Walk

Thirsting Blade: When using Pact Weapon, attack twice.

Pact Hunting Rifle: +7 To Hit. 15 (2d10+4) Piercing Damage. Range (80/240)
Pact Assault Rifle: +7 To Hit. 13 (2d8+4) Piercing Damage. Burst Fire. Range (80/240).
Pact Revolver: +7 To Hit. 13 (2d8+4) Piercing Damage. Range (40/120)
Pact Rapier: +7 To Hit. 8 (1d8+4) Piercing Damage.

Invocations: Arcane Gunslinger, Thirsting Blade, Misty Visions, Sculptor of Flesh
Cantrips: Mage Hand, Minor Illusion, Poison Spray
1st Level: Hex, Infallible Relay, Hellish Rebuke
2nd Level: Hold Person, Mirror Image
3rd Level: Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern
4th Level: Banishment
Spell Slots: 2

AC: 17 HP: 59
Str: 8 Dex: 20 Con: 14 Int: 10 Wis: 10 Cha: 16
Proficiencies: Hacking Tools: +3, Sleight of Hand: +8, Stealth: +8, Disguise Kit: +3, Thieves' Tools: +3, Investigation: +3, Deception: +6
Wisdom: +3 Charisma: +6
Special: Information Surge, Pact Magic (DC 14), Pact of the Blade, Invocations (3), Wire Walk

Thirsting Blade: When using Pact Weapon, attack twice.

Pact Hunting Rifle: +8 To Hit. 16 (2d10+5) Piercing Damage. Range (80/240)
Pact Assault Rifle: +8 To Hit. 14 (2d8+5) Piercing Damage. Burst Fire. Range (80/240).
Pact Revolver: +8 To Hit. 14 (2d8+5) Piercing Damage. Range (40/120)
Pact Rapier: +8 To Hit. 9 (1d8+5) Piercing Damage.

Invocations: Arcane Gunslinger, Thirsting Blade, Misty Visions, Sculptor of Flesh
Cantrips: Mage Hand, Minor Illusion, Poison Spray
1st Level: Hex, Infallible Relay, Hellish Rebuke
2nd Level: Hold Person, Mirror Image
3rd Level: Hunger of Hadar, Hypnotic Pattern, Counterspell
4th Level: Banishment
Spell Slots: 2

Test Scenario and Performance:
Ambush on Variant Tank:
Pre-Combat: Roland casts Find Vehicle (Creating a motorcycle for himself) and Bless (Affecting himself, Ramon, and Wu Mei. Jaborah casts Mage Armor on herself (AC to 16) and Hastes Roland. Wu Mei casts Misty Visions, creating an illusory wall in front of their hiding spot. Wu Mei and Ramon go prone behind the illusory wall. Wu Mei Manifests a Hunting Rifle. Roland pops Sacred Weapon.

First Round:
Jaborah goes first. Delays Action.
Wu Mei opens fire. One hit, 15 damage.
Light Tank is surprised and doesn't get a turn.
Roland charges into melee and makes three attacks. 3 Hits. 2nd Level Divine Smite on first, 1st level Divine Smite on the other two. Deals 60 damage to tank and 7 damage to the Driver, not quite killing him.
Ramon pops Extra Action and attacks twice with the benefit of Assassinate and Sneak Attack. Both hit. 40 damage to tank. 17 Damage to Gunner, 5 Damage to Driver. Gunner and Driver both dead.
Jaborah flings a Firebolt. Misses.
Light Tank has taken 115/150 damage.

Second Round:
Jaborah goes first. Firebolt again. 9 damage.
Wu Mei keeps firing. Hit and Crit. 31 damage to tank. Tank explodes. Loader escapes explosion alive, but wounded, and promptly legs it.
Tank is dead.

Verdict: Well, that was easy. A lot of spells used on buffs, most of which didn't amount to a hell of a lot.

Same setup as last time.

First Round:
Wu Mei fires. Two hits. 30 Damage to Tank.
Roland charges in. Three attacks. Three hits. 1 Level 2 Divine Smite, 2 Level 1. 60 damage to tank and 9 to Driver, killing the Driver instantly.
Jaborah holds action.
Ramon pops Extra Action and attacks twice with the benefit of Assassinate, Sneak Attack, and the Menacing Attack Maneuver. 40 damage to tank. 21 damage to Gunner, 9 damage to Loader. All crew members are dead.

Verdict: Ambush 2 Stronk.

Ambush on Non-Variant Tank:
Same setup as L5 Variant Ambush.

First Round:
Roland charges in. Three attacks. 2 hits. Level 2 smite on both. Deals 50 damage to the tank.
Wu Mei opens fire. One hit. 15 damage to tank.
Tank is surprised and cannot attack.
Ramon pops Extra Action and attacks twice with the benefit of Assassinate, Sneak Attack, Menacing Attack. 81 damage to tank. Tank fails fear save and is Frightened as long as Ramon is within Line of Sight. Ramon sprints out of his illusory wall cover so that he is in Line of Sight.
Jaborah pops Fire Bolt. 8 Damage due to Resistance. This still kills the tank.

Uuuuh...exactly the same result as Level 5. Jaborah is not designed to fight this dude, and is probably better off giving Ramon the haste instead of Roland. I've factored this in for future tests, and have also cancelled the higher level Ambush on Non-Variant Tank tests.

Level 7 test skipped due to conclusive results.

tealdeer: Preptime is god. No version of the tank survived an ambush round in the ring with a sword cyborg and two snipers.

Arena-Brawl with Variant Tank:
First Round: Jaborah is allowed to start play with Mage Armor as it is a reasonable assumption that she'll have it.
Jaborah: Hastes Roland, as Tank is not surprised and so Assassinate does not give Autocrits.
Wu Mei: Casts Hex and shoots twice. 1 hit, 18 damage against Tank. Moves 30 feet from starting position.
Ramon: Action surge and attacks with benefit of Sneak Attack. 35 damage to Tank, 2 damage to Driver. Moves 30 feet from starting position in opposite direction from Jaborah.
Light Tank: Moves into melee with Jaborah, fires Main Cannon (Penetrating Round) against Ramon. Misses.
Roland: Casts Bless on himself, Wu Mei, and Ramon, moves into melee and attacks Tank. 2 hits, one of them a crit. Divine Smite level 2 on both. 40 damage to tank, 27 damage to Gunner, 5 damage to Driver. Gunner is dead.
Tank has taken 83 damage.

Second Round:
Jaborah: Walk out of melee range and shoots it. Misses.
Wu Mei: Goes prone and shoots twice. two hits, Tank takes 36 damage.
Ramon: Attacks with benefit of Sneak Attack. Tank takes 20 damage, Driver takes 2 damage and dies.
Light Tank: Main gun reloads. Loader moves to Gunner position. Penetrating Round on Jaborah. Hit. Jaborah casts Mirror Image but is unable to negate the hit. Jaborah is instantly knocked unconscious. Haste ends.
Roland: Bonus Action for Sacred Weapon. Both hit. Both Crit. Level 1 Divine Smite on both. 40 damage to tank, 36 damage to Loader (Now Gunner), who dies. Tank Explodes.

Verdict: Terrible first round attack roll, but lucky Recharge. One party member unconscious, Action Surge, significant amount of high level spells used. Crew damage means that the tank will often be losing functionality as it fights, but in this case it worked out OK.

For reference, Roland is just about out of spells and smites (1 level 1 spell left), Jaborah is down a single level 3 spell and literally all of her health, Wu Mei is down one of two spell slots, Ramon is down Action Surge. The group will almost certainly have to take a short rest after this, having used up a significant amount of their total resources.

First Round: Jaborah is allowed to start play with Mage Armor as it is a reasonable assumption that she'll have it.
Jaborah casts Fog Cloud on the team's, moves to the edge of the cloud farthest from the group and drops prone.
Ramon moves to the edge of the cloud farthest from Jaborah, drops prone, and readies an action to shoot the tank the moment he sees it enter melee.
The tank charges into the cloud. It eventually bumps into Roland by chance. The Tank misses Roland with its ram attack and readies an action to shoot Roland with the machine gun the moment the fog drops.
Wu Mei moves ten feet back, drops prone, and readies an action to shoot the Tank twice the moment she sees it.
Roland readies an action to attack the tank the moment the fog drops.

Second Round:
Jaborah drops concentration on the Fog. Casts Haste on Roland. Readied Actions fire: Everyone misses embarrassingly except for Wu Mei, who deals 30 damage to the tank.
Ramon pops Action Surge and attacks twice with the benefit of Sneak Attack. One hit, which has Menacing Attack added to it. Tank takes 20 damage, Gunner takes 6 and is frightened of Ramon.
Tank moves out of melee with Roland, accepting an Attack of Opportunity. Roland hits, uses level 2 Divine Smite. Tank takes 20 damage and Gunner takes 5, dying instantly. Tank is no longer frightened, and so rams and uses Burst Fire on Ramon. Ramon saves, taking 23 damage.
Wu Mei casts Hex and opens fire on the tank. One hit, tank takes 18 damage.
Roland charges the tank, attacks once and uses the grapple action to climb on top of it. Level 2 Divine Smite again. Tank takes 20 damage. Loader takes 5. Roland successfully clambers atop the tank.

Third Round:
Jaborah casts Haste on Roland.
Ramon unprones and uses Cunning Action to disengage, then takes a shot with the benefit of Sneak Attack and Precision Attack. Hit. Tank takes 20 damage, Loader takes 2.
Loader switches to Gunner position. Tank fires armor piercing round at Ramon. Miss!
Wu Mei fires twice. 2 hits. 30 damage.
Roland activates Sacred Weapon and attacks three times. Two hits. 24 damage. Tank explodes messily.

Verdict: This was significantly more efficient than the last one, spellcount and health-lost wise, which I guess it to be expected, even on a one-level difference. The tank really relies on hitting with its main cannon to do damage, otherwise it becomes pretty disappointing.

Arena-Brawl with Non-Variant Tank:
Prep: Jaborah is allowed to start with Mage Armor.
First Round:
Jaborah hastes Roland and drops prone.
Wu Mei moves twenty feet northeast, drops prone, casts Hex, and shoots twice. One hit. Tank takes 18 damage.
Roland uses Divine Channel for Sacred Weapon and charges the tank. Two hits. Use 2 level 2 Divine Smites. Tank takes 50 damage.
Ramon moves thirty feet west, drops prone, uses Extra Action, and shoots twice. Two hits. Menacing Strike added. Tank takes 46 damage and makes its Wisdom save.
Tank fires Penetrating Round at Roland. Misses.

Jaborah shoots the tank. Misses.
Wu Mei shoots twice. One hit, one crit. Tank takes 33 damage.
Roland attacks twice. Misses both.
Ramon attacks once with Precision Attack. One hit. Tank takes 22 damage and explodes.

Verdict: Veeeery low resource use. The low attack bonus heavily offsets the high damage, and the fact that it's largely ranged means that dropping Prone helps you a lot. That said, it can penalize going prone due to its speed, ram attack, and dex-save based Burst Fire.

Aaand, finally, a Level Eight test. Cause I want to see what happens.

Prep Time: None
Round One:
Wu Mei casts Banishment. Tank fails its save and is Banished for Concentration (Up to 10 turns).
Jaborah casts Polymorph, turning Ramon into a T-Rex. Roland pops Sacred Weapon and casts Bless on himself, Ramonasaurus Rex, and Wu Mei.
Tank is stuck in a nebulous abyss
Everyone prepares actions to attack the tank the moment it comes out of Banishment. Wu Mei lets Banishment expire and uses Sculptor of Flesh to turn herself into a T-Rex.
Tank crew reappears in place, is very surprised. Ramon, Jaborah, and Roland all attack. Ramonasaurus hits twice, dealing 53 damage. Jaborah hits once, dealing 12 damage. Roland hits twice and uses 2 level 2 divine smites, dealing 50 damage.
Tank Crew shoots at Jaborah, who uses Mirror Image to dodge.
Wu Mei attacks, hits twice, and deals 53 damage. She eats the tank and its crew.
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Does Wizards ever release the NPC/bestiary list from their complete campaigns separately? I don't have the money to pay the same price for a Core Rulebook at 1/3 the size for 10 pages of NPCs in the back.
TwitchKitty Homebrew: Vendalia Custom Setting
I've always had a problem with putting out too much information on campaign settings. I'm trying to minimize things. What I have is part of a basic introduction to life in the Republic of Vendalia, and I'm wondering if I'm already putting out too much information, or conversely if I am missing things. I do know that I am missing basic Vendalian geography, a description of the races and ethnic groups, and house rules.

Ruleset is Pathfinder.

Alchemy and Arcane Magic are Technology

Low level alchemists and arcane adepts are ubiquitous in Vendalia. Non-consumable magic items require frequent recharging, with no magic being permanent. Alchemy is faster and easier to learn and cheaper to practice, so it is the dominant force on technology. Magical fertilizers and herbicides allow massive crop yields, while farm machines allow a few farmers to handle a huge field. Magical boxes filled with Alchemist's Winter keep food cold as long as the fluid is being replaced, and preservatives keep food fresh. Alchemists create all manner of medications to treat disease, and sanitizing substances to prevent transmission. Railroads connect the cities of the world together, while streetcars and bicycles move the cities themselves. Alchemical steeds allow the richest great mobility, but are out of reach of most. Enchanted items allow people to talk to each other easily from across the planet, and allows the dissemination of music and theater to a worldwide audience. Shops put out wooden or bamboo signs that bombard pedestrians with colorful moving advertisements, especially at night. Physical appearances are easy enough for a skilled alchemist to modify, assuming one can actually afford it, and factories produce a wondrous variety of new clothing fashions. Wood, grasses, and leather store enchantments longer than metal does, making them the materials of most enchanted items. Bamboo is a booming industry in Vendalia, but logging and carpentry remain iconic and vital sectors of the Vendalian economy. Industrialism and urbanization have hit full swing, and standards of living and education are higher than they have ever before been. For the first time in history, the nation of Vendalia has more university students than it does farmers.

Fighting is a Job for Professionals

Weak monsters like goblins and zombies can be handled by local law enforcement, the army, or armed local civilians, but more powerful monsters need to be dealt with by somebody properly trained. The government has little tolerance for vigilantism or wandering sellswords, so the National Constabulary fields the Vendalia Marshals, who handle any threat too powerful for the locals to handle. Naturally, the player characters are Marshals. Marshals are a well known organization that has captured the imaginations of much of the public, and they have a reputation for ruthlessness and skill at arms. After all, they don't typically show up if something powerful doesn't need to be killed. They are also famous for their alchemical steeds, as the government sees them as vital enough personnel to warrant such expensive transportation. With violent crime rates increasing, social strife everywhere, demons and magical creatures very unlikely to go away, and Vendalian troops serving abroad in two foreign conflicts against demonic forces, the Marshals are seen as very necessary, even if their methods are sometimes unsavory, and they are regarded with a mixture of respect, admiration, and fear.

Vendalia is a Nation of Immigrants

Ethnic cleansing, genocide, and slavery have left the First Peoples a minority in what was once their land, and most Vendalians come from families that have been present in the nations for a couple centuries at most. The nation is very multiethnic, with significant populations hailing from four continents and countless countries and races. Vendalia is a prominent power on the global arena, and the number of languages one can hear walking though a major city is nothing short of dazzling. The Vendalian national mythos is one of absorbing the best parts of all the cultures that live in the nation, at least until some unfamiliar or historically marginalized cultural influence pops up that is "corrupting the Vendalian youth".

The Times They Are a-Changin

Vendalia is the middle of a massive wave of social change. The last two decades have seen a massive economic recovery from the destruction of the demonic invasion of thirty years ago, and this period of recovery was characterized by a desire for security, conformity, wholesomeness, and prosperity. Yet now many people, especially the young generations, are rebelling against this. They see conformity as stifling, unhealthy, and hypocritical, wholesomeness as a form of bigotry towards minorities, the paranoid obsessiveness with security as being aimed primarily at those who threaten only the social order instead of the demons, and the economic system as aimed at the success of certain groups. Many are protesting the treatment of aasimar, tieflings, elves, Manalis, Southern Litoshans, Native Vendalians, homosexuals, and transgendered people, and people are publicly challenging restrictive sexual mores, economic inequality, and educational inequality. The idea that witchcraft is inherently dangerous is also being directly challenged by many, who think ostracization actually causes many of the problems with witchcraft, and that witchcraft has much to offer society. War is a complicated issue among young liberals, who are divided between not wanting to send people to die on other continents and seeing demons as a threat to world peace that Vendalia needs to assist weaker nations with. The bias within the selective service system that replaced the draft lottery is also a major issue, as it seems many draft boards want to chiefly conscript those they see as a detriment to their community (which often means poor, minorities, and petty criminals) to "teach them some discipline" or just send them away. The system is often seen as grossly unfair, and it seems to be causing widespread military discipline problems. The pro-war and anti-war factions fight viciously, even though young liberals usually agree on pretty much everything else.

The traditional haughtiness of the elves is being directly challenged by their own people, as younger elves are beginning to see serious problems within their traditional culture and work to change them. The massive elven migration out of elven lands is having a massive effect on other races, as elves are bringing their sexual and environmental mores to cities where they often form a backbone of social movements, which is ironic considering the fact that most of these migrants have given up on the traditional elven lifestyle. New styles of rock music that call for social action are very popular, and a lot of pop music is exuberant and rebellious. Drug use is very common among the younger generation, often being characterized as a path to greater enlightenment and understanding. A fair amount of modern music is about drug use, and the government is very torn on how to handle the issue. Faeleaf, the drug of choice, is legal, but many want to change that, and illegal drugs with much more potent effects than faeleaf are beginning to see increased use. The subdued, formal clothing styles of last decade are being replaced with more colorful, showy, and informal clothing styles. People are even wearing dungarees as basic everyday clothes instead of work pants! Of course, a lot of people don't support as this rebellious nonsense, and are quick to decry the danger facing Vendalian society and to blame elves, minorities, and foreigners for corrupting their youth. A full blown culture war is being waged, and Vendalia is never going to be the same.

This is Not a Peaceful Era

Vendalia is currently involved in two foreign wars against demonic forces. Violent crime rates have been rising quite a bit recently, and people are getting increasingly frightened within their own communities. Some blame the growing media exposure of crime in general and sensational crimes such as serial killings for encouraging people to commit crime, others blame drugs, those of a political bent blame social liberalism or economic inequality, and some believe there is some sort of demonic influence involved. Regardless of the cause, violence is definitely becoming an ever bigger issue in Vendalia. The number of violent encounters with demons, fae, and undead is also rising, but that number dropped after the last invasion of the continent was beaten back twenty-five years ago and is currently at about pre-war levels. Though the war wasn't fought within Vendalia's borders, the Vendalian military marched off to the East to make sure the invasion never reached Vendalian territory, and a great many didn't come home. That was the second demonic invasion of the continent. Many wonder fearfully when the third will come, and if it's Vendalia's turn to be hit. Many wonder if sending so many troops to fight demons in other continents is wise, when the threat to Vendalia itself remains everpresent.

Whether witches are becoming more or less of a threat is up in the air, as it can be difficult to determine which demon, undead, and fae encounters can be attributed to witches. Also worrying is the rise of small movements of hardcore political extremists such as Anarchists and Collectivists, who sometimes feel justified in going so far as to use violence. They primarily target each other with bombings and assassinations, given that the two factions see each other as a threat to be removed before greater revolution can begin, but they do occasionally go after corporate or government targets, and people find that business extremely worrying. Organized crime exists, but it doesn't really get the attention it used to forty years ago. Most people are more worried about street crime, demons, and terrorism, even though organized crime remains a major issue in many cities. The media just doesn't pay much attention to it, which could suggest that they may not be impartial and incorruptible purveyors of news. The threat of riots hangs over most heated protests, as all it takes is a spark to set off long simmering social tensions.

Divinity is Not Well Understood

That some gods exist is a proven fact, but there are a large and uncertain number of them. They are known by multiple names across multiple languages, and whether groups of names refer to the same diety or different dieties is often uncertain. It doesn't help that some gods are outright fictional or horribly embellished and some exist largely as is told, and which is which isn't clear. At one point, the world was ruled by an organization of gods called the Celestial Bureaucracy, though only a minority of gods were ever part of this organization. The Celestial Bureaucracy did keep demons, witches, and magical monsters under control, but their rigid, uncompromising, violent, and racially deterministic style of government was not pleasant to live under. Ever since the Celestial Bureaucracy fell to human rebellion 150 years ago, the gods have been unable to get involved in the world, even those that were not part of the Celestial Bureaucracy and sided with humanity during the rebellion. The reason for this is a mystery. During the war, the angels (who were not nice creatures at all) were either thrown out of the Celestial realm and forced to live as mortals or killed. Those angels and their descendants became the aasimar. Tieflings are the descendents of relations between humans and demons. Both aasimar and tieflings face much social discrimination, but tieflings get it worse because of the active threat demons still pose. Gods do not provide divine magic to humans, nor do they speak to them. What happens when people die is unknown.

Witchcraft is Dangerous and Frightening

Witchcraft is comprised of divine and psychic magic, and its practitioners are called witches. It comes from collusion with spirits, demons, or other otherworldly entities, and even the practitioners don't fully understand how it works. Only witches can do such things as summon demons and create undead. They are far less common than alchemists and arcane casters, but often more experienced in the magical arts. This has led people to fear them greatly, and during the days of the Celestial Bureaucracy, they were put to death unless given express permission to practice their arts by the gods. The practice of witchcraft is not in and of itself a punishable offense anymore, but most people do not trust or like witches, and during times of public fear, witches can quickly become a scapegoat. The government tries its best to keep an eye on witches, though some question the ethics and legality of some actions, which amount to spying. The government is quick to hire witches because they are useful, and many witches feel that government service is an important route to social acceptance. The government doesn't fully trust its witches, though, and many witches absolutely despise those who sell out to the government.

Warriors Rely on Alchemy

Low level magic items like communicators, ice stones, torches, blood scanners, smoke pellets, heat vision goggles, alchemical grenades and ammunition, and the like are easily available and useful, but more powerful items take far too much power to be practical. The solution to this is to use alchemy to enhance bodies instead of relying on weapon and armor enhancement bonuses, or stat increasing magic items, essentially powering up the warrior directly instead of giving them ever more powerful kit. The more experienced the warrior, the stronger the enhancements their body can take. Games in this campaign setting use the Automatic Bonus Progression system from Pathfinder Unchained to quantify the effects of alchemical enhancement. Wealth by Level isn't being used, not least because the whole "government pays for the expensive toys like alchemical steeds we need" thing doesn't play nice with WBL at all.

The Witch class got switched over to divine magic, but it is available in the setting. That detail belongs in the classes area which I have yet to write, though.

I haven't finished writing races, but I do have a list of the core playable races of the setting:

Magnus (Favored mortals of the Celestial Bureaucracy, most common race)
Wildkin (Sometimes called Skinwalkers or Hengeyokai)
Amalgam (Multiracial characters, fills the 'versatile do anything race" role)

The lack of a human race is because humans are a species, and all playable races in this setting are varieties of human.

It should be immediately obvious which published Dungeons and Dragons setting is my favorite, and which decade of American history I've been flavoring things with.

Thoughts? Too much? Too little? Curiosities?
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