Dungeon Crawler You!

Voting is open for the next 2 days, 13 hours
We won't get to keep the full level of the annihilation dart but we'll get to keep a levelled down spell. (essentially the exp from that one level gets divided as if you were leveling the spell from either 0 or 1 up, how the effect of character actor works in DCC is a bit weird)

Here's the thing quests are more a thing from this floor on, anything else is more incidental storytelling than anything else.

although the idea behind gathering info is always something that could be done. especially when it comes to boss monsters, their arenas can actually tell you about how to beat them and all.
We don't know if the skill/spell xp bug will stay in DCY. It looks like we got a lot more class abilities from FCA than Donut did, so it could make sense if we're more limited in keeping things. That's probably just because of being a Tir Inqua, but we don't know.

If we *do* keep annihilation dart I will be incredibly happy, but also surprised.
We did choose the class with the most actionables though.
that and Drew seemingly influenced Eaglejarls dice to grant him the most stuff.
We won't get to keep the full level of the annihilation dart but we'll get to keep a levelled down spell. (essentially the exp from that one level gets divided as if you were leveling the spell from either 0 or 1 up, how the effect of character actor works in DCC is a bit weird)
Right, yeah, but we don't know that in character. Levi doesn't know. IC, for all know we might get to keep the spell at level 10, or we might not get to keep it at all. This would be a more painful choice if Drew had any other attack spells. As is, Drew has to grind Annihilation Dart, it's his only option. Can't bonk enemies with his stick anymore. It is still a little painful, being forced to choose between earning obscene amounts of money or grinding a spell he might not get to keep, but the AI would probably weight the scales against him if he spent too much time not killing things.
.... is Moose strong enough for us all to ride him?

One Taylor can chill in a saferoom or train skills or something and just teleport to them later.

Also holy hell Multacorp is stupidly strong. If bodies share skill xp then keeping one training 24/7 is a huge duh, if they don't then frequent switching off is more important. Good thing once we have training rooms we'll have 3 bodies and can thus teleport the Taylor's around without issue.
From the canon chapter posted to RR today:
"There are crawlers here. Over there."

I turned to see the three crawlers walking toward us from the direction we'd been headed.

"Carl, Carl. Do you see that?" Donut asked, jumping back to my shoulder. She hissed as the three crawlers continued to approach. One of them lifted a hand in greeting.

I grinned and held up my hand to wave. I tried not to laugh. They were still far off, but I didn't recognize any of them. Two were guys. The third was a woman. The men were both human.

The woman was a cat girl.

Donut hiss-whispered in my ear. "That is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life, Carl. It's an abomination. It's worse than that dog-headed cheater lady."
Now I want Moose to meet dog-people, to see if he also has that kind of reaction.
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We still need to decide who to give the Invulnerabilty spell to. If we give it to Drew, we might not find a Create Spellbook Spellbook before the bug is fixed, which will lock Drew into the Mystic Scholar class next level. Then he might not even roll the Create Spellbook skill, leaving our Sysop without the Invulnerabilty spell to share.

On the other hand, if Taylor gets it, Drew's more likely to get damage prevented by armor, triggering his drawback. We'd need to get Taylor the Create Spellbook Spellbook, which seems a bad idea since Drew's the one who can most easily learn new spells.
We still need to decide who to give the Invulnerabilty spell to. If we give it to Drew, we might not find a Create Spellbook Spellbook before the bug is fixed, which will lock Drew into the Mystic Scholar class next level. Then he might not even roll the Create Spellbook skill, leaving our Sysop without the Invulnerabilty spell to share.

On the other hand, if Taylor gets it, Drew's more likely to get damage prevented by armor, triggering his drawback. We'd need to get Taylor the Create Spellbook Spellbook, which seems a bad idea since Drew's the one who can most easily learn new spells.
Is Drew even wearing armor? I think he's just wearing normal clothes. He does have Shield on to block some incoming damage like armor.
Is Drew even wearing armor? I think he's just wearing normal clothes. He does have Shield on to block some incoming damage like armor.

Incidentally, you'll note that I dropped an "Insightful" rating on the quoted post. I use that to mean "this is correct". Additionally, if a post contains a single yes/no question them I'll use Insightful to mean Yes and Heart to mean No.
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Is Drew even wearing armor? I think he's just wearing normal clothes. He does have Shield on to block some incoming damage like armor.
Disadvantage: Punching is Beneath Me

This disadvantage will activate if:

  • You make a bare-handed attack
  • You attack with a weapon, enchanted or mundane, WITHOUT wielding it magically (e.g. via a spell such as Dancing Weapon, Telekinesis, or Astral Hand)
  • Your armor or specialized clothing (e.g. motorcycle leathers) protects you from taking damage
  • You enter a hazardous environment while wearing protective gear relevant to that environment. (e.g. Wearing a hazmat suit into a room filled with toxic gas, a firefighter's bunker gear into a burning house, or a wetsuit and/or SCUBA tank into the water.)
When this disadvantage activates, you lose:

  • 1 point from all base stats (permanently)
  • 1 level from all spells (permanently)
  • 50% of your current health
  • The ability to use magic for the next 30 hours
While true, I expect the AI to give Drew armor, specialized clothing, and protective gear, because he's a dick. Shield is great, but it does break. Sure, Drew shouldn't wear whatever the AI taunts us with, but I expect it to be tempting enough to be an actual choice.

The list will be built the same way that this one was -- based on his prior actions, social numbers, etc. As such, it's safe to assume that the classes will get better over time, as his stats go up and he has more achievements/fans/etc. There will still be some duds, but it's a safe bet.

From a more Doylist perspective: I have a certain list of classes available already and won't want to create lots and lots of new options each time, so it's a good bet that some of these will be reused in addition to new ones being created.

If you choose Former Child Actor then I will hold another vote to select the class skills for this floor, using the list here. In other words, you can be a Former Child Actor and also be a Vegas Strip Magician, at least for this floor.
We won't necessarily get the Mystic Scholar option next level, so either we find a Create Spellbook Spellbook now or we need to give the Tome of Invulnerabilty to Taylor. I think we should give it to Taylor to keep in his inventory until either he's forced to use it or we get the CSS. Better to have Taylor as the default.
Aaaah, but stats mean absolutely nothing in terms of actual intelligence.
Remembers that there's a stat named wisdom that has been locked away from being touched at all. (the one stat to change your personality completely.)

Anyway this doesn't matter all that much outside of being a thing to talk about while waiting for the next chapter.
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While true, I expect the AI to give Drew armor, specialized clothing, and protective gear, because he's a dick. Shield is great, but it does break. Sure, Drew shouldn't wear whatever the AI taunts us with, but I expect it to be tempting enough to be an actual choice.

We won't necessarily get the Mystic Scholar option next level, so either we find a Create Spellbook Spellbook now or we need to give the Tome of Invulnerabilty to Taylor. I think we should give it to Taylor to keep in his inventory until either he's forced to use it or we get the CSS. Better to have Taylor as the default.
Personally doubt that the AI will give Drew any armor.
If he does, Taylor will he happy to wear it this floor (and every floor after), since he has 2 armorless bodies that could use 2 armor. Next floor he has 3.

He's a equipment sink, and Leo is a box sink.
We're gonna be starved for equipment.

Now, I gotta now, did both Taylor got his magic Yo-yo, or is 1 body currently unarmed?
The yoyo string is likewise indestructible when spatially locked, right? Say we do have a "utility Taylor" doing stuff that does not require combat--chained to a workbench or something. He gives his yoyo to a combat Taylor. Dual wield, sure, but if we tie the strings together we should be able to create a spatially locked, indestructible trip/garotte wire, which we can conceal with smoke.

The stronger a thing is, the worse it slices itself in half charging us through the clothesline. It doesn't need to be tied to anything but the two yoyo end anchor points, which can be basically anywhere in space and set up super quickly.

The approximate maximum length of each string was almost five meters when we got it, and was going up with skill level, which means the combined length of two should be at least ten meters by now, or 30+ linear feet of mayhem.
In favour of BOF, Moose will be tanking for us whatever else he does and +15 dex, +5 dodge gold box armour and regeneration makes him so much more survivable than the other options. With the way he's been fighting he surely has powerful strike unlocked already, maybe murderous attack too, but that actually compounds the value of extra ranks here.

The strength and con bonuses he'll outscale eventually thanks to his familiar progression. Right now they're pretty big though. Taylor and Leo have basically gone for minimum short term combat power classes (that will be utterly broken if they live long enough) while Drew has lots of combat power with an off switch. Moose will have lot of melee covering to do.

On the other hand he's already pretty damn hard and retaining spell use keeps open other avenues to make himself harder. Pass up pathfinder here and we might not get a chance to team up with another crawler who has it for a long time.

[X] Class: Bounty Hunter the Dog
[x] Class: Seeing Eye Dog
[X] Plan Hard Cash
Voting is open for the next 2 days, 13 hours