as to let other Elementals have the unique opportunity of being a fortress.
There aren't really much in the way of options for large stationary elementals. Plus you want your base building to depend on getting multiple criticals?
I don't suppose we could get a research option for figuring out White Soulsteel?
So we got Black Soulsteel because you wrote for black. I guess we get White Soulsteel if you write for white. Although it would be nice if we could research how to make White Soulsteel.
You do not need to research White Soulsteel you need a cause the dead feel worth sacrificing their souls for.
White Soulsteel was one of the magical materials of a Caste of exalted dedicated to working with the Dead and it was still rare enough they also needed another magical material to fill out the bulk of their armament needs.
Population of 4.5 billion equaled a few dozen sacrifices under what basically amounted to ideal conditions to solicit those sacrifices.
Black soulsteel on the other hand can be forced, thus will always be far far more plentiful.
Noting that Gemlords are also fairly cultured as elementals go.
Just keep in mind the Lord bit is not for show. They are pretty chill as long as no one tries to dominate or control them. Again they have perfect Integrity charm which works against (anything smaller than them) and even small ones are several hundred meters across.
The Gemlord basically considers the Dragon King crew like Retainers and you have a few guys on the station basically acting as courtiers keeping him happy and acting as liasons so the bulk of crew and engineers building new stuff does not cause an incident.
It also collectively eats 25% more resourses
Um no, if you noticed this it was due to some upgrade that raised costs normally. There is no price difference between generic and specialized hosts.
I believe only one of the hosts has this penalty. Outside of the Drawback and their specialty they perform as general legions.
If you want to go back its fine. Another possibility is having the hosts upgraded with front line gear while the third line gear is used to make more generic legions.
weren't we supposed to get the results of population growth this turn?
Oops, I will fix it soon.