Dragon Kings in the 41st Millennia (Exalted/40K Empire)

There isn't really a lot of interesting interaction there unlike with the eldar though. To raise the Eldar gods anew is to interact with the deepest aspects of a broken empire, by turn arrogant and penitent, hyper-focused and wandering, there is so much narrative potential there. The orks by contrast are a broken weapon which we may fix, there is no one to really talk to there.

depends on the level of intellect of the krorks i guess
albeit any interaction with intelectual orks would be a very high end outcome

for more inmediate interaction is better eldar gods
[X] Uncovered Lore of the Eldar: Conversations with the Eldar while we were in contact with them have revealed storied of their fallen gods. However, the stories reveal things to us which seem hidden to those they were meant for. As best we can tell the Eldari gods had a back up plan to re-instantiate themselves and left the instruction manuals with their children to enact. And those children totally missed it. While its not really our job we do need some more incarna level divinities backing us. And the Eldari Gods would be hard pressed to deny OUR patronage when WE are the ones who restore them. [Starts a lengthy quest chain to restore the Eldari gods]

[ ] Death to the Deathless
would this count as killing chaos gods?

[ ] Uncovered Lore of the Tyranid
could we potentially get a poor mans version by doing a large scale divination on unknown galactic scale threats?.
that or find a spacehulk since the warps weird connection with time means a number of them had tyranids well before the arrival of scout units.
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Building a macguffin also involves beating a chaos god in a fight, given that two out of four have specialties in "knowing shit you'd rather they didn't know"
No. Chaos Gods cannot enter the material world. They can send armies. But armies are far easier to kill than a Chaos God. If we are building a maguffin and the Chaos Gods are pissed off, they can do a lot to fuck with us. But they cannot get up and destroy it themselves.
No. Chaos Gods cannot enter the material world. They can send armies. But armies are far easier to kill than a Chaos God. If we are building a maguffin and the Chaos Gods are pissed off, they can do a lot to fuck with us. But they cannot get up and destroy it themselves.
Killing them doesn't involve running at them full power either. We'd start by killing their assorted greater daemons. Classic anti-primordial strat, except easier because their jotuns can't party crash while we're whittling down their second and third circles.
would this count as killing chaos gods?
Not so much them as their daemonic hierarchy. More likely to seal or maim the chaos gods like winning a major victory over their armies means they cannot interfere with the sector for a thousand years. Remember you have proof that killing a primordial doesn't really solve the problem.
could we potentially get a poor mans version by doing a large scale divination on unknown galactic scale threats?.
Too unknown and too far off. When its closer maybe but then you have less time to prep and cannot fight them in the intergalactic void with weapons which are not safe for use inside the galaxy

[ ] Exigence, the Divine Flame

Practicality - Obviously.
Storytelling - More named characters! Maybe even mortal champions for our future human subjects?

[ ] On crafting spirits and forging Deva

Practicality - Allows creating client races, but specifically, very specialised client races that are incentivised to start cults and get prayed to, which sounds like trouble, especially if there are lots of mortal subjects around.
Storytelling - Could be very flavourful! It really depends what you choose to do with them. There are already four Dragon King subraces, plus the various spirits, elementals, ghosts, etc., so any new devic races would need to bring something original to the table.

[ ] Planetary Warfare
[ ] On battling the Measureless Hordes
[ ] Death to the Deathless
[ ] Hidden Lore of the Centimani

Practicality - Very much the "boring but practical" choices, given that this is a setting full of total war against hordes of implacable enemies.
Storytelling - Slay the Chaos Gods? I guess it's an endgame option, but in the meantime it's just more ways of being Guys What Fight Good.

[ ] Death and Dark Enlightenment

Practicality - Removes a potential danger.
Storytelling - ...which also means removing a potential plot hook.

[ ] Power Untold and the Devil's Bargain

Practicality - Sorcery is useful no doubt! But there are other ways of unlocking it.
Storytelling - Probably opens up some interesting sorcery-based options.

[ ] Unwoven Menagerie and Incomprehensible Beast Codex
[ ] Behemoth Calling Clarion

Practicality - Add some powerful units to the army list, not that there's a shortage of them already.
Storytelling - Well, you get fun beasties to play with. It's what you'd choose if they were actually making Dragon King army models.

[ ] Hidden Lore of the Ereta'een

Practicality - ???
Storytelling - Sealing the Chaos Gods? Another endgame route, except this time there might be more immediate rewards in terms of getting cool artifacts and the like. @StarJaunter What's their general style/aesthetic and what else is their stuff good for?

[ ] Stalwart Barriers

Practicality - Seems to have diverse benefits.
Storytelling - I'm sure there's lots of interesting things to do with the Wyld/Warp that I can't think of right now.

[ ] Hidden Lore of the Abalindi
[ ] Hidden Lore of the Alaun

Practicality - ???
Storytelling - ???

@StarJaunter Could you enlighten us on why these are actually the best options and we are all fools for overlooking them?

[ ] Hidden Lore of the Migong

Practicality - Is this useful without Crafting Spirits & Forging Deva? Well, I guess it could give more exotic manse upgrades, perhaps building up to an automated manse-based defense network, or ways of disrupting hiveminds.
Storytelling - ???

[ ] Uncovered Lore of the Ork

Practicality - Perhaps the most powerful option on the list, given time to grow; an avalanche of greenskin warriors to crush evil with.
Storytelling - Reforging them as a noble warrior race... well, that's already what Dragon Kings are, so it's not that interesting unless you really like Orks to begin with. Why not crush evil by yourself?

[X] Uncovered Lore of the Eldar

Practicality - Great rewards, but only after completing the quest chain.
Storytelling - A lengthy quest chain dealing with divinity and lost glories? Definitely! It plays to the themes of both gamelines and presumably offers both combat and non-combat challenges.

[ ] Uncovered Lore of the Tyranid

Practicality - Find out about a powerful threat ahead of time.
Storytelling - What's wrong with surprises?

[ ] Uncovered Lore of the Empire of Mankind

Practicality - If you really can't deal with being out of the loop, or are just interested in politicking, infiltration, and subversion, this is the option for you.
Storytelling - ...but personally I don't mind being out of the loop.

[ ] Primordial Truth of Tzneetch

Practicality - Gain a big advantage against Chaos.
Storytelling - Tzeentch as an antagonist... why not choose the Eldar and get Slaanesh as a nemesis instead?
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@StarJaunter What's their general style/aesthetic and what else is their stuff good for?

Acting like Greys, ie roswell aliens. They had all the super science and hyper-technology and lack of wisdom that you can expect from any alien progenitor race like the forerunners or the ones who made the reapers.

Basically aside from what was mentioned, massive scale legendary projects which may be able to seal primordials, expect to just get even better at technology in general... like not as big a jump as have autobot chosen but since he is already chosen this is like double downing on that.

[ ] Hidden Lore of the Abalindi

"Their penetrating gazes could see between the layers of the world, and they were nourished by what their eyes took in. By carefully watching, they found secret paths through the in-between places, and they built their homes between Creation and the heavens, where they could look down upon the world."

To me it just sounds like a Dr who style alien race/show villain. But you learn a lot of stuff about being inter-dimensional peeping toms, potential FTL method, subspace realms, and the ability to summon Minions of the Eyeless face.

Should have some nice synchronization with Abraxus choice already made.

[ ] Hidden Lore of the Alaun
They were a race dedicated to singing the praises of the Primordials. So you learn stuff that lets you soothe angry gods better which is small potatoes. Limited access to alaun charm technology basically gives you clerics. IE you can learn charm trees sorta like a martial arts but tied to a god you worship with your limits based on how dedicated you are to said god. So in effect a fair number of you will gain a fair number of weakish charms you can potentially learn although a few hyper focused on one diety may push higher and you can probably channel mortal psykers through this gift to help them utilize and control their gifts without touching the warp like a psychopath. Usually have either a couple entry charms from different gods or go all in on one god to eventually learn potentish charms. DO NOT EXPECT ME TO LIST EVERY DAMN CHARM THAT EVERY CLERIC COULD GET FROM EVERY ONE OF YOUR HUNDREDS AND THOUSANDS OF GODS.
Acting like Greys, ie roswell aliens. They had all the super science and hyper-technology and lack of wisdom that you can expect from any alien progenitor race like the forerunners or the ones who made the reapers.

Basically aside from what was mentioned, massive scale legendary projects which may be able to seal primordials, expect to just get even better at technology in general... like not as big a jump as have autobot chosen but since he is already chosen this is like double downing on that.
This actually sounds vaguely Necron-y to my ears, though presumably different enough not to offer any direct insight.
[x] Exigence, the Divine Flame: While mortal humans were granted Exaltation that was mostly to benefit from the fact that no Primordial had engraved imperishable commands upon their nature, their great population of billions providing plenty of spares, and the relative mutability of a mortal soul compared to any other race allied with the Revolution. A few of us have seen Autochthon's workshop while he was creating the Exigence and the potent Celestial blanks for the Incarnae. Some have discussed the matter with the Unconquered Sun or the Great Maker or witnessed the flood of power as the Sun used the process of Exigence to imbue a Celestial blank into a Solar Exaltation. And we knew humans, we knew them well as they depended on us in the harsh world of Creation, and we new them after exaltation, some even saw the process with spiritually attuned eyes. And while the exaltation process was never mean to target us we know are own chosen were an inspiration for it. We do not expect mimicking the work of the Great Maker and Incarnae to be easy, but it may not be impossible.
I think that saving the Eldar Gods is more on theme for us and our brand of space magic. Also we just click with the eldar culturally and to an extent politically. I think we should lean into that.
We have more time to save the Eldar, the Tyranids are practically a few centuries away from attacking, and I like the Squats plus we may have a little easier time trading with them then the Imperium as they are still independent. However we could potentially still save them without this if we ask the right questions and build up enough forces.
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We will out Eldar the Eldar. I'd pick the Tau, but I don't think that has a hope of winning.
[X] Uncovered Lore of the Eldar: Conversations with the Eldar while we were in contact with them have revealed storied of their fallen gods. However, the stories reveal things to us which seem hidden to those they were meant for. As best we can tell the Eldari gods had a back up plan to re-instantiate themselves and left the instruction manuals with their children to enact. And those children totally missed it. While its not really our job we do need some more incarna level divinities backing us. And the Eldari Gods would be hard pressed to deny OUR patronage when WE are the ones who restore them. [Starts a lengthy quest chain to restore the Eldari gods]
I assume communication with the Eldar will be a thing.

Do we want a mini-vote on whats talked about or should I present more options in the diplomacy section and you can just select what you want during the budget write ups?

For those who voted for Eldar Gods please keep in mind you do not get them AND the forgotten gods from the wyld marketplace

So voting for eldar gods effectively kills the wyld market place option... unless you all wanted to kowtow to Tzneetch? (opening up the hidden tabernacle I suppose)
If you need encouragement to produce Omake for Tocha Colonization I have mathed out what your economics look like for Turn 48 if you don't finish versus if you do finish.

No Tocha 38 General AP + 6 (Resource Exploitation) - 15 (Upkeep) = 29 General AP

Yes Tocha 45 General AP + 6 (Resource Exploitation) - 15 (upkeep) = 36 General AP

No Tocha 11/11-2/11/11

Yes Tocha 11/14-2/11/16

I will handwaive it this turn but to keep the full bonus from Tocha you need either a stargate or one cargoship per 10 AP the planet produces... so you need at least two cargoships right now dedicated to the Tocha run.

Tocha also losses 1d3 general AP due to feral orks until you do the cleansing action. It was 2 this turn.
A Prolonged Expedient Journey
Omaka: A Prolonged Expedient Journey​

"Faster, we must arrive at Tocha faster! Take some risks with navigating the course if you must we will deal with the consequences later but you must get us there faster!" Brown scale Malver Rend (preferring to go by Malver) captain of the Serenity Valley shouted to the Ferryman navigating through the Wyld. Upon learning of the plight occurring on Tocha the Serenity Valley had been dispatched on an emergency run to deliver critical medicine, supplies and ork fungicide, so as to alleviate the situation. "I hear the native orks are beginning to become a nuisance, I guess that is why we have the fungicide in our holds." the Serenity Valley's pilot Wavering Leaf on the Wind (nicknamed Wash by those who knew him well) commented as he attempted to assist in the ship's navigation. "Let us hope we arrive in time to make a difference." captain Malver replied. "I get the feeling this journey is going to make for an interesting report." snarked Wash as a warp current the ship was passing through caused a shudder to be felt through the hull. And so the Serenity Valley raced onward through warp for ten years hoping against hope to arrive in time. "A decade, we have been traveling for a decade when this is supposed to be a swift emergency run." captain Malver quietly raged at their lateness. "At least the locals have been kind enough to keep us entertained. How many boardings does that last one make the 5, 6?" Wash deflectingly jokes. "63, I think I would find such attacks irritating if not for the fact that once their beastial forms have been properly stabilized, cleansed and cooked their ephemeral flesh actually taste fairly good." captain Malver recalls with a hint of humor at the unusual discovery. A quiet chiming alarm sounded from the instruments alerting the pilot of something "Captain we are arriving at Tocha." "Good with some fortune the colony will still have some use for emergency supplies in our holds." captain Malver replies relived to finally reach their destination. After the Serenity Valley transitioned back to normal space, shake the strangeness from their minds and their instruments come back online, they are treated to the sight of their past selves leaving Tocha and entering the warp. "What. Was. That." captain Malver demanded. The bridge crew immediately working to try and understand what had happened. A few moments later the pilot Wash reported "Captain if what our readings and observations are telling us is correct we have arrived at Tocha two years before we departed on our emergency run sir. What we saw appears to have been our past selves." "Well... It looks like we arrived in time for the supplies to be of help at least." captain Malver joked. "It certainly looks like the report on this is going to be quite interesting indeed. I do not envy you captain having to write it though." Wash commented. "No I do not envy the task my self, but at least I have two years to work on writing it." captain Malver commented with a smirk.

//Note: So @StarJaunter is this good for the Tocha colonization?
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