Dragon Kings in the 41st Millennia (Exalted/40K Empire)

[Y] Devastating God-Beasts

The first two were solid choices of their own, but I chose the Devastating God-Beasts because it's thematically distant from 'Astartes, but with scales'. Also I kinda want to see Lizard-Ozaru krumpin' gits at some point.
Ah🙁😞 I was hoping we would be making our legions stand on the same level as (if not greater than) the Astartes. After all how better to get respect as a small power than being able to field forces that can go toe to toe with an entire Astartes chapter and pull a win. 😏 :tongue::grin:
That said, would a Sloop with [FTL], [Shielding], and [Cargo] be a reasonable small-unit inter-system transport/large-unit interplanetary transport commercial craft (ie, 'provides sufficient economic benefit to overcome the 1 AP upkeep')?

I have a model of a tranport ship in mind, basically your version of the Imperial Transport. This is the kind of transport that gets lost to pirates all the time and may need escorted in convoys. This model would have no upkeep or power cost as long as being useful in a trade route or something, assumed to all be handled by the crew using elemental cores and tithing upkeep from transportation fees. If you are using them to aide logistics on a extended duration deployment or to help a planetary invasion you may have to pay logistic costs.

I will make you build them at first but eventually keeping them built will shift to the background and you just have to pay a cost when one is lost.

If you want your tranports to be tougher, carry more or have weapons or greater speed than yeah they would be modeled like you suggest and you would have to pay upkeep on them.

I assume the Imperium has 8 million transports, 1 million in the Navy and 1 million etc (admech, rogue traders, ministorum, space marines, etc)

Also I figured that a sizable population of Dragon Kings were out in the wilderness at any given time, either because they were training, or gathering resources, or just preferred a no-frills existence.

They certainly are not going to suffer unduly. at least compared to most mortal races. the issue is how well can they contribute to the Realms workshops, temples, and factorums if all the existing temples, workshops and factorums are filled already.

The higher a planets AP generation gets the less useful a few DKs living out in the woods are to the planets total output. For a 1 billion DK planet living in Weyr cities, a 100 million extra living out in the woods might not generate any AP.

and allows us to build industrially-significant amounts of Adamant.

You already have industrially useful amounts of Adamant on both Tokat And Ophelis. Valki's debris field does allow the gathering of Adamantium though.

and is a good place for journeys to begin from.

Its the easiest place to leave or enter your subsector coincidentally for almost every possible form of interstellar travel :p Controlling it will allow you to go on deeper expeditions or colony trips without getting almost auto jumped by orks.

Also, will an option to use astrology observatories on Ophelis to map the local subsector arise?

Sure, soon as cities are built, technically Pteroks could work on that while raptoks work on the Gate. I Will through Raptok dice and generic AP at the gate but having a project for the other breeds (they will have three AP each) might be useful.

You can also do the same observation action on nearby subsectors. I keep meaning for the last few turns to make one to check the nearby alien subsector and I keep forgeting. Atlaaki and the other one are also close enough to scan.

Just in case you've been waiting on me to make a decision about transdraconian projects, I'll make it here;
[Y] Navigator
[Y] Chameleon Infiltrators
[Y] Devastating God-Beasts

OK, just remind me if I forget later.

While true, that is spread out over tons of worlds. Meanwhile, this is all focused on a single planet. Like imagine trying to attack a planet with a billion+ space marine tier enemies with supernatural support.

I mean if you note that its spread over 1 million worlds it certainly sounds less impressive. Of course they have hive worlds that can top 100 AP too. Even if they also need to be feed Agriculture World AP as upkeep (which you also would if your population grew so great you needed to create a Weyr world that could not feed itself. The imperium does a lot of specialization where a world is optimized (sorta like your breed AP) in order to get more AP but with less they can spend it on. In extreme cases those worlds also need upkeep from a source that is not themselves to maintain themselves, like food for Hive worlds or metals for a forge world.

The imperium probably also has a lot of worlds which do not produce any useful AP to that total, either contributing only manpower, strategic positioning, exotic materials, or you know, nothing.

After all how better to get respect as a small power than being able to field forces that can go toe to toe with an entire Astartes chapter and pull a win.
Your elite groups like the Ruby arrows can expect 50/50 odds when they use 100 kings against 6 average space marines. Naval Phalanxes in position of boarding actions can manage 25 to 6 space marines. Oddly their holy weaponry means they do better against Chaos Space Marines than normal ones.

Also do not forget you already have access to Cyber Dragons, you just haven't invested in them yet. I worked out that researching all the Alchemical charms for what I am calling the Champion Suite would cost 23 AP. "Building" one would cost 12 AP in the Vat Complex. But they would be maxed out combat Alchemicals (plus dragon king paths). They would be able to at least match 6 space marines if not better than that. And thats a reason for a Vatship, allowing a small group of Cyberdragons to customize their charmsuites before being dropped on a planet or other situation.

Also keep in mind the the Planetary Guard, ie your PDF, are roughly equal to Hardened Cadian Regiments on a per individual basis. Magical wargear, magical powers, and being a Dragon make up for the difference in experience, skill and dedication. Although a Hardened Cadian regiment would presumably have better heavy equipment and leadership so they would likely win if the guard had to stand on its own, you know if the Empire manages to land half a million Cadians on one of your least guarded planets.
Ah🙁😞 I was hoping we would be making our legions stand on the same level as (if not greater than) the Astartes. After all how better to get respect as a small power than being able to field forces that can go toe to toe with an entire Astartes chapter and pull a win. 😏 :tongue::grin:

Oh, I'm all for that still. I want to pursue a doctrine of quality over quantity, but how to accomplish that remains a question. As I see it, we have three things to keep in mind when determining troop effectiveness: Training, Equipment, and Doctrine.

  • TRAINING: We have Word of StarJaunter that our current best troops, equipped with Elite equipment (the same tier as Astartes use) still has us at a disadvantage. This is understandable, as the Ruby Arrows are 'only' at 4s across the board (before breed modifiers). We can currently train them up another tier yet, though that priority seems to have fallen to the wayside as the divine manpower crunch hit and threat of Orkish invasion receded. I suspect completing the Martian Temple-Manse will unlock the next tier of training grounds, though what that means remains to be seen. I suspect that it will look something like 'Wash The Spears now gets autos, Rest When You're Dead can be supported by training ground dice' but honestly we'll need to wait to complete that to see.
    • Actually, I'm trying to remember what I can of Astartes training. From what I understand they select youths that show promise, train them extensively to weed out the ones that will certainly fail, stick gene-seed in them to increase their physical chassis and use hypno-indoctrination to teach them of their Chapter's history, tactics, esoterica that will only come useful once a century but be important when they need to know it, etc. Given that we have the potential to screen for candidates with martial promise using astrology, could (and do) use lore crystals to educate our trainees on a variety of topics, I wonder how much refining what we already do could help with training.
    • One thing we could look into is ensuring that our Legions are Martial Legions, as that increases their Might rating. I somewhat want to back-door this, as proliferating 'how to punch better' throughout the populace will likely catch a fair number of military dragons and militia. Astartes may have resistance to disease and be immune to fear, but they don't have a supernatural resistance to knockdown or the ability to curve their plasma shots around cover. The current spread martial arts options increase the number of TMA Battlegroups which I don't think we've seen much of lately, given that they were held back for the initial war against the Shroomborn and the Ork raid was pretty summarily squished, but I suspect that they're going to get their day to shine.
    • Another notion that occurs to me, and that is unlikely to happen any time soon, is to drastically raise the number of Otchalke in a given legion, raising the native Might of the constituent troops. Given as how I don't believe this thread has touched the 'spend 10 AP to get 1 AP/turn' option for regular Chosen, I don't see this happening soon.
  • EQUIPMENT: The Ruby Arrows, our best troops, are equipped with Astartes-tier equipment but fight at, it would seem, Sororitas levels of competency. Nothing to be ashamed of, if we were at a mortal human level, but for immortal reptilian demi-gods we can do better. With Factory-Cathedrals looming in our future, our ability to equip everyone to the best of our abilities will likely increase. In the future we are likely to be able to field Dragon Kings in powered armor (S-Tier, Custodes level) and could in theory (but not likelihood) equip a super-elite group of Tail-Kicking Elders loaded down with relic gear (Primarch-tier, but one-use only before it needs to recharge in a temple IIRC) we're likely to meet or exceed what Astartes are fielding in some instances, or at least get close enough to ask questions like 'does Terminator Armor count as First Tier or S-Tier?'. We have also made strides to incorporate advancements like plasma weaponry and specialized poisons in our stockpiles, to give us an edge against selected enemies (the Wyld, Creatures of Darkness and Orks currently, to varying degrees of success). I expect this to continue.
    • One area we have an advantage in is our greater familiarity and comfort with the occult. I'm honestly starting to compare us more to the Eldar than to the Imperium; where they went for a Perception/Dexterity build, we seem to go with an Intelligence/Stamina build for our legions. I kinda want to see us fighting alongside one another at some point, just to see how well we could complement the other. My point is that whereas the Imperium has the occasional instance of psi-craft such as force swords or psi-suppressors, one of the shipbuilding options we have is 'build a grand cruiser out of a metal that resonates with Fate so doing anything against it is just a bit more difficult' and we cracked 'da red wunz go fasta' and made that work for us. We have options to improve our equipment beyond 'the Dragon!Chapter needs more Dragon!Bolters so the Dragon!Marines can Dragon!Purge The Unclean!'. In tabletop terms, I want to ensure we have Marine Equivalents (MEQs) and Terminator Equivalents (TEQs).
  • DOCTRINE: Firstly, we need to look at what we're doing and why. Long term, I absolutely want to pursue a policy of quality over quantity (in part because quantity is going to be difficult to manage for some time, another issue we're working on). In the short term, however, I want to ensure we have a strong militia presence with a high degree of TMA proliferation amongst the populace, which should help us against Ork (and later DEldar) raids and the like. I seem to recall StarJaunter saying that if we have a large enough population of dragons under arms training up new legions will become easier (lower DC IIRC), which is nice but not the reason to do so. Ophelis will want to have a large, militant population because we colonized the place knowing that there's going to be a major invasion underway in 888 years, which is soon enough to be thinking about it. Given how much fun the Dragon Kings had fighting Orks, I imagine there's a few people that want to get reincarnated there in a lifetime or two so they can fight the whatever-they-are that are invading (I'm thinking Chaos, Khornite aligned. Mostly because of the numbers). Eventually though we're going to want to pivot to something more professional, and we're also going to want to look at what we're adding to our legions; attached sorcerers are good (though I could wish we had more of them, that hopefully should be resolved or at least addressed once we get sorcery for everyone unlocked), and I'm not opposed to incorporating psykers into our forces should that come about as an option. One option we currently have that isn't really ready to go though is organic flyer support with the Razor-Beaks option (something I intend to chip away at for a while using the Stockpile option), which effects a few things like our scouting rolls during war turns.
    • Improve the Leadership. Temple to Leeayta to get better generals, that effects most things an army rolls before battle anyway, and being able to reliably turn out Elite generals (are we looking at people like Creed or Macharius with the Elite training, or do we need to go beyond what just building the temple and whatever extension it has natively?)
    • Know the role you want troops to perform (the Volcano Legion did great defending the Orbital Redoubt, but it wasn't really the thing for Tidal Legion)
    • Stack the deck beforehand (strong scouting elements, both from fly boys and spies, don't be afraid to sabotage, praise the gods and pass the guarda egg)
    • Get there firstest with the mostest; we have strategic scale divination, being able to see an attack coming and move troops to intercept is useful, especially if we get a lot of Gates online to help shuffle people around.

I have a model of a tranport ship in mind, basically your version of the Imperial Transport. This is the kind of transport that gets lost to pirates all the time and may need escorted in convoys. This model would have no upkeep or power cost as long as being useful in a trade route or something, assumed to all be handled by the crew using elemental cores and tithing upkeep from transportation fees. If you are using them to aide logistics on a extended duration deployment or to help a planetary invasion you may have to pay logistic costs.

I will make you build them at first but eventually keeping them built will shift to the background and you just have to pay a cost when one is lost.

If you want your tranports to be tougher, carry more or have weapons or greater speed than yeah they would be modeled like you suggest and you would have to pay upkeep on them.

I assume the Imperium has 8 million transports, 1 million in the Navy and 1 million etc (admech, rogue traders, ministorum, space marines, etc)

That's probably something we'll want to try out some potential variations on answering, and I could see a few attempts to mitigate vulnerability to pirates or the like by, say, including a Q-Ship in the lot, or ensuring a transport in every convoy includes a ship with a Void-Faring Hero Dojo somewhere so any pirates are risking a mouth-full of hurt if they try to gobble up one of the ships in the convoy.

On the topic of the military-grade ships, I'm tentatively thinking use them for transport in unpacified areas, but swap out for the more economical transports when we've identified and resolved all the likely issues in the region.

You already have industrially useful amounts of Adamant on both Tokat And Ophelis. Valki's debris field does allow the gathering of Adamantium though.

And, I would imagine, the potential to research the material so it could be made elsewhere? Good to know. That said, I'm assuming that being able to create industrial levels of a Magical Material gives you discounts (or rather, avoids penalties) for building ships (or other massive projects) in a system where that resource is natively produced, if only to avoid the logistical complications of tying up space in an intersystem transport or scheduling Gate cycles around being able to move several tons of semi-sentient magical sap. Plus, you know, more places producing something generally means more of that something is produced. So, you know, in case that ever becomes relevant.

Its the easiest place to leave or enter your subsector coincidentally for almost every possible form of interstellar travel :p Controlling it will allow you to go on deeper expeditions or colony trips without getting almost auto jumped by orks.

Should I assume that once we secure the subsector, we can get a project to establish fortified outposts in the local Wyld to both influence the nature of the local courts (probably resulting in a few more wars, who knows?) and to make safe(r), stable(r) routes through the Warp between our colonies? Building aetheric infrastructure like that should certainly impress people (like the Eldar) who see it, and I really like impressing the Eldar.

Sure, soon as cities are built, technically Pteroks could work on that while raptoks work on the Gate. I Will through Raptok dice and generic AP at the gate but having a project for the other breeds (they will have three AP each) might be useful.

You can also do the same observation action on nearby subsectors. I keep meaning for the last few turns to make one to check the nearby alien subsector and I keep forgeting. Atlaaki and the other one are also close enough to scan.

So, I've been thinking on this and here's what I got:

  • Anklok: Almost certainly God of Ophelis. The descriptor for the project says that the first part is 'getting the Dragon Kings to form a community and think of themselves as members of the Ophelis community' which I think is probably the part of the project they'd begin with even if for some reason they needed access to Teteocan to complete the process. Perhaps it looks 'God of Ophelis Pt. 1' for them, who knows. The other possibilities I see are martial in nature, but given we already sent Realm Guard with them and they'd probably want some of our angels to serve as veteran spirits, seems like a reasonable supposition
  • Mosok: I had a bit of a hard time on this one, as most of Tokat's options at that stage of development are probably bundled up under 'standard infrastructure' like the maritime trade fleet, while the others remaining were adversarial in nature. It might be sorting out internal policing matters (possible, but I doubt it), training martial artists (again, possible but not what I suspect) or stealing from whatever locals are there (I'd be surprised to find there are locals that aren't us there). Best I've got right now is some sort of vision-quest scouting of the local Wyld, but that both sounds like a Pterok project and with the CCI-analogue in place I doubt there are any courts just lingering on the far side. The other possibilities to occur to me is 'work to complete the bodyguarding order', 'Notice-Me-Not research', expanding Eve's cult and picking up on some of the Pterok's slack and starting work on orbital lifters or something (mostly because 'yes this is skyfleet action, but is also shipbuilding so...')
  • Pterok: Observatory scouting the area
  • Raptok: Attempting to get the Gate online.

I like the idea of comboing the 'hurricane relic' from Quetzacoatl and at least one Blue Jade Warstrider immune to atmospheric effects (that is, 'this hurricane isn't bothering me any') equipped to deal with large entities who aren't overly bothered by things like 'gale force winds throwing infantry off their feet'. It suffers from a lack of innate resistance to projectile attacks but has improved defenses against energy attacks (probably based on Curtain of Quartz?).

Would building a Starmetal templeship built around the idea of combat-casting astrology effects based on Reactive Planning (takes 1 hour, so 'charge up' two half-hour turns perhaps?) be useful in a fleet?
Any ideas on the name of your Reserves. I am going with Army of Twilight unless someone gets me a better idea.

Volcano Legion did great defending the Orbital Redoubt

The Redoubt did a great job defending them. Most of that bonus was the Gem Lord doing his thing. If the Ork Rok had a moat the Tidal host could have shown off too. Its just the fault of the Orks not building a moat on their rok.

Stack the deck beforehand

Mosok Infiltrators, vision quests and astrology are pretty good for the preperation angle. Practically wizards in that since.

even if for some reason they needed access to Teteocan to complete the process.

No, you need access to a Abraxan Temple and its God-Forging Arts. Those are built into your Major cities automatically now.


Would building a Starmetal templeship built around the idea of combat-casting astrology effects based on Reactive Planning (takes 1 hour, so 'charge up' two half-hour turns perhaps?) be useful in a fleet?

Templeships are likely to be built for temples quite often but are also manse ships or geomancy ships.

One of the first ideas I solidified is an Observatory Ship, which conveniently enough is the same price as a temple.

A ship with an observatory may either add 4 to momentum at the start of combat (this one only benefits them), since they knew it was coming, OR they may arrange for some "coincidence" that works in their favor, like attacking a world when its best defense is undergoing maintenance, or coincidently waiting and ready for combat in a random spot that happens to be a Warp egress point for something coming, this mode can be shared with any ship willing to follow their crazy instructions.

I suppose if you are crazy enough to build an Observatory ship out of Starmetal we can work on a custom addition, like being able to call up another 4 momentum at whenever is most convenient in the fight as this moment was foreseen and trained for days ago.
And awesome!! Let's seriously consider doing that. :tongue: :grin:
Ah assault transports an absolute must for any planetary invasion.

For planning purposes, I am assuming a hanger dedicated to landing craft (no fighters or bombers) can land a barracks worth of troops in one drop. As ship sizes go up the amount goes up too as there is a background assumption that in addition to getting more slots each slot is slightly more volume as the ship size goes up. A conquest platform holds 8 full Legions per barracks.

If you want to land explicitly in Assault Skyships you need 8 skyremes per Legion landing and you would need three hangers (again no other craft) or one 2 slot large hanger (which is not designed yet). More difficult to pull off but better for landing in a AA flak protected area.

Assuming you want a ship to have FTL drive and shields that means a minimum size of Pennant (Light Cruiser) and thats with no offensive weapons. Wayfarers (Cruisers) or templeships are probably better for these Planetary Assault ships, assuming you cannot build a Conquest Platform as that kind of has it in the name.
Turn 43 results
Turn 43 results

Little Beam's training saga takes a dramatic turn and several Draconic Lads cause their own drama in the name of "Research"

87, 54, 91, 02, 68, 84, 18

Things are going fairly well. A cave in caused a few deaths but we have established the main Manse cities as well as at least 15 smaller cities for exploiting resources in key areas. We had enough spare capacity to start construction on the most basic version of the Gate of Auspicious Passage at the nearest Sidereal Manse (After confirming it was not especially well suited for any of the Maidens.)

With the additional resources made available by exploiting the territory of Ophelis we are very confident the Gate will go active next turn and we will immediately start on our gatehouse.

Ophelis has 3 of each Breed AP and 6 Generic AP. Raptok and Pterok can go to the Gate, along with Generic but Anklok and Mosok cannot contribute, and the other Breeds could potentially work on another project too. What should the breeds AP of Ophelis work towards until they are rejoined to the Realm?

24/22 Basic colonization progress
2 overflow goes to Gate of Auspicious Passage

Gate of Auspicious Passage: 2/4

[X] Plan: Hospitably Inhospitable v.1
-[X] Bribing spirits to do their job. Spirit can exert blessings beyond the simple abilities of Dragon Kings. However, they don't work free and need festivals and rites performed in their honor to cooperate. It grates on you to have to resort to things kind of thing though. AP Needed: 1. DC: 15. Success Needed: 1. Reward: You gain +5 to all other rolls which can prevent a botch or cause a critical success. 1 AP

Reward: +5 to all rolls.

-[X] Little Beam Training Arc (part 2): Rather than summon him, put in some effort training him in the aspects of war he does not know in preparation for future conflicts. AP Needed 1. DC: 35. Success Needed: 1. Reward: Little Beam makes progress gaining martial skills outside of Martial Arts. Will likely be a repeated thing. If he manages to rematch Nargle and defeat him easily this project will go away. 1 AP
DC: 35 > 51

Little Beam takes advantage of what is going on to first train with the first classes going through Luthe Military Academy, learning the skills required to be a Naval Phalanx, even if most are not applicable to him. But that does give him an in to join the team assigned to work out Ork Vessel boarding strategies, where he is able to both provide a lot of experience to the group as well as hash out optimal strategies to undertake during boarding.

However his attempt to work with his Dojo to create a void faring martial style leaves a great deal to be desired. He ends up declaring the whole art MUST be a Celestial style and insists he receive both training support and that project be followed up heavily soon.

Reward: Little Beam may lead Naval Phalanxes in boarding attempts although he will not fight as they do, he knows enough about their abilities and tactics that he will not leave them behind or get them screwed. He, like all DK boarding troops against +1 to positioning rolls on Ork vessels.

-[X] Second Stringers: Having to invest such resources to rapidly train replacements to keep our forces fully loaded when taking even minor losses is grating. Those resources would be better spent as part of large scale efforts instead of wasted on replacing the troops lost in a single battle. Thus a group of 20 Legions will be raised. They will be provided with Militia Gear and would fight as Planetary Guard if forced to Muster. But they would spend their time occasionally training with full legionary gear, familiarize themselves with tactics, strategies and commanders of the Draconic Legions. Thus they could step in and allow the Legions to be restored to full strength immediately at no cost unless savage losses occurred. In an emergency the Reserves could be called out to produce 20 legions with nothing but a strenuous equipment run (and losing the reserves). AP needed 2. DC: 25. Success Needed 9/12. Reward: 100,000 reserve troops count against total troop amount possible. Can muster as Militia but intended to allow free replacement troops (up to 25,000 in a turn) in case of incidental losses such as those expected in Ork encounters. Larger replacements from reserves can take at least some effort to replace. Can potentially build equipment needed to get them full Legion status much faster in exchange for losing your reserves. Training Grounds Success Apply. 1 AP + Training Grounds
DC: 25 > 22+5, auto x 3

A group of partially trained Legionnaires was somewhat finished as they are assigned to what we are calling the Army of Twilight. This group is equipped as Militia and can be mustered as Militia would be but unlike most militia they really really want to join the legion. If any spots open up they will train replacements for their spot in Twilight and take their place. Due to their passion for it they can maintain a much greater knowledge of official legions procedures and who potential commanding officers would be. On the other end our Legions can provide rare access to Legion equipment to these enthusiasts giving them at least some clue as to what to do with it. This means they stand ready to step into the light and take the place of fallen warriors or are available if a large recruitment effort needs to get underway much faster than starting from scratch.

Reward: Army of Twilight is a reserve force approximately 100,000 strong (20% size of existing Legions seems a good ratio). Any losses less than 25,000 in a turn may be replaced for free. Larger replacements will cost AP and extensive losses may require rebuilding the Army of Twilight. In a desperate situation you can raise Legions from the Army of Twilight for the cost of equipment and a brutal Boot Camp experience, but they will not be available to cover losses.

-[X] Naval Phalanx Academy: Now that we have mastered the art of training void warriors we can build an academy dedicated to training them in response to attrition and ship building projects. AP Needed: 2. DC: 30. Success Needed: 1/3. Reward: Naval Phalanx Academy automatically provides newly built ships with formations of Phalanx to guard them, simply raising cost of the vessel by 1 AP. Even massive losses can be replaced by committing dice rather than having to undertake a full project. 2 AP
DC: 30 > 81, 66

Construction is quickly completed and existing Phalanxes are pulled in to train instructors (and Little Beam). While there is ancillary facilities in all major manse cities the primary facility and Headquarters for the Naval Phalanx training is part of the Luthe Naval Institute, or LNI, compound.

Reward: Luthe Phalanx Academy, 5 teams were trained and placed on the Night Faring Gem. You can train a team for 1 AP, no roll needed. As a base assuming no special efforts to have large troops are made, Skyremes may have two teams, Sloops may have three, Chariots may have four, Pennants may have 5, Wayfarers and Dromons may have 6, Templeships may have 7, Conquest platforms may have 8. Directional Titans (and Redoubts) are large enough to have essentially up to 40 teams if you want to pay for them, even if you do not dedicate the space. Ships or stations with Barracks may be far, far greater numbers.

-[X] Lessons Learned (Ork Vessels): We have too many troops to make it worth teaching everyone how to board an Ork ship. Naval Phalanxes though are different. Use what we have learned from the landed ships to train our void phalanx in how to conduct boarding missions. AP Needed: 1. DC: 45. Success Needed: 2. Reward: Naval Phalanx gain +1 bonus on positioning rolls when boarding Ork vessels. Positioning rolls are only relevant when conducting missions that do not involve killing everyone on board. A dramatically different Ork vessel (like say a Space Hulk) would not gain this benefit. 2 AP + Crystalweavers
DC: 45 > 76, 64, 81

Naval Phalanxes and their trainees are guided to the under repair Nobz Gob to practice boarding techniques in various stages of construction. They learn good routes to take to critical components and where walls and bulkheads might be breeched. Little Beam also enthusiastically took part of these exercises.

Reward: Prepared troops, usually Naval Phalanxes but others may apply if they have time to prepare, gain +1 to positioning checks when boarding an Ork vessel. As noted Positioning checks are usually used when NOT attempting to kill everyone and capture the vessel, but to use smaller teams to bypass as many orks as possible and try to do something, like sabotage a component, assassinate the captain, or capture or recover something precious.

-[X] Repair: Nobz Gob: The Brute Ramship you captured and decided to keep has been badly mauled in combat. We should probably provide the resources and aide to repair it and get it back into action. AP Needed 1. DC 15. AP needed 3/4. Reward: Brute ramship fully repaired. 1 AP + Metalforgers
DC: 15 > 17, 17

Repairs are hindered by the Phalanx trainee constantly re-breaking things but eventually we got the ship all sealed up and able to travel as freely as it ever has.

Reward: Complete

-[X] Acadamia of Constellations: Void Vessels requires hundreds or thousands of relatively skilled and very technically minded Dragon Kings. The need to commit these high value people to a vessel acts as a constant cost on our society as those people are not available for other projects. Constellation Academy is a training ground to raise up younger and less experienced Dragon Kings with the concentrated training they need to run void vessels, minimizing the impact on society of fielding such Craft. Constellation Academy will consume 1 Generic AP in perpetuity but produce 3 AP worth of Upkeep. AP Needed: 3. DC: 35. Success Needed: 2/9. Reward: Training Academy for void vessels greated. 1 AP lost as Upkeep creates 3 Void vessel upkeep. May not purchase more until a Naval Oversight and an Atelier Manse dedicated to spare production are also created. 4 AP
DC: 35 > 72, 42, 49, 08+5

While the Phalanx Academy of the LNI compound was completed first it does not represent the bulk of space that Luthe is dedicating to LNI. Construction is mostly finished with just some interior work with learning artifacts and simulators left to finalize but working out curriculum and instructors are going to be tricky. The current plan is as soon as the upcoming raid is done to overload the current Skyfleet with additional trainees to get actual on-hand experience in the claws of trainers, as well as cycle as many such experienced sailors back down to the planet as feasible.

Reward: 5/9 progress

-[X] Void Faring Hero Style: Develop a dedicated Terrestrial Martial Art to be taught to spacers and Naval Phalanxes. Improves the quality of your naval Phalanxes and large Vessels may have a second line of defenders in the form of crew who know some Void Faring Hero style. AP needed: 2. DC: 45. Success Needed 6. Reward: Unlock Void Faring Hero Style. 2 AP + Dojo
DC: 45 > 05+5, 01, Auto

At first plenty of progress was being made, we had a TMA for void faring hero almost completed when Little Beam returned from his time Training with Naval Phalanxes and in Ork vessel boarding operations and took one look at what was going on and binned it all. With his actual experience and the knowledge of how the ones most likely to ACTUALLY need these arts will fight and what might be needed to move at their sides, he insists the whole project requires Celestial Martial Arts and the style be reworked from scratch with these higher requirements in mind.

He will dedicate the next several years to finalizing this art and is pretty much goading the entire Martial Art community into assisting him.

Reward: No Progress. Must research next turn as a Celestial Style as part of "Training" Little Beam. New DC is 50, New Success Needed is 9 and Dojo can provide a die and triple it but not an auto success. Dojo cannot be used for anything else until this project is complete.

-[X] Astrological Question "When is an auspicious day to resume construction of the Orbital Redoubt?" Free

Reward: -10 DC to Orbital Redoubt.

-[X] Astrological Question "Will the Eldar approach us diplomatically in the next 25 years?" 1 AP

If you have a [10] relationship with them by the 20 year mark (end of turn 47) they will approach you about potentially participating in some Galactic scale event. This is the event they plan on utilizing your gear as a surprise Trump card slash Out of Context problem against the Enemy and getting troops from you or further "surprises" will be what they are seeking.

While they likely will not ask they would be more than happy to escort ships or even a shipless mercenary force along assuming you have a good relationship with them. If your relationship is about the same as now they may just commission your for more Willpower boosting elemental cores to be delivered in turn 48.

Reward: Knowledge

-[X] Astrological Question "What is a good day to approach Miyuan?" 1 AP

Reward: -10 DC to contacting Miyuan

-[X] Pilot Training: Using the Control Spire of Relza and divine tutelage to guide our existing pilots through Relza's elite training. They will gain improved skill and even more, experience in using their Warbirds. AP Needed: 2. DC: 40. Success Needed: 5. Reward: First ten Squadrons of Warbird Pilots gain elite status. This grants +2 dice to their rolls (this does not help the momentum gathering rolls of their hangers). AP may also come from Pterok Breed AP. 3 AP
DC: 40 > 41, 56, 94
Cerulian Arc of Ninefold Insights, after particularly impressing the judges during initial trials is co-opted into training his fellow pilots. While none, quite, have his flare, he is able to get them all fairly close and the current crop of Warbird Pilots are fairly impressive by any standard.

Reward: All ten Warbird Squadrons count as Elite. Arc can be added to any squadron and it gains an additional +1 but risks losing Arc if the squadron is hit hard.

-[X] Warbirds: Mass producing these light skyships is still beyond our magitechnology limits, but with the support facilities in flight towers we can start producing them at least. Warbirds are exquisitely built, with each feather and joint perfectly mimicking those of a living bird. These vehicles are made from a variety of magical metals with bright gemstone eyes. The metals are all colored vivid blues, greens, reds, blacks and purples. Warbirds are all highly visible and were meant to inspire fear and awe in those they were used to attack. Warbirds are controlled with a combination of leg movements, weight shifting, built in reins and verbal commands. AP Needed 2. DC 25. AP needed: 12/20. Reward: +8 squadrons of 25 Warbirds is available. Flawless Workshop success may apply but cannot support project. Atelier Manse may supply at most half total needed successes for the project and do not support the project. 2 AP + Workshop + Atlier
DC: 25 > 85, 38, Auto*4 x 3

A solid bit of dedicated factory time allows the current crop of Warbirds to be ready almost as soon as their pilots are. With the hanger finished on the Night Faring Gem, several Squadrons are moved to the Redoubt to maximize how many birds we can through at a fight.

Reward: Complete, +8 Squadrons of Warbirds. Ten Squadrons total. Future Warbird production can be 10 squadrons for 24 AP, or 20 Squadrons for 44 AP.

-[X] Assault Roc - Prototype: Interest has arisen in a heavier platform. Still light by skyship standards but heavier than a Warbird by far. Modeled after the Great Rocs seen in the East of Creation sometimes. Unlike Warbirds these would not have an external pilot (being some 15 meters long and even longer wingspan). Instead a pilot and co-pilot would dwell in the Roc's head behind the eyes. Like a Warbird its loadout would be flexible but with a far different focus. Not intended for Void Superiority or Interception at all these craft would focus on strikes, using the internal space to mount a Heavy Implosion Bow, which when combined with a small squadron delivering bursts from close range, results in Advanced Damage. Alternatively the innards can be removed for troop carrying. Energized claws and beaks would allow the Assault Roc to grip an enemy hull with its claws and pierce through its hull with its beak, opening its gullet would disgorge a scale of Naval Phalanx to board the vessel. An armored Howdah on its back with a Recanter would provide some protection but its assumed this vessel should be escorted by Warbirds for protection. This project is to build an test a prototype for the viability of the concept. AP Needed 1. DC 35. AP needed: 5. Reward: Build and Test an Assault Roc Prototype. (Provides a Bomber/Assault Boat multi-role craft as an option for your hangers). This is a prototype, workshop success may be added but it will NOT multiply successes nor can it support the project on its own. 2 AP
DC: 35 > 33+5, 49

When he wasn't training elite pilots Arc was also roped into test piloting. A foul-tempered Raptok named Whisker kept building more elaborate death traps, apparently trying to get Arc killed testing them. Arc kept surviving and in order to get the budget for more death traps Whisker had to try and meet the design criteria for the Assault Roc. After several brutal years and more close calls than Arc has claws to count with the design was finalized as a gorgeous Assault Roc. Compared to the Warbird which looks like a Living Jeweled Statue, the Rocs are much more vehicle like. Gives it a kind of Biomechanical vibe.

Assault Roc squadrons will fly in groups of ten. When used for boarding its assumed each will have a boarding party, any Rocs shot down also lose the Boarding party. If an assault mission succeeds every Roc and its boarding team that survive to get to the Target are considered inserted and may conduct their mission. The Rocs will usually wait as long as possible and try to recover the boarding team if at all possible.

Rocs can of course be mounted instead of far heavier weapons and used as Bombers, dealing Advanced Damage on a successful Strike mission.

Reward: Complete. Assault Roc Prototype complete. You can build Roc Squadrons that act as Bombers or Assault Boats of other races. Roc's are more expensive individually but squadrons are smaller so the cost per Squadron is the same as Warbirds.

-[X] Logistics Stockpile: Torpedoes, fuel, food, spare parts galore. Vehicles like Warstriders and Void Vessels consumes mountains of minor parts and gizmos and for them to be utilized to their utmost they need to be supplied with the appropriate logistical support. Astrological readings and genius level bureaucratic oversite ensures that what is needed is always what is available as long as the effort is put in to create the items in the first place. AP Needed 1 or Atelier. DC 20. AP needed: 3/10 or Atelier. Reward: Gain +10 Logistics stockpiles, consumed by your heaviest most intense creations when being fully utilized. Certain technologies, missions or operational environments increase the logistics burden on such vehicles. As a special effect Atelier manses can be assigned to produce Logistics stockpiles without any other dice being assigned and can complete the project in one turn even though normally they would fall short because the project is so within their optimal functioning. Resupplying Torpedoes is an example of consuming a logistic stockpile, which will save AP if your defenses have to use them. Thaumaturgy Workshop
DC: Auto


Reward: 6/10 Progress

-[X] Call Ulthwe (Grill Miyuan): Use your magical Ansible to interact with Miyuan and explicitly try to extract more than casual information or exert influence on Ulthwe council through her. AP needed 1. DC: 50/70/90 Success Needed 1. Reward: Interaction does not penalize relations with Ulthwe or lose your friendly contact/ Gain a list of options for intelligence or diplomatic influence appropriate to this contact that you may choose one/ Also gain positive relation with Ulthwe. Slicktongues
DC: 40/60/80 > 91

Contacting Miyuan this year with a bit of high pressure as lucked out for us, although considering the timing of the calls was guided by Divination perhaps it wasn't luck. Either way we now have some options available. Choose one.

[ ] Introduction to another Craftworld. Specifically they would arrange for representatives of the Craftworld nearest Ophelis to meet our people on Ophelis and start our ability to interact with them.

[ ] Request that you partipate in relief of the Exodite world you have heard mentioned. Starts a mini turn where you act as a Mercenary force supporting the locals that Ulthwe are backing. Gives your people experience in fighting Eldar and if you resolve the situation to Ulthwe's preference your relationship goes up.

[ ] Invite important Eldar to the first opening of the Gate of Auspicious Passage to Ophelis (Expected to occur next turn) to show it off. Rolls to produce relationship bonus for Ulthwe, may interest them with a good roll.

[ ] Offer sale of Astronomical Divination to Ulthwe. Each question asked on their behalf grants +2 Relationship to Ulthwe and you can offer as many as you can produce (three right now). In addition they have to provide data on target to start the Divination so we might learn things as well.

Reward: Options. + 1 Relationship with Ulthwe. Currently 4.

-[X] Alchemical Excellency: Initial work in designing alchemical charms will start with the basics. Designing a full set of Attribute Excellency charms for our potential Cyber-Dragons. AP needed 2. DC: 35. Success Needed 3/6. Reward: You have complete openness in installing Attribute excellencies at Vat Complexes when designing potential Upgrade Suites for a Cyber-Dragon. 2 AP + Technomorphs
DC: 35 > 30+5, 87, 20+5 reroll 45

The first alchemical charms we have designed are at once the most basic and the most complex. Basic in the since each one is quote simplistic but complex in that we are producing effectively 54 designs representing variations on a theme, the theme being make the user better at something because they have this charm implant installed and (usually but not always) spent essence on it.

Reward: Alchemical Excellencies complete, Alchemical Charm suites unlocked.

-[X] Temple of Treel: We can convert any Basic Manse into a consecrated temple to one of our divinities to receive the blessing mentioned under their entries in the Divinity page. Divinities who need a Temple: Leeayta, Shining Flower, Final Hymn of Judgement, Treel. Each temple of course consumes one basic manse and removes one Hearthstone from play (it exists but is in the hands of the divinity to use as they see fit). AP needed: 2. DC: 30. Success Needed: 2/3. Reward: Temple built to Treel 2 AP
DC: 30 > 38, 84

The Earth manse that was converted to Treel's temple gives off the impression of a massive scale ant or termite mound with huge portions of its existing being below ground where Treel maintains a large amount of minor insect spirits and insect like elementals which can be directed by whoever hold's his Hearthstone to aide in major construction projects. Projects like massive underground bunkers or expansion of the Tunnel Transport system are very applicable. In addition one project at a time with over 40 AP (and which represents a single large project instead of a collection of small things, such as building a ship) can be granted improved administrative support as blessings from Treel encourage teamwork and cooperation. His ideal size project is a natural 72 AP (before any admin bonuses).

Reward: Treel's Tunnel Temple is complete.

-[X] Immaculate Blood Seed Plantation: We can produce a plantation to produce one of the key ingredients in Primordial Stockpiles… and make Immaculate Coffee in the mean time. Once established it starts a 100 year timer which ends in producing the effects of the "Archgenesis" Project. AP Needed 1. DC 15. Success Needed 6. Reward: Source of Immaculate coffee, part one of three for large scale production of Primordial Stockpiles, occasionally will produce enough red seeds to conduct Archgenesis on a new world. 6 AP
DC: 15 > 80, 24, 22, 48, 66, 34

Each Immaculate Blood plant is a tricky bit of vegetative artifice to make, but through the previously completed research efforts we have figured out how to spread the plant to hundreds of millions of numbers without immense time or effort.

While the primary purpose is for fulfilling the needs of Primordial Stockpiles, gathered Green seeds can be used for other purposes, including as exotic trade items.

Reward: Complete. Senzu Beans Green Seeds of Immaculate blood are available in large quantities and once every 100 years you gain enough Red Seeds to perform Arch Genesis on a planet.

-[X] Brass Legion: Clockwork soldiers that fight for the holders of their command codes. They will not depend on essence from Attunement or elementals, simply activated and allowed to perform maintenance during the time a normal soldier would be sleeping or eating. Our clockwork soldiers would be ideal to equip with our new faux yellow jade artifacts and Prayer weaponry. AP needed 2. DC: 30. AP Needed 10. Reward: 6/10 Brass Legions of Clockwork Soldiers equipped with some form of Artifact armor and Prayer caster derived weaponry. Stats are same as Staran knights but you can have more total and they are equipped with ranged Artifact weaponry and have more independence and skill in warfare. Flawless Workshop and Automatorium success may apply. 1 AP + Automatorium
DC: 30 > 57, Auto x 3

With one final push from the Automatorium we have pushed out the First 10 legions of Clockwork warriors, each armed with "Yellow" jade weapons and armor, including Prayer casters, and melee weapons usually in the form of Spears or larger polearms.

Reward: Ten Legion of Clockwork Soldiers is complete. They are roughly twice as effective as a equal sized group of Staran Knights and since they can mostly maintain themselves and re-generate their own essence they can be built in far larger numbers than the elemental powered Golems. Keep in mind they are basically robots and may be subject to scrapcode and other dangers.

-[X] Orbital Redoubt (Hanger): A ridiculously scaled flight hanger can be installed aboard the Redoubt, allowing skyships to dock, squadrons of warbirds to scramble, and on board troops to perform boarding out counter invasions. Raises skyship limit by 5. AP Needed 2. DC 25. Success needed 0/7. Reward: Orbital Redoubt gains a massive Hangers. Manta may be assigned to lower DC to 15. 7 AP + Manta
DC: 25 (15-10 = 5) > 34, 02+5 , 22+5, 26, 80, 20+5, 16+5

A massive effort is spent clearing out cavernous hanger bays around the Redoubt. First six of the normal small lighter scale bays spread around the station are expanded to be big enough to fit a whole squadron. Than a central area is chosen with massive gaping doors which allow literally hundreds of orbital lighters, globes, and warbirds to land inside an environment controlled area. Every void capable craft to the Realms name can be parked inside this hanger and it still looks ludicrously empty. Sufficient support for larger skyships expands the amount the realm can support by 5, but potentially over a dozen or more skyships can be parked inside. The hanger is quite flexible and we can accept a variety of mounts, allowing visitors to visit the station rather than land on Tokat, granting us some measure of Quarantine against visitors if we want to employ it. The largest vessel we could park inside is 300 meters and would be limited to 6 such vessels at maximum.

Currently the Hanger holds five squadrons of Warbirds. but potentially large numbers of Warbirds, Rocs, and skyships can be hosted here. With the Barracks aboard we can also equip the hanger with extra landers, or Assault Skyremes for landing troops from the Gem on trouble spots on Tokat.

Reward: Hanger added to Night Faring Gem.

-[X] Orbital Redoubt (Ox Body): Use the volume of the Bay to massively reinforce the Redoubt. Add 5 x -1 Health levels and 10 x -2 Health levels. AP Needed 1. DC 25. Success needed 0/3. Reward: Orbital Redoubt gains a massive Hangers. Manta may be assigned to lower DC to 15. 3 AP + Ship
DC: 25-10= 15-10 = 05 > 15 +5, 40, 99

Armor reinforcement of the Redoubt goes troublesome at first but as time goes by it gets easier. We discover that two competing research teams are using the investment in armor and a competitive spirit between them to develop non-magical alloys that can still compete with them.

First is the long known Ebonite material we have finalized the project for and can potentially plant Ebonite plantations. The competitor produced a organometallic crystal, which contains just enough organics material and crystalline structure for us to work with it while still being an advanced metallic alloy, we are calling Ka'anium (or Kaanium since I will not remember to put that apostrophe in everytime) One advantage of it is that complicated as the organic crystal component is to make it is technically completely non-magical which means it can be mass produced in Atelier Manses and we can theoretically teach its production to another race.

These can be used to reinforce Autochtonion or Jurai style ships, -2 HL can be improved to -1 HL armor for 18 AP each. (This generally means each HL improved consumes a year supply of Plantation or Atelier Manse assuming a shipyard or two without a shipyard). Normal reinforcement uses magical materials, costs 20 AP each, adds to power cost (since magical material must be attuned), and will not be amenable to Atelier Manse or Plantation production. (Not This is not the same as the Ox-Body component which of course uses large amounts of volume to cheaply improve the toughness of a craft.)

Reward: Amor reinforced on Night Faring Gem. Two "first age" alloys available for reinforcing hulls. One can off put extra effort needed to Plantations, the other can off put the extra effort needed to Atelier Manses.

-[X] Razor-Beaks: not!Quetzalcoatlus are normally ridden by Pteroks the way humans rode horses. We can equip trained Razor-Beaks with leaf armor and self re-loading fuel bolt launchers that the riders can control. The beasts can fly faster and further than Pteroks alone can, if not by a massive amount and the anti-vehicle weapons allow them to be dangerous when opposing any aircraft. In situations where there is no enemy air support they can carry large fire bombs and garda eggs or other alchemical grenades (fungicides maybe?) to drop on foes. AP needed 2. DC: 25. Success Needed 53. Reward: Each of 40 legions gains a group of 25 Razorbeaks as organic support. 1 AP + Stable
DC: 25 > 51, Auto
Reward: 6/53 Progress

A large breeding program is triggered. While only a thousand will be needed in the end we are assuming a certain loss and failure rate due to the genetic improvements and extensive modifications the mounts will eventually need so several thousand young Razorbeaks are know squawking around.

-[X] Karmic Expedition: Send a group of Dragon Kings and Sheut into one Lanka's afterlives and hunt for resources there. We are less likely to get basic resources than if conducted on Tokat but MORE likely to get Exotic materials. Critical success may unlock interactions with the inhabitants of an Afterlife realm. AP Needed 1. DC: 30/60. Success Needed 1. Reward: Every base success provides TWO AP next turn, every greater success provides an additional Exotic Stockpile. 1 AP + Ghostwalkers
DC: 30/60 > 45, 62

Ghostwalker prove valuable as they team up with Heroic ghosts, acting as companions on their epic journeys, both training themselves and gaining a small share of the exotic loot this afterlife provides its heroes in their journeys of self improvement.

Reward: +4 AP next turn, +1 Exotic Stockpile.

-[X] Jach'Uchil Expedition: Various Dragon Kings can effectively magic up useful equipment from rocks and trees. But that doesn't mean its not easier if they have higher quality materials to work from. Jach'Uchil has been identified as having high quality gemstones, high quality sulfur fields, and vast deposits of high grade iron ores. While we can certainly work with what Tokat has, perhaps we can tap into what this other planet in our system has as well. AP Needed 1. DC: 45/95. Success Needed 1. Reward: Every base success provides THREE AP next turn, every greater success provides an additional Exotic Stockpile. Skyships assigned can reduce the DC by 20, but one must be assigned per dice assigned to get the reduced DC to all dice. 1 AP + Hotbloods + 2 Ships
DC: 45/95 to 35/85 > 16+5, 05+5 reroll 63

Reward: +3 AP next turn.

Disaster almost strikes as a failed expedition results in a Hotblood heavy expedition pushing harder and faster than they should, luckily medicae are able to respond to the sulfuric geyser discovered (which the hotbloods got a bit to close to) on Jach'uchil.
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I have to update Realm, Asset, and research tabs but I need to pack it in for the the night. And I honestly probably rushed things to get this posted tonight, please let me know if anything is glaring so I can fix it tomorrow.
[ ] Invite important Eldar to the first opening of the Gate of Auspicious Passage to Ophelis (Expected to occur next turn) to show it off. Rolls to produce relationship bonus for Ulthwe, may interest them with a good roll.

The other options are nice, but it's hard to beat the look on the Eldar's faces once they see our fledling society can essentially build something similar to a webway (obviously the paralells aren't exact), which is essentially lost tech to them.

It would be neat to save the exodites, so that option is open as well.

We aren't anywhere near ready to participate in the black crusade , so any troops we send on that option would likely be lost for good. Worse, we'd potentially alert Chaos earlier than we'd like.
Note that the Eldar can open new Webway gates and create nee tunnels. They have logistical and scale problems with repairing the Webway, but can do it on a small scale.
Note that the Eldar can open new Webway gates and create nee tunnels. They have logistical and scale problems with repairing the Webway, but can do it on a small scale.
True, very true but as you understand they are not able to build inter-system Webway gates and tunnels. Even at their height the Eldar were only somewhat able to expand the webway network. What we are doing with this gate opening is something they have not been able to do since before the fall, that in itself is impressive.
Huh, did the math and you will get your first generic AP's worth of population from natural growth at the end of next turn, unless you somehow lose hundreds of thousands of lives to the orks of course.
[ ] Request that you partipate in relief of the Exodite world you have heard mentioned. Starts a mini turn where you act as a Mercenary force supporting the locals that Ulthwe are backing. Gives your people experience in fighting Eldar and if you resolve the situation to Ulthwe's preference your relationship goes up.
I'm inclined towards this one for the experience in fighting Eldar as it will help when we inevitably run into the Dark Eldar and give us an example of a group that doesn't fight like Orks which are the only species we've had any conflict with so far.

[ ] Invite important Eldar to the first opening of the Gate of Auspicious Passage to Ophelis (Expected to occur next turn) to show it off. Rolls to produce relationship bonus for Ulthwe, may interest them with a good roll.
This is also a good one as could encourage them to form a closer relationship with us due to the fact that we can produce a Webway equivalent that isn't falling apart at the seems and give us a chance to maybe soften their attitude towards other species.

[ ] Offer sale of Astronomical Divination to Ulthwe. Each question asked on their behalf grants +2 Relationship to Ulthwe and you can offer as many as you can produce (three right now). In addition they have to provide data on target to start the Divination so we might learn things as well.
A strait up boost in relationship and potential information on galactic events but it requires not doing any astrology next turn so I'm thinking that the price isn't quite worth it considering how much we've been relying on divination to boost our chances of success on various projects.

[ ] Introduction to another Craftworld. Specifically they would arrange for representatives of the Craftworld nearest Ophelis to meet our people on Ophelis and start our ability to interact with them.
Bit of a wild card as each Craftworld is basically a nation state of it's own and they all have their own cultures and rivalries so this new Craftworld may be a rival of Ulthwe and not be to happy about the Mom'keigh in their backyard or that Ulthwe is forcing them to get acquainted with us.

I'm going to go with this one unless someone can convince me otherwise.
[X] Request that you partipate in relief of the Exodite world you have heard mentioned. Starts a mini turn where you act as a Mercenary force supporting the locals that Ulthwe are backing. Gives your people experience in fighting Eldar and if you resolve the situation to Ulthwe's preference your relationship goes up.
[X] Invite important Eldar to the first opening of the Gate of Auspicious Passage to Ophelis (Expected to occur next turn) to show it off. Rolls to produce relationship bonus for Ulthwe, may interest them with a good roll.

Going to the Exodite world is tempting for me but it means we have to "resolve the situation to Ulthwe's preference" I feel that maybe difficult to do. And as F0lk said we would have
a chance to maybe soften their attitude towards other species.
This clenched it for me, the chance to get the Eldar to be less arrogant without having to humble them is a bit of a big deal.
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[X] Invite important Eldar to the first opening of the Gate of Auspicious Passage to Ophelis (Expected to occur next turn) to show it off. Rolls to produce relationship bonus for Ulthwe, may interest them with a good roll.
[X] Request that you partipate in relief of the Exodite world you have heard mentioned. Starts a mini turn where you act as a Mercenary force supporting the locals that Ulthwe are backing. Gives your people experience in fighting Eldar and if you resolve the situation to Ulthwe's preference your relationship goes up.

I'm interested in this one since the mini turn sounds fun. A chance to see some of the wider galaxy through the eyes of the DKs. I won't be mad if the gate opening wins too.
Turn 44
Turn 44

Ankloks: Vast amounts of training have been completed in preparation for an ork raid in a couple years but we don't expect any grand trouble. Following up on the raid with some kind of reprisal against the orks in the Tocha system though, that is tempting.

Mosok: Now that we have a vessel of our own we could go exploring. Risky with only one FTL vessel though. Possibly just leave it until the research into our own ship designs is complete. So tempting though.

Pterok: Pterok are ready to do there part.

Raptok: Bringing the Gate of Auspicious Passage online in the next couple of years is consuming their thoughts.

System Scan: Nothing new.

Onyx Court: no news.

Orks expected to show up mid turn. Their is no guarantee projects started in this turn will finish before the ork arrive. Please keep in mind that War Prayers or summons are probably not appropriate given the scale of the conflict.

You need to choose what you want to do with the Eldar options and you need to decide what you want the Breeds of Ophelis to work on, Pterok and Raptok could but do not have to work on the Gate port. If you want the Exodite miniturn it will be resolved before Turn 44 results and you should assume resources assigned to it are not available during the Ork raid or immediately after.

You have 27– 1 (Atelier Manse Upkeep) -1 (Nursery Upkeep)– 2 (fleet upkeep) – 1 (Gates)-3 (Colony) + 7 (Resources) = 26 generic AP
1x Free Success applied to Training Grounds projects (x3)
1x Free Success applied to Flawless Workshop projects (x3)
1x Free Success applied to any one Golem projects (x3)
1x Free Success applied to Thaumaturgy projects (x3)
1x Free Success applied to Stable projects (x3)
1x Free Success applied to Dojo Projects. (x3)
1x Free Success applied to Astrological Lines (3 Questions max)
1x Manta Class Aerial Skiff to assign to void project.
3x (Technically Skyremes can also be assigned to void projects but not available for defense if done)
1x FTL vessel, can be assigned to assist in Way Travel research or missions to explore.
1x Atelier Manse may be assigned to appropriate projects.
7/15 Resource AP limit
23 x Exotic Stockpiles (Master Grade)
Red Seed Count 19 turns

Metalforgers: Followers of the Metal Path who have reached this step can bond with vehicles, warstriders or even void vessels and while bonded can use their own bodies to absorb the damage they take. This damage is brutal, with one Hull level of damage representing serious wounds, two leaving them crippled and nigh helpless and a third killing them outright. But compared to the sheer power represented in blows dealing this much damage the power of the step is truly transformative in converting enough damage to wound nigh kilometer vessels into wounds barely a threat to a single individual. Each vehicle or vessel may only bond with one Metalforger at a time and switching takes 5 days. Still as long as you have enough every vessel or skyship may benefit, becoming uncommonly resistant to destruction. Standard policy is to absorb one level after penetrating the armor (ie first use between -1 and -2 Hull levels). A second use will occur before the ship is crippled is the blow aborbed in the first use only did one damage (ie right before -4 Hull level). Assuming both the first and second use were single blows the Metalforger can sacrifice themselves to save the ship from a finishing blow. Which may not save the Vessel itself in the long run, but may save the fleet as a crippled hulk keeps improbably surviving. You have 30 Metalforgers now. This will grow over time until its just assumed you have enough for all ships. You may eventually have enough to form elite warstrider units or heavy vehicles but such formations will easily consume your limited numbers right now.

Ghostwalkers: Followers of the Bodhisattva Path revolves around devotion and Matyrdom with users who can sacrifice their own health to insure the success of their goals. They can see the religious devotion of others (as well as IDing Essence users, psykers, blanks, immortals, necromancers and variants of undead status and the power of their essence). They can choose to enter a near death state and send their spirit out as a ghost who can interact in the world that way, including learning arcanoi and other ghostly arts from the Sheut. Their most powerful ability is inspiring religious fervor in others, bolstering their willpower and morale of anyone who hold the philosophical ideal or religion in their heart. If it's the Primary motivation they gain even more fervor but also take damage. Anyone who benefits from this may choose to sacrifice their life to the Dragon King, causing their life force to turn into Blue flame which may be used to power the first insure success ability without self-harm. Ghostwalkers may be assigned to any action that would benefit, usually actions aiding or negotiating with the Sheut or Underworlds but also other things like using them to detect Psykers or Blanks, such an action gains an Extra Dice rolled but it must have been a complete action without their aide. Eventually all such actions will just be easier to accomplish as enough Ghostwalkers become available.

Slicktongues: Those who follow the path of Oil are skilled in socializing and working with others. The greatest breakthrough allows them to speed the process of Bureacracy. You have one Slicktongue group which can be assigned as either a "free" Diplomatic AP or it can be assigned to a large project (50+ AP before other discounts) in order for their organization skills to aide the whole project. Effectively this converts a 16 AP admin discount to a 25 AP admin discount as long as the projects was big enough. They are stuck with the project until completed though unless you want the bonus lost. They must be assigned the whole project, not just at the end. Eventually your Administrative bonuses will just be flat out increased across the board and you will gain increasing "free" diplomatic AP.

Ashlords: Followers of the Path of Smoke can corrode metal, deal wounds that are slow to heal, and at the current peak they become so intimidating that even those without fear like golems are effected, and of course being able to more easily terrify those who can feel fear. A unit of Ashlords may be assigned to a military endeavor allowing the Ashlords to inflict morale checks on the enemy, even enemies normally immune to them, like Necrons and Tyranids. Ashlord enhanced Morale check against more normal enemies are almost certain to succeed, normally immune enemies are harder to break. Eventually as their numbers grow its assumed allow will have such support.

Hotbloods: Followers of the Path of Steam gain mobility enhancement, the ability to store things in elsewhere, and at the current peak the ability to emit a steam aura that provides environmental control to them and their allies and inflicts environmental penalties on nearby foes. The combined effects make Hotbloods great at exploring dangerous environments like ruins and derelicts. Any action doing somewhat like this may gain +1 dice from assigning Hotbloods as long as those available are assigned (and the project was assigned enough resources to proceed without them. Eventually as the numbers grow all such actions will simply be easier to accomplish.

Crystalweavers: Followers of the Crystal Path can see through illusions, gain an automata like laser focus on their mental tasks and even gain perfectly memorize things as well as use crystal to share those perfect memories with others. The combined effects makes Crystalweavers perfect for assisting in certain kinds of research (not Wyld, Warp, Chaos, or Psyker stuff of course). Any action doing somewhat like this may gain +1 dice from assigning Crystalweavers as long as those available are assigned (and the project was assigned enough resources to proceed without them. Eventually as the numbers grow all such actions will simply be easier to accomplish.

Sparks: Followers of the Lightning Path can investigate a scene instantly, avoid surprise, bolster the morale of their allies and even become a loud and obvious beacon of authority for their comrades. A single unit of sparks assigned in a conflict makes Dragon Kings immune to ambushes and morale checks not backed by a power equivalent to the Ashlord. Eventually as their numbers grow its assumed all will have such support.

Ecstatics: Followers of the Pyreflame path invigorate anger or hatred and give a group bonuses to fight against hated enemies. They can deal pyreflame based aggravated damage to a hated foe as well as throwing and even breathing the damned flames of hate and incidentally become immune to natural flames. One units of Ecstatics is available and may be assigned to a conflict when fighting against a group the Dragon Kings can be said to Hate. Such units gain +1 to their attack rolls from the Hate invigoration and the powerful flame wielders in their midst. Eventually as their numbers grow its assumed all will have such support.

Technomorphs: The followers of the Cracking Bone path can open themselves to power through scientific augmentation and cold logic. None of the new paths is more obviously a gift from the Great Maker! He can power artifacts with will instead of essence, build and repair artifacts as part of himself, adapt and fuse artifacts into himself and at the current peak, hide them from view! As such they are perfect to aide in researching cybernetic implantations and perhaps even Alchemical upgrades since they can test such things safely inside themselves, speeding research greatly. They may also be converted into Alchemicals more easily although that would cost their aide in research potentially if too many were converted. Being able to go in with multiple completely hidden artifacts may potentially be useful in diplomatic or espionage uses but that would be irregular. Any action doing somewhat like this may gain +1 dice from assigning Technomorphs as long as those available are assigned (and the project was assigned enough resources to proceed without them. Eventually as the numbers grow all such actions will simply be easier to accomplish.

Eucharist: Followers of the Path of Blood may absorb essence from blood and also sense the target's emotions, especially shameful lusts and fears. They may extend a physical, or metaphysical tendril of blood to a target to influence their emotions, especially lust and fear. At the peak they may gain a degree of control over the target as long as the tendril is connected. This only lasts a few days and once the control fades the target may be very angry indeed but during the time of control they will regard the Eucharist as their master. Currently its not known exactly how this might be applied but its assumed as we interact with others, being able to dominate our enemies in this way will be handy. Any action doing somewhat like this may gain +1 dice from assigning Eucharists as long as those available are assigned (and the project was assigned enough resources to proceed without them. Eventually as the numbers grow all such actions will simply be easier to accomplish. Some actions may be available with Eucharists that would otherwise simply not be possible.

Corpse-Eaters: Followers of the Path of Consumption eat corpses to heal themselves, gain their memories (HoHo its not Just space marines!), even enhance themselves if they manage to bring down a physically superior foe (improved attributes or physical mutations). Both memories and mutations only last a few days but the lastest ability allows them to instantly consume a corpse in one gulp and activate the previous powers. Again its not sure what benefits can be wrought but surely the ability to gain information from eating dead enemies would be useful, the use of infiltrators who can use stolen memories of language and culture and stolen physical abilities like appearance and specific alien physical features to seamlessly blend in with a targeting alien culture come to mind. Any action doing somewhat like this may gain +1 dice from assigning Corpse-Eaters as long as those available are assigned (and the project was assigned enough resources to proceed without them. Eventually as the numbers grow all such actions will simply be easier to accomplish.

Anklok (8 -1 AP): Zealot priests and barbaric warriors who deal with fire. Anklok inspire and lead, whether troops or religious gatherings. Basically Griffindors.

[ ] Chosen of the [Insert Name here]: The Anklok guide others through the rites and rituals that prompt a god to choose a Dragon King and how to find a compatible god to try to prompt. Chosen add the power and ability of the Spirit to the Dragon King making a superior being as long as the spirit decides to work with them. AP Needed: 1. DC: 30. Success needed: 10. Reward: You gain enough chosen to gain a generic AP. [You may repeat this project but the DC goes up each time though]

[ ] Bribing spirits to do their job. Spirit can exert blessings beyond the simple abilities of Dragon Kings. However, they don't work free and need festivals and rites performed in their honor to cooperate. It grates on you to have to resort to things kind of thing though. AP Needed: 1. DC: 15. Success Needed: 1. Reward: You gain +5 to all other rolls which can prevent a botch or cause a critical success.

[ ] Moon Speak: Please review the rules for created Sorcerous workings under the Tokati Divinity Tab.

[ ] God of Ophelis: First we must segregate the population that will go to Ophelis and have them start self-identifying as a citizen of the colony. We can than work in the Abraxan temples to forge a God or Goddess representing the new colony of the Maiden world itself. This is slightly more effortful due to the need to organize so many people, but that alone will help when they move out as it will minimize the disorganization on both sides, preventing critical gaps from emerging. AP Needed: 3 DC: 50. Success Needed: 9. Reward: A community and god of Ophelis is forged.

[ ] More Angels are needed: If we are to colonize new worlds we will need more Aurichim and Argentim to defend them. Let us see it done. AP Needed: 1. DC: 35. Success Needed: 6. Reward: Enough Aurichim and Argentim to guard another planet.

[ ] Dogs of the States: Lion Dogs are fearsome celestial guardians, usually assigned to protect important locations. A few were loyal to Dragon Kings, but only a few. Even by the patchy standard of our current pantheon our numbers are far too low, especially for the valuable places that we will build in the Celestial City, such as Peaches of Immortality orchards and the Loom of Fate. Use the existing dogs as template to create an army of new ones. AP Needed: 1. DC: 35. Success Needed: 7. Reward: 125 Lion Dogs recruited to Guard Teteocan. Can be recruited to guard irregularly visited locations for years between visits although they are not suited for guarding locations that are never visited.

[ ] Lions of Justice!: Celestial Lions are the powerful arbiters of Divine Law. Originally created directly by the Unconquered Sun as Orichalcum lions uplifted from 100 mortal laborers as a constabulary if we gained control of Yu-shan. Before hand they tended to act as bodyguards for Celestial Gods and young Celestial Exalted (and a few bounded as Chosen with Dragon Kings which is why any are here) We need to use these few to raise new Celestial Lions, deputized to investigate crime and violence among the gods of Teteocan. . AP Needed: 2. DC: 35. Success Needed: 7. Reward: 20 Celestial Lions recruited to dispense Justice and root out heretical gods.

Note: Lion Dogs are basically street cops/city guards. Celestial Lions are like Detectives/City guarding knights. Lion Dogs are fearsome opponents as long as their foe can be considered an "interloper" Celestial Lions are more concerned with protecting the Celestial city as a whole and more potent all around.

[ ] Summon Nysela: With her Pagoda Shrine establish Nysela can be called upon to execute her purview of reminding the wayward of the true path of Righteousness and Heavenly Duty as a superb individual combatant and impressive social skills combined with the ability to shapeshift into anything. Only if she can be convinced its part of the Sun's Righteous Ideals or her Heavenly Duty. Convincing her to assist in captaining a Directional Titan or larger craft is much easier. AP Needed 1. DC: 25/75 (unless you have a good argument to stunt it). Success Needed: 1. Reward: Nysela is summoned to directly perform a task for the turn, lower difficulty for captaining a Battleship or larger warship or the higher for acting as a warrior or Diplomat unless you can come up with a way her task acts as part of the UCS's ideals.

[ ] Lumina Heliolatry: The lumina were gigantic monsters and guardian spirits birthed within the Sun's flames to protect the Daystar. They also emerged within Creation. The Unconquered Sun was choosing heroes of light and forging them into defenders and agents well before the Primordial War. In his flames, they meditated, trained, and evolved, becoming ever closer to the potential and godlike power they had held within themselves, becoming as living legends within the Sun's flames. Now they are all banished along side us. Idols baring the True image of a Lumina act as a doorway through which they may pass and a combination of prayer, sorcerous ritual and negotiation could let us call upon these beings at need. Let us meet with Lumina, through Nysela, and gain the permissions of certain beings so that we may build a Heliolatry filled with statues, murals, and engraved slabs through which we may call upon those who might fight for us in the name of the Unconquered Sun. Jina, roughly the same as Sheut or first circle devic races. Bodhisattva roughly equivalent to a second circle Deva or essence 6 god (like Little Beam or the strongest Dragon King Elder). Arhats are essence 8, comparable to third circle deva and move across the land like a force of nature rivaling the mightiest behemoths. AP Needed: 1. DC: 35. Success Needed: 3. Reward: Heliolatry filled with graven images of Lumina. This project allows the future summoning of Lumina forces, 25 jina, 5 Bodhisattvas, or 1 arhat per success in the future. Lumina only have martial skills.

[ ] Beckon to Battle: Call upon the Martial Might and faithful fury that is Little Beam so that he is available to war in the upcoming turn. AP Needed 1. DC: 25. Success Needed: 1. Reward: Little Beam acts as a Hero unit available to be assigned to combat in the turn he is beckoned. Becomes an automatic success of there is a good chance of facing the Ork Boss named Nargle.

[ ] Little Beam Training Arc (part 3): Rather than summon him, put in some effort training him in the aspects of war he does not know in preparation for future conflicts. AP Needed 1. DC: 35. Success Needed: 1. Reward: Little Beam makes progress gaining martial skills outside of Martial Arts. Will likely be a repeated thing. If he manages to rematch Nargle and defeat him easily this project will go away.

[ ] Empower Relic: Relics carry concentrated Divine blessings for personal scale effects but when used need to be re-empowered. When used on Templeships some relics can be ritually boosted to enhance the whole ship. Empowering one costs one success, empowering 5 costs two success, empowering 25 is three success and 125 is four success, etc. Raptok Craftsman are needed to craft these relics. AP Needed 1. DC: 15. Success Needed: Varies. Reward: Empowers Personal Solar Relics. See Tokati Divinity for rules on making and types of relics.

[ ] Infuse Ark: Arks are larger artifacts meant to contain greater portions of a deity's Divine Might. They can be used to unleash region scale effects when deployed or, if deployed from a Temple of the originating Deity, can potentially have planetary effects. AP Needed 1. DC: 25. Success Needed: 1. Reward: One Ark is Infused and ready to be deployed. See Tokati Divinity for rules on making and types of arks.

[ ] Grace Dawns Eternal: We now have a possible solution to our population issues. The Sun may bestow many blessings as long we his faithful stand within one [mile] of the ritual center. By conducting a large ritual to bear as much of the burden as possible and crowding in as many females as possible we may receive his blessing of fertility which ensures the next mating the blessed undertakes will certainly result in an off-spring. AP Needed 2. DC: 30. Success Needed: 10. Reward: Population increases by 10 million. +1 Generic AP. May apply up to one Exotic stockpile a turn as sacrifices. Each one applied lowers DC to 15 for the turn.

[ ] Continual Grace: Demand for more population is bearing down on us to conquer nearby planets and secure them against orks and other races. With that in mind perhaps a larger scale system of Solar blessings. Still a massive investment but increasing the scope will provide at least some saved efforts. AP Needed 4. DC: 30. Success Needed: 0/26. Reward: Population increases by 30 million. +3 Generic AP. +1 Breed AP. May apply up to one Exotic stockpile a turn as sacrifices. Each one applied lowers DC to 15 for the turn.

[ ] Highest of Holies: We can beseech the Unconquered Sun to declare a being or category of beings his enemy, adding them to the rolls of the Creatures of Darkness and allowing Holy effects to work against them. We cannot force him to make that choice, and the more limited what we ask and the more obvious unholy those we ask him to condemn the more likely he is to agree. For example he would never agree to condemn all of humanity, not matter how many examples of depraved humans you bring him, but may be willing to condemn say the Drukari if enough examples of Drukari being Drukari are presented. Based on what you know about Orks now he would NOT condemn them. AP Needed 1. DC: 20. Success Needed: 3. Reward: You ASK the Most High to condemn a being or category of beings to Creatures of Darkness status. The individuals are easier than groups, small groups are easier than whole races. If you fail you can try again after gathering more evidence.

[ ]Righteous Answer of Catechism: If you do intend to march on the Wyld it may be best to call upon the sun to provide at least temporary Divine resistance to the warping effects of the wyld. Each success allows ten legions worth to basically ignore the environmental dangers of being in the wyld if sent to fight there in the same turn. AP Needed 1. DC: 15. Success Needed: Any. Reward: Each success allows ten legions ignore Shaping effects and all the mutative and addictive properties of the Wyld for any combat that might be relevant in the same turn.

[ ] Skyweavers Training Zone: Expanding the Control Spire to include a dedicate training area for our elite pilots to keep their skills sharp and for new pilots to get onboard with elite status until our numbers of needed pilots exceed the limited supply of latent elites out there. AP Needed: 2. DC: 45. Success Needed: 9. Reward: You may maintain a large amount of elite Warbird squadrons without need for upkeep or constant battle experience. 100 Squadrons or ten percent of total squadrons (whichever is higher) can be kept at Elite status. More than this requires additional support. AP may also come from Pterok Breed AP.

[ ] Skyreme Crews (Tokitae, Tsuux): It may be a bit risky but with Relza's guidance we can choose to pull one or more Skyremes out of service and drill them to improve the quality of their crews responses. Obviously a ship under this drilling is assumed to be unavailable if a crisis arises and will underperform if forced to go to battle anyway. AP Needed: 2. DC: 40. Success Needed: 4. Reward: One Skyreme gains elite status and may add +2 to all sail rolls. May be taken more than once a turn as long as you have Skyremes available. Dice may also come From Pterok Breed AP.
[ ] Draconic Legions (Tidal/Volcano/Storm/Jungle): A large mustering to bring our forces up another 10 Legions and outfitting them to Standard levels. These units will include artillery pieces and Dinosaur based mounts. AP Needed 3 DC: 35. Success Needed 0/22. Reward: Gain 10 Draconic Legions of the Chosen Host. Training Grounds, Stable and Flawless Workshop success can apply.

[ ] Infantry Thunders: Our primary force is a bit of a hodge podge. Its core is third rate equipment suitable for Rear Line units, but auxiliary forces like artillery, mounts, sorcerers, and moon blessed shikari act as force multipliers that are honestly out of place compared to the armor and equipment those soldiers are wearing. Originally our forces moved as potent individual warriors in groups called Thunders. These Thunder Warriors were might but undisciplined and were potent. Lacking the effect of mounts, machinery, dedicated units, or even much organization limited what they could do and we moved on in need of greater TOTAL power, individual warriors sacrificing some potential in order to perform better in their organized specialty roles. In honor of these ancient warriors we could produce a "Light" infantry only unit that equips that gear without any auxiliary forces and perhaps keep them even after the Draconic Legions receive their much delayed upgrades. Thus training Infantry Thunders which still have the same basic of effects of our legions but lack mounts, artillery, sorcerers or chosen shikari. AP Needed 3 DC: 30. Success Needed 39. Reward: Gain 50 Light Infantry Thunders. Training Grounds, and Flawless Workshop success can apply. Elementals can add up to 13 successes to total.

[ ] Militia: Take advantage of our new training ground to recruit a large number of Militia units. These would only have militia grade gear of course and would only be trained to a more basic level than expected of the Draconic Legion. In return they would spend most of their lives working normally rather than draining resources when they aren't actually fighting. AP needed 3. DC: 15. Success Needed 30. Reward: Two Percent of Dragon King Population is considered Militia Trained and has gear available to Muster. Training Grounds and Flawless Workshop success can apply. Unlocks projects to increase percentage.

[ ] We are LEGION!: Lets just skip the slow recruitment, test the capacity of our new training complex by trying to train and recruit 100 new legions simultaneously. With this we will have 100 Legions to bring to bear on our enemies. AP needed 4. DC: 35. Success Needed 126. Reward: Gain 100 Legions. Training Ground, Stable, and Flawless Workshop Success may apply.

[ ] Martial Legion: Recruit a solid Legion with just barely enough Martial arts knowledge to boost their combat in war. AP Needed 1 DC: 45. Success Needed 0/15. Reward: Gain a fourth battlegroup of Martial Legionaries. Gain a Basic Martial Legion has +1 might, but not higher attributes or skills, compared to standard Draconic Legion. Training Grounds, Flawless Workshop and Dojo success can apply.

[ ] Wash the spears: Now that we have experience putting a Legion through such vigourous training we can do so again with the Legion that next most needs it, the Quick Response Force! Let us bring our next best equipped and most mobile force up to Fine quality. AP Needed 2. DC 40. AP needed 12. Reward: Quick Response force up-rated to "fine" quality. In Exalted terms they will have on average four dots base in any relevant skill or attribute (current legion has three dots in the same before breed modifiers apply). Unlocks MORE training, but they will be allowed… grudgingly… to wield the elite gear when this is complete. Training Ground success provides a die, not auto, but successes are tripled.

[ ] You can Rest when you are dead: They have earned the right to wield the most sacred of our weapons and armors but there is still more that can be accomplished. Push the Ruby Arrows back into training to raise their quality to Excellent. AP needed 3. DC: 50. AP needed: 25. Reward: Ruby Arrow Legion raised to Excellent quality. In Exalted Terms they will have an average of five dots in any relevant skill or attribute.

[ ] Prayers for War: A major prayer to the Sun for Victory. To be done no more than 1 turn before starting a Conflict, may be done the same turn. 1 AP Needed. DC: 06. Success Needed 1. Reward: +1 to avoid rout checks.

Mosok (8 - 1 AP): Amphibious creatures who excel in deception. Martial Arts, Trade, Commerce, sailing, theft, blackmail, sabotage, infiltration, assassination, anything with water. Some call them devious and selfish. They just say they are cunning and Ambitious. Basically Slytherin.

[ ] Shining Inquisition: Spotting corruption often needs access. Allow the Shining Service to regularly access offices, records, warehouses and permission to conduct random interviews to improve the chances they will spot the unsavory signs of corrupting influence. Sadly this process will be somewhat disruptive and have an ongoing cost in both lost efforts and morale. AP Needed 1. DC: 40. Success Needed: 3. Reward: Shining Service gains some degree of freedom in hunting for corruption and is more likely to spot it earlier, side effect is loss of 1 generic AP a turn due to disruption of the economy and a small morale hit (roughly the same as setting up dangerous beats to hunt will boost it).

[ ] Moar Fishies: Current cuttlefish are basically limited to sweeping the offices of important people regularly and guarding meeting locations. This project will massively expand numbers so offices can be swept more often, more secure meeting sites, and more uniquely a group of hunters moving through civilization trying to find where they would be if they were infiltrating. AP Needed: 3. DC: 45. Success Needed 9/15. Reward: Cuttlefish Monitors improved. Basic Counter-Espionage service, by DK standards

[ ] Onyx Burglary: Just as we once stole from Beryl, now let us thieve upon the Creatures of Wyld that hound the local Wylds! Even though we just allied and fought a war together. AP needed 1. DC: 35/45/55. Success Needed 1. Reward: Gain 3 extra generic AP next turn for basic success weakening Beryl Court. Middle Success means gain an Exotic Stockpile. Avoid notice with the greater success.

[ ] Search for Golden Secrets: While the dead are not quite like the living we do have access to the Dead and there will be little to no consequence if we make mistakes on them. Send our spies to listen to (And steal from) the dead in the Golden Throne to learn more about the apparently ridiculously huge Nation they are from. AP Needed: 1. DC: 35. Success Needed: 5. Reward: Learn vague information about the Empire of Mankind second hand through their dead.

[ ] Visit the Neighbors [Visit ******* mining colony, Visit ******* homeworld, visit ork world "name", visit empty world "name"]: Make a short terms deal with the Onyx Court to guide a group of Dragon Kings to a conduct a recognizance mission to another planet we are familiar with. AP Needed: 2. DC: 40. Success Needed: 6. Reward: Some basic information on the planet you visit.

[ ] Visit the Neighbors [Visit Tocha]: Make a short terms deal with the Onyx Court to guide a group of Dragon Kings to a conduct a recognizance mission to another planet we are familiar with. AP Needed: 2. DC: 40. Success Needed: 3/6. Reward: Some basic information on the planet you visit.

[ ] Scouting Trip [where to go?] Requires the use of an FTL capable ship. Mosok can execute an exploration mission to another star system and acquire information of local resources and opposition. No guarantee they do not get into trouble they cannot get out of though. Still maybe we should repair it first? AP Needed: 1 (+logistics stockpiles suitable for chosen ship). DC: at least 35. Success Needed: 1. Reward: Going in a ship is a lot easier than sneaking in through a Wyld road trip guided only by dubious "allies" Also a lot more obvious.
[ ] Onyx Trade: Onyx has collected a vast amount of treasures from their wanderings. You can trade from your collection of valuable exotics to acquire such treasures for either use or reverse-engineering. AP Needed: 1. DC: Varies. Success Needed: any. Reward: You can trade Exotic Stockpiles in any amount (or generic AP dice up to three) for a roll on the Gatcha wheel to gain 40k artifacts or archeotech.

[ ] Soulsteel Deal: Send Mosok to engage to trade in the Underworld and set up a route the results in a small but at least a somewhat steady supply of black Soulsteel becoming available to our Artificers. This would result in roughly the level of Moonsilver we have now in soulsteel. AP Needed: 2. DC: 40. Success Needed: 3/4. Reward: Minimal supply of soulsteel available to Dragon King Artificers.

[ ] Void Shipyard: Build a massive facility for building a single large void vessel, this version would NOT be protected by the armor and weapons of an Orbital Citadel but would be cheaper to get running. (But vulnerable to attack) Shipyards reduce the difficulty by ten (to a minimum of 10) and double the effect of successes earned as applied to the total needed. Each shipyard slip can only build one ship at a time. If you wish to have multiple ships under construction at a time you need multiple shipyards. Consumes 1 hearthstone or relay. AP Needed: 3. DC: 40. Success Needed: 9. Reward: One freefloating slip for constructing void vessels up to Conquest Platform in size. (No battleships or larger.. yet) Void yard can benefit from Skyship support, reducing DC by 10. Consumes 1 power.

[ ] Gemini Yards: Perhaps a large quantity of ships is what is needed. If so surely they would be smaller vessels, thus it might behoove us to build a shipyard that contains not one but two berths. Limiting the berths to ships of Sloop, Chariot, or Pennant size keeps the twin yard a reasonable cost and if we build two identical ships we can benefit from some shared facilities to save effort. AP Needed: 3. DC: 40. Success Needed: 12. Reward: A Twin Small Shipyard freefloating over Tokat. Can simultaneously build two of Sloop, Chariot or Pennant classes. If building two designs of the same class you may use a combined project to reduce cost slightly (enough that even one use of these feature covers the difference in price between this and a standard shipyard. Gemini yard can benefit from Skyship support, reducing DC by 10. Consumes 1 power.

[ ] Temple Forge: Surely though we will lean on the glorious might of various Templeships to be the mainstay of our fleet. So it would be best to build a yard dedicated only to this single class of ship and optimize it for doing so. While you could in theory build shipyards dedicated to other sizes of ship, why would you? AP Needed: 3. DC: 45. Success Needed: 8. Reward: A Void Shipyard dedicated to construction of Templeships (any manse ship really) providing a small discount in exchange for not being able to building any other ship type. Temple Forge can benefit from Skyship support, reducing DC by 10. Consumes 1 power.

[ ] Directional Shipyard: Building a massive shipyard capable of construction truly colossal vessels of 10 km long will take a bit more punch to it than a normal voidyard. In order to insure the yard is able to handle such massive vessels of course it losses some capacity to handle small ships and it can only build and repair Conquest Platforms and Directional Titans. AP Needed: 3. DC: 40. Success Needed: 15. Reward: A colossal shipyard suited to construct Direction Titans and Conquest Platforms. Consumes 2 power and two slots if installed in a Station.

[ ] Acadamia of Constellations: Void Vessels requires hundreds or thousands of relatively skilled and very technically minded Dragon Kings. The need to commit these high value people to a vessel acts as a constant cost on our society as those people are not available for other projects. Constellation Academy is a training ground to raise up younger and less experienced Dragon Kings with the concentrated training they need to run void vessels, minimizing the impact on society of fielding such Craft. Constellation Academy will consume 1 Generic AP in perpetuity but produce 3 AP worth of Upkeep. AP Needed: 3. DC: 35. Success Needed: 5/9. Reward: Training Academy for void vessels greated. 1 AP lost as Upkeep creates 3 Void vessel upkeep. May not purchase more until a Naval Oversight and an Atelier Manse dedicated to spare production are also created.

Just here to show an example of Warship construction.

[ ] Ork Style Chariot (Autochthonian Hull): Under the dubious assumption that the Orks know what they are doing with ships you have designed a ship to mimic their style as close as Dragon King Engineers are willing to come. It mounts cheap and basic Plasma weapons, a Ramming Prow, and a barracks for additional troops when performing boarding actions. Ship will have ongoing upkeep of 1 Generic AP per turn and 6 hearthstones/relays to keep active and will need to muster 4 logistic stockpiles to send on active patrols: AP Needed 4. DC: 35. Success Needed: 63 – 16(Administrative Clerics)=47. Reward: Basic Chariot. -0/-1/-2/-3/-4/Crippled. Basic Damage, Ramming Prow, Barracks. Consumes 6 Hearthstones to power. DC lowered to 25 by assigning a Manta Skiff. Locked until Plasma Weaponry, and Waytravel Prototype
[ ] Encourage Martial Arts: Mosok work with the cult of Eve to spread knowledge of and encourage individuals to learn martial arts. AP needed 3. DC: 35. Success Needed 15. Reward: 1 in 4 Dragon Kings knows a martial charm instead of 1 in five.

[ ] Encourage Development: Mosok work with the Cult of Eve to encourage those with a Taste for Martial arts to keep going. AP needed: 3, DC: 30. Success Nedded: 12. Reward: 1 in 5 Dragon Kings go on the next step instead of one in ten, doubling useful numbers reach TMA battlegroups.

[ ] Train Celestial Martial Arts: With more time to work with we may be able to get more students settled into the power of Celestial Martial Arts. It will not be easy since one must master a complete Martial Style before even starting a celestial style. AP Needed 1. DC: 40. Reward: +5 CMA stylists per success. Successes are tripled of course so each success gained is +15 stylists. Dojo can now provide an auto-success.

[ ] Order of the Falling Blossom: Recruit an order of Dragon King Monks trained extensively in both Martial Styles and other things needed for a good body guard. These bodyguards will be available for protecting envoys, diplomats and ambassadors when needed. AP Needed: 2. DC: 40. Success Needed: 3/6. Reward: Order of professional Body guarding monks established.

[ ] Expand Martial Legionnaires to Golden Exhalation Style. AP Needed: 2. DC: 35. Success Needed: 6 Reward: Martial Legions also know a few charms of Golden Exhalation style. Increase cost of Martial Legion by 2 AP.

[ ] Void Faring Hero Style: Thanks to Little Beam this project has evolved to develop a dedicated Celestial Martial Art to be taught to spacers and Naval Phalanxes. Improves the quality of your naval Phalanxes and large Vessels may have a second line of defenders in the form of crew who know some Void Faring Hero style. AP needed: 2. DC: 50. Success Needed 9. Reward: Unlock Void Faring Hero Style.

[ ] Research Martial Art: Either request a known terrestrial martial art from the Exalted books or give a request of what benefits you hope the art gains in what conditions (usually something like +1 might versus enemy type or in some specific circumstances) and your Stylists will combine training with research in Sperimin on principles to create the style. For example: Seafaring Hero Style would assist in boarding or repelling boarders, Lightning Hoof Styles benefits mounted Martial Artists, Falling Blossom would benefit bodyguards, and Jade Mountain Style benefits all standing on the ground. (Note to the exalted experts: Pan-elemental styles are notoriously complicated, DC +5 and +2 success needed). If you wish to create your own consider the kinds of effects it might have, if you want an Anti-Ork style than how does that work? AP needed 2. DC: 45. Success Needed 6. Reward: Gain a new martial Art. Dojo Success may apply

[ ] Celestial Arena for [# of participants]: The Arena is Luthe has been outfit especially to train Celestial Martial Artists. Normally this can be accomplished through five years of meditative training. But when you are in a rush a bloody tournament is the answer. Participants must know at least 1 full Terrestrial Martial Art and 90% of participants die. The ten percent who survive find themselves Awakened to the Bulb of the Perfected Lotus and able to learn Celestial Martial Arts. AP needed 1. DC: 05. Success Needed 1. Reward: 90% of participants die and the remaining ten percent can learn Celestial Martial Arts.

[ ] Solar Hero Style: This is an honest battle art, for champions, gladiators and heroes. Little Beam has expertise in this art and it is relatively easy to pick up. AP Needed 2. DC: 40. Success Needed 6. Reward: Celestial martial artists may learn the Solar Hero Style.

Pterok (8 -1 AP): Flying bureaucrats. Pterok excel in scholarly pursuits, like research in terms of looking up information in a library (or adding info to a library) rather than making a new piece of tech. They are amazing scribes and academics, having knowledge of history, mathematics, geology, geomancy, alchemy, astrology and many other thaumaturgical arts. The also deal with spirits the most, including the native ability many have for summoning elementals, even without sorcery. Basically Ravenclaws.

[ ] Advanced Observatory: Enchantments will be applied to the domes to allow observation during the day and allows are vision to pierce cloud cover. More helpers and golem aides are employed. And an expensive network of communicators is established so observatories can keep each other updated on discoveries and cooperate on observing special projects. AP needed 2. DC: 35. Success Needed 6. Reward: Observatories upgraded, two free projects to astrology per turn, gain three additional lines of simultaneous questioning potential. Increase die bonus to Astrology to 2

[ ] Naval Administrative Oversight: Keeping massive moving structures filled with our most complicated and advanced technology maintained, crewed, stocked, and ready to go at any given moments with no risk of it crashing into anything else we care about is tricky enough. Pterok's want to organize the administrative and managerial tasks for transforming Policy and ambition into Naval power in an Administrative Clergy dedicated to such oversight. NAO costs 1 AP of upkeep to maintain but produces 3 AP of Void Vessel or Fleet upkeep. AP Needed: 3. DC: 35. Success Needed: 9. Reward: NAO adminstratum developed. Costs 1 AP but generates 3 for purposes of Void or Fleet upkeep. Cannot build more until at least one of Constellation Academy and Spare parts Atelier are constructed.

[ ] Repair Yard Auxiliary: One of the largest costs involved in this conflict is repairing our skyships. We want to expand our sky dock to facilitate repairs to skyships. (Void Vessels will have to use a ship yard like everyone else). AP Needed: 2. DC: 35. Success Needed: 6. Reward: Post action repairs to skyships (and only skyships) are half price. Fractions round up, so three base repair cost would be reduced to two AP.
[ ] Astrological Question "Insert Question here": You may invest in a line of questioning, which may be repeated usage of short duration questions or extended usage of long duration observation for a more distant Divination. Your Augury can see five times as far into the future as you spend observing. These can make a prediction about a target person or object's future, such as location, alive or death. Short duration questions will automatically go after secondary information. Questions that take a full turn or more cannot do this of course. And often Vision Questing may render superior results. Each line requires an AP (or astrological auto success) to the line until its answered. If AP must be diverted progress is lost, you cannot partially answer a question. You may maintain 3 questions with your current astrological infrastructure. AP needed 1 per question. DC: N/A. Reward: You pursue a line of questioning.

[ ] Vision Quest "Insert Question Here": We can prepare a team of experienced wyld explorers, loaded down with blessings, rituals and talismans to preserve them from the mutagenic effect and send them into the wyld with a question burning in their hearts and souls. The wyld is chaotic but is also influenced by sapient thought. A seeker holding a desire and keeping it ever in mind while dealing with the issues that exploring the wyld brings may, if they keep trying long enough, find their desire brought forth. Vision questing is the easiest and while true Divinatory knowledge is not possible, anything known to beings whose thoughts and dreams influence the Wyld can potentially be learned. Thus we could learn much about this new Realm we dwell in, but each question sought is fraught with peril. AP Needed 2. DC: Special. Success Needed: special. Reward: A team is sent on a vision quest with a question in mind, this is rolled as per Wyld Vision questing rules. Your team will stick to the bordermarches, barely dipping a claw into the realm of narrative chaos. Thus they will endure three rolls to check for mutation, addiction, and encounters (the massive stacking of prepwork and only going to border marches means its almost certain the encounters will be the only danger) and will get one roll of 15 dice to gain a vision. The more successes the more clear the answering vision, 7 successes which should be an average roll for this dice amount should give a clear answer. You may create the questions but be wary, vague wide reaching questions will produce vague wide reaching answers. Focused questions will usually do you more good.

[ ] Map the Other Stars: Stars are for the most part Suns that are very distant. Point our telescopes at the area we are informed a potential allied or at least anti-ork race exists and the sub-sector they supposedly control. AP needed 1. DC: 40. Success Needed 5. Reward: Map out the sub-sector of this other group.
[ ] Elemental Support: Dragon Kings in general and Pteroks in particular are adept at summoning elements which both provide general aid and have particular skills and special powers that Dragon Kings may not. Particularly with the elemental complex that aids in summoning elementals for longer or with greater power. May be taken more than once. AP needed 1. DC: 25. Success Needed 1. Reward: For every success I assign three AP dice to whatever project seems to need it the most, as long as elementals could help.

[ ] Supremacy of Elemental Advantage: This this project we focus on either the most powerful or most specifically chosen Elementals for a given task. When this project is chosen you must choose another project being supported by AP this turn that it is targeting. May not target things inappropriate for elementals like research or intricate magitech, may not apply to projects over DC of 50. 1 AP needed. DC: 25. Success Needed 1. Reward: Targeted Project gets two successes applied.

Note: Projects appropriate for Elemental Support or Advantage with the Aide of Exoskeletons. Keep in mind the project must still be valid to proceed assuming nothing from the elementals is happening, they are aides and if the project lacks baseline support they will lack oversight. Most of these are also limited to roughly a third of maximum successes can come from Elemental Aide, although some can be argued up to 50% such as plantations and manses.: We are Legion, Infantry Thunders, Militia, Advanced Shipyard, Advanced Observatory, Temple of [Divinity], Silos, Atelier Manse, Factory-Cathedral, Major Manses, Imidazole Plantation, Tree Spires, Open Plantation, Chaos Consuming Infrastructure, Archgenesis, A core for everyone, Expanding Teteocon, Skyweaver Training Zone.

[ ] [Elemental] Auxilia: Thunderbirds, Garda, and similarly martial elementals from the various courts can be recruited and put to service as troops. These elementals remain in service due to arrangements with their home court, jade payments, access to luxuries, and promises of sufficient worship during a time of battle to at least give a chance for the Elemental to be reborn when killed rather than dissipating into elemental essence. This does limit the number of such elemental Auxilia possible to max with our current population. 2 AP needed. DC: 25. Success Needed 10. Reward: Recruits 1000 war-like elementals from the chosen element. Special abilities and fighting tactics determined by the element chosen, for example Air elementals will certainly fly, whereas an Earth group will not.

[ ] Elemental Torpedo: One idea occurred after the encounter was to imbed a torpedo warhead with thousands of yasal crystals filled with minor non-sapient elementals. When it strikes the ship the crystals would be broken and release the elementals to sweep through the ship causing elemental havoc to the crew. Does not work against a ship with shields up though. AP Needed 1. DC 35. AP needed 0/6. Reward: Torpedoes can be equipped with Elemental Heads. Do not penetrate -0 HL nor does it cause any ship damage. But do roll 10d10, destroying a unit equivalent of troops or crew on the ship for every dice above 5. (certain troops will be more or less resistant to these effects and may gain bonuses or penalties to number rolled, like necrons are much more resistant. Orks and normal humans are default level).
[ ] Way Travel: It shouldn't be impossible to travel to these massively distant stars, the idea that most quickly comes to mind is to travel to the Wyld and use a modified vision quest to reach the other star in Narrative time instead of using large amounts of actual time. Set up a project to work on the details of the technique, including entry, guidance, and of course protection while in the Wyld.
[ ] AP needed 2. DC: 30. Success Needed 9. Reward: Figure out Way Travel (Warp Travel).
[ ] AP needed 2. DC: 25. Success Needed 1/7. Reward: Figure out Way Travel (Warp Travel) with Ferryman aide.

[ ] Godspeed Motivators: The speed of your Divine Lord was considered basically instantaneous enough that the speed itself rarely mattered. Than you got here and realize that even the nearly instantaneous movement of your God's glorious light still seems to crawl when compared to the distance between stars. Still its not like taking years to travel would be an impossible feat for Dragon Kings. Work out how to build an Engine that could move a vessel (potentially of the scale of the Ork spess construct) at Godspeed and whatever else is needed for a ship that will take years to reach a destination. AP needed 2. DC: 35. Success Needed 10. Reward: Lightspeed Travel unlocked (note this takes the FTL slot on a ship, giving a ship both would be both costly and require volume, mass, and power that could go to other things)

[ ] Go fish?: You are not satisfied with risking chaos or taking the … slow?... route. Instead you will hit the books. Investigate odd phenomenon in the Library of Sperimin until you come up with something to test. Be warned, this may take a while and not every idea will work, once something is found it must be tested with projects comparable to Way Travel and Godspeed motivator. Only after those projects completed will you discover if it was a gem or lemon. Also keep in mind that every method will have issues, nothing should be flatly superior to other methods. AP needed: any. DC: Special. Success Needed: Special: Every AP assigned gets a hidden 1d20 roll. Roll of 3-17 results in nothing. If a 1,2,19,20 is rolled you will be given a successful project notice and offered a new FTL method to prototype. You will not find out if it was a good method until you complete the prototype.

[ ] Wondrous Globe of Precious Stability: A jade sphere the size of a human head covered in dozens of complex occult symbols inlaid with magical matertials (note at least 4 are required besides Jade, with orichalcum, Adamant, and amber you still need one more like moonsilver, starmetal or soulsteel to make the globe). The glob is pierced by a short shaft of jaid inlaid with orichalcum and can rotate freely around this axis. The top of the shaft ends in a hearthstone setting and the bottom a base that can be affixed to a vehicle or structure. When it is equipped with a hearthstone or geomantic relay and an essence wielder attunes to it the globe begins to glow and spin. As long as it does both globe and whatever vehicle or building it is attached to are all completely protected from the effects of the Wyld. In addition both structure and crew or occupants gain resistance to charms, psyker powers or comparable abilities used by fair folk or warp beings. Such beings can also not touch the structure or come within it. The structure is effectively a tiny pocket of crystallized creation even if traveling in the deepest wyld/warp. AP Needed: 4. DC: 60. Success Needed: 10. Reward: Wondrous Globe of Precious Stability, nigh perfect Gellar effect, level 5 magitech artifact that also requires at access to 4 different magical materials in addition to jade.

[ ] Sutra Batteries: Prayer weaponry scaled up to the point of massive multi ton golden slugs covered in elaborate sutras praising the martial glories of the Unconquered Sun allowing damage to void vessels, especially those in service of Creatures of Darkness and their unholy vehicles. AP Needed 3. DC 40. AP needed: 5/7. Reward: Magitech Ship weaponry which does Advanced Damage normally but Supreme Damage against Creatures of Darkness or Unholy objects.

[ ] Magic Torpedoes: Don't get us wrong, the torpedo is definitely using Essence but its not really made AS a magical artifact. But we could change that. Artifact Torpedoes will be a lot more expensive to reload, but the damage they can do is potentially inspiring. AP Needed 1. DC 35. AP needed 0/6. Reward: You can build artifact torpedoes to equip on torpedo tube mounted vessels or Redoubts. Artifact torpedoes do Supreme damage and are fifty percent less effected by excessive amounts of defensive fire. They make one of your most expensive weapons more expensive.

[ ] Minion of Deadly Touch: We believe we can manage the feat of creating a highly loyal (by the standards of essence attuned golem standards) shapeshifting (12 shapes total) golem servitor but some research will be needed to work out the details. AP Needed 2. DC 35. AP needed 6. Reward: Minions of Deadly Touch can be constructed… you mad lads you.

[ ] Heavy Gunz: One of the Ork ships had much heavier gunz then normal and it has inspire a wave of research to unlock the potential in our own Weapons batteries. Heavy variants of weapons batteries are limited in firing rate. Perhaps the range is short. Perhaps the weapons need to be tended more carefully by savants. Whatever the explanation the weapon is more difficult to focus down on an enemy but has a chance of doing more damage than weapons normally of that type and scope can do. The combined effects of needing more maneuvering to deliver the shot and needing the salvo to be a nice clean hit to gain the heavy weapon bonus means the this should normally be installed on ships which will have a comparative maneuvering advantage over their enemies. Effectively it lets you kill enemies faster if your victory was a given anyway. Either because they are so good, because the heavy weapon platform is finishing off wounded enemies or multiple ships are outnumbering the target. AP Needed 1. DC 35. AP needed 0/4. Reward: You are able to design ships with Heavy variants of direct fire weapon systems, like Plasma, Sutra, or Implosion bows. Heavy Guns cost 8 momentum to fire but if you gain three or more successes beyond whats needed to hit the enemy it does an additional level of damage.

[ ] Power Ram: Seeing the ram of the Brute ramship has really inspired our designers and they want to move forward with magitech enhancements to this impressive things. Imbeding the ram with nodes of red crystal will let us cover the ram in a glimmering field of destructive red essence right before contact, maximizing the damage done. This will consume some power though. AP Needed 1. DC 25. AP needed 5. Reward: Power Rams add 1 to power consumption but cause base damage of ramming to increase to Advanced and improves how much damage the Ram absorbs from the hit by 1 as well. Your people feel compelled to remind you that Jade artifact ships would also have impressive ramming performance.

[ ] Essence Concussive Ram: Essence baffles are mounted on the ship and its ramming prow and set up to absorb the energies of impact and redirect them upon the target anew. Such a hit will not only hit the target but leave it vulnerable. AP Needed 1. DC 30. AP needed 6. Reward: Essence Concussive Rams add +1 to power consumption but reduce the damage the ramming ship can potentially take by two. When a normal ram is performed the target in addition to other affects also losses two momentum. A ship equipped with a Essence Concussive Ram that performs a simultaneous Ram and Board maneuver also automatically benefits from the effects of Drowning Tide without having to gather even more momentum.

[ ] Boarding Field: Your ship is equipped to help lock a tracta derived essence field onto a ship being boarded and extend crystal essence lifts towards the target in order to enhance the rate of boarding actions. Boarding fields consume additional power. AP Needed 1. DC 25. AP needed 4. Reward: Boarding fields consume one power. Whenever your ship successfully performs any variant of a boarding action the target ship losses two dice from any attempt to maneuver to break free and disengage. Whatever normal limits of crew exchange between the ships in this circumstance are considered doubled thanks to travel along claws and crystal lifts. This usually means going from two per turn to four per turn, but many exceptions exist. Narratively a ship with a boarding field is much better at towing.

[ ] Crucible of Tarim: With access to sorcery, mayhap we want a way to distribute it. We believe a combination of Ridiculous levels of Artifice, insanely finicky and expensive potion crafting and days of crippling essence Attunement may allow a spell to be "bottled". If it pans out a spell could be stored in a crystal vial to cast on target when drunk or unleash an area of effect spell when shattered. Skilled occultists and sorcerers themselves can shape the unleashed spell as if casting it with no time or energy wasting on casting. Note: Several spells you know are closer to rituals so you might want to research some less esoteric spells before getting this AP Needed 2. DC 45. AP needed 0/9. Reward: May bottle spells. Unlocks projects to produce effects for distribution.

[ ] Plasma Cannons: You have some interest in being able to upscale Plasma weapons up to space construct level giving you a cheaper alternative than using Heavy implosion bows. AP Needed 1. DC 25. AP needed 1/5. Reward: Starship scale Plasma weapons developed as "cheap" alternative.

[ ] Lightning Ballista: Studying the Lightning Gun used by Nargle we have gained insight into our Lightning Ballista. With this insight we hope to design Light and Heavy variants of the normal Lightning Ballista. With further research maybe even achieve ship Batteries or infantry carried versions. AP Needed 1. DC 35. AP needed 5. Reward: Can make light and heavy Lightning Ballista. Unlocks research into infantry carried versions and potential ship mounted batteries (which would work much like Lance weapons do in 40k lore, penetrating some armor ie -1 HLs)

[ ] Mystic Tome – Cracking the Code: The issue of course is that the work is in an unknown language and it is presumably filled with Obscure terminology and cognitohazards that make casual attempts to decipher it tricky. Careful perusal with much time spent in therapeutic sessions (hot mud baths, cures for so many ills) and monitoring by elders who themselves never touch the work and are monitored by other elders or spirits who will not contact the work or anyone who has direct contact. The whole collection of research will be isolated in case the cognitohazards are THAT pervasive or accidental mumbling of a half understood phrase unleashes something nasty. This DOES benefit from spiritual aid but the action has a double botch range and cannot be rerolled as the clinic would not be allowed access so it cannot avoid at least the chance of a botch. AP needed 3. DC: 45. Success Needed 7. Reward: You can understand High Gothic sufficient to read occult tomes. Without forming a cult that worships the author or unleashing a horde of sorcerous constructs to ravage the land, or sealing your best researchers into a realm of nothing but mushrooms, etc… hopefully.

[ ] Void Vessel Design (Sloop/Chariot/Pennant): This project allows your savants to crunch the numbers for ship design. Indicate the size you want and its purpose and I will provide the one or more options (you only get to choose one) that fulfill your requests. AP needed: 1 DC: N/A Reward: Ship Design Choice.

[ ] Void Vessel Mini Turn (Sloop/Chariot/Pennant): This projects also crunches numbers for a ship. The only difference is it starts a ship design mini turn working out new design as a group instead of me just doing it and presenting options. AP needed: 1. DC: N/A Reward: Ship Design Mini-Turn

[ ] Void Vessel Design (Wayfarer/Templeship/Dromon Artillery Ship): This project allows your savants to crunch the numbers for ship design. Indicate the size you want and its purpose and I will provide the one or more options (you only get to choose one) that fulfill your requests. AP needed: 2. DC: N/A Reward: Ship Design Choice.

[ ] Void Vessel Mini Turn (Wayfarer/Templeship/Dromon Artillery Ship): This projects also crunches numbers for a ship. The only difference is it starts a ship design mini turn working out new design as a group instead of me just doing it and presenting options. AP needed: 2. DC: N/A Reward: Ship Design Mini-Turn

[ ] Void Vessel Design (Conquest Platform): This project allows your savants to crunch the numbers for ship design. Indicate the size you want and its purpose and I will provide the one or more options (you only get to choose one) that fulfill your requests. AP needed: 3. DC: N/A Reward: Ship Design Choice.

[ ] Void Vessel Mini Turn (Conquest Platform): This projects also crunches numbers for a ship. The only difference is it starts a ship design mini turn working out new design as a group instead of me just doing it and presenting options. AP needed: 3. DC: N/A Reward: Ship Design Mini-Turn

[ ] Void Vessel Design (Directional): This project allows your savants to crunch the numbers for ship design. Indicate the size you want and its purpose and I will provide the one or more options (you only get to choose one) that fulfill your requests. AP needed: 4. DC: N/A Reward: Ship Design Choice.

[ ] Void Vessel Mini Turn (Directional Titan): This projects also crunches numbers for a ship. The only difference is it starts a ship design mini turn working out new design as a group instead of me just doing it and presenting options. AP needed: 4. DC: N/A Reward: Ship Design Mini-Turn

[ ] Orbital Redoubt Design: This project designs a complete fort, including all six slots (which makes building it a massive project). By locking in the design we can get reduced costs or improved quality for the same cost though. AP needed: 3. DC: N/A Reward: Orbital Redoubt Design Choice.

[ ] Noble Warstrider Design: A project to use the lessons learned from building and testing the Prototype warstriders to build more impressive 10 meter tall machines, laden with special equipment and magical powers and weaponry designed to scale. AP Needed 2. DC: 50. Success Needed: 5. Reward: Completed designs for several Noble Warstriders that can be built by the Warstrider Auxiliary Factorum.

[ ] Spell Research is contained in the Research tab.
[ ] Standard Stockpile: We are not quite ready to build one use consumable artifacts that are required for Primordial combat, but we can level up our stockpile quality. Combat Drugs, versatile Dust casters, and greater quantities of other potions and war paints to improve the bonus if has. Standard stockpiles allow a Legion to +4 (+5 for orks and Raksha) their Might and +2 to maneuvering rolls and effective size for a critical segment of the battle. This does not prevent a Botch. AP Needed 2. DC: 35. Success Needed 0/8. Reward: Gain 10 Standard Stockpiles. An Atelier assigned may complete this project on its own in one turn with no further input.

[ ] Grace Stockpile: Soldiers are handed prayer strips which can be easily activated to burn away and "automatically" pray to a certain spirit on behalf of the user. Normally the effect is minimal but the Pterok Shamans have pre-arranged things with the spirits in this case. They will apply a useful combat blessing to the soldier. Using Grace stockpiles cause effected rolls to ignore botches for a battle segment. After the battle, calculated losses of effected unit is halved. There is no effect to multiple uses of this stockpile in a single battle. AP needed 1. DC: 20. Success Needed 3/6. Reward: Gain 30 x Grace Stockpiles. An Atelier Manse may complete this project on its own in one turn with no further input.

[ ] Invocation Stockpile: By creating one use artifact prayer strips which are imbedded with a potent benediction or a power waiting to be unleashed from a greater god and making it available to soldiers to be used on demand for relatively little cost of essence during the battle (in exchange for all the careful work and negotiation dead ahead of time). These powers are varied, from summoning a war elemental in an instant, granting a militant gods panoply of divine armor and weapons to a soldier, getting a nigh fatally wounded soldier back in the fight, and unleashing potent battleground altering attacks. Invocation Stockpiles have the effect of Grace Stockpiles but also add 5 temporary Magnitude for the battle segment. Any damage on temporary Magnitude disappears with it. AP Needed 2. DC 35. AP needed 15. Consumes 10 Grace Stockpile Reward: gain 10 Invocation Stockpile.

[ ] Logistics Stockpile: Torpedoes, fuel, food, spare parts galore. Vehicles like Warstriders and Void Vessels consumes mountains of minor parts and gizmos and for them to be utilized to their utmost they need to be supplied with the appropriate logistical support. Astrological readings and genius level bureaucratic oversite ensures that what is needed is always what is available as long as the effort is put in to create the items in the first place. AP Needed 1 or Atelier. DC 20. AP needed: 6/10 or Atelier. Reward: Gain +10 Logistics stockpiles, consumed by your heaviest most intense creations when being fully utilized. Certain technologies, missions or operational environments increase the logistics burden on such vehicles. As a special effect Atelier manses can be assigned to produce Logistics stockpiles without any other dice being assigned and can complete the project in one turn even though normally they would fall short because the project is so within their optimal functioning. Resupplying Torpedoes is an example of consuming a logistic stockpile, which will save AP if your defenses have to use them.

[ ] Elemental Stockpile: Elementals can be contracted through the use of luxurious element support rooms and comfort Yasal crystal to be available in mass and unleashed upon a situation. Not for combat directly as that would require the Elemental Auxilia, but to use their charms to benefit the Dragon Kings. This can be aide such as empowerment or healing but is often in the use of battlefield reshaping elemental powers. An elemental stockpile massively reshapes a battle as thousands of elementals are unleashed to shift the battlefield in our favor and restore or empower our troops. Having one available provides a military an "In case of emergency break crystal" extra option. Could be used to aide a colonial endeavour. AP Needed 2. DC: 35. Success Needed 5. Reward: Gain +1 Elemental Stockpiles.
[ ] Birds of a feather (Warbirds or Assault Rocs): Mass producing these light skyships is still beyond our magitechnology limits, but with the support facilities in flight towers we can start producing them at least. Warbirds are exquisitely built, with each feather and joint perfectly mimicking those of a living bird. These vehicles are made from a variety of magical metals with bright gemstone eyes. The metals are all colored vivid blues, greens, reds, blacks and purples. Assault Rocs are far larger and less exquisite looking. The need to mount howdahs for weapon mounts renders them looking more biomechanical looking than living moving jewled statutes. Still for delivering troops or weapon payloads they are superior to warbirds. AP Needed 2. DC 25. AP needed: 24. Reward: +10 squadrons of Warbirds or Assault Rocs. AP Needed 3. DC 25. AP needed: 44. Reward: +20 squadrons of Warbirds or Assault Rocs. Flawless Workshop success may apply but cannot support project. Atelier Manse may supply at most half total needed successes for the project and do not support the project.

[ ] 2nd Manta Class Skiff: Builds one true void capable sky ship. 20 meters wide and 30 meters long the vehicles are tiny by the standards of the Ork Spess Construct but by the standards of skyships, well it finally starts looking like a ship in the sky. Manta's require at least a pilot and co-pilot able to wield essence and three other crew (which could be clockwork servitor class servants or mortal assistants) besides, all inside a cramped forward bridge. The rest is a massive cargo hold able to hold 125 armored troops are equivalent cargo. The ship is tough enough to practically ignore weapons meant for infantry and vehicles but pretty much any hit from something mean to damage a space vessel will cripple or kill it, nor does it mount weapons able to do more than act as basic point defense and landing zone clearing. However it both allows much larger parts to be ferried back and forth to orbit and the deployment of effectively a large mobile forward base to aid exploration or construction in system. AP Needed 2. DC 20. AP needed 6. Reward: Second Manta skyship able to assist in orbital deployments and act as an intrasystem transport and the elemental cores needed to make it work, lowering DC 10 when assigned. Flawless Workshop success may apply but this project may NOT be supported by a Flawless Workshop dice. Atelier Manse may supply half the successes if assigned (ie one turns worth).

[ ] Kireeki class Assault Skyreme: A 100 meter long craft of Jade and alchemically tricky brasses, the Kireeki is the largest skyship we can currently envision that can casually dock at a flight tower and still travel through the void. The current design uses a variety of Implosion Bow and Lightning Ballista based weapons in sufficient numbers to endanger vessels on the scale of Ork Spess Constructs and heavily reinforced hulls and framework to make up for a lack of shielding. It cannot mount an FTL drive even if one is invented but it can defend our system from adversity. Standard crew would be at least 5 essence channelers and at least 15 skilled crew members (which will probably also be Dragon kings but could potentially skilled mortals or clockwork servants). Cramped barracks allow a standard sky/void? Marine complement of two scales at all times (that's 50 marines). Cargo Bays on the craft allow it to support construction void projects as a Manta despite its weaponry, if focused on troop movement it can move an entire wing of troops and carry exterior cargo pods with all of the gear needed (that is 625 troops inside and equivalent of 8 Warstriders attached to cargo pods), although such cramped loading is not appropriate for long term travel or to support boarding actions. It REQUIRES two hearthstones or Geomantic Relays to power as well as one third of an AP dice for upkeep (IE you can build three per AP dice lost to upkeep). AP Needed: 3. DC: 30. Success Needed: 13. Reward: One Kireeki Assault Skyreme. Does Basic Damage in void warfare. -1/-1/-2/-4/Crippled. May be used as a Manta to support void construction. Current stats assume construction in a Skydock, ie it does not benefit from void construction boosters or shipyards. Flawless Workshop can add an automated success but success is NOT tripled. An Atelier Manse dedicated to assist would provide three Automatic success (no more than half total needed), only one allowed.

[ ] Buy two get one free: Careful analysis by Pterok Administrative Clerics reveals that in terms of mass production of the Kireeki it is best to build three at a time. Whether this is the best militarily is unknown, but economically and logistically, three at a time is best. Literally you can build three for the price of two. AP Needed: 3. DC: 30. Success Needed: 21. Reward: 3 x Kireeki Assault Skyreme. Keep in mind this will use 6 Hearthstones and consume one Generic AP dice per turn as upkeep. Flawless Workshop can add an automated success but success is NOT tripled. An Atelier Manse dedicated to assist would provide three Automatic successes per turn (no more than half total needed), only three allowed. May spend an Exotic Stockpile to lower Success needed to 17.

Raptok (8 -1 AP): The most civilized of all Dragon kings. Diplomats and socializers. Best at getting along with other races. City builders and masters of vegetative and crystal technology that is the hallmark of the Dragon King mastery. Inquisitive natures allow them to explore unknown technologies and debate philosophy with aliens. There are still Dragon Kings at heart though, even if they may sip wine and discuss great literary works while polishing and adorning the skulls of their enemies with elaborate crystals to display in a battle shrine. Raptoks are also sized to be the only Dragon King able to comfortably use Human sized tools and workshops. This combined with their social skills and love of technology makes them the most likely to meet other races, and some races may think Raptoks are it when talking about Dragon Kings.

[ ] Study [Blank] Policy Implementation: Sociological management is tricky but possible. We use the lore of Sperimin and our knowledge of a society, ours or others, to design a plan to manipulate or alter some facet of their culture or beliefs. The larger the society, the greater the divergence, and the more limited your access to that society the more difficult success will be and the more resources must be devoted to completing the plan. AP Needed: 1. DC: N/A. Reward: Presented with a project for implementing the chosen policy, or at least told how and why its nigh impossible.

[ ] Make Contact (Onyx): Approach the Onyx Court a demand the GTFO. Will probably start a War. AP Needed 1. DC. unknown. Success Needed 1+. Reward: Intimidate Onyx into leaving to start a war.

[ ] Contact (Onyx): What did you want to say? AP needed 1. DC: 45. Success Needed 1. Reward: Interact with Onyx.

[ ] Golden Throne Aide: During our last expedition into the Golden Throne of Lanka we discovered a large subset of the trillion plus population were ready to adapt to their new situation, being guided by Sin-Eater bees and the Sheut in ways that both fulfill their beliefs and make them more useful as a source of Karma in the Tree of worlds. AP Needed 2. DC 35. AP needed 0/9. Reward: Double production of Karmic Honey and Celestial Mead, starts better relations with the Golden Throne.

[ ] Call Ulthwe (Generic exposure): Use your magical Ansible to interact with your current contacts. Such friendly calls will give some insight into the situation and improve your relationship with Ulthwe more easily. You can only commit one AP per Ulthwe contact, limiting how fast you can improve relations unless you get new contacts. AP needed Maximum 1. DC: 35 Success Needed 1. Reward: Gains some gossip. Success means the interaction was a net positive.

[ ] Call Ulthwe (New Contacts): Use your magical Ansible to interact with Ulthwe contact new people and make new friendly relations. Additional contact will provide new angles of insight into Ulthwe as well as speeding up the rate you can establish good relations. AP needed 1. DC: 45 Success Needed 1. Reward: You call the Eldar of Ulthwe every Season or so and attempt to "meet" someone new.

[ ] Call Ulthwe (Grill Miyuan): Use your magical Ansible to interact with Miyuan and explicitly try to extract more than casual information or exert influence on Ulthwe council through her. AP needed 1. DC: 50/70/90 Success Needed 1. Reward: Interaction does not penalize relations with Ulthwe or lose your friendly contact/ Gain a list of options for intelligence or diplomatic influence appropriate to this contact that you may choose one/ Also gain positive relation with Ulthwe.

Diplomatic Note: Your relations with Ulthwe are plus 4 right now.
[ ] Dino Breeder [Breed][Aspect]: Pick a dino mount we want to improve and the area you want to improve. For example Razor Beaks could have speed increased, or strength for better weapons and armor, or endurance so they can travel further from an Airbase and fight longer. This is a combination of improving the animal in general as well as how they adapt to their equipment. AP Needed 1. DC varies AP needed varies Reward: Selected mount gains selected trait. Stable Success may apply. See research threadmark for details.

[ ] Magical Population Growth: Now that we have established the mundane factors that can address the likely hood of hatched eggs we can start working on magical solutions. Geomancy, Thaumatuergic rituals, alchemical baths, artifacts and possible other things need tested in conjunction with each other and mundane factors to figure out improved growth rates. However magical solutions are more expensive so expect implementation to demand upkeep. AP Needed 3. DC. 40. Success Needed 24. Reward: Stage 2 of how to grow more population. Requires at least six turns so even if successes achieved will not complete until six turns after project started.

[ ] Navigator: If we are to commit to travel about the galaxy we need guides and none are eager to cleave to the aide of Raksha Ferrymen, no matter how advantageous such speedy travel may be. Instead of binding ourselves to monsters or consigning ourselves to forever limp ineffectually about the galaxy we could re-engineer ourselves to handle the role. A series of perception enhancing mutations centered around a Lidless Demon Eye, which glows with eerie soul life from within and cannot born to be concealed is laid upon a Dragon King. If we can manage the alterations without physical or spiritual collapse the Navigator gains the power to see the unseen and immaterial. They can observe the nature of the Wyld with far greater facility and guide us with a firmer hand then our own fumbling vision questors or crude calculations. Beware the newly forged Navigators must start from scratch building up the institutional knowledge of how to train themselves to chart courses through the Ways. AP Needed: 3. DC: 40. Success Needed: 24. Reward: May grant Navigator mutation.

[ ] Chameleon Infiltrators: Essence cannot always be relied on for Stealth, especially as some sensors will be tasked to catch that very thing. To improve our ability we could employ our Genesis laboratories to copy the various strategies employed by beasts, Deva, and Behemoths to join the realms of the Hidden. Scentless bodies, unnaturally cool and quiet biologies, contorting joints, mutations for unnaturally small size about 18 inches tall and covered in chameleon scales to hide. AP Needed: 2. DC: 35. Success Needed: 22. Reward: Can found an order of sublime infiltrators and assassins.

[ ] Devastating God-Beasts: Skirting the border between Genesis and more Essence derived power this project would grant their recipients a set of shapechanging mutations, allowing them to access the Form the Terrifying Ancestors far earlier and more gloriously than they should be able to, reaching heights of 6 meters. To control the form they must take regular doses of alchemical solutions and learn a dedicated Terrestrial Martial Arts whose whole purpose is to utilize, control and fight with their God Beast forms. A breakdown shows that they would be roughly as dangerous as our current Elite units like the Ruby Arrows (bearing in mind they will not have mounts or machines) but cheaper to train and equip. And we could in theory improve their training with further martial arts and dedicated God-Beast oriented Artifacts. AP Needed: 2. DC: 35. Success Needed: 16. Reward: Can raise formations of God-Beasts.

[ ] Alchemical Design Solutions (Champion, Engineer, Rescue, Socialite, Spy): A proposal has been made to design all the charms needed to suit a specific need with several models conceptualized. Some suites of charms have carryover so as suites are researched the remaining suites may get easier to complete.
- Champions: Mighty warriors with implant excellencies boosting combat attributes and charm implants related to providing hard hitting attacks, improved toughness and healing, and enhancing mobility. AP Needed: 2. DC: 40. Success Needed: 19. Reward: Cyber Champions able to take and deal out shattering blows that are impossible to surprise and can react with blinding speed and which mount artifact armors and weapons in foldspace storage systems so they can be ready at a moments notice. Cyberizing a Dragon King will cost 12 AP per Champion.
- Engineer: Skilled crafters with Omnitool implants and systems for operating with transdraconic efficiency as well as synergy enhancers allowing the Engineer to work in teams with greater Synergy. AP Needed: 2. DC: 40. Success Needed: 9. Reward: Cyber Engineers can assist in reverse engineering personal scale complicated technology (where they provide a bonus die when assigned) or may be assigned to any mass manufacturing process in which case they increase the auto-success (or dice if auto success is not allowed for a given action) provided by Factory Cathedrals to two automatic successes per workshop assignment. Cyberizing a Dragon King will cost 9 AP per Engineer. You may only have as many as you have factory cathedrals in terms of benefiting a Realm turn, extra engineers cyberized may be assigned to combat or exploration missions to unlock options based on high speed production of custom artifacts, or understand alien technologies.
-Rescuer: Implants dedicated to repair and healing guide the design of Cyber Rescuers, with just a touch of being immune to fatigue. AP Needed: 2. DC: 40. Success Needed: 12. Reward: Cyber Rescuers provide an additional re-roll die from your Medicae. The max per turn is doubling your existing medicae rerolls. Extra can be Rescuers can be used to support combat or exploration missions to reduce casualties or enact repairs. Cyberizing a Dragon King will cost 10 AP per Rescuer.
-Socialite: Load a Dragon King down with social boosting implants and body sculpting and spirit emulating cybernetics in order to produce a Cyber Socialite who will have dedicated loyalty to the Realm and be extremely persuasive at need. Cyber Socialites each add a die to diplomatic actions, although they may no more than double AP assigned to Diplomatic actions (no including oilspeakers). AP Needed: 2. DC: 40. Success Needed: 11. Reward: Cyber Socialites may add a die to diplomatic actions, up to doubling AP assigned to diplomatic actions. Extra socialites may be assigned to combat or explorations missions to provide diplomatic options such as convincing bystanders to help, or at least stay neutral rather than join the enemy. Social actions may be possible with a Cyber Socialite that just are not possible without. Cyberizing a Dragon King will cost 9 AP per Socialite.
-Spy: Sensory enhancements, optical shrouds, sensory drones, and a Personality Override Spike with Identity Re-calibration Signal mark the critical Augmentations of the Cyber Spy. Espionage options may be possible with a Cyber Spy that are just not possible without. Each Cyber spy adds a die to espionage actions but may not more than double the amount of AP assigned to Espionage in a turn. Extra Cyber spies may be assigned to combat or exploration missions to provide options that may not be possible otherwise, like memory removal or making an allied mortal stronger willed and more temperate or making an enemy leader a memory loss riddled coward. AP Needed: 2. DC: 40. Success Needed: 12. Reward: Cyber Spy provide dice and unique options to espionage, but may not more than double natural AP assigned to Espionage actions. Cyberizing a Dragon King will cost 11 AP per Spy.

[ ] War Engines of Tokati: Bigger essence cannons, skimmers, war birds. Those are all known things we can try to build of course. But we just fought a ridiculously large scale war and now are in another dimension. While this has given our people many a sleepless night. Its time to turn horrors and nightmares into inspiration. Cut loose our designers to envision a new means of waging war! AP Needed 1. DC: ?? Reward: Gain options for new magitech designs inspired by the war and what you have seen. DC rolled will determine the number of options you are given. You may pick ONE of those options to pursue research on.

[ ] Essence Drive: While we can build an Essence Drive on the massive scale needed to mimic the ork construct we might want to improve the quality of our relevant occult mysteries. AP needed 2. DC: 35. Success Needed 3/6. Reward: Essence Drives II available, special ork effects like unlocking Ramship upgrades and ???

[ ] Essence Battlements II: Insights into Ork Powerfields have given us the inspiration needed to improve our shielding technology. Not that Powerfields are actually better than Essence Battlements but they are different and yet similar enough. Which means we can upgrade equipment to produce both. This will not be easy though. AP Needed 3. DC 45. AP needed 24. Reward: Ships with Essence Battlements can be equipped with one more layer than normal for a ship of their class.

[ ] Biothaumaturgical Research: See Research Threadmark for details.

[ ] Visions of the Perfected Warrior: Our shiny new lab is just waiting for us to perform some excessive surgeries and exploratory mutagen exposures. Let's get to it. AP needed 1. DC: ??. Success Needed 1. Reward: Gain options for new biothaumaturgical procedures inspired by the war and what you have seen. Cybernetics, controlled mutations, and artifice organs. DC rolled will determine the number of options you are given. You may pick ONE of those options to pursue research on. [Note with the influence of Autochthon you may gain options comparable to Alchemical Charms]

[ ] Temporal Manipulation: During the time of Glory a certain Primordial was able to casually use Time Dilation effects as a weapon. That is why normal mortals could not really fight as the being was able to deploy battlefield effects that aged the participants 100 years over the course of the battle. Such even if you won, your side might still die after the fight was over… of old age. Direct weaponry of course aged a target 1000 years upon a successful strike. Unlike most primordial weapons this effect bypassed the defense against shaping that worked against most comparable primordial effects. Thus the exalted needed longer lifespans and that primordial was made an urgent target early in the Revolution.

Many Twilights pondered the use of Time Dilation effects to benefit our side in the War but we lacked the insight into that primordial's methods until the war started and had no time to develop a new and intricate motonic science by that point.

We may not swim completely against the flow of time by changing the past, but we may, with a great deal of practice unlock Chrono-Entropic Weapons and Temporal Control Spheres. AP Needed: 3. DC: 60. Success Needed: 14. Reward: Knowledge of time. Unlock further research into Chrono-Entropic Weapons and Temporal Control Spheres.

[ ] Haze Shields: A martial adaptation of weather control thaumaturgy, haze shields cover and army, fort, small city in a dome or theoretically a bubble around an air ship or floating manse city. This device and fit into a backpack but unfolds into a relatively ungainly device with broadcast antennae. We plan on setting them up on Siege Lizards generally so we can keep moving. And will need powered by a hearthstone or a Third rank elemental. Each should be large enough for a legion, but they can be narrowed down to smaller units if needed.

When active the shield creates an insubstantial barrier that flickers and obscures vision. The shield glows with essence and brilliant opaque white. Anyone depending on essence sight must attack blindly through the shield. The shield has two modes in the lower cost mode the shield can last for up to 30 hours at a time as long as users supply essence or fuel. This mode penalizes incoming fire from outside the field as even those not using essence sight face flickering and obscured visuals but those from inside have no penalties. The second setting drains power ten times faster but doubles the protection, sadly it also impacts the attacks and visual observation of those inside (on the level the first mode causes enemies). Still for our primarily melee warriors it can be useful helping them get into claw range of the enemy if said enemy possesses artillery. This is explicitly stacking with other forms of obscuring such as summoned mists or darkness.

Haze shields can be upgraded to Storm shields which remove the penalty for shots in the second mode and charges the shields with a diffuse corona of lightning that strikes objects entering the shield from the outside. In the first mode it can vaporize all infantry scale physical projectiles, arrows and shuriken and Ork Dakka weaponry, that are not made of magical materials and damages anyone entering. In the second mode artillery scale projectiles are vaporized and the intruders suffer twice as much damage.

One issue with this shield will be adapting it to void use as it was based on weather manipulation principles, the assistance of air and lightning elementals should make it possible though.

AP needed 2. DC: 30. Success Needed 5. Reward: Haze shields unlocked to be built, as four dot artifacts you could only build a handful per project (And storm shields would be a major strain to them until Factory Cathedrals are available). In case its not obvious, installing them on a ship would be the equivalent of ECM.

[ ] Rolling Earth Rampart: A bit less sophisticated magitech and more channeling the Path of Enlightened Earth. Our people are relatively comfortable underground in tunnels (at least compared to humans) and we can fight there. A RER produces a radius effect around a legion that constantly churns the earth, actively hindering enemies and providing cover to our forces. In addition to churning the surface the whole area under the surface is riddled with tunnels that our forces can causally retreat to from the surface and jump out from to surprise enemies.

While there may be tunnel using enemies that can fight us in the tunnels, such would almost certainly be trying to tunnel up and surprise us if they could. Better to fight them where they have a slight advantage than let them surprise us. Because of our capacity to retreat into hardened defensive tunnels almost instantly we are fairly able to avoid bombardment, it would take weapons able to crater the whole region we are occupying with our rampart to defeat its protection. We can advance purely underground but this is considered hindering terrain for ourselves and NOT subtle.

Just to be clear, fighting with this lets our troops advanced under the cover of hardened stones protecting our people as they move. Even in melee, stones and minor quakes interrupt enemies and rocky spikes will punch up to provide cover to our Legionaire if some ranged enemy tries to line up a shot.

The issue is they provide minimal protection to a city and there seems no possibility of them protecting a void vessel. AP needed 2. DC: 30. Success Needed 5. Reward: Rolling Earth Ramparts available. Much easier to build then the shields and your armory can handle it. In case it's not obvious, installing them on a ship would be a form of anti-boarding tech, like being able to control gravity.

[ ] Essence Capacitors: A wire cage encompasses an inch wide crystal constructed of orichalcum and infused with the densest essence we can manage. A user must harmonize with it by committing one mote. They can only function one day before they shutdown depleted, although releasing the committed mote can shut them down early. Unlike an elemental core though their more sensitive design can pull energy from the environment, taking two days charging to provide one day of function. Tri-socket adapters can be built allowing three capacitors to provide uninterrupted power. Certain realms may cause a dead zone where they cannot respire. In theory they can be calibrated to charge in environments like the Wyld or the world body of a Primordial but we fear lingering contamination. Capacitors require annual service and cleaning from competent technicians to remove impurities that collect around the conductive filaments.

Essence Capacitors are more fragile than hearthstone and we could potentially design them to fail in massive geomantic explosions. Very expensive bombs. With some effort we could maybe design capacitors intended for this use that are cheaper to deploy. AP needed 2. DC: 30. Success Needed 2/4 Reward: Essence Capacitors are available to power magitech equipment like swift riders, warbirds and warstriders. Unlocks Motonic Warhead research.

[ ] Geomantic Relays: A basic manse can be modified to shift its geomantic power to a Nexus, granting the nexus greater power. We already know how to build one, this research allows us to maximize the amount of relayed geomantic power we can pull from a given manse and how to build a Geomantic nexus without a manse of its own. We could potentially build ships as these Demense less Manses, 'fueled' through geomantic relays from Manses safe and sound in our territory while a ship goes off. If the ship is lost this way we do not lose Hearthstones and can rebuild the Geomantic nexus by realigning the relays even if our ship were captured. Such a ship would have to be fairly sizable, at least 100 meters long at a minimum and would probably require several relays to power itself. AP needed 2. DC: 35. Success Needed 4/5. Reward: Basic Manses can be upgraded to Geomantic Relays and you can build mobile Geomantic Nexus without a core manse. Note: This is the intended functionality for Dragon King Void Ships FYI, although it also allows creating major manses by combining the geomantic potential of five lesser manses.

[ ] Emergency Shielding (unlocked by cheap shields): Because its become so relatively cheap to make essence battlements we have pondering modifying our vessel designs and possible fortresses to include a variety of areas where damage or void exposure will cause a protective Essence Battlement to rise and protect the rest of the ship. AP needed 3. DC: 35. Success Needed 5. Reward: You may buy extra -3 HL for ships for 4 AP each. Ships may only buy so many, with larger ships being able to buy more. (Since its not obvious you can already buy -4 Levels for 2 AP, this is an upgrade to that, you cannot get both extra -3 and -4)

[ ] Design [Component]: While many basic components are available for the asking some thing are trickier. Often this takes the form of properly installing an alien components mountings to get the most use out of it, if the component is THAT good, you have a reliable source so you have a lot, or you want to install them in non-autochthonian ships. Others can be used to create variants of existing components, such as a half hanger half barracks for launch small groups of elite fighters with minimal space used on a ship. Or a ship with two hangers that synchronize their effects to get more out of them than you would normally expect of two hangers. Generally speaking a half sized component is one third as effective. So modifications of components can occur when designing a full ship so this need not be invested in, on the other hand having the components pre-prepared means a good roll can go into making a ship cheaper or stronger rather than squeezing an extra feature aboard somehow. AP Needed: 1 AP. DC: varies but usually low. Success Needed. 3. Reward: Variant of Component or streamlined mounting of xeno component installation.
[ ] Draconic Weyr/Hive (Major City): Thus a design has been established for a sophisticated Geomantic mega-city. A major city has five more basic manses tied to it allowing it to massively expand in scale from an 8 km radius to about 200 km in radius. This region is filled with artificial lakes and rivers, mountains and canyons, plains and savannahs, forests and jungles. Massive territory for Dragon Kings to go hunting and be with nature but never technically leaving the boundaries Geomantic home, reducing the effect of the population on the planet's capacity. Thus it would technically reduce the morale of the population somewhat but every measure is being taken to minimize the loss as much as possible with this city. In addition to the massive improvement in terms of adding population capacity the Mega-Cities, sometimes called Hives, due to the numerous underground tunnels, add huge tracts of land where our enemies may not necessarily know that we have incredible advantages. We may be able to fight entire wars where we gain a massive homefield advantage due to the many benefits our Geomantic cities provide our civilization. Thus it may be in our interest to build these even if we don't need them for the population, simply due to the advantages to our ability to fight inside them. AP Needed: 3. DC 25. AP needed 24. Reward: Major City upgraded to Weyr, improving population capacity and defenses.

[ ] Defense Grid: We can use torpedoes to launch torpedo silos into orbit. These orbital silos will need crewed at this stage but we can put enough torpedoes into orbit to threaten any attackers. You can assign 5 Hearthstones to complete the project more quickly. AP Needed 2. DC 30. AP needed 3/9. Reward: A basic defense grid is built. It costs 1 generic AP per turn as upkeep. It will allow you to produce up to Five torpedo attacks with a default of four successes each against space vessels attempting to make orbit or land before being depleted. Restocking will cost one AP dice per attack made. Atelier Manse set to torpedo production can restock Nine AP worth of torpedoes per turn. Assigning a working Manta Skiff reduces the difficulty to 20.

[ ] Upgraded Orks: Orks are vegetative enough to be effected by our Vegetative artificing. Send some Raptok to work their magic and forcibly upgrade some of our boyz to nobz. However those who can do this are in high demand and we need to dedicate a lot to convert sufficient orks. AP needed 2. DC: 30. Success Needed: 8. Reward: A decent amount of Orks are upgraded to Nobz physiologically and given somewhat better equipment then other orks.

[ ] Ork Civilians: Orks don't really have a true civilian, not in the sense of something that helps out at home that they care about and don't expect to fight. The Orks Waaagh! prevents something like that. But we can make an artificial race designed to live alongside and maybe even "breed" with natural orks that takes over some basic tasks like cooking and constructions, is friendly to the Waaagh! driven orks, but not expected to fight. AP needed 3. DC: 45. Success Needed: 12. Reward: We are not calling them Lady Orks… but yeah basically create an Ork-Girl worth fighting for to inspire the rest of the Waaagh!

[ ] Ork Airfield: Orks use Dakkajets and Fighta-Bommers to engage in aerial combat. They lack grace while doing so but some degree of aerial support seems natural for the Tokat Bound Orks. (Tokorks, Orkati?) Their meks do not have room to work considering the boundaries of the Manse and the in-built limitations. Building them an Airfield will allow them to flush out their numbers of aerial vehicles. Something that may be useful if we plan on invading another ork world with them. AP Needed: 2. DC: 35. Success Needed: 3/6. Reward: Tokati Bound Orks gain access to Deffkopters, Fightas, Dakkajets, and Fighta-Bommers.

[ ] Ork Vehicle Bay: Orks build Bikes, Trukks, Trakks, and Wagons as mechanized support for their forces. Meks lack space and resources to construct enough vehicles to matter. We can give them space and resources and aide them in constructing Vehicle Bays to our standards so they can provide mekanized support to the Boyz. AP Needed: 2. DC: 35. Success Needed: 6. Reward: Tokati Bound Orks can build Light Vehicles, Wagons and Tanks. No walkers or Super heavy stuff yet.

[ ] Silos: Install in each capital city a set of silos with planetary range plasma missiles for performing strategic bombardment against planetary invaders. AP Needed 2. DC 30. AP needed 1/6. Reward: Each of your five capital cities can unleash a potent strategic strike. Replacing the missiles will cost an AP dice, depending on circumstance another might be spent on clean up after the strike.

[ ] Temple of [Divinity]: We can convert any Basic Manse into a consecrated temple to one of our divinities to receive the blessing mentioned under their entries in the Divinity page. Divinities who need a Temple: Leeayta, Shining Flower, Final Hymn of Judgement, Quetzacoatl. Each temple of course consumes one basic manse and removes one Hearthstone from play (it exists but is in the hands of the divinity to use as they see fit). AP needed: 2. DC: 30. Success Needed: 3. Reward: Temple built to appropriate god, some gods may warrant additional temples, especially as you expand to other worlds.

[ ] Vat Complex: A geomantic powered laboratory where autochthonian cybernetics are designed created and most importantly installed in Dragon Kings who have reached Essence 5 and agree to enter the Vat. The vat (each complex will have three) contains a nutrient broth which sustains the Dragon king while their flesh is flayed in complex surgeries that reweave their tissues and organs to contain the new Alchemical Charms and cybernetics. Each Vat Complex removed a Basic Manse and hearthstone from existence. AP needed: 3. DC: 45. Success Needed: 4. Reward: Vat Complex able to create and modify Alchemical Dragon Kings.

[ ] Atelier Manse: Such factories are wonders of mass production. At least in terms of Mundane artifice, as Mundane as an enchanted masterwork weapon or tool can be considered. The manse is turned into a grand machine which produces whatever the hearthstone bearer designates using the skill the bearer has as long as it has raw materials. In addition to the automated manufacturing at the skill of whichever Dragon King is the best at whatever we have it do, it also smooths production and allows things to be made in much faster intervals. Atelier manses will demand the raw materials to keep producing but switching tracks to a new run only takes a week or so to reset the machine, find a new bearer, and replace the raw materials. Thus Stockpiles can be mass produced in droves. In general a Atelier Manse consumes one Generic AP in upkeep every turn and produces effectively three successes worth of mundane products, this can be multiplies by Thaumaturgical or other workshops, allowing effectively Nine successes worth of appropriate production for each Atelier manse. Each Atelier Factory of course consumes a Basic Manse and its Hearthstone and as mentioned running it consumes an AP dice of upkeep. AP needed: 3. DC: 40. Success Needed: 4. Reward: Atelier Factory Manse established. Consumes one AP of upkeep per turn. Produces three success worth of "Mundane" Production every turn. This is how one can mass produce Stockpiles for servicing Void Vessels and Active armies.

An Atelier manse dedicated to spare part production can produce 3 AP worth of upkeep. You may not have more than one such more than your constellation Academies and Naval Oversite.

An Atelier manse dedicated to vehicle or ship production may produce no more than half the total AP for the project. Each one would produce 3 successes for the project per turn up to the half limit.

[ ] Factory Cathedral: Faith, magic, and technology come together in the factory-cathedral. Within its walls are produced glorious wonders. Such a splendiferous workshop enables mass construction of normal artifice and magitechnology but also unlocks the creation of true wonders. A Factory-Cathedral may act as an Atelier manse although that is usually an under use of its power. The ideal workshop that is a Factory-Cathedral can make Magitechnology and Artifice of any level, including legendary N/A assembled from multiple high level individual components.

Everyone who enters the facility must undergo purification rituals, lest unclean Essence contaminate delicate machinery. Sacrifice of great value must be used to kindle a Primordial Furnace inside a factory-cathedral and every year lesser ingredients must be fed into the Furnace to keep it burning. In addition, over the course of the year various components being replaced consumes 10 talents of Jade in incredibly delicate parts, a frozen lightning bolt (tricky but doable with some lightning and air elementals), and the blood of a potent diety (or daemon). Luckily there are plenty of crafting gods perfectly jazzed to enable production in such a facility for only minor prayers and services. All told this means each Factory cathedral must receive at least one die in upkeep every turn, even if not being used.

The first Factory-Cathedral built will convert Flawless Workshop bonus into an ideal Workshop bonus. This will change many prices as mass production gets easier and act as one of the most critical bottlenecks for production of the greater wonders of Legendary Artifice. Additional Factory-cathedrals CAN be used as an Atelier Manse is used, requiring an additional AP dice to provide the needed raw materials, but also enables similar projects for mass production of magical weapons and tools. This includes providing additional auto-successes that may be applied to appropriate projects.

Each factory-cathedral consumes a Basic Manse and its hearthstone AND a high quality Exotic Component, each will consume one Generic AP per turn even if not used as needed maintenance must be performed, fixing a "shut-down" Factory-cathedral is a project roughly the scale of building an Atelier Manse but also needs a new Exotic Stockpile to re-start the Primordial Furnace. AP needed: 3. DC: 45. Success Needed: 6. Reward: Gain a Factory-Cathedral. First one built converts Flawless Workshop Success to Ideal Workshop.

[ ] Teteocon Expansion: A sub-dimensional Dome of Adamant is forced into Elsewhere with portals connecting it to the Plaza Entry. The city itself will be the home of the gods, filled with Quintessence fountains and sublime palaces. Once built we can add on features like Celestial Wine vinyards and Orchards of Peaches of Immortality, and of course the Loom of Fate. AP needed 3. DC: 35. Success Needed 9. Reward: Celestial City in an Adamant Dome fit for Exploitation.

[ ] Wyld Aspect Manse: Three good choices, choose wisely. AP needed: 2. DC: 20. Success Needed: 3. Reward: Hidden Tabernacle, Wyld Marketplace [OOC note: choosing wyld marketplace will introduce three factions which will offer "trade deals" which you can choose one. That relatively positive relationship and continuing deal will be the benefit of the manse if wyld market is chosen.

[ ] Gateport: Build large and geomantically powered facilities around the Gate of Auspicious passage to assist in moving cargo and passengers between worlds. One on both sides is needed or the amount of AP that can pass through the gate is limited. AP needed 2. DC: 15. Success Needed 9. Reward: Gateport built around Tokat's Gate of Auspicous passage.

[ ] Chaos Consuming Infrastructure: We can incorporate the "heavy machinery" of the CCI into the existing capitals and spread out thousands of heavy White Jade Drills across the planet as power relays that spread the effect from the capitals to cover the whole planet. The effect will be to render all the local wyld Border Marches (this does NOT include any Onyx Court Territory), make crossing in this area harder for those who lack the "password" and will cause a boon on Tokat. Mortals who live here will have an easier time becoming heroic and or essence wielders (you don't know it yet but psykers would be more stable as well). Because you are already heroes and essence wielders it would slightly improve your birth rate as the essence that goes into the formation of Dragon King souls is more easily available. The most noticeable effect would be strengthening the planets Geomancy. Building it requires either a dedicated Major manse or flexible equipment at multiple major manses on the planet. AP needed 2. DC: 35. Success Needed 13. Reward: CCI completed would render all local space Border Marches (unpassable to ships and not long term livable for Wyld beings), Dragon Kings on planet gain a 50 percent improvement to population growth rates (ie .115 percent per year right now). Mortals that live on an CCI equipped world are more likely to become heroes, savants, and thaumaturges. Basic Geomantic potential of a CCI equipped world goes up by 50 percent. So Tokat gains +50 Basic Demense locations.

[ ] Jach'uchil Establishment: Time to spread our wings as it were. Build a Capital class city on the planet at the Mars-Aspected manse to support the population needed to try to exploit the other manses and resources on the planet. This will mean we cannot use it to make some form of mars manse though. AP Needed 3. DC 40. Success Needed 9. Reward: Establish a Capital and population on Jach'uchil. Assigning a completed Manta skiff reduces diff to 30.

[ ] Spread the wealth: Using Giant Adamant domes we can build five much smaller cities on smaller manses, connected with Tube Networks. This allows us to populate Jach'Uchil without locking out the use of the Major manse for something special. Does use up 5 Basic Manses though. AP Needed 3. DC 35. Success Needed 12. Reward: Establish a 5 small Adamant Domed cities and population on Jach'uchil. Consumes 5 Basic Demense on Jach'Uchil. Assigning a completed Manta skiff reduces diff to 25.

[ ] Blessed Legion's Bloody Halo: While it may be difficult to maintain on a non-habitable planet we believe it worth it to take advantage of the Mars-Aspected geomancy. The general who holds the Hearthstone should be able to call upon a fraction of Mars's own ability to command troops, blessing the troops they lead with +5 to all relevant statistics as long as the group remains together. Expansions can build training grounds for elite troops far beyond anything we can currently conceive. Also equipment can be built here to support the Loom of Fate and make it easier for that construct to affect the Destiny of Battles. AP Needed 3. DC: 45. Success Needed: 5. Reward: Bloody Halo built on Jach'uchil, unlocks third tier training grounds, unlock improved battle focused astrological infrastructure. Potential ongoing loss of one generic AP to upkeeping a major manse without any local population. Assigning a completed Manta skiff reduces diff to 35.

[ ] Far-Flung Moons: Using Giant Adamant domes we can build five much smaller cities on larger moons of Ajawo'Baxal. This allows us to tap into the Geomantic potential of the Gas giant as well as construct Asteroid fortress more easily. Some visions of the future include building well protected shipyards out here by placing all of them in Orbital Redoubts rather than floating freely, and turning the Ajawo'Baxal area into a major source for our future fleets. AP Needed 3. DC 50. Success Needed 12. Reward: Establish a 5 small Adamant Domed cities and population near Ajawo'Baxal. Consumes 5 Basic Demense moons. Assigning a completed Manta skiff reduces diff to 40.
[ ] Militia Plantation: Militia Grade equipment is composed of a great deal of vegetative technology and artifacts. Setting up a plantation will allow production of much of the needed gear over time and reduce the costs associated with recruiting Planetary Guards and Militia. AP Needed 1. DC 15. Success Needed 6. Reward: Milita Gear Plantation. Reduces cost of recruiting a new Planetary Guard by 5 success and costs for recruiting Militia is reduced by a third. (as long as Militia is using Vegetative gear)

[ ] Imidazole Plantation: You can create a new plantation to instead produce the key ingredient in your spore suppression efforts magnifying the impact of your committed effort. AP Needed 1. DC 15. Success Needed 6. Reward: Every success committed to Spore suppression is double up to ten in one turn. Yes this stacks with the tripling effect of Advanced Thaumaturgy up to the "ten" limit

[ ] Tree Spires: Massive trees are grown from plantations penetrating deep into the sky. On the outside these trees will be about 18 km wide and 1000 km tall. On the inside a spatial distortion effect takes place. Near the surface of the tree things are closer to normal allowing movement of giant items albeit slowly. As you get closer the distortion increases, leading to less and less room but much faster movement. In the Heart of the Spire is a wide one story stair case which leads from the bottom to the 1000 km top in the effort it takes a Dragon King to climb some stairs. Build 5 Tree Spires but uses up an Industrial Plantation location: AP Needed 1. DC 20. Success Needed 24. Reward: Projects in orbit gain -10 difficulty and projects in the same system but not orbit reduce difficulty by 5 (cannot reduce difficulty below ten)

[ ] Open Plantation: We have needs for more plantations then we have space and ecological support for. Harness five wood and Earth manses and channel their geomancy to make a new region incredibly rich for Plantation Production. Removes five basic manses and Hearthstones. AP Needed 1. DC: 15. Success Needed 5. Reward: Increase a planet's Plantation limit by one, reduces basic manses by five.
[ ] Primordial Standard: Build gear for our Draconic Legions up the standards of that the troops intended to be the bulk of our Armies fought the Primordial war in. Reinforced Twinning Leaf Breastplates, Crystal Warclubs (Power Swords), Ironwood Grand Goremauls, Crystal belts of Adaptation (ignore environment, no need to breath), Dragonfly Ranging Eyes (basically DBZ Scouters but better), Fire Lances, Crystal Hearthstone Bracers, Healing Orchids, and a variety of customized gear like elemental lenses for Anklok, Essence Thrust Drives for Pteroks, Perfected Greaves for Mosok, and the commanders of each Legion get a single Atlas of the Unconquered General. Soldiers often have essence manipulating artifacts like Aegis inset amulets and undergo meridian realigning thaumaturgical surgery to reduce the essence cost of attuning all this gear. AP needed 3. DC: 20. Success Needed 34. Reward: One Host upgraded to Primordial War Standard equipment. Choose Tidal, Volcano, Storm, Jungle, or ten standard legions. Flawless Workshop Success may apply but only counts as one of the two needed AP. May spend an exotic stockpile to reduce Success Needed by 16. Atelier Manse can be assigned once to assist this project adding 9 successes.

[ ] Standardization: Rather than creating a new layer by equipping some of your troops with better gear, you will upgrade all 100 legions in one go! AP needed 4. DC: 20. Success Needed 295. Reward: 100 Legions worth of Front-Line Gear is produced. Flawless Workshop Success may apply. High Grade exotic component may be spent to reduce total needed by 25 Successes. You may apply six stockpiles maximum to this action. Atelier Manse can be assigned to assist this project 10 times to add 9 successes from project each time.

[ ] A core for everyone: Most of our troops have a least some piece of equipment that contains a Hearthstone amulet. We could theoretically provide every single one of soldiers an elemental core to improve their essence recovery rate and provide them a useful secondary power. Still building several hundred thousand cores is no trifling matter and should be undertaken with care. AP needed 3. DC: 30. Success Needed 400. Reward: 100 Legions worth of Elemental Cores produced. Choose either a common power up all soldiers will have or accept a lesser generic boost from soldiers having a variety of abilities. Flawless Workshop Success may apply. High Grade exotic component may be spent to reduce total needed by 30 Successes. Up to three may be spent.

[ ] Archgenesis: Whereas Genesis the manipulation of a lifeform or a species, archgenesis represents the manipulation of ecosystems over regional and planetary scales. Our current schema for providing Archgenesis to a completely barren world like Jach'uchil would require production of Red Seeds of the immaculate blood in several tens of thousands of individual seeds. Lacking an established plantation and unwilling to wait a century we would have to mass produce these seeds as step one Archgenesis. Part two of course is an Ark of Benediction of Archgenesis and an onsite temple or orbiting templeship to propagate the effect across the planet after the seeds are buried. AP needed 2. DC: 20. Success Needed 100. Reward: Enough red seeds of immaculate blood to perform Archgenesis on a world. May use an Exotic Stockpile to reduce the successes by 20 once. You may apply four stockpiles maximum to this action. Atelier Manse can be assigned to assist this project 6 times to add 9 successes from project each time.

[ ] Colonization Package: Prep work for setting up a new colony, something that can be done in advance so they progress more quickly, or in a situation to assist a colony that does not have direct aide from an established world. Builder Bug nests have been added as standard equipment for colonization packages. This should speed things along at a new colony. A new colony can only benefit from one colonization package per 10 million inhabitants. AP Needed 1. DC 20. Success Needed 5. Reward: Colonization Packages provide 4 Auto success to establishment of colony, may only have one per ten million colonists and reduces difficulty for rolled dice by 5 until colony is completed.
[ ] Swift Riders: With access to elemental cores we can start building swift riders [hover bikes] for Raptok scouts. 25 per legion should be simple enough. AP needed 2. DC: 20. Success Needed 0/12. Reward: Each of your 40 legions is equipped with 25 swift riders to act as land based high speed scouts and response teams. Little Need with how advanced your Clawstriders are now.

[ ] Brass Legion: Clockwork soldiers that fight for the holders of their command codes. They will not depend on essence from Attunement or elementals, simply activated and allowed to perform maintenance during the time a normal soldier would be sleeping or eating. Our clockwork soldiers would be ideal to equip with our new faux yellow jade artifacts and Prayer weaponry. AP needed 2. DC: 30. AP Needed 10. Reward: 10 Brass Legions of Clockwork Soldiers equipped with some form of Artifact armor and Prayer caster derived weaponry. Stats are same as Staran knights but you can have more total and they are equipped with ranged Artifact weaponry and have more independence and skill in warfare. Flawless Workshop and Automatorium success may apply.
[ ] Treel's Refuge: Maximizing the aide providing by the god of Tokat a massive project is envisioned to dig out tunnels, barracks, workshops and even entire cities underground. It will have a side effect of increasing the population limit of Tokat if that matters. The primary purpose of course is to act as a refuge if you are forced to abandon the surface, allowing you to fight back… or in the case of a half hearted planet cleansing bombardment survive to rebuild eventually. Make no mistake there are still several methods of raining death on a world that will still wipe out those inside the refuge but there are some methods of destruction that would allow the Refuge to survive but would still destroy a normal city. AP needed 3. DC: 20. Success Needed: 36. Reward: Treel's Refuge is built. A massive planet scale underground with everything your civilization needs. This project's scope and nature is optimized for the aide that can be provided by Treel's temple.

[ ] Warstrider Auxiliary Factorum: Noble Warstriders are extremely complicated interfaces of Magic, Technology, Arcane workings and pure skill. They stretch the boundaries of what we are capable of and it would be best to build special facilities for handling their construction. (For those knowing Exalted, this is building a Flawless Workshop optimized for Warstrider construction to get bonuses). AP Needed 2. DC 30. AP needed 6. Reward: Major factory sites have a new workshop dedicated to Noble Warstrider production. Can build Noble Warstrider formations at rates faster than a century.

[ ] Orbital Redoubt (Sheltering Night Class/ built where): You now have settled on a method of building an orbital redoubt via slow construction. Now that the design is settled you can produce them all in one go. Redoubts built outside Tokat orbit raise DC by 10. AP Needed: 3. DC: 50 for first six successes than 30 Success Needed: 38 Reward: Gain one Sheltering Night Class Orbital Redoubt. Manta may be assigned to reduce the DC by ten. One exotic component stock may be expended to gain 6 successes once. Elementals may provide up to half the total successes in the project.
[ ] Staran Forces: Time to get that plantation cranking. Makes 300 million Staran Defenders to start with. AP Needed 2. DC 30. AP needed 0/12. Reward: 300 Million Staran defenders. Automatorium successes may apply.

[ ] Wood Striders: Build giant wooden war machines to attend the Staran Army. Mobile Ballista and Onager, Rams, Giant Cat Trees, all grown and assembled to be used by Staran and in suitable numbers for the whole Staran Army. AP Needed 2. DC 35. AP needed 8. Reward: Basic War Machines available to Staran Defender forces. Stable success may apply.

[ ] Stalker Horde: Dragon Kings eggs have been discovered to hatch in the presence of certain hormones. However these "children" are naught but savage beasts with no potential. Our idea is to hatch a bunch and use a combination of beast training and slave colors to control them and Aegis Inset amulets to drain their life spans to provide attunement costs for simple artifacts, tattoo armor and dragon claw weapons fused over their normal claws to make up for their lack of Steps or charms. Of course this would shrink their lifespan to only 50 years (60 if given anagathic drugs). This raises a legion dedicated to maintaining the Horde as well as hatching, gelding, training and equipping the horde. AP Needed 2. DC 35. AP needed 9. Reward: Horde of 50,000 Stalkers ready to be unleashed on foes, only counts as 5000 Dragon Kings under arms for purposes of upkeep limits. May be able to trade gelded Stalkers as slaves or Arena beasts.

[ ] Tyrant Lizards: We have controlled our beats with collars of clockwork diligence which suppresses the animals free will and forces them to obey orders from the attuned owner of the collar and ignore pain and fear. All other such are made of white jade for its simple plentifulness. Only the Tyrant Lizard do we feel compelled to provide an Orichalcum collar. This boosts its already might strength and intimidating appearance to something glorious. An armored harness is provides the rider who is equipped with our heaviest artifact armors to insure they are not the weak link, a fortified saddle, usually providing at least light cover on top of being far out of reach of melee weapons atop the Tyrant Lizard.

Still, Tyrant Lizards are fearsome beasts, and we keep our control as light as possible. In addition to the effects of the collar the beast's teeth and claws are treated to enable them to inflict damage and resist corruption as if they were magical material weaponry. Lorestones that can be activated by the rider are surgically inserted inside the Tyrant's chakra points. These grant the mount incredible insight into its savage techniques pushing them beyond what it could naturally manage.

[Tyrant Lizard is normal beyond being ridden and somewhat controlled by a heavily armored Raptok, All damage is +1, intimidation and feats of strength rolls are +3, combat movement, hiding and tracking rolls are +2, can attack dematerialized beings with teeth and claws and any target subject to an effect that might damage or corrupt what hits the target treats the Tyrant Lizards teeth and claws as Orichalcum. AP needed 3. DC: 35. Success Needed 16. Reward: 40 Draconic Legions each gain four Tyrant Lizards. Stable Success may apply.

[ ] Razor-Beaks: not!Quetzalcoatlus are normally ridden by Pteroks the way humans rode horses. We can equip trained Razor-Beaks with leaf armor and self re-loading fuel bolt launchers that the riders can control. The beasts can fly faster and further than Pteroks alone can, if not by a massive amount and the anti-vehicle weapons allow them to be dangerous when opposing any aircraft. In situations where there is no enemy air support they can carry large fire bombs and garda eggs or other alchemical grenades (fungicides maybe?) to drop on foes. AP needed 2. DC: 25. Success Needed 6/53. Reward: Each of 40 legions gains a group of 25 Razorbeaks as organic support.

Resource Action: Actions which gather more AP in future turns. There are limits. Most actions acquire resources you would have gathered or made anyway but did so in a labor saving method, like food, or low end exotic components. While getting these helps there is only so much labor to go around to utilize them. Thus Resource expeditions, resource colonies, or trade focused on comparable resources has a limit. This limit is 1 per population Base Generic AP. IE 1 per ten million Dragon Kings, currently 15 AP per turn. Of course expeditions can also yield high end exotic components and other potential benefits and resources expeditions and colonies and especially trade may have products which bypass these normal limits and continue to allow additional AP to be added on, such as raiding or trading for slaves and employing slave labor, or purchasing/acquiring products that can be used directly somehow without additional manufacturing steps.

[ ] Resource Expedition: Various Dragon Kings can effectively magic up useful equipment from rocks and trees. But that doesn't mean its not easier if they have higher quality materials to work from. Use what you learned from the Mosok Exploration last season to go on expeditions to various places across Tokat to bring back more useful raw materials, if you are lucky maybe even something with enough potency to allow more powerful artifact creation. AP Needed 1. DC: 20/80. Success Needed 1. Reward: Every base success provides TWO AP next turn, every greater success provides an additional Exotic Stockpile.

[ ] Karmic Expedition: Send a group of Dragon Kings and Sheut into one Lanka's afterlives and hunt for resources there. We are less likely to get basic resources than if conducted on Tokat but MORE likely to get Exotic materials. Critical success may unlock interactions with the inhabitants of an Afterlife realm. AP Needed 1. DC: 30/60. Success Needed 1. Reward: Every base success provides TWO AP next turn, every greater success provides an additional Exotic Stockpile.

[ ] Jach'Uchil Expedition: Various Dragon Kings can effectively magic up useful equipment from rocks and trees. But that doesn't mean its not easier if they have higher quality materials to work from. Jach'Uchil has been identified as having high quality gemstones, high quality sulfur fields, and vast deposits of high grade iron ores. While we can certainly work with what Tokat has, perhaps we can tap into what this other planet in our system has as well. AP Needed 1. DC: 45/95. Success Needed 1. Reward: Every base success provides THREE AP next turn, every greater success provides an additional Exotic Stockpile. Skyships assigned can reduce the DC by 20, but one must be assigned per dice assigned to get the reduced DC to all dice.
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[X] Invite important Eldar to the first opening of the Gate of Auspicious Passage to Ophelis (Expected to occur next turn) to show it off. Rolls to produce relationship bonus for Ulthwe, may interest them with a good roll.