Dawn of Heroes

Name: Tamara Lyn/Fairy Knight (PL11)
Age: Biologically 25
Gender: Female
Personality: Tamara is a playful and excitable individual who maintains a cheerful demeanour. She will take everything in her stride whilst maintaining her optimistic outlook. Tamara will do her best in whatever task she is attempting but has no pride outside of that. In combat, Tamara will hold back and attempt to take her foes in alive unless they make things personal, where she will then do her best to take them down one way or another.

(Magic-Fey): Morph 3 (Animal Forms, Limited to +10 Deception bonus, Metamorph with Variable Descriptor 2 & Limited to reduced PL by 2), Regeneration 2 (1 per 5 rounds)
Ethereal Beauty (Magic-Fey): Enhanced Advantage 1 (Attractive), Feature 1 (Change the external details of your appearance/+2 Circumstance Bonus to Interaction Skills)
Faerie Heritage (Magic-Fey): Enhanced Strength 2, Enhanced Agility 2, Immunity 5 (Ageing, Starvation & Thirst, Need for Sleep, Suffocation Effects), Partial Immunity 7 (Disease, Poison, All Environmental Effects,) Concealment 1 (Regular Hearing),
Talatine (Device-Sword/Magic-Fey): Penetrating Damage 5, Weaken Fighting 2 (Resisted by Fortitude), Feature 2 (Summon to hand at will as a Standard Action), Teleport 1 (8 Metres & 24 kg/Medium: Talatine), Indestructible, Personal, Impressive, Dangerous 2, Easily Removable,
-Thrown Talatine: Ranged Damage 5, Weaken Fighting 2 (Resisted by Fortitude), Feature 2 (Summon to hand at will as a Standard Action), Teleport 1 (8 Metres & 24 kg/Medium: Talatine), Indestructible, Personal, Impressive, Dangerous 2, Easily Removable,
Torlyn (Armour/Magic-Fey): Impervious Protection 10, Continuous, Limited to Human Form, Noticeable (Shining Silver Plate Armour), Feature (+5 Bonus against Mental Attacks) & Partial Immunity 5 (Mind Control),
Minor Spells (Magic-Fae): 3-Point Power Array with 1 Alternative Effect.
-Mimicry: Feature 1 (Imitate almost any sound you heard using your voice with +10 bonus to Deception checks to convinces others that the sound is real), Feature 2 (Disguises require no preparations, +5 to Deception checks for disguises),
-Urban Camouflage: Feature 1 (+5 to Stealth checks in an Urban Environment), Concealment 2 (Regular Vision, Limited to Urban Environments),
Major Spells (Magic-Fey): 4-Point Power Array with 2 Alternative Effects.
-Healing Spell: Healing 2.
-Lighting Bolt: Ranged Electrical Damage 2.
-Teleport: Teleport 2 (32 Metres & 24 kg).
2/Fairy Wings (Magic-Fey): Flight 1 (4 MPH)

Strength: 2 (4)
Stamina: 2
Agility: 3 (5)
Dexterity: 2
Fighting: 4
Intellect: 4
Awareness: 4
Presence: 0

Dodge: 6 (8)
Fortitude: 7
Parry: 8
Toughness: 2 (12/Impervious 10)
Will: 10

Initiative +11 (13)
Unarmed +11: Close Damage 2 (4), Critical 20,
Talatine +13: Close Damage 7 (9/Penetrating 5), Critical 18-20
Thrown Talatine +5: Ranged Damage 7 (9), Critical 18-20

Acrobatics 5 (8 [10])
Athletics 5 (7 [9])
Close Combat: Sword 9 (13)
Close Combat: Unarmed 7 (11)
Deception 4 (4)
Expertise: British Politics 5 (9)
Expertise: Current Events 4 (8)
Expertise: Fey Transformation Magic 20 (24)
Expertise: General Magic 4 (8)
Expertise: Maid 6 (11)
Expertise: Politics 3 (7)
Expertise: Fey Royalty 6 (10)
Insight 3 (7)
Intimidation 2 (2)
Investigation 1 (5)
Perception 3 (7)
Persuasion 4 (4)
Stealth 5 (8 [10])
Technology 5 (9)
Treatment 2 (6)

Accurate Attack: Trade effect DC for attack bonus.
Artificer: Use Expertise: Magic to create temporary devices.
: Use Insight to learn an opponent's combat capabilities.
Attractive: +2 (+5) circumstance bonus on Deception and Persuasion checks based on your looks.
Benefit (Friend on the Force): You are engaged in a covert partnership with Inspector Brown
Benefit I (Government Influence: Tara Lane): You have minor influence within the government as Tara Lane.
Benefit (Neighbourhood Hero): Call upon local support within Whitechapel.
Benefit (Prepared Rituals): Delay the effects of a completed rituals until a time of your choosing.
Diehard: Automatically stabilise when dying.
Defensive Attack: Trade attack bonus for active defence.
Evasion: +2 circumstance bonus to Dodge resistance checks to avoid area effects.
Improved Defence: +2 bonus to active defence when you take the defend action.
Improved Initiative II: +8 bonus to initiative checks.
Instant Up: Stand from prone as a free action.
Interpose: Take an attack meant for an ally.
Languages: English, Fey
Power Attack: Trade attack bonus for effect bonus.
Quick Draw: Draw a weapon as a free action.
Ritualist: Use Expertise: Magic to create and perform rituals.
Takedown: Free extra attack when you incapacitate a minion.
Tracking: Use Perception to follow tracks.
Uncanny Dodge: Not vulnerable when surprised or caught off-guard.

Winfield Castle
Size: Huge; Tou: 8; PL11
Intellect: 6; Awareness: 3; Presence: 3
-Living Space, Magical Defence System, Technological Security System (DC20), Magical Laboratory, Magical Workshop, Technological Workshop, Power System, Sealed (Magical Barrier), Self-Repairing, Magical Portal to Elphane, Intelligent (Rebecca),

Motivation (Her Duty): Tamara is the Fairy Knight because she sees it as her duty to protect the innocent and to fight evil.
Magic over Tech: Tamara is well-acquainted with the technology of the human world and has great respect for what it can do, especially in the hands of a genius. Yet when given a choice, Tamara will choose the magic she grew up with over a more technological solution.
Enemy (Prince Auraen): Prince Auraen has not forgotten his defeat at the hands of Tamara and Sapphire Squire. Escaping his imprisonment, Tamara's cousin now seeks to get revenge on her in his self-imposed exile.
Secret Identity (Tamara Wallis): Fairy Knight maintains a secret identity as Tamara Wallis nee Lyn, widow of Benedict Wallis and mother of Alexandra Wallis.


Known Heroes and Heroic Organisations
The first costumed vigilante in both the British Isles and London, the Night appeared in early 1916. Primarily focused on fighting the Consortium and stopping the criminal empire taking advantage of the then ongoing war, the Night also focused on regular crimes and the criminals of London soon learnt to fear his presence. He vanished in mid 1919 without a trace while investigating the politician Barnaby May-Porter and his ties to the Consortium leadership.

His secret identity is Benedict Wallis, grandson of the wealthy retired politician Gareth Wallis.
The youthful squire of the Fairy Knight and aspiring heroine, Sapphire Squire relies on a mixture of physical skill, mental ability and technological gadgets. A genius and prodigy, Sapphire Squire holds her own on the streets of London and has proven herself worthy of fighting alongside her mentor. Since 25th December 1920, Sapphire Squire has gained two magical abilities from her mentor, one which allows her to change her outfit at will and provide her clothing with protective properties while the other removes her needs for sleep, food and drink.
The second squire of Fairy Knight, Onyx Squire comes from a criminal background and seeks to help the world rather than hurt it like the rest of his family. Relying mainly on his fists and hardiness, Onyx Squire has picked some equipment and magic from Fairy Knight and Sapphire Squire, the most exotic of these being his partial invisibility and complete silence.

His secret identity is David White, son of the street thug Jacob White.
Jordan Brown is a chief inspector within the Metropolitan Police. A determined man who believes in stopping criminals and protecting the innocent, Chief Inspector Brown is willingly to bend the law a little if it means seeing proper justice done.

Following his systematic dismantlement of the Dragonsteeth, Jordan Brown was promoted from Detective Sergeant to Detective Inspector. Following the arrest of the Templar, Jordan Brown has formed a formal covert partnership with the Fairy Knight.

As of 1st March 1921, Jordan Brown has been promoted to Chief Inspector from Detective Inspector under a cloud of politics, high tenses and borderline infighting amongst the Metropolitan Police.
Gareth Wallis is a wealthy man and a retired politician who has known great tragedy. The ageing man has outlived all of his family and currently lives alone in London with his butler. He was aware of his grandson's activities as the Night and covertly funded his crusade. As of January 1920, he supports and funds Fairy Knight's continuation of the Night's crusade.

Known Villains and Villainous Organisations
While some call him a hero, the Golden Knight is definitely a criminal. Appearing in 1919, the Golden Knight and his Golden Order are returning veterans of the Great War. While they fight the Consortium and claim to see justice for the people, many of the Golden Order's activities are regular organised crime and in some ways, the Golden Knight is just another crime lord who dressed up as a costumed vigilante.

On 9th February 1920, the Golden Order captured Sam Carson of the White Devils and hold him captive.
On 24th April 1920, the Golden Knight aided Fairy Knight at Anna Lucas' party.
The White Devils are a London street gang that was led by Sam Carson and backed by the Consortium. A male dominated gang that believes in the supremacy of the white Englishman, the White Devils seek to purge London of its 'foreign filth'. Covertly supported by the Consortium, the White Devils rose to prominence falling the Night's disappearance and seek to 'clean out' Whitechapel so they can turn it into their territory and use the neighbourhood as a base of operations.

On 9th February 1920, Sam Carson was defeated by Fairy Knight before being captured by the Golden Order. Following the loss of their leader, the White Devils have fallen into infighting and got systemically picked off by their foes. As of mid 1920, the gang no longer exists.

As of 25th February, Sam Carson was freed from the captivity of the Golden Order by Redcoat, presumably on the orders of the Consortium.
The Dragonsteeth were a major street gang that was founded and led by Anna Lucas. Covertly backed by the Consortium, the Dragonsteeth held a position of prominence within the London criminal underworld and the gang held great influence over several small gangs.

On 24th April 1920, Anna Lucas was defeated by Fairy Knight and later arrested by the police alongside several of her subordinates.

Between late April 1920 and early August 1920, Detective Sergeant Jordan Brown systematically dismantled the gang. He did so by arresting and putting in prison most of their leadership and membership, shutting down all of their major operations and most of their minor ones and he ruined their reputation.

As of September 1920, Cliff Gregory currently leads what is left of the Dragonsteeth with the gang having gone to ground as a remnant of their former glory.

As of April 1921, the Dragonsteeth are no more after being consumed by rivals in the gang war following the downfall of the Royal Ravens.
Levy Porter was the chief enforcer of the Dragonsteeth, a feared man for his deadly prowess. He was arrested by Detective Sergeant Jordan Brown on the 24th April 1920 after being defeated by Fairy Knight and was later sent to prison.
Levy Porter was a sub-boss of the Dragonsteeth and their main accountant. An experienced elderly man, he managed most of the gang's finances and briefly took over half of it following Anna Lucas' arrest.

He was arrested by Detective Sergeant Jordan Brown during early June 1920 and was later sent to prison.
Cliff Gregory is the current leader of what remains of the Dragonsteeth. An ambitious and dangerous man, he leads what is left of the gang after avoiding being arrested by Detective Brown.

As for 25th February 1921, Cliff Gregory is attempting to return the gang to prominence and has broken its prior ties with the Consortium.

As of April 1921, the Dragonsteeth are no more after being consumed by rivals in the gang war following the downfall of the Royal Ravens. The current fate of Cliff Gregory is unknown.
The Consortium is the top dog within the criminal underworld of London with its leadership remaining unknown to outsiders and most within the Consortium. Whilst it has sway across most of the British Isles, the Consortium is located in London where it holds the most of its power and influence.

Despite enjoying a good couple of decades of effectively uncontested dominance, the Consortium has founded itself increasing under attack in recent years with its most prominent foes being the Night, the Golden Order and Fairy Knight.
An middle-manager within the Consortium who is responsible with coordinating with outside assets. He was Windstrike's liaison when the Consortium hired her to kill Fairy Knight in March 1920.
Known as Ronald Barr in his civilian identity, the Templar is a fearsome warrior who dresses up in plate armour, styling himself after a medieval knight. Wielding his imposing war hammer, the Fist of God, the Templar is one of the most dangerous individuals on London's streets with very few capable of matching him. Having retired from the army after a decade of service at the end of the Great War, Ronald seemingly works for an Anglican organisation that seeks to purge London's streets of heretics and infidels.

He was arrested on the 18th September 1920 after being defeated by the Fairy Knight, but avoided going to prison due to destruction of evidence during his trial.
Peter Michaelson was the leader of the Royal Ravens and a member of the Consortium. The Royal Ravens were the top gang in London and the Consortium used them as a proxy to control the streets of London. Following a rash attack on the Brown family in February 1921, the full force of the Scotland Yard came down on the Royal Ravens and as of April 1921, the gang has been systemically destroyed one way or another and is effectively no more.
Allen Baxter as the chief enforcer of the Royal Ravens.

On 16th February 1921, Allen Baxter was accidentally slain by Fairy Knight in battle.
25th February 1921, the Regal Ravens split off from the Royal Ravens.

Known Civilians and Neutral Organisations
A waitress, Lydia lives with her older sister Ellen and more recently, Tamara.
A telephone operator and a feminist, Ellen lives with her younger sister Lydia and more recently, Tamara.
Barnaby May-Porter is a prominent and respected politician who has ambitions of being Prime Minister. The Night disappeared uncovering evidence financially connecting Barnaby to the Consortium's leadership.
Also known as Tedd Donald, the Squirrel is a talent and agile thief who steals from the rich as a challenge. After being caught by Fairy Knight on 10th August 1920, he has given up his life of crime.
The wife of Jordan Brown and mother of Brenda Brown and James Brown. A formerly cheerful and supportive woman, she was almost killed on the 18th February 1921. While she survived thanks to Fairy Knight's intervention, her right hand has been maimed and Eira has fallen into a deep depression.

As of May 1921, Eira has fully recovered thanks to Moira Lyn and her magic.
The son of Jordan and Eira Brown and the younger brother of Brenda Brown. James Brown was a shy kid who witness his mother almost being killed in their own home on the 18th February 1921 alongside receiving injuries of his own. While he and his mother were saved by the Fairy Knight, the fallout has left him spooked and jumping at shadows.

As of May 1921, James has fully recovered thanks to Moira Lyn and her magic.

British Isles

Known Heroes and Heroic Organisations
The partner of Sentinel and student of Merlin, Galahad is a powerful superhuman with powers he claims are a gift from God. With flight, super-strength and toughness alongside his Blaze and Radiance, there are only a handful of individuals out there that can match Galahad. While he is based in Winchester, Galahad operates in all of Hampshire.
The partner of Galahad and student of Merlin, Sentinel is a genius who creates devices and invents technology beyond what the rest of the world uses. Operating out of Southampton, Sentinel no longer takes to the field as per his agreement with Galahad and instead acts as off the battlefield support to his partner.
Formed by the British government in August 1921, the Kingsmen are an officially sanctioned team of heroes that work for the national authorities. Lead by the Fairy Knight, the founding members consist of Fairy Knight, Imperial Lion, Spider and Longbow.

Known Villains and Villainous Organisations
Named for his signature redcoat, Redcoat is the deadliest killer in the British Isles with none of his targets having survived him going after them. After a week of back and forth fighting with Fairy Knight and Sapphire Squire, Redcoat was defeated by the duo on the 11th December 1920 and later arrested by the police. His secret identity was revealed to be Oliver King, a soldier turned mercenary.
An upstart criminal group formed by some Irish folk up in Glasgow, they have seized control of the Glasgow criminal underworld from the Consortium and are battling the Consortium over Edinburgh's criminal underworld.
A villainous magic user, he has proven a capable spellcaster and a dangerous foe, especially if given time to prepare. He apparently works for an employer, but holds little loyalty to them and is willingly to further his own goals at their expense.

On the 18th March 1921, Druid defeated Sapphire Squire and bound Fairy Knight to his will for multiple hours. On the 19th March 1921, he foiled Sapphire Squire's attempt to rescue Fairy Knight before later releasing Fairy Knight.
A hired thug of little fame, he has been known to work for the Druid. The man is more dangerous from average thug, but has yet to display any out of ordinary.

On the 19th March 1921, he was defeated by battle by Sapphire Squire.
Known Civilians and Neutral Organisations

Kingdom of the Faeries

Known Heroes and Heroic Organisations
The King of the Faeries and former ruler of the Little Court of Ireland, Tiarnach is a stern, but fair ruler. A capable warrior and respected leader, he is a highly popular leader thanks to his own actions as King and his overthrowing of his aunt. He seeks to change the ways of his people and turn them into something more noble and less capricious.

While time flows differently in the Kingdom of the Faeries, it wa roughly 6th May 1921 that Tiarnach became king.

Known Villains and Villainous Organisations
Sister to the first Queen of the Faeries and temporary usurper, Princess Taenya is an ambitious and paranoid woman. While she was able to amass a loyal following that allowed to overthrow her sister, Taenya valued loyalty and subservience over competence and ability. She would later meet her downfall when her paranoia and tyrannical rulership resulted turning half of her realm against her, purges that left her supporters greatly reduced in number and putting the most loyal subordinates in charge rather than those that were qualified to do the job.

While time flows differently in the Kingdom of the Faeries, it was roughly 6th May 1921 that Prince Tiarnach overthrow Taenya and became king.
The son of Taenya, Prince Auraen made up what he lacked in competence with obedience. He was left in charge of defending the Little Court of Scotland when his mother was overthrown, resulting in his defeat at the hands of Tamara Lyn and her squire.

Known Civilians and Neutral Organisations
The mother of Tamara Lyn and many other important fairies, the Queen of the Faeries was a powerful and uncontested leader. Having rightfully earnt both fear and respect, the Queen of the Faeries was a whimsical and capricious ruler who did what she felt like at any given moment thanks to being powerful enough to get away with it.

At some point prior to start of 1920, she was overthrown by her sister Taenya and has not been seen from since.
The daughter of the Queen of Faeries, Princes Moira rules over the Little Court of England. While she is a decent ruler, Moira is more focused on magic and improving her magical abilities. She and her half-sister Tamara consider each other to be their favourite sibling.

As of May 1921, Princess Moira has taken up the human identity of Moira Lyn.
The son of Princess Taenya, Prince Zelphar ruled over the Little Court of Wales before being disposed alongside his mother.
The daughter of the Queen of Faeries, Princes Maeryn rules over the Little Court of Cornwall. While not a bad ruler, Princess Maeryn is more interested in socialising than running her realm. Maeryn likes to spend her time engaging in politics and the high life of society.

As of May 1921, Princess Maeryn has taken up the human identity of Maeve Lyn.


Known Heroes and Heroic Organisations
A German vigilante operating in Munich, he is an inventor who wields an electrified sword and a belt that protects him from electricity. With his partner Sportlerin, he battle the local crime lords, Fredikorps and anarchists. His main foes are the crime lord Oskar Lowith and his hired enforcer, Eisenfaust.

On 7th April 1921, he fought alongside Fairy Knight and Sapphire Squire against Eisenfaust and the Consortium.
Known Villains and Villainous Organisations
A mercenary assassin for hire, Lucilla Verona aka Windstrike is a skilled Italian archer and swordswoman. Prideful and greedy, Windstrike is a professional for whom there is little that she won't do for the right amount of money. Known for her competent and professionalism, Windstrike takes contracts from all over the world with a preference for remaining within Western society.

On 21st March 1920, Windstrike was arrested by the Metropolitan Police whilst attempting to kill Fairy Knight after her victim inflict a near-fatal injury on the archer.

As for August 1921, Windstrike has secretly joined the Kingsmen as a founding member under a new identity as Longbow.
Eisenfaust is a German mercenary named for the distinct gauntlet he wears on his right hand. Eisenfaust is hardy man and a fearsome foe and has recently taken up employment as an retainer for the crime lord Oskar Lowith for an indefinite length of time.

His attempts to deliver a weapon to the Consortium was foiled by Fairy Knight, Sturmschwert and Sapphire Squire on 7th April 1921.

Known Civilians and Neutral Organisations
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Fight it is then.

[X] Fight. You may be injured, but the enemy leader is right there before you and half of his guard is already out of the fight at your hand. You shall finish this fight and deal with Carson.
-[X] Target the anyone with a gun. They are the only ones who can harm you, without them the other's defeat is inevitable.
The vote is closed and the tally is stupid.
Adhoc vote count started by Oshha on Jul 26, 2019 at 8:21 PM, finished with 26 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Fight. You may be injured, but the enemy leader is right there before you and half of his guard is already out of the fight at your hand. You shall finish this fight and deal with Carson.
    -[X] Target the thugs. The guards are more numerous, but easier to take down. You have already whittled them down to half their number and you can deal with the rest before focusing on their leader.
    [X] Fight. You may be injured, but the enemy leader is right there before you and half of his guard is already out of the fight at your hand. You shall finish this fight and deal with Carson.
    -[X] Target the anyone with a gun. They are the only ones who can harm you, without them the other's defeat is inevitable.
    [X] Spy on Sam Carson. Sneak inside and spy on him in an attempt to get more information.
    [X] Withdraw
    -[X] "I'll be back!"
White Devils IV
[X] Fight. You may be injured, but the enemy leader is right there before you and half of his guard is already out of the fight at your hand. You shall finish this fight and deal with Carson.
-[X] Target the anyone with a gun. They are the only ones who can harm you, without them the other's defeat is inevitable.

You shall not yield before this scum and while you may have suffered injury, you will not let that stop you from claiming victory this day.

"Grab the bitch so I can put some lead into her," roars Sam Carson at the two new arrivals.

Positioning yourself to take on both the gun and the newly arrived guards, you decide to deal that the guns are the biggest threat to you. The knifes, clubs and fists of your foes cannot lay you low, but their firearms have proven capable of piercing Torlyn. As the guards from outside charge at you, you decide to ignore them in favour of the man with the larger gun.

The closest guard is faster than his fellow and not only does he reach you first, but he manages to get a grip on your wrist. Before he can establish a firm hold on you, you flex your arm and slip his grasp, pulling away from the thug as you go for your target. The second guard from outside also tries to grab you, but you evade his movements with ease.

As you approach the two gunmen, they open fire on you with their weapons. Sam Carson fires first and you let out a grunt of pain as the projectile lodges itself in your gut, piercing the protectiveness of Torlyn. The other shooter misses despite the close range, the projectiles going over your head as the thug is unable to get a proper aim on you.

You don't give him a second chance as you close the gap between you. You kick him in the knee, causing him to twist under the force of your blow. Before he can recover, you hack him across the side of his now exposed chest with Talatine. Pulling back, you have barely a second before the last two thugs are upon you.

The quicker one grabs your arm as you pull back Talatine, but you jerk your limb out of his reach before he can form a proper hold on you. The second one comes stumbling after the first and is no position to either grab you or attack you. Yet despite their failures, the remaining pair of thugs prove to be a useful distraction for their leader as Sam Carson puts another projectile into your back.

Steadying yourself, you have barely a moment to act through the temporary burst of pain. Locking eyes with Sam Carson, there is only one choice that you can make as the gang leader backs up to put more room between you and him. Running across the battle torn room, you charge your foe.

Either Sam Carson is too surprised or you are too fast or perhaps it is a bit of both, but your aim is true. You reach Sam Carson uncontested and he barely tries to block your attack. Effectively unresisted, Talatine stabs into the shoulder of the man, the blade going through flesh and cloth with equal ease. To his credit, Sam Carson manages to stay coconscious and keep his grip on his gun even as you yank Talatine out of his body. The man may be criminal filth, but he is also a warrior who can keep fighting even when in pain and injured.

Yet even as Sam Carson is left reeling from your attack, the leader of the White Devils isn't your only foe left. You are quickly reminded of that fact as one of the thugs attempts to grab you from behind. Once again, you don't get him the chance to get a proper grip on you and you shift your position, manoeuvring yourself to place the closest thug in the way of the further one.

Turning to finish dealing with Sam Carson, the gang leader lashes out at you, choosing to use his fists over his gun this time. The man isn't able to get through Torlyn with his bare hands, but he doesn't need to as he can just hit you hard enough that you can suffer trauma through your silver armour.

"Die you bit-bitch," growls Sam Carson, gritting his teeth.

You feel jolts of pain as Sam Carson slams his fists into your body, but you fight through them. Left off-guard by the sudden assault, you focus on one thing and that is taking down Sam Carson.

A punch comes your way and you let it hit in exchange for being able to let Talatine bite deep into the side of Sam Carson. The man winces as he lets out a grunt of pain and you refuse to give him a chance to recover. With a swift kick to the leg to knock him off-balance, you smack the hilt of Talatine into the side of Sam Carson's head.

"Go...back to...the kitch...kitchen whore," groans Sam Carson before his body gives into all of the other injuries he has just rapidly received.

The leader of the White Devil drops to the ground, his gun falling from his grip. Turning to face the last thugs, the two men take one look at the wrecked room full of their unconscious fellows before deciding that discretion is the better part of valour.

The pair of criminals make a run for it and you don't give pursuit. You could make an attempt at doing so, but while you have emerged victorious, it is not without injury. Multiple projectiles have struck your body and Sam Carson put as much force into his punches as he could. Your body is combat capable, but it is battered and beaten at the same time. You need to rest and you want to rest.

You take a moment to tie up Sam Carson outside, leaving him hanging from the wall of the building, dangling about the ground. Despite the severe injuries that you have inflicted upon the man, his body seems to have stabilised and none of the wounds will prove fatal.

The man might escape, but you have bloodied him and his followers this day and this defeat shall no doubt hurt the reputation of the vile brigand. You may have to face him again on another day in a new battle, but you can just beat him again and he has been left in a weaker position than he was this morning.


In the end, Sam Carson is not captured by the city watch, but by the Golden Order. The rival organisation quickly throws the man into their captivity, holding him somewhere unknown and leaving the man unreachable.

You do not know what the fate of Sam Carson is, but you doubt it is pleasant one and you wouldn't be surprised to learn that his expected lifespan is very short. Ultimately, you are not concerned by it as you are more worried about what is left of the White Devils.

A Consortium-backed street gang, the White Devils are struggling after losing their leader as Sam Carson was apparently the link between the gang and their more powerful backers. A power struggle has broken out and their thoughts for claiming Whitechapel as their territory has fallen wayside as multiple factions slug it out for dominance. Your actions have only made things worst for the gang as you have left over two dozen of their members injured and while they will survive and recover, it will take weeks at the minimum.

Without the threat of the White Devils to scare the locals into their arms and wary of you, the Golden Order has halted their own attempts to establish a presence in Whitechapel. You can't say whether or not they have called off their efforts, but they have definitely suspended them for the time being.

This adventure along with your search for the fate of the Night have taught you a fair bit about investigating matters, something which was left out of your previous education. This blind spot of yours has hindered you since arriving in London, but you have learnt enough that you will be able to get by in the future.

+1 Investigation skill


It has been over a month since you arrived in London. Since then, you have become adjusted to this new world that you have found yourself in. Oh, you still find yourself out of place here and there and you doubt that you will stop running into things that you don't understand or have caught you off-guard. But despite all of that, you are finding London to be increasing familiar.

You just got to decide how you take things forward from now.

Pick up to 1 Power Upgrades
[] [Power] Improve your Shapeshifting.
-[] [Power] Channel your innate magic to let you take on parts of animal instead of the whole body. Change Limited to Animals to allow for partial animal forms.
-[] [Power] Channel your innate magic to allow for easier and faster shapeshifting. Reduce requiring a Standard Action to requiring a Move Action.

[] [Power] Improve your Faerie Heritage.
-[] [Power] Use your innate magic to hone your flexibility and grace. Gain Agility
-[] [Power] Use your innate magic to hone your precision and coordination. Gain Dexterity.
-[] [Power] Use your innate magic to hone your senses and instincts. Gain Awareness.
-[] [Power] Use your innate magic to hone your aura and force of personality. Gain Presence.
-[] [Power] Use your innate magic to hone your mind and reasoning. Gain Intellect.
-[] [Power] Use your innate magic to improve your resistance to diseases and poisons. Gain Immunity 1 (Disease) and Immunity 1 (Poison).
-[] [Power] Use your innate magic to change the basic needs of your body. Gain Immunity 1 (Thirst & Starvation) and Gain Immunity 1 (Need for Sleep).
-[] [Power] Use your innate magic to get rid of your need for air. Gain Immunity 2 (Suffocation Effects).
-[] [Power] Use your innate magic to improve your speed and running ability. Gain Speed 2.
-[] [Power] Use your innate magic to improve how quickly your body can accomplish tasks. Gain Quickness 4 (Limited to Physical Tasks).
-[] [Power] Use your innate magic to improve how quickly your mind can accomplish tasks. Gain Quickness 4 (Limited to Mental Tasks).
-[] [Power] Use your innate magic to develop the ability to speak to animals. Gain Comprehend 1 (Speak to Animals).
-[] [Power] Use your innate magic to develop the ability to understand animals. Gain Comprehend 1 (Understand Animals).
-[] [Power] Use your innate magic to develop the ability to speak any one language. Gain Comprehend 1 (Speak any one language).
-[] [Power] Use your innate magic to develop the ability to understand any language. Gain Comprehend 1 (Understand Language).

[] [Power] Upgrade the power of Talatine.
-[] [Power] Make it so you can counterattack against the weapons of your attackers. Gain Binding and Breaking for Talatine.
-[] [Power] Make it easier to disarm and cripple the weapons of your foes. Gain Disarming and Smashing for Talatine.
[] [Power] Upgrade the might of Torlyn by improving its protectiveness. Gain Impervious Protection 1.
[] [Power] Channel your innate magic to create a pair of fairy wings to fly with. Gain Flight 1.

[] [Power] Improve your magical skillset.
-[] [Power] Focus on developing a repertoire of minor spells. Gain 1 Point Power Array with 1 Alternative Effect.
-[] [Power] Focus on developing a fire-based ranged attack. Gain Ranged Magic/Fire Damage 1.
-[] [Power] Focus on developing a lightning-based ranged attack. Gain Ranged Magic/Electricity Damage 1.
-[] [Power] Focus on developing an ice-based ranged attack. Gain Ranged Magic/Cold Damage 1.
-[] [Power] Focus on developing a teleportation spell. Gain Teleport 1.
-[] [Power] Focus on developing a way to conceal your noises. Gain Concealment 1 (Normal Hearing).
-[] [Power] Focus on developing a way to conceal your smells. Gain Concealment 1 (Normal Smelling).
-[] [Power] Focus on developing a healing spell. Gain Healing 1.

Pick four activities for Tamara to get up to.
[] [Life] Get a job and a proper life within mortal society. Tamara will acquire a secret identity and a job.
[] [Life] Investigate the Consortium and their lackeys. Find out more information about the Consortium.
[] [Life] Finish off the remaining White Devils. Deal with what is left of the White Devils.
[] [Life] Investigate the Golden Knight and his Golden Order. Find out more information about the Golden Order and its leader.
[] [Life] Investigate the Templar. Seek out the Templar to meet the man and find out why he does what he does.
[] [Life] Get to know the local community. Establish yourself as hero and local guardian angel amongst the people of Whitechapel.
[] [Life] Patrol the local neighbourhood. Patrol Whitechapel and help deal with any street crime and deter organised crime.
[] [Life] Learn about the other prominent vigilantes in the country. Find out more information about the rest of Britain's vigilantes.
[] [Life] Study magic and the mystic arts. Increase Expertise: Magic Skill
[] [Life] Study the modern technology. Increase Technology skill.
[] [Life] Train and exercise your body. Increase Athletics and Acrobatics skills.
[] [Life] Study how to properly investigate matters. Increase Investigation skill.
[] [Life] Find a way to prepared rituals in advanced. Gain Benefit (Prepared Rituals).

Fairy Knight: 4+11 = 15
Sam Carson: 7+2 = 9
Thug 4: 7+1 = 8
Thug 5: 12+1 =13
Thug 6: 6+1 = 7

Thug 5 grabs Fairy Knight
Grab Attack, DC18: 16+2 = 18, Successful Hit.
Dodge check, DC12: 17+8 = 25, 3 DoS.

Thug 6 grabs Fairy Knight
Grab Attack, DC18: 7+2 = 9, Missed.

Sam Carson shoots Fairy Knight
Revolver Attack, DC18: 15+11 = 26, Successful Hit.
Toughness, DC20: 7+8 = 15, 1 DoF, -1 Toughness Penalty.

Thug 4 shoots Fairy Knight
Shotgun Attack, DC18: 8+5 = 13, Missed.

Fairy Knight attacks Thug 4
Talatine Attack, DC12: 15+11 = 26, Successful Hit.
Toughness, DC24: 17+3 = 20, Thug 4 Incapacitated.

Thug 5 grabs Fairy Knight
Grab Attack, DC18: 17+2 = 19, Successful Hit.
Dodge check, DC12: 12+8 = 20, 2 DoS.

Thug 6 grabs Fairy Knight
Grab Attack, DC18: 7+2 = 9, Missed.

Sam Carson shoots Fairy Knight
Revolver Attack, DC18: 13+11 = 24, Successful Hit.
Toughness, DC20: 6+7 = 13, 2 DoF, Dazed and -1 Toughness Penalty.

Fairy Knight charges Sam Carson
Talatine Charge Attack, DC19: 20+11-2 = 29, Successful Critical Hit.
Toughness, DC29: 13+5 = 18, 3 DoF, Staggered and -1 Toughness Penalty.

Thug 5 grabs Fairy Knight
Grab Attack, DC18: 16+2 = 18, Successful Hit.
Dodge check, DC12: 7+8 = 15, 1 DoS.

Thug 6 grabs Fairy Knight
Grab Attack, DC18: 10+2 = 12, Missed.

Sam Carson attacks Fairy Knight
Unarmed Attack, DC18: 16+10 = 26, Successful Hit.
Toughness, DC21: 9+6 = 15, 2 DoF, Dazed and -1 Toughness Penalty.

Fairy Knight attacks Sam Carson
Talatine Charge Attack, DC19: 19+11 = 30, Successful Critical Hit.
Toughness, DC29: 14+4 = 18, 3 DoF, Staggered and -1 Toughness Penalty = Incapacitated.

Thug 5 morale wavers
Will Check, DC14: 6 = 6, 2 DoF, Thug 5 flees

Thug 6 morale wavers
Will Check, DC14: 12 = 12, 1 DoF, Thug 6 flees


Okay, I went with the gun vote because it dealt with the biggest threats and even if going after the thugs had won, things would have likely still played out this way due to Fairy Knight realising that she needed to take out Sam Carson to avoid him taking her out.

So you took out Sam Carson and the remaining minions fled. Sam Carson got hung up for the local authorities, but Golden Knight got to him first. The White Devils have devolved into infighting while the Golden Order has backed off due to being wary of Fairy Knight.

Now you get your first time skip as you get to decide what Fairy Knight gets up to between now and her next big adventure. It is also the time for upgrading your powers and acquiring skills or information. The regular activities are mix of mechanical skills and acquiring information or other stuff. While the former provides direct mechanical bonuses, they are not inherently better as having more information can prove useful in the future. For example, if you get involved with the Templar in the future, you will benefit from having uncovered information on him beforehand rather than having to make blind judgements based on what limited impressions he has given you at the time.

Also, this is the end of the White Devils arc. I shall update the information sheet in a bit.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to. Feel to ask questions for more details and information.
Last edited:
[X] [Power] Upgrade the might of Torlyn by improving its protectiveness. Gain Impervious Protection 1.
[X] [Life] Finish off the remaining White Devils. Deal with what is left of the White Devils.
[X] [Life] Get to know the local community. Establish yourself as hero and local guardian angel amongst the people of Whitechapel.
[X] [Life] Investigate the Templar. Seek out the Templar to meet the man and find out why he does what he does.
[X] [Life] Study the modern technology. Increase Technology skill.

Want to make ourselves a bit more durable, clean up our mess, establish ourself.
[X] [Power] Upgrade the might of Torlyn by improving its protectiveness. Gain Impervious Protection 1.
[X] [Life] Finish off the remaining White Devils. Deal with what is left of the White Devils.
[X] [Life] Get to know the local community. Establish yourself as hero and local guardian angel amongst the people of Whitechapel.
[X] [Life] Investigate the Templar. Seek out the Templar to meet the man and find out why he does what he does.
[X] [Life] Study the modern technology. Increase Technology skill.
"Grab the bitch so I can put some lead into her," roars Sam Carson at the two new arrivals.
First rule of action shows: don't announce your tactics in front of your enemies.
"Go...back to...the kitch...kitchen whore,"
Famous Last Words
Pick up to 1 Power Upgrades
Guh, I hate you! So many juicy powerups D:

[X] [Power] Improve your Shapeshifting.
-[X] [Power] Channel your innate magic to allow for easier and faster shapeshifting. Reduce requiring a Standard Action to requiring a Move Action.
Antman shenanigans please!

[X] [Life] Get a job and a proper life within mortal society. Tamara will acquire a secret identity and a job.
[X] [Life] Investigate the Consortium and their lackeys. Find out more information about the Consortium.
[X] [Life] Get to know the local community. Establish yourself as hero and local guardian angel amongst the people of Whitechapel.
[X] [Life] Train and exercise your body. Increase Athletics and Acrobatics skills.

Let's train up, get a job as a news reporter, become the Protector, and look into the Consorts.
X] [Power] Improve your Shapeshifting.
-[X] [Power] Channel your innate magic to allow for easier and faster shapeshifting. Reduce requiring a Standard Action to requiring a Move Action.

[X] [Life] Finish off the remaining White Devils. Deal with what is left of the White Devils.
[X] [Life] Get to know the local community. Establish yourself as hero and local guardian angel amongst the people of Whitechapel.
[X] [Life] Investigate the Templar. Seek out the Templar to meet the man and find out why he does what he does.
[X] [Life] Learn about the other prominent vigilantes in the country. Find out more information about the rest of Britain's vigilantes.
[X] [Power] Upgrade the might of Torlyn by improving its protectiveness. Gain Impervious Protection 1.
[X] [Life] Finish off the remaining White Devils. Deal with what is left of the White Devils.
[X] [Life] Get to know the local community. Establish yourself as hero and local guardian angel amongst the people of Whitechapel.
[X] [Life] Investigate the Templar. Seek out the Templar to meet the man and find out why he does what he does.
[X] [Life] Study the modern technology. Increase Technology skill
-[] [Power] Make it so you can disarm and cripple the weapons of your attackers. Gain Binding and Breaking for Talatine.
-[] [Power] Make it easier to disarm and cripple the weapons of your foes. Gain Disarming and Smashing for Talatine.
... Perhaps you could phrase this less confusingly.

[X] [Power] Improve your magical skillset.
-[X] [Power] Focus on developing a healing spell. Gain Healing 1.

Because this is super useful as a value point. It can heal ourself in a fight, it can heal enemies we beat up, it can heal people getting beat up by criminals.

[X] [Life] Study magic and the mystic arts. Increase Expertise: Magic Skill
Time to figure out how cars work.
[X] [Life] Get to know the local community. Establish yourself as hero and local guardian angel amongst the people of Whitechapel.
[X] [Life] Patrol the local neighbourhood. Patrol Whitechapel and help deal with any street crime and deter organised crime.
Lets meet the neighbours.

[X] [Life] Investigate the Consortium and their lackeys. Find out more information about the Consortium.
And lets start preparing for our boss enemies.
Vote is still open and I figured out how to use NetTally again.
Vote Tally : Dawn of Heroes Original - Superhero | Page 16 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 380-385]
##### NetTally 2.2.0

Task: Power

[X][Power] Upgrade the might of Torlyn by improving its protectiveness. Gain Impervious Protection 1.
No. of Votes: 3

[X][Power] Improve your Shapeshifting.
-[X][Power] Channel your innate magic to allow for easier and faster shapeshifting. Reduce requiring a Standard Action to requiring a Move Action.
No. of Votes: 2

[X][Power] Improve your magical skillset.
-[X][Power] Focus on developing a healing spell. Gain Healing 1.
No. of Votes: 1

Task: Life

[X][Life] Get to know the local community. Establish yourself as hero and local guardian angel amongst the people of Whitechapel.
No. of Votes: 6

[X][Life] Finish off the remaining White Devils. Deal with what is left of the White Devils.
No. of Votes: 4

[X][Life] Investigate the Templar. Seek out the Templar to meet the man and find out why he does what he does.
No. of Votes: 4

[X][Life] Study the modern technology. Increase Technology skill.
No. of Votes: 3

[X][Life] Investigate the Consortium and their lackeys. Find out more information about the Consortium.
No. of Votes: 2

[X][Life] Get a job and a proper life within mortal society. Tamara will acquire a secret identity and a job.
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Life] Learn about the other prominent vigilantes in the country. Find out more information about the rest of Britain's vigilantes.
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Life] Patrol the local neighbourhood. Patrol Whitechapel and help deal with any street crime and deter organised crime.
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Life] Study magic and the mystic arts. Increase Expertise: Magic Skill
No. of Votes: 1

[X][Life] Train and exercise your body. Increase Athletics and Acrobatics skills.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 6
First rule of action shows: don't announce your tactics in front of your enemies.

Unfortunately for Sam Carson, this was unavoidable for him as he to tell his men what to do whilst they were all in the same room as Fairy Knight. He could didn't have choice of hiding his tactics as it was either announce his tactics so both his allies and enemies could hear them or not using tactics at all.
[X] [Power] Upgrade the might of Torlyn by improving its protectiveness. Gain Impervious Protection 1.
[X] [Life] Finish off the remaining White Devils. Deal with what is left of the White Devils.
[X] [Life] Get to know the local community. Establish yourself as hero and local guardian angel amongst the people of Whitechapel.
[X] [Life] Investigate the Templar. Seek out the Templar to meet the man and find out why he does what he does.
[X] [Life] Study the modern technology. Increase Technology skill

We need tougher armor, bullets will be a problem for a melee gal like us. Also, Sammy Boy isn't really that smart isn't he? Antagonizing the woman who can shrug off being shot multiple times,
[X] [Power] Upgrade the might of Torlyn by improving its protectiveness. Gain Impervious Protection 1.

[X] [Life] Learn about the other prominent vigilantes in the country. Find out more information about the rest of Britain's vigilantes.
[X] [Life] Study how to properly investigate matters. Increase Investigation skill.
[X] [Life] Investigate the Templar. Seek out the Templar to meet the man and find out why he does what he does.
[X] [Life] Study the modern technology. Increase Technology skill

Need to work on our Information gathering skills, why ever brother taking out the rest of the white devil since they're under constant attacks? Need to learn about other vigilantes for friendship.
Hope we can meet the royals for backing.
[X] [Power] Improve your Shapeshifting.
-[X] [Power] Channel your innate magic to allow for easier and faster shapeshifting. Reduce requiring a Standard Action to requiring a Move Action.

[X] [Life] Study magic and the mystic arts. Increase Expertise: Magic Skill
[X] [Life] Find a way to prepared rituals in advanced. Gain Benefit (Prepared Rituals).
[X] [Life] Get to know the local community. Establish yourself as hero and local guardian angel amongst the people of Whitechapel.
[X] [Life] Investigate the Consortium and their lackeys. Find out more information about the Consortium.

Rituals are pretty good, but the main problem is they take too long. Prepared Rituals bypass that problem. This stacks with higher Magic Expertise, since it means we need to retry less, the last time we had the cast time increased four times over BECAUSE we kept failing the check. Put together we should be able to use a ritual in the same way Batman uses his Detective/Super Prepared montage, since between these we should be able to whip up a half hour ritual fairly quickly for scrying and stuff.

Beyond that we need a bit of a reputation locally, and we probably want to follow up the lead.
[X] [Power] Upgrade the might of Torlyn by improving its protectiveness. Gain Impervious Protection 1.

[X] [Life] Study magic and the mystic arts. Increase Expertise: Magic Skill
[X] [Life] Find a way to prepared rituals in advanced. Gain Benefit (Prepared Rituals).
[X] [Life] Get to know the local community. Establish yourself as hero and local guardian angel amongst the people of Whitechapel.
[X] [Life] Investigate the Consortium and their lackeys. Find out more information about the Consortium.
Unfortunately for Sam Carson, this was unavoidable for him as he to tell his men what to do whilst they were all in the same room as Fairy Knight. He could didn't have choice of hiding his tactics as it was either announce his tactics so both his allies and enemies could hear them or not using tactics at all.
A paranoid hooligan like him would relentlessly drill his guys to be ready, but I guess we caught him with his pants down :p
A paranoid hooligan like him would relentlessly drill his guys to be ready, but I guess we caught him with his pants down :p
Yeah, Gangsters and military discipline don't usually go together unless they're recruiting out of the military anyway.
As Dark as Silver says, a London street gang isn't a military. Relentless drilling his men would only result in Sam Carson losing most of his gang as they quit due to the harsh conditions that they would be suffering. Even if he was able to drill his men to a level of military discipline, it wouldn't help him in this case. He would still need to give orders to them and he would have to do so in front of Fairy Knight. It is a pretty simple thing. He could either give the orders where both his men and Fairy Knight could hear him or he could not give any orders.
Relentless drilling his men would only result in Sam Carson losing most of his gang as they quit due to the harsh conditions that they would be suffering.
Ah! A loss condition! To crush the racists, we need turn them on each other!
As Dark as Silver says, a London street gang isn't a military. Relentless drilling his men would only result in Sam Carson losing most of his gang as they quit due to the harsh conditions that they would be suffering. Even if he was able to drill his men to a level of military discipline, it wouldn't help him in this case. He would still need to give orders to them and he would have to do so in front of Fairy Knight. It is a pretty simple thing. He could either give the orders where both his men and Fairy Knight could hear him or he could not give any orders.
And really if a street gang's members COULD maintain even police level discipline they wouldn't be in a gang to begin with.
And really if a street gang's members COULD maintain even police level discipline they wouldn't be in a gang to begin with.

Well, they could, but it would be one or two exception rather than gang's worth or even a significant number. If they are that capable and disciplined, they would find themselves recruited for something bigger than a mere street gang if they were inclined towards criminal pursuits.
And really if a street gang's members COULD maintain even police level discipline they wouldn't be in a gang to begin with.
Not true at all.
MS13 largely owes its success due to the American military.

And Mexican cartels directly recruit and encourage Army defectors and deserters, with slogans like "We don't feed you ramen noodles"

Mexican drug cartels put up 'help wanted' ads

USA TODAY MEXICO CITY - One of Mexico's biggest drug cartels has launched a brazen recruiting campaign, putting up fliers and banners promising good pay, free cars and better food to army soldiers who join the cartel's elite band of hit men. "We don't feed you Maruchan soups," said one banner...

Criminal enterprises do really value military training however it is really difficult for them to build the culture and institutional knowledge from scratch so they have to steal it by recruiting people who already have it.
Criminal enterprises do really value military training however it is really difficult for them to build the culture and institutional knowledge from scratch so they have to steal it by recruiting people who already have it.

Isn't that a more modern thing? Then again, the Freikorps recruited from returning German soldiers, but I vaguely remember it as being something that happened in the past, but only become prominent over the last few decades like the drug trade.