Dance Puppet Dance! (Transhumanist Naruto OC)

Also, would it be possible to harvest Yang chakra from bacteria or something similar?

Could he make a seal that could pull a shuriken shadow clone as a form of ammo? Like make a seal that stores a missile of some sort. Something fairly "expensive" to make because of explosives and having it's own amalgam of a chakra network. Then the seal spits out a disposable clone that can be fired off.
An attempt at Omake:

MC superhenged to look like a redheaded hillbilly is strolling through the forrest is found by one of the enemies low level chunin.

Chunin: Halt! Who goes there!
MC: Why, haler there mr. Ninjer ser! Ahm ma Ehm See! Ahm ma live there yonder fee-yord, and ahm ma cat'chin me some poe-kay-mans!
Chunin: What the fuck are poe-kay-mans? he exclaims as he bats away some mosquitoes that are currently biting him.
MC: Well Mr. Ninjer ser. (the ninja is now felling a bit drowsy) . In a word... you.
Also, would it be possible to harvest Yang chakra from bacteria or something similar?
Not individually, but if he had a growth culture. Only problem is that it might register as nature energy, like trying to suck up chakra from trees. Not sure.

Could he make a seal that could pull a shuriken shadow clone as a form of ammo? Like make a seal that stores a missile of some sort. Something fairly "expensive" to make because of explosives and having it's own amalgam of a chakra network. Then the seal spits out a disposable clone that can be fired off.
Shadow clones and henge are kind of in a nebulous zone, because of the way that chakra constructs are essentially like Creation of All Things but temporary.

Pretty much why when Zabuza make his water clones his water-cloned sword was just as tough as steel and could take multiple hits without forcing a dispel. In that sense I could write an entire story about one OP protagonist and how he reamed the entire ninja world with just the henge no jutsu and nothing else.

As far as just sealing up a couple of copies for later though, I'm going to say no, because sealed space isn't time-locked, which means that the copies would pop.
As far as just sealing up a couple of copies for later though, I'm going to say no, because sealed space isn't time-locked, which means that the copies would pop.
I am apparently bad at descriptions. What I intended was Original!missile, something that is expensive to make, goes into the seal. Then, whenever the seal is triggered it pops out Clone!missile instead of the original. Basically doing an Emiya Shirou and using up copies produced as needed instead of the original. Granted, given the Narutoverse mechanics it would likely be much more restricted. For instance, you would be splitting the Yin energy directing the projectile with every active instance. The cloning itself is likely to also be yang intensive so a chakra storage seal might be needed necessitating a sort of ammunition supply.

Actually, is there any reason that what is unsealed has to be the same as what was sealed? I mean, could you seal a block of wood and then have what comes out be a sphere with the left overs still in the seal? That could make creating ammunition quite a bit easier if seals can be pure etching. Just fill the seal with blocks of wood and you can have a mass effect style sliver being carved off of the block every time the weapon fires. Extra points if you etch an explosive seal onto it as it's fired...
What I intended was Original!missile
whenever the seal is triggered it pops out Clone!missile instead of the original.
I mean, could you seal a block of wood and then have what comes out be a sphere with the left overs still in the seal?
There is a reason why that wouldn't work. I'm not having OP fuinjutsu in this story. I'm pushing it back to basics, barriers, cutting things off from other things, pocket dimensions only. No seals that create the effects of jutsu, so it wouldn't be possible to spawn out cloned copies like that without actually casting a jutsu. Similarly, directly altering things inside a pocket dimension wouldn't work.

I nerfed the field of sealing to the point that it actually made sense with the context of the show and how unpopular it is as a tool. If it really were as effective as fandom portrays then it would probably be as emphasized as at least puppetry or medical jutsu. And, if fuinjutsu were that powerful then there would be no reason for the OC to not exploit it, which would give him too many OP styles to choose from, resulting in a curb stomp that wouldn't even have time for a build up. Which would be kind of boring.
Not individually, but if he had a growth culture. Only problem is that it might register as nature energy, like trying to suck up chakra from trees. Not sure.
so...he finds a way to store nature energy, but not access it, then find a way to inject it into people...
Bam, instant petrification bullets!
There is a reason why that wouldn't work. I'm not having OP fuinjutsu in this story. I'm pushing it back to basics, barriers, cutting things off from other things, pocket dimensions only. No seals that create the effects of jutsu, so it wouldn't be possible to spawn out cloned copies like that without actually casting a jutsu. Similarly, directly altering things inside a pocket dimension wouldn't work.

I nerfed the field of sealing to the point that it actually made sense with the context of the show and how unpopular it is as a tool. If it really were as effective as fandom portrays then it would probably be as emphasized as at least puppetry or medical jutsu. And, if fuinjutsu were that powerful then there would be no reason for the OC to not exploit it, which would give him too many OP styles to choose from, resulting in a curb stomp that wouldn't even have time for a build up. Which would be kind of boring.
Honestly, I am completely unsurprised with how unpopular it is in the show even if it was a method of becoming ninja jesus. Remember that ninja typically graduate at 12 or earlier. Sealing itself is a precise art requiring much patience and knowledge to make use of. Once they are out of the academy they need to support themselves with missions so that is a significant chunk of each day taken up with doing a D-rank and training with their team. At this point they aren't likely to even desire the rather obscure art. later on when doing multi-day C-ranks they have even less time to study and most of their free time is likely spent doing things that provide a much more immediate benefit like physical training or studying in their specialty if it's nin/genjutsu. And we see in series that the benefits of those methods never really wain. I mean, shit, they typical ninja gets by on how many unique techniques?

Also, you forgot bombs. They make pretty good bombs for some reason.
Also, you forgot bombs. They make pretty good bombs for some reason.
Hot gasses trapped in a pocket dimension, a variant application to what I already mentioned.

Sealing itself is a precise art requiring much patience and knowledge to make use of.
I don't know, seems like that's mostly a fannon thing. And even if true, that's why I specified puppetry and medical jutsu to compare it to, since both of those skills have the same requirements for complexity, knowledge and skill before becoming useful in the field.
I nerfed the field of sealing to the point that it actually made sense with the context of the show and how unpopular it is as a tool. If it really were as effective as fandom portrays then it would probably be as emphasized as at least puppetry or medical jutsu. And, if fuinjutsu were that powerful then there would be no reason for the OC to not exploit it, which would give him too many OP styles to choose from, resulting in a curb stomp that wouldn't even have time for a build up. Which would be kind of boring.

It is as effective as fanfiction portrays, it's just that most people in Naruto don't know of it. Plus, fanfiction gets a few things wrong in their portrayal of fuinjutsu, but not about fuinjutsu itself. They mess up by making themselves or their chosen chracter God-like at making fuinjutsu, when even the 4th Hokage made one fuinjutsu of his own(the Hirashin) and adapted, with Kushina's help, made a superior seal by combining existing Uzumaki techniques(Naruto's Reaper Death Seal), and he was considered a prodigy at fuinjutsu. They make themselves able to make dozens of fuinjutsus based off of ideas from shows or movies or comics from their old lives, when they really shouldn't be able to. I doubt they all have perfect handwriting and the time and patience to learn fuinjutsu when trying to be a ninja or that every project they have goes perfectly. But they never show the time and patience it takes to learn or make one fuin or the consequences of messing up(whether big or small). Fuinjutsu is overpowered(and rightfully so), but the writers mess up by making themselves so good at it and then churning out the fuins with no problem.

The reason why puppetry and medical ninjutsu are more well known is because they actually have less exacting standards(basically all you need is perfect or close to perfect chakra control and you're good to learn) and have more teachers in the subject/there's more knowledge about them or the subject available and they promise more immediate results than Fuinjutsu. Plus, one of them is the specialty of Suna and the other is universally useful for all ninja villages.

As for the curbstomp issue, it wouldn't be an issue for a long time or ever really. The SI/OC could not have the perfect handwriting necessary for Fuinjutsu or the time available and patience needed for it. The SI/OC could be afraid of the potential disasters of messing up a fuin which puts him off it. The SI/OC could know Fuinjutsu takes a long time to learn and master(let alone decode anothers' work-otherwise Jiraiya would've learned the Hirashin long after Minato died) and prefer to go after Nin/Gen/Taijutsu or he just likes Nin/Gen/Taijutsu.

Plus, even if the SI/OC was to go after fuinjutsu, it would take years to make some OP fuin to curbstomp his enemies with. Even if he had something to base his work off of(say for example he was a Konoha-nin, I doubt they just give him one of Minato's Hirashin kunai to try and decode and Jiraiya himself couldn't figure it out), it'd take years to decode it and then make sure he could do it properly.

See below for other reasoning.

Honestly, I am completely unsurprised with how unpopular it is in the show even if it was a method of becoming ninja jesus. Remember that ninja typically graduate at 12 or earlier. Sealing itself is a precise art requiring much patience and knowledge to make use of. Once they are out of the academy they need to support themselves with missions so that is a significant chunk of each day taken up with doing a D-rank and training with their team. At this point they aren't likely to even desire the rather obscure art. later on when doing multi-day C-ranks they have even less time to study and most of their free time is likely spent doing things that provide a much more immediate benefit like physical training or studying in their specialty if it's nin/genjutsu. And we see in series that the benefits of those methods never really wain. I mean, shit, they typical ninja gets by on how many unique techniques?

Basically, this. It's so much easier to simply learn a few katas to a martial art/learn to throw kunai and swing a sword and exercise(hard) or practice your hand signs and learn a new ninjutsu or genjutsu than to sit down and learn fuinjutsu.

As I said in Diomedon's Quest thread Staying Frosty: "Well the thing is, fuinjutsu by it's very nature is incredibly overpowered and bullshit. Otherwise humanity never would've been able to seal away the bijuu and Kurama would've killed Hashirama and Mito and basically everyone in the planet after Madara lost at the Valley of The End/Hashirama wouldn't have gone after the rest of the Bijuu and given them away to the rest of the villages(fucking stupid idea) or Madara would've won because Mito didn't manage to seal Kurama at the Valley of The End or any of the bjuu could've just decided to exterminate humanity for whatever reason(some very stupid human decided to poke them with a stick for example).

The only reason why most people don't take advantage of it or why it's not very well known or widespread is due to several factors. Time, patience, the need for perfect handwriting, the lack of teachers(and the fact that Ushio is/was destroyed and the Uzumaki are near extinct/scattered), the need to learn the thousand and one different brushstrokes and words(kanji/katakana/etc...) and what they mean/lead up to/build together, the need to have the creativity or ingenuity to create your own(Journeyman and above) fuinjutsu, etc... Most ninja never go for it because it's so much easier to simply learn a few kata for taijutsu and be able to beat your enemies into submission or handsigns and be able to make your enemy see their darkest fears or blow a great ball of fire and burn your enemies, and some ninja might never even learn about it because it doesn't seem like something the Ninja Academy teaches about or mentions(Due to the fact that excitable kids trying out fuinjutsu without supervision or even learning of it and shit is a Bad Idea)."

Those are some of the reasons why fuinjutsu isn't that widespread and the most important ones. Plus, unless you are a seal master(and perhaps not even then-depending on what you focus on in fuinjutsu), you can't make your fuin in the middle of battle(as you need time and a steady hand to not fuck up the complicated fuin), you'd have to prepare them beforehand and even then you cannot prepare for every eventuality.

Also, as Diomedon said: "There are limits which you might learn about if you pursue it, and the most complex arrays and seals can fail in more catastrophic and interesting ways than simple explosions, which discourages experimentation in general. A ninjutsu specialist might invent (or in many cases reinvent) half a dozen jutsu over their career, and perhaps one of those would actually be above C rank (and then it would usually become their signature move). A fuinjutsu specialist might make half a dozen innovative alterations to existing arrays to increase effectiveness over their carrer, and if they are particularly talented they might attempt a single new array. The 4th Hokage made one innovative array, and with Kushina's help made a superior seal by combining existing Uzumaki techniques."

That also hurts the field of fuinjutsu, because you can't rush making or testing fuins without potentially disastrous consequences and very little new techniques might be made(unless you are a fucking Uzumaki) and most of the knowledge isn't widely shared amongst the fuinjutsu community and with the fall/destruction of Ushiogakure, much knowledge was lost and even more gets lost as less and less is passed on/more teachers die without finding a student. So knowledge has advanced slowly, because it isn't like the villages are willing share fuinjutsu techniques, and due to it paying off late in a shinobi's career, it's a rare specialization in the first place. Why train something that wont pay off for years when you're worried about dying next week or next month?

Tl;dr: Fuinjutsu is overpowered by nature(otherwise there would be no jinchuurikis/ the Bijuus could never be sealed). It just has several problems regarding it. The requirements to learn fuinjutsu are really strict and exacting, not much progress is made in the field due to fear of potentially disastrous consequences(such as dying or wiping out the entire continent-it varies) and knowledge advances slowly as a result, it pays late and most shinobi won't train something that wont pay off for years when they are worried about dying next week or next month, and it's not well known by the greater community because of it.
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That's a lot of text.
Time, patience, the need for perfect handwriting,
That's a fannon thing. The Naruto wiki has no mention of any specific requirements for what is needed to make fuinjutsu work. In fact, this
and this
are examples of what fuinjutsu is based on, the calligraphy is actually quite sloppy. A lot of Japanese calligraphy is sloppy looking, because not having your own style is the sign of an amateur. The explanation given in stories that perfect handwriting is necessary is because they were trying to rationalize how a few squiggly bits on some paper could direct chakra, so they landed on the idea that the writing wasn't the same language as Japanese and that it was exactly right for directing chakra along, via special ink, into patterns to cause the desired effects. But there's nothing to actually support that theory in the show at all.

"Well the thing is, fuinjutsu by it's very nature is incredibly overpowered and bullshit. Otherwise humanity never would've been able to seal away the bijuu
That example gets used a lot. Something that can take on the bijuu is obviously all powerful and has complete flexibility. No, it's just unbeatable at it's extremely narrow focus, which is sealing things.

That also hurts the field of fuinjutsu, because you can't rush making or testing fuins without potentially disastrous consequences
There's never really anything in the show to suggest that messing up a seal would cause any sort of explosion or backlash. It mostly just wouldn't work. Like how failing the summoning jutsu, with it's sealing component, doesn't cause backlash and death, it just doesn't do much instead.
That's a fannon thing. The Naruto wiki has no mention of any specific requirements for what is needed to make fuinjutsu work. In fact, this
and this
are examples of what fuinjutsu is based on, the calligraphy is actually quite sloppy. A lot of Japanese calligraphy is sloppy looking, because not having your own style is the sign of an amateur. The explanation given in stories that perfect handwriting is necessary is because they were trying to rationalize how a few squiggly bits on some paper could direct chakra, so they landed on the idea that the writing wasn't the same language as Japanese and that it was exactly right for directing chakra along, via special ink, into patterns to cause the desired effects. But there's nothing to actually support that theory in the show at all.

True, Kishimoto never made any actual requirements known, but if you look at the examples of Fuinjutsu, they're all written pretty clearly. Which is why I think that's a reasonable guess. And the language has some japanese words in it and thus is derived from the language somwhat.

Plus, that fanon explanation makes as much sense as anything because Kishimoto never made Fuinjutsu other than a convenient way to make Jinchuurikis and made a few one offs here and there and never bothered to explain Fuinjutsu itself and what it takes to learn it really.

That example gets used a lot. Something that can take on the bijuu is obviously all powerful and has complete flexibility. No, it's just unbeatable at it's extremely narrow focus, which is sealing things.

No, that's not it's only focus. Otherwise if it was just sealing things, Orochimaru's cursed seals(which are used to filter nature energy and make a bastardized Sage Mode) wouldn't work, explosive tags wouldn't work, summoning itself wouldn't work(as it's pulling things from a different dimension which is not sealing/binding something), Hiraishin wouldn't work, etc... Sealing is just the most used/well known aspect of it and there are branches of Fuinjutsu, like Orchimaru's Juinjutsu. I find the name Fuinjutsu more of a catch-all name. It's simply easy to remember rather than name every branch of it seperately.

There's never really anything in the show to suggest that messing up a seal would cause any sort of explosion or backlash. It mostly just wouldn't work. Like how failing the summoning jutsu, with it's sealing component, doesn't cause backlash and death, it just doesn't do much instead.

Um, yes there is. Orochimaru's cursed seals have a high mortality rate. The only reason he's been able to do as much and go as far as he has in sealing is due to disposable pawns/minions/test experiments.

Also, you can't fail performing the summoning jutsu. Otherwise Jiraiya should never have been able to perform it at such a young age as an academy student or newly minted genin. The part that you can fail at is if the summoning clan finds you unworthy and kills you or you fail their test and they kill you or you just flat out die. That's why many Chunin and few Jounin attempt to do a random summoning even though it's sort of a fast track to becoming an A to S ranked ninja, because you won't know the kind of creature you'll get or if you can even survive their test. Otherwise, summoning would be much more common in canon if everyone and their mother had a summoning animal. It's much easier to hope a summoning scroll will fall into your lap or focus on other skills.

Edit: Are images showing on here? They were but when I posted, they suddenly didn't. I tried deleting some and it didn't work for me...

Edit #2: Tried adding a new picture and suddenly they are working again...:???::???:
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Orochimaru's cursed seals(which are used to filter nature energy and make a bastardized Sage Mode) wouldn't work, explosive tags wouldn't work, summoning itself wouldn't work(as it's pulling things from a different dimension which is not sealing/binding something),
Orochimaru's cursed seal has biological material from Juugo's clan to gather and purify the natural chakra and a piece of his own soul to control it. Explosive tags could just as easily be a variant of Jiraiya's fire sealing method, though there's no proof either way, that is one way that it could work. There's nothing saying whether or not the summons live in a different dimension or just really far away, I don't think, but it could still be explained away as a space-time ninjutsu that uses barriers to make a wormhole safe enough to use.

Orochimaru's cursed seals have a high mortality rate.
They have a high mortality rate because of the senjutsu chakra being pumped into people's bodies.

Those pictures you used as examples of clearly written Japanese characters? The first one isn't in Japanese at all, the second one looks about as childish as my own attempts, third one is pretty good, while the last one is really an excellent proof of what I was talking about with all the kanji having messy strokes.

Also, you can't fail performing the summoning jutsu.
Yes you can, once you have signed the contract. If you don't perform it correctly then you don't get the summon out of it. Like how Naruto spent days trying to get a decent toad when all he was getting was tadpoles, but worse since he had the benefit of overloading it like crazy.

Plus, that fanon explanation makes as much sense as anything
Yes, it makes as much sense as anything else. But just because the common fanon explanation makes sense does not mean it's word of god. With so much left unexplained there are plenty of other explanations that can be used at will.
I feel like this argument is a bit pointless, you're both attempting to define what is and isn't valid in a fictional universe.

Because the universe is fictional, and runs on fictional laws, any interpretation is valid.

Because again.

It's not real.
Yes you can, once you have signed the contract. If you don't perform it correctly then you don't get the summon out of it. Like how Naruto spent days trying to get a decent toad when all he was getting was tadpoles, but worse since he had the benefit of overloading it like crazy.
I don't think that counts. He's getting a summon, just not the one he wants. The jutsu itself is working, he's just shit at using it.
I'm enjoying your story so far but I don't understand your timeline really well. You said you are setting in the Second Shinobi War.

From what understand from canon! timeline, Suna and Konoha were enemies in the Second War. That's when Kakashi's father killed Sasori's parents. Sasori killed the Kazekage which kicked off the third war where Suna and Konoha were allies.
Orochimaru's cursed seal has biological material from Juugo's clan to gather and purify the natural chakra and a piece of his own soul to control it. Explosive tags could just as easily be a variant of Jiraiya's fire sealing method, though there's no proof either way, that is one way that it could work. There's nothing saying whether or not the summons live in a different dimension or just really far away, I don't think, but it could still be explained away as a space-time ninjutsu that uses barriers to make a wormhole safe enough to use.

And he can easily make it have less chance of death/make the mortality rate less high IIRC. He just chooses not to. He probably considers it a twisted final test to prove their worth/strength. They(the Summons) actually live in the Naruto World. Or at least the toads do. The toads can be found through secret paths from Konoha from the wiki apparently. But the summoning technique is a space-time one.

They have a high mortality rate because of the senjutsu chakra being pumped into people's bodies.

Those pictures you used as examples of clearly written Japanese characters? The first one isn't in Japanese at all, the second one looks about as childish as my own attempts, third one is pretty good, while the last one is really an excellent proof of what I was talking about with all the kanji having messy strokes.

If you bothered to actually read what I said, I had said "the language has some japanese words in it and thus is derived from the language somewhat." Of course not every seal will have Japanese characters, but some will and 2 of my pictures do have japanese characters in them. I never said the whole language was in Japanese, only that part of it is.

Yes you can, once you have signed the contract. If you don't perform it correctly then you don't get the summon out of it. Like how Naruto spent days trying to get a decent toad when all he was getting was tadpoles, but worse since he had the benefit of overloading it like crazy.

That was because Naruto actually had shitty chakra control compared to basically everyone else in setting. Plus, he was clearly summoning. He was just not summoning what he wanted. After Jiraiya tossed him off the cliff and he used the Kyuubi's chakra, he could summon without any problems.

Yes, it makes as much sense as anything else. But just because the common fanon explanation makes sense does not mean it's word of god. With so much left unexplained there are plenty of other explanations that can be used at will.

I know it's not word of god. But we're never gonna get a word of god ever unless Kishimoto actually makes Fuinjutsu relevant rather than a plot device in Boruto's manga. And what explanations have you found? I've only found the one about blood and ink that you mentioned earlier.

I feel like this argument is a bit pointless, you're both attempting to define what is and isn't valid in a fictional universe.

Because the universe is fictional, and runs on fictional laws, any interpretation is valid.

Because again.

It's not real.

Dude, if you don't like it, go somewhere else. It's a huge plot hole(like a lot of other things in Naruto) that Kishimoto hasn't explained and will probably never explain for all that he's made it stupidly OP. Being able to seal the Shinigami to a mask is completely OP, yet he doesn't bother to retroactively explain in the Databooks or something about how it works, or what language(s) are used, what the symbols mean or what you need to learn to make use of it, etc...
And he can easily make it have less chance of death/make the mortality rate less high IIRC. He just chooses not to. He probably considers it a twisted final test to prove their worth/strength. They(the Summons) actually live in the Naruto World. Or at least the toads do. The toads can be found through secret paths from Konoha from the wiki apparently. But the summoning technique is a space-time one.

If you bothered to actually read what I said, I had said "the language has some japanese words in it and thus is derived from the language somewhat." Of course not every seal will have Japanese characters, but some will and 2 of my pictures do have japanese characters in them. I never said the whole language was in Japanese, only that part of it is.

That was because Naruto actually had shitty chakra control compared to basically everyone else in setting. Plus, he was clearly summoning. He was just not summoning what he wanted. After Jiraiya tossed him off the cliff and he used the Kyuubi's chakra, he could summon without any problems.

I know it's not word of god. But we're never gonna get a word of god ever unless Kishimoto actually makes Fuinjutsu relevant rather than a plot device in Boruto's manga. And what explanations have you found? I've only found the one about blood and ink that you mentioned earlier.

Dude, if you don't like it, go somewhere else. It's a huge plot hole(like a lot of other things in Naruto) that Kishimoto hasn't explained and will probably never explain for all that he's made it stupidly OP. Being able to seal the Shinigami to a mask is completely OP, yet he doesn't bother to retroactively explain in the Databooks or something about how it works, or what language(s) are used, what the symbols mean or what you need to learn to make use of it, etc...
Honestly, just accept that the author is writing an AU where fuinjutsu behaves differently and let it go.
Honestly, just accept that the author is writing an AU where fuinjutsu behaves differently and let it go.

Hey, I'm fine with him writing it differently. Fuinjutsu will never(and really should never be until Kishimoto explains Fuinjutsu a little more) be the focus of a story for reasons I myself have pointed out several posts ago(lack of time to learn when you are a ninja constantly going on missions and the like). I was just commenting on how he thought that Fuinjutsu was unpopular in canon(Ha! The Uzumaki clan had a whole ninja village well known for their use of and knowledge of Fuinjutsu before it was destroyed.) and that it's not as effective as fanfiction portrays, when in fact it is as effective as fanfiction portrays and that it's just not well known and then it continued from there.

Also, I'm genuinely curious to hear what other theories on fuinjutsu are out there besides the blood and ink one as it's the only one I've encountered/read about.
Also, I'm genuinely curious to hear what other theories on fuinjutsu are out there besides the blood and ink one as it's the only one I've encountered/read about.
Seals use special paper similar to the stuff used to test affinities, is one I read once, although it makes no sense since people can draw directly on skin or rock.
Another one was that the way you make the seals doesn't matter but the characters you use do, since it's the language directly that affects the world.
Or it's the shape of the ink, which just so happens to coincidentally resemble language, that causes the shaping of the chakra.

The system I used was that all the characters were just symbols, like the ofuda they were derived from, and what was really important was strongly tying the idea of what you wanted in with the chakra you applied. That was talked about in the first chapter if I remember correctly.