Dance Puppet Dance! (Transhumanist Naruto OC)

MC (and I suppose the Yamanaka clan) are the only ones in the world using the divine gift of chakra the way it was actually intended, to communicate,
Genjutus as a whole probably counts, in the most twisted way possible. The whole premise was flawed from the beginning though, since most people in that world can't sense inherent meaning hidden within the spiritual aspect of the chakra.
What that seal does is expand a barrier in a sphere and then implodes, carrying everything contained within it into a sealed pocket dimension.

Sure, but the question is, is momentum maintained? If so then it could still be useful, maybe something like a Portal Gun. Unless matching pocket dimensions from specific seal is exceptionally difficult. We never see any evidence that there can be two separate opening to a dimension in the show. Hmm.

Well, it may or may not be possible to link sealed spaces. There's like three methods to do it if you want to. One, the simplest, would be to make all the seals as a single connected seal that can detach from one another. In this case they are all technically the same seal and can access the same space because of it. The second would be with some sort of "key" seal that automatically sets the folded space to certain extra dimensional coordinates. The last, and possibly godly difficult one would be to be able to calculate those coordinates. The last one would also let you break into other sealed spaces with impunity.

Also, barriers shaped like swords. For when you need that ultra sharp edge that you just can't get with matter blades.

Could a barrier seal be used to generate nanothrons? Essentially it's just very small blades that rip matter apart. Anything that contacts it just melts.
Could a barrier seal be used to generate nanothrons? Essentially it's just very small blades that rip matter apart. Anything that contacts it just melts.
Given that that's what Naruto's Rasenshuriken apparently does with wind chakra, I'd say the answer is probably yes.
The second would be with some sort of "key" seal that automatically sets the folded space to certain extra dimensional coordinates.
This is the only one of the three that sounds plausible. The first option would require some kind of seal that made sense both individually and as a whole. The last option would conceivably allow him to just steamroll over everyone with his inherent mathematical knowledge of space and time.

Also, barriers shaped like swords. For when you need that ultra sharp edge that you just can't get with matter blades.
Probably. Might have to have seals at both ends of the blade though, so as to keep an inherently unstable shape stable.

Could a barrier seal be used to generate nanothrons? Essentially it's just very small blades that rip matter apart. Anything that contacts it just melts.
Probably not. For the same reason he can't make nano-machines. The size requirements of the seals themselves would be too large. And I don't think there are any real examples of a single seal projecting multiple barriers.

Problem is that I'm not entirely sure how matter should work just yet. I'm leaning more towards "it's all chakra", since that seems to fit the evidence more though. Such as how people can just create dirt, stone, water, steel, wood, and pretty much anything else they want, and then they can get rid of them as well. Or turn themselves into inanimate materials, pass their souls through them and then make new bodies on the other end.

Ever notice that the fall of the Uzumaki Clan makes no damn sense chronologically? It fell during Kushina's lifetime, right around the time she came to Konoha, but supposedly Nagato moved to Ame after it fell and he was there for the Second World War... Yeah, I'm going to have to clean that up. Nagato already lives in Ame, Uzushio gets destroyed after the Second War is over.
Ever notice that the fall of the Uzumaki Clan makes no damn sense chronologically? It fell during Kushina's lifetime, right around the time she came to Konoha, but supposedly Nagato moved to Ame after it fell and he was there for the Second World War... Yeah, I'm going to have to clean that up. Nagato already lives in Ame, Uzushio gets destroyed after the Second War is over.
Well, a space-time sealing array could have gone REALLY wrong...

...or the premise I've seen in the occasional fanfic could be true, that the Uzumaki basically said "Okay, enough of this shit, we're out of here until you all settle the fuck down" and used some kind of pocket space to evacuate to/hide some amount of their holdings inside with only minimal and secretive contact (if any) with the rest of the world for a few decades.

Edit: Or they could have been trying for the second which led to the first, and a few Uzumaki's get spat out here and there randomly across the world (leading to the redheads seen hither and yon in Naruto canon) and possibly others at various times. Ninja crossover fodder ho!
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No going crazy!
Date: Six months twenty three days after awakening
Subject: Preparations

I failed last time because I wasn't prepared. I was using puppets designed to defend against jutsu, but what I need in order to fight Fujisaki Akira is greater chakra conductivity. He's probably around fresh jounin level from what I saw, powerful for his age but mostly due to hyper-specialization.

I didn't see him use any Lightning release jutsu, but it's a given that he has them as his disposal, since he's looking to inherit the Kiba.

Lightning is strong against Earth, which is a problem, and weak against Wind, which doesn't help. Plus he's a Kiri nin so he has to have a decent foundation in aquatic combat, and he's a prospective Seven Swordsmen so he doubtless has a better foundation in Silent Killing than that chunin I grabbed.

The only advantages I have are numbers, genjutsu and medical jutsu. Calling in outside help will just get them killed, like last time. I can only rely on myself for this.

Date: Six months twenty five days after awakening
Subject: Hunting blinds

Come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly. Hehehehe!

Ugh, I don't like that laugh.

Ahem. Kukuku? Hmm, no, too cliché anime villain. Ohohoho, No! That's straight up Naga from Slayers.

Date: Six months twenty nine days after awakening
Subject: Finally!

He's here~

Finally getting out in the field you lazy sack of shit. Look at you, strutting around like you own this island.

I'll show you, I'll show you all.

Date: Six months twenty nine days after awakening
Subject: Umm, oops?

I, uh, kind of over did it. I was planning to grab everything he knew, but he died first.

So I was springing my trap, as usual, only he was doing his thing alone. So I couldn't start with a big surprise.

I started with a nice flash bang, which did jack shit since apparently studying Lightning release makes you immune to blight flashes and screeching noises. Then went on with a swarm of insect puppets, which got fried by lightning and destroyed.

I started getting irritated and had over a dozen puppets cast different layers of the False Surroundings illusion at the same time, aiming for different senses and aspects. Sight said that the puppets had retreated into the bushes, smell said that there was a guy right behind him, sound said that there was a fireball baring down from above, touch said that he'd been drugged.

That much conflicting information, he just kept jumping around trying to escape a constant steam of perceived attacks, unable to see or avoid the Chakra Scalpel that ended his life.

*fuueh* I got too worked up, took his existence too personally. …Still, that genjutsu was pretty powerful, might be around 'A' rank or something, though pretty much no one else can pull it off due to the cooperative nature of creating it.

I'm just guessing about the rank, I really have no idea.

Eh, even if I can't raid this guy's mind I can still look through his coils. He used at least one Lightning natured attack during the fight, that should be enough to open up that avenue of research.

Date: Seven months one day after awakening
Subject: Fujisaki Akira results

Unless the person in question uses chakra enhancements explicitly to cause their kenjutsu or taijutsu, I can't gain their skills by looking that their coils. It only works for things that conventionally use handseals or chakra manipulation.

I did poke around, not sure what it's called but I got this move that basically shoots lightning out of a metal blade. Uses the Chakra Flow skillset as a basis for operation and then the user just directs where he wants the lightning to discharge with his chakra.

He also spent a lot of time working on his Lightning release training.

Figuring out skills from dissection is so much less convenient than taking them directly from someone's mind. Sure I know how to mold the chakra, but I still have to train the skills to make sure everything is correct. What a pain… man I'm spoiled.

I really wish he had been a master of Water transformation. I nice Hoshigaki clansman would have been convenient. Hm, aren't Hozuki members weak against lightning? Maybe I should actually practice up on this nature transformation and go after that guy. Although, the Hozuki secret jutsu has a couple major flaws in that it's semi-permanent, dehydration is a major concern, and too much chakra depletion causes users to completely collapse into jelly.

The principle however, being able to turn into something and move great distances, remake damaged body parts with simple application of the chosen medium, and other such things, is exceptionally interesting.

Date: Seven months nine days after awakening
Subject: Killing intent

The idea of individuals being able to naturally sense killing intent and use it to avoid attacks really only has one corollary to the best of my knowledge, the Negative Emotions Sense. That's not to say that they are really all that similar, but rather that a certain degree of passive empathic senses can be developed.

The best explanation for this is really just the same as for the byakugan, though in this case it would be executed on a subconscious level rather than filtered through the visual spectrum. The users would unconsciously exploit the existence of natural energy to detect contaminants.

The other option is that individuals naturally leak a certain amount of yin chakra automatically. Such things would never be detected by sensors as it's not a complete form of chakra, but it would directly affect the mind, especially with such an anathema emotion as bloodlust.

I should have perfect control over my yin chakra, it being all sealed inside and released only by my own will. So that might be one way to test it.

There is something actually to support the idea of killing intent as unintentional yin release, in that the Temporary Paralysis Technique uses killing intent as the basis for a genjutsu, as do a few other illusions. As a pure yin release killing intent would essentially be a form of accidental genjutsu. One, in fact, made more potent for that it allows the direct injection of emotions, though it can't control how people will react to those emotions.

Can't affect my own mind with yin chakra directly, so the only way to test my hypothesis will be to go out and find some targets.

Date: Seven months twelve days after awakening
Subject: Variable intent results upon Kiri-Konoha skirmish

Two enemies fight in the woods. The victor does not matter, for both shall fall before me.

Fashion yin into the idea of blood-thirst, aaaaaand release it!

That caused some distractions.

Trying pure lust… no response

Pure boredom… no response

Depression… no response

Anxiety… no response

My guess is that either shinobi in particular or humans here in general have dulled themselves to the sensation of non-lethal empathy. Either that, or in an inherently supernatural environment the evolutionary pressure to detect the drive to kill is so strong that everything gets pushed out of the way as a distraction.

Somewhat of a disappointment, but not too bad. Some shinobi have made entire careers out of their ability to project and shape killing intent.

Additionally, I now know that if someone is using the ability to sense killing intent to predict and avoid surprise attacks then they will be unable to predict me. Which… actually probably explains some of my successes. I inadvertently have a major leg up on stealth attacks and assassination techniques.

Date: Seven months thirteen days after awakening
Subject: Bounty

I just turned over the body of Fujisaki Akira, turns out he had a little bit of renown over in Noodle. Fire thought he was worth B rank money. Not that I'm going to get paid or anything, people don't traditionally pay out cash to their enemies. Still, cool to know that I took down a B ranker, though much of that was due to picking my battlefield and overwhelming him.

Date: Seven months sixteen days after awakening
Subject: Lightning

I've been trying to change over the way that explosive seals, and my flamethrowers, work to be applicable to lightning chakra. I want to be have shuriken or shrapnel explode out of the seal and cause lightning discharge to run between them in a cage formation, but it seems that the only way to do that would be to have the various projectiles form an actual barrier formation that was simply attuned to Lightning natured chakra.

Not that that wouldn't be great and all, but it'd also be a lot of work for a one off technique that I'll probably never get a chance to use again after this. Not too many people have a big enough weakness to lightning that they can't just run through a thin wall of it.

It's not like its actually superheated plasma, I checked.

I guess I'll have to rely on wires then. I really didn't want to, wires are so gauche, everyone already knows how to deal with them. A little chakra reinforcement to a blade and they get cut right through.

I would reconsider adding lightning to a major weapon, swords or rope-dart, whatever, but I don't want to actually kill this guy like I did the last one.

The other option would be to have puppets discharge electricity around the Hozuki clan member, boxing him in that way.

Unless… I could always coat the puppets in metal and add lightning discharge like that. I didn't do it before because it makes everything so much harder, but If it's just a few bits of bent sheet metal bolted onto the outside to increase conductivity, then it would work effectively.

Of course, that assumes that I have greater maneuverability than he does, that he can't just seep into the soil and rely on the grounding effect of dirt to keep him safe from any lightning discharges.

Hardening the dirt into stone maybe? Maybe, but it'd still just be a matter of dodging a few meters away to a soft spot. If I could be sure that I could lure him into a specific area of dirt then I could probably turn the whole spot into a sealed box, but there's no real way to ensure that someone falls for that sort of trick, not without a bunch of unacceptable failure points.

None of that accounts of any other Kiri shinobi he takes with him either. They aren't going to keep sending people out to get ambushed, not after that last attack. Sure Akira was arrogant, raring for a good fight, and with far more autonomy than he probably should have had, but he was known to be fairly dangerous. Getting killed in the first few weeks of deployment raised the level of caution even higher.

I hate it when enemies adapt to things. I do a bit of spying, they adapt, I do some ambushes, they adapt, I kidnap some people, they adapt, I assassinate a bad ass, they adapt. Can't they just leave their weaknesses open for me to exploit?

I can only come up with so many new ways to try to work around their advantages!
I can only come up with so many new ways to try to work around their advantages!
Funny how that works.

Except it's impossible to keep track of literally everything. By adapting to a new tactic they risk opening themselves up to an older tactic (if for example the new adaptation requires taking resources away from defending against the older tactic so as to not spread yourself too thin).
I particularly like that our puppetman protagonist is still vulnerable to genjutsu. A lot of stories would've taken "is a puppet" as a ready excuse to be immune to genjutsu. Not that our protagonist isn't wtf overpowered anyway, but so far they're staying inside "ninja are kind of bullshit in Naruto, period" so it's actually fun/interesting. Still waiting for a larger plot to come into play, but the story has the advantage that it's progressing through time fairly quickly. If nothing else it'll catch up with canon events in short order.
A Different Perspective

Ah, I just can't get enough of the sun here. It really makes the fluids on my body feel more alive! The perfect mix of sunny weather and humidity. I couldn't have possibly asked for a better paradise to fight in. If only this damn war wasn't taking time away from my vacation.

I can't believe I have to perform joint operations with those Kaguya psychos because of one guy. It's practically unbelievable, I certainly didn't believe it at first when our intel reported that there was only the one puppeteer at the Suna camp.

He's personally ruined so many missions, killed so many people, that the less jaded have started to buy into the propaganda about him. I mean, I get that he killed a potential heir to the Seven Swordsmen, but that doesn't make him some kind of unkillable monster.

Hm, 'Puppet Fucker'? 'Doll Fetishist'? Not quite sure what I'll spread around. Has to be something suitably insulting, but not too scary since I don't want to help his rumors, so no 'Cannibal of the Sands' or anything like that. I heard that Suna bribed Takumi village to spread around 'Thousand Eyes', but that stopped getting pushed when he started focusing more on active combat missions.


Step. Left, back hop, front right, behind! *boom*

He is here.


Come one, converge. Converge on my position.

Shit, the Kaguya's squads are fighting on their own.

Have to get off the ground, I read he picked up Iwa tactics from when he was fighting them. Into the trees, that's not so easy for him to grab people.

Fuck! What kind of idiot lights the whole fucking forest on fire?

Oh my god, are those Kaguya pricks laughing? They are. God damned morons.

Why? Why can't I have decent help?

… Run … run … run …there! A river

No. Shit! How did he get his puppets set up ahead of me?

He knew. He knew I was going to go to water. That fucker forced me here by using the fires.

Have to regroup with the Kaguya.

So long… is this bedrock?

No. NO! You can't just block off river beds like that. How else am I supposed to escape?

Fuck. I hate fighting, but you've left me no choice.

Are those Lightning release puppets? No way. There is no way he knows our weakness. *gulp* Who did he break? Did he get it from Akira? How would he have even known, that's a clan secret!

Time to make my daring escape.

Even if I can't go down through the water I can still go over the surface to someplace I can.

… run … run … run. Did he kawarimi in front of me? How?

Nonononono. No more of this bullshit! Water Dragon No Jutsu!

You can dodge that, but can you dodge the Water Bullets shoot at you while in midair?!

…Apparently you can. What was that, chakra threads? Fucking hell.

Fine! You want to play like that, huh? Great Water Arm. Ugh, feels gross.

*Clang!* How much chakra did he use to reinforce these things?

*chichichi* "Ahhhh!"

"Don't go dying on my just yet Hozuki, I have plans for you yet."

"You think I'm afraid of you? Heh, there's no torture you can pull out that will make a difference on me. I'm a fucking Hozuki, we're awesome like that."

"Oh, I know. That's what makes this so interesting."


Date: Seven months twenty one days after awakening
Subject: After action report, Kaguya fight

The Kaguya members had really high yang chakra, makes sense as they're basically the corollary of the Senju. I tried drugs, they just shrugged them off, I tried direct attacks, which did nothing against their bone armor. I figured that they might be like Alexandria and tried the Skitter thing, but apparently they were pretty bullshit because they had no problem fighting with their eyes closed and crushing my bugs with their mouths rather than allow them down their throats.

Talk about a tiresome fight. No real elemental weaknesses, genjutsu did work but was pointless since I couldn't damage them anyway.

They protected their lungs with chakra when I tried fire, their bones apparently block chakra scalpels from penetrating deeply. They were strong enough to break their way out of the dirt when I tried pulling them under.

Seriously hax.

How on earth did the Mizukage kill these guys off?

Date: Seven months twenty three days after awakening
Subject: Hydration technique

I've been looking into the Hydration technique as used by Hozuki Hogetsu, my captive. It's really disappointing. As in, I'll probably never be able to do anything at all similar, and might not even be able to do stuff like the Hiding in Surface technique.

Due to the way that I've locked my soul into puppet bodies and forced them to be semi-recognized as 'real' bodies, I can't really dissolve the bodies and merge them with the elements, and even if I could I would likely end up unable to recreate a stable body when I wanted to come back.

The issue is that there's far too much confusion going on, there's my last life's body, which is what my soul recognizes as legitimate, there's this life's original body, and then there's the puppet bodies that I've forced my chakra to match. In order to rebuild things I would need to have as instinctive an understanding of the puppets as most people here do their own bodies.

If I tried to rebuild a body without that I would probably end up with some horrid abomination, back in my crippled body, or worse yet, back in my Original body and being weaker than the lowliest of civilians due to the total lack of adaption to chakra.

This pisses me off.

I had to create a special approach to get a yin seal to stick on this guy. Running a small continuous stream of lightning through the water is enough to force him into solidity. That's the only way genjutsu will even work on him, otherwise he can just turn fluid and have the influencing chakra get disrupted.

I guess it's not quite so bad, I finally got Water release stuff, one of the skills I wanted most.

Once his mind broke he turned to a blob. The things I could have done with a fluidic puppet...

I'm storing the blob until I can see if I can restore it to a useful form later.

The jutsu I managed to get off him, that I can actually use given that I can't dissolve into water safely, are the Water Bullet and Water Dragon jutsu I saw him use before, as well as the Hiding in Mist and Water Prison, which are fairly common to high ranked Kiri shinobi in general.

I wonder if I can get the 'Copy Nin' epithet before Kakashi is born? Nah, he got it for acting like a smart-ass and aping people's moves during combat. I'm not that reckless.

Date: Seven months twenty seven days after awakening
Subject: Large mobilization

Chukichi thinks that since the Kaguya faced me without receiving a scratch that they're my perfect counter. Yeah, keep on thinking that.

There's a massive mobilization planned. Kiri wants to throw down, Konoha wants to oblige them, Kaga's thinking that it's not a terrible idea. I know how I'm going to counter the Kaguya.

Of course, the other major players might be a problem, but not my problem.

If I can get that main branch Hyuuga then I could probably pull off some cool shit. Maybe put his eyes into a Kaguya body and see if they evolve.

Date: Eight Months two days after awakening
Subject: Hoshigakure

It took a really long time to move my puppets along the border of Earth country without being notices. I probably could have gone faster, but I suppose it doesn't matter that much.

This meteor is interesting. I haven't sent people in just yet, but just from the show it contradicts the story of Kaguya and the Sage. Chakra from outer space.

Also probably radioactive, but that's less important.

Unless the moon people made a random meteor chock full of radioactive chakra and sent it down to the Elemental Nations as a trap then it doesn't really fit with the whole "the Sage gave everyone chakra first" explanation. And if the Otsutsuki clan did cause the meteorite then they suck at aiming, since Bear country is practically unpopulated.

I wish the history made more sense, then I wouldn't have to be stressing so much over whether or not Kaguya is real and who the real powers in this world are. It's kind of really unlikely that the canon explanation is real in this world, since so much of that was just unplanned rampant escalation, shounen bullshit and character wank. Historical inconsistency is hard to rationalize, either because there's data missing or it's inherently irrational.

Not that our protagonist isn't wtf overpowered anyway
Not really. Not compared to most the badasses seen in the show, and he's living in an era where there are more OP guys running around than almost any other period.

Still waiting for a larger plot to come into play, but the story has the advantage that it's progressing through time fairly quickly. If nothing else it'll catch up with canon events in short order.
Well, if by canon events you mean the fighting in Ame, the rise of Konoha's White Fang and the Legendary Sannin, then yeah. But too many butterflies will abound for much of the later cannon to occur in any sort of recognizable way.
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it contradicts the story of Kaguya and the Sage.
not really...Kaguya came from space (and could breath in space before she got her upgrade), and there are multiple shinju's on other planets, maybe a chakra fruit was lost in space and mutated/fossilized, then turned into the meteor?
This continues to be really cool.

I love how you suggest that the canon version of things is likely not *real* (and isn't that a funny thing to say about a fully fictional world). Mostly because I really dislike the canon chakra origin story and the like. At any rate, when you say it it makes quite a bit of sense, within the universe of this fic.

Also, the idea with the Byakugan evolving is great. The assymetry between it and the Sharingan always irked me.
it contradicts the story of Kaguya and the Sage.
not really...Kaguya came from space (and could breath in space before she got her upgrade), and there are multiple shinju's on other planets, maybe a chakra fruit was lost in space and mutated/fossilized, then turned into the meteor?
Through the Primordial God Tree dubbed Shinju rooted on land, Chakra already exist everywhere on the Narutoverse planet before Kaguya ate the Fruit.
MC (and I suppose the Yamanaka clan) are the only ones in the world using the divine gift of chakra the way it was actually intended, to communicate, and even then only a hazy approximation.
Do you know about Nasuverse Unified Language? It basically allows one to directly communicate to the Soul.

Now going by what I wrote above, Ninshu basically is a techinque uses Chakra as a in its raw state as a non-physical-spiritual bridge like a radio transmitter or a medium to talk/command directly to the Soul.

If the victim doesn't know how to communicate through Chakra and without conscious response via Ninshu, the Soul is forced to listen and doing what it was told.

Sorry about double posting.
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Do you know about Nasuverse Unified Language? It basically allows one to directly communicate to the Soul.

Now going by what I wrote above, Ninshu basically is a techinque uses Chakra as a in its raw state as a non-physical-spiritual bridge like a radio transmitter or a medium to talk/command directly to the Soul.

If the victim doesn't know how to communicate through Chakra and without conscious response via Ninshu, the Soul is forced to listen and doing what it was told.

Sorry about double posting.
Building upon this!

You know how Naruto and Sasuke can know each other when they fight? Ninshu is being able to do that without needing to fight.
Building upon this!

You know how Naruto and Sasuke can know each other when they fight? Ninshu is being able to do that without needing to fight.
Thinking about it, that "know each other by fighting" thing combined with the previously established mechanics of Killing Intent and genjutsu is probably the colonic wrinkle Kishimoto pulled the whole Ninshu deal out of in the first place.
I would just tie in the chakra meteor in with the Shinju lore. Given it's effects on chakra I imagine it could be some foreign technique to rejuvenate a planet's chakra perhaps making the planet explode and launch fragments out that ended up attracted abit to other chakra worlds sort of like gravity.
love it so far. keep updating. what form do the mind take in you puppet body. is it possible to enhance intellect? if u had a flesh and blood body it would be easy to enhance intellect
What was the bloodline of the kid on wielder of Raiga in Canon?
That was a unique bloodline, probably a non-viable mutation.

maybe a chakra fruit was lost in space and mutated/fossilized, then turned into the meteor?
Given it's effects on chakra I imagine it could be some foreign technique to rejuvenate a planet's chakra perhaps making the planet explode
The meteor took over the guy that implanted it into himself, implying that it is both powerful and has a will of its own. So probably not a fruit, and given that it's almost purely destructive in nature, probably not something meant to aid the Shinju, it would have arrived around eight hundred years too late for that in any case.

what form do the mind take in you puppet body. is it possible to enhance intellect? if u had a flesh and blood body it would be easy to enhance intellect
What? Even with a flesh and blood body it would not be easy to enhance intellect. I'm not at all sure that there is a simple way for chakra to enhance intellect, except for perhaps adding more yin to the mix.
What? Even with a flesh and blood body it would not be easy to enhance intellect. I'm not at all sure that there is a simple way for chakra to enhance intellect, except for perhaps adding more yin to the mix.

actually there is. well maybe not intellect in general but I mean more imagination and problem solving. use a jutsu that encourages the brain to grow more connections between neurons as the character thinks and ponders. focus either on parts of the brain or the place between them. this should help increase imagination. increase density of gray and white matter to increase calculation and memeory
actually there is. well maybe not intellect in general but I mean more imagination and problem solving. use a jutsu that encourages the brain to grow more connections between neurons as the character thinks and ponders. focus either on parts of the brain or the place between them. this should help increase imagination. increase density of gray and white matter to increase calculation and memeory
That might be helpful if the MC had a brain. The MC doesn't.