Dance Puppet Dance! (Transhumanist Naruto OC)

The Kaguya were in the camp, the shipment with their drugs was attacked before it ever reached them.
Right. I reread after yinko replied to me and saw where I had erred. Honestly, if he can duplicate what Sasori is able to do later on (human puppets that maintain their bloodline abilities) He could get a Magical Chakra Bone factory without all the fiddly upkeep of keeping two people alive.

ETA: and it's honestly worth the research. Those bones are capable of standing up to weapons wielded by ninja.
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Date: Five months three days after awakening
Subject: Update

I was thinking about maybe using what I've learned from making octopod puppets and using it to make ones similar to the Hunters from Halo, or Durge from Star Wars. A giant mass of worms acting as a gestalt whole. There wouldn't be any sort of repair function, but damaging any single part would be a lot less effective, and they'd have a much easier time changing shape to adjust to different enemies.

It might also lead towards the creation of artificial muscles, which could then be used to create more realistic puppets for prime avatars or infiltration. I might want to learn some medical jutsu for that though, I think that if I did the Terminator thing and put fresh skin over the top of a puppet body then I could pump enough medical chakra into it to keep it alive without blood flow, though naturally that might cause some problems with pallor.

Oooi. Shuzaku, you here?

Yeah Kaga.

Given any though on what we talked about?

I have actually. Do you think you could get the genin stationed here to run around with lanterns and insect netting for me? I want a few thousand bugs if you can get them.

What for?

I think I'm going to aim for being called "Thousand Eyes". I'll seed both the other camps, and the whole set of islands with insect watchers. The intelligence from the others will start leaking no matter what they do, which will drive them to paranoia, thinking that there are traitors and spies in their midst. From there a few kidnappings and replacements will fuel their paranoia until they can hardly function well as a unit.

Kiri might stay alright with all this, but Konoha has always prided itself on its teamwork, if they can't trust each other then their teamwork will start to form cracks and they'll be at a disadvantage. Add in the disruption of their supply lines and they'll start to crumble slowly but surely.

Damn! You think you can really pull that off?

Probably. No promises. There are a few things that could possibly counter it. The biggest question would be if the Aburame's kikaichu kill other insects or not. My thinking is probably not, since they eat primarily chakra from their host.

Is there anything else I can do to increase your chances of success?

Do you know who is stationed at the enemy camps?

Only really the big names, I don't keep track of the ones below jounin.

There are that many jounin?

A few for each group, also quite a few from Suna ya know.

Who are the big names you remember?

Well, there's Hiruko, he's not very powerful but seems fairly intelligent about how he fights. Hyuuga Genba, main branch Hyuuga member that's playing chaperone to a few branch clan members. Oh, there's also Maruboshi Kosuke, the Eternal Genin, but he's at upper jounin strength. That's all for Konoha's side.

For Kiri there's Chukichi of the Hiding in Frost, Hozuki Hogestu and two Kaguya clan members.

Fuck… That's a lot of power to contend with.

No one's saying you have to fight those guys. Leave that to us jounin. All you need to do is make sure that the people under their command are sufficiently nervous.

It's actually not that bad overall. The Seven Swordsmen are all off fighting Kumo, Konoha's big names are mostly in Ame along with ours and Iwa's, plus Hanzo the Salamander. This region's, not quite secondary, but the victory would be economic and not political, so there's a lot less emphasis placed on it.

Yeah, I know. It's just that the combat powers of my puppets are each fairly weak, if I had gotten sent to Ame then I'd just be more cannon fodder getting thrown into the grinder.

Have you worked on the flame throwers, spring loaded blades, water projectors, anything like that?

You know about that?

It was in your file

Right. No, not really. I have a bit of an idea on how I could pull some of them off. Flame throwers would probably be a variation on exploding tags, letting the flame out slowly over time instead of all at once. Water bullets would possibly use something similar to an exploding tag to shoot the water out at high pressures. The spring loaded blades could be retracted with a lever, so long as it was part of the puppet as a unit. So the ideas are there.

Should probably stop procrastinating and do that. It'll probably bump the power of your individual puppets up to fresh chunin level, especially since they can use jutsu. I've also got you a share of the recycled scrap pile, in case you want to start using metal for your puppets again. It's all just broken tools and equipment, but that shouldn't be a big deal for what you're wanting it for.


Hey, if you can do what you say you can then it's well worth my while.

Date: Five months seven days after awakening
Subject: Bugs

Got my army of insects. The genin have been working hard for me, the insects fill a couple of liter jars. Probably a couple thousand at least it looks like. Not sure how many of those will be damaged from the rough treatment though.

It doesn't really matter, applying seals to insects is a process with exponential growth, which means that it really doesn't take that long no matter how many there are. At least I think it's exponential, I might have that wrong, it might be one of the other forms of geometric progression.

Should have the prototypes for the upgrades to my puppets ready in a few days.

Date: Five months ten days after awakening
Subject: Upgrades

I shipped off the insects to both enemy encampments and the main island, started getting them into position over time. Everything's above ground for these ones, so that makes it easier. Only one team with an Aburame on it, and it seems that the kikaichu don't eat other insects, though I've been keeping mine away from her anyway in case she's an entomophile and decides to examine them by chance.

Got the first set of upgrades ready to test.

Testing of flame thrower: heat is too high for metal, the conductivity causes smoldering where it contacts with the wood. Next time use a ceramic tube. Maybe water cooling?

Testing of water bullet: pressure too low, chakra structure seems needed to combine spherical shape with high velocity. Using other fluids as through a hose, or maximizing the water pressure to act more like a short range pressure cutter might be possible. However, high pressure fire hoses tend to whip out of control if not held securely, indicating that the range between the storage seals and the nozzle would need to be quite short or else the puppet would tear itself to pieces.

Testing of spring release traps and weapons: worked as expected, it was always the simplest aspect. The ability to manipulate internal components of the puppet as a matter of course reduces the majority of the needed mechanical contrivances. The main sections of the limbs and torso are generally open enough that I can toss a few blades into them with no problems.

Next will come arranging them for specialized functions, like the capture puppet Kankuro used at one point.

I know that there are dart throwers and blow guns in my old world, but they either had something to allow for the buildup of gasses, or a flat end for a spring to rest against. Senbon would be the ideal projectile, and indeed there was something I once saw about needle shooters in the show, but I can't quite figure out how they'd be possible without either a specialized cradle or some sort of chakra cheat.

Something like the shuriken rifles from 40k might actually be easier, though it'd have to be hugely oversimplified. Essentially a vertical clip of standard shuriken, with either a crossbow mechanism or a horizontal leaf spring to project it.

Wasn't there Hidden Sky that attacked during this war? Might try to do something with that, they had some pretty nice stuff, and I'm pretty sure they only got defeated due to leafy plot armor, either that or some glaring weakness that got massively exploited.

Date: Five months thirteen days after awakening
Subject: Plots and plans

Submitted my first intelligence report. Enemy patrol routes, movements, rosters, supply schedules. We already had some of it, but the idea here is to publicize what we have by exploiting it as blatantly as possible.

There's a "low risk" area some of the Konoha teams are being sent through for a reward, a break from combat. There's an ambush planned on them. Then there's a medical shipment for the Kiri base scheduled for two days from now, the Kaguya clan members need some of the drugs to deal with their finicky bloodline and berserker tendencies.

After those take place I've got my own plans for a follow up act at their camps.

Date: Five months sixteen days after awakening
Subject: Plot results

Konoha got three dead and six injured from three teams, that's 100% casualties. While our teams only had two injured. For the other mission the shipment was confiscated with ease, one of our guys died but the transport team from Kiri was wiped out to a man.

What I find hilarious is that there's actually a higher chance of becoming a genin in Kiri than Konoha. Konoha, in the show, graduated nine students out of a class of about thirty, less than a third of the class. Kiri has a graduation rate of a little under fifty percent, some of the winners die of their injuries.

Though Konoha did have a batch of backups, people that were mostly desk workers in flak jackets. Having the majority of the civilian population be made up of academy failures probably caused a lot more trouble than it was worth, especially when the daimyo would likely give at least as many benefits as they did. That might all be based on stories though, I've yet to infiltrate Konoha to find out for sure.

Date: Five months twenty days after awakening
Subject: Chemical selection

Sedatives was a good choice before, I'll make sure to grab a few of those. I also want some water soluble poisons dump into water and food supplied. I doubt most of those resources will be unsealed for the shinobi camps, they certainly haven't been anywhere else I've seen, but as a way to turn the civilians working with the shinobi against them it should work great.

Oh, right, I also want to get a few neurotoxins. Do neurotoxins even exist in this world? The fastest poisons we ever see take hours or days to kill, but that might just be a plot thing. Conotoxin could kill in five seconds flat, and a lot of others weren't much slower. It might be kind of like how poisons in Chinese novels work, where they unbalance the chakra system to the point that it starts killing the target. That'd be both a good and bad thing, since it'd mean that poison was somewhat unreliable but that it is also much simpler.

Date: Five months twenty two days after awakening
Subject: Kidnappings

I timed it right, most of the Hyuuga are out on patrols, there are two left and one of them's asleep. Should be early in the second shift of the day, nobody expects an attack just after the sun's come up.

The open toes and heels of shinobi sandals make it so easy to get to non-sensitive spots of the skin. Really, they should fix that. It might have helped that I coated the bugs in topical anesthetic, maybe not, for all I know it's not even enough to have a measurable effect on the sensation.

One bite every half hour, spread across two hours. Yeah, that branch Hyuuga is useless now. Get in my casket!

I love my puppet birds, so useful.

Yeah they'll activate his cursed seal, but probably not for a few hours, and it definitely won't stop me from doing what I want with him.

The other one I'm doing is to grab one of the medics. I think Tsunade trained these ones personally, but she made that stupid rule about them not going into direct combat, they're trained to dodge a lot and be support. That means that none of these guys are any good at fighting.

I've got a bug aimed for one of their mouths.

It sucks to swallow a bug, but it's infinitely worse when that bug clings on behind the uvula and induces vomiting with drops of ipecac.

I'm actually surprised that one worked. Someone suddenly starting coughing and vomiting with little explanation would be suspicious enough to me that I'd suspect enemy action immediately. It will probably never work again, too abnormal.

I really don't want people to start noticing the bugs. I could tamper with the IV drips, cause random deaths amongst the wounded, but that'd cause people to look more closely at the evidence than I'd like. So long as it'd just disappearances and the like then they'll likely assume it's a talented infiltrator, or someone with a travel/stealth jutsu.

Date: Five months twenty three days after awakening
Subject: Leaf nin resources

Placed yin seals in both of the shinobi I took yesterday, rooted through everything I could find. The medic was indeed trained by Tsunade, as part of a batch pumped out from an accelerated six-month course. All he really knew were the Mystical Palm and Chakra Scalpels. Nice jutsu to be sure, but not much direct use to me until I started working more with the living and recently deceased.

The Hyuuga, he didn't last very long after I took him. Activated his own cursed seal. I don't mind, the Juuken is almost useless to me, if I get my chakra onto someone the last thing they need to be worried about is me sealing a few of their tenketsu.

I'm getting a microscope sent over from the hospital tent. I'm curious about this, will probably use the medic as a control, that way I can see what the eyes of a bog-normal guy looks like in comparison to those of a byakugan.

Not quite sure what to expect with that. It's a doujutsu derived from Kaguya herself, so it might be total bullshit, no explanation at all. But then, people have transplanted every kind of doujutsu before, and Madara figured out how to force the evolution of both the sharingan and rinnegan. So it can't be completely irrational.

With update with results of examination.
Does the Doujutsu have to be necessarily attached to a Living Body to work or can you just connect a Chakra String to its Tenketsu use the Bloodline?
Instant ents. I'm not very sure how useful natural energy would actually be, since it can't really be used for regular jutsu, the Rasengan can only use it because it's pure shape manipulation. As something to make the puppets faster and more resilient it would work, but possibly not much else.

The reason he couldn't just pull the same type of thing as the shadow clones is that there the clones each had a separate chakra network, yin and all, and then they were returning that chakra by popping. Actually, doing it that way should have killed Naruto, since the chakra levels of the clones would have been very different from those of the main body, and the clones are always shown as having achieved stable sage mode before popping and not getting just enough so that the main body is stable.

Then there's the fact that apparently Orochimaru wasn't able to use senjutsu any longer once he abandoned his original body.

Actually, normal jutsus can be used with nature energy in canon. It just makes them stronger and more powerful. Hari Jizo is a normal technique(albeit one created by and used only by Jiraiya) and yet Jiraiya used it in Sage Mode in the Pain fight in Ame. Fire Release: Flame Bullet can be used and made stronger in Sage Mode, making it into Fire Release: Big Flame Bullet, also used by Jiraiya in the Ame fight. The only reason why Naruto only used the Rasengan in Sage Mode was because that was the only jutsu he ever learned besides the Kage Bushin and it's his only attack/offensive jutsu and with Sage Mode, he could make the Rasenshuriken viable. However, there are justsus that can only be done in Sage Mode/with Natural Energy.

As for the thing with Orochimaru, he could use Sage Mode. I have no clue if that made your statement a retcon now, but in the pic below, he shows that he can use Sage Mode. And no, it's not Juugo's, otherwise he'd have said that it came from Juugo. Orochimaru was many things, but as far as I recall, he never lied.

As for Naruto, all I can say is authorial fiat/plot armor.
Hmmm, is it possible to modify things inside of a seal? Like , say, extend a chakra string inside of it to heat metal? Use the sealed environment as a hammerspace workshop? Maybe something like a Thanix Cannon too. Or maybe just a "missile" that launches a super heated spike of metal when it contacts the enemy.

Would it be possible to make a "slime" poppet? Or other non standard puppets? Just basically a talisman that you could stick in a pile of the desired puppet substance. Like sand or something. Then just control it like your standard clone technique.
Does the Doujutsu have to be necessarily attached to a Living Body to work or can you just connect a Chakra String to its Tenketsu use the Bloodline?
The eyes are totally fucked, Caged Bird Seal remember, but even if they weren't they'd still need a living body to be transplanted into.
Actually, normal jutsus can be used with nature energy in canon.
Well, jutsu can be used, not sure if they're normal or not. The list of senjutsu on the wiki is distinct from the list of ninjutsu, and most of the senjutsu moves were developed or specifically altered to deal with the influx of energy. But you are right.

As for the thing with Orochimaru, he could use Sage Mode.
Interesting. But that does leave a massive plot hole as to why he didn't use it in fights.

Hmmm, is it possible to modify things inside of a seal?
Maybe. If he put one of his own puppets into the seal as well. And depending on what the inside of the seal was like.

Just basically a talisman that you could stick in a pile of the desired puppet substance. Like sand or something.
Yeah, that should be possible. Though a lot of the random junk used would be fairly bad at actually doing much of anything. For slime, it would likely have to be more viscous, or there would have to be some sort of Water chakra extending the reach of the tag into the slime more effectively.
Interesting. But that does leave a massive plot hole as to why he didn't use it in fights.
Because he is a body-snatcher. Senjutsu requires that your body be strong enough to handle it, and the soul rejection Orochimaru suffered made it so that by the time he could train his new body to accept Senjutsu, it is already too degraded to handle the chakra. It wasn't until he got properly revived in his own body by Sasuke that he actually began using it, because then he didn't have to deal with constantly retaining his body for it.
Oh hoh... This is delightful. I've had a serious craving for puppet themed stories lately, and FFN totally let me down... They were all Indie!Harem!Naruto garbage, with puppets thrown in as one more way to wank him.
Oh hoh... This is delightful. I've had a serious craving for puppet themed stories lately, and FFN totally let me down... They were all Indie!Harem!Naruto garbage, with puppets thrown in as one more way to wank him.
You already read Scorpion's Disciple, Scorpion's Sting, Naruto's Compensation and Plucking Strings from Fanfiction? I assure they are not Harem!Naruto fics.
There are more Puppeteer!Naruto but most are them Harem fics.
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You already read Scorpion's Disciple, Scorpion's Sting, Naruto's Compensation and Plucking Strings from Fanfiction? I assure they are not Harem!Naruto fics.
There are more Puppeteer!Naruto but most are them Harem fics.

Scorpion's Disciple: Read it last year. The only one I've really liked. A damn shame it's dead.
Scorpion's Sting: Read it. Probably gonna reread because I can't for the life of me remember what it's about.
Naruto's Compensation: Read it and dropped it a while back. Typical god-mode Naruto ditches Konoha. It had some interesting ideas, but the sheer wank of Naruto basically holing up in a cave and working his way straight into Sasori level puppetry was totally unbelievable. I did like the bits where he essentially creates a whole new identity for his main puppet and ends up as a jounin sensei over in... Kusa, I think. That was something new, at least.
Plucking Strings: Oooh... Haven't seen this one before. Thanks, hombre. :D

Anyway, it's not all bad, getting annoyed at the general lack of good puppet fics just made me want to write my own, and I've got a oneshot idea on the backburner at the moment.
Because he is a body-snatcher. Senjutsu requires that your body be strong enough to handle it, and the soul rejection Orochimaru suffered made it so that by the time he could train his new body to accept Senjutsu, it is already too degraded to handle the chakra. It wasn't until he got properly revived in his own body by Sasuke that he actually began using it, because then he didn't have to deal with constantly retaining his body for it.

Basically, this, I assume. Otherwise it just makes no sense, but then again, so much shit in Naruto didn't.
Exactly, and that's a lot of what I was talking about. In Shippuden they use laptops for medical aid, Naruto as a kage uses one for paperwork, they have digital screens when during the chunin exams they were using CTR and during the academy they were using flashbulb photography. Then during the Clan Wars, or really any point before the main story, everything was straight up pre-industrial, no electricity or any sign of tech. The changes and advancement is way too fast. The only way it works is if either the objects are one-offs and can't be used for general consumption, or if some group is really pushing for reverse engineering of some cache and then selling their discoveries to all parties as part of a burgeoning military industrial complex.

Of course the OOC explanation is that they just shoved in whatever tech was common when those chapters came out, since the whole thing ran for over a dozen years, there were a lot of changes.

All of that probably won't be a major issue though, since none of the flashbacks to the adventures of the Sannin during their youth showed any tech, so the advancement hasn't really begun yet. Things still look a lot like Tokugawa Japan probably, but with more magic slinging ninjas running around.

Wait what.

... I haven't actually finished the manga -I dropped out basically right after it was revealed that the idiotic "tobito" theory was the correct theory and have never managed to motivate myself to get back to it even after learning it finished because post-timeskip is so incoherent and dull- but I got quite far in the manga and I don't recall anything resembling a personal computer showing up at any point. (And indeed, part of my point is that post-timeskip seems to replace all technology with ninja bullshit, even if the tech would work better for the job and apparently requires less of a resource base to support. Radios? Nah, Yamanaka telepathy) Are you sure these aren't something the anime added in specific? Because the anime jams in all kinds of stuff, some of which legitimately improves things (eg we see Hinata and a few other characters at the Academy, right at the beginning of the story) but a lot of which creates huge problems. (eg Sakura, in the manga, swears to stop being such an asshole to Naruto after Sasuke rejects her... and the scene ends. In the anime, Naruto promptly shows up, asks her on a date, and Sakura immediately undoes her character development for the sake of a gag, making her sudden character development in the Forest of Death bizarre and out of nowhere)

It's absolutely the case the series is bad about Masashi Kishimoto losing track of the way things were as he moves forward (Such as, as this story brought up itself, the elemental rock-paper-scissors thing being explained and then in short order flagrantly violated), but I'm pretty sure the manga is fairly consistent about the tech level until post timeskip regresses technology.

I will also add that it's completely plausible that ninja have access to a higher tech base than the general population. History has a long tradition of technology being developed for the military first and trickling down to everyone else later -the computers we're using right now can trace their ancestral roots back to devices designed entirely to calculate artillery trajectories. I can buy that the ninja have all the security cameras et al for any number of reasons, especially since Japan, as a culture, has a history of deliberately suppressing non-military access to militarily relevant tools, even if they have non-military uses, so the Elemental Countries are quite possibly prone to that too. I'd intended to mention in my previous post that road networks might fail to crop up even if the commercial value is deemed high if the Daimyos consider it inappropriate to improve the mobility of civilians for fear of it aiding rebel movements or something of the sort.

Interesting. But that does leave a massive plot hole as to why he didn't use it in fights.

I'll note that it's not a plot hole for early Orochimaru fights. (Pre-timeskip) He was always either overconfident/toying with his opponent (No need for his best tools) or not really in a position to hold himself to the demands of holding still etc etc. It's perfectly plausible he had it but didn't want to use it except when he couldn't feasibly use it.

... now, if you're talking about some post-resurrection fight he's in, I haven't read that far and you can ignore me.

EDIT: I would also like to point out that the "one-off acquired through Summoning" theory that is so popular with fans makes no sense. In the first place a ninja who summons a bulldozer isn't going to look at it and go "Ah, this is a construction vehicle, and therefore I have no use for it and should sell it to a construction company." if they don't have prior context, which is what this theory assumes. In the second place, even if a ninja did magically understand what the bulldozer was and did, the ninja wouldn't go "I'm not a friggin' construction worker, this is useless to me", they'd go "A self-propelled heavily armored battering ram/mobile armored fortress! Awesome!" and hoard it to theirself because ninja. Attempting to explain the uneven tech via summoning is a terrible way of trying to explain it that creates more problems than it can possibly solve.
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Given that Ro-kun always has slit pupils and marks by his eyes, why do you think he's not using senjutsu all the time?
Well, he was the genius of that iteration of Team 7 after all. Why would he not be as bullshit as Sasuke, activating his sharingan during Itachi's genocide run, or Kakashi, a jounin before reaching double digit ages?
Given that we learn the Sage Mode thing thanks to the Kabuto fight, and Kabuto picks up Orochimaru type features (in this fight, where he is using Orochimaru's Dragon Sage Mode), the apparent inference is yes, somehow, Orochimaru has been in Sage Mode every single time we see him. Which Is very strange, given the "hold still" requirement etc, but you know.
Given that we learn the Sage Mode thing thanks to the Kabuto fight, and Kabuto picks up Orochimaru type features (in this fight, where he is using Orochimaru's Dragon Sage Mode), the apparent inference is yes, somehow, Orochimaru has been in Sage Mode every single time we see him. Which Is very strange, given the "hold still" requirement etc, but you know.
the "Hold still" time decreases the more trained you are
end game Naruto can go into it instantly
Given that we learn the Sage Mode thing thanks to the Kabuto fight, and Kabuto picks up Orochimaru type features (in this fight, where he is using Orochimaru's Dragon Sage Mode), the apparent inference is yes, somehow, Orochimaru has been in Sage Mode every single time we see him. Which Is very strange, given the "hold still" requirement etc, but you know.
Pretty sure he picked up Orochimaru's features because he went and spliced himself with Orochimaru's DNA.
There's also the trick Naruto does with having kagebunshin do the whole "sit around and meditate" thing to gatehr nature energy and dispel to relay it to himslef in the middle of a fight. Don't tell me you think Mr. I Want To Learn Every Jutsu In The World somehow didn't pick up shadow clones.
Date: Five months twenty four days after awakening
Subject: Byakugan examination

After peeling back the skin around the eyes of both bodies I began to examine the chakra network and compare them. They appear to be exactly the same in gross structure, a large coil passing under the orbital socket and entering behind the retina.

The blood vessels of the Hyuuga were very different, with engorged veins flowing to the muscles of the eye socket. It seems that the intended function of the increased blood flow is to freeze the eyes in place, to remove the micro-fluctuations and allow for the all-seeing aspects to function correctly. That would also explain the issue of eye strain from prolonged use, as the eyes are really not meant to stay still for any length of time, nor the muscles that tense. This also explains the enlarged blood vessels in the iris, as that area of the eye also traditionally has to move in order to refocus.

Aside from that, there weren't a lot of obvious differences. Even under a microscope the back of the Hyuuga's retina had no real differences from the Medic's.

Oh! It's been about an hour after the cessation of heart beat, the chakra in the body seems to be decreasing steadily. The odd thing is that the byakugan eyes seem to be changing as well.

Well fuck.

I know, I know. They always call them dojutsu, "eye techniques" but I never really thought about what that meant before. It seems that it really is a technique that is being used with the eyes as a medium. A technique that is inherited and perfectly instinctual to the user, habitual to the bits of chakra coil in the eye, one that is likely impossible to imitate with handseals due to the nature of bloodline limits.

…That changes things considerably.

It really helps explain how things like the sharingan can have apparently moving holes in their iris. It makes sense if the eyes are just an instinctual application of a jutsu.

Taking a look at the chakra coils around the eyes now. Looks like the Caged Bird seal poisons the coils, so that the eyes can't be transplanted and no children can be created from artificial insemination. But that doesn't stop the eyes themselves from working when chakra is externally applied.

Yup. A slight flow of chakra into the coils around the eyes cause passive activation of the byakugan, enough to cause them to show up as pale and seemingly covered in cataracts. In the show a handseal was often used to aid in activating the eyes, not sure which one that would have been but I'm guessing it was related to either concentration or trying to pulse the chakra to the eyes to cause the hyper-awareness.

Huh, it was the concentration, I was betting on it being a chakra pulse.

I'm… not sure what would happen to me if I tried attaching these to a puppet as is. Technically they do have chakra networks, but they aren't alive, and those networks are all connected together into the greater whole. So it's possible that whatever chakra poison is in the eyes could infect the entire network.

I'm just going to store them until I can figure out from examination of coils themselves exactly how a jutsu is formed.

I do have that Medic, and the knowledge of the jutsu from his head. If I use what I know and what I know he knew, then I could compare the two to see how the individual jutsu got transformed.

Date: Five months twenty five days after awakening
Subject: Medic's jutsu

I had to start by practicing the jutsu myself a bit. Both the Mystical Palm and Chakra Scalpels get expelled as chakra out of the hands. There are twenty three tenketsu in each hand, which means that the degree of variation which the chakra can have is quite large.

Never mind, that doesn't seem to have any impact on how the jutsu get made. I can make a scalpel off of my pinky, or my index finger, or my thumb, there's no difference but practical utility.

Looking more closely at the coils in the Medic's hands, it seems that when chakra with the correct yin structure, the right idea behind it, passes through them they instinctively attempt to mold the justu.

Troubling. It means that the point at issue is the chakra coils themselves. No one has any idea how to make artificial coils, or how to transplant them. I only have a few theories about what coils even are.

Sure I can watch how the molding of the chakra takes place and try to copy it, but that might not be enough for bloodline traits, where their physiology and souls are aiding the process of the jutsu itself.

That doesn't mean I have nowhere to progress however. If I can figure out how the byakugan actually perceives chakra then that might allow me to create a knockoff that does not rely on biology or chakra coils at all.

Date: Five months twenty nine days after awakening
Subject: Visual chakra sensing

The way that the byakugan presents reality to its users has always seemed peculiar to me. They see a solid sphere, but beyond their specific range they can't see anything. Then there's the infamous blindspot, and the way they can see chakra through mundane objects but see the world in a largely distorted way.

The only way that this makes sense is if they are only seeing the chakra. The blindspot would be where the chakra coil enters the eye and would appear to be a giant bright blob of solid chakra.

I've looked at the functioning eyes as much as possible, which wasn't easy given I couldn't implant them, and as best as I can figure the eyes act as a way to represent chakra senses visually. Most likely, and I'm guessing here, they use the ambient nature chakra as a passive medium and then detect all the non-nature chakra within that ether. Otherwise the hard edge of the visual range makes little sense.

Byakugan users would never take in any nature chakra, they would just exploit its existence. Giving them something akin to a sage's sensing ability and then filtering that in through the eyes for easier cognitive processing.

Certainly a viable explanation for something that originated from Kaguya herself.

From what I can remember, regular chakra sensing comes in a couple different varieties. The person either pings out with their chakra like sonar, or they feel for ambient changes similar to what a sense of smell does with particulates. Regular sage mode senses probably work by the former method, probably. Which would make the byakugan a third approach, and one of the more complicated.

Not sure if Karin's method is all that unique as well of if it's just another derivation of the same handful of methods.

Date: Six months three days after awakening
Subject: Attack on Mist

Konoha may be having issues with trying to patch up non-existent security issues, but in the Kiri camp Chukichi pretty much immediately started trying to figure out if there was a mole. I don't know exactly what he told every one of his chunin, but he definitely told them all different things about the coming plans.

Regardless, when he tells one of them to circle around the island to hit a trade ship from Wind, then it's obvious that that's where the chunin is going to lead his team.

Date: Six months five days after awakening
Subject: Sooo fucked

I told Kaga about my information and he set up a strike team to take them out before they could sink our ships. Only, he wanted me to send along some puppets as well.

I figured it couldn't hurt, they were just recently refitted with traps and equipment so it would be a good test run.

The Suna team caught up with the ships before they could enter the combat area and hid inside them, then when the Kiri squad came out from under the water the Suna teams reciprocated.

That's when things got shot to shit. Chukichi followed the Kiri team to see if the mission had been reported to the enemy. He killed fucking everybody. The Kiri nin, the Suna nin, the god damned sailors, all dead. I tried to hold him off for a while, throwing dozens of disposable bodies at him, trying out every new trick I had learned, but he filled the area up with mist and started slaughtering indiscriminately, it was like trying to fight an angry god.

This is what an elite jounin is like. What a mess.

Kiri can probably afford to lose a couple of guys in an effort to ensure they've purged any traitors, but Suna can't. Those teams were important to this front, my puppet squads took time and resources to make, that ship carried food and weapons necessary for our fight.

How did I not figure out what he was going to do? It was obvious he was going to check up on those he suspected.

It's all my fault. I didn't double check my information before sending it out. Fuck!

Oh, and worse still, he took all the bodies of both the Suna and Kiri nin back with him, so I can't even scavenge up anything from the losses.

Konoha is getting a pass for the moment, I can't let this kind of shit stand.

Date: Six months seven days after awakening
Subject: Reneg

I just said a couple of days ago that I was going to focus everything on the Kiri camp *sigh*, but this has been in the works for a while, so whatever.

I've got all these nice octopod puppets filled with shards of broken kunai and explosive tags. Like face-huggers meet claymore mines. The plan is to use them in random bursts against Konoha's beach patrol, make them fear the water.

Date: Six months eight days after awakening
Subject: After action report

I started off by trying to get a baker's dozen of my little octobombs over to Demon Island, that took a while. Without a central torso to squirt water behind them, they needed to actually use their tentacles to walk along the ocean floor. Really slow.

I'll need to fix that once I get the water jets worked out.

Anyway. After that it was mostly a matter of waiting for patrols to pass. There was a flaw in my plan, in that there aren't all that many shinobi on patrol at once, only two really two teams. But the ideal situation was never to kill a lot of people, rather it was to make the most ubiquitous aspect of the current environment seems threatening.

Launching half of my puppets at each team resulted in most of the puppet being destroyed before they could get near. However one of them did latch onto a chunin's legs and pretty much blew him in half, while another did some serious shrapnel damage.

I'm not sure if suicidal puppets and mobile bombs are really worth the effort. Just designing these things takes a while, they're pretty specialized. Then I have to learn to move them, and there generally isn't any room for extra weapons. It's probably more effort than it's worth.

I think I need to find someone that's skilled at kenjutsu or taijutsu, something so that I can dramatically increase the close quarters effectiveness of all of my puppets at once.

AN: I spent quite a while trying to rationalize how the byakugan worked, this is what I came up with. You can read the naruto wiki page on it, but the main supporting evidence is that people have to activate their byakugan, it's just that it normally happens as soon as they have chakra flowing. One guy awakened only one of his eyes as a byakugan, Kishimoto said that if the Hyuuga and an Uchiha had children then he would have one doujutsu in each eye, and similar stuff. It also helps explain why they're even called doujutsu.
Is a fairly good image of the chakra network, you can see what I was talking about by looking at the head region.

Life's not too easy for Shuzaku, he has to struggle a bit to achieve what he wants out of life. I hate those stories where the protagonist gets everything he tries for right off the bat. Most conflicts result in less than ideal outcomes, most research ends in failure. He's mostly angry at himself for not thinking ahead a bunch, not outsmarting an internationally renouned professional killer. That and he's really goal orientated, so failure causes psychological self flagellation.
Actually got around to reading the fic (I popped into the end, initially, so yeah), some things I wanted to comment on...

That's a lot of text.
That's a fannon thing. The Naruto wiki has no mention of any specific requirements for what is needed to make fuinjutsu work. In fact, this
and this
are examples of what fuinjutsu is based on, the calligraphy is actually quite sloppy. A lot of Japanese calligraphy is sloppy looking, because not having your own style is the sign of an amateur. The explanation given in stories that perfect handwriting is necessary is because they were trying to rationalize how a few squiggly bits on some paper could direct chakra, so they landed on the idea that the writing wasn't the same language as Japanese and that it was exactly right for directing chakra along, via special ink, into patterns to cause the desired effects. But there's nothing to actually support that theory in the show at all.

That example gets used a lot. Something that can take on the bijuu is obviously all powerful and has complete flexibility. No, it's just unbeatable at it's extremely narrow focus, which is sealing things.

There's never really anything in the show to suggest that messing up a seal would cause any sort of explosion or backlash. It mostly just wouldn't work. Like how failing the summoning jutsu, with it's sealing component, doesn't cause backlash and death, it just doesn't do much instead.

Given there is a plot point that Jiraiya has such weird/terrible/distinct hand writing that he writes... I can't remember if it was a letter like a number or the other way around... But anyways, there is a point where Naruto has to personally decipher a coded message from Jiraiya because everybody is interpreting the symbols wrong, with only Naruto familiar with the quirk, and Jiraiya is a sealing master, I have to agre, "precise handwriting" is a poor fit to observed canon.

I don't mind, the Juuken is almost useless to me, if I get my chakra onto someone the last thing they need to be worried about is me sealing a few of their tenketsu.

Interesting bit of drift: when Neji first does that, we are being told that the Hyuuga attack the "Chakra Network" for direct damage to organs and stuff that no amount of physical conditioning protects against (with an implication that "sword to face" is stopped by enough, by contrast, albeit not spelled out. But Gai's "punch literally throws you through wall" style of fighting is contrasted against as the kinda thing conditioning works on), and everybody is all "WTF that's impossible nobody could precisely hit the tenketsu that's unheard of and superhuman and something Hyuuga can't do!" about Neji doing just that. Later on, of course, it has become the only thing Hyuuga do. *shrug*