Dance Puppet Dance! (Transhumanist Naruto OC)

It makes no sense, Sasori never knew his parents who were killed in the 2nd war by Kakashi's father Sakumo. Unless you move that back to the first war which makes Sakumo as old as the Third Hokage.
It should be well within the capabilities of Suna to have those on medical leave train up those preparing to ship out, but does that actually happen?
Well he could just sub in at academy classes, seeing as he never went. Presumably the older classes will have been sent off to fight, but they'll likely still be training the fresh 6 and 5 year olds that are simply too weak to even be used as sacrificial meat shields. Otherwise they'd be in trouble once the war ended, with no freshly trained kids to take over from all the dead.

It would probably be only a single (likely permanently injured) teacher and a small class of kids, to free up as many fighters as possible.
It makes no sense, Sasori never knew his parents who were killed in the 2nd war by Kakashi's father Sakumo. Unless you move that back to the first war which makes Sakumo as old as the Third Hokage.
Sasori's parents could have been killed between wars. The villages are never really at peace anyway.

Well he could just sub in at academy classes, seeing as he never went. Presumably the older classes will have been sent off to fight, but they'll likely still be training the fresh 6 and 5 year olds that are simply too weak to even be used as sacrificial meat shields. Otherwise they'd be in trouble once the war ended, with no freshly trained kids to take over from all the dead.
He should already know most of that stuff, he's taken out enough genin, chunin, jounin. But only one or two of them have been specialists at taijutsu and kenjutsu.

There's a also a city in Wind Country called Roran. It's lies on a leyline that holds chakra called Ryumkyaku (or something).
Yeah, I know. It's just, I'm not sure if I want to get into that, because fucking leylines. 'Dragon veins' they really complicate the whole notion of chakra by making it something that can exist as a usable form in nature outside of living things. It'd be so much simpler to just write off Roran as non-cannon, along with the fucking dragons and the Gelel stones, to simplify stuff a bit. Maybe demon country too, since the demon there is supposedly from a different dimension, or maybe not.
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Couldn't the village just mandate that anyone using the technique that makes you sterile have to have already provided sperm/eggs for cold storage and later use or had children?

The villages don't seen very... what's the word? Smart! Right, they seem stupid, or at least very shortsighted.

The villages might be shortsighted, but the SI seems a bit more with it. HE could just find some promising young puppeteers, adopt them, wait till they've had kids, and then teach them the new clan kinjutsu.

Hell, for that matter invite Chiyo. She's ninety or something by the time of the series isn't she? Even at this point in the timeline she's past childbearing age.
The villages might be shortsighted, but the SI seems a bit more with it. HE could just find some promising young puppeteers, adopt them, wait till they've had kids, and then teach them the new clan kinjutsu.

Hell, for that matter invite Chiyo. She's ninety or something by the time of the series isn't she? Even at this point in the timeline she's past childbearing age.
Eh. In a sense, its in no one's interest for him to make a new clan. A clan of pretty much immortal–both in terms of immune to aging and to injury–ninja would cause massive social unrest within Sand. What happens if one of them becomes Kazekage, and just keeps in the position forever? What happens to all the other ninjas and clans whose techniques can be stolen and performed more safely and easily by this new one. Sand can tolerate a single ninja with these kind of techniques, but a whole clan of them would cause issues.
Due to the nature of his technique, he effectively is a clan all by himself - larger than most, even, most likely.
I just ignore all the movies. I mean really, Leylines? Wtf? And nobody but this supposedly one-movie deal-thingy has ever exploited the shit out of this? Imagine the Uzumaki, supposedly the most powerful Seal Users there ever was. What wouldn't they've been capable of with a fucking endless amount of Chakra to power their defenses?

Just drop the movies and shit man. They're all kind of silly, since they all involve some incredible ham-fisted mary-sue overpowered bullshit that's never seen anywhere else and is also conveniently forgotten about as the movie ends.

"Oh look, chakra armor that allows chunin to stand up to and challenge jounin! And lets people fly! And metal-colums-chakra-OPness that allows a whole fucking country to have all of its snow and ice melted, renaming it from Snow Country to Spring Country. Let's... Just ignore all of these bullshit things that'd allow Konoha to rule the world and go home. Huehuehue!"

"Oh look, a way to have all the bloodlines there ever was... Let's just name this fellow a missing-nin and try to kill the shit out of him. It's not like this incredible ability would be useful for our people. Trolololol!"

"Oh look, an endlessly renewable resource of chakra? That's safe to use!? Let's just blow this shit up and forget about it and never use it again! Trolololol! It's not as if such a resource would make our village incredibly powerful! Huehueuhe!"

"Oh look, The Demon Country! And some lady whom can predict the fucking future! Let's totally not steal this absolutely invaluable bloodline nd' shit. Oh and that demon that's sealed somewhere? Uh... It's the only demon in existence and shit? Whatever. Let's just forget about these incredibly powerful resources and never mention it again! Huehuehuehue!"

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Yeah the tendency of this fic to accept filler and movies as canon is one of the biggest problems I have with it. Frankly any attempt to do so immediately falls apart and requires an interpretation of canon in which everyone in charge was idiots.

Which is actually my BIGGEST problem with this story. The author seems to be putting forward the idea that everyone is actually totally incompetent and make obvious mistakes which naturally this OC is waaay too smart to make. For example the constant bashing of the puppeteer corps, or the frankly ridiculous bashing of the Aburame not noticing puppet insects actually invading their bodies. That attitude seems to pervade this fic, and it is really starting to cause problems.
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I just ignore all the movies.
I guess that's the plan.

Yeah the tendency of this fic to accept filler and movies as canon is one of the biggest problems I have with it.
I don't think he's ever run into anything that actually uses the movies yet, he just assumes everything he can remember is canon despite having not seen anything one way or the other. That leaves me a lot more room to maneuver.

The author seems to be putting forward the idea that everyone is actually totally incompetent and make obvious mistakes which naturally this OC is waaay to smart to make.
I actually assume that pretty much any real person would be waaay to smart to make most of the mistakes that get perpetuated in the show. Because everyone in the show is actually incompetent.

Like the constant bashing of the puppeteer corps, or the frankly ridiculous bashing of the Aburame not noticing puppet insects actually invading their bodies.
Those are actual issues in the puppeteer corps that existed in the show. Fixing them would be making them more competent than demonstrated. The Aburame are actually pretty OP considering how many groups they've essentially exterminated, but what happened there was not that the girl didn't notice it happening but rather had no defense against it, because the openings in her skin are just wide open for bugs to crawl into, and kikaichu eat only chakra.
Naruto has a similar problem as Harry Potter when you're writing insert characters: the author wasn't someone who was interested in building a realistic world, but rather, one that was an (arguably) effect vehicle for the story they wanted to tell. If you're going to write about smart, creative characters, something's got to give.

Some people tweak the world slightly to make things work, or make up reasonable-sounding in-setting explanations for why nobody has done obvious thing X and obtain UNLIMITED POWA! Sometimes these are reasonable, sometimes they aren't. I think this fic has done a pretty good job so far at making the Narutoverse seem plausible enough: basically, the fragile internal and external alliances between nations don't treat innovation kindly except in the context of individuals (and even then, its somewhat frowned upon). Makes a reasonable amount of sense. This has the added interesting element of making Minato a double-threat: he's not only a terrifying ninja, but he made something entirely new. Plus, it means that the canonical period, when we see all kinds of crazy new techniques based on clan or elemental manipulation, as the final collapse of the old, pre hidden-village ideology. There are still issues with how apparently easily yinkyo's character is doing things, but it works for me.

The alternatives involve either completely rewriting the world and just preserving names (which can work), or having everyone but the protagonist explicitly having been hit over the head with the idiotball (which basically never works).
"Oh look, a way to have all the bloodlines there ever was... Let's just name this fellow a missing-nin and try to kill the shit out of him. It's not like this incredible ability would be useful for our people. Trolololol!"

To be honest, one of the two major clan with a bloodline in konoha is enslaving 95% of itself just for to be sure that their bloodline don't fall in the hand of anything that is not them. Having the clan push for "accidentaly" the gal sound sadly probable.
I did not find it weird that the Aburame girl did not notice another bug invading her body. We sometimes get caught up in thinking all members of a clan are just as powerful/skilled as the characters we see so all Nara are same level of tactician and all Hyuuga can perform the same moves.

I actually prefer if some filler content was used just modified to fit with the canon story. The chakra armor could require rare resources, inhibit a spectrum of techniques, and simple not be as powerful. The chimera technique takes a good bit of prep work from a very knowledgable person with the end result being crippled versions of the real thing. Make the solid chakra a material found only in a small region perhaps connected back to the Sage in some way.
Or the fact that in the Canon material The Gelel Stone Mine was in Wind country, which makes it a powerful resource in a foreign country. The Hidden Sand was the Leaf's ally yes. But they had already shown a willingness to betray them and leaving them access to Such a resource could have opened the Leaf village up to another betrayal as after the failed Chunin exam invasion the Sand was much diminished so much so that had the leaf ended the alliance the other hidden villages would have attacked the Sand. It was in the Leaf's best interest to make sure that if they couldn't have it no one could.
The Aburame are actually pretty OP considering how many groups they've essentially exterminated, but what happened there was not that the girl didn't notice it happening but rather had no defense against it, because the openings in her skin are just wide open for bugs to crawl into, and kikaichu eat only chakra.

There is also the possible explanation that she might have been a relatively low ranked Aburame. The Aburame have more types of bugs than just the Kikaichu although they tend to only be used by the more skilled members.(Think they might even be different family lines of Kikaichu.)

Examples include the Kidaichu which do have stuff like mandibles. Also the Rinkaichu which are much rarer but seriously dangerous since they are basically more like a nano-virus than actual insects.

Also according to the wiki which is somewhat dubious at times(and might have been a anime only thing as well.) Kikaichu undergo a somewhat rapid evolution like the zerg but not on as massive a scale. This means that every Aburame will have Kikaichu that is somewhat unique to them with slightly different characteristics and abilities from having experienced different forms of combat. So for a example one Aburame has Kikaichu without mandibles but another might haves ones with mandibles because his Kikaichu would try to bury somewhat into the skin like ticks to more quickly drain chakra.

This could also mean that say siblings might have somewhat identical Kikaichu from sharing specimens with each other.It also means that if they encounter a enemy with a dangerous counter to them they could spread specimens among the clan to counter the counter if they have someone in the clan who has gained the proper type of Kikaichu for that.

Could be a somewhat small consequence for the MC when he finds any further Aburame he fights have Kikaichu with mandibles mixed in with their usual bugs to stop his tactic.Reason being I somewhat doubt no one noticed what happened there and it would be a smart thing for them to do if he is known to be in the area of operations they are in.(Or even suspected of being in the area.)
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Not the first time someone has asked about timelines. Here's the thing. Rasa would have been young, but children fight in wars all the time in the Elemental Nations. I only found out Sasori became famous during the Third war after I wrote him in, and that never made much sense to me since he's supposed to be such a badass yet only has a few years of actual conflict. Everyone's remarking on how young he looks, but if he's 24 but looks 15 then that's not actually impressive enough to be remarked upon, I know people that are the same without switching their bodies for puppets. Sasori as a character only really makes sense for me if he got his fame during the Second war, fought in the Third, and then left. Even though I know it's not what the wiki says.
Except you've already used their nicknames as something supposedly famous, the Red Sand and the Gold Sand. At the opening months of the war. The Sannin themselves didn't get famous right away, and they were in their twenties then. Honestly it just seems you're pushing far too much, far too soon due to a lack of canon characters to use in this period.

As for Sasori, it makes complete sense, just think of her in comparison to Sarutobi. Chiyo was a similar age as Sarutobi, her child was killed in the second war (probably in the latter stages) leaving her grandson an young orphan leaving him to be raised by her. Her grandson should be in a similar age range to Asuma using generation dates which makes sense. When he appears in canon, it's likely he is in his early thirties accounting for the time skip.
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Mud Country
Date: Eight months twenty one days
Subject: Gains

Begin by shaving ninken.

Scratch that.

Begin by restraining ninken… then shaving it.

Hmm, shaving a dog's tail, probably fairly high on the list of shaming tactics designed to break their will. Though I don't think any particular Torture & Interrogation division has ever actually cared to try and break a dog before.

And the seal goes on like so!

Huh. This mind reminds (ah puns) me of Gaspard from Discworld. The whole thing with the nose being the only organ that can see back in time. Ridiculous of course, all light and sound that you can sense was sent from the past. Even more true on Discworld where light is known to backup behind mountains.

Back to my point though, a lot of cognitive emphasis on the nose and tongue, much less so on the eyes and skin. Probably at least a little bit similar to how a person with synesthesia would view things.

Chakra coils are ridiculously different. Not surprising, but might make having canid puppets difficult.

But… no, not really. I've been making bird and squid puppets and just ignoring the coil issue, I think the problem would only be trying to adapt jutsu developed for dogs into dog style puppets. Much simpler to just use human jutsu in those bodies.

Now I wish I had taken the Inuzuka and not just his partner.

The Passing Fang was the main jutsu. As an attack it's alright I guess. Basically just a drill that pushes through most barriers, but doesn't do direct piercing damage to individuals. Kind of similar to the rasengan in that respect.

Moving onto the kikaichu.

…Yup. It's a bloodline.


Speaking of which! Bloodline puppets. I figured out that to control them I can just take an insect puppet and attach one to the puppet to be controlled by strings. The range is so close that no one will be able to tell.

I can probably do something similar with the kikaichu, but I might have to wait for the ichor to fully decay and leave a chitin shell that I can stuff a puppet into. Otherwise the visible size of the puppets would appear to almost double in size.

With this I can get bones from my Kaguya members.

Unlike before, this process is a little bit tricky, since I can't just take the skin. Basically I'm having to hook the two of them up with intravenous fluids and attach puppets to infuse them with medical chakra. The problem with just making them into puppets is that I need more than the skin, I need the bones as well, but there's nothing to attach the skin to the bones once I've made them into puppets, and the coils are attached to the skin, which is constantly damaged whenever bones are passed through, which means that the skin has to be alive to get the bones I require and repair itself.

The whole thing is pointlessly involved. But at least I have fantastic chakra control, I can twist out bones in ways that these morons never even considered. The calcium requirements are rather extreme though.

Wasn't there a radio-active isotope that replaced calcium in bones and made them stronger? Something like that might be interesting here.

Date: Eight months twenty six days
Subject: Wraithbone

This stuff is so cool. I started by figuring out what kind of bones would work best for the internals of some puppets, which could then be coated with less conductive materials. But then I started seeing what kinds of shapes I could make.

My creations would probably be classified as the worst possible case of bone cancer imaginable. Just remembering the pictures of bone cancer makes my skin crawl, like hoar frost. I just took an opening from the femur and started shaping a living bone out of it.

I stopped at coating a puppet head to toe in bone. That thing is pretty much invincible to most conventional attacks. Also got a few swords made up, far superior to any ones I got from Kiri.

Will be moving the Kaguya to a different base later. Can't let people know I have these, or how useful they are. I can probably excuse the existence of the bone equipment as either a proprietary material or something I designed based off of seeing the Kaguya in operation.

Date: Nine months three days after awakening
Subject: Star

The village exists, so why does the meteor not?

… It's 'Star Village', not 'Hidden Star Village'.

Don't I feel like an idiot. I spent months getting my puppets into position, scouting the area, finding the only place in all of Bear country that fit, and it's wrong.

Does the meteor not exist here? That… could be good. It might imply a different set of events from what I was expecting. Still, best to assume that things I remember will be true until proven otherwise or preempted.

Date: Nine months twelve days after awakening
Subject: Earthworms

Getting worms in the middle of the desert was not easy. Had to get them requested from River.

Looking at their behavior closely, I can somewhat see how I would go about imitating their movements. The main element would be the movement of fluids through a series of vessels.

Just making worm-like puppets would be easy. Base them off of the tentacled octopod puppets and have done with it. But I'm trying to build up to the creation of artificial muscles, a major element of which is the ability to expand and contract. The issue here is that worms don't expand from a center point but rather from wherever they are putting their blood.

Real muscle is essentially a massive number of biological coil springs. Making actual springs that small would be functionally impossible, even with a modern production base. Chakra doesn't generally do that kind of delicate work either, not unless it's destructive.

I feel that the more I try, the deeper into the uncanny valley I will be delving. I could try using some mixture of approaches, and they might even move a bit like muscles, but they'd always be a little off. Like the first generation Terminators, with the rubber skin. It was only when they started coating them with real human tissue that they could blend in... as world class body builders.

Date: Nine months eighteen days after awakening
Subject: Moving out

Ame, what a complete shit hole.

I mean. Even if no one was fighting there it's be absolutely useless land. The heavy rainfall makes the soil useless for just about anything. All the nutrients will have either been pushed down into the water table or run off into the rivers. The soil erosion's so bad that mudslides are a very real issue without ninja intervention.

The fighting just made things worse.

The Iwa nin screwing with the soil, the Konoha nin burning down anything with roots to help stabilize it, the Suna nin blowing things around.

It shouldn't be called Rain, it should be called Mud. Mud country, because that's all there is here.

Fucking mud gets everywhere. Have to coat the joints of my puppets specially or else they clog solid in a few days. Nothing can stay sterile, infections run rampant, the medics can barely keep up.

The water passes down through the soil so quickly it can barely form puddles. The wettest place in the Elemental Nations and we have to get our potable water shipped in scrolls from River country.

If shinobi become stronger under adversity then its little wonder that so many S ranked people came from this place. It's nothing but adversity, every minute of every day.

Yesterday I saw an enemy genin get sucked under the mud, didn't even know how to water walk yet. Drowned without anyone caring. Mud's probably worse than water, and water's pretty damn bad as ways to die go.

In Ame, you adapt or you die. It's a massive cluster fuck, everyone's fighting each other. Hanzo is the worst though. He's got his citadel, he just comes out to kill a few people and then goes back. Castle defense tactics.

His city is stapled down to the bed rock, which is down a couple hundred feet, to try to get down under the metal you'd have to pass through enough mud that you'd never make it. Mud isn't something either Water or Earth nin specialize in.

You can't sneak in an army, Jiraiya style, and any single shinobi wouldn't be able to take on Hanzo.

Everyone's mainly defending their own borders, sending people in to try and attack other borders, fighting on Ame territory, and then Hanzo attacking anyone that invades.

I've only been here a few days and I'm already so fucking tired of it. *sigh*

Maybe things will pick up once I start hunting targets.

Shuzaku, I'd like you to meet my grandson.

It's a pleasure to meet you.

You must be Sasori, I've heard you're very talented.

I've heard the same of you also.

Hm, Though I think in different aspects of puppeteering. Perhaps we could exchange pointers some time. I'm afraid I'm lacking in the area of traps and poisons.


See? Hitting it off already! So alike.

AN: Right. So onto the next big arc. Not sure if anyone's noticed but he's gotten progressively more effected by the conflict, psychologically. Started off as fairly pragmatic, then started to cope by making it a personal competition between himself and his 'rivals' on the other side. Now, in the lull between having something to make it personal for him, he's caught up with some of the issues, the depression.

Chiyo comes across kind of desperate, trying to get two anti-social assholes to like, or at least tolerate, one another. The problem of course being that sometimes being too alike is a problem and not a solution.