Dance Puppet Dance! (Transhumanist Naruto OC)

I'm puzzled as to why the Water Prison jutsu led to someone going unconscious. It explicitly provides oxygen to the person inside. (Why it does that beyond narrative convenience is never answered and is one of the odder things in the early portion of the series...) Indeed, it's kind of an incredibly awful technique in general, seeing as how it fails if the user moves, fails if the user doesn't provide a continuous flow of chakra, seems to prevent the user from attacking the target....

... to be fair, it does also seem to prevent the target from doing much of anything in terms of escaping or attacking, which is fairly impressive...

... anyway, point is, holding someone under the Water Prison jutsu wouldn't lead to them fainting or whatever unless they were held in it so long that sleep deprivation was becoming an issue or something like that.

I figure that the blood just acts like some sort of shorthand. We know from the chunnin exam that point to point summon is doable without the need for blood. We also know from the Pein fight that things can be summoned without the use of blood. From the 5 Kage fight, we also know that there's a high speed transmission technique that doesn't play well with organic things.

Considering the MC apparently has more than a passing familiarity with the Naruto setting, and effectively has infinite free time to experiment through a remote body, I think some type of summoning isn't off the table.

I've always assumed blood is basically just an ID when it comes to summons.

"Oh, it's Jiraiya calling. We know it's him because we have ninja bullshit genetic analysis software built into the summoning jutsu. Ergo, it's a legit call and not some asshole who found the technique but hasn't actually signed on with us."

More or less every case that doesn't use blood can be explained this way: Pein's summoner is some special snowflake Rinnegan-based thing (eg maybe the things it summons are contracted to answer any Rinnegan user and ignore everyone else, and blood isn't going to show whether you have the Rinnegan or not), while summoning Iruka in the Exam replaced "Let me see your ID blood so I know it's you" with "You need an Earth scroll and a Heaven scroll crossed over each other".

I've always assumed blood is used for security reasons, not for resource-cost type reasons, basically, and even later canon is pretty consistent about this.

To keep it logically consistent, I've always assumed that it was incredibly time consuming to do, or that the scrolls are unique artifacts that Mito Uzumaki made. Possibly what Tobirama based the hiraishin on.

I've always assumed they're one-shot scrolls, personally. There's no evidence that Team Seven had to expend any chakra to trigger them, just had to cross them over each other, which implies that the scrolls themselves provided the chakra. As such, they'd have to be recharged between uses, and pretty much anytime we see someone doing anything with seals it's a ridiculously involved process... well, except for Orochimaru instantly installing the Cursed Seal with a bite, but Orochimaru is kind of bullshit. Otherwise what we get is stuff like Kakashi's sealing of said seal involving having to make an enormous, ridiculously intricate sealing array all around the floor etc, just so he can install a tiny flimsy circle that's "powered by Sasuke's will" around the Cursed Seal. So it's easy to imagine that the process of recharging such scrolls is an enormous pain in the butt.

I've also always assumed you had to pre-mark people to be summoned, and that the risk of enemies stealing such scrolls and summoning your assassin/commando/whatever unit on their terms is not really worth the utility it theoretically provides. That and I've also always assumed that any attempt to mimic the Flying Thundergod-type utility would run into coordination problems: if the people carrying the scrolls dictate when the summoning occurs, actually arranging to have your teleporting murder machine sequentially go from one front to another as soon as (s)he has finished the current fight, no sooner, no later, involves, what, outright telepathy? (One of many reasons why I dislike the introduction of Yamanaka-based telepathic coordination...)

Whereas Flying Thundergod uses a bunch of pre-marked targets to enable the user to initiate a teleport/reverse-summoning/whatever whenever they want to wherever they want to go out of the list, and so the only risks involved in the enemy stealing a marked kunai/whatever is that they might partially reverse-engineer the technique -and even then, it's difficult to imagine what the utility of reverse-engineering the beacons would be, without having also reverse-engineered the technique that uses those beacons. (Admittedly, you might find out how to area-of-effect jam their beacon functionality, but that assumes that's mechanically possible, for starters)

2: Re: summoning scrolls. Kakashi's ninja dog scroll being pierced by Senbon by Haku unsummons all the dogs instantly. This suggests that they might not be so much overly difficult to manufacture, as a ridiculous Achilles Heel for summoned people, if we assume the Forest of Death scrolls work the same: you don't have to kill Summoned WTF Ninja Z, you just have to do trivial amounts of damage to the scroll to get him outta the fight.

I'd always assumed Kakashi just ran low on chakra and un-summoned them as a result, though admittedly that isn't really in line with how summons appear to behave so "scroll was penetrated" as the cause probably makes more sense.

That's actually kind of alarming in terms of: Jiraiya is dragging around the Toad Summoning Contract. Say Naruto signs the contract as canon, but then Jiraiya wanders off to the other side of the continent without him. You may well see that Naruto gets into a fight, summons a toad of three, and they abruptly un-summon for no clear reason because Jiraiya's scroll got damaged waaaay on the other side of the continent.

That could potentially explain part of why summons seem to be so rare, even though they seem so useful: the single point of failure isn't so bad if it's just you with your scroll, it becomes deeply problematic if a regiment of ninja can find themselves abruptly without allies due to completely unrelated events.
I'd always assumed Kakashi just ran low on chakra and un-summoned them as a result, though admittedly that isn't really in line with how summons appear to behave so "scroll was penetrated" as the cause probably makes more sense.

I didn't understand the scene when I first read it, but the scroll is conspicuously focused on, and there's not a clear reason why ultra precise Haku woulda impaled the scroll with a pile of Senbon and not, say, Kakashi's neck if it isn't why they unsummoned.
I'm puzzled as to why the Water Prison jutsu led to someone going unconscious. It explicitly provides oxygen to the person inside. (Why it does that beyond narrative convenience is never answered and is one of the odder things in the early portion of the series...)

I assumed it was just Kakashi being bullshit. Seriously the guy is supposed to be a genius, he can have invented a respiration no justu/seal to deal with the huge number of air based poison,...
There's a difference between a one-off move that only a single person can use, and a mass produced bargain Hiraishin. The latter essentially re-writes the playbook of how strategic movement and tactical scale combat works in the elemental nations.

Also summoning chakra constructs like clones is probably easier than moving human bodies.
Your first point is why becoming a new summon "clan" would be such a ntoeworthy and awesome thing, and as for the second, how about chakra infused constructs? Like, say, puppets? :)

Well he does wear it all the time...
You know, I coulda sworn there was a reference to Kakashi slowly drowning inside the Water Prison, but checking that part of the manga again... nope, only thing stated is that he's immobilized, and so Zabuza can deal with the Genin/Tazuna at his leisure via Water Clones. And the way Kakashi keeps on blabbering and all... no, he doesn't seem to be having problems with air supply.
Well no, @yinko is the only one who can do that, but the chance of it proving a useful idea for the story is why I brought it up.
Alright, alright. Let me get off my ass and start typing stuff.

I can see a way around that; just have a small possessed puppet physically latch onto the human puppet somewhere discrete, or maybe even hiding inside the human puppet and project the chakra strings from there. That way, the chakra strings won't be visible.
Yoink! I'll be taking that.

One question: Considering that the MC's mind doesn't run on fleshy substrates anymore, is it now possible to alter his own subjective perception rate of time passing without risking a seizure? Accelerating his own mental speed (if possible) can be a very game-breaking force-multiplier.
Technically, yes. But the only real example is the sharingan, so in practical terms he might have to be hax first to pull it off. It all depends on how twisty mind fuckery works, if it takes an outside factor putting things on to you, does it take constant upkeep, etc. Genjutsu, as used by most shinobi, is really nerfed, figuring out how to un-nerf it would take time.

Won't making puppets from human's become a problem? didn't the third Kazekage fuck Sasori over because of it?
Probably. All the researchers that focused on finding ways to spread around bloodlines got kill orders on their heads. And it probably has nothing to do with unethical research, given that Hiruzen routinely orders genocides and the torture of children, with the Kazekage being even less morally conflicted.

Re: summoning scrolls. Kakashi's ninja dog scroll being pierced by Senbon by Haku unsummons all the dogs instantly.
Probably took place before summoning was really a thing OOC, since Kakashi does this gigantic string of handseals, and wipes his blood all along the entire scroll to pull it off. Whereas later he just does the single jutsu and gets the whole pack.

I'm puzzled as to why the Water Prison jutsu led to someone going unconscious. It explicitly provides oxygen to the person inside. (
Not true. Kakashi just ignored the fact he had to breathe. The wiki specifically states that you can't breathe in the Water Prison jutsu.

Your first point is why becoming a new summon "clan" would be such a noteworthy and awesome thing, and as for the second, how about chakra infused constructs? Like, say, puppets?
It would almost certainly be possible after he's wiped out one of the summons clans and taken their skills for himself. Though the question might be whether or not he's even part of Suna by that point.
Probably. All the researchers that focused on finding ways to spread around bloodlines got kill orders on their heads. And it probably has nothing to do with unethical research, given that Hiruzen routinely orders genocides and the torture of children, with the Kazekage being even less morally conflicted.
Well, in the anime at least, he made a human puppet out of at least one of his fellow Sand shinobi, after said person accidentally poisoned themselves using a prosthetic Sasori made for them.
Said ninja, Komushi, was also Sasori's friend according to the wiki. So it kind of gives a horrible impression when you look at it.
since Kakashi does this gigantic string of handseals, and wipes his blood all along the entire scroll to pull it off.

I'm honestly not too sure about the string of handseals, but I believe the blood was to help them track Zabuza? I think it "told" them to track his scent or something, which lead them to Zabuza, thus paralyzing him? Whereas later he was summoning them to try and track some random smell or other IIRC.

Also, now that I think on it, how the hell did Zabuza not notice the dogs coming up on him? He's a master of the Silent Killing and navigating the Hidden Mist Jutsu and yet he somehow misses a pack of dogs?

Said ninja, Komushi, was also Sasori's friend according to the wiki.

Sasori had friends?! Pull the other one, there's no way that amoral bastard actually felt something for another human being.
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Sasori had friends?! Pull the other one, there's no way that amoral bastard actually felt something for another human being.

Sasori's entry on Narutopedia said:
In the anime, his only friend, Komushi, lost his right arm during his border control duty, so Sasori gave him a new puppet arm. After Komushi perished, having accidentally ingested some of Sasori's poison, Sasori proceeded to turn him into one of his first human puppets.

It's almost as horrible and creepy as the fact Sasori made puppets to act as stand-ins for his dead parents.
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I'm honestly not too sure about the string of handseals, but I believe the blood was to help them track Zabuza? I think it "told" them to track his scent or something, which lead them to Zabuza, thus paralyzing him? Whereas later he was summoning them to try and track some random smell or other IIRC.

Also, now that I think on it, how the hell did Zabuza not notice the dogs coming up on him? He's a master of the Silent Killing and navigating the Hidden Mist Jutsu and yet he somehow misses a pack of dogs?
Frankly a lot of things early on make more sense if you accept that Kishimoto didn't actually figure out how everything worked until after the Chuunin exams, and even then he did a slapdash job.
I rather like it when a fanfic author creates a consistent 'chakra system' within their universe. Following canon is ridicilous because of all the nonsense that happens. I mean, hell, you have fanfics with Gary Stue OverPowered Speshul Snowflake Divine Kitsune Naruto... that end up weaker than he did in canon. Just, jesus christ. Wangsty edgelord teenage fanfic writer explicitly goes out to make Naruto as powerful as possible, but Kishimoto trumps everyone and goes all "lol dawg, try harder, kay?"

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So I had an odd thought. Anyone know what would work well as a self targeted genjutsu? Admittedly, it doesn't sound quite as useful at first blush. But if you take into account that the entire reason that his puppets behave as if he had actual functioning senses is because of his own perception, could he use genjutsu to alter that perception and thus add to the sensory data he gathers? Use the information that his mind would normally discard to highlight things that he might otherwise miss?
Frankly a lot of things early on make more sense if you accept that Kishimoto didn't actually figure out how everything worked until after the Chuunin exams, and even then he did a slapdash job.
IIRC, the reason for the hiatus after the Chuunin Exam was specifically because he needed to figure out where to go for the rest of the series.
It's almost as horrible and creepy as the fact Sasori made puppets to act as stand-ins for his dead parents.

No, that's really not as creepy. Stand-in wooden puppets was way creepier and would've been much worse if Sasori was skilled enough at the time to turn them into human puppets(which he wasn't thank God). And how the hell does a guy like Sasori have friends?!?! Seriously, the kid was fucked up in the head either from the moment he was born or his parents died IIRC. People like that don't have friends. They have "acquaintances" and "contacts" or whatever term you prefer(other than friends which they don't have). They do not feel for other people or care about them in any way. I can't actually believe that Sasori actually felt anything for him and thought of him as a friend.

Frankly a lot of things early on make more sense if you accept that Kishimoto didn't actually figure out how everything worked until after the Chuunin exams, and even then he did a slapdash job.

Well, that makes the 2nd half even more disappointing in many ways. I mean 3 years and Naruto hasn't changed in any way, learned new jutsus or anything, and the same could sort of be said for Sasuke. And then everything else happened which turned out to be complete bullshit with all those constant power ups and stuff.

IIRC, the reason for the hiatus after the Chuunin Exam was specifically because he needed to figure out where to go for the rest of the series.

Well he did a shitty job anyways. So nothing really changed.

Then its a pity he went with an obsession over bullshit eyes of shitdoom, a story so over the top with crap he had to add reincarnation and goddesses and even more bullshit eyes, as if he didn't have enough of them.

Totally agree.
In many ways, the earliest chapters of Naruto present the most interesting setting, where jounin are badasses but can still be taken out by a few genin with a teamwork and a good plan, and ninjutsu are powerful and versatile but the most telling blows come from normal blades or thrown darts, and accumulated inconsistencies and good-ideas-at-the-time hadn't yet shat everything up. Quite a bit like the early Harry Potter books, when I think of it, and mirroring comments I've heard even more senior grognards make about the TORG and Battletech settings. Fortunately, this story is set before all that tomfoolery and as fanfic can pick and choose and modify as desired. you don't have to breath, have you scoured the bottom of the ocean yet? selling stuff might still be useful, and you never know what might be in sunken ships...
In many ways, the earliest chapters of Naruto present the most interesting setting, where jounin are badasses but can still be taken out by a few genin with a teamwork and a good plan, and ninjutsu are powerful and versatile but the most telling blows come from normal blades or thrown darts, and accumulated inconsistencies and good-ideas-at-the-time hadn't yet shat everything up.

Agreed. It was much better. Everything after the Sasuke Retrevial Arc is where it all went wrong in many ways. I could have lived with that Arc, had the timeskip actually, you know, advanced the characters! All that happened to Sasuke and Naruto were that they grew older and changed looks. That's it, after over 3 years! No new jutsu or anything(well, actually Sasuke apparently learned some kenjutsu but other than that nothing). Just the same old Rasengan(and variants) and Kage Bushin for Naruto and the same Chidori(and varients) and Sharingan for Sasuke. Sakura actually seemed to learn some stuff(as evidenced by the med-nin stuff and Tsunade's Super Strength), but that's it. It amazed me that Sakura actually learned the most and changed the most really(as a ninja). But there didn't seem to be any new character advancement and I was all upset. You'd think Naruto would've been more worldly(so to speak) and while he seemed a little more serious(in certain situations), it's not much. Sasuke seemed even more brooding if possible and hadn't seemed to lighten up or at least stop brooding. And as for Sakura, you'd think she'd have at least hung out with some of the Rookie Nine(most notably Ino-really patching up their friendship) or Gai's team, and yet it sure as hell doesn't seem like it. And really, the Rookie Nine were sidelined/forgotten during Shippuden except for tracking down Sasuke for a bit before the 4th War. Hell, Team Gai got more screentime then them.*

*Note, this is all from what I remember of the manga. Have not seen the anime and any of its filler crap.
Wow, I like how the protag is so caught up in his research and perfecting his ability that he doesn't even seem to realize what he's done for Wind country. I mean, pretty sure Wind was one of the losers of the 3rd war, yet now, they just grabbed Sea country.

Question: Can we get a Sasori interlude? By this time he has to have heard of the new prodigy puppet user. you don't have to breath, have you scoured the bottom of the ocean yet? selling stuff might still be useful, and you never know what might be in sunken ships...
It is not just breathing that is the issue. you also have to be able to see what you are doing in the murky depths, and be able to get the loot back to the surface.
It is not just breathing that is the issue. you also have to be able to see what you are doing in the murky depths, and be able to get the loot back to the surface.
Some sort of persistent light jutsu can take care of the first one, and the second can be achieved with balloons and a tank of compressed air (which shouldn't be all that hard to make)