Dance Puppet Dance! (Transhumanist Naruto OC)

The meteor took over the guy that implanted it into himself, implying that it is both powerful and has a will of its own. So probably not a fruit, and given that it's almost purely destructive in nature, probably not something meant to aid the Shinju, it would have arrived around eight hundred years too late for that in any case.
No what I meant was the meteor could be from a different planet that once had their own Shinju. If a person with the Rinnegan equivalent got clever they could have made some radiation that simulated chakra as an attempt to jumpstart that other planet's Shinju into regrowing while he retained the originals power. The fact the meteorite had some form of influence would only reinforce the idea it was meant as a seed for a Shinju.

As for it arriving late well it was not meant for Naruto's world if simple a chunk blow out into space. The idea it landed on Naruto's planet because of the chakra is more the idea of natural attraction between like things that if it flew by to that star system it could have been bent towards that planet slowly getting closer as it goes from entering the system to a sort of enclosing orbit till finally crashing into the planet.
that's why I suggested a meat puppet body.
A problem with a meat puppet body is that it'd have to be alive to use its brain. A problem with being alive is that that would then introduce yang chakra into the mix, which would throw off the MC's chakra control.

I think that a more feasible alternative to the 'grow more brain' plan is to seal other ninja into himself, jinchuuriki style. Add in some sort of loyalty seal to make sure that they are incapable of thinking counter to the MCs goals, and query them for ideas.
A problem with a meat puppet body is that it'd have to be alive to use its brain. A problem with being alive is that that would then introduce yang chakra into the mix, which would throw off the MC's chakra control.

I think that a more feasible alternative to the 'grow more brain' plan is to seal other ninja into himself, jinchuuriki style. Add in some sort of loyalty seal to make sure that they are incapable of thinking counter to the MCs goals, and query them for ideas.
You are suggesting that he becomes ninja!Borg. I don't think I've ever seen this kind of idea in fanfics before...

I like it!
I think that a more feasible alternative to the 'grow more brain' plan is to seal other ninja into himself, jinchuuriki style. Add in some sort of loyalty seal to make sure that they are incapable of thinking counter to the MCs goals, and query them for ideas.
A great idea! Wonder why though? Here's another idea; Didn't he already have a Yamanaka-like Seal as Interface to Pump out info directly out the victim's head? Why not take a step further!

Overshadow the victim Danny Phantom style. The Seal is designed to work directly with victim's connection to the Brain with his\her Yin Chakra which is basically RAW Spiritual Energy right? Dive your Entire Self through heavily modified version of the Seal just in-case you some of your Self..Matou Zouken or Voldemort Style degrading your Ego, Personality and Sanity through the process.

You meet, converse, fight or kill directly the victim's Self into Broken shell that dare call Living Being.

It's not as easy as I describe it above. You have to be lucky to pump an info directly out of Yamanaka Ninja, preferably the former Interrogator, about their knowledge of the Psyche though Yin Chakra when a Yamanaka's not trying to delete their own Memories [It's within their Clan Techniques] and trying to bulldoze directly to the Mental Defenses/Shield/Ego.
query them for ideas.
How would that be better than just taking everything they know?
That's kind of an interesting idea.
The Seal is designed to work directly with victim's connection to the Brain with his\her Yin Chakra which is basically RAW Spiritual Energy right? Dive your Entire Self through heavily modified version of the Seal just in-case you some of your Self..Matou Zouken or Voldemort Style degrading your Ego, Personality and Sanity through the process.
I have thought of that before, the reason he hasn't done something like that already is that people know to look for seals placed on bodies. Placing something like that on enemies that would then be sent back to their own people would probably not work. The only instance of an actually hidden seal I can remember is where Sasori sealed away his spy's memories by having a seal under his hair.
Not really. Not compared to most the badasses seen in the show, and he's living in an era where there are more OP guys running around than almost any other period.

That's exactly my point: the main character is kind of bullshit, but so are a lot of the canon characters. So far he's very much upper-tier -he's basically flatly superior to Sasori for most purposes (Well, aside from so far lacking Sasori's super-poisons and special custom puppets, but as far as "living puppet of bullshit" he's basically Sasori 2.0), and Sasori is one of the more ridiculous characters in the series, but even before you get into the retarded characters like Rinnegan abusers and the like being Sasori 2.0 isn't good enough to just win at everything forever.

Even the faintly ridiculous "consciousness spread across multiple puppets, doesn't die unless they all die"... it's more bullshit than early Orochimaru, but arguably it's less bullshit than "Orochimaru can use the Cursed Seals to revive in full from anyone marked, surprise!"

Especially since, going by the way the story is being written, I find it completely plausible some ninja will figure out how to take advantage of the mechanics of this advantage -something like being able to track any puppet via chakra emanations or whatever if they're holding a "living" puppet. Most fanfics taking this kind of quasi-immortal route would simply take it as a given that the only way the main character could die would be through (inefficient) manual searching of every single individual puppet, and are kind of boring because the main character's victory -whatever "victory" means, exactly- is basically inevitable.

In this case I wouldn't be surprised if someone outright infects the network with some kind of "chakra virus", where most fanfics only bring up that kind of possibility when they're imagining ways to break a canon character and will treat their Mary Sue own main character as safe from such shenanigans to the point of not even acknowledging they might happen.

Well, if by canon events you mean the fighting in Ame, the rise of Konoha's White Fang and the Legendary Sannin, then yeah. But too many butterflies will abound for much of the later cannon to occur in any sort of recognizable way.

By "canon" I basically mean "the modern-day set of characters, more or less". Mostly Naruto himself, in practice, but to a certain extent everyone, including, yes, the sannin and other "older generation" characters.

I'm aware that a lot of stuff is liable to be more-or-less unrecognizable, but the very fact that they are will be part of the interest -like, will butterfly effects prevent the Nine-Tails from being sealed inside Naruto? Will it end up sealed inside someone else? Will it attack a different Village outright? Anything going different involving the Nine-Tails is going to be pretty visible. Same for any sort of Akatsuki derail. Etc.
I have thought of that before, the reason he hasn't done something like that already is that people know to look for seals placed on bodies. Placing something like that on enemies that would then be sent back to their own people would probably not work. The only instance of an actually hidden seal I can remember is where Sasori sealed away his spy's memories by having a seal under his hair.
The Seal I'm referring to only acts as passageway to the victim's body. When you within the victim, you will assert your jurisdiction through the victim's Yin Chakra connection to his Brain [You will to gut his Ego and Personality to a Broken Shell like Root Agents] then to what Narutoverse constitutes as a Soul [Push it out of the directly body into the Pure World or Devour it Orochimaru Style.

We don't much about what Narutoverse constitutes a Soul other than Orochimaru's information [Mostly True but some omitted] and his explenation about the Curse Seal to Sasuke [Which is true but incomplete, Six Paths explanation about it is mostly Spiritual, Philosophical and based on effect of tampering] about what he did to it Voldemort Style.
A problem with a meat puppet body is that it'd have to be alive to use its brain. A problem with being alive is that that would then introduce yang chakra into the mix, which would throw off the MC's chakra control.

I think that a more feasible alternative to the 'grow more brain' plan is to seal other ninja into himself, jinchuuriki style. Add in some sort of loyalty seal to make sure that they are incapable of thinking counter to the MCs goals, and query them for ideas.
the yang chakra interference can be dealt with time and practice. the body would also be a for ur second idea I would rather use impure world resurrection than have souls inside me
So on the hydration and other similar techniques, is there any specific reason you would want to change the target puppet back from it's elemental state? Could the technique be used in reverse to transform a given element into other matter if temporarily? Perhaps with a "master" puppet stored in a seal that the technique pings off of to get it's structure or something similar. Granted, the seal wouldn't be able to transform into the element to dodge attacks but really, that is above most other examples.

The basic idea is a pair of seals. The first would be the basic Yin seal that he uses to control his puppets. The second would be to intercept the technique's call to the Yang for form. It instead supplies the puppet in the seal as a template to restore from. This would be all kinds of useful with the shared seals from earlier as it basically allows for the multiplication of puppets just by inscribing the seals.
I'm aware that a lot of stuff is liable to be more-or-less unrecognizable, but the very fact that they are will be part of the interest -like, will butterfly effects prevent the Nine-Tails from being sealed inside Naruto? Will it end up sealed inside someone else? Will it attack a different Village outright? Anything going different involving the Nine-Tails is going to be pretty visible. Same for any sort of Akatsuki derail. Etc.

Considering where we are in the timeline I would be shocked if Naruto ends up as the container for the Nine Tails. Too many moving parts are needed for that result for it to remain in play. Heck, even the canon events were unreasonable convoluted. Given the OCs impact on the story thus far we might not even see some canon characters in play. For every "new" loss the OC forces on Konoha there is a shift in personnel and support. For all we know the random Chunin that got blown in half was "supposed" to save the life of Obito's father in Ame.

On a totally separate note it is worth mentioning that the One Tail can be sealed in a physical medium (sake jug). Wouldn't it be swell if the OC could get permission to make a special Container Puppet? Especially since we know that a Tailed Beast can have its Yin chakra separated from its Yang chakra. If the OC was to supply the Yin, then he might gain a surprising amount of control over Shukaku. Or it could explode. Both are interesting.
On a totally separate note it is worth mentioning that the One Tail can be sealed in a physical medium (sake jug). Wouldn't it be swell if the OC could get permission to make a special Container Puppet? Especially since we know that a Tailed Beast can have its Yin chakra separated from its Yang chakra. If the OC was to supply the Yin, then he might gain a surprising amount of control over Shukaku. Or it could explode. Both are interesting.
I'm kind of curious what would happen if you attach one of those puppet seals onto the teapot that's currently holding Shukaku. Quick and dirty jinchuuriki? Explosive decompression?
Shukaku travels back through the seal and attacks the mental collective. Suddenly there are dozens of bodies each getting surrounded by mountains of sand with ominous laughter coming out of them. Oops

I like the yang separation idea, but didn't Minato have to offer his soul to the shinigami to get that to happen? It'd certainly be interesting if he could find a way around that pesky death issue, though.
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The idea is to have subordinate creative thought processes
Cool idea, except it doesn't help if the character's creativity is the author's creativity.

In this case I wouldn't be surprised if someone outright infects the network with some kind of "chakra virus"
I've already kind of talked about that a little. How it's probable that the chakra poison in the byakugan would travel back through the network, killing off puppets, and how if a bijuu was sealed in with him something similar might happen.

By "canon" I basically mean "the modern-day set of characters, more or less".
Kakashi's not born yet. He was in his mid twenties at the start of the show. So roughly a quarter century till the start of canon.

[You will to gut his Ego and Personality to a Broken Shell like Root Agents]
So you end up with conditioned agents and can then remove the seals used to turn them that way. It's possible, though I'm not sure it'd ever occur to the character without someone else suggesting it to him.

This would be all kinds of useful with the shared seals from earlier as it basically allows for the multiplication of puppets just by inscribing the seals.
So, basically an elemental clone jutsu that clones puppets. But, no, better than that, it wouldn't require any chakra upkeep because of the way I've set up how that set of jutsu work. Working from reverse, to pull of what you're suggesting, he'd need to probably put a yin seal on some dirt, and then copy the precise signature for how the puppet is formed. The main stumbling block would be that he'd need to actually understand the materials used to construct it, which would restrict the kinds of puppets he could use it for to only the really disposable sort.

You know what ability seems like it would compliment Shuzaku's puppetry? The Jiongu.
True, and I did think about it. The only slight problem is that there's only the one guy that knows how to do it, he's not telling anyone and to get access to his body you need to destroy the hearts to keep it running. Maybe a Soul Separation Seal. Though, Kakuzu was seriously nerfed in the show, partly due to needing to make him easy to defeat, mostly so they could have all of his justu be based on Gundam references.

Wouldn't it be swell if the OC could get permission to make a special Container Puppet?
Assuming it was separated from his mental network. Then if Shukaku was sealed down tight then it would be just a puppet, if it weren't sealed down so tightly then the puppet could probably move on its own and start killing people as Shukaku's avatar, and chakra threads would probably no longer be enough to control it, given just how much more chakra would be reinforcing the puppet compared to how much any given puppeteer would have available.

It'd certainly be interesting if he could find a way around that pesky death issue, though.
Anything that relied on having access to summoning the Shinigami or the Impure World resurrection jutsu will likely never happen, since they're both locked deep inside of the Hokage tower. The easiest way to get to them is to kill the Hokage and conquer Konoha, by which point he would basically not even need them any more.
True, and I did think about it. The only slight problem is that there's only the one guy that knows how to do it, he's not telling anyone and to get access to his body you need to destroy the hearts to keep it running. Maybe a Soul Separation Seal. Though, Kakuzu was seriously nerfed in the show, partly due to needing to make him easy to defeat, mostly so they could have all of his justu be based on Gundam references.
I thought Kakuzu had a granddaughter or something in the canon Chuunin Exam? One of the teams that got wiped out in the forest in canon, which an artbook or something said also had the jiongu(?) but inactive or in a reduced form, since she wasn't an S-rank badass with a century or more of experience. ... I'm not finding much trying to search for it, but "(insert badass villain here)'s kid/niece/cousin/etc." is such common Sue bait there's too much noise for my relatively weak google-fu to pierce through.
Hm, if Orochimaru hears about the MC in this fic, I can see him trying to recruit the guy.
Assuming it was separated from his mental network. Then if Shukaku was sealed down tight then it would be just a puppet, if it weren't sealed down so tightly then the puppet could probably move on its own and start killing people as Shukaku's avatar, and chakra threads would probably no longer be enough to control it, given just how much more chakra would be reinforcing the puppet compared to how much any given puppeteer would have available.
stuff him in a completely harmless puppet that is unable to use any of its powers besides the ability to walk and talk, then find away to use his power instead. for completely nonviolent things....while making him watch...
it contradicts the story of Kaguya and the Sage.
not really...Kaguya came from space (and could breath in space before she got her upgrade), and there are multiple shinju's on other planets, maybe a chakra fruit was lost in space and mutated/fossilized, then turned into the meteor?
Well, given that people exposed to it develop abilities similar to Jinchuriki cloaks, Kaguya, aka the Juubi and source of the Bijuu was sealed in the moon for a very long time and presumably affected it along with the massive jutsu used by her sons that created it in the first place, as well as her descendants living inside it and the fake sun, it might just be a chunk of moon rock that's been inundated with Ōtsutsuki chakra and tries to make people's chakra more like theirs , killing them partway through due to strain.

I mean, if it got blasted off the moon at some point it's still a meteor.
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Cool idea, except it doesn't help if the character's creativity is the author's creativity.
Eh, get a beta or two to bounce ideas off of.
True, and I did think about it. The only slight problem is that there's only the one guy that knows how to do it, he's not telling anyone and to get access to his body you need to destroy the hearts to keep it running. Maybe a Soul Separation Seal. Though, Kakuzu was seriously nerfed in the show, partly due to needing to make him easy to defeat, mostly so they could have all of his justu be based on Gundam references.
It's a kinjutsu he stole from Taki. They probably have the hows and whys of it on their equivalent to the Scroll of Seals. Infiltrating a Hidden Village (even a minor one) to get that sort of information wouldn't be easy, but it also wouldn't be too difficult. I guess it depends on how much leeway you're giving the events of the show. Is the Scroll just right there, with the Hokage being the first and final line of defense, or if it was a trap that was set up to root out a spy.
So, basically an elemental clone jutsu that clones puppets. But, no, better than that, it wouldn't require any chakra upkeep because of the way I've set up how that set of jutsu work. Working from reverse, to pull of what you're suggesting, he'd need to probably put a yin seal on some dirt, and then copy the precise signature for how the puppet is formed. The main stumbling block would be that he'd need to actually understand the materials used to construct it, which would restrict the kinds of puppets he could use it for to only the really disposable sort.
Still, using it to create masses of disposable puppets is useful. And his skill with it would only grow over time as his knowledge of such things evolves and he solidifies his older designs in his head.
Battle for Sea
Date: Eight months seven days after awakening
Subject: Battle prep

This is not the first time I've wondered on just how Kaga got a position in command, since he's not all that competent or effective. If it were me I would have kept eroding their ability to fight, little by little until we just won by default.

I've finally gotten around to making some human puppets. They're kind of a disappointment really. The genin I skinned to make these things knew fewer jutsu than I do, the puppets can't use jutsu they didn't know in life, and I can't possess the puppets permanently because they already have an active chakra system.

Bloodline puppets better be worth it, or the very fact that I'm reduced to using strings to control them might well tip off people as to what I'm really doing.

The easiest way to get around that would probably be to put a yin seal on a live person and just fight them for control that way, but I have no idea what that would do to a bloodline that relies on a specific kind of chakra, or what it would do to the body… Actually I do know, it would be like Orochimaru's bodies and degrade over time.

Anyway, the upcoming battle, which is effectively going to be 'pitched warfare', because ninjas are all idiots. The actual reason is that this is too minor a front and the guys with a name to make want to be fighting in more active areas where it's easier to do so.

I know already that Chukichi is going to send the Kaguya members after me. Aside from Chukichi and them there aren't any major threats in the Kiri camp. The Konoha camp is a little more varied, since I've focused on them less, only one of their major players has a bloodline, which means that the other two are more well-rounded and harder to defeat.

It all comes down to understanding the different village's strategies. Kiri is more willing to accept Pyrrhic victories because they have few close enemies, they can exchange deaths for political power because they can't really lose territory of their own. Konoha is in the middle, enemies on all sides, so they have to ration out how many men they lose per battle, if something is looking to be a major loss, even if they could potentially win, they'll back down.

So I need to counter the Kiri nin that could be a major threat as individuals, and I need to take out or kidnap enough of the lower level Konoha nin that they start to see the fight as too risky and make a like tree.

Date: Eight months nine days after awakening
Subject: Battle! after action report

We won, for the most part.

Started off by getting most of the troops onto Mother island, a few got stuck behind to ward off the inevitable attempts to destroy the enemy camps.

The citizens of Sea country, well, if they could get off the island they did, if they couldn't then they pretty much consigned themselves to death. Collateral damage isn't something many shinobi care about a whole lot.

Mother island used to be pretty densely forested, but after a few months of fighting, a nice mix of Fire and Water jutsu, it was mostly mud and stone by now. It makes me wonder how they manage to rebuild everything after every war, or else the geography would be absolutely ruined beyond recognition.

There were attempts to form temporary alliances against one of the other groups at the start of the battle and then settle things amongst the victors afterwards, those failed however. A healthy sense of 'warranted caution' prevented anything like that from happening, as betrayals and double or triple crosses would happen due to lowering ones guard. Simpler all round if everyone is already trying to kill each other from the start.

Things started off with Kiri brewing up a massive collaborative Hiding in Mist technique. Trying to cover the whole island to give them the advantage. Konoha sent a few flame jutsu to burn off the bits trying to inundate them, while Suna mostly just blew it back towards Kiri.

As a stalling tactic, the Hiding in Mist technique is pretty good, no one wanted to go into that kill-zone so Suna and Konoha started fighting each other first.

I saw Kaga face off against Hiruko, seems Kaga was a Water natured shinobi, which might explain some of why he was in charge of this front.

Hiruko's that guy that later developed the Chimera Technique, to blend bloodlines into a single body. Even more evidence of the anti-progress stance of the show, and possibly the Elemental Nations in general, since he was given a kill order by the Third Hokage. That might never happen now though, he's just a regular jounin, pissed off at being so generic.

The nice thing about Konoha having so many clans, is that it's easy to shop for targets. Just look around for indicators or clan symbols and pick what you want to go after. This area didn't have a juicy Ino-Shika-Cho type team, but it did have that Aburame girl and an Inuzuka. Neither clan was very interesting for the shinobi they produced, but they were very interesting for the beings they used as partners.

The fight with those two happened a bit conjointly, I didn't really think that my targeting them would be obvious enough that they'd team up.

There's one major flaw the Aburame have against other people that use small bugs. The Aburame clan have lots of little opening in their skin, which go down deep, like an ant farm. That, and the Kikaichu don't bite, they live entirely off of absorbed chakra and thus any mouths have turned vestigial.

Death by internal insect infestation is messy, reminded me of that scene from The Mummy, with the flesh eating scarabs.

Once the kikaichu lost their central will my flying insect puppets just started ferrying them to jars and bottled for collection and future sealing.

By contrast the Inuzuka was a lot tougher, he used a lot of destructive jutsu and the bite from his ninken was massively overpowered. I lost five decent puppets to that combination, ended up using a Water Prison to capture them and hold them till they passed out.

Main flaw of that Getsuga jutsu they like so much, it has a predictable end point. Though that is likely corrected at higher levels of mastery.

It was a few minutes after that point that the Kaguya waded into the battlefield trying to target any puppets and take them out before Kiri joined the fray.

The problem with trump cards is that once people know about them then they start trying to figure out counters. I showed one of my trumps in front of hundreds of people from three different villages. All to take out two battle-idiot mooks. My only consolation is that it probably really was the only way.

I used the Soul Separation Seal, the one I initially worked out to get rid of the connection to my body so I could become a puppet. The one I based on something from the show. It's incredibly overpowered, but relies on skin contact. Generally I'd have to trick someone into positioning themselves to get taken out, but the Kaguya get so deep in their bloodlust, so overconfident in their invincibility, that I just slapped a couple of tags on them during a taijutsu attack and they died.

No muss, no fuss… except for the pants shitting terror on the faces of the nin around me at the time. Quite a bit of fuss actually.

I hadn't quite considered the implications on enemy morale to see a pair of juggernauts get taken down in an instant.

From there I just started attacking, not randomly, focusing on the lower and weaker individuals so make the casualties rise faster than would be acceptable. With Konoha's jounin occupied elsewhere, it wasn't that hard. Most of my puppets have an individual strength that's about on par with a decent chunin, just from jutsu if nothing else.

Chukichi's plan had failed, Konoha's will had broken, Suna's morale skyrocketed. Things turned pretty simple after that. The elites from the enemy sides took the fore to cover the retreat of their subordinates, then Suna took the center of the island and began expanding out to hunt any stragglers.

I kind of wish I could have gotten a few more byakugan, or at least raided the enemy hospital camps, but unfortunately most of my puppets were slated for securing the port and the main island, clearing the lesser islands of traps and just generally consolidating control over Sea country.

I'll have to look through the enemy bodies, see how many can still be of use. Between jutsu and suicide methods, various other forms of attack, a lot of bodies will probably be either useless or very difficult to put to any good use.
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There's one major flaw the Aburame have against other people that use small bugs. The Aburame clan have lots of little opening in their skin, which go down deep, like an ant farm. That, and the Kikaichu don't bite, they live entirely off of absorbed chakra and thus any mouths have turned vestigial.

Death by internal insect infestation is messy, reminded me of that scene from The Mummy, with the flesh eating scarabs.

Once the kikaichu lost their central will my flying insect puppets just started ferrying them to jars and bottled for collection and future sealing.
I used the Soul Separation Seal, the one I initially worked out to get rid of the connection to my body so I could become a puppet. The one I based on something from the show. It's incredibly overpowered, but relies on skin contact. Generally I'd have to trick someone into positioning themselves to get taken out, but the Kaguya get so deep in their bloodlust, so overconfident in their invincibility, that I just slapped a couple of tags on them during a taijutsu attack and they died.
Go SCIENCE! Just to be clear, the puppet body you are using has an Soul Anchor-like Seal to bind and prevent your Soul from leaving to the Pure World...Like Alphonse and his Soul-Blood Seal bound Knight Armor Full Metal Alchemist Style?
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