Dance Puppet Dance! (Transhumanist Naruto OC)

can he channel the chakra scalpels along his chakra threads?
Nope, because jutsu come out of the tenketsu as is, whereas the strings are juts a line of chakra extending from the skin, not an extension of the chakra network.

we are being told that the Hyuuga attack the "Chakra Network" for direct damage to organs and stuff
They might say that, but the only example they ever give of people actually getting damage to their internal organs is a direct strike to the heart.
I thought it was just that they didn't expect a Hyuuga of his age to be that good yet, and that's why he was acknowledged as a prodigy? Granted I haven't read any Naruto since I got bored with Sasuke taking over the story post time skip, but that was the impression I had, along with some of Neji's lines being lifted directly from Vegita.
Shuzaku should use some of his outside context knowledge, for example if he could weaponise chlorine trifluoride, this could be pretty effective. This link should tell you everything you need to know about this cheerful substance. Sand Won't Save You This Time | In the Pipeline
But the insert doesn't sound or act like he had specialist chemist knowledge before, nor the tools to synthesize such concoctions. And then there's the fact that counterintuitive as it may sound, being ridiculously, horrifyingly dangerous does not make a substance a good weapon; instead you want something that's just dangerous enough under one exact, relatively difficult to achieve circumstance, and otherwise so stable that you can load it into crates that will sit in the depot for months before being tossed into the bed of a truck by soldiers and driven over a hundred miles of broken ground before being tossed back out of the truck to an armorer, who then breaks open the crate with a prybar and passes them out to more soldiers, who stuff them in a pocket or pouch and go slogging through mud and flooded ditches and throwing themselves prone to avoid incoming fire until they reach the site that needs it to be used, where they pull off the safety, apply the arming doohickey that will set up the one way it's meant to activate and/or timer while more or less hopped up on adrenaline, and then GTFO hopefully before it goes off. Throwing it into an enemy position may also be involved.

Now, with sealing and puppets for delivery some of that is obviously different, but I'm sure you can draw enough parallels to see why most of SV & SB's favorite chemical abominations are not actually suitable as weapons.
They might say that, but the only example they ever give of people actually getting damage to their internal organs is a direct strike to the heart.

We are specifically told that the Chakra system is "so closely tied" to internal organs that the Hyuuga generically attacking the Chakra system causes organ damage by default. By Gai, for what it's worth, as I recall. Checking that part, Gai explicitly says it is a "technique that destroys the inner organs". Then a bit later Lee (not Gai, so I was misremembering a little) says something about how attacking the Chakra Coils (after explaining that is what Hyuuga do), automatically damages the organs, too, because they are so closely tied.

I thought it was just that they didn't expect a Hyuuga of his age to be that good yet, and that's why he was acknowledged as a prodigy?

Neji dramatically announces that "his eyes can see even the Opening Points" in the translation I was reading (dunno if it's the official one,, I think it is, but you know), after all the Jonin and the Hokage have been all "no wonder he's called a genius even among the Hyuuga" to themselves, Kakashi is all "even my Sharingan can't see those" (in a way that implies he can see the coils, but not those) and then thinks to himself about how "even if you can see them, the ability to apply it effectively in combat..." implying that not only can most Hyuuga not even see them to target them, but that even seeing them is not enough to stop hitting them from being impressive. It is possible, of course, that they are merely impressed by that one his age can do so, but that isn't how it's framed.

It is a little vague and open ended, though, so my interpretation isn't indisputably correct.

Though, note that even Gai and Lee seem surprised by the Chakra blocking thing, suggesting that this is an ability Neji never showed before.
the "Hold still" time decreases the more trained you are
end game Naruto can go into it instantly

We're never told anything like that. As far as I can tell the hold still requirement simply vanished into Masashi Kishimoto's senility immediately after he spent months writing a fight centering entirely around bypassing that limitation with an extremely specific exploit that can't be maintained constantly.

Maybe he always has a shadow clone or two going in the background, researching jutsu?

eta: And his curse seals probably also work to passively learn the jutsu of the people that have them.

We're also told that Nature Chakra/Sage Mode dissipates extremely quickly if you move even the tiniest bit. Even Naruto's exploit only provides a way to bypass the need to hold still for charging purposes in the middle of combat -you still need to hold still to receive and then expend the Natura Chakra.

Of course then the fight ends and every limitation is promptly thrown out the window in favor of Sage Mode being a generic super mode to then be supplanted by the generic super mode caused by being in tune with the Nine-Tails, so hey, if you want to interpret that as being a product of skill, you can, but it's not anything Masashi Kishimoto intended.

I thought it was just that they didn't expect a Hyuuga of his age to be that good yet, and that's why he was acknowledged as a prodigy? Granted I haven't read any Naruto since I got bored with Sasuke taking over the story post time skip, but that was the impression I had, along with some of Neji's lines being lifted directly from Vegita.

Neji is absurdist layers of genius: he's a Branch House member who single-handedly reverse-engineers/reinvents a closely guarded secret Main House technique (SPIN), who can see tenketsu and target them in combat when both things are "IMPOSSIBLE!", and can get around the secret blind spot of the Byakugan through a clever chakra manipulation that is most certainly not a standard Hyuuga technique.

Oh, and yeah, he's also way too young to be doing any of these things even if they were an expected thing for adult ninja to do, which they aren't.

They might say that, but the only example they ever give of people actually getting damage to their internal organs is a direct strike to the heart.

Hinata's bleeding well before the attempted fatal heart strike. Something is going on that just slapping her wouldn't be doing in conventional physics. The fact that she's bleeding from the mouth in specific is in line with internal organ damage.
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I'm going to chime in here with one possible interpretation of the Gentle Fist...

Could it be possible that the normal Hyuuga technique everyone was originally expecting Neji to use operates by using the Byakugan in order to see the opponents chakra network, and then applies that knowledge to slap them at specific points and send your chakra between the enemy's chakra pathways to strike their squishy internal bits? If anyone who couldn't see the chakra network tried that, their chakra would run into and be dissipated or something by the more concentrated chakra of the enemy. Theoretically another Doujutsu could do that part, but then the Byakugan can also see the internal organs themselves to thus gauge the best actual targets to aim for and how much damage they're doing?

I don't know how viable that idea is, but it seems sound to me?
That's an interesting thought, though we are explicitly told the Hyuuga are sending Chakra into the enemies Chakra network, doing damage to it, and as a result doing damage to the organs tied intricately into the Chakra network. I think it might've been indicated that Gentle Fist is only possible for Hyuuga, above and beyond the Byakugan, but I wasn't really paying attention when I re-checked that part today.

We are also told, for reference, that part of what's unique is that "even a glancing blow" is enough, suggesting that the base Hyuuga style isn't actually that precision based.
I'm going to chime in here with one possible interpretation of the Gentle Fist...

Could it be possible that the normal Hyuuga technique everyone was originally expecting Neji to use operates by using the Byakugan in order to see the opponents chakra network, and then applies that knowledge to slap them at specific points and send your chakra between the enemy's chakra pathways to strike their squishy internal bits? If anyone who couldn't see the chakra network tried that, their chakra would run into and be dissipated or something by the more concentrated chakra of the enemy. Theoretically another Doujutsu could do that part, but then the Byakugan can also see the internal organs themselves to thus gauge the best actual targets to aim for and how much damage they're doing?

I don't know how viable that idea is, but it seems sound to me?
Actually, my interpretation is the exact opposite.
The chakra network is pretty thin, through the body - missing it would be easy.
Rather, I posit that the gentle fist uses extremely thin and concentrated needles of chakra that are just a little less concentrated than the enemy's chakra inside their coils - but more concentrated than outside. They hit the coils, destabilize and go boom. Inside the body. With all the badness that implies.
Someone who isn't a Hyuuga can't see the coils, so their chakra needle misses - goes straight through the body, doing nothing but make an extremely thin line of damage. (essentially, nothing. The body's pretty sturdy)
You try to make it wide enough that that damage matters even if it doesn't hit anything, it takes more control - you get Tsunade and Sakura's trick. (Also, it doesn't go into the body. It just slams into the outside.)
We're also told that Nature Chakra/Sage Mode dissipates extremely quickly if you move even the tiniest bit. Even Naruto's exploit only provides a way to bypass the need to hold still for charging purposes in the middle of combat -you still need to hold still to receive and then expend the Natura Chakra.

Of course then the fight ends and every limitation is promptly thrown out the window in favor of Sage Mode being a generic super mode to then be supplanted by the generic super mode caused by being in tune with the Nine-Tails, so hey, if you want to interpret that as being a product of skill, you can, but it's not anything Masashi Kishimoto intended.

Fucking Orochimarus, how do they work?

Joking aside, why did you quote me talking about the shadow clone for the purpose of learning jutsu, only to reply with stuff about sage mode?
Joking aside, why did you quote me talking about the shadow clone for the purpose of learning jutsu, only to reply with stuff about sage mode?

Because Shadow Clones being used to channel Sage Mode ala Naruto's trick wouldn't explain how he maintains his seemingly-Sage Mode-induced appearance at all times even when moving etc. Sure, he might be running Shadow Clones for research purposes as you say, but you were responding to something in a way that suggested you meant "maybe he uses Shadow Clones for research and Sage Moding hmself".

I will comment as an aside that we never see Orochimaru use Shadow Clones in the entire series (That I read up to), and that we don't get a lot of information about the metaphysics behind his immortality shenanigans. It's possible Shadow Clones are somehow incompatible with his immortality technique -it's worth pointing out, for instance, that ninja use Shadow Clones and then the Shadow Clones disguise themselves, if they're going to use disguised Shadow Clones, every time in the series. (Nobody ever produces a pre-disguised Shadow Clone or disguises and then produces Shadow Clones that spawn matching their current disguise) Possibly a Shadow Clone somehow references your "true base" appearance, with the end result in Orochimaru's case being that a Shadow Clone would be a snake made of snakes. Or something else problematic.

I'm going to chime in here with one possible interpretation of the Gentle Fist...

Could it be possible that the normal Hyuuga technique everyone was originally expecting Neji to use operates by using the Byakugan in order to see the opponents chakra network, and then applies that knowledge to slap them at specific points and send your chakra between the enemy's chakra pathways to strike their squishy internal bits? If anyone who couldn't see the chakra network tried that, their chakra would run into and be dissipated or something by the more concentrated chakra of the enemy. Theoretically another Doujutsu could do that part, but then the Byakugan can also see the internal organs themselves to thus gauge the best actual targets to aim for and how much damage they're doing?

I don't know how viable that idea is, but it seems sound to me?

I'd object "But that's not what we're told at all", but ninja. It would be completely in-character for the Hyuuga to tell everyone A is how their technique works when in actuality B is how their technique works, so as to prevent people from producing functional countermeasures.

A more problematic point for this theory is that the series shows us what chakra networks look like, and they're thin lines that cover only a very small portion of the body, and are largely internal besides, so they wouldn't offer any protection at all to... a lot of the body.

I think it might've been indicated that Gentle Fist is only possible for Hyuuga, above and beyond the Byakugan, but I wasn't really paying attention when I re-checked that part today.

My recollection, though it's been a while since I reread that part, is that it's blamed entirely on the fact that the Byakugan can both see chakra and see through/into people. The Sharingan sees chakra and reads movements and so on, but it doesn't provide any indication of where the chakra network is. The only time we see it see "through" anything at all is when we're given a brief look at how Sasuke sees the Genjutsu-based fakes in the Forest of Death -though even then, the anime and the manga handle what he sees completely differently. Anyway, regardless, the implication is that the Sharingan sees right through pure chakra constructs (except Shadow Clones, I guess) but otherwise is just a really high-quality regular eye. (Before we start getting into hypnosis and the Mangekyou and so on...)

Since humans aren't exactly held to factory standards, it's entirely possible that anyone could mimic the Gentle Fist, but that in practice it requires blind luck to hit the chakra network if you can't actually see it because the exact position depends too much on the exact individual you're fighting.

Mind, the series never does address why precision even matters when it comes to attacking the chakra networks -there's any number of ways to explain it, such as assuming that if you do it even slightly wrong the chakra network just steals the incoming chakra- so it's hard to say why the Byakugan would be necessary. Beneficial is obvious, but necessary is not nearly as clear.
Date: Six months nine days after awakening
Subject: Pre-planning

How can I get back at Chukichi for humiliating me like that? I can't fight him, he'd slaughter me, I can't do too many attacks on his camp since he might decide to respond in kind. I need to gain better combat effectiveness before I can really ruin his career.

Right, I'll focus on hunting down units on Mother island and sabotaging groups that move away from the main camp.

Actually, yeah, I take back what I said before. Konoha is free game, until I have the skills to really screw with Chukichi I can't be picky about whom I go after.

The advantage I have here is that my main ninjutsu is Earth release, whereas everyone here is mainly focused on Fire, Water and Wind. Not to say that each group doesn't have outliers, but still...

Up in Claw the other Suna nin would sleep on steel mats, so that they couldn't be dragged down into the ground. No one does that here, the expectation of massed subterranean assault is absent, and one or two Earth users would normally not be enough of a threat to matter against a whole squad.

Yeah. That's how I'll start.

Date: Six months eleven days after awakening
Subject: New disposable puppets

I've been working on quick production clay puppets. I finally got enough progress with the Earth transformation training that I can form the clay into appropriate shapes. I tried to make the microscopic structure interlock, but either I don't have enough control, or ninjutsu can't directly affect particles that small, or the nature of clay here is different. I don't quite know just yet.

Haven't figured out what I can use as biological material inside the clay just yet. Thinking of going with bone ash, but that might not be of much use with the stoneware quality clay. Plus getting that much bone and refining it down would be a bit of a pain.

Maybe mixing powdered blood into a silica glaze? Hmm. Not sure how well that would work, plus having the biological component on the outside would make it all the easier to remove in battle.

Animal skins? The latent chakra networks might cause unpredictable changes and fluctuations unless I took the time to arrange them individually.

Problem is I really don't want something water soluble or flammable, even if I stuck hairs deep inside the clay they would likely be broken down and destroyed if the puppet were exposed to a fireball.

Well, I guess there's nothing for it, I'll have to do without. It'll just be slightly more difficult to maneuver them.

I've got flame throwers installed in the arms of the puppets, now that I don't have the wooden exterior I don't have to worry about heat conductivity.

Hidden weapons can't really be used to the same extent, ceramics aren't quite as forgiving in regards to tiny slats and concealed mechanisms. Even with the internals reinforced with metal the chances of some hidden opening chipping are really high.

Date: Six months thirteen days after awakening
Subject: Moving into position

What's that process birds and fish use to reduce resistance? Tailgating! Right. Even with tailgating under the ocean floor it still took like three hours to get them all in position.

Tricky bit was figuring out how to match up the exact location above ground with where I knew they were underground. Since puppets can only see their surroundings subjectively it's really hard to coordinate together with the avian scout puppets when they can't see the same environment.

Date: Six months fourteen days after awakening
Subject: Trap set

Konoha squad coming through. Don't recognize any of the faces, must not be very famous. Chunin though, so I can't afford to underestimate them. Must be wary for plot armor.

Date: Six months fourteen days after awakening
Subject: After action report

Started by dragging the one at the rear under the ground. Subterranean fights generally rely on who can hold their breath the longest, and puppets don't breathe. Wouldn't work like that for a skilled Earth user though.

The other two responded by jumping into the trees, not something I have a strong counter for at this point.

Attacking with ranged bombardment from multiple directions didn't have any noticeable effect, they managed to deflect consistently.

The one the northern side closed to engage, the other one cast a wide area affect genjutsu. Probably didn't realize that they were being attacked by puppets, unfortunate since the genjutsu actually worked.

Had to cut off awareness of those puppets and submerge them under the ground. Back ups were sent in in the form of rodents and birds, using the same kawarimi tactic I used in my first engagement in Claw. The rapid switching had a noticeable effect on the close range fighter, very distracting but not very damaging.

After the few seconds it took to purge the genjutsu from the puppets they reemerged. Trying flamethrowers against the genjutsu user seemed largely effective, disrupting any further attempts at casting illusions. At that point I had one puppet switch out with a diving bird puppet and drag the genjutsu user under the ground.

The final fight with the taijutsu user was just a slog. He couldn't damage my puppets faster than they could damage him.

Would have been considerably easier if I started lacing my blades with drugs.

Date: Six months fifteen days after awakening
Subject: Capture results

Looks like it was a standard Nin-Gen-Tai squad, well rounded but not exceptional. The ninjutsu user turned out to be a kunoichi from the Sarutobi clan, had a couple of decent fire jutsu and Fire transformation training skills, but she was really pretty low down on the internal clan hierarchy.

The other two were clanless. One a civilian born, son of a baker, the other an orphan. The orphan was trying to seduce his Sarutobi teammate in an attempt at gaining clan backing. How adorably twisted in his affections.

Orphan-boy was the taijutsu user, he relied a lot on body reinforcement, kind of similar in style to a knock off goken. Might be useful. I did like the skills at deflecting incoming projectiles, he must have trained that a lot, very nice.

The baker's son was the genjutsu user, apparently his parents didn't want him being a close ranged attacker, trying to minimize his risks in combat and pushed him into the ranged support option.

Anyway, got the Phoenix Sage and Great Flame techniques from the Sarutobi girl, the latter was their clan exclusive jutsu. Kind of a pain though, Fire release is just so meh. It's neither more effective nor as cheap as the flame throwers I already have. Plus the jutsu are all so similar, they just burn shit, no supplemental or defensive ones at all.

Nabbed the False Surroundings and Hell Viewing genjutsu from the other guy. Sweet! I like those. My thinking on genjutsu is basically just that the more prescribed the result and second less real it seems the more useless it will be. A lot of the higher ranked genjutsu have very specific outcomes and look completely surreal, it's obvious in the extreme that the person isn't viewing reality and then they just have to figure out how to escape.

However, for these two genjutsu it's not like that. The False Surroundings technique is designed to just slightly change the environment, while the Hell Viewing technique causes the mind to invent its own worst fear and see it as real.

Plus, I have an advantage for genjutsu in that I can already separate out pure yin chakra, just like the current Mizukage, which makes it much harder to detect and dispel. I can see a lot of possible uses for those two genjutsu used in conjunction.

And, if I can twist the Hell Viewing technique around to also see what they want most, then I'd have a ninja corollary for both Boggarts and the Mirror of Erised, pretty effective ways of hashing out a quick and dirty personality evaluation.

Date: Six months seventeen days after awakening
Subject: Scouting

Both the enemy camps have taken to only giving out order as they send people out, then have them plan while en-route. Unfortunately this doesn't give me a lot of time to figure out their plans and react to them.

Longer missions are easier to interfere with though. A Kiri team is heading over the ocean to Moon Kingdom, which seems to be a relay station of theirs. I can just set up a trap for them in between, but I'll only be able to hit them on their way back, since they've already left and are too far away to catch up to.

Date: Six months twenty one days after awakening
Subject: Here they come

Team incoming. Escort mission? That wasn't on their orders. Either that or that person is a new transfer.

The plan stays as is. If some escape then it's still fine.

Date: Six months twenty one days after awakening
Subject: After action report

Used the False Surroundings area affect genjutsu to hide my puppets. Basically just made them look like rocks and mounds of mud on the sea floor.

This turned out to be a good thing as those with a strong Water release can sense the flow of water they are in contact with by infiltrating part of their chakra into it.

Once I have some sort of chakra sensing ability I'll have to practice on ensuring that I can use genjutsu to fool it.

When the Kiri nin passed onto the beach some of my puppets came up from out of the water and attacked with flame throwers. That was a mistake in hindsight, the flames across the low water level of the beach gave them too much steam to play with.

Still, it was partly alright, given that the puppets left underground still managed to attack them from below. Not so good was that they immediately rose the water table, turned the area to mud and then used their combined chakra to overpower my control over the Earth technique.

I wasn't even aware that was possible.

…Or, well, chakra magic, anything's possible, but I wasn't aware it was something I had to watch out for.

I got a few of them out of the situation by using shunshin, but most of those puppets got dragged down and broken by high pressure mud.

I managed to incapacitate one of the chunin with a drugged kunai and abscond with him. It was only after that that the guy they were escorting came into play.

He smiled.

His teeth were fully serrated.

Sure I got some decent taijutsu from before, but against someone like that… Yeah, my puppets got sliced to ribbons and smashed to pieces. Ceramics might be good against Fire and Water, but they're shit against decent weapons skills.

Date: Six months twenty two days after awakening
Subject: Kiri chunin

Kenjutsu user primarily. Dreamt of joining the Seven Swordsmen as a child, didn't have the gumption to pull it off. Admired the guy they were escorting, who is named Fujisaki Akira, because he was accepted as a potential heir for the Kiba.

Don't recognize the name, might mean he died in canon, might mean he was just never mentioned. The Kiba swords are supposed to be insanely sharp, which would help explain why he was able to cut through my puppets like that, but even if that wasn't the case I doubt I would have been able to defeat him on open ground.

I… wouldn't really call what this chunin used 'swordsmanship', more like 'magical sword arts', he focused a lot more on figuring out how to use chakra flow on his blade and use it together with Silent Killing than he did learning correct forms.

That seems to be a common problem, people focus too much on flashy jutsu and too little on fundamentals. No wonder the Samurai are a legitimate threat when they just focus on one or two chakra techniques as supplemental to their actual sword styles.

I imagine that the actual Seven Swordsmen and their apprentices are probably outliers though. The one I saw certainly seems like he was.

Oh! Silent Killing, not a jutsu. Just learning how to move very silently while not releasing any killing intent. Hmm, killing intent is something I'll have to look into, it might make sense under certain conditions.

Can't really fully exploit the Silent Killing skills without both practice and specially modifying the joints of my puppets. The lack of breathing and need for clothing makes it easier though, so I might start with that and work from there.
So, had another thought on offensive and defensive uses of seals. Can you make seals that only grab a specifically designated area? like one that just says this sphere of material is now in the seal? We know it's technically possible given what Danzo did with the reverse four symbol seal but we don't know if it could be used as much more than a "warhead" type seal. Is it possible to link the storage space of two seals together? Like say have an "in" seal and an "out" seal? It would likely make water jets much easier at the least.
We know it's technically possible given what Danzo did with the reverse four symbol seal
What that seal does is expand a barrier in a sphere and then implodes, carrying everything contained within it into a sealed pocket dimension.

Is it possible to link the storage space of two seals together? Like say have an "in" seal and an "out" seal?
Sure, but the question is, is momentum maintained? If so then it could still be useful, maybe something like a Portal Gun. Unless matching pocket dimensions from specific seal is exceptionally difficult. We never see any evidence that there can be two separate opening to a dimension in the show. Hmm.
What that seal does is expand a barrier in a sphere and then implodes, carrying everything contained within it into a sealed pocket dimension.

Sure, but the question is, is momentum maintained? If so then it could still be useful, maybe something like a Portal Gun. Unless matching pocket dimensions from specific seal is exceptionally difficult. We never see any evidence that there can be two separate opening to a dimension in the show. Hmm.
Obito/Kakashi's dual-Kamui was two simultaneous portals to the same dimension, iirc
Good point. Now you're thinking with Portals~

I don't know if I'm really going to do that though.
what about finding a way to stop Jutsu's and move them around?
like, they fire a dragon jutsu, you control it, make it hit their other jutsu's and hit them?
maybe have a few orbit around you?
also, the Rinnegan hand guy could absorb jutsu's in one hand, and fire them out the other at double power
what about finding a way to stop Jutsu's and move them around?
"Chakra Strings son" they're always the answer.

Probably. Maybe not for the less material jutsu, but it should work for Earth and Water. Just jab a string into it, overpower their control of the jutsu and then laugh in their face as you beat them over the head with it.
also, the Rinnegan hand guy could absorb jutsu's in one hand, and fire them out the other at double power
Sounds like the Darkness release. In both cases, to pull that off you'd probably have to break down the chakra into the basic components, then pass them through your body before rebuilding them and shoving a bunch of extra chakra into the system at the same time. Or something like that.
how much would it cost to keep those jutsu's active?
like, an ally fires an earth dragon, and you control it, then they make a new one?
stack up on Jutsu, save on chakra?
how much would it cost to keep those jutsu's active?
like, an ally fires an earth dragon, and you control it, then they make a new one?
stack up on Jutsu, save on chakra?
A lot? None of them are really fire-and-forget, generally they're only meant to be used for a couple of seconds at most and yet often times they're really chakra intensive. It'd probably be more efficient to use that method to create combination jutsu between people that don't have the teamwork or control to do it themselves. Or to redirect enemy jutsu.
how much would it cost to keep those jutsu's active?
like, an ally fires an earth dragon, and you control it, then they make a new one?
stack up on Jutsu, save on chakra?
I doubt the "save on chakra" bit, very much. Being able to take over control of a shaped jutsu like that and use it as an elemental puppet would be kickass though, even if it only worked on something produced by an ally who wouldn't fight to keep it or dispel it when they started losing. Not bad even if MC had to produce the jutsu himself, as a way to have elemental puppets, and that would probably be a stepping stone to the "full" jutsu stealing technique anyway.
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For a Fist Full of Omake
Omake – The other guys

"Surrender, I've got your surrounded"

"What's the point. I wanted to make this a better world, but how can I when any little action might butterfly away the births of the very characters this world needs to see it through?"

"Umm. Are you from Earth?"

"You too huh? Hey remember that time when the bug alien enslaved all of Portugal and made them eat only rice and pork rinds? Crazy."

"Yeah… I think I remember that."

"I can't take it anymore! If I fight in this war I might stop Menma from ever existing, and then this whole world will be doomed. All because I had to stroke my own ego. It's too much pressure man, too many lives."

"Just chill. Souls exist, reincarnation is real, ergo lives don't matter."

"Raseringu!" *poof/splat*

"Oh my god! You're a medic, you have to help him."

"I'm a medic, not a god, even I can't heal having his face blown off."

Omake – A different kind of rationalization for a different kind of story

Kurama Yakumo was very nervous. Why was she nervous? Because she was meeting Ido for the first time.

"Why have you done this?"

"Why? Why indeed. It's quite simple really. Villainous monologue."


"Oh, sorry, I just really don't care about explaining myself. But since you're about to be sealed into the background forever I might as well."


"Ahem. Have you ever wondered how your bloodline limit can be possible? How it can break and warp the very fabric of reality, bend mother nature over and spank her on the ass?"


"And that is why you fail! It's only the Ido, the Inserts, that can see reality for what it really is. A dream."

"A dream, so this is going to be one of those conversations."

"You blind fool. What do you think chakra is but the manifestation of man's need to control the world around them, bloodlines are their need to be special, the bijuu are their fear of unforeseeable change, the clans and villages are their need for social unity, the shinobi existence their natural competition for dominance and resources. This is a subjective reality, a dream shaped by its participants. That is why it lacks any sort of underlying rational mechanic and that is why we Ido can shape it at will!"

"So… you're saying you're a god?"

"Yes. If a girl asks you if you're a god the answer is always yes."

"Oh. No wonder you're supposed to be the manifestation of the Ego."

"No, I'm supposed to be the manifestation of the Id, it's just that even that's bullshit since we're separate people."
Another thought just occurred to me: With that "live in multiple bodies simultaneously" technique, MC (and I suppose the Yamanaka clan) are the only ones in the world using the divine gift of chakra the way it was actually intended, to communicate, and even then only a hazy approximation. (Or at least, that's the impression I've gotten from reading other fic and comments, I dropped the actual manga from my reading list around the time it hit 20 chapters of Sauce-kay with a scattered handful of panels featuring the character whose name was in the title.)