Dance Puppet Dance! (Transhumanist Naruto OC)

Some sort of persistent light jutsu can take care of the first one, and the second can be achieved with balloons and a tank of compressed air (which shouldn't be all that hard to make)
Don't forget about pressure, If the puppet goes to deep or finds a sudden hole in the ocean floor then it's done for. Although it might be a nice scene, going through the process of being crushed like that might give some insight on. Wind jutsu? That's the one that deals with pressure right?
Don't forget about pressure, If the puppet goes to deep or finds a sudden hole in the ocean floor then it's done for. Although it might be a nice scene, going through the process of being crushed like that might give some insight on. Wind jutsu? That's the one that deals with pressure right?
If the puppet's solid all the way through, than being crushed is much less of an issue in all honesty.
So when is the char going to build a jutsu-powered senbon gauss rifle?

I think you mean chakra powered. And you can make jutsu that resemble senbon(Chidori Senbon comes to mind), but you can't make a jutsu powered rifle. Anyways, can a gauss rifle actually use or fire senbon? Does the Narutoverse have everything needed to build it(It gets very screwy with tech stuff there-supposedly there are no guns and yet in the Wave Arc there's a shopkeep with a gun)? And does yinko actually know how to build one without looking it up on the wiki/Google/*insert search engine here* from home?
Not true. Kakashi just ignored the fact he had to breathe. The wiki specifically states that you can't breathe in the Water Prison jutsu.

I'm looking at the wiki page, and that's one of the bits that has zero citation. Unless one of the databooks says that and the wiki is just failing to note it, I call bullshit, as it flagrantly contradicts what was happening on-screen and the wiki is providing no supporting evidence of any sort for the claim. For that matter, it claims that the "density of water" prevents movement, which is absurd even by Masashi Kishimoto's standards of inconsistency as an explanation for why a jounin can't move while inside of it, and also not given citation-support.

I'm pretty sure this is pure fanon, and not the good kind.

Probably took place before summoning was really a thing OOC, since Kakashi does this gigantic string of handseals, and wipes his blood all along the entire scroll to pull it off. Whereas later he just does the single jutsu and gets the whole pack.

Alternatively, Kakashi is being needlessly dramatic because the whole process is meant to trick Zabuza. Early Naruto has a lot of stage magician logic to it -draw people's attention with something big and flashy (and more or less totally irrelevant) while you pull off your real ace in the hole without them noticing. (One of the bluntest examples: Itachi pulling out and throwing shuriken, which was actually a distraction from the fact that he'd made the handseals for a jutsu while his hands were unseen)

Among other points I can imagine that, seeing as how the dogs are Kakashi's personal summons, he doesn't need to bother with the blood-as-ID process, but is pretending to do so to mislead Zabuza.

It's actually easy to explain away a lot of the seeming inconsistencies of canon by appealing to "ninja trickery".

Also, now that I think on it, how the hell did Zabuza not notice the dogs coming up on him? He's a master of the Silent Killing and navigating the Hidden Mist Jutsu and yet he somehow misses a pack of dogs?

... a pack of dogs burrowing underground, and as far as Naruto-the-series behaves, ninja/ninja animals using techniques to maneuver underground do so in complete silence. Literally his first warning is them bursting out of the ground.

Of course, one has to wonder how they tracked the scent of Kakashi's blood from underground, so the scene is still kind of bizarre, but that's a different problem.
Ordered to Ame
Date: Eight months twenty days after awakening
Subject: Kazekage report

Turns out you did exactly what I wanted you to do. You terrified both Konoha and Kiri, they think you can rip out someone's soul with just a touch.

Thank you. Though it really pains me to have had to show that technique, there was no other way to take out the two Dead-Bone Pulse users.

Yes. Generally most jutsu below A or S rank won't even affect them. Though their ability to dish out damage is fortunately a great deal less than their ability to take it.

Oh, right. Take this. *rustle*


One higher, Specialist. If the other villages see someone with your accomplishments in the Bingo Book has such a low rank they might view you as more easily tempted. You're not really experienced enough at the actual job to go up to full jounin, but tokujo works pretty well.

Hmm, aren't these things really restrictive? I've been using mockups for my disguises and those always make movement along the shoulders and waist a little tricky.

Chakra reinforcement.

Ah, but of course.

Also makes it work better as armor, defeats the majority of projectile weapons that don't have additional chakra added into them. Makes surprise attacks and lucky shots by random individuals far less likely… not that that's much of a problem for you.

So, where am I going next?

You've got a couple of weeks of vacation, then you're being moved to Ame.

Into the thick of it then. You want something similar to how I played it in Sea? Pick off strong guys and just irritate the enemy until they lack the will to fight?

It's what you're best at. If you can help force a stalemate then that would really help in that sector of the war.

Chiyo is currently in Suna, you'll be heading back to the front with her when you return.

Speaking of which, it's been a while Shuzaku. Made any recent breakthroughs in puppeteering I should know about?

Hmm, nothing that can be used particularly well without my kinjutsu as preparation. Most all of my tactics rely on it.

We won't be letting you spread that around. The population of young genin with good enough control to cast genjutsu or become puppeteers would plummet, with the rash of people neutering themselves. It's bad enough we can't get you to start a clan, too many more talented minds decide to imitate your approach and we'll be just waiting for the long slow decline, unable to adapt new bloodlines and talents to match outside forces.

Yes sir.

Walk with me Shuzaku.


You don't really respect the other puppeteers much, do you?

I'm not sure what you mean. We may technically use the same art but mine is only slightly related to theirs. It's hard for it to be otherwise, since I had to invent everything myself.

That's exactly what I mean. You saw the traditions that have gone back to before the founding of the villages and threw away anything you didn't like.

Some traditions serve a function, they allow for social stability, they warn of potential dangers. Traditions when it comes to jutsu… they just stifle creativity.

Don't go saying that too often, that sort of thinking can be highly dangerous. The villages rely on a certain amount of tradition and stability for everything to work correctly, for the lower ranked shinobi to follow the rest, for rebellions to not overwhelm the leadership with sheer numbers.

Anything that might violate the power of the clans, the bloodlines, or the village leadership, that has to go.

So long as you keep your abilities as a secret jutsu of your own it will be fine. It will even be alright if you somehow manage to figure out how to have children and then turn it into a family technique. But trying to spread it around will make a lot of enemies.

… What about the hidden methods of other clans? I captured some beetles from an Aburame and a ninken from an Inuzuka, I was hoping to take their strengths, cover their weaknesses, make them my own.

Don't make it too obvious. Skill theft is a fact of shinobi existence, but copying things directly is often times not the best way to go about it, and it tends to make you a high profile target from the villages you've offended.


You know, they were bandying about the idea of having you called "Soul Sand", to go along with Sasori's "Red Sand". Trying to make it a trend with the Iron and Gold Sand of the Kazekage and Rasa.

Doesn't that sound… kind of dumb? Even 'Red Sand' doesn't make much sense, sure he might make people bleed a lot but there's not sand around for the blood to stain, and even if there were it would just blow away or dry into an ugly brown. And the whole 'soul sand' thing is just stupid, the closest example would be the legends of Shikaku, a sand that moved of its own will.

You're over thinking it, a lot. The point is to make people think twice, to boost customer expectations. Enough blood that the ground is stained is evocative, the sand in the name is just there to demonstrate what village he's from. Souls are mysterious, the idea of someone that can manipulate them is frightening.

That's part of why you're being sent to Ame. Konoha has a jounin named Kato Dan, his specialty is using his own soul to kill others through possession. One of the things that will be expected of you is to counter his jutsu in some way.

I'll have to see how he operates, it might be possible. I can think of a couple of possibilities right off the bat, but I'm not yet sure how his jutsu works.

Just so long as the Suna nin all know that there's someone capable of working against him, someone that is also famous for manipulating souls.

AN: Wasn't even close to done, but I've been a bit uncreative the last few days, so I just released it to maintain the thread of interest. So yup, gratuitous character interaction.

selling stuff might still be useful, and you never know what might be in sunken ships...

Question: Can we get a Sasori interlude? By this time he has to have heard of the new prodigy puppet user.
Yeah, he's probably heard about him, but I think Sasori has kind of a self absorbed personality, in that he won't take anyone else very seriously (especially in Kugutsu) unless he's seen them first hand.

So when is the char going to build a jutsu-powered senbon gauss rifle?
Either never, or once he raids Sky country.

And does yinko actually know how to build one without looking it up on the wiki/Google/*insert search engine here* from home?
Sorta, you use magnets one after another to drag a metallic object forwards faster and faster. Of course, with how screwy Magnet Release is, the odds of actual Gauss rifles working as advertised is pretty slim, probably easier to project senbon in a different way.

I'm looking at the wiki page, and that's one of the bits that has zero citation.
I'm pretty sure this is pure fanon, and not the good kind.
Yeah, maybe. But if it actually lets people breathe and move freely then it's a pretty useless jutsu, so it works better for the flow of my story if it works like it says on the wiki, citations or not.
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Dan is going to end up with a severe case of death. Then Tsunade. Followed by the toad dude.

It's wiping out the powerfull konopha member time !
I love how the Kazekage wants no one else to know how the guy's techniques work, since anyone with skill that wants to follow in his footsteps ends up neutering themselves via the kinjutsu used to start using the techniques.
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The population of young genin with good enough control to be cast genjutsu or become puppeteers would plummet, with the rash of people neutering themselves.

Either removing the 'be' or adding 'able to' after it.

Always glad to see this update.

I personally was thinking 'The Transcended' or 'The Enlightened' as an epithet. Especially 'The Transcended'.

They are a bit grandiose, but I think they fit.
... a pack of dogs burrowing underground, and as far as Naruto-the-series behaves, ninja/ninja animals using techniques to maneuver underground do so in complete silence. Literally his first warning is them bursting out of the ground.

And yet there's no holes in the ground around Kakashi or Zabuza when the fog clears up, so there's some inconsistency there somewhere. Plus, they were digging through concrete and I've not seen anyone ever doing that anywhere else in the manga, only through the dirt(By hand for Naruto and Doton: Moguragakure no Jutsu for Kabuto, Deidara, and Kakashi).

Of course, one has to wonder how they tracked the scent of Kakashi's blood from underground, so the scene is still kind of bizarre, but that's a different problem.

And there's also that too. Unless they've used chakra to really enhance their sense of smell underground to pick up on Kakashi's blood(Only thing I can think of and have no clue if it'd actually work considering how many smells dogs can pick up).

Sorta, you use magnets one after another to drag a metallic object forwards faster and faster. Of course, with how screwy Magnet Release is, the odds of actual Gauss rifles working as advertised is pretty slim, probably easier to project senbon in a different way.

But there's more too it than that, right? I mean, that's probably the basics of it, but you can do more to make it more effective and stuff*? And yeah, the Magnet Release is really screwy. Plus, it's easier to just make a high powered senbon launcher(I think Kankuro put some in Crow at one point, so it can be done, just not sure how he made it).

*Note, I have absolutely no clue how gauss rifles work.
so your planning on killing dan which will eventually led to tsunade hating you? not the smartest move considering she can punch through madara's susanoo.
Wouldn't it be the other way around with him and Dan? All he is a soul in a shell (or shells). Less a counter to Dan's abilities and more a perfect target.
Yeah, he's probably heard about him, but I think Sasori has kind of a self absorbed personality, in that he won't take anyone else very seriously (especially in Kugutsu) unless he's seen them first hand.
Its funny. Sasori's defining achievement, controlling a large number of puppets, is already eclipsed by the SI. By an order of magnitude.

Sasori: "I have over 200 puppets in my collection!"
SI: "Thats nice. I have over 2000 puppets in this room."

Sasori: "Surprise! I was controlling my puppets from the inside!"
SI: "Surprise! I was controlling my puppets while relaxing in my workshop back in Suna."
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Wouldn't it be the other way around with him and Dan? All he is a soul in a shell (or shells). Less a counter to Dan's abilities and more a perfect target.
no, because he is perfectly isolated in a barrier that selective allows no foreign soul to enter his body but allows him to leave it upon destruction, due to a seal which i'm pretty sure are inscribed in the puppets
All this mention of raiding places and noone has mentioned the Gelel mine somewhere in sand?. You know the solid chakra stuff, i believe they made a movie of it.
Couldn't the village just mandate that anyone using the technique that makes you sterile have to have already provided sperm/eggs for cold storage and later use or had children?
This timeline confuses me. The second war was the time of the Sannin in their twenties and Chiyo being an veteran jounin (fifty ish), it doesn't make sense for Sasori or Rasa to be involved in this war. Sasori is Chiyo's grandson so is a child whose parents died in this war, and Rasa is of the Yondaimes Hokage's age so should be around 35-45 in canon. He should also have just been a child during the second war, while taking active part and developed a reputation during the third. It seems like you're just throwing out canon characters names without regard for where they fit in the story.

It also doesn't make sense to me that he is being deployed again so soon when it's been shown again and again that while he is very skilled at the end of the day he is an amateur who was self taught. The village should easily be able to solidify his foundations and improve his knowledge, and make a future deployment far more effective to the total war effort. At minimum he could still use his puppets elsewhere, and can improve upon and develop practices for his instant communication across fronts and to the Kazekage.
so i'm wondering wouldn't it make sense to have him keep one humanoid body on the homefront to be tutored in taijutsu and puppet making, after all taijutsu doesn't use chakra and combined with better bodies his potential grows exponentially
You say "gratuitous character interaction" like it's a bad thing. :sour:
Well, there was someone that complained that there was too little. So I wrote a chapter that had exactly 1 non-dialogue word in it. *rustle* that seems fairly gratuitous.

All this mention of raiding places and noone has mentioned the Gelel mine somewhere in sand?. You know the solid chakra stuff, i believe they made a movie of it.
The location of which is a secret. Known to no one on the continent.

Couldn't the village just mandate that anyone using the technique that makes you sterile have to have already provided sperm/eggs for cold storage and later use or had children?
The villages don't seen very... what's the word? Smart! Right, they seem stupid, or at least very shortsighted.

This timeline confuses me. The second war was the time of the Sannin in their twenties and Chiyo being an veteran jounin (fifty ish), it doesn't make sense for Sasori or Rasa to be involved in this war. Sasori is Chiyo's grandson so is a child whose parents died in this war, and Rasa is of the Yondaimes Hokage's age so should be around 35-45 in canon. He should also have just been a child during the second war, while taking active part and developed a reputation during the third. It seems like you're just throwing out canon characters names without regard for where they fit in the story.

It also doesn't make sense to me that he is being deployed again so soon when it's been shown again and again that while he is very skilled at the end of the day he is an amateur who was self taught. The village should easily be able to solidify his foundations and improve his knowledge, and make a future deployment far more effective to the total war effort. At minimum he could still use his puppets elsewhere, and can improve upon and develop practices for his instant communication across fronts and to the Kazekage.
Not the first time someone has asked about timelines. Here's the thing. Rasa would have been young, but children fight in wars all the time in the Elemental Nations. I only found out Sasori became famous during the Third war after I wrote him in, and that never made much sense to me since he's supposed to be such a badass yet only has a few years of actual conflict. Everyone's remarking on how young he looks, but if he's 24 but looks 15 then that's not actually impressive enough to be remarked upon, I know people that are the same without switching their bodies for puppets. Sasori as a character only really makes sense for me if he got his fame during the Second war, fought in the Third, and then left. Even though I know it's not what the wiki says.

so i'm wondering wouldn't it make sense to have him keep one humanoid body on the homefront to be tutored in taijutsu and puppet making, after all taijutsu doesn't use chakra and combined with better bodies his potential grows exponentially
It would. I'm just struggling to wonder if anyone would actually think to do that. Shuzaku is in the mindset of 'learn by taking from others', while the village is in the mindset of 'learn by survival'. It should be well within the capabilities of Suna to have those on medical leave train up those preparing to ship out, but does that actually happen?