Dance Puppet Dance! (Transhumanist Naruto OC)

Hiruko's that guy that later developed the Chimera Technique, to blend bloodlines into a single body. Even more evidence of the anti-progress stance of the show, and possibly the Elemental Nations in general, since he was given a kill order by the Third Hokage. That might never happen now though, he's just a regular jounin, pissed off at being so generic.
Well, when using it to absorb bloodlines and make better ninja, it's also kind of terrible.
First of all, he apparently had to remove flesh from his own body so he could fit the bloodline samples inside.
And second, Hiruko only used one or two jutsu from each bloodline, which pretty heavily implies a jack of all trades master of none situation, where he didn't focus on any of the new bloodlines to any real degree, and was basically a novice in them

It seems to be pretty good for making war beasts though, which the wiki states to have been it's original intention up until Hiruko saw Kakashi with a Sharingan implant.

Also, I don't think we know how justified the Hokage was in giving a kill order. Given Hiruko's plan involves "Start a Fourth Great Ninja War and rule the world", it's quite possible he was doing some pretty inhumane experiments. And even if he wasn't, if he was discovered after Orochimaru left, it would be a reasonable mistake to assume he was working for Orochimaru and assign a kill order because of that.
Also, I don't think we know how justified the Hokage was in giving a kill order.

The Hokage has no problem with the bird cage seal. The clans in konoha have a lot of power (wich is normal. A level 3 sharingan user is always a jounin level guy at least.), so the guy that has invented something that make them irrelevant is going to have a lot of heat coming down to him.
I thought Kakuzu had a granddaughter or something in the canon Chuunin Exam?
Not according to the wiki.

Hm, if Orochimaru hears about the MC in this fic, I can see him trying to recruit the guy.
Orochimaru is still a loyal little leaflet at this point. Hasn't joined Root yet and been corrupted by Danzo.

First do you know about Ghost Possession?
No, I have no idea what that is.

It's a kinjutsu he stole from Taki. They probably have the hows and whys of it on their equivalent to the Scroll of Seals.
Maybe assuming that Kakuzu didn't take the only record, and that anyone's still alive 70+ years later that remembers anything about it, and assuming that they created it in the first place.

Make a cute puppet/little-sister/teddy/cloaked-dude and sneak it into konoha?
Infiltrating a village, even during peacetime, will probably be really difficult. Easier now that he has some bones he can use though.

Like Alphonse and his Soul-Blood Seal bound Knight Armor Full Metal Alchemist Style?

First of all, he apparently had to remove flesh from his own body so he could fit the bloodline samples inside.
And second, Hiruko only used one or two jutsu from each bloodline, which pretty heavily implies a jack of all trades master of none situation, where he didn't focus on any of the new bloodlines to any real degree, and was basically a novice in them
This is interesting, in the context of the chakra theory I'm using. That it's mean is that he was splicing in parts of the chakra coils and then just exploiting whatever jutsu were 'remembered' in those parts.

I feel there is currently far too little character Interaction
I agree.

Can he ever use the summoning technique??
Nope, no blood. However, fun fact, the Summons actually live in the Elemental Nations, cause it says that the Toads live a month's travel away. So he could potentially hunt down a summons clan and recruit/sabotage them completely without ever using the Summoning Jutsu.
Nope, no blood. However, fun fact, the Summons actually live in the Elemental Nations, cause it says that the Toads live a month's travel away. So he could potentially hunt down a summons clan and recruit/sabotage them completely without ever using the Summoning Jutsu.

I would like to see that, it would make for an interesting arc.
Nope, no blood. However, fun fact, the Summons actually live in the Elemental Nations, cause it says that the Toads live a month's travel away. So he could potentially hunt down a summons clan and recruit/sabotage them completely without ever using the Summoning Jutsu.
Interestingly, according to the wiki, anyone with the blood of the summoner can use the technique. While he wouldn't be able to sign a contract himself, I don't think anything is stopping him from subjugating a summoner.
Nope, no blood. However, fun fact, the Summons actually live in the Elemental Nations, cause it says that the Toads live a month's travel away. So he could potentially hunt down a summons clan and recruit/sabotage them completely without ever using the Summoning Jutsu.

Interestingly, according to the wiki, anyone with the blood of the summoner can use the technique. While he wouldn't be able to sign a contract himself, I don't think anything is stopping him from subjugating a summoner.

I wonder what it is able blood that makes it work that way. It can't just be a generic marker otherwise you could use other substances. It might be because the blood acts as a direct medium to the coils, but the show uses blood to inconsistently for me to be sure and the way we see the blood accessed argues against it. Hmm...

That said, the idea is interesting if we flip it around. If being the summoner is out of your reach, then why not be the summons? Working the details of that would offer quite a bit of logistical and tactical flexibility. Between the fact that summons seem to be able to bring items with them from wherever they are summoned to (insta-supplies) and reverse summoning you would add a whole new dimension to war. Add in your intelligence gather abilities are you become almost indispensable.
I wonder what it is able blood that makes it work that way. It can't just be a generic marker otherwise you could use other substances. It might be because the blood acts as a direct medium to the coils, but the show uses blood to inconsistently for me to be sure and the way we see the blood accessed argues against it. Hmm...

That said, the idea is interesting if we flip it around. If being the summoner is out of your reach, then why not be the summons? Working the details of that would offer quite a bit of logistical and tactical flexibility. Between the fact that summons seem to be able to bring items with them from wherever they are summoned to (insta-supplies) and reverse summoning you would add a whole new dimension to war. Add in your intelligence gather abilities are you become almost indispensable.
I figure that the blood just acts like some sort of shorthand. We know from the chunnin exam that point to point summon is doable without the need for blood. We also know from the Pein fight that things can be summoned without the use of blood. From the 5 Kage fight, we also know that there's a high speed transmission technique that doesn't play well with organic things.

Considering the MC apparently has more than a passing familiarity with the Naruto setting, and effectively has infinite free time to experiment through a remote body, I think some type of summoning isn't off the table.
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From the end of the forest stage of the Chuunin Exam we know that summong a person from a remote location is possible, with nothing more than crossing two scrolls that each have (half of?) the sealing array on them. MC might have to do a bit of scrounging or research to uncover the technique and adapt it, but becoming a new summon "clan" on your own is easily within reach and honestly an awesome idea I can't think of any previous example of.
maybe u should do what sasori did and put a klump of the human puppets flesh on in that container and build a puppet around that.

btw, did u upgrade to a new body yet? and can u add cybernetics for enhanced strength and speed and cognitive capabilities? basically if u put a microprocessor in ur head to increase intelligence would your ethereal mind be able to utilize that?
according to the wiki, anyone with the blood of the summoner can use the technique.
I didn't know that.

f being the summoner is out of your reach, then why not be the summons?
This is an interesting train of thought. Very useful strategically.

From the end of the forest stage of the Chuunin Exam we know that summong a person from a remote location is possible, with nothing more than crossing two scrolls that each have (half of?) the sealing array on them.
Not quite. From what I recall, the teams that opened up only the one scroll got a chunin to show up and knock them out, so it would have worked more like a beacon that they could shushin to rather than a teleportation seal. If teleportation was that easy, then neither Tobi nor Minato would be worth much at all.

btw, did u upgrade to a new body yet? and can u add cybernetics for enhanced strength and speed and cognitive capabilities? basically if u put a microprocessor in ur head to increase intelligence would your ethereal mind be able to utilize that?
Cybernetics would be worth a lot less, because magitech. I actually talk about that in the first chapter, when he's discussing the strengths and weaknesses of kugutsu, why servos and pistons are pointless for puppets.
Where would he get a microprocessor? I have no idea what it would do at this point, but it should be a moot point since they don't exist.
I think it's how Sound got the three headed giant snake summon. That and an array of... six or nine ninja to pump chakra into the matrix.
Not quite. From what I recall, the teams that opened up only the one scroll got a chunin to show up and knock them out, so it would have worked more like a beacon that they could shushin to rather than a teleportation seal. If teleportation was that easy, then neither Tobi nor Minato would be worth much at all.
To keep it logically consistent, I've always assumed that it was incredibly time consuming to do, or that the scrolls are unique artifacts that Mito Uzumaki made. Possibly what Tobirama based the hiraishin on.
Bloodline puppets better be worth it, or the very fact that I'm reduced to using strings to control them might well tip off people as to what I'm really doing.
I can see a way around that; just have a small possessed puppet physically latch onto the human puppet somewhere discrete, or maybe even hiding inside the human puppet and project the chakra strings from there. That way, the chakra strings won't be visible.
I used the Soul Separation Seal, the one I initially worked out to get rid of the connection to my body so I could become a puppet. The one I based on something from the show. It's incredibly overpowered, but relies on skin contact. Generally I'd have to trick someone into positioning themselves to get taken out, but the Kaguya get so deep in their bloodlust, so overconfident in their invincibility, that I just slapped a couple of tags on them during a taijutsu attack and they died.
Well, depending on how well their brain-dead body can be puppeteered, this may solve the MC's issue with the lack of high quality raw materials. Mainly, by using the bodies to manufacture more of those delicious ultra-hard Kaguya bones for puppet frames.
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To keep it logically consistent
I think I see where you're running into difficulties :V

The difference between those apparently-summoning scrolls and the Lightning Rod jutsu is more in how fast they worked, from what we see of them, and I suppose the big cloud of smoke from the scrolls. They are very similar to the scroll Kakashi uses to summon his nin-dogs though, so there is justification for having them work that way. Probably the main requirement would be getting a good look at how other summoning jutsu work, or else the previously discussed idea for a space-time seal that makes a double-ended "wormhole" pocket space instead of a storage seal with only one point of access.
One question: Considering that the MC's mind doesn't run on fleshy substrates anymore, is it now possible to alter his own subjective perception rate of time passing without risking a seizure? Accelerating his own mental speed (if possible) can be a very game-breaking force-multiplier.
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One question: Considering that the MC's mind doesn't run on fleshy substrates anymore, is it now possible to alter his own subjective perception rate of time passing without risking a seizure? Accelerating his own mental speed (if possible) can be a very game-breaking force-multiplier.
Maybe once he gets his hands on a Sharingan, he's still limited to Chakra for the most part and experimenting with your own perception is probably really risky in his situation.
Not quite. From what I recall, the teams that opened up only the one scroll got a chunin to show up and knock them out, so it would have worked more like a beacon that they could shushin to rather than a teleportation seal. If teleportation was that easy, then neither Tobi nor Minato would be worth much at all.

I'm pretty sure it was a summoning because Naruto did the same thing with his clones in the battle against Pain.
I'm pretty sure it was a summoning because Naruto did the same thing with his clones in the battle against Pain.
There's a difference between a one-off move that only a single person can use, and a mass produced bargain Hiraishin. The latter essentially re-writes the playbook of how strategic movement and tactical scale combat works in the elemental nations.

Also summoning chakra constructs like clones is probably easier than moving human bodies.
On the topic of summoning, it's worth noting two things:

1: Kabuto is able to summon Manda using Orochimaru's blood on a seal on his arm. Support for the need just a summoner's blood thing.

2: Re: summoning scrolls. Kakashi's ninja dog scroll being pierced by Senbon by Haku unsummons all the dogs instantly. This suggests that they might not be so much overly difficult to manufacture, as a ridiculous Achilles Heel for summoned people, if we assume the Forest of Death scrolls work the same: you don't have to kill Summoned WTF Ninja Z, you just have to do trivial amounts of damage to the scroll to get him outta the fight.

It's also possible that, at the same time, such would be considered a massive personal security risk. The guy who was supposed to summon you? yeah, he got knocked out, they stole the scroll, and now you are being summoned into a godsdamned deathtrap. Yaaaaay.
It's also possible that, at the same time, such would be considered a massive personal security risk. The guy who was supposed to summon you? yeah, he got knocked out, they stole the scroll, and now you are being summoned into a godsdamned deathtrap. Yaaaaay.

That puts a very different spin on the Scroll hunters in the second phase of the Chunin Exams. eg. Steal the scrolls go home then summon Who knows how many chunin or jounin into a sealed off location. For "interrogation".