Dance Puppet Dance! (Transhumanist Naruto OC)

Would probably prefer putting in the heart or another retcon
Edit: Don't really care for the needed hearts to do stuff. If it is really that big of an issue for you though, the seal he's already got should be allowing shared resources across all bodies right? Then just grab a bunch of squirrels or other animals and put the seal on them in order to connect them to the network. That way there are a ton of hearts from different animals to draw the yang chakra from.
I did a retcon, but now I'm thinking that he'll use this idea later, it's too cool of a way to get around the weakness of using vulnerable hearts. Thanks sdarian.

EDIT - Actually, the original retcon was kind of clunky, and probably relied on theories he hadn't made yet. So I used this idea already.
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Looking at that map makes me mad that Kishimoto couldn't take a few more minutes to think over better names for his fictional world countries.

Noodle, Tea, Grass...

The only consolation I have is that he didn't go and name them colors.
Looking at that map makes me mad that Kishimoto couldn't take a few more minutes to think over better names for his fictional world countries.

Noodle, Tea, Grass...

The only consolation I have is that he didn't go and name them colors.
I actually think it's kind of neat how they are named. It's certainly no worse then the names we have for countries in the real world.
Reaaally? Neat?

I cannot imagine anyone showing national pride at being a Noodlian or a Bearite. What do we call people from Demon country? Youkais?

I know the people of Grass country in spanish would most likely be called Marijuaneros even if the name wasn't Weed.

It just reeks of lazyness to not come up with something else.
Serial Killer-ish
Date: Two months four days since awakening
Subject: Update

We haven't been staying in any one spot for long, constantly moving from place to place in order to keep from having our camps discovered. Due to the desert terrain Suna traditionally practices more guerrilla tactics, not really liking major battles where dozens or even hundreds of troops can be lost in an instant.

I'm being made to do patrols alone, Sanji's decision. Officially I'm hot shit but to him I'm just the regular sort of shit. I guess the idea is that I'm hard to damage, wouldn't die even if my body happened to be destroyed and can instantly report back the locations of anyone I find, and won't get any of the other Suna nin killed.

I could blame him, but it makes sense, and in reality I don't much care for having random team mates looking over my shoulder on every action I make.

The hardest part so far has been the terrain issue. With the way that the mountains spring up so suddenly, and with rivers and dense forests everywhere else, it's a situation where every scouting area is terrible. When you have ninja that can climb mountains in minutes every peak can be a lookout post, water walking makes every river a road rather than a barrier. Anyone trying to look from on high can be seen from below, and anyone from below and be seen from above. There's really no ideal position, everything is a liability here.

My stance is to use birds in the sky, squirrels in the treetops and human shaped puppets on the ground. I figure that ground level will have the most underbrush and thus the most cover, though the tradeoff is naturally that it's also the most vulnerable to surprise attack.

Date: Three minutes out from targets
Subject: Iwa genin located

Birds spotted a group of three coming from the east, moving approx one third of full tree-hopping pace. They're about three minutes from my position. Look to be young, low teens, probably genin squad sent on low risk regional patrol. Scouting for backup teams and ambushes revealed nothing, will set up trap and capture or eliminate.

Date: Two months six days since awakening
Subject: After action report

I got some flash bang tags set up around the ambush point, they didn't have any effect on my puppet senses so it was fine.

When the Iwa team came through into the clearing I had several puppets disguised as deadfall. I attacked one of them immediately with senbon from one of the disposable puppets to the rear of their position. This caused them to stop and go on the alert, straining their senses enough so that when the first set of flash bangs went off they were more stunned than they otherwise would have been.

From their distracted position I launched an attack from my main body with my whip-dart towards the lower back of their bulkiest member. A paralyzing move so that if they wanted to retreat with him then they would need to result to total vulnerability in order to move him.

The non-linearity of the whip-dart seems to have done its job in disguising my original location, once they recovered from the initial assault and set up defenses postures around their paralyzed team mate they aimed most of their attacks towards the disposable puppet that first initiated combat. That one was pretty damaged by the attacks, might be trashed.

To disable the last two I began with a harrying attack with kunai from several directions while readying a massed attack from my birds and squirrels. The two puppet forms move in completely different ways and have different strengths, so I discovered that by waiting for the Iwa nin to predict the actions of a specific incoming puppet and then using kawarimi to switch it with one of the other puppets at the last moment it allowed for a significant increase in damage-per-second.

Not sure whether or not to report this to my superiors, might just say that they're dead and disposed of.

Date: A few hours after the battle
Subject: Research on shinobi

I decided to not report that I'm keeping these guys. They'll probably on be alive for a few days anyway, so it's not exactly a lie.

It's such a pity you can't seal living people into scrolls, odd too. I mean, you can seal yin chakra, yang charka, souls and bodies, each independently, but you can't seal a living person. It's not because of the process of sealing itself, since summoning uses very similar principles, so most likely it's due to the lack of air in whatever sealed environment is provided, possibly a lack of pressure as well. Might want to get something like scuba gear, hook it onto someone and try sealing them for a few minutes.

I dragged the team to a secluded spot far enough away from the battle to not be noticed or tracked. There are a couple of things I really need to know, how much of a difference is there between a shinobi's chakra network versus and animal's, and can I break into their minds using the yin seal I developed.

The second is important, since I can't do a lot of the construction and excavation work I need without Doton jutsu.

Right, so symbol for yin, lines to represent the cage and script surrounding it to block off further interference… aaaannd there. First test subject is ready.

My idea is that the Yamanaka need their special jutsu to project their minds and initialize the access, this seal does both for me, the rest of their jutsu are for dealing with the ego once they get in. For that I have the parallel processing of dozens of bodies ready to attack en-mass. What I wouldn't give for some narcotics right about now, a few drops of some hallucinogenic and I doubt that he would be able to put up even the slightest amount of resistance.

I'm going in.

Date: Two months seven days after awakening
Subject: Research results

I dived into all three, not sure how useful it really was just yet. Most of what they knew was just academy bullshit, not even close to useful to me, a lot of the rest was propaganda or daily life. One of them wasn't even earth natured, but rather fire, and none of them had practiced any real nature transformation. Disappointing.

The only new jutsu I got out of it was the Hiding like a Mole technique, C ranked and fairly standard for Iwa shinobi to know before being allowed into the field. It wasn't really what I wanted, but I'll take it. I'll have to get a couple of puppets to work on Doton transformation, the idea of crumbing earth shouldn't be all that hard to figure out.

For their chakra networks, from what I can tell the seem to essentially hold a record of all the jutsu each shinobi is capable of, hence why the hunter-nin incinerate bodies on finding them and why most jounin will go out with a destructive suicide jutsu if they know they don't have a chance. So really, the only major difference between getting the information from their bodies and getting it from their minds is that by delving into their minds I can keep their coils intact for other uses.

I did have to psyche myself up to killing them though. I think that fact that no one would care if I did, and that I would actually be blamed if I didn't, caused a lot of changes in priorities. I would hesitate to call it social pressure, since I never really spent all that much time around the people of Suna, and I don't have much comradery with the other shinobi stationed out here.

I think I probably had an easier time of it since I didn't try to kill them during battle. I know that people say it's easier during a fight than killing a defenseless man, but it's hard to intentionally aim for a lethal blow with melee or thrown weapons. I found it much simpler to just open up a tiny bit of an artery and let time do the rest, it's psychologically a lot simpler than the whole slashed neck routine.

Anyway. I took their skins and hearts… man, I sound like a serial killer just saying that. No, it doesn't put the lotion on its skin, it uses a solution to tan the hides so that they don't decay. I don't have any idea how Sasori got his heart to keep producing yang chakra, but I'll probably be doing experiments on it in the future. I did consider possibly hooking these three shinobi up as living chakra batteries, the problem though is that yang is vitality, and without constant physical activity their yang levels would decrease till they approached those of coma patients, completely atrophied and useless.

Besides which, a sudden strong spike in yang chakra would utterly ruin my chakra control. That's just not worth it.

Date: Two months nine days since awakening
Subject: Returned to camp

Oi, finally returned from your route?

Yeah. Ran into a team of Iwa genin, had to make sure I couldn't be tracked from dumping their bodies.

Oh?! Anything to report about that?

Not really. I didn't get a chance to interrogate them, they had pretty decent teamwork and stuck to one defensive zone, I couldn't get a chance to capture them one by one, and even if I had, bringing them back all this way just to interrogate a couple of small fries like that would have been more trouble than it was worth.

That's not your choice to make, genin.

You put me out in the field without any supervision, that gives me operational autonomy in my book. It was my call to make and I didn't have much latitude as it was.


When am I going to be allowed to set up a communications network with the other camps?

Talk to commander Akari about it, she's the one you have to impress. As it is you don't have clearance to know the exact locations of the other camps, nor the capability to keep that information secure from enemies.

As if. I can't be tortured, I can't be cornered by an interrogation jutsu, there's no one better able to keep military secrets than me.

Like I said, tell it to Akari, it's not my call.



Yeah, so there's that. Now I have to convince the camp commander, except I seriously doubt she has enough authority to know the locations of the other camps herself. I think she's just a lower level jounin, this flank is far enough out of the way that it doesn't really warrant any real powerhouses.

I'll need to get an endorsement sent through her to Suna proper so that it can be approved by probably either the Kazekage or Chiyo. That's not going to be easy, getting enough proof of capability to create that kind of endorsement. I think I might need to start engaging in the traditional samurai hobby of head-hunting. If I bring in a valuable enough prisoner, or the head of one, then that should be able to act as my resume for the powers that be, proof that I can be trusted to be able to protect any secrets I'm given.
That was... chilling. Still, they haven't embraced glorious machine supremacy, those meatbags deserved it!
Yeah, the amount of not giving a shit for human life is disconcerting.

Would your character try to atone for this in some way. At least show some humanitarian sentiment and after the war use his considerable manpower at his disposal to rebuild and provide education to the civilian disaster areas thwat will be created from the conflict.
Would your character try to atone for this in some way. At least show some humanitarian sentiment and after the war use his considerable manpower at his disposal to rebuild and provide education to the civilian disaster areas thwat will be created from the conflict.
No, he really doesn't care about anyone but himself at this point, which is probably a permanent character trait. He's goal focused on the ending he sees, believing that the ends justify the means. Though, that's all pretty much just plot device, if he couldn't kill then the story would be stalled until he could.
well they were kids so I wish u had let them go, but I cant wait for the next segment. I like the story, although this is not the kind of inventor I would have written, its nice to see an inventor in the Naruto world who is not a sadistic retard.
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What kind of inventor would you have written?
well it wouldn't be a different kind of inventor, so much as focus on a different field. I would have focused more on seals , and after enough control and understanding is gained over chakra, I would have invented utility techniques that would allow me to observe interactions between chakra and matter at the subatomic level. I would also have , not only absorbed a shinobi's knowledge non lethally but also wiped their memeories and let them go. but the mc cant be faulted for that, he doesn't no any mind manipulation techniques
No, he really doesn't care about anyone but himself at this point, which is probably a permanent character trait. He's goal focused on the ending he sees, believing that the ends justify the means. Though, that's all pretty much just plot device, if he couldn't kill then the story would be stalled until he could.
Make him meet a starving wounded little girl in one of his scouting expeditions.

Extra effect if she is a orphan.

Now with this setup would he leave or adopt the girl?
I would have focused more on seals , and after enough control and understanding is gained over chakra, I would have invented utility techniques that would allow me to observe interactions between chakra and matter at the subatomic level. I would also have , not only absorbed a shinobi's knowledge non lethally but also wiped their memeories and let them go. but the mc cant be faulted for that, he doesn't no any mind manipulation techniques
I think that there's way too much emphasis on seals, with the general idea being that they can accomplish literally anything. Chakra's so ubiquitous that I kind of doubt that there are atoms in Naruto-verse, let alone sub-atomic particles, but that could easily be written in as just a story element. Never much cared for the whole pacifist ninja/pirate/hitman thing, it's kind of nonsensical.
Now with this setup would he leave or adopt the girl?
Leave probably, unless there was a reason not to. That scenario, with the cold hearted guy feeling sorry for some random little girl is so overused. Reminds me of all those stories where the Kyuubi goes "those bastards dare hurt a child!", kind of ridiculous really.
Leave probably, unless there was a reason not to. That scenario, with the cold hearted guy feeling sorry for some random little girl is so overused. Reminds me of all those stories where the Kyuubi goes "those bastards dare hurt a child!", kind of ridiculous really.
I was not going for the revenge/anger part and didn't think about it.

But for the "another person is in distress(right in front of me)". Normal person would help unless bystander effect reared its head.

Sorry, but amoral/psychopath characters don't interest me. They are the definition of one dimensional characters. There is nothing interesting, spontaneous or unexpected that can come from them.
Sorry, but amoral/psychopath characters don't interest me. They are the definition of one dimensional characters. There is nothing interesting, spontaneous or unexpected that can come from them.
That's fine, I get it. But character development isn't what I'm going for here. I actually have very little idea how to pull off decent character development anyway. I feel the same way about moral characters as you do about amoral characters. The whole emphasis is more on what could actually be achieved with puppets.
This is really imteresting, and I'm very happy to see your charavter isn't a retarded 'higher than thou' moralfag whom doesn't realize that your own survival, power and happiness takes precedence over others.

Not only that, you could go as far as to say that you've got a responsibility to grow as mighty as possible. These people are primitives stuck in unemding war - an exalted god-emperor around to keep the peace and bring sophistication to the world at large is quite the steep price/goal to have. (It'd be a natural consequence of immortality, y'know. Equals are mighty hard to come across vonsidering your characters social isolation and consequent choices).

Following the footsteps of that Unaging Immortal Akatsuki Heartstealer is also a pretty swell choice.

As for that orphan girl? You harvest her.
Like, SOULS EXIST!! It's easy to rationalize that killing people fast in humane ways ain't that bad. Cause it's honestly true here. They don't "die" in this reality. Reincarnation is canon fact. Pulling people from the 'Pure World of Souls' is quite possible.


Writing on phonr.
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Making of a name
Date: Two months thirteen days since awakening
Subject: Preparations

I managed to borrow a bingo book to try to find targets and weaknesses. Now that I actually say that out lout, the name is really stupid. It makes me think of like an instruction manual for playing a really bloody version of bingo, where the bounty hunters have to get the right kills to fill out their sheet, fortunately the center square is free so that makes it easier on everyone.

Unfortunately I won't have any real idea of who is actually at the Iwa camp until I scout out the area a bit.

Repairing the puppet from the fight wasn't easy. The kunai really did a number on it, several of the internal cables are severed, and the splintering has clogged up the ball joints. I can probably salvage the main pieces, sand them down a bit, but the spheres will have to be re-carved from scratch.

Date: Two months fifteen days since awakening
Subject: searching for Iwa encampment

I've been doing a zigzag search pattern with my birds, high altitude, south to north, west to east, starting at the least likely zones and moving closer and closer towards Earth country.

No luck so far, nor any patrols spotted.

Date: Two months seventeen days since awakening
Subject search results

No camps, two enemy patrols, unable to tail them for long before arousing suspicion. Trails seem to indicate that their base is to the north-east of the country's capital.

Date: Two months nineteen days since awakening
Subject: search results

Number of patrols increases dramatically when looking closer towards Claw's capital.

Date: Two months twenty days since awakening
Subject: Iwa base camp

Found it! Half way sunk into the ground at the back of a blind canyon. I assume that there's probably an escape route planned out, though in reality an escape route with ninja could easily be straight up a sheer cliff face.

Date: Two months twenty six days since awakening
Subject: Infiltration

It took a few days to fly a bird back, I loaded it up with a dozen of my left over insect puppets and fly it back. It's a lot of work just to ferry such a tiny payload. The birds are actually quite slow, about the pace of a real bird, so as to avoid suspicion. If I were going full tilt I could reach the Iwa base in a day, maybe less.

Bird is swooping low now. I've released the passengers…

Seems I was at least partially correct. The area that's visible from the air is all barracks, people moving in and out frequently, yet there are no command tends, no hospital tents, no armories or storage areas. All the logistics are elsewhere, this is just a clearing area for field teams.

I recognize that guy, Naboru Isumi, high ranked chunin with a specialization in rock traps. Pit falls, rockslides, surprise boulders, his record has it all.

Oh, and that looks like Masaka Hitomi, genjutsu mistress.

There are some dangerous people around here. Or, at least they're dangerous for me.

There are enough insects buzzing around the lights… I think I can get a few of my own to intermingle with them unnoticed.

It's odd, I had thought that there would be an underground passage for sure, something like Otogakure, but I'm not seeing any. If this is really all there is here, then they must be pulling out, just leaving a few of their stronger people to hold their rear.

Aaaannd gotch'ya. I infiltrated a single insect into some fabric folds of some of the stronger people. Even if they find them they're just seem like dead bugs that got squished between layers. Alight, it'd be a bit embarrassing if one of them sensed the chakra in the supposedly dead insect, but the amount of chakra flowing into them is really comparable to a living insect, so it should be fine.

Date: Two months twenty seven days since awakening
Subject: I'm an idiot

The bugs I left on the chunin revealed that there is indeed an entrance. A bunch of rock nin hiding their door behind a rock, what a shocker! I can't believe I didn't think of that.

They seem to open up every morning and evening to switch out personnel and supplies. I'm sure that there are a few backdoors to the complex, but they're also doubtless hidden at least as well as this one.

When the next opening comes I'm sending in a couple of scouting bugs to check it out.

Date: Twelve hours later
Subject: Chance

Slipped in three bugs, last one almost didn't make it, getting clipped on the tail. If it were alive it would probably be leaking ichor and internal organs right now.

The design doesn't seem to be like Orochimaru's bases, maybe the twisty pattern in the stone was a personal conceit, meant to represent writhing snakes, it's make sense with the dark purple stone and poor lighting, possibly as a camouflage for any actual snakes he left lying around.

This base is well lit with plain brown stone. Homogeneous enough with the surrounding rock that even if you carved your way in from the outside you probably wouldn't notice the difference in texture or appearance.

Simple layout, I'd expect it to be convoluted. Maybe it's because it has a lot of people coming and going, or maybe because it's temporary, I haven't quite figured that out yet.

First level seems to be the hospital, makes sense, don't want to be going up and down stairs with the dying. Grid pattern to the hallways, emergency escape route… seems to be over to the north, that'd put its exit near the river. Ok, in that case they'd probably just float back to Earth country and safety, smart.

Second level is storage and logistics it looks like. Huh, the armory is kind of bare. I would have thought that can manipulate rock would easily have the strongest manufacturing economy, yet for some reason they don't seem to have major applications in the mining industry.

Third level, here we go, administration and command. Shit, the commander is Tetsuo Ogata, mid ranked jounin. If Akemi is similar to Ebisu from the show, then Ogata is closer to Hayate Gekko. Even if we did attack this base full on, with the most favorable odds possible, they'd still slaughter us.

Taking out the commander simply wasn't going to happen. I seriously doubt I would be able to even make a dent in the guys outside, and if they got attacked then the automatic response would be for the people in the underground base to scatter… Huh. I think I have a plan, tis a cunning plan indeed, but I'll need to test a few things first.

Date: Two months twenty nine days after awakening
Subject: Sealed space

I was correct. I put one of my yang source squirrels in an airtight container and sealed it. He came back fine.

Between making the human sized containers, I'll just call them caskets, and churning out enough disposable puppets, it's going to be a busy few days.

Date: Three months eight days since awakening
Subject: Preparations complete

I made sure to complete sixty caskets, a third again as many I should need in even the best of circumstances, and managed to get twenty six disposable puppets ready in time. I've got them sealed in some scrolls stuffed in the bellies of some of my birds. It should hopefully work as planned.

Date: Three months ten days since awakening
Subject: After action report

I started off by having twenty puppets disguised as Suna nin approach the surface encampment. Five were sent under the dirt to begin the surprise assault.

Something that is never really used, but which I have no intention of overlooking, is mixing together subterranean movement jutsu with explosives. It's not quite as effective as a monodirectional bomb, anti-personnel mine or claymore, but it still does the job. I tried to select gravel heavy zones just in case.

When the explosive tags went off all hell broke loose. The chunin ordered up their teams, the green genin started pissing themselves, it was utter chaos for about ten seconds. That was how long it took for the puppets to get into combat range, and for the Iwa nin to start reacting according to engrained habit.

The five I had underground previously came up in their flank, but Naboru Isumi matched them far too easily. That was a straight up slaughter, I couldn't do a thing to him. What the move did accomplish however was that he was distracted for a few minutes while the other puppets harassed the main body of the enemy.

I didn't need to win, I just needed to scare them and make them eat up time.

While that was all going on, the evacuations of the command area were happening to the south, while the wounded were being ferried out the north. The commanders would probably circle around and attack my rear, but that didn't matter to me.

Since I already know roughly where to look, it wasn't that hard to predict the ideal location for the hospital to evacuate from. That's where the other six puppets came in.

Iwa's medics weren't shinobi, they were academy dropouts, conscientious objectors, people with too much control but too little power to ever be useful in combat. The dangerous ones were the wounded, one or two of them might actually be a bit of a problem, but I planned ahead for that as well, having used my days of advance opportunity to soak my insect puppets in sedatives from the very hospital they were evacuating. A couple of preemptive bug bites and they were too zonked to be able to react, though it wasn't actually enough to fully incapacitate them.

There's no Ninja Redcross, no inter-village warcrimes commission, no ban on attacking medical convoys. If anyone proposed that sort of stuff to the shinobi they'd probably either laugh in their face or just be incredibly confused.

The only thing that really mattered was that the people coming out of the door were valuable targets, people far too strong for me normally, but currently weakened. So I grabbed them.

Twenty eight shinobi and fifteen medics. All sealed away in caskets and placed in scrolls. No chance of escape. The highest ranked one is probably a higher level chunin. He might not be a commander, but the intelligence he can provide will be invaluable.

… I wish I could take some of these guys apart, they're skills might be useful, but no, they were bargaining chips. Nothing really important enough to go for their bodies anyway, I only prioritized to two I took before so I could do research on making human puppets, trying with something more complicated this early out the gate would probably be a mess.

Date: Three months twelve days after awakening
Subject: Results

Tis better to ask for forgiveness than permission. Probably helps that I brought in a few dozen enemy captives on my own. I'm still being punished though.

Having to work logistical support for a while isn't a bad bargain, not for getting what I wanted. I have acknowledgement, I have my name on a report heading for the Kazekage's own desk that shows I can handle myself. I even made sure that note was made of my communications capabilities and suggestions, just in case.

All according to plan. Mwahahaha.
So, our main character can have full access to his mind no matter the size of the puppet he inhabits and they all communicate with each other constantly. Could he make a puppet specifically to grab a small portion of yin that he could later use as a "back door" to their mind? Something that he could gather unobtrusively and then access miles away from the target?
Could he make a puppet specifically to grab a small portion of yin that he could later use as a "back door" to their mind? Something that he could gather unobtrusively and then access miles away from the target?
Not really. There are scenes in the show where they show what it looks like for the Yamanaka to actually take apart someone's mind. Accessing the inner workings is pretty invasive, not something that can be easily overlooked even if you already has a convenient way to access it. At best it'd be like a hidden plant, the guy would return to his village perfectly normal, then get taken over during the night and set on a suicide mission.
Not really. There are scenes in the show where they show what it looks like for the Yamanaka to actually take apart someone's mind. Accessing the inner workings is pretty invasive, not something that can be easily overlooked even if you already has a convenient way to access it. At best it'd be like a hidden plant, the guy would return to his village perfectly normal, then get taken over during the night and set on a suicide mission.
I never said the act of access would be unobtrusive itself. just the gathering of the back door. Hell, it could also be a way to to disable an entire team if you get a sample from each of them.
I never said the act of access would be unobtrusive itself. just the gathering of the back door. Hell, it could also be a way to to disable an entire team if you get a sample from each of them.
Oh, you meant absorb some of the other shinobi's yin chakra and house it in the same puppet as his own, allowing for that puppet to be an access point. That's an interesting idea, but it'd take a lot of work since absorbing chakra is supposed to be fairly complicated to pull off, and absorbing a pure sample of only half of it should naturally be more complicated still. Not nearly impossible though, still might be simpler to just attach chakra strings to them and puppet them directly like Chiyo does.