Alright, please don't. Please let it be before it really does drag into a derail and then a mod notice it. There is no need to draw attention to anything here nor do you win any award except maybe special attention from moderators if it gets out of hand.

Let us all just wait patiently while hoping the OP gets their muse back for more wholesome doG actions.
Yuuta caught sight of the red torii and quickened his pace, hurrying down the empty sidewalk until a hand clamped onto his shoulder and squeezed.

A push and his own startled turn brought Yuuta face to face with the leering red mask of the Oni.

"You have been busy," Lung's chief enforcer said. "You will explain to me with what, and why it requires assuming the threat of my wrath." The hand on his shoulder tightened, and Oni Lee dragged the youth away from the safety of the black paint pawprints, and out of sight of the torii gate.
I've been rereading the story, and this caught my eye.

Oni Lee just violated the truce with the shrine, here. He abducted a child off of the pawprint sidewalk, a threat implicit in his words. Nothing came of it, but it's still a violation, and Ammy really should've forced a redress for this.
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I've been rereading the story, and this caught my eye.

Oni Lee just violated the truce with the shrine, here. He abducted a child off of the pawprint sidewalk, a threat implicit in his words. Nothing came of it, but it's still a violation, and Ammy really should've forced a redress for this.
Oni Lee had paid the kid back, and Yuuta arguably had used Oni Lee name to enforce an order to ABB members without his consent/ approval. Nothing came out of it because everything had been redressed.
Oni Lee had paid the kid back, and Yuuta arguably had used Oni Lee name to enforce an order to ABB members without his consent/ approval. Nothing came out of it because everything had been redressed.
He should have waited until Yuuta was off of the sidewalk, or at least just talk to him but not touch him or force him off of the neutral ground. It'd be like Hookwolf attacking Bitch at Sommer's Rock because he had a personal grudge against her. Not okay.
I've been rereading the story, and this caught my eye.

Oni Lee just violated the truce with the shrine, here. He abducted a child off of the pawprint sidewalk, a threat implicit in his words. Nothing came of it, but it's still a violation, and Ammy really should've forced a redress for this.
You will note that Taylor herself addressed this later on, and to Oni Lee her words may carry even more weight then Ammy's actions.

He should have waited until Yuuta was off of the sidewalk, or at least just talk to him but not touch him or force him off of the neutral ground. It'd be like Hookwolf attacking Bitch at Sommer's Rock because he had a personal grudge against her. Not okay.

The truce insures the ABB would not interfere with non-gang members on the sidewalk. As far as Oni Lee know, Yuuta was a member, and thus not protected from an ABB internal matter, which using Oni Lee's name very much was. The case is iffy, but just fits under the line.
You will note that Taylor herself addressed this later on, and to Oni Lee her words may carry even more weight then Ammy's actions.
That was for involving him at all, since he's underage. It had nothing to do with accosting someone on treatied neutral ground.

The truce insures the ABB would not interfere with non-gang members on the sidewalk. As far as Oni Lee know, Yuuta was a member, and thus not protected from an ABB internal matter, which using Oni Lee's name very much was. The case is iffy, but just fits under the line.
"No ABB business in the shrine or its sidewalks" is part of the treaty. As is "no kidnapping, and no violence." A treaty that Oni Lee broke with that, an action which, I noted above, was never redressed. Apparently everyone overlooked it, although I can't see Ammy letting that go, even if Oni Lee has been quite helpful. You must enforce a treaty if it's going to hold any weight, which didn't happen here.
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He should have waited until Yuuta was off of the sidewalk, or at least just talk to him but not touch him or force him off of the neutral ground. It'd be like Hookwolf attacking Bitch at Sommer's Rock because he had a personal grudge against her. Not okay.
My read on it is that Oni Lee caught him just before he reach the sidewalk. It's admittedly not okay, yes, but in the other hand, his way of enforcing things also reinforcing his position and responsibility with ABB. It's partially saving face, in case there's a need to save face.

Mind you that these guys working mostly on gang mindset, not civil/ law enforcement mindset.
He should have waited until Yuuta was off of the sidewalk, or at least just talk to him but not touch him or force him off of the neutral ground. It'd be like Hookwolf attacking Bitch at Sommer's Rock because he had a personal grudge against her. Not okay.

if he has reason to believe the kids up to no good, then its a whole lot more reasonable;

to turn your simlie around, it'd be like Hookwolf attacking Bitch at Sommer's Rock because he had a personal grudge against her Bitch just moments ago did something worth a grudge and is STILL doing it and then throwing it in his face.

to be clear, hookwolf's still, well....hookwolf and deserves to be tried/conviced/etc....

but somebody going around places they don't have any bushiness in and THEN going into neutral terratory is reason enough to pull them away and question them.

admittedly, he probably could have done it better (watch the kid while hes in and then quesiton after he leaves unless he starts actively doing something there......etc). but...well, as the other's ninja'd me, this was needed.
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My read on it is that Oni Lee caught him just before he reach the sidewalk. It's admittedly not okay, yes, but in the other hand, his way of enforcing things also reinforcing his position and responsibility with ABB. It's partially saving face, in case there's a need to save face.

Mind you that these guys working mostly on gang mindset, not civil/ law enforcement mindset.
He was already on the sidewalk when Oni Lee pulled him off of it.

Most definitely against the rules of the treaty with Taylor and Amaterasu.

if he has reason to believe the kids up to no good, then its a whole lot more reasonable;

to turn your simlie around, it'd be like Hookwolf attacking Bitch at Sommer's Rock because he had a personal grudge against her Bitch just moments ago did something worth a grudge and is STILL doing it and then throwing it in his face.
What? No. Yuuta did that a day or two prior. He didn't do so on the sidewalk on the way to the shrine.

So, yes, Hookwolf (Oni Lee) went after Bitch (Yuuta) for something done days ago, while in neutral territory.

He should've gotten punished for that.
He was already on the sidewalk when Oni Lee pulled him off of it.

Most definitely against the rules of the treaty with Taylor and Amaterasu.

What? No. Yuuta did that a day or two prior. He didn't do so on the sidewalk on the way to the shrine.

So, yes, Hookwolf (Oni Lee) went after Bitch (Yuuta) for something done days ago, while in neutral territory.

He should've gotten punished for that.
""Th— there was a demon* at the school. A jorogumo." The assassin's finger stopped its impatient motion. Yuuta took that as a sign to continue. "It was killed by some of the Miko's exorcism slips. So I got some more and had the guys help put them up around the city.""

this wasn't a one-off nor was it something that's purely in the past.....this is part of something that he's been doing for at least the last while and *still doing*---enough that its been noticed.

So as I said in the latter part of my post there, but to re-phrase it, He's been doing something thats messing with the neutral territory (or at least looks like it).

if your getting caught up in the time-scale that my previous version implied, maybe it would be better to say that he's been showing up consistently and walking off with something (edit: or some other act that's not covered by the truce/neutrality)....he diden't know what/why obviously, but its still suspicious.

"Yuuta caught sight of the red torii and quickened his pace, hurrying down the empty sidewalk until a hand clamped onto his shoulder and squeezed." --> he was already acting with body-language that suggested *something* was off.

'"You have been busy," Lung's chief enforcer said. "You will explain to me with what, and why it requires assuming the threat of my wrath."'
---> Oni seems to have gotten intel (or at least, again, suspicion) about him having done *something* prior, and now, since he could tell that he was up to something and proved himself fearful of being found out, that it wasen't something good and had something to do with the neutral terratory.

conclusion? he was doing *something* for the last while (and by all apparences about to do again) and it probablyy should be addressed BEFORE he's given the chance to follow through on it even one more time. Oni's doing his job (even if not as well as he could have) of keeping ABB politics out of the neutral territory.

*Ironic that Oni's hearing about a demon or demons, and is concerned about such, when he named himself after one....
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And Bitch has been raiding Hookwolf's dog-fights repeatedly for quite some time. Doesn't mean he can throw her through the wall while they're both at Sommer's Rock for past transgressions when she's not the first one to break the accord.
And Bitch has been raiding Hookwolf's dog-fights repeatedly for quite some time. Doesn't mean he can throw her through the wall while they're both at Sommer's Rock for past transgressions when she's not the first one to break the accord.
I feel like your missing my point here; this is not neutral transgressions nor are they past transgressions....their current and relevant transgressions....he just doesn't know the details.

by all apparences, in short, Oni had reason to belive one of his own was about to break the neutrality.
My guess is that Amaterasu cares about results. Oni Lee's actions worked out for the better, noone got hurt, and in fact the entire thing ended up a big benefit for all, both involved and not, since it got more ofuda posted to protect things.
*Ironic that Oni's hearing about a demon or demons, and is concerned about such, when he named himself after one....
you don't know a lot of Japanese Yokai right?

there is a reason of why Japanese horror movies are censored when imported, Japan has a horror Legacy REALLY BIG; seriously, when Inosune (evil versions of a Kitsune and i probably mangled the name) are the SOFT danger, you know that everything is tring to kill you.

let me put you 3 different Yokai's from Wikipedia to you to read.

Ningyo - Wikipedia

Mokumokuren - Wikipedia

Abura-akago - Wikipedia

I feel like your missing my point here; this is not neutral transgressions nor are they past transgressions....their current and relevant transgressions....he just doesn't know the details.

by all apparences, in short, Oni had reason to belive one of his own was about to break the neutrality.
Having a justification for breaking a truce that is not covered in the truce and that still flagrantly breaks the truce is still breaking the truce. If Taylor and/or Ammy agreed to waive any punishment due to agreeing that maybe there was reason enough to do so, that's one thing, but that's not the case here. It was simply ignored and forgotten about.

Like, when Oni Lee saved Dinah, that could be considered forgivable without comment, because Oni Lee was defending the truce that Coil's mercs broke, even if, at any other time, attacking and/or killing people on neutral ground would've been a major breach. But that's not what happened here. Abducting someone off of truce-enforced neutral ground with the threat of violence is not okay, and that's a separate issue entirely from the ABB Local 433 pressing minors into service, especially those under the Miko's (and thus the Okami's) protection (which is what Taylor took Lee to task for).

It's okay for Lee to defend the truce by defending Dinah from getting kidnapped off of neutral territory, but it's also okay for Lee to kidnap Yuuta off of neutral territory? What?
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Having a justification for breaking a truce that is not covered in the truce and that still flagrantly breaks the truce is still breaking the truce. If Taylor and/or Ammy agreed to waive any punishment due to agreeing that maybe there was reason enough to do so, that's one thing, but that's not the case here. It was simply ignored and forgotten about.

Like, when Oni Lee saved Dinah, that could be considered forgivable without comment, because Oni Lee was defending the truce that Coil's mercs broke, even if, at any other time, attacking and/or killing people on neutral ground would've been a major breach. But that's not what happened here. Abducting someone off of truce-enforced neutral ground with the threat of violence is not okay, and that's a separate issue entirely from the ABB Local 433 pressing minors into service, especially those under the Miko's (and thus the Okami's) protection (which is what Taylor took Lee to task for).

It's okay for Lee to defend the truce by defending Dinah from getting kidnapped off of neutral territory, but it's also okay for Lee to kidnap Yuuta off of neutral territory? What?
pretty sure there might of been a quote somewhere that matters of honour are to the spirit rather than the letter.
I think the most important detail of all is being missed here.

It's not Taylor and Ammy that's enforcing the Truce. It's Lung. If he becomes aware of the transgression, then he's the one that should respond. That the incident was resolved quickly and without injury means it is not as important as keeping the more aggressive members of the ABB in line, which would take up more of his time. Thus, he is likely unaware of it, and unlikely to ever become aware of it.
I think the most important detail of all is being missed here.

It's not Taylor and Ammy that's enforcing the Truce. It's Lung. If he becomes aware of the transgression, then he's the one that should respond. That the incident was resolved quickly and without injury means it is not as important as keeping the more aggressive members of the ABB in line, which would take up more of his time. Thus, he is likely unaware of it, and unlikely to ever become aware of it.
While fair from his perspective (as he does not know of what happened), the truce is two-sided. Ammy and Taylor are the other side of it, and it is their job to enforce the truce when Lung does not. For instance, if Lung himself refused to do so, it's entirely within Ammy's remit to make him regret it.
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While fair from his perspective (as he does not know of what happened), the truce is two-sided. Ammy and Taylor are the other side of it, and it is their job to enforce the truce when Lung does not. For instance, if Lung himself refused to do so, it's entirely within Ammy's remit to make him regret it.
They did so, indirectly, by notifying his Lieutenant Oni Lee of the issue to insure such an event never happens again. Ammy did nothing because she needed to do nothing, not just in the sense that her actions were unneeded, but also in the sense that letting Taylor handle things reinforced her perceived authority, while acting directly would have undercut said position for Taylor.

Letting Taylor act strengthened their case and as a result the Truce. Ammy acting would have been less effective, as then the reasons would have been less clear.
They did so, indirectly, by notifying his Lieutenant Oni Lee of the issue to insure such an event never happens again. Ammy did nothing because she needed to do nothing, not just in the sense that her actions were unneeded, but also in the sense that letting Taylor handle things reinforced her perceived authority, while acting directly would have undercut said position for Taylor.

Letting Taylor act strengthened their case and as a result the Truce. Ammy acting would have been less effective, as then the reasons would have been less clear.
Actually, neither of them did anything, there, as I've been saying. Taylor took issue with recruiting minors, but that was a different issue altogether.
Not to cause trouble or anything, just wondering. is there a schedule for this, or just when it's ready?
I think that might be down to regional differences, as "I petted a dog" just sounds wrong to me. "I pet a dog" is what people would say where I'm from.
Bloody colonials!

I don't really think there is such a thing as an objectivly correct english language. It's a language of more exceptions than rules, not to mention the regional variations. Sounds right enough to me that it would be plausible dialogue, even from a fluent English speaker.
Bloody millennials!

you don't know a lot of Japanese Yokai right?

there is a reason of why Japanese horror movies are censored when imported, Japan has a horror Legacy REALLY BIG; seriously, when Inosune (evil versions of a Kitsune and i probably mangled the name) are the SOFT danger, you know that everything is tring to kill you.

let me put you 3 different Yokai's from Wikipedia to you to read.

Ningyo - Wikipedia

Mokumokuren - Wikipedia

Abura-akago - Wikipedia

Those are pretty bad. Very Grimm. Then again, so are the oldschool European fae (which are absolutely not to be mistaken for the House of the Mouse's modern fairies).
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