Something to notice in this chapter: the Protectorate, a law enforcement organisation, wants to ask a private citizen for permission to patrol those streets.
I can think of no police force anywhere IRL that would even consider that. They are the Long Arm of the Law -if they feel like showing colours on some streets, they do it.
That the Heroes bother asking rather than doing and crushing all who resist... it's one strange world.
Something to notice in this chapter: the Protectorate, a law enforcement organisation, wants to ask a private citizen for permission to patrol those streets.
I can think of no police force anywhere IRL that would even consider that. They are the Long Arm of the Law -if they feel like showing colours on some streets, they do it.
That the Heroes bother asking rather than doing and crushing all who resist... it's one strange world.
Maybe you only familiar with 1st world military and law enforcement. In places where informal rules hold more weight than formal law, these kind of things are pretty much the norm, for all the good and ill.
Something to notice in this chapter: the Protectorate, a law enforcement organisation, wants to ask a private citizen for permission to patrol those streets.
I can think of no police force anywhere IRL that would even consider that. They are the Long Arm of the Law -if they feel like showing colours on some streets, they do it.
That the Heroes bother asking rather than doing and crushing all who resist... it's one strange world.
This is a law enforcement organization that coordinates with a private vigilante group in canon, though. Hero tropes are in effect here.


Another Worm/Okami cross
ooh, let's check it-

it's got some cringe
ohh. L-let's check-

For those looking, I think this is the other womr/Okami fic being referred to, but I could be wrong: Okami of Brockton Bay Chapter 1, an Okami + Worm Crossover fanfic | FanFiction

It is not complete, so read at your own risk.
Well, that grammar's an absolute nightmare. Sticking here, thanks.

That said.
A bit sooner than that. Should be by chapter 60 at the latest.
I'm both glad this is going to be completed and sad that we're not going to get more of Good doG. Unless there's a sequel.

I forget, was it ever established whether Taylor was actually a cape? Because if not, I think it would/will be amusing for the Protectorate to find out.
I forget, was it ever established whether Taylor was actually a cape? Because if not, I think it would/will be amusing for the Protectorate to find out.
Formally, PRT just filed both of them (Brushstroke+Sunshine) as single Rogue entity, and treat them as such. Informally, many of them think that Brushtroke is a Cape that in denial. Most of PRT Think Thank just gave up in trying to analyzing Sunny. We know Tattletale Shard, for all intent and purpose, do a permanent kowtow to Amaterasu.
Something to notice in this chapter: the Protectorate, a law enforcement organisation, wants to ask a private citizen for permission to patrol those streets.
I can think of no police force anywhere IRL that would even consider that. They are the Long Arm of the Law -if they feel like showing colours on some streets, they do it.
That the Heroes bother asking rather than doing and crushing all who resist... it's one strange world.
Little more complex than that. It's the government asking for permission to patrol land held by a religious organization, which have historically held a degree of deference in such matters in Western nations (Hence the old concept of Sanctuary in the Church seen in things like Hunchback of Notre Dame)
Little more complex than that. It's the government asking for permission to patrol land held by a religious organization, which have historically held a degree of deference in such matters in Western nations (Hence the old concept of Sanctuary in the Church seen in things like Hunchback of Notre Dame)

Although that should be remembered to have been a combination of two factors.

The first, the Church at the time generally held considerable social power, in no small part because much of Europe sincerely and deeply believed in Christianity and the Church's ability to influence the world through their prayers or spiritual punishments.
Second, the Church at the time was a major land holder and as such held considerably economical and military might, helped along by the tithes even in areas not held directly by the church.

Because of this, angering the clergy by breaching their hospitality was risky, especially when you could end up being the one in trouble and in need of shelter.
Although that should be remembered to have been a combination of two factors.

The first, the Church at the time generally held considerable social power, in no small part because much of Europe sincerely and deeply believed in Christianity and the Church's ability to influence the world through their prayers or spiritual punishments.
Second, the Church at the time was a major land holder and as such held considerably economical and military might, helped along by the tithes even in areas not held directly by the church.

Because of this, angering the clergy by breaching their hospitality was risky, especially when you could end up being the one in trouble and in need of shelter.
Likewise, THIS church has some terrifyingly
Powerful friends, so it's best not to intrude without asking.
PTR are not exactly cops, and the territory they want to patrol is one they previously did not, because doing so would have lit the city on fire.
So now they are trying to get a foot in while they think they have a change, without setting the city on fire, so best to play it slow and be polite to the person who seems to be holding pretty huge amounts of influence in the area.
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Didn't Carol already donate beads after a nightmare lead to her becoming a more caring parent?
Carol has never visited the Shrine, and has not seen Taylor since Taylor put Chekov in her hands.
I forget, was it ever established whether Taylor was actually a cape? Because if not, I think it would/will be amusing for the Protectorate to find out.
It has not been established; the PRT assume so because of the odd results Armsmaster got when scanning Sunny. Meanwhile, QA is hanging out with Danny while he channels Rita Repulsa.
I just remembered.
Chessman pulled up to the Pawprint Shrine's sidewalk, not bothering to really park the vehicle he was in. There wasn't much point to carefully trying to parallel park when the ATV was just going to be shrunk down into his pocket in a minute. He had more important things to worry about, like the covered glass container in the passenger seat. It belonged to Mrs Henrick, as did the potholders he used to pick it up, and the wrapped bundle of silverware sitting on top of the dish's plastic cover. Chessman waited for the ATV to finish returning to its normal, inert plastic state, then carefully set the dish on the sidewalk long enough for him to pick up the vehicle and slip it securely into one of his costume's belt pouches.
I think it safe to say that, at some point, Danny decides that submitting his paperwork regarding Powered Vehicle and actually buying Hot Wheels toy tracks and cars actually worth the effort.
nah. the more he works on a model the more power to it. give him one of the high end gundam models for combat. or sports car models for transport
...Before we got into argument if Battlefleet Gothic is a thing in Earth Bet, let me ask you this important question. Do you see Director Piggot allowed Danny to build what essentially continent-killer device on PRT payroll?
I would not be surprised if she would, in case of Endbringer, have something Chessman could quickly assemble and animate stashed away in an otherwise unusable state.
I would not be surprised if she would, in case of Endbringer, have something Chessman could quickly assemble and animate stashed away in an otherwise unusable state.
Navis Imperialis, like many Warhammer 40k martial institution, is one whom word 'subtlety' had no meaning and words like 'collateral' or 'measured response' considered to be heretical.
Navis Imperialis, like many Warhammer 40k martial institution, is one whom word 'subtlety' had no meaning and words like 'collateral' or 'measured response' considered to be heretical.
That's fairly irrelevant though since, you know, there's more than the one fleet. Chessman benefits from actual game with actual rules, that does not mean he's obligated to pick Team Human or whatever.

I'm sure eg Eldar offer less collateral risk and more precision etc.
Eh, every faction in Warhammer 40k has little regard for collateral damage. What space fleet would he use that isn't going to absolutely wreck the entire east coast at a minimum? Glassing planets is a thing in 40k, and every faction is capable of it. Which is why ground troops are the preferred method if you want anything to be intact afterwords.
Why is everyone fixated on 40K though? I bet Chessman could absolutely get mileage out of assembling a ship-model for e.g. a Star Trek or Star Wars game. ...Actually, has he ever tried LARPing?
Eh, every faction in Warhammer 40k has little regard for collateral damage. What space fleet would he use that isn't going to absolutely wreck the entire east coast at a minimum? Glassing planets is a thing in 40k, and every faction is capable of it. Which is why ground troops are the preferred method if you want anything to be intact afterwords.
I mean, there's a massive difference between 'can' and 'can't not'. Scion can destroy countries, for example, yet does not do so on a regular basis by accident.

so like. Pointing out people can glass planets is useless, and frankly claiming everyone has little regard for collateral isn't even true. 40k is pretty collateral damage heavy, true, but not evenly so, and not to the kind of degree you're implying where 'fight' would automatically mean the equivalent of 'accidentally a star system' for all factions. In fact, it wouldn't mean that for any of them.