@Enetious I've been sick for the last few days, which is why I haven't been posting. I'm like 95% better now, though, other than a bit of a residual cough.

I think your plan is looking pretty good, though there was one thing I noticed when I was reading through the last few days' story posts:

Mami makes her muskets by transforming her ribbons, and that sounds more like Alteration than Projection. She was right there during the conversation, too, and she didn't say anything. Maybe she'll ask Archer about it? I know that Rin suggests that Shirou should use physical objects as a basis for his Projection in Heaven's Feel, and he dismisses it as impractical for his magic, so Mami's musket making might count as Projection, but it also might not.
Mami makes her muskets by transforming her ribbons, and that sounds more like Alteration than Projection. She was right there during the conversation, too, and she didn't say anything. Maybe she'll ask Archer about it? I know that Rin suggests that Shirou should use physical objects as a basis for his Projection in Heaven's Feel, and he dismisses it as impractical for his magic, so Mami's musket making might count as Projection, but it also might not.
The reason I wrote them as being Projection, rather than Alteration, is because they come out as fully-formed muskets. That's the image of them that Mami uses to create her weaponry. For everything else that starts life as ribbons, yes, that would fall under Alteration, but her muskets are Projections because muskets are already the image with which they are created.

It would be like trying to say that Shirou is actually using Alteration because swords have to start life as a lump of steel.
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The reason I wrote them as being Projection, rather than Alteration, is because they come out as fully-formed muskets. That's the image of them that Mami uses to create her weaponry. For everything else that starts life as ribbons, yes, that would fall under Alteration, but her muskets are Projections because muskets are already the image with which they are created.

It would be like trying to say that Shirou is actually using Alteration because swords have to start life as a lump of steel.
Shirou turns his magical energy directly into swords, though, while Mami turns her magical energy into ribbons that she then turns into guns by applying more magical energy. It's more analogous to how Shirou makes his arrows by Projecting swords and then using Alteration on them.
Shirou turns his magical energy directly into swords, though, while Mami turns her magical energy into ribbons that she then turns into guns by applying more magical energy. It's more analogous to how Shirou makes his arrows by Projecting swords and then using Alteration on them.
And Mami turns her magical energy directly into muskets. There is never a scene where we see Mami first summon ribbons, and then turn that ribbon into a musket; it's always just a musket, because the musket is the image in her mind of what her ribbon needs to be summoned as in order for her to attack with it. Things that come out as ribbons first and then turn into other things is Alteration, but her muskets are straight Projection.

However, discussing the semantics of Mami's muskets is not the point. The point is, we need votes, so if you can read this, we need your vote. Contribute to the grind in helping to narrow down the monster of a plan we have into something coherent and executable, or just vote for what we have straightaway; it doesn't matter. The point is, we need YOUR vote.
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[x] What are your plans for the rest of the school day?
-[x] Finish the school day you would normally
-x] What are your plans for after the school day ends?
-[x] Text the rest of the Holy Quintet informing them of Archer and Lancer's discovery of Assassin and ask them where they'd prefer meeting up. If you have to use the Incubator's network, do so but exclude the discovery of Assassin.
We have two more omakes posted at the end of Day 24. The Oriko one is more relevant to what's currently going on, while the Kirika one is Berserker being un-berserked, plus a little bit into her relationship with her mother, who may end up becoming more important now that she's in the know about puella magi stuff.

Now i just need to think of what about Mami and Kyouko that I can put in the last two spaces I've reserved.

And as always, more votes are always appreciated.
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Day 27 Chapter 7
[x] What are your plans for the rest of the school day?
-[x] Finish the school day you would normally
-x] What are your plans for after the school day ends?
-[x] Text the rest of the Holy Quintet informing them of Archer and Lancer's discovery of Assassin and ask them where they'd prefer meeting up. If you have to use the Incubator's network, do so but exclude the discovery of Assassin.

*ding-dong ding-dong* The bell tolls in the distance, signalling the end of another school day. You pack your things as your teacher dismisses the class, sighing deeply as all the thoughts that have accumulated inside your head fall around you. Assassin has holed herself up in Shirome, Archer reports. That puts her dangerously close to both Mikuni Oriko's collection of Soul Gems, assuming any still remain whose energy Lancer has not yet already consumed, and the trio of new girls. The possible intersection of those three elements is deadly, and cannot be underestimated. If those girls should happen to chase after Assassin, thinking her to be just another witch, that would solve the problem that they pose to you and your team.

On the other hand, if following Assassin should accidentally lea them to Mikuni Oriko's collection, then any chance of peace between their faction and yours will be dashed in an instant. Assuming peace could ever be an option to begin with...

Satomi Kaede gives you a half-hearted smile as she passes your desk on her way out of class, more a smile of longing than of happiness for you. Madoka, as if to assert her possession of you over the competition, approaches immediately afterwards, saying "I've got club today, so I won't be able to walk home with you."

"Right. Feel free to text me when you get out."

Madoka smiles for you, and you smile back, waving goodbye as she departs for her club room. Bringing up the rear are Sayaka and Hitomi, standing over your desk waiting for you. "Well?" Sayaka asks, slinging her school bag over her shoulder. "You coming or what?"

"I can't," you say, rejecting her with a shake of your head. "I'd love to, but I have something else I need to take care of."

"Got some super-secret business you need to take care of?"

You would hardly put it that way, considering how willing you have been to share the news of your endeavours with your friends. But, "Yes" at least that's a non-descript way of speaking about your afterschool activities. With that answer, Sayaka and Hitomi depart, leaving you free to venture to the third-floor classrooms, where the last lingering pair of students is already waiting for you. Tomoe-san looks happy to see you, and to your continued surprise Kure Kirika does not look displeased to see you as well.

"Did you need something, Akemi-san?" Tomoe-san asks, walking over to you once she is done helping Kure Kirika into her wheelchair.

"It's important," you say, making sure that the coast is clear - not just of students or teachers, but also of a certain unwanted intruder - as you enter classroom 3-A. "Archer found someone very important while he was out shopping today." You reach for your phone and type out a brief description of Archer's report, presenting it to Tomoe-san and Kure Kirika when you are finished. <Assassin is in Shirome. Archer knows where she is hiding. Need to meet up and discuss plan to deal with her.>

Once Tomoe-san and Kure Kirika have seen the message, you swiftly edit the <Send to> of your 'message', sending it to Kyouko and Mikuni Oriko with the press of a button. "We should all get together as soon as possible. Depending on what their responses are, where should we meet up?"

"It will be crowded, but I can offer the use of my apartment for our meeting," Tomoe-san says, looking to both you and Kure Kirika to confirm her suggestion. "We're getting close to the deadline, and I'd rather keep my eyes on Alina-san if I can help it. And this way, Mikuni-san has an excuse to get out of Shirome for a little while."

Kure Kirika nods, chiming in on Tomoe-san's suggestion with "Yeah. I'd prefer to get Oriko out of there as quick as possible if she's going to be hanging around the area."

Your phone vibrates. <You have (2) new messages>
<Mikuni Oriko: Yes, I'm aware. Lancer already informed me earlier today. Have you or the others already decided where we should meet up?>
<Kyouko: Lemme at her.>

<Homura: Mikuni Oriko- Tomoe-san has offered her apartment for use as our meeting venue. Kyouko- You will not engage Assassin by yourself. She is too dangerous for you to take on alone.>

<Mikuni Oriko: Give me an hour, then, and I can meet you at the station near her apartment.>

<Homura: You should also let Tomoe-san know. You two are closer than you and I; it would make more sence for you to inform her when you are arriving than to inform me.>

The five of you will be meeting at Tomoe-san's apartment. That means it will be your turn to host the quintet, next time. You pocket your phone, and return your attention to Tomoe-san and Kure Kirika. "Mikuni Oriko is in agreement with the plan. Kyouko, less so, but getting her to agree to anything involving Assassin other than 'Let me at her' is an impossibility all on its own." Heads of gold and chocolate nod at your words.

"Then it's decided. We'll meet up at my apartment and discuss our options for taking down Assassin." Tomoe-san looks at you, and adds "Did Mikuni-san say how long it would take for her to meet us?"

"She gave me an estimate of one hour, to meet her at the train station nearest your apartment. I also told her to text you when she's arrived."

"Right, then I suppose we'll see her in an hour." With her things in tow, Tomoe-san motions for Kure Kirika to "Come along, Kure-san. It wouldn't do to leave you behind when your girlfriend arrives, would it?"

She has been quiet since you arrived, but all it takes is for Tomoe-san to mention that Mikuni Oriko will be coming to her. "What are you talking about?" Kure Kirika says, grabbing her school bag and slinging it over the rearward handles of her wheelchair. "I'd never leave Oriko behind, not ever!" With practiced ease, she speeds her way to the door, and with great exaggeration drums her fingers against her armrests as she says in a fake-sarcastic tone "Come on you two, pick up the pace!"

Tomoe-san laughs into her hand as you and she follow Kure Kirika. "I'll say this, Akemi-san; I still don't know what happened to her back then, but I'm very glad to see that Kure-san's current happiness is genuine. Mikuni-san really brings out the best in her, doesn't she?"

"I wouldn't know," you reply. "I've only known them-" through their previous attempts on the life of Kaname Madoka "-as enemies. I'm still not sure what to think of having them as allies. But you've known Kure Kirika for longer than I have, so if you believe that her current happiness is genuine, then I'll believe you."

You've done something in this timeline that you would never have considered in the past. You have made Mikuni Oriko and Kure Kirika into allies. But, you wonder, watching bemusedly as Kure Kirika entertains herself with thoughts of Mikuni Oriko, will the same be possible again? Is there a way to bridge the divide between those three new girls and Mikuni Oriko and turn them into allies as well?

You have to try. Walpurgisnacht is coming; you'll need all the help you can get.

[ ] Wat do?
A single vote in all of three days? I know there was an attempt, but man if that attempt just didn't pan out. Big thanks to @NMS for being our one and only superstar! For that, I'll grant you the ability to have me add +5 to any one roll that I make for the rest of the quest, no expiration date. Use it immediately, or save it all the way up until the final blow against Walpurgisnacht, it's your choice.
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[x] To the Holy Quintet meeting.
-[x] Discuss the battle plan for the incoming Assassin Fight.
--[x] Ask, if we should use the same plan as last time or come up with something new.
---[x] if there's enough time, reveal the blackmail you had Archer get and discuss what you're going to do about your Puella Magi enemies.
[x] To the Holy Quintet meeting.
-[x] Discuss the battle plan for the incoming Assassin Fight.
--[x] Ask, if we should use the same plan as last time or come up with something new.
---[x] if there's enough time, reveal the blackmail you had Archer get and discuss what you're going to do about your Puella Magi enemies.
[X] Archer, got a little hack you can use if you guys manage to take out Assassin. So, you know how in one of the iterations of the Grail War Matou Zouken somehow summoned True Assassin when Kojiro Sasaki was supposed to be the war's Assassin? We'll be teaching you how to do that so that an actual Assassin Servant can be summoned under your Master's command, which should be useful on keeping an eye on the Incubator and taking care of future (and current) threats. True Assassins are pretty light on Magic use and you have Independent Action, so your Master should be fine, and if needed she could always just astralize True Assassin until she needs them.

So, I'll wait until you get something to write this down on or until a minute and a half has passed to commune this last part.

Good. Now, when over the corpse of Assassin or when she's incapacitated, your Master will recite as such:

Fill; fill; fill; fill; fill. Repeat five times, but when each is filled, destroy it.
Heed my words; my will creates your body, and your sword creates my destiny. If you heed the Grail's call, and obey my will and reason, then answer my summoning!
I hereby swear that I shall be all the good in the world. That I shall defeat all evil in the world.
Seventh heaven clad in the great words of power, come forth from the circle of binding, guardian of scales!

Got it?

[X] Plan Kill Her Till She Dies
-[X] (Archer) Inform your Master of the method Alaya informed you about, claiming it to be something that an enemy "Master" in one of your past Grail Wars used to resummon Assassin when said Assassin Servant wasn't a True Assassin, Hassan-i-Sabah. Write down and have her memorize the summoning ritual she'll use, either using paper from her shield or asking Mami for some. At the time of resummoning, if it comes to that, your Master could just pop it out of her shield to read along if necessary.
-[X] First make sure everyone if fine with taking out Assassin tonight
-[X] Have Oriko and Caster further narrow down the points within the area Lancer and Archer found to open up a breach into Assassin's Labyrinth with Archer's projections
-[X] Battle plan goes as follows: before anything else, have Mami connect you with all the Puella Magi and female Servants, then sending the male Servants into the Labyrinth. Looking through Archer's eyes, once you see Assassin plainly in the open, you'll stop time and bring your entourage into the Labyrinth to overkill Assassin omnidirectionally. Just in case have Lancer magically over-bind Assassin. Resuming time and looking through Archer's eyes, if Assassin dies then proceed to do as Archer informed you of in order to summon a proper Assassin Servant, stopping and resuming time after Assassin's confirmed dead to get to her body before it dissipates.
--[X] In order to draw out Assassin, the male Servants will attempt to be cordial and to trick Assassin, such as by offering her a meal in recompense for their previous actions against her; Berserker can disguise himself as a young woman ahead of time to keep up with the farce. If that doesn't work the male Servants will do everything in their power to draw her out by causing damage and attacking her as appropriate, and perhaps Caster has something that clears fog and smoke from the air to assist in such a task.

Oh, an update, neat.

EDIT: Swapped out summoning chant with the one already established in the quest.
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Good. Now, when over the corpse of Assassin or when she's incapacitated, your Master will recite as such:

Silver and iron to the origin. Gem and the archduke of contracts to the cornerstone.
The ancestor is my great master Schweinorg.
The alighted wind becomes a wall. The gates in the four directions close, coming from the crown, the three-forked road that leads to the kingdom circulate.
Shut (fill).
Shut (fill).
Shut (fill).
Shut (fill).
Shut (fill).
Repeat every five times.
Simply, shatter once filled.
――――I announce.
Your self is under me, my fate(doom) is in your sword.
In accordance with the approach of the Holy Grail, if you abide by this feeling, this reason, then answer.
Here is my oath. I am the one who becomes all the good of the world of the dead, I am the one who lays out all the evil of the world of the dead.
You, seven heavens clad in three words of power, arrive from the ring of deterrence, O keeper of the balance ―――!

Got it?
Just out of curiosity, is there a version that uses the same language as what was used in the dub of Fate/Zero? Or is that something I would have to reverse-dialogue if I wanted to see? Because that's the version I've already used in-thread.
Just out of curiosity, is there a version that uses the same language as what was used in the dub of Fate/Zero? Or is that something I would have to reverse-dialogue if I wanted to see? Because that's the version I've already used in-thread.
It's what Rin uses in the VN to summon Archer, but since the version you use exists (and is shorter) I'll just swap it out real quick. My bad. :p
This is a bit old now because I'm still catching up, but...
Admittedly, you are curious to see how Mikuni Oriko performs in combat when her goals are different and her partner actually knows what combat entails. Even if it turns out that you two do not work well in combat together, this will be a valuable learning experience for you both.

"If Oriko comes back with so much as a scratch on her, there won't be enough left of you to cremate."

Wouldn't trying to follow through on this threat just mean instant death? The geas was to burn our her magic circuits, which means breaking her soul gem. And breaking the gem means the body flops like the meat puppet it is.

EDIT- nevermind. Already covered in the chapter itself. Missed that while skimming. Might delete this post.
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