-[X] Offense
--[X] Archer: PHYSICALLY hand over Avalon to Kirika and tell her to use it to block the beam spam (don't absorb it but interpose it between the person going to be hit and the actual beam), then UBW
--[X] Gilgamesh: BEAM SPAM WITH EX MYSTIC CODES, maybe laugh manically if he wants. More specifically beam spam from behind Walpurgisnacht as he can GoB anywhere. Makes it so Wallyworld's attention is split.
--[X] OG!Lancer: Throw Gae Bolg Noble Phantasm
--[X] Kyouko: Giant Spear
--[X] Mami & Oriko: Railgun of doom. If Oriko can use her ability to predict where beams will hit, pull her off railgun duty for that and have everyone act accordingly. That's far more useful. If not, don't push it. If Oriko can't predict but Saber can, have Mami and Oriko go into full building defense mode to cover for the lack of Saber or rather her more limited range.
-[X] Defense
--[X] Saber: Check if Book of Wind can predict beam spam. Regardless continue to be part radical de-construction. Needs a hard hat at this point
--[X] Lancer: If she has any runes that would allow us to increase reaction times, apply them now. Do building defense if needed, if not attack with elemental bomb.
--[X] Bazett: Building defense.
--[X] Miyuki helps out with defense if she thinks she can or does whatever she thinks she can that is useful/meaningful. Have homura give her some of her grief seeds to catch anyone that is in a bad way and cleanse them without them having to do it themselves. If Homura does Max Isa arrow, have her hold a grief seed to Homura's soul gem when she fires.
--[X] Kirika: Observe Walpurgisnacht. If one of its beams looks like its going to hit someone, Time Alter and interpose Avalon between them and it. Make sure to not have soul gem in direct line of fire no matter what. Prioritize Meguca over Servants. I'll let your own judgement for which Meguca in specific she would prioritize over others.
-[X] Other
--[X] Homura: Experiment with power drain right now. See if she can survive max Isa arrows or how bad a timestop currently is. Give people warning about the timestop testing prior to it. If she thinks she can handle it without witching out, Max Isa arrow
--ALL MEGUCA: test out powers to see how the drain is to make sure no one witches out. Top priority over anything mentioned above. Except for Kirika.

Suggestions, comments or concerns?

FFS PlaguePaladin, you and your fucking ninjaing lol :p
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If it can, toggle back and forth between it and Book of Water to give warnings
This is my only gripe about your vote; Saber can only use one Book per turn, I believe I've already said.

Also, in regards to a lot of your planning, it feels like you're only taking into account Wally firing off one beam per turn. If she goes for more than what our team can handle at a time, who should be prioritised? Especially by Kirika- She can only block one beam at a time, so if Wally's firing off multiples at once who should Kirika's #1 block be for?
Well you're really good at making plans that are similar but better and more detailed than mine, so I suppose we're even.
I hope to see you joining the fight for vote supremacy when Enetious returns, since you've apparently mastered the art of "posting a vote to make someone else post a vote."
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This is my only gripe about your vote; Saber can only use one Book per turn, I believe I've already said.

Also, in regards to a lot of your planning, it feels like you're only taking into account Wally firing off one beam per turn. If she goes for more than what our team can handle at a time, who should be prioritised? Especially by Kirika- She can only block one beam at a time, so if Wally's firing off multiples at once who should Kirika's #1 block be for?

Is this even a question? Regardless of what we want, Kirika is always going to put Oriko first.

I misread your plan as having Kirika bait Wheel of Fire's beams with Avalon and got really scared for her for a second.
This is what I was going off for that.

There was no negative discussion I found for it not being possible.
I can't say I know or remember what my state of mind was at the time that vote was called. I may have not noticed Enetious calling for us to use two Books in one turn, and to me looking back on what I actually wrote it looks like I only had her using Fire that turn, which makes me think I must have missed Enetious also calling for Saber to use Wind in conjunction with Fire.
I misread your plan as having Kirika bait Wheel of Fire's beams with Avalon and got really scared for her for a second.
I would hope we aren't stupid enough to sacrifice our Big Sis like that. But now that you've said something, all I can imagine is Kirika wearing Avalon like one of those "The end is nigh" signboards you always see crazy homeless people wearing in sitcoms, while she runs around drawing Wally's aggro away from everyone else.
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I would hope we aren't stupid enough to sacrifice our Big Sis like that. But now that you've said something, all I can imagine is Kirika wearing Avalon like one of those "The end is nigh" signboards you always see crazy homeless people wearing in sitcoms, while she runs around drawing Wally's aggro away from everyone else.

Is it sad that I was looking for a aggro attracting thing to give her so she could around with it affixed to her with Avalon as described above...

I'll have some final edits for the vote within the next 18 hours. I apologize that I've been sooorta ass when it comes to vote recently. Real life is still kicking my ass for a few more days. Despite what it may seem like I'm still only semi involved because RL atm. >_<
Edits have been done; less offense and more defense/figuring out limits for how far we can push our Meguca and if any of our powers can predict the beam attacks.
You'll forgive me for forgetting, then. I'm so used to passivity from my players that I don't notice otherwise unless it's pointed out to me.
Is this been the most active the story has ever been? I know for long parts there was little activity for the most part, but surely there were times it flared up like it's been for the past month or so?
I know I've said this before, but Enetious leaving was the best thing to ever happen to all my other players. Don't get me wrong, I do want him to come back, but everyone that isn't him has come out of the woodwork and there's a lot more in the way of player contribution and discussion. Overall, despite being a flaming pile of shit in every other regard and which will continue to be a flaming pile of shit in every regard for the foreseeable future, 2020 has been the best year for this quest*

*In terms of raw participation numbers only. I'm actually fairly unsatisfied with how Part 3 has turned out quality-wise; I think the overall highest quality for this quest was in the second week of Part 2.
puts on tinfoil hat

Svs asked enetious to leave for more user participation

which is what I would have done