Maybe now we should use Gae Bulg. And Unlimited Blade works. And do we even have any other attacks in the first place? Aside from the normal ones?

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here is the thing about UBW... Will it work? Probably but that bitch is shooting out anti world beams and will probably just shred the reality marble like last time.

We got Homura's magic, and THANK FUCKING MADOKAMI, Ea would have wiped out all the corruption in the air for the moment as well as it would target that as an enemy.

The problem is I don't think we can dodge that shit since lasers are pretty much instantaneous... Though, maybe Gilgamesh can predict this shit and we can have Bazett on back up with Fragarach readied.

Tbh, only Kirika and Miyuki can't meaningfully contribute to offense.
Would the bitch still has anti world properties ?
Yes. Shattered World Destructor still retains the anti-world properties of the full World Destructor. The difference is that the shattered version is nowhere near as powerful as the full version, and isn't a guaranteed insta-death if we get hit by it. It still can insta-kill if it hits us or our servant in the worst place, but it isn't guaranteed to insta-kill us the way the full World Destructor would have if it hit.
Fuck me, this fucker is only on stage fucking three what is this fucking shit hot fucking damn WHY WONT YOU JUST DIE ALREADY YOU MOTHERFUCKER AHHHHHHH
I wouldn't say "only" because this is the last stage of the fight. We don't have to deal with absurd amounts of defenses, absurd super-attacks, or absurd familiar summons. We just have an HP bar we can actually touch, and a spamable attack we just have to focus on not being hit by, and we should be good, hopefully, in under five turns.
Well on the plus side, I think UBW is finally off Cooldown! Homura will also get the chance to get a good hit in with her Ice Magic.
here is the thing about UBW... Will it work? Probably but that bitch is shooting out anti world beams and will probably just shred the reality marble like last time.
We can reasonably get off a turn to take advantage of UBW before Wally fires back with a shattered World Destructor and ends our fun, theoretically two if we're willing to eat the cost to our Soul Gem to timestop for the duration of a turn. But there's a lot of corruption in the air, so we may not want to chance holding timestop for longer than a turn at a time.

EDIT: I should clarify on the immediately above point;
Ea would have wiped out all the corruption in the air for the moment
Enuma Elish wiped out the Nega-Hope Bounded Field, but do recall that there's still an ocean of liquid corruption just sitting around out in the open. We're still going to be taking that hit if we aren't careful with how we use our mana-intensive moves like time stop or one of the Finitora Freccias.
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So uh, this is probably obvious, but the World Destructor beams are insta-kill for the magical girls right?
If they hit the Soul Gem and break through Oriko's charm they will insta-kill us, yes. But if they hit us anywhere else we're safe, and we're even safe if they hit the Soul Gem and miraculously don't break Oriko's charm, though whether we're getting back up from being hit is an entirely different story. Same thing goes for servants- Hit through the spiritual core, instant death. Hit anywhere else, and they can still reasonably get back up as long as they aren't crippled to the point of being unable to fight.
Alright. So UBW and Homura do her mist powerful attack. What else. I'm still think we should keep Brynn doing her suicide attack on the table...
So from what I've seen neither of lancers NPs have been used.


Command seal amped throwing those.

We should see how the girls deal with corruption and laser beams before going with time stop UBW and GoB spam. Sounds mana intensive and something that requires more info and some prep work to do safely.
... That's a good point. Wally's not turning anymore, so will the extra strain from when Homura used Time Stop earlier still be there?
Right, vote planning time;

Archer: UBW, give Avalon to Kirika to hold.
OG!Lancer: Thrown Gae Bolg
Caster: Lazer spam
Lancer: Building defense
Saber: Building Defense
Oriko & Mami: Railgun of doom
Kirika: Rescue mode
Kyouko: Giant Spear
Bazett: Prepared Fragarach
Miyuki: Something? Cleaning others soul gems?

Avalon can actually block Ea- in the Fate route the way Saber won is by pulling it out of herself to interpose between herself and Ea's attack until Ea finished and then she Excalibur'd after that. Kirika has good reaction timing especially with time alter so it seems logical to me. Counter point is that Avalon didn't break but Saber didn't know if it'd last unharmed in a beam struggle more than a dozen or so seconds.

Question; When Ea went off it literally targets EVERYTHING that is considered an enemy... did it burn through any of the corruption in the air?

This is my tentative plan for the moment. I'm trying to find stuff that can block anti-world attacks but I don't know any outside of say Fragarach which just no-sells being hit or Avalon which is a EX Divine Mystery artifact.

Nasu experts, er, @Enetious @BoundaryPhantasm ...any of you guess want to offer any thoughts on blocking the world destructor beam spam?

P.S. Someone remind me in the sequel (assuming we survive) that when Lancelot comes back, IF HE COMES BACK, we should really have him get a Skype call with Arturia or something. It might make him happier to actually talk some of his problems out with the only person who can actually judge him.

EDIT: OKAY HERE IS A THOUGHT, I've been looking at this as blocking the attack but, BUT there is another way to go with it. There has to be something that Gilgamesh or Archer can pull out, some noble phantasm that has a literally "I draw aggro" effect. That way we can have one person with high speed take the attacks and we'd know they'd be going to them so we can put avalon with them to interpose between them and the attack.
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We should see how the girls deal with corruption and laser beams before going with time stop UBW and GoB spam. Sounds mana intensive and something that requires more info and some prep work to do safely.
... That's a good point. Wally's not turning anymore, so will the extra strain from when Homura used Time Stop earlier still be there?
It wasn't Wally rotating that put strain on Homura's timestop, it was the amount of ambient corruption in the air. She didn't need to a cleanse immediately afterwards when it was just a few small puddles and she only did it for part of a turn, but now there's an ocean of the stuff lying around, so using anything mana-intensive is that much more of a risk.
Question; When Ea went off it literally targets EVERYTHING that is considered an enemy... did it burn through any of the corruption in the air?
See the edit to my above post. Enuma Elish broke through the Nega-Hope Bounded Field making it so we can go outside without immediately dying, but there's still the ocean of corruption surrounding us. That won't kill us outright, but we should absolutely be careful that we don't touch it, and we should be very careful about when and how we use anything too mana-intensive, like timestop or one of the Finitora Freccias, and it's going to inform a lot about when we have to cleanse ourselves after using mana-intensive techniques.
This is my tentative plan for the moment. I'm trying to find stuff that can block anti-world attacks but I don't know any outside of say Fragarach which just no-sells being hit or Avalon which is a EX Divine Mystery artifact.
Avalon will protect whoever is holding it, but since Archer only has the one Avalon and Wally is swinging wide with several shattered World Destructors it's not a viable option for us to protect everyone with it. Fragarach isn't much better, unfortunately. Bazett can activate its causality-reverse strike-the-heart-first technique only when the enemy uses their strongest attack. Wally's strongest attack is the full World Destructor, not the shattered World Destructor which is considerably weaker. She can, however, use it as a regular projectile with much less power behind it; but it won't strike first, she only has three uses left, and there's no guarantee that a down-powered Fragarach can shatter an already shattered World Destructor.
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I tentatively believe we should have Homura take a second to experiment with time stop for a moment or two, with seeds on hand, to see the strain and appropriately prepare for when (or if, seeing as the strain could be really bad) she decides to time stop for a turn and have everyone unload on wally.

I also think the rest of the girls should do the same, and let the servants pick up the slack during that duration (realistically 5 ish seconds) before they start throwing out high level attacks and finding out they can't.
Experimenting sounds good. More importantly, we really should get a list of what we evenwant to get out of UBW since it won't be up for long.

Like, will it make a difference if we list out what Archer attacks with or is it just "an infinite wave of swords descend"

...actually could we use command seals to fix the holes that world destructor makes in UBW?

Completely unrelated to the vote but how bad has been the damage to the city at this point?

Forgot to mention this but Saber did make me laugh.
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Like, will it make a difference if we list out what Archer attacks with or is it just "an infinite wave of swords descend"
If we're choosing swords for specific effects, I'll do my best to make it clear that we're getting those effects. But if we're choosing just to slam a lot of swords into Wally, then that's what I'll be writing for.
...actually could we use command seals to fix the holes that world destructor makes in UBW?
I would need the word of someone more knowledgeable in Nasu-ese than I to answer whether a Command Seal is enough to repair a reality marble that's been hit by an anti-world. If @Enetious or @BoundaryPhantasm want to chime in, their assistance would be most appreciated.
Completely unrelated to the vote but how bad has been the damage to the city at this point?
Look at the map I post at the start of each day. See that triangle of city that forms from where the river splits and makes up the bottom-middle of the city? That's completely destroyed, drowned, and soaked to the brim in corruption. Most of the lower-left corner of the city is also destroyed. A large number of buildings in Downtown are in various stages of "torn up" from when Fragarach shattered the first World Destructor, but for the most part everything north of the train tracks is largely unharmed, though a lot of Downtown, being close to the river, is also plenty waterlogged from all the water that got displaced by the falling buildings that now occupy most of the river space.

The destruction encompasses Sayaka's apartment, Hitomi's house, Mami's apartment, the Kamijou house, and the school, to name just the buildings we care about. Mami's apartment and the school in particular are also right in the middle of the ocean of corruption.
Damn, the city is pretty fucked. About 40-50% of it is just gone.
Oh, yeah, the city is right fucked. The reconstruction will takes years before Mitakihara is back to 100%. The only upside to all this is that anyone in or going into the real estate business within the next decade is going to be making a killing selling all the new properties that'll need to be built.
Don't even need to worry about fooling the muggles with "gas leaks" considering the city was under the assumption that a massive tropical storm was on the way. At least anyone we care about that isn't also fighting alongside us is holed up somewhere safe right now.
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Oh, yeah, the city is right fucked. The reconstruction will takes years before Mitakihara is back to 100%. The only upside to all this is that anyone in or going into the real estate business within the next decade is going to be making a killing

"Hey remember this city where it got hit by a cat 5 hurricane?"

"You should live here'

Mitakihara is going to be cleared out of people, rapid moving out, etc.

Let alone the unnatural destruction that makes category 5 hurricane look like a joke, all the bad juju all the corruption is going to leave will clear people out.
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"Hey remember this city where 50% of it just fucking exploded for no discernable reason?"

"You should live here'

Mitakihara is going to be cleared out of people, rapid moving out, etc.

Let alone the unnatural destruction that makes category 5 hurricane look like a joke, all the bad juju all the corruption is going to leave will clear people out.
More like "Hey, remember this city that got completely destroyed when a tsunami wrecked it?"

If this were any other country on earth, you might have had a point. But this is Japan, the country that for most of its history built wooden houses along the rim of the world's most active underwater volcanic hotspot and, when those houses were invariably knocked down by all manner of natural disasters caused by said volcanic hotspot, said "Well, let's do that again." People still live in Fukushima after 2011 turned the city into the site of an IRL Godzilla movie, and people will return to Mitakihara once reconstruction is finished just the same.

The triangle part of the city is fucked, though, on that you are correct. That's going to be uninhabited for at least a decade, but I can readily believe that the rest of the city will spring back in short order. If you'd prefer, you can believe that Mitakihara will spring back because I'm lazy and don't want to make up a new city to set the sequel in.
Let alone the unnatural destruction that makes category 5 hurricane look like a joke, all the bad juju all the corruption is going to leave will clear people out.
The triangle part of the city is fucked, though, on that you are correct. That's going to be uninhabited for at least a decade, but I can readily believe that the rest of the city will spring back in short order. If you'd prefer, you can believe that Mitakihara will spring back because I'm lazy and don't want to make up a new city to set the sequel in.
Atleast the city won't become a hellhole like Brockton Bay post Leviathan or New Orleans immediately after Katrina...spoke to soon am I
Eh, we should just move to Fuyuki, nothing weird ever happens there. Totally normal. Completely boring.

It'd probably give Rin an ulcer.
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Eh, we should just move to Fuyuki, nothing weird ever happens there. Totally normal. Completely boring.

It'd probably give Rin an ulcer.
Let's not make the life of the best girl in our corner any more difficult, shall we? She's got enough on her plate from all the ulcers that dealing with Association bullshit gives her, let's not add any more.
Annoying Rin is a lifestyle I will always approve of, sadly.

That being said, it makes me laugh with the idea of them having to deal with Taiga in highschool, but that's just me.