Command seal powered Ea time.

I should be able to get a vote out this weekend. Again sorry for sorta disappearing for much of this week. Plus side is that my disappearance summoned Enetious?

Speaking of...

@Enetious, if everything goes well and we get to sequel we really really should have Homura develop her madoka arrow attack.
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Plus side is that my disappearance summoned Enetious?

Command seal powered Ea time.
Are you sure? I'm not saying no, I'm just saying that we should make certain of that before we go through with it, because if we do Ea we kinda have to have everyone else screw off before he fires it, and I'm not sure if this situation is bad enough to need it right now.

if everything goes well and we get to sequel we really really should have Homura develop her Madoka arrow attack.
Agreed. Isa is pretty much the only solid offense we have right now, so having something else is a good idea.

So, all I can think of right now for the vote is 'keep firing' and 'pull out Ea'. The last vote was kind of a stroke of inspiration on my part, idunno. Might want to think of ways we can get the girls to attack rather than just sitting in the fort for the rest of the battle, we kinda need to keep up the pressure and every last bit counts.
Are you sure? I'm not saying no, I'm just saying that we should make certain of that before we go through with it, because if we do Ea we kinda have to have everyone else screw off before he fires it, and I'm not sure if this situation is bad enough to need it right now
The way I'm seing it is Wallywood has broke her last bar, and the so now takes full damages from any attack. So sooner or later we'll need to pull it out anyways.
Let's be real; the girls are not the damage dealers. Gilgamesh, Archer and Lancer are our primary damage dealers. Personally I'd rather we keep our Tiny Hut going and not leave it. We have grief seeds to burn. Also gonna have Oriko give up a command seal or two to Mami. I'll actually have a vote out today.
Let's be real; the girls are not the damage dealers. Gilgamesh, Archer and Lancer are our primary damage dealers. Personally I'd rather we keep our Tiny Hut going and not leave it. We have grief seeds to burn. Also gonna have Oriko give up a command seal or two to Mami.
Yeah, that sounds about right. It's just that sitting around in the Tiny Hut without doing anything kinda chafes against my desire for an epic battle a tiny bit.

I'll actually have a vote out today.
Oh thank the Lord! I did not have the mental stamina to keep up votes myself.
Command seal amped Ea, command seal amped thrown gae bulg. Have Archer defend with rho while everyone else applies more offensive defensive measures.
--[X] Offense
---[X] Everyone Else outside BoE: Continue to keep up the heat with the big stuff. Elemental bombs, Caladbolgs, lasers, so on. Don't be afraid to pull out the big guns, so long as it's not egregiously costly.
---[X] OG!Lancer: Use the Gáe Bulg on Walpurgisnacht.
--[X] Hunkered down
---[X] Everyone else: Continue to hunker down, and prepare for the worst just in case Walpurgisnacht pulls something else out of it's sleeves.
--[X] It's Time (After everyone has pulled off their big attacks)
---[X] Mami: Boost Gilgamesh with a Command Seal.
---[X] Everyone Else: Fall back and protect the Book of Earth from anything that might hit it.
---[X] Gilgamesh: It's time. Pull out Enuma Elish, point it at Walpurgisnacht, and FIRE.

Something like this? It's not perfect since I used up most of my inspiration on the last post, but I think this summarizes what you guys have said. Feel free to nitpick or make something different.

Edit: Came back to change it, I feel like this gets the small stuff out of the way before the big attack, and is just a bit more epic.
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For whatever reason, I was under the impression that we'd get everyone else to fire off, then have Gil come in an Enuma Elish last, at least that's how you made it look earlier when you said
Are you sure? I'm not saying no, I'm just saying that we should make certain of that before we go through with it, because if we do Ea we kinda have to have everyone else screw off before he fires it, and I'm not sure if this situation is bad enough to need it right now.
Plague's plan is pretty good, I just really want Homura to nail Wally with big ice attack, both because SVS said it'd be effective when Wally ran out of break bars and because I want Homura to get a good hit in. Only issue is that I'm unsure of how we can make that happen. We should probably save it for later.
-[X] Offense
--[X] Archer: Nine Lives Caladbolg II x9. Afterwards, cover Lancer and Caster. Use Rho Aias if necessary.
---[X] Tell Homura to watch Ea once he realizes its being used and if Tiny Hut has viewable windows... it's something not everyone gets to see.
--[X] Lancer: Double Command Seal boosted Elemental bomb before Ea, but not during. Afterwards, cover Caster.
--[X] Gilgamesh: Command Seal boosted Ea. Max rotations. The sword of Rupture that can split the world, the heavens and the stars and create them anew shall be used on a True Evil.
-[X] Defense; overall goal is to protect tiny hut
--[X] Bazett & OG!Lancer shredding buildings
--[X] Saber is also on building shredding duty if Tiny Hut is viable whilst she is outside of it. If she can't and is stuck inside... well, have her try and keep the Magical Girls spirits up. (Yes i'm adding this for some levity since there hasn't been any in about 20 chapters).
--[X] Oriko deploys her drones outside of the Tiny Hut for building take down/barriers
--[X] Everyone inside the Tiny Hut needs to cleanse soul gems, especially as their servants use their attacks. Homura and Mami in particular. Oriko transfer two command seals to Mami if she is able to before Ea's usage.

Here is my vote!

The Golden King soundtrack from the FSN VN is one of the most memorable to me and so utterly unlike anything in the Ufotable stuff despite it being Gil's theme. It seems... fitting.

Also I've been looking forward to the Meguca seeing Ea since the moment Gilgamesh showed up in this story. I'm extremely excited for reactions. Like. More so then I want to admit. I'm also imagining the Magical girls in the suddenly hearing Mami go "what do you mean your 'greatest treasure'?" Before finding a window and seeing the mind bogglingness that is Ea.

Heads up but the chapter after this one is the one in which UBW can go live once more.
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Well crap, that's basically just my vote but better. Good job, man. Personally though, I still prefer my plan's name.

Using an ancient drill forged by something that's never explained beyond a few sentences to defeat an enemy that is effectively our opposite yet closer in origin then one would think... eh, it's a bit of a stretch, but it still fits.

[X] Jefardi
...I've... uh... had a lot of experience with vote plans as of late ahahaha... I also have a progressively obsessive level of knowledge over what our teammates can do, sans GoB and UBW related stuff.

Also, drill? o_0
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I mean, it's not a sword, not truly. But calling it a drill is equally unhelpful since there is no drill tip. Maybe wind turbine is most accurate
I mean, if memory serves the cylinders on it represent hell, heaven and earth and their grinding in opposite directions is actual attack
I personally prefer Babylonia's Version of THE GOLDEN KING since it gives off a more "ancient" feeling for Gil, plus he's a "Wise-King" Caster here instead of an arrogant Archer. In any case:

[X] Jefardi

Laugh at this, you umbrella-looking clown.
None here. I think you're good. Maybe tell everyone to put on a jacket or something since we're bringing out the Heavenly Wind Turbine. Might catch a cold.
I'm just imagining Archer going "you know how I said Caster was insanely strong? Yeah that's why"

" why don't you project that weapon...?"

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@Jefardi @PlaguePaladin
Do recall that Ea was made before the concept of "sword;" and this isn't just Nasu wankery, either. I mean that literally. The first sword we know of comes from around 1600 BC, while Gil would have been king some time between 2800 BC and 2500 BC. Swords, as we think of them, literally did not exist in the historic record at the time Gil was king. For all the things TM and Nasu in particular get wrong about mythology and history, this is one time when they actually get it right.
I do, and it's the same one I raised here,
For whatever reason, I was under the impression that we'd get everyone else to fire off, then have Gil come in an Enuma Elish last, at least that's how you made it look earlier when you said
Are you sure? I'm not saying no, I'm just saying that we should make certain of that before we go through with it, because if we do Ea we kinda have to have everyone else screw off before he fires it, and I'm not sure if this situation is bad enough to need it right now.
Wouldn't it be better for everyone else to hit Wally first, then clear the way for Gil to let loose; rather than having Gil go first, showing everyone else up and leaving Archer and Lancer to give a disappointing finish?