Finally got time to be back at a pc. Going to explain why I think Lord Camelot is a counter to Nega-Hope. There not much explanation of what Lord Camelot Anti Evil calcification so I can only go by what was shown with Lord Camelot in the series. Lord Camelot when deploy, summon a fortress of Camelot that act as a bounded field protect all those within. The protection is proportionate to the will power of the user and the stronger the will power of the user, the powerful the protection will be. Its most famous user, Mash Kyrielight, like Swedish15 pointed out, use it to tank an EX-Rank Anti Humanity attack that has enough power behind it to burrow a hole through Earth itself. While Mash didn't survive, the shield and its protection field and thus person being protected did. As long as the will power of the user remain, the protection stands strong. The Anti Evil calcification likely comes from the fact that Lord Camelot is mainly used to tank and defence against the act of Evil. The kind of Evil Act that evoke one will to protect one will and others from it. A conceptual trait that it picks up from over the years being used for the noble act of protecting others from Evil. Wally Nega-Hope is such as an act so I think it the best Noble Phantasm to counter it.

Good point. But there's still time and costs to consider; maybe once we've cleansed, we can hand it to her and have her on flag-bearing duty. If she can use it, but I'll assume she can. Should I put that on the vote?

Saber Mussahi won't be able to use it. Archer Emiya could but that because of his own skills. Saber Mussahi lack the know-how to use Luminosité Eternelle. Even if Archer Emiya craft a version that could, that not something that can be done in the middle of a combat situation and while under attack.

EMIYA has always been able to project and use Noble Phantasms that are restricted to being used by a singular person, in fact all Noble Phantasms with few exceptions normally are only usable by the Heroic Spirits they belongs to. Achilles' shield is an exception due to him having a legend of often giving his Noble Phantasms to others, and Jeanne's flag is an exception in that Heroic Spirits that have seen the flag in life can also use it. If you're really worried about it, then just Alaya message Archer a "memory" of Jeanne's flag from when she was alive, as memories count when it comes to recording Noble Phantasms. :p

Technical anyone could use Heroic Spirits Noble Phantasm. They just lack the know-how to unleash its full power nor utilise it properly. And that is generally the case as was shown with Master Noble Phantasm. They can only just utilise the functions of the noble phantasm that anyone, in theory, could utilise which most of the time are the passive function of Noble Phantasm. Certain Noble Phantasm however just can't be used by anyone else because of the way how those Noble Phantasm work.
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Saber Mussahi won't be able to use it.
Yup, already covered. Archer can use it, but like we've discussed, D-rank Magic Resistance might not be the greatest shield ever. Plus on top of that I'm wondering if it's wording about 'isolation from surroundings' is just normal Bounded Field stuff or actual complete isolation. On top of that, it does have to be planted in the ground and clenched tightly in order to be used, so Archer becomes a big weakspot. And once Robert Walpole realises this, it won't end well. Plus, Luminosité Eternelle's properties can be worn down with enough attacks, and Archer's low magic resist grade isn't exactly the greatest choice for this.

use it to tank an EX-Rank Anti Humanity attack that has enough power behind it to burrow a hole through Earth itself.
I am convinced that Lord Camelot might work on Nega-Hope with it's anti-evil properties, but given it's strength, I'd wait for SVS's confirmation for if we can project it in the first place, because that seems like it'd be an Excalibur situation if we did try to project it.
Yup, already covered. Archer can use it, but like we've discussed, D-rank Magic Resistance might not be the greatest shield ever. Plus on top of that I'm wondering if it's wording about 'isolation from surroundings' is just normal Bounded Field stuff or actual complete isolation. On top of that, it does have to be planted in the ground and clenched tightly in order to be used, so Archer becomes a big weakspot. And once Robert Walpole realises this, it won't end well. Plus, Luminosité Eternelle's properties can be worn down with enough attacks, and Archer's low magic resist grade isn't exactly the greatest choice for this.

It would be complete isolation like how common Bounded Field is designed to work based on what was shown with it.

I am convinced that Lord Camelot might work on Nega-Hope with it's anti-evil properties, but given it's strength, I'd wait for SVS's confirmation for if we can project it in the first place, because that seems like it'd be an Excalibur situation if we did try to project it.

Homura could use a command seal to supply the needed cost.
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It would be complete isolation like how common Bounded Field are designed to work.
Oh! Okay, that's at least one detractor down, just, uh...

3 more to go... (That being turning Archer into a big glowing weakpoint, the projection cost, and the fact that it is easily broken if Archer uses it.)

Homura could use a command seal to supply the needed cost.
Maybe. Like I said, I'm still gonna wait for SVS confirmation on that. 'Blocks an attack with the power to burrow through the entire earth and kill all of humanity' still seems a bit strong for just one or two command seals. And SVS said in his talk about Gate of Babylon that he's going to cut a bit of the Nasu-verse power-creep from this quest, so maybe he'd allow us a nerfed version, maybe not. It's still good to wait and see before I change the vote.
@BoundaryPhantasm @PlaguePaladin *cough cough*

Though it may be a ring, due to it's low ranking as a Noble Phantasm Archer should be able to project this to a certain extent. Anything would be better than Archer's base D-rank Magic Resistance anyways.

Though here's a thought, what's to stop Archer from activating Jeanne's flag while Musashi is holding it before handing it off fully to her? 🤔
Alright, I guess I'd better weigh in.
- Archer can deploy Lord Camelot because we made sure ahead of time to give him that information.
- The theory, as presented by Boundary Phantasm, is sound enough that I'm willing to give it a pass.
- We really need to get moving on a vote, fast, and this seems like the one most people are willing to bank on, Tart's flag coming in at a close second with some caveats attached.
- Se above. Lord Camelot has no caveats attached, unlike Tart's flag; except...
- The full-power Lord Camelot is dangerously close to the "and then I destroyed the universe" power level wankery I'd been hoping to avoid
- I have no idea whether a full-power Lord Camelot would kill Archer or not, because it seems to be either up there with or above and beyond a full-power Excalibur, which we know will kill Archer if he uses it.

I don't *think* it would, because as I understand it Excalibur is a divine construct that Archer isn't meant to be Projecting, whereas Lord Camelot is just a really cool table that got turned into a really strong shield, and isn't divine in origin. As I said above, the theory is sound and it's one which most of my players are onboard with using, but my uncertainty about whether it would kill Archer or not leaves me hesitant to make a call. @Enetious, is Boundary Phantasm on the mark about why Lord Camelot would work, and am I on the mark about why Lord Camelot would not kill Archer; or do we need to look into other options? Is that what this business with Tart's flag is all about?
@BoundaryPhantasm @PlaguePaladin *cough cough*

Though it may be a ring, due to it's low ranking as a Noble Phantasm Archer should be able to project this to a certain extent. Anything would be better than Archer's base D-rank Magic Resistance anyways.

Though here's a thought, what's to stop Archer from activating Jeanne's flag while Musashi is holding it before handing it off fully to her? 🤔

It not feasible. This is chaining two different systems of Noble Phantasm together. If Archer Emiya constructs a system that allows him to chain both Luminosité Eternelle with Angelica Cathay together before Wally came then yes but doing so in the middle of combat is Deus Ex Machina territory. It not even a legally questionable move.

As I said above, the theory is sound and it's one which most of my players are onboard with using, but my uncertainty about whether it would kill Archer or not leaves me hesitant to make a call.

It won't. Lord Camelot would require a lot of mana for Archer Emiya to project but it won't kill him but it will stain him to maintain it for an extended period of time like how he maintains Unlimited Blade Work. He will likely be gushing through Homura mana reserve like crazy without a command seal backup.
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Angelica Cathay might work. I figure that if it gives the same boost if Archer Projects it, that'd bump him up to B-rank, which is a whole order of magnitude better then D-rank. Also, Angelica Cathay is designed to enhance weapons, so I think it'd work.

Though here's a thought, what's to stop Archer from activating Jeanne's flag while Musashi is holding it before handing it off fully to her?
Musashi doesn't meet the conditions, so if she tries to use it alone it'll shut down. Also, the wiki states that to use it you must firmly grasp it, so if Archer takes his hands off of it it'll shut down.

Is that what this business with Tart's flag is all about?
That's the reason why I'm with Tart's flag. The big reason why Archer can't project Excalibur, according to the wiki, is because:
he does not have the magical energy necessary to bring out its full potential and may simply end up fading away after using all his energy in a suicidal attack.
So he could feasibly use Lord Camelot, but it would kill him if he tried. That's why we're trying to look for alternatives like Book of Earth and the flag, which both cost less and do the same job just as well.
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Alright, I guess I'd better weigh in.
- Archer can deploy Lord Camelot because we made sure ahead of time to give him that information.
- The theory, as presented by Boundary Phantasm, is sound enough that I'm willing to give it a pass.
- We really need to get moving on a vote, fast, and this seems like the one most people are willing to bank on, Tart's flag coming in at a close second with some caveats attached.
- Se above. Lord Camelot has no caveats attached, unlike Tart's flag; except...
- The full-power Lord Camelot is dangerously close to the "and then I destroyed the universe" power level wankery I'd been hoping to avoid
- I have no idea whether a full-power Lord Camelot would kill Archer or not, because it seems to be either up there with or above and beyond a full-power Excalibur, which we know will kill Archer if he uses it.

I don't *think* it would, because as I understand it Excalibur is a divine construct that Archer isn't meant to be Projecting, whereas Lord Camelot is just a really cool table that got turned into a really strong shield, and isn't divine in origin. As I said above, the theory is sound and it's one which most of my players are onboard with using, but my uncertainty about whether it would kill Archer or not leaves me hesitant to make a call. @Enetious, is Boundary Phantasm on the mark about why Lord Camelot would work, and am I on the mark about why Lord Camelot would not kill Archer; or do we need to look into other options? Is that what this business with Tart's flag is all about?
Lord Camelot most certainly wouldn't kill it's user, nor can the user use it to kill themselves by any means other than by an enemy's attack. How it works is that it directly converts the user's willpower into a defensive formation, and due to conceptual trickery it allows it to block even world-ending conceptual effects if one commits themselves completely to the duty of defending something or someone. It's how Mash pulled off blocked Goetia's anti-Humanity attack in Grand Order, albeit that ended up disintegrating her in the process leaving only the shield intact and standing.

For a purely evil conceptual debuff that doesn't harm the user of the shield? Lord Camelot should do just fine. EMIYA has plenty of willpower to go around considering what he's been through, anyways.
It not feasible. This is chaining two different systems of Noble Phantasm together. If Archer Emiya constructs a system that allows him to chain both Luminosité Eternelle with Angelica Cathay together before Wally came then yes but doing so in the middle of combat is Deus Ex Machina territory. It not even a legally questionable move.
Er, there's nothing that says that Archer can't boost his Magic Resistance with a Noble Phantasm before using that Magic Resistance to fuel another. In any case, it's explicitly mentioned that Angelica Cathay can be combined with other Noble Phantasms in order to boost them (such as Bradamante's spear) , so Archer could always just skip the Magic Resistance boost and directly fuel Jeanne's flag with Angelica Cathay. :p
Lord Camelot most certainly wouldn't kill it's user, nor can the user use it to kill themselves by any means other than by an enemy's attack. How it works is that it directly converts the user's willpower into a defensive formation, and due to conceptual trickery it allows it to block even world-ending conceptual effects if one commits themselves completely to the duty of defending something or someone. It's how Mash pulled off blocked Goetia's anti-Humanity attack in Grand Order, albeit that ended up disintegrating her in the process leaving only the shield intact and standing.
I meant, it sounds like making it would kill Archer because of the amount of magical energy he would need to expend to make something that powerful. See
That's the reason why I'm with Tart's flag. The big reason why Archer can't project Excalibur, according to the wiki, is because:
he does not have the magical energy necessary to bring out its full potential and may simply end up fading away after using all his energy in a suicidal attack.
So he could feasibly use Lord Camelot, but it would kill him if he tried. That's why we're trying to look for alternatives like Book of Earth and the flag, which both cost less and do the same job just as well.
Alright, I guess I'd better weigh the pros and cons to each in my point of view, and I'll let you guys decide which is better and change my vote accordingly.

Lord Camelot
Pros: SUPER STRONG, probably the strongest defensive Noble Phantasm in our ranks right now, also provides good physical defense on top of a protection against Nega Hope.
Cons: Is going to gush mana like a motherf***er, which isn't very sustainable in the long term, we're going to either have to end the fight quickly after activation or just guzzle grief seeds. Might probably maybe kill Archer to use it in the first place.

Luminosité Eternelle + Angelica Cathay
Pros: A good solid defense against Nega-Hope, as well as providing rather average defense against other attacks.
Cons: While sturdy, it can be worn down and broken with enough pounding and isn't the most sturdy thing in the universe. Still probably takes a hot second to make the flag, and Angelica Cathay is so outside the concept of Sword that making means being weak for a minute.

Book of Earth + Lancer reinforcement
Pros: A solid defense against Nega Hope, and although probably not as durable as Luminosité Eternelle or Lord Camelot, it's still sturdy. BoE probably has the quickest set-up out of all these options, and likely isn't as costly as the above options.
Cons: Not as strong as the above options, though it still defends against the big thing we need a defense against. Lancer runes will also take some time to set up, so it has the same con as LE in that it's going to be weak for a few minutes while we set it up.

Also note that we do have Bazett and Cu still functioning, so we aren't completely defenseless during set-up.
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Er, there's nothing that says that Archer can't boost his Magic Resistance with a Noble Phantasm before using that Magic Resistance to fuel another. In any case, it's explicitly mentioned that Angelica Cathay can be combined with other Noble Phantasms in order to boost them (such as Bradamante's spear) , so Archer could always just skip the Magic Resistance boost and directly fuel Jeanne's flag with Angelica Cathay. :p

True there nothing saying that Archer can't boost his Magic Resistance with a Noble Phantasm before using that Magic Resistance to fuel another and there are ways to make it happen with how Nasuverse work but using Angelica Cathay that way currently feel like a typical shounen power up from nowhere or Deus Ex Machina miracle. Nasuverse is filled with cheat but those cheats are built with a system and logic behind with them that make it possible. Using a boosted Magic Resistance with Angelica Cathay to paid the price for activating Luminosité Eternelle without having done research or trial before and expect it to work just feel very weak to me. Also using Angelica Cathay to power up Jeanne flag to me just power up it rank as a weapon. Not it's Noble Phantasm function.

I meant, it sounds like making it would kill Archer because of the amount of magical energy he would need to expend to make something that powerful. See

Something that can be averted with a command seal or Archer acquire another mana source to sustain the cost. The reason why Archer Emiya using Excalabilur during UBW ronth would kill him it because he doesn't have any mana source to draw upon except his own. He is a servant without a master and his mana pool wasn't large enough natural to sustain a full power Excalibur so using Excalibur at full power worth kill him as his entire being will the price for fueling the sword.

Book of Earth + Lancer reinforcement
Pros: A solid defense against Nega Hope, and although probably not as durable as Luminosité Eternelle or Lord Camelot, it's still sturdy. BoE probably has the quickest set-up out of all these options, and likely isn't as costly as the above options.
Cons: Not as strong as the above options, though it still defends against the big thing we need a defense against. Lancer runes will also take some time to set up, so it has the same con as LE in that it's going to be weak for a few minutes while we set it up.

This is a plan I can throw my support as well.
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Angelica Cathay that way currently feel like a typical shounen power up from nowhere or Deus Ex Machina miracle.
Not necessarily. Angelica Cathay isn't that big of a boost. It's only two ranks of magic resistance up, and it's nothing compared to the other things Archer's pulled out of his rock solid ass. It's a booster, but we aren't going to match what Tart could do, or what Saber could do if she could use flag. Plus, Angelica Cathay being so far removed from the concept of sword means it might be weaker than the original.
Not necessarily. Angelica Cathay isn't that big of a boost. It's only two ranks of magic resistance up, and it's nothing compared to the other things Archer's pulled out of his rock solid ass. It's a booster, but we aren't going to match what Tart could do, or what Saber could do if she could use flag. Plus, Angelica Cathay being so far removed from the concept of sword means it might be weaker than the original.

It not the final end result that bothering me. It the process of how that achieve that bothering me. I can see it working but to me it something that required experimentation beforehand, not something we should try in the middle of combat.
This is a plan I can throw my support as well.
I can see it working but to me it something that required experimentation beforehand, not something we should try in the middle of combat.
Alright, from this I can assume that you support the Book of Earth plan? Just as a note, that's the plan I've already got down; it can be viewed here if you want to check it out or nitpick it.
I feel that we should use Lord Camelot or Tart's flag as a backup to Saber's BoE.
Do remember that the reason we're pulling up defences in the first place is because of Nega-Hope, not because we need to defend against Walpy's attacks. We can get some shots off inside of the hut, and Bazett and Cu don't need defense here since Nega-Hope is only a mental attack for them, and one that may suck for them to go through but also doesn't affect their fighting ability. You did help me realize though that Tart's flag and BoE aren't mutually exclusive, and we might be able to pull out other defense boosters that aren't Lancer runes from there.
If Mana is really an issue then we can Command Seal on the initial startup for Lord Camelot then start burning through our surplus of Grief Seeds from there.

[X] PlaguePaladin
If Mana is really an issue then we can Command Seal on the initial startup for Lord Camelot then start burning through our surplus of Grief Seeds from there.
Here's why I don't wanna use it: It's way unecessary overkill. Imagine you have a knife and a minigun with enough ammo to fire for ten seconds. Using Lord Camelot right now would be like wasting all the ammunition on a guy with a knife, and when you get jumped by a bunch of guys with swords and maces and spears, all you have left is a knife (the minigun is representative of our Grief Seeds and command seals while the knife is representative of everything we can do once we've burnt through our stock). Sure, you might get cut by the other guy with a knife, but you need that minigun for the other guys.
Day 47 Chapter 17
[X] PlaguePaladin


In an instant, it feels as though your lungs are on fire. You fall to your knees, gasping for breath, as Tomoe-san, Kyouko, Mikuni Oriko, Kirika, and Nagatsuki Miyuki do the same. What is this? Your brain is screaming to your lungs for oxygen, but your lungs fail to respond. The air is thick, hot, and hazy; the black pools of corruption are bubbling and burning; your left hand is so hot it feels like it might melt through the concrete at any moment. Your eyes dart to your Soul Gem; it's almost completely pitch-black.

You try to cleanse your Soul Gem, but the corruption forces itself upon you faster than you can clean yourself. What's going on? What's happening? Is this Walpurgisnacht's new power? You don't know what to do. You don't know what you can do.

"Book of Earth!"

You gasp sharply as breath returns to your lungs. Around all of you, Saber has erected her barrier Noble Phantasm, and for the moment the horror beyond the aged walls has subsided. You still have no idea what that attack was, but for now you'll take the solace that has been given to you, and do what you can to cleanse your Soul Gem. It's a miracle you even survived that attack at all. You lean your back against the hard wall, savouring the freshness of breath in a way you never thought you would have to. Beside you, Archer crouches down and offers what comforts he can. "What... Was that?" you ask.

"I don't know," Kyouko responds. "I though you were s'pposed ta know everything about that little shit, so why don't you know?"

"I don't know." How could you? Walpurgisnacht has never displayed any ability like that before. But then, has it displayed any abilities before like anything you've seen in this fight? "All of a sudden, it was like my whole body was on fire..."

"That was most likely a Bounded Field of some sort," Archer says. "If I had to guess, it's one specially-tailored towards dealing lethal spiritual damage to puella magi. That would be fitting with every other trick we've seen Walpurgisnacht employ so far." You and Tomoe-san both nod at Archer's explanation; you remember how you felt, wandering into Mikuni Oriko's amateur first attempt at a Bounded Field back when you and she were enemies. Walpurgisnacht's attack felt like nothing but an overclocked reprisal of that experience.

"And it'd also explain why my Book of Earth was able to protect us," Saber adds. "I didn't really know if it would work, actually. Was kind of working off a hunch, more than anything else."

"I think we're all glad it did work," Nagatsuki Miyuki says. Your eyes wander the wide room of Saber's barrier Noble Phantasm-slash-feudal mansion, checking on the condition of your teammates. For the most part, everyone looks to be in acceptable condition, though Nagatsuki Miyuki is looking a little strained by her servant's Noble Phantasm, and everyone's Soul Gems are slow to cleanse.

"We should do what we can to shore up our defenses before we try taking another crack at things," you say once your assessment of your team turns up positive. "Right now, this barrier is the only thing standing between us and instant death."

"Agreed." Mikuni Oriko beckons for her servant, saying to Lancer "Do what you can to set up additional layers of defense around us." Outside, you can hear the terrible sound of concrete and steel being ripped from their foundations, followed moments later by the sound of something large crashing against you. The room shakes, its boundary flickering transparent, giving you a glimpse outside as Walpurgisnacht attempts to bring down your fortifications by throwing buildings at you. "When you've finished, we'll do what we can to resume the attack."

"Of course."

"You two should be fine out there," you say to McRemitz-san and her Lancer servant. "You might experience some unpleasant side effects, but unlike the rest of us you won't die if you leave the defensive line while that Bounded Field is still up. We need someone on building defense until Lancer is finished reinforcing us; can we trust you to keep us safe?"

McRemitz-san pumps her silver arm, saying "We'll do what we can to buy you girls the time you need." She looks to her Lancer servant, saying "Let's pack it in, Lancer; we've got work to do."

The blue Lancer smirks, saying "You got it," as he and his master depart from the fortifications.

You too, Caster," Tomoe-san says, motioning for her servant to join the pair. Caster looks down at his master, but Tomoe-san says "Don't worry about me. I've still got enough Grief Seeds to keep going in spite of this little setback. I'll be fine." Caster nods, and without a word departs from his master's sight to join McRemitz-san and her Lancer.

Several moments pass, and you can feel the thunderous battle outside shaking you to your core. Every so often a piece of debris will strike the barrier, causing it to flicker transparent and give you a look at what is going on outside. So far, the trio of McRemitz-san, her Lancer, and Caster appear to be holding their ground; for now. You don't want to take too long recovering and give Walpurgisnacht the chance to come back with something even worse.

"So, what now?" Kirika asks. "We can't just go outside while we're like this, so what are we supposed to do? Just sit tight and hope we don't die? How are we supposed to beat that thing like this?"

"Our chance will come, dearest," Mikuni Oriko says. "Once Lancer is finished erecting another layer of defense, we'll resume the attack." She looks to you, asking "That is the plan, correct?"

"Correct," you respond. You look to your Soul Gem; it's holding stable after your most recent cleansing. You don't know when you'll be safe to leave the confines of Book of Earth, but for now your Soul Gem is holding stable, and should remain that way for as long as you stay put. "Once Lancer gives the signal, we'll send her and Archer out to keep the pressure on."

"Are you sure?" Archer asks. "I can stay here if you think you need more time to recover."

Even though your Soul Gem is stable, you're certain more time to recover in the face of that would be welcome. But, as you look around the room to each of your teammates, you can't selfishly take that luxury when there's still a battle being fought outside. "I can manage," you say to Archer. "I appreciate the concern, but it's more important that we defeat Walpurgisnacht, and you can't be out there defeating it if you're in here rubbing my back. I've got plenty of Grief Seeds to spare if I need them."

"I guess I'll have to keep Saber in position until it's safe for us to leave," Nagatsuki Miyuki says. She glances down at her Soul Gem, then to her servant, before cleansing her Soul Gem a second time. "It's taking a bit more out of me than I thought to keep this thing up, so I hope it's safe to leave soon."

"Master, I have done as you requested," Lancer says, returning with good news. "The barrier around Saber's Book of Earth is stable and holding strong against Walpurgisnacht's attacks."

"That's wonderful to hear, Lancer," Mikuni Oriko replies. She looks to you, and you nod. "Take Archer with you and resume the attack on Walpurgisnacht." Lancer nods, motioning with her head for Archer to join her. Archer's eyes meet yours for a moment, and you nod, sending him off with Lancer.

You hate to leave Homura and her friends in that condition, but she has a point. Defeating Walpurgisnacht is the reason you're here, and you can't do your job if you're sitting around giving Homura special treatment. You'll make it up to her later, somehow. After this is over, you're thinking a nice, relaxing family dinner will do her and Kirika some good. Hell, invite the others along while you're at all, and give everyone who needs it the reward.

But you're not going to get there without first defeating the monster floating above your heads. Walpurgisnact laughs; it's a repulsive sound that makes you want to gouge your eardrums out. "Alright," you say to Lancer. "You take the high road, I'll take the low road."

Lancer acknowledges you with an "Understood," igniting Sowilo runes under her feet and catapulting herself up into the fray, while you prepare something special for Walpurgisnacht down here on the ground. In between the flashes of light, gold, silver, and red, as they destroy the ever-present rain of falling buildings, you see Lancer enveloping, then exploding, Walpurgisnacht with a giant-size elemental bomb.

"Alright then, it looks like it's my turn." You draw back until your bowstring is taut. Ready? "Caladbolg!"

[ ] Wat do?