[X] Plan Get Big Sis A Liter Of Ice Cream, Stat!
"Again, I really want to thank you for your assistance back there."
After Nagatsuki Miyuki took all of ten seconds to dismantle the witch, you suggested that the four of you go get some ice cream. "I know you must have thought it was easy, but for a normal puella magi, one that can't see through illusions, a witch like that is one of the most dangerous things we could face, considering how reliant we are on managing our Grief levels to survive."
"It's fine, really," Nagatsuki MIyuki says. She sounds like she's trying to play off her contributions as being no big deal. "Really, I'm just amazed that there was something that I could beat that you couldn't."
"Maybe I could have fought my way through it," you say, rubbing the back of the girl sitting next to you. "But seeing as Kirika was in no shape to keep going, I didn't want to take the chance that I couldn't." She's barely touched her ice cream, an extra-large chocolate cone with as many sugary toppings as you thought she might enjoy; but at least she's managed to find her legs again, even if it looks like she's only walking on autopilot. "How are you holding up?" you ask her, hoping for a response.
Kirika mumbles something in response under her breath that you can't quite catch, before going in for another lick of her cone; not fast enough, though, as before her tongue touches the chocolate cone, Kyouko asks "So, uh, if yer not gunna finish that, can I have it?" Neither you nor Nagatsuki Miyuki have pleasant expressions to spare for Kyouko, and even from across the city you can feel Tomoe-san looking on the redhead with displeasure as well.
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything," you think to Mikuni Oriko. "But if you're free, Kirika could really use your presence right about now."
You grow concerned when you get no return response, but after a minute or so of waiting you hear "My apologies for making you wait, Akemi-san, but Tomoe-san and I were in the middle of a particularly difficult fight. What did you need from me?"
"It's Kirika, actually. The witch we ran into hit her with a particularly nasty illusion, and now she's become convinced that you and she have broken up."
"What? Oh, no; where are you now?"
"We're walking back to your mansion right now. Kyouko and Nagatsuki Miyuki are with us."
"Just give us a minute or two and we'll- Ah! Kirika, watch out!"
Immediately your body tenses to full alert; but despite Mikuni Oriko's warning, you don't see any cause for alarm. It's just a normal traffic crossing; and Kirika's walk cycle is still on autopilot. The light to cross is red, but she's still walking, completely shut off to the world around her as a white van comes barrelling towards her, its driver completely blind to the world around them.
It takes only a second to bring out your shield to stop time, but that's a second you don't have. Instead, you have to make the lunge as you are, and it's only by the grace of God that you're able to reach Kirika in time to pull her out of the path of the oncoming van. Her ice cream was lost in the scuffle, with half of the chocolate now staining her white shirt and pink tie, while the other half lays on the ground, looking sad with the cone craned towards the night sky. "What were you thinking?" you yell. "Didn't you see that the light was red? Didn't you see that van?"
"Why'd you bother to save me?"
"Why did I bother..." You shake your head, and say to Kirika "What do you mean, 'Why did I bother to save you'? I saved you because you're my ally! My friend! My sister!" You crouch down and wrap your arms around Kirika; you don't care that you're getting ice cream and sprinkles stuck to the front of your own shirt. "There are a lot of people, myself, your mother, and Mikuni Oriko included, who would be very upset if something had happened to you just now."
"Oriko left me... I don't have any reason to live anymore... I'd be better off dead."
"That's not true!" You hug your step-sister tighter, as tight as you've ever hugged anyone else that wasn't Madoka. "Mikuni Oriko didn't leave you! She loves you; and she's on her way to see you right now!" You shake your head, and with a sigh you help Kirika to her feet. "You're supposed to be the older sister, so how come I'm the one that's always got to do the hard stuff?"
The four of you continue on the walk back to the Mikuni mansion in silence, you never once taking your eyes off Kirika lest she try something as stupid as that again, but you run into an obvious problem as you reach the front gate of the mansion. While you're sure Kirika has a key to get in, coaxing her into doing so in her current state would be near to impossible. Fortunately, you don't have to wait long for the last two members of the cavalry to arrive.
"Dearest, are you alright?"
Hearing the voice of Mikuni Oriko calling her by her pet name shakes something inside Kirika's mind, and she turns, just in time to be greeted by an aggressive and warm embrace from her lover. Without hesitation, Mikuni Oriko plants her lips against Kirika's own, and the two of them stay like that while the rest of you try desperately not to watch on, with one exception.
Kyouko wolf-whistles to the pair of lovers, to which Tomoe-san slaps her redheaded pupil upside the head in the most ladylike manner you think you've ever seen someone slap someone else. "Don't be rude, Sakura-san." As Kyouko licks her wounds, Tomoe-san turns to you and, with a cough into her closed hand as she tries to ignore the scene in front of her, asks you "So, Akemi-san, how did things go? Mikuni-san told me you had some troubles, is that correct?"
"Unfortunately," you respond. "The witch had very strong illusion magic. I needed Nagatsuki Miyuki to bail us out."
"That's quite unlike you, Akemi-san, getting tripped up by something like that." If Tomoe-san had been there, you're sure she would have tripped up too. And you know from experience how disastriously fatal that can be, for everyone around her. You shudder to imagine what the witch might have compelled Tomoe-san to believe. "I don't think I've seen you trip up once since before you started using your bow to combat witches."
Kirika's sobbing interrupts your attempted debriefing, and Mikuni Oriko croons to her "Shh, it's okay dearest, let it all out. I'm not going anywhere, I promise." At least they've stopped kissing.
For now.
While their lips are unlocked, Mikuni Oriko takes the opportunity to unlock the front gate of the mansion. Lancer goes first to ready snacks on the unheard order of her master, and everyone else files in after her. Shoes comes off at the foyer, and the six of you gather in the living room for a debriefing while you wait on snacks from Lancer. With Kirika too busy snuggling up against her lover after their empassioned reunion, you decide to be the one to speak.
"Kirika and I ran into a witch that employed illusions," you say. "The labyrinth was bare, save for a table with a deck of Tarot cards scattered over it. We were foolish enough to draw cards, and using the cards that we drew, the witch tailored its illusions to be what it thought was most likely to break us. I saw Walpurgisnacht, while Kirika saw Mikuni Oriko breaking up with her." There's a shifting sound coming from the loveseat; it's Kirika, adjusting her position at Mikuni Oriko's side. "Fortunately, Nagatsuki Miyuki was willing to come and give us a hand in dealing with it."
You don't want to imagine a situation where you would have ended up as broken as Kirika from what the witch showed you.
Nagatsuki Miyuki nods, and stands to take the floor from you now that you've acknowledged her. "Sakura and I ran into..." She scratches her head, and says "Uh, it kind of looked like a skinny old lady with a giant cat skull for an upper half of its body. It was really weird."
"Rider and I fought it, back when he first showed up," Kyouko chimes in. "Not surprised ta see it back now, since I never bothered ta check if it had any familiars wandering around afterwards. Anyway, the stupid thing could, like, grow parts of its body from other parts of its body, and it had this big tongue that it liked ta lick us with while Four Eyes and I were fighting in. It didn't hurt or nuthing, it just felt really weird, like a dozen train molesters all groping me at once."
Nagatsuki Miyuki shudders at Kyouko's description, but hesitantly nods her head in agreement. "Though Sakura and Rider did lend some assistance - thank you for that, again - Saber and I were the ones who did most of the fighting. It was very durable, and required a lot from all four of us to be put down."
Tomoe-san clicks her tongue, turning to Kyouko to say "I hope you remembered to deal with the familiars this time, Sakura-san. For a witch to be able to give you a challenge, I'd hope there aren't more of them waiting to sprout soon." Kyouko rolls her eyes and gives Tomoe-san a noncommittal response. You hope that means she took care of the familiars this time. Tomoe-san looks to Mikuni Oriko, who despite paying attention to what the others have been saying is clearly more focused on comforting her girlfriend than on providing a report. "Then I suppose it's my turn now."
"There isn't much I have to say about the witch Mikuni-san and I fought. It looked like... Well, perhaps a very jagged doll, might be a good description of the witch. It was fast, durable, and threw strong attacks us with what I can only describe as 'hard light'-based projectiles. But it wasn't fast or strong enough to get past Mikuni-san's defensive barriers, nor was it durable enough to stand up to a barrage from she and I once we shifted from defense to offense."
"But it was good practice for me," Mikuni Oriko says, breaking away from her pampering of the lovestruck kitten at her side to contribute. "I need more practice using Parafulmine in combat situations."
[ ] Wat do?