Day 34 Chapter 1
- Location
- Around here
You were never one for drinking in life; you had Taiga for that, and besides, alcohol-impaired judgement only gets in the way of duty when you're out risking your life to be a hero of justice for people you barely know. Maybe, if getting drunk were a thing that were possible for the heroic spirit you, you might have turned to drink to forget the things you had done time and again in the service of your pact with the World; not that you ever had the chance to drink on your missions, that is.
So it should come as no surprise to anyone attempting to narrate your life that you have very little idea what to make for breakfast for someone that's hungover; and true, while you had plenty of opportunities to practice your skills on Taiga, the bizarre breakfast concoctions she swore by gave you little confidence then and now as to their efficacy. Instead, you've consulted with the equally-dubious wisdom of the internet, picking and choosing what would be, if not effective, at least a healthy breakfast for the beleaguered mother Kure. Eggs and fruit seemed like popular choices all around.
Standing at the door to her apartment at around a quarter after five, you knock on the door, hoping that her alarm has gone off and that she is awake. Inside, you hear a muffled "I'm coming," followed by the telltale shuffle of someone with a hangover as the person inside makes for the door. There's a pause just outside, before the door opens and the morning face of Kure Minako greets you. Her hair is a mess and her clothes - last night's, you notice - are wrinkled and possessed of a faint 'lived-in' smell. "Hey," she says, the look on her face clearly saying it all to you. Despite the note you left her, she doesn't look like she really expected you to come back. At least her breath is fresher than it was last night, you find yourself thinking.
You hold out the lunch box in your hands, saying as Kure Minako accepts it from you "I brought breakfast."
The mother Kure smiles for you, trying her best to straighten out her hair and clothes as she beckons you inside, saying "Come on in." You do as you are told, taking your shoes off at the door as you follow her inside, smiling to yourself as you admire last night's handiwork. "I, uh, I read your note," she says, setting the lunch box down on the kitchen table. "I really appreciate you sticking around to clean up. Sorry I conked out on you, though. That was pretty rude of me."
"You were drunk and in need of sleep," you respond, taking a seat at the table after Kure Minako does. "It would be equally rude of me to hold it against you."
"Yeah, so about that..." Oh gods no, you don't want to hear her say that she remembers what she said to you last night. "Listen, I kind of can't remember anything after I threw up on the sidewalk, so if I said anything weird to you yesterday while I was drunk, I... I'm sorry."
You don't let the relief show on your face; that was a close one. If she had remembered what she said, and she still felt that way when she was sober... It hasn't even been a full forty-eight hours since you two met; she's in no position to be offering herself to you. "You might have mumbled a few odd things, but you were slurring your words pretty bad; I couldn't understand a thing you said." You give Kure Minako a smile, and hoping to change the topic of conversation away from the events of last night, you say to her "Well, eat up. I'd hate for all this food to go to waste."
Kure Minako wastes no time in opening the lunch box up once you've given permission. It's mostly Western fair - oatmeal with strawberries and bananas, an omelette with sausage and peppers, and a fruit smoothie - but she's had no complaints about your other offerings so far, so hopefully your choices go over well. Her eyes light up as she unpacks breakfast, and she says "I... Uh... Thank you."
"You're very welcome."
"Are you..." The mother Kure's eyes dart from you to food, then back to you, and she asks "Are you going to eat anything?"
You shake your head. "No. Usually I'll have breakfast with Homura before she heads off to school, but she's still asleep now." You wave Kure Minako's concerns away, saying "Really, you're fine. I won't think it's rude if you start eating in front of me."
Do you
[ ] Talk to Kure Minako
-[ ] about what? (write-in)
[ ] Don't talk; just watch her eat
-[ ] Creepy watch
-[ ] Normal-person watch
-[ ] Watch like she's your love interest
[ ] Ping Homura awake and talk to her about your haul
[ ] Wait until you're home and Homura is awake before talking about your haul
[ ] Other (write-in)

Monday, 18 April 2011
Major objectives:
- Maintain your relationships with Kaname Madoka, Miki Sayaka, Shizuki Hitomi, and Tomoe Mami
- Go on another date with your girlfriend some time in the near future
- Try to cultivate a better relationship with Sakura Kyoko
- Try to figure out just how you want to view Mikuni Oriko in the future; you've gotten closer to her and you don't know what to do
- Try to convince Shizuki Hitomi to summon Saber before anyone else is able to
- Further your knowledge of Rune thaumaturgy and practice your chosen Rune
- Further your knowledge of Reinforcement thaumaturgy under the tutelage of Archer
- Help your non-Puella Magi friends gain enough personal power to fend off minor threats, at least
- Prevent Kaname Madoka and Miki Sayaka from contracting and becoming Puella Magi
- Make sure to deal with the Shirome trio soon, before any of them Witch out or that one Witch attacks them
- Figure out a way to more reliably locate the Incubator in order to nip any problems from it in the bud
- Find out some way to ward off the Incubator from Kaname Madoka; maybe your teammates could help you with that?
- Have a nice and relaxing vacation with your friends and teammates where nothing goes wrong
- Defeat the Witch known as Walpurgisnacht
- Go on another date with your girlfriend some time in the near future
- Try to cultivate a better relationship with Sakura Kyoko
- Try to figure out just how you want to view Mikuni Oriko in the future; you've gotten closer to her and you don't know what to do
- Try to convince Shizuki Hitomi to summon Saber before anyone else is able to
- Further your knowledge of Rune thaumaturgy and practice your chosen Rune
- Further your knowledge of Reinforcement thaumaturgy under the tutelage of Archer
- Help your non-Puella Magi friends gain enough personal power to fend off minor threats, at least
- Prevent Kaname Madoka and Miki Sayaka from contracting and becoming Puella Magi
- Make sure to deal with the Shirome trio soon, before any of them Witch out or that one Witch attacks them
- Figure out a way to more reliably locate the Incubator in order to nip any problems from it in the bud
- Find out some way to ward off the Incubator from Kaname Madoka; maybe your teammates could help you with that?
- Have a nice and relaxing vacation with your friends and teammates where nothing goes wrong
- Defeat the Witch known as Walpurgisnacht
- Investigate, identify, and prevent the occurrence of the event that caused a fundamental force of this universe to be twice overwritten
- Protect your Master from harm in this unusually dangerous loop
- Protect your Master from harm and being taken advantage of by the denizens of the Moonlit World
- Further your Master's skills in Magecraft, now that she has mastered the fundamentals of Projection
- Aid your Master in coordinating her allies so that they stand a better chance of defeating the various threats plaguing the city
- Await whatever Rin's sending to Mitakihara to aid your Master and her friends
- Be a good dad to your Master
- Protect your Master from harm in this unusually dangerous loop
- Protect your Master from harm and being taken advantage of by the denizens of the Moonlit World
- Further your Master's skills in Magecraft, now that she has mastered the fundamentals of Projection
- Aid your Master in coordinating her allies so that they stand a better chance of defeating the various threats plaguing the city
- Await whatever Rin's sending to Mitakihara to aid your Master and her friends
- Be a good dad to your Master