Day 47 Chapter 6
[X] Jefardi

The overall tide of battle has taken a downward track with Kyouko's wounding, and despite keeping your eyes peeled when you can you've yet to see any openings to be exploited against Walpurgisnacht. But at least that's another two familiars Assassin has managed to put down. The enemy horde has finally fallen below twenty in number; you don't feel comfortable saying you have only nineteen familiars to deal with, but it's better than what you started with.

So of course there's no way it could last; and here comes another city block.

The sound of steel and concrete being ripped from their foundations replaces the ear-piercing laughter of Walpurgisnacht as the loudest sound in the sky. Entire sidewalks fall like snakes of stone losing their grip on the trees of their concrete jungle habitat. It's a miserable chorus your ears are subjected to, made all the worse by the knowledge that those uplifted buildings will soon be making their way towards your position.

You briefly see Kyouko rolling her eyes as Mikuni Oriko breaks from the attack to tend to her wounds. "Just how much more'a this city is that bitch gunna throw at us?" she asks, wincing as shards of glass and steel is removed from her body.

"I imagine it won't stop until it's thrown the entire city at us," Mikuni Oriko responds. Having abandoned her railgun to tend to the wounded redhead, her drones now take the shape of a defensive barrier standing between herself, Kyouko, and the familiars. "Just hold still, Sakura-san; this is going to hurt."

You say nothing as Mikuni Oriko removes the piece of rebar piercing Kyouko's shoulder, preferring instead to lend your support to the fight with another volley of Isa arrows lobbed towards the approaching familiars.

; you know Mikuni Oriko is correct. Walpurgisnacht won't stop until everything in its path is destroyed; and that's just the normal Walpurgisnacht. There's no telling what level of destruction this timeline's version will stop at.

By now, at least Saber and Caster don't need their masters prodding them to act. Saber's shining blue swords flashes, and she swings it wide to send torrents of water crashing into the oncoming buildings. They shatter, as always, before Caster's swords turn the largest shards of steel and concrete into fine rubble. But this time, there are to be no injuries from falling debris. With her drones already in formation, Mikuni Oriko forces her barrier to expand, blocking the rubble from falling onto you or any other member of your team.

The thunder of cannons rings out, just barely drowning out the "Tiro Finale!" of Tomoe-san's voice. She's performing double duty in Mikuni Oriko's absence, firing with two cannons instead of one. But there's another who isn't joining TOmoe-san this round.

"Berserker! You're using too much mana!" Kirika calls out. She's just recharged her Soul Gem, so naturally the issue would be at the forefront of her mind more so now than before. "I need you to give me a break for awhile, okay?"

"Understood, master!" Berserker retracts the black tendrils which had connected his form to your missile launchers, and they revert back to their original colours. The commandeered Tiro Fulmine pairs, now freed form his control, vanish as their black colouration leaves them. "A blade- I require a blade."


"Already on it!" A pair of the same short swords find their way to Berserker's feet. "Assassin's done good work with those; let's see you do the same," Archer says, sparing not even a second before returning to his task of hammering away at Walpurgisnacht. "Caladbolg!" he cries, sending his spiraling gold and blue projectile screaming towards Walpurgisnacht.

Berserker picks the two blades up, and their forms are overtaken by black and crimson as they become his weapons. "I shall do no worse than her, to be sure," he says, before flinging himself into the thick of battle with such ferocity that it causes the familiars to flee from his reach. If that's not a good sign... Berserker needn't worry about familiars fleeing from his reach; he has his master their to corral them. With claws and chains, Kirika rings a perimeter around the field of battle, almost like a wrestling arena, while emerald bolts of electricity from Nagatsuki Miyuki's pistol sandwiches the familiars in place between Berserker and his prey. Though their combination is ineffective at putting down any approaching familiars permanently, the pair's electrified barbed wire-substitute is enough to keep a pair of fleeing familiars in place long enough for her servant to tear them to shreds.

With Berserker having joined the battle against the familiars, and Kyouko soon to be on the mend, "We need someone else hitting the big one," McRemitz-san says. The order of battle has broken down to the point where no one of you is 'in charge,' but McRemitz-san looks to you as if asking for permission. A split-second's nod of the head as you loose another volley of arrows is as close to your permission as she needs, and she breaks from the crowd to join the long range contingent of the team. "Flash, silver-coloured arm! Claíomh Solais!"

The sword of light pounces as McRemitz-san's arm erupts, joining the flashes of light already battling Walpurgisnacht in the sky above.

"Brynhildr Romantia!"

"Troias Tragōidia!"

"Gáe Bolg!"

You know Mikuni Oriko can take the extended strain placed upon her by her servant, but you find yourself worrying about Lancer, when your mind gives you the freedom to worry. For most of the battle, Mikuni Oriko's servant has been swinging away at Walpurgisnacht while under the impression that the devil is her beloved - behated? - Sigurd. You can't imagine what that sort of continuous madness must be doing to her mind, and you don't want to imagine how long it will take for Lancer to come down after the end of this.

Assuming Lancer survives until the end, that is.

A flash of gold drives a barrier between Assassin and her prey, as Nagatsuki Miyuki's earth technique takes advantage of the massive amounts of concrete lining the battlefield, before several smaller shots stuns the familiar long enough for Assassin's blade to meet its mark. Between Assassin and Berserker, another four familiars have fallen permanently silent, from nineteen all the way down to fifteen; all told, that represents almost two-fifths of the enemy familiars permanently removed from the battle. Their fallen forms leave behind pools of black ichor, the mere existence of which is a corruption you can feel encroaching on your soul with each passing turn of their master's form.

Caster's fetters have done their job preventing Walpurgisnacht from moving further inland, but the devil's body continues to turn at a constant pace. You have no idea what will happen when it reaches the full upright position. You wouldn't be stupid enough to presume the battle will get any easier from here, and every passing second is one second closer to the doom of the unknown; and look- Now you've got two city blocks being thrown at you to contend with. Fun.

[ ] Wat do?
Day 47 Chapter 7
[X] Jefardi

Caster's fetters have done their job preventing Walpurgisnacht from moving further inland, but the devil's body continues to turn at a constant pace. You have no idea what will happen when it reaches the full upright position. You wouldn't be stupid enough to presume the battle will get any easier from here, and every passing second is one second closer to the doom of the unknown.

Oh and look- Now you've got two city blocks being thrown at you to contend with. Fun.

For as horrific a sight as it is to see two entire city blocks ripped from their foundations, the deep scars dug into the land where foundations no longer rest and the rain of steel and concrete which pelts everything underneath, you find that it's all becoming so routine. You've seen this before, countless times, and the only thing this iteration of Walpurgisnacht has done differently is increase the scale of its destruction. It's still terrifying to bear witness to such raw displays of power from a devil you've never been able to defeat before, but at the same time it's all so uncomfortably familiar.

"No time for staring, beautiful!" Saber quips, forcing you to realise that you've been slack in your duty assisting with familiar control. Her sword swings, as wide as she can swing it, and building after building is torn asunder on the waves of her Noble Phantasm. You can't afford to stare, nor can you afford to stare as Caster steps up to the plate, pulverising the falling rain of concrete into rubble with his golden swords.

You have to help the others deal with the familiars, of which there are still fifteen. Soon to be fewer, you hope, if Berserker and Assassin keep their pace. Your arrows fly, blocking the path of escape for a familiar as it tries to flee from the dervish of violence that is your big sister's servant. Fourteen. You can afford a moment's smile in the face of some small success.

"You're good as new, Sakura-san," Mikuni Oriko says as her healing of Kyouko concludes. "Can't do anything about your clothes, I'm afraid." You don't know if the falling debris was something her precognition didn't catch, or if she was so focused on hitting Walpurgisnacht where it hurt that she forgot to keep her mind open, but you hope it won't happen again that something like that slips Mikuni's Oriko's mind, now more than ever. But with barriers up and her mind open, Mikuni Oriko gets to work, shielding you and your allies from whatever small but still hazardous shards of debris remain after Saber and Caster put their swords into it; and with two entire city blocks being thrown your way, that comes out to equal a lot of debris shards.

By the time the rain of stone and steel has finished falling, the area around the battlefield is scarred and littered with ruin. An outstretched arm conjures a barrier against an incoming familiar, which is soon skewered through with a length of clawed chain. "Thank you, dearest," Mikuni Oriko says. Her head was turned the other direction the entire time. Smiling at the recognition all the same, Kirika launches herself back into the thick of the fray, looking none the worse for it.

Fire and electricity flash past your vision in rapid succession, scorching nearby familiars, and Nagatsuki Miyuki calls out to Kyouko "You going to get back on it now that you're all healed up?"

Kyouko shakes her head as her spear carves a path towards the firing line. "Nah, she says. "Thinking I might try taking a crack at the big one, seeing as I'm all clean. Might as well see what kinda damage I can do ta it."

Were you close enough, or willing to pay attention, you might have noticed Nagatsuki Miyuki cock her eyebrow at Kyouko's remark. Thought maybe that was just her taking aim, before setting fire to another nearby familiar. "You? You can hit that thing?"

"Sure as shit can, Four-Eyes." Kyouko wags her finger in the shape of her Sowilo rune, wreathing her body in flames as she slams the pommel of her spear into the ground. "Big White, cover me!" she calls out, taking a knee as Mikuni Oriko throws up a barrier between her and any familiars who might take their chance. The ground splits, and the head and shaft of a massive crimson spear emerges from the shattered earth. As if acting with a mind of its own, the spearhead angles itself into position, aligning the tip of the spear with the form of Walpurgisnacht in the distance.

If Kyouko has a name for the terrible weapon you've only seen her employ a scant few times, you don't hear it. The roar as the spearhead splits apart to unleash its devastating blow drowns out her voice; and almost drowns out the familiar cry of a "Tiro Finale!" fired in unison with the crimson weapon. Kyouko breaks from her prayer stance, saying to herself "Been awhile since I gave that a try... Takes a lot more outta me than I remembered it doing..." as she cleanses her Soul Gem.

Two cleanses; that's one Grief Seed of Kyouko's that can't be used again until the battle is done.

Your own Soul Gem is looking to be in need of a cleaning. You do so when the moment in-between loosing your arrows presents itself. With two cleanses under your own belt, that makes one Grief Seed of your own that you can't use.

"Brynhildr Romantia!"

"Troias Tragōidia!"

"Gáe Bolg!"

You can barely make out the trio of servants doing battle high above you. Rider's chariot moves like the lightning it leaves in its wake, and against a form as massive as Walpurgisnacht Lancer is but a speck in the air, even as she repeatedly collides with the devil at full force with her massive burning spearhead. Walpurgisnacht is simply too large, its figure blots out all else around it. You can see McRemitz-san, however, repeatedly jabbing her kilometers-long blade of light into the heavens; and you can see Archer beside her. Your eyes meet his for just a moment; cold and steely, focused and determined, the only word he speaks when your eyes meet is the cry of "Caladbolg!" leaving his mouth as he looses his screaming projectile.

"How much longer do you expect for this battle to go on?"

A short sword embeds itself in the head of an approaching familiar. That leaves just eleven familiars left to be dealt with. Assassin is careful to retrieve the weapon from the puddle of corrupting ichor left behind. "Getting tired?" you ask.

"No, but I am worried for you, master."

"Don't be," you say. You hope another pair of city blocks is nothing to be worried about. "We'll have plenty of time to worry when that thing finishes righting itself."

[ ] Wat do?
Day 47 Chapter 8
[X] Jefardi

"Getting tired?" you ask Assassin.

"No, but I am worried for you, master."

"Don't be," you say. "We'll have plenty of time to worry when that thing finishes righting itself." Caster's fetters have done their job preventing Walpurgisnacht from moving any further inland, and your hope is that when it is ready, that will be enough to keep collateral damage to a minimum. But more immediately, you also hope another pair of city blocks is nothing to be worried about.

You're quite fortunate to have Saber with you right now. Perhaps Archer could have done a similarly effective job at disrupting the incoming city blocks being thrown at you; in fact, knowing all the tricks he has up his sleeve, he probably could have. But having Saber around to do this job allows Archer to concentrate his efforts where they really shine. As Saber slashes with her sword, sending wave after crashing wave of water into the oncoming city blocks, Archer can concentrate on loosing his "Caladbolg!" directly into Walpurgisnacht's face.

Saber's slashes of water do their job, and Caster follows up with several volleys of swords from his golden portals. With the largest chunks of two city blocks reduced to fist-sized shards at the largest, that just leaves Mikuni Oriko to deflect the falling debris with an array of barriers. A rain of stone and steel falls down upon the team, and Mikuni Oriko intercepts it, hands raised in defiance to the falling doom, and her drones respond, knitting their buzzing golden forms together in a glowing golden lattice that spans the field of battle.

Your defender is breathing heavily as the last of the rubble crashes and breaks against her barriers; physical strain, to be sure, and not strain brought on from taxing her Soul Gem. As the rubble shifts, and Mikuni Oriko heaves the fallen buildings off of her barriers, she looks up at the battle taking place in the sky. She must see the same thing you do. Lancer is going to burn herself out like this. "Lancer, with this Command Seal, I recant my earlier order! Do not see Walpurgisnacht as Sigurd any longer!" A flash of red shines through the clothing on her back as the command takes effect; but Mikuni Oriko isn't done yet. "And by my next Command Seal, Lancer, calm yourself and withdraw from the aerial battle at once!"

"What the fuck are ya thinking?" Kyouko demands as she recoups the loss of her Soul Gem's clarity from another use of her massive spear. "Yer pulling Lancer out now? Why?"

"I am not 'pulling her out,' Sakura-san," Mikuni Oriko says. "I am giving her a chance to clear her head. Lancer will continue the attack with her runes."

Fire meets fire above your heads, as the flames from Lancer's Sowilo rune meet the flames from Walpurgisnacht's mouth. Between the two, Rider and McRemitz-san's blue Lancer continue to ride on lightning as they make with their own attacks.

"Troias Tragōidia!"

"Gáe Bolg!"

A "Tiro Finale!" joins the fight as Tomoe-san once more fires off a blast from her cannon, before consulting her Soul Gem and deciding a cleanse is in order. Your count isn't perfect, but you're fairly confident that makes one Grief Seed expended by Tomoe-san as well. No one could fault you for not having a perfect count; your attentions have been elsewhere in this battle, and there are still familiars whose forms you rice arrows must seek.

Assassin and Berserker continue to be spinning terrors with those short swords Archer gave to them, and together they tear through the familiars in their path with complete ease. Kirika's claws corral them, while also serving to protect you and the others - the more stationary members of the team especially - from attacks on their flanks by familiars, and combined with the fire and electricity from Nagatsuki Miyuki's pistol the two work in tandem to drive the enemy familiars into the path of no escape. Clawed chains rattle, fire, ice, and electricity scorch, freeze, and crackle, and blades rip and tear.

Your arrows of ice fly, meeting up with a barrage of ice from Nagatsuki Miyuki's pistol and forming an even larger barricade, as Assassin strikes down another familiar. By your count, that makes another four familiars taken down, leaving you and the team just seven left to deal with, just one-third of the total that had once opposed you. It's short, bloodless work, just as vital to the success and survival of your team as the battle taking place in the skies above. You only wish, thanks to the familiars' annoying habit of reverting to puddles of bubbling, corrupting ichor once felled, that it were a less hazardous task. But then, what reason do you have to expect for safety to be a consideration in a fight like this?

McRemitz-san's blade of light leaps from her arm, spearing Walpurgisnacht to round out what feels like one more 'turn' of combat; you have no clear indicator, but you're assuming that the rotations of Walpurgisnacht's body are as good an indicator as any as to how long the battle has been going on for. Despite how hectic everything has been so far, you would be remiss to estimate that any more than a handful of minutes has passed, if that.

This will mark the third time now that Walpurgisnacht has thrown a pair of city blocks your way. You hope it doesn't keep escalating the way you think it will. You aren't sure Saber and Caster can move fast enough to deal with any more than that. You hope they can, and Caster's precognition and Saber's speed and reflexes willing the pair will continue to be enough.

Buildings; defense; offense; familiars; and repeat. This battle has become worryingly predictable. It's only a matter of time now before Walpurgisnacht does something unpredictable. It still hasn't shown you the flood of corruption Mikuni Oriko's visions promised.

[ ] Wat do?
Last edited:
Day 47 Chapter 9
[X] Jefardi

This marks the third time now that Walpurgisnacht has thrown a pair of city blocks your way. You hope it doesn't keep escalating the way you think it will. You aren't sure Saber and Caster can move fast enough to deal with any more than that. You hope they can, and Caster's precognition and Saber's speed and reflexes willing the pair will continue to be enough.

A sword shining blue flashes, and Saber sends forth her torrents of water upon the falling city blocks. Concrete and steel are torn asunder by the immense water pressure, and building after building explodes in the wake of Saber's swift strikes. Caster takes to the stage next, and a rain of swords erupts from his many golden portals. The falling chumks are pulped instantly. You've seen this all before, many times. Buildings; defense; offense; familiars; and repeat. This battle has become worryingly predictable. It's only a matter of time now before Walpurgisnacht does something unpredictable. It still hasn't shown you the flood of corruption Mikuni Oriko's visions promised.

Mikuni Oriko strains under the crushing weight of debris as it falls and breaks upon her shield like the storm tides against a levee; much like the southern seaboard of Mitakihara is now a half-flooded mess, as the stormy seas crash against the ruined pier and the submerged wreckage of the buildings previously thrown at you, creating a bog of stone and steel over which you and your team now fight. Far above the bog of stone and steel, Walpurgisnacht has almost completed the rotations necessary to fully right itself when Archer ceases loosing his projectiles, saying to you "I think it's time I used that."

"Troias Tragōidia!"

"Gáe Bolg!"

"Unlimited Blade Works." You speak the name of Archer's Noble Phantasm back to him, as the sky crashes with the thunderous charge of Rider in his chariot and the blue-clad Lancer servant of McRemitz-san who has joined him. "You're expecting something strong once Walpurgisnacht is finished righting itself, I take it."

"It's too perfect a chance for the damn thing not to take it. I'd rather take the fight to my home field before any semblance of an advantage is lost on us."

"Right." You rejoin the fight with arrows of ice flying, calling out to Mikuni Oriko "All shields to Archer! Cover him while he goes for his Noble Phantasm!"

"Right!" Mikuni Oriko returns your call, directing all her shields onto Archer. "All shields in position!"

If any familiars thought Archer making himself a stationary target would make him easy prey, they were sadly mistaken. As Mikuni Oriko's barriers go up around Archer, Assassin and Berserker spring into action, cutting down the familiars that break from the attack as soon as barriers are in place around their target. Any not taken down forever by Assassin and Berserker are minced by Kirika's claws, frozen by your ice arrows, or set fire to and electrocuted by Nagatsuki Miyuki. They return to the battle shortly after their demise, of course, but there are only three of them now, so any challenge in defending your team's squishier targets from attack is made no challenge at all.

"Tiro Finale!"

"Claíomh Solais!"

Twin streaks of gold pierce the colourless morning, Tomoe-san and McRemitz-san joining their attacks together to strike at Walpurgisnacht in tandem. You have no idea whether McRemitz-san makes for a partner as suitable to Tomoe-san as Mikuni Oriko, no idea whether her silver-coloured arm and her sword of light have succeeded in doing any amount of damage to the massive witch at which their attacks are aimed. Then again, you haven't known that for any of your allies, not just McRemitz-san in particular.

Violet light colours the grey skies, as the blue flames of Lancer's Sowilo rune combine with the crimson glow of Kyouko's powerful spear attack. Lancer doesn't appear to be hitting Walpurgisnacht quite as strongly as she had been when she was deep into her battle mania, but at least this way you imagine she won't lose herself to the illusion of Sigurd forced upon her by Mikuni Oriko, to whom your eyes flash in the moments between Projecting, drawing, and loosing your arrows of ice against the few familiars that still remain. Does she feel regret for having ordered Lancer to view the enemy as her lover in order to puwer up her Noble Phantasm? you ask yourself, reading no answer on the stony face of Lancer's master as she keeps her barriers strong.

At last, it's time for Archer to chant those words which still haunt your memories of that night two weeks ago, when Elsa Maria broke free from the egg of the mountain.

"I am the bone of my sword"
"Steel is my body and fire is my blood"
"I have created over a thousand blades"
"Unknown to Death,"
"Nor known to Life."
"Have withstood pain to create many weapons"
"Yet, those hands will never hold anything"

"So as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works."

A warm wind blows ash and soot from the distant fires ringing the boundaries of Archer's Reality Marble as he finishes his chant, the barren expanse that is his world of infinite swords stretching to an horizon without ending; and just in time. Walpurgisnacht has fully righted itself. The gears lining its undercarriage have, if you listen closely, ceased their rotations, and the devil has fallen silent. Not even its laughter can be heard, and the three familiars left have fallen silent as well. For a brief moment, the wind blows Archer's hair down, and his image becomes like that of the red-haired boy you see often in your dreams, before a wind blowing from the other direction straightens his hair, returning it to the slicked-back style to which you've become accustomed to seeing on your father's head.

A single sound cuts through the silent infinity; it's the loudest sound you've ever heard Walpurgisnacht make. Like the tumblers of a massive locking mechanism, the gears of Walpurgisnacht's undercarriage rotate once again. "Cleanse your Soul Gems, everyone," you say to the puella magi on your team. After the six of you have done so, by your count that would put everyone down by two Grief Seeds. Even Nagatsuki Miyuki, with the fewest Grief Seeds among your teammates, should still be in good shape as long as your count is accurate. "Whatever it is, it's coming, and now."

And it's going to suck, no matter what it is.

Do you
[ ] Run
[ ] Defend
[ ] Fight
Day 47 Chapter 10
[X] Defend

"Cleanse your Soul Gems, everyone," you say to the puella magi on your team as the sound of Walpurgisnacht's gears re-engaging their rotation cycle echoes to infinity above your heads. After the six of you have done so, by your count that would put everyone down by two Grief Seeds. Even Nagatsuki Miyuki, with the fewest Grief Seeds among your teammates, should still be in good shape as long as your count is accurate. "Whatever it is, it's coming, and now."

And it's going to suck, no matter what it is.

Kyouko grips the shaft of her spear, and Tomoe-san tenses her body in preparation for another Tiro Finale, but Caster stops her. "No," the golden servant says to his master. "You cannot defeat what is coming through force of arms." To the rest of you, waiting for the stand-still familiars to re-engage the battle, Caster turns his head and says "All of you, muster what defenses you can. This is not an attack which you can meet and expect to survive."

"But I can." All eyes fall on McRemitz-san as she speaks, the sword of light retracting back into her silver arm as she slams the bottom of her metal over-shoulder canister against the ground. "The best defense I have is an overwhelming offense." McRemitz-san gives the canister a kick, popping the top hatch to reveal the top of a large metal sphere. What's she going to do with those? you ask yourself.

Caster nods his head; there's no way he didn't see this coming. His words must have been meant to provoke McRemitz-san into 'proving him wrong' through whatever her plan of defense might be. "The rest of you, raise what shields you can," Caster says, training his eyes on Mikuni Oriko, Saber, and Lancer especially. "And pray to whichever gods you believe in that they hold."
The gears of Walpurgisnacht's undercarriage spin ever faster.

"Book of Earth!"
Saber cries out as she draws a sword whose blade shines gold. Making a long slash at the ground with the blade, Saber's Noble Phantasm calls upon a large fortification in the shape of a traditional Japanese mansion. Its form flickers and shines in the sunless light of Archer's Reality Marble, becoming half-transparent as your team shelters in place, giving all of you a view of the doom hanging over your heads waiting to strike.

The gears of Walpurgisnacht's undercarriage spin ever faster.

"Rho Aias!"

"Gold Aias!"

In tandem, Archer and Mikuni Oriko each call forth their own barriers; Archer's, the familiar seven-layered barrier in the shape of a blooming flower; and Mikuni Oriko's, whose own seven-layer barrier appears to be in imitation of Archer's own barrier, if its form and name are anything to go by. Joining them for a third layer of barrier is Lancer, who adds her own Othala runes to create a third seven-layered barrier on top of Archer's and Mikuni Oriko's.

The gears of Walpurgisnacht's undercarriage spin ever faster.

"Shield of the gods, come to me!" Caster calls out next, summoning a massive golden shield - the same shield, you recall, which Archer earlier used to blunt the attack of Elsa Maria's familiars as they charged him when he brought them into this place - to defend your position from above.

The gears of Walpurgisnacht's undercarriage spin ever faster.

Last to present arms is Rider, who calls on his shield at the fore of the defensive line, proclaiming "To oppose this shield is the same as making the world your opponent! Akhilleus Kosmos!" as the world within his shield forms the final boundary in the defensive line.

The whirring of Walpurgisnacht's geared undercarriage is incessant, but above the constant piercing din you hear two words, two words which spell disaster in any language you might have heard them spoken in. You've never heard Walpurgisnacht speak before. But, this wouldn't be the first time in this timeline that you've heard a witch speaking before.

The gears underneath Walpurgisnacht spin with such force that they produce gale winds, and a blinding burst of light erupts from the devil's whirring undercarriage. Your heart plummets as the beam, a third of a kilometer in diameter and coming in with a force greater than all your team's Noble Phantasms combined, races towards your position at impossible speeds. In that instant, you doubt that even the strongest of your team's barriers can withstand the blast. Maybe, if you had started running the instant Walpurgisnacht righted itself, you could have outrun it and survived; but now... Guided by Caster's words, your team prepared their defenses, to their death. Your hand shakes as your fingers clutch the rim of your shield, ready to stop time in an instant if defeat appears inescapable otherwise. But then...
One among your team stands against the force of the oncoming attack, and more than that retaliates with one of their own. The metal sphere hiding inside McRemitz-san's canister floats up to her fist. Like the quicksilver of her arm, the metal sphere takes on a new form as McRemitz-san prepares her overwhelming offense, that of an ornate and powerful-looking blade adorned with many runes which rises from the forward edge of the metal sphere. "Gouging Sword of the War God..."


With her fist and the metal sphere both crackling with azure arcs of mana, McRemitz-san punches the metal sphere just a fraction of a second after Walpurgisnacht's beam punches through your team's last line of defense, launching the weapon headlong into Walpurgisnacht. You've become so accustomed to playing with the force of time that you almost don't notice when you feel causality reverse itself. Suddenly, McRemitz-san's attack is the first to strike, piercing Walpurgisnacht through the center of its undercarriage with a terrible sound.

As for the weapon fired by Walpurgisnacht, the beam of light is shattered as soon as its point of origin is pierced, and its energy is redirected outwards in all directions. Wherever they strike, the beams pierce large holes in the boundaries of Archer's Reality Marble, and under his breath you can hear him whisper "So it has anti-world properties like that thing, does it?" while Caster looks on with a knowing look on his face.

With Archer's Reality marble rendered unstable, the boundary between his world and the real world dissolves, and you're left to see the damage done to the real world by Walpurgisnacht's failed attack. Had it succeeded, there's no doubt in your mind that the ground you're standing on would have ceased to exist, replaced by nothing more than a deep hole in the ground a third of a kilometer wide. Bu thanks to McRemitz-san and her timely counterattack, the damage is minimal. The stony bog that remains of the southern seaboard on which you stand on is no more torn up than it had been before, though many buildings off in the distance have either been eradicated or pierced through by the violent beams of light.

Still, it's better than if the beam had been allowed to connect with its intended target. But Walpurgisnacht, despite having its ultimate attack foiled, doesn't appear to have been phased by the unexpected counterattack. On the contrary, its bellowing laughter has returned. You immediately brace yourself, expecting another attack like that one to come again at any moment. Instead, what comes is far, far worse than anything you could have imagined.

"Ḭ̶̠̱̞̘̇̎͛̽͊͆̆͘͝f̴̢͉̩̬̙̲͚̫̯̰̤̆̌̈́͋̒̋̏̂̀̓̋ ̴̧̘̬̭̙̙̖̘͎͕̝̂̉̎͑͜͝p̸̡̝̱̰̥̜̤̫͕̗̘̤̺͌̍͌͆͂͐̂̄̋̅̐̂u̷͙̩͉̫͎̗̝̫͓͔̾͗͂́̀͌̀͌̊̈́͘̚ḝ̸͉̫̰̻̯̊̓͊̈́̃l̸̪̳̥̖̜̳̰͉̟͕̼̞͌̈́l̷̡̠͚͍̺̲͙̰̀̃̾͒ă̷̠̜͎̟̩͍̟͓̜̬̋́̌̂̄͑̈̎́̈́̌̾͜ ̵̲̖͚̰̦̻̩̱̯̱̪͖͎̅͒m̸̠̣̪͙͍̝͓̬͆͗̎̑͗̍̂̈́̈́ͅá̴̢͕̤̌̈́̌͘̚͜͝g̶̢̭̞͉̻̗̲͉̅͌͝͠i̴̗̱̙̺̝̱̰̜̥̿̉́̊ ̵̠̣̾̈́̇̽̇͌̉̄̊̀̕͝c̶̣̰̘̽̀̆̈̋͛͂̅̓̐͝ã̷̳̩͒͗̀͒̈́͒̐̈́n̶͇̯̰̯̣̽̊̓̋͌̑̀̄̓̆̃ ̵̧̡̛̘̠̹̺̫͖̬̂̂̊͆̒̽̾͊͐̕̕͝ͅͅḧ̶̯̤̯̥͔̭̤̖̗̮̭͕͇͊̒͛͝ą̷̢̛̹̑̊͛v̸̞̼̝̟̙̥̦̦̰̉ͅe̵̢͍͑͂́͛͊̓̽ ̶̡̙̰̰̭̟̼̿͒̊̀̈́͌̂͘̚ͅs̵̪̜̫̝̣̀̌e̶̪͇̥͌̏̓̅̕r̵̜̫̩͚̎̑̀͆̈́̈̋̆̍͆͛ͅv̴̛̰͈͍͒̓͐͒̀̂̅̕ả̷̺̱̖̦̳̻͙̟̥̤͇̇̀̿͂̓̎͠ͅń̸̡̨̧̺̻̺͎̻̹̫͆̎͜͝ͅt̸͎͚̣̙͉̘̲͈͊̊͜ͅs̷̜̥̣̬͚̻̣̝̺̄̃̾̂̊͛̊̌̉̚͜,̷̱̩̥͠ ̴̖̀̔͑̓͊̌̍͐̈t̴͚̮͈̥̺̤̞͈̦̖͚̃͜͝h̷̺̣̫̤̍ͅe̵̜̰̹͙̪̮̰̣̓̋̓́̉̀̉͊̆̂̚͝ņ̵̛̳̳̗̳̙̟̼̩͉͙́̈́̄́̆͂͛̿̾͗̚͠ ̸̛̣̮̍͌̎͒̈͒̄̈́͝͝ẘ̴͇̺̖͉̘͌̈́͆͊̍̀͑͘͠͝h̸̪̙̀͂̉̉͊̂̎̄͝y̵̨̢̟̘͚̓̾͛͌̋̑̋͗̕̕͝͝ ̸͔̹͚̖͔̌̽͑̊̅͝c̸̡̺̱̱͓͈̺̖̱͕̔̀̒̕a̴͔͙̼̔̀́̐̋̔̃͠n̵̡͇̞̙͖̪̺̏̃̒̾̈́͛̎͐͜͝ͅ'̵̨̧͕͉͈̗̩͓̮̰̫̙̜̈́̍͆͒͌t̸̝̗̞͚͔̝͌̏̿͊̀̂̓̅̾͘͘͘ ̵̢̧̟͚̈͑̑͗Ḭ̴͓͚̲͔͎͎͔̱̱̉̔͋̀̅͛̅̆̕͘͝ͅ?̵̛̳̳͍́̃̎̎̈́̍̀̕͘"
There is no way in any realm of existence, either in this world or the next, that those words are a sign of good things to come. The sound of tumbling locks returns to fill the air once more, rearranging the gears of Walpurgisnacht's undercarriage until they reveal a gaping black maw. The devil's laughter fills your ears as a black waterfall rains down from the mechanical maw. "Incoming!" someone calls out, and all defenses are raised as the ocean of corruption falls to earth. Though your body is protected from any imminent corruption by several layers of defenses, you can still feel a rising heat fill the air around you, the same burning sensation you felt in your arm when you tried to use Inguz as a weapon.

Barriers fall as the attack concludes, revealing the extent of the damage. The liquid corruption has stained the waters of Mitakihara's southern seaboard black like the aftermath of an oil spill, and the black liquid has filled all of the gaps in the ruined pier. There is a heat in the air, choking, clouding, making it difficult to breathe, and a thick blanket of fire and smoke obscures the corruption's effect out to deeper waters; though you assume it to be much the same oil-spill-like contamination of the waters as what you can see from here. A light, black and red and ominous, shines from the deepest reaches of the choking fire and smoke, and you hear a voice calling out from within.

Archer's body tenses, and fear colours his face in a way you've never seen from him before. "No," he whispers. "Not that... Anything but that..."


Something springs out from within the cloud of smoke and fire, a black beam very much alike to the lake-blue slash of Berserker's sword Noble Phantasm. No defenses are able to contain it, and to the last each member of your team is forced to avoid the strike. It cuts through the already ruined concrete, carving a long and deep channel which allows for further corruption to drain into the land; and it cuts through darkness obscuring its source, revealing the shapes of seven figures standing on the surface of the black oil-slick corruption. Each of the seven figures is coloured a pitch-black, the same as the corruption which every fiber of your being tells you they were born from, but the shapes and forms of their bodies all vary wildly. Where the last three of Walpurgisnacht's original twenty-three familiars have gone you cannot say, but the message here is a clear one.

These are their replacements; and unlike the last batch Walpurgisnacht expects great things from them.

[ ] Wat do?

Minor characters unlocked!
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Day 47 Chapter 11
[X] Jefardi

Something springs out from within the cloud of smoke and fire, a black beam very much alike to the lake-blue slash of Berserker's sword Noble Phantasm. No defenses are able to contain it, and to the last each member of your team is forced to avoid the strike. It cuts through the already ruined concrete, carving a long and deep channel which allows for further corruption to drain into the land; and it cuts through darkness obscuring its source, revealing the shapes of seven figures standing on the surface of the black oil-slick corruption. Each of the seven figures is coloured a pitch-black, the same as the corruption which every fiber of your being tells you they were born from, but the shapes and forms of their bodies all vary wildly. Where the last three of Walpurgisnacht's original twenty-three familiars have gone you cannot say, but the message here is a clear one.

These are their replacements; and unlike the last batch Walpurgisnacht expects great things from them.

"What are we dealing with," you ask Archer, as all your attempts to analyse the new arrivals with your master's vision fall short. Of course. These are servants in appearance only; at their core, they're familiars like the ones you just finished fighting earlier.

"Bad," Archer replies. "Very bad." The largest of the seven new arrivals, wearing the shape of a hulking brute standing well over two meters tall, exhales sharply as its body tenses and pulses with a deep crimson glow from within its black-coloured form. "They're the servants from my War; well, all of them but me, obviously. Don't look Rider in the eyes, and don't let Caster stab you. Very bad things will happen."

The servants from Archer's Grail War... Your eyes trail across each of the seven, from left to right. King Arthur, Gilgamesh - distinctly not the Caster-class Gilgamesh you've come to know over the course of this timeline - another Cú Chulainn that isn't the one belonging to McRemitz-san, Medusa, Medea, the Cursed Arm Assassin from the final of Archer's three Grail Wars, and Heracles.

"Insolent cur!" Caster exclaims as his eyes lock with those of his double. "Who gave you permission to wear the form of I, the King?" In a flash of gold, Caster has donned a full suit of golden armour, matching his double in form if not in colour. "When I am through with you, nothing shall remain of your corpse!"

Dozens of golden portals open behind Caster's back, launching several volleys of swords and polearms at the false Archer, who responds in kind by loosing several volleys of his own, swords and polearms formed from the black muck staining the pier. Gold clashes with black, creating a catastrophic sound, and when the sound and thunder have abated the pair have drawn weapons; Caster, a large ornate axe; and the false Archer, a weapon you might generously describe as a sword, were the definition of "sword" so flexible as to include that. "Mongrel! How dare you!"


"Stay out of this, master!" Tomoe-san immediately falls silent as her servant barks at her. "My fight now is with this insolent imposter!"

With the battle commenced, the field of opposing servants breaks. The false Lancer bounds towards his counterpart, but the advance is halted by Rider. "All that practice sparring with you should make this one a piece of cake!" he says to the real Lancer servant of McRemitz-san.

"Then you'll be wanting one of these," Archer says, quickly tossing a short sword to Rider as he dodges a swing from the tremendous weapon of the monstrous false Berserker. Another short sword finds its way to Mikuni Oriko's Lancer servant, who has engaged with the false Caster. "You too, if you can get a hit in with it."

A shimmering black dagger glides past your head, and you turn with it as it meets its target "Assassin!" Your servant has blocked the weapon, thrown by her counterpart with the exaggerated arm. The misshapen thing keeps its distance from your Assassin, constantly darting this way and that across the battlefield as it throws daggers whenever the opening presents itself. She needs backup, but as your eyes scan the battlefield you find there is no one you can call on to help her.

Saber is too busy dealing with the buildings being lobbed at your team by Walpurgisnacht to come to Assassin's aid, and everyone else has paired off and is fighting one of the other enemy familiars; Archer against the false Berserker; Lancer against the false Caster; McRemitz-san and her own Lancer against the false Rider; Rider against the false Lancer; Caster against the false Archer, and Berserker against the false Saber.

"My King!" Berserker cries as his blades clash with the black sword of his false king. "How could you have fallen so low! What would your knights say if they could see you suffering like this?"


The roar of the false Saber is almost loud enough to drown out the clashing of her blade against Berserker's, each violent repetition sending sparks flying as metal scrapes against metal and skill with a blade is tested with each strained movement of their bodies.

And then, there are the six of you... With all available servants taking up higher-priority roles than playing backup for Assassin, it has to fall to you and the others to help her make the push. But who? "Kirika! Help out Assassin! I'll cover you!"

"On it!" You hope you've made the right call as Kirika leaps into the fray with claws drawn, and you try to push back against any negative thoughts as you draw back your hand to ready a volley of arrows. Kirika is fast; with just a little bit of her magic, she's able to match the speed of the enemy Assassin., and thanks to the reach of her claws chain she's able to hit the enemy Assassin without having to close the gap between them. Caught off guard by her sudden interference, the enemy retreats, and Kirika follows, parrying thrown daggers with her claws as she pursues her prey. "Come on Assassin, we can't let that little creep get away!"

You and Tomoe-san both do your best to lend fire support to Kirika and Assassin, but in no time at all they've bounded well out of reach of any attempt to corral the enemy, and you lose sight of the target shortly afterwards.

There's far too much going on for your eyes to keep abreast of, but you'll have to try if you want to have an idea of just what is happening. The two Gilgamesh are locked in a standstill, neither one budging or breaking as their bodies and weapons clash repeatedly. You have no idea how to gauge the battle between McRemitz-san, her Lancer, and the false Rider- The trio appear to be evenly matched, and with barely a full minute into the engagement and little experience with how any of the three fight, you'd have a hard time calling this one. You can't see where Archer has gone, but given the success he's had so far at using his arrows to corral the false Berserker away from giving aid to any of the other false servants, you'll give it to him that he at least knows what he's doing.

Lancer is a different story, however. Against the false Caster she's managing to hold her own quite well, but she's being overwhelmed. Most obnoxiously, the false Caster has the ability to create familiars, pitting Lancer against a never-ending procession of three at a time at every opportunity. And with only one of Archer's short swords at her disposal...

"N̵̨͂̌o̷̖̘͔̜̎b̶͈̓̓͠l̶̢̥̝͎͌͊͊̃e̵͍̞̿ ̵̛̠̗̰̈́́͗P̷̹̫̝̣͒̉͒̀ḧ̶̘́̎̑a̸̺̼̒̓̐ṋ̶͎̓̓̇͝ţ̶̦̩̖̑̿a̷̡̭̪̞̐̈́s̴̻͔̏̾͠m̴̭͙̱̚.̸̫̤̀̒́.̵̰͙͂̅.̶̗̦̺̊͜"
You'd long since lost track of the battle between Kirika, Assassin, and the false Assassin , so when you hear the haggard voice of the misshapen creature announcing its Noble Phantasm, your heart sinks. The thing's hideous arm shoots out, shining a brilliant orange as it reaches for Asssassin's heart. "Z̷̡͇͙̀̆͜a̶̯͍͂b̷̢͖̹͒ȁ̴̛͍͈͙̈͝-̶͇̒̀̓́"

"Got you!" Before the false Assassin has time to react, Kirika's clawed chain has wrapped around its arm several times, preventing it from reaching its destination. As Kirika cries out "Assassin, hit it!" you can almost see something which might have resembled fear in the sunken hollows of the false Assassin's black face.

"Understood." With her foe immobile, Assassin pounces, and with both short swords drawn she sinks them deep into the false Assassin's body, one in the chest, and the other in the head. The false Assassin shudders for a moment as the blades pierce its body, and with a swift kick Assassin drives her blade home. The black form of the false Assassin collapses into a puddle of corruption; that's one down, but still six more and Walpurgisnacht left to go.

And Walpurgisnacht is rotating again; who knows how many turns of its body you'll have before it can fire that super weapon again.

[ ] Wat do?
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Day 47 Chapter 12
[X] Jefardi

The black form of the false Assassin collapses into a puddle of corruption as your own Assassin drives her short swords deep into the familiar's misshapen body; that's one down, but still six more and Walpurgisnacht left to go.

And Walpurgisnacht is rotating again; who knows how many turns of its body you'll have before it can fire that super weapon again.

The sky is alight with fire as Kyouko's massive spear plunges into Walpurgisnacht, and she cleanses her Soul Gem as soon as the weapon retracts. "Taking a lot out of you, isn't it?" you ask her, as both your eyes and hers dart over to her servant. Rider is locked in fierce combat with the false Lancer, and neither appear to be gaining any ground against the other.

"Tell me about it," Kyouko responds. "Killer's draining mana from me like a I'm a super slurpee from Lawson's. I know I ain't Crazy with her stupidly low stock'a mana, but I gotta do something about him, and fast. You got any ideas?"

"If you can get him to lure the fake Lancer into position, I can have Assassin move in and finish it off. That'll free him up to either help someone else, or to give you a break if you're getting desperate."

"If I'd known Wally'd bring reinforcements like this, maybe I'd have asked ta borrow that big Grief Fruit you've got sitting in yer shield."

"When this is all over, I think we'll all have earned that one."
You draw your bow, loosing on the familiars swarming Lancer to try and give her an opening to strike back against the false Caster, calling out to your allies to do the same. "Kirika! If you're free, give Lancer a hand dealing with those familiars! Nagatsuki Miyuki, the same for you! We need to take the burden off Lancer so she can finish the fake Caster off!"

"On it!"


Kirika leaps into battle with reckless abandon, swinging like a wild animal as she supports her lover's servant at close range, while Nagatsuki Miyuki holds back, avoiding Kirika to pick the enemy familiars off with pinpoint bolts of emerald lightning. Their attacks are joined by your arrows of ice, but as soon as the enemy has fallen, they reform; you've seen this song and dance too many times already in this battle, but at the moment both Assassin and Berserker are occupied elsewhere. For now, you'll all have to work together to provide Lancer the support she needs, as all the while everyone engaging the fake Caster's familiars must also dodge out of the way as their master rains down black bolts of corruption. It's getting harder to move, harder to breathe, as the air grows thicker with corruption.
"Wait for Rider to get the fake Lancer into an advantageous position, then move in for the kill," you instruct Assassin, wasting precious little time to see her slip into the shadows with her Presence Concealment as your eyes attempt to take a second stock of the battle unfolding around you.

Saber attempts to do what she can to slow Walpurgisnacht's attack, continuing to use her Book of Water Noble Phantasm to smash up incoming buildings, while Tomoe-san attempts to take the place of Caster in assisting her, using multiple Tiro Finale blasts in sequence to replicate Caster mulching the falling debris from Saber's attacks with his volleys of swords; swords which Caster now uses against his black-coloured opponent. Fortunately, while the false Archer endlessly presses back against Caster, Caster has not yet lost ground to his foe. Rather, two continue their back-and-forth, exchanging blows from their weapons both as they clash in person, and as they fire upon the other with their vast stores of swords.

With a heave, Caster pushes his opponent back when the flat of his axe crashes into the side of the false Archer's head. The false Archer recovers quickly, swinging with his sword - are you sure it's appropriate to call that a sword? - but Caster ducks under the false Archer's wide swing, slamming his hand to the ground as he proclaims "Witness the defense of Uruk, the greatest and richest of cities! The deluge of the land is my will!" A brilliant golden wall rises behind Caster, and with a tremendous burst of golden light the false Archer is thrown backwards as Caster unleashes the might of his "Melammu Dingir!"

All this occurs in the span of the few seconds from when Saber and Tomoe-san broke the incoming buildings to when Mikuni Oriko raised her shields to defend against the falling debris. Incredible.

You see Kirika break away from the battle against the false Caster's familiars to cleanse her Soul Gem, and your eyes dart over to the clash of blades between Berserker and the false Saber. Archer's short swords have cut Berserker's reach significantly, but even so he manages to hold his own against the false Saber, fighting with a greater technique in the face of her overwhelming power. The false Saber screams with a garbled, inhuman voice, "L̵̰̘̓̈̆A̶͎̐̒͌͝Ņ̴̂̓̄Ĉ̵͙̺̄̌Ę̶̫̺͊L̵͚̞̞̉̑O̵͔͆̋͋T̵̨̙̅̆͆!̷͈̲̰̊̐͝" and each time her blade connects with anything, be it a clash with Berserker's blades or with the ground when her swing goes wide and misses, you can fee the impact tremors shaking your bones just from watching the two duel. Berserker may have the better technique, but all it would take is a single unlucky strike from the false Saber and you're sure that would be his end.

You wouldn't even know where to begin with the other two fights. You can't see Archer, only his arrows as they strike the black-coloured false Berserker and keep his attention fixed and away from any other battles; and while you think you're seeing more of how McRemitz-san and her Lancer fight against the false Rider, it's still not enough for you to call it either way. You can only tell that they appear to have things under control; at least you hope you're reading them correctly.

Spears clash, as both Rider and the false Lancer spring back away from the other's strike, lunging forward again in repeat. Rider is putting his sparring practice against his opponent's authentic counterpart to good use, though while he is able to avoid the critical strikes of his opponent, he has yet to land a critical blow himself, nor has the opportunity to use Archer's short sword on his opponent presented itself.

But Rider doesn't need to be the one to strike. Assuming Kyouko has conveyed your plans to him, the same way you've conveyed your plans to Assassin, all Rider has to do is keep toying with his opponent until he's moved the false Lancer into position.

Their spears clash once more, and you see the moment present itself. Locked in combat with Rider, the false Lancer doesn't even notice when his back is turned towards Assassin. "Now!" She disengages her Presence Concealment and strikes from the shadows, pinning the false Lancer twice in the back with both short swords. Struck, the false Lancer's body lurches backwards, into Assassin as she pulls her target further onto her blades. With his foe's chest exposed, Rider strikes with his own short sword; that makes three. Assassin relinquishes her grasp on the target, and the false Lancer falls to the ground.

"Look out!"

A black spear shoots up from the ground, penetrating Assassin through the back as she turned to leave the fallen target. What? How? How did the false Lancer survive that? Rider intervenes, throwing the false Lancer off of Assassin, but it's already too late. As the false Lancer's body melts into a puddle of corruption, you can see an unsettling, pulsing glow coming from the wound in her chest, and the deep blue veins creeping up her neck are disturbingly familiar to those you saw on the original Assassin as she lay wounded, before you used her body to summon the Assassin you're now about to lose.

"Do not grieve, master," Assassin says to you. She's smiling, even as blood leaks from her mouth and her body breaks apart before your eyes. She reaches a hand out to stroke your cheek, saying "My time in this life was meaningful, because of you."

And just like that... Assassin is gone. You can no longer feel the tug of her mana, and your right wrist feels three Command Seals lighter than it had just a moment earlier. But you don't have time to grieve Assassin's passing; not yet. There's still a battle to be fought, and the field of enemies hardly seems lighter for the two victories your team has won.

[ ] Wat do?
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Day 47 Chapter 13
[X] Jefardi

And just like that... Assassin is gone. You can no longer feel the tug of her mana, and your right wrist feels three Command Seals lighter than it had just a moment earlier. But you don't have time to grieve Assassin's passing; not yet. There's still a battle to be fought, and the field of enemies hardly seems lighter for the two victories your team has won. Kyouko's giant-size spear lights up the sky as she fires on Walpurgisnacht once more; Assassin's death has bought Kyouko a moment's reprieve by breaking the stalemate between Rider and the false Assassin, but rather than rest, now you need to push forward and take advantage of what Assassin's sacrifice has bought your team.

Breathing heavily as she grips the shaft of her spear so tightly her knuckles have turned white, Kyouko cleanses her Soul Gem, and you say to her "Are you up for one more round?"

"What, me?"
she replies. "I can do this all day." Kyouko's attempt at deflection falls short; you know that isn't true. "Lemma guess, you've got something else ya need Killer ta take care of, right?"

"I do. If you have Rider fight the fake Berserker, I can pull Archer away to help deal with the fake Caster."

"She's really given Lancer and the others that much trouble, is she?"

"See for yourself,"
you say, motioning with your head for Kyouko to turn her attention towards the struggle. Kirika and Nagatsuki Miyuki cleave their way through the swelling ranks of the false Caster's familiars, while being forced to dodge the earth-shattering blasts of corruption which the false Caster rains down on them and Lancer, who has yet to find a clean opening with which to take the fight in close. "They're getting their asses handed to them out there. Even though Lancer can fly herself, she hasn't been able to get close enough to the fake Caster to end this."

"Alright, I guess I can have Killer peel off and fight the big guy,"
Kyouko says "And, uh, sorry 'bout what happened ta Assassin. I dunno how close you two were, but, I guess it's kinda my fault she bit it 'cause I'm the one in charge'a Rider."

"Don't beat yourself up. There was no way I could have expected there not to be casualties."
Instead, you're going to wait until later, and beat yourself up for having given the order to Assassin that failed her. "Archer, Kyouko is going to have Rider take care of the fake Berserker. I need you to assist Lancer and the others in dealing with the fake Caster."


With that one word, the hail of arrows against the colossal black titan falls silent. The black giant, now unmolested by the rain of Archer's projectiles, glances towards the battle between Caster and the false Archer, and charges towards the storm of gold at a breakneck pace. "▂▂▃▃▄▄▅▅!" An impossible scream leaves the false Berserker's mouth as it charges, only for that scream to be broken by the sound of thunder as Rider's chariot slams headlong into the black giant. Rider's chariot circles around for a second strike, but the false Berserker makes for the largest slab of concrete within arm's reach, swinging it wide and shattering Rider's horses and chariot in a single blow.

Rider is sent flying, but quickly picks himself up, drawing his spear against the false Berserker. "First Missy, then my old teacher, and now I get to fight you, big guy," he says with a smile. "Granted, I'd have preferred to fight you on better terms, but I'll take what I can get!" The two charge into one another, as Archer's arrows scream over their heads towards the battle against the false Caster.

You loose your arrows in time to join Archer's as they slam home into the false Caster. The airborne servant turns towards the source of the attacks, only for Lancer to take the opportunity to punish her opponent. "It is foolish to take your eyes off of your opponent in the middle of a fight," Lancer says, bringing her massive spear home and drawing the false Caster's attention back to her. Enraged, the false Caster opens fire with a flurry of blasts, but Lancer swiftly retaliates, forming a barrier to shield from the incoming attacks. "This battle will go no further," she says, closing the barrieraround the false Caster as she activates runes of fire and ice in tandem.

You have no idea what Archer could be preparing for the false Caster, but you don't have time to waste thinking about it. Your arrows join Kirika and Nagatsuki Miyuki; it won't finish off the enemy familiars; for that you would need more of Archer's short swords. But you can help ease their burden.

Lancer's fire and ice runes swirl fiercely, trapping the false Caster in a vortex of rapidly shifting temperatures. A storm forms inside the barrier Lancer has created around her opponent, and as the intensity of the storm ramps up, Lancer closes the barrier around the false Caster, shrinking it until a tremendous explosion rocks the battlefield. The smoke clears; Lancer's attack has failed to defeat the false Caster, but it has kept her attention fixed on Lancer for long enough.


Archer's brilliant arrow of gold and blue tears across the battlefield, slamming into the false Caster with an explosion to rival the one made by Lancer's previous attack. Immediately, Archer launches a follow-up attack, loosing a volley of short swords which have been turned into arrows. They pierce through the false Caster, tearing her to shreds and scattering her body into many pieces, which turns into puddles of black corruption wherever they land. The familiars remain to terrorise Lancer, Kirika, Nagatsuki Miyuki, and now you, but at least with the false Caster defeated there should hopefully be no more of them.

"Think you can take a little bit more?" you ask Kirika.

"I think I'm taking this about as well as I can, all things considered," Kirika responds. "But sure, I get the feeling you need something from me, right?"

"Can you manage to hold out if Berserker draws his Noble Phantasm against the fake Saber?"

"I dunno, probably. If I clean myself right now, I should be able to take it if he needs to break the stalemate he's stuck in."

"Then make sure you do."
Kirika cleanses her Soul Gem at your encouragement, and your eyes chance to peer over at the fight between Berserker and the false Saber.

Berserker discards the short swords he had been using, and the false Saber takes the opportunity to bring her own, much larger sword, down on Berserker. But rather than be struck by the blow, Berserker catches the sword in his hands, and with a mighty scream he uses the sword as a fulcrum to fling the false Saber into a pile of rubble. With range enough between them, Berserker now has the freedom to draw his own sword, matching the false Saber's in blackness but shining with a vibrant and clear blue in defiance to the penetrating scarlet of the false Saber's sword. Swords clash in a duel of blue and red like something from a space opera, as both combatants scream at each other with words you can barely understand.

You wonder how Berserker must feel, to see his beloved King reduced to this form; or how Archer must feel to see her like this for a second time.

[ ] Wat do?
Day 47 Chapter 14
[X] Jefardi

"You might want to have someone take a look at those puddles," Archer says to you. "If that one's anything like the real Medea was, then I'm hesitant to believe she'll have gone down so easily."

"You think the fake Caster could still be alive?"

"It's entirely possible. This wouldn't be the first time I've seen Medea fake her own death. Nagatsuki can see through illusions, right? Have her check the puddles out from a safe distance, then I'll blast them if it looks like she might come back."

You turn to Nagatsuki Miyuki, who along with you and Kirika is doing her best to keep the remaining familiars created by the false Caster subdued, and say to her "Archer thinks the fake Caster might still be alive, and wants you to check her out with your illusion-cancelling sight."

"What? He thinks she's still alive after being chewed up like that?"

"Archer has faced that exact Caster servant before. If he says it, then I'll believe him."

You loose a volley of arrows into the field, scattering the familiars and giving Nagatsuki Miyuki just enough time to break away to check out the nearest puddle of what had once been the false Caster. "Don't get too close," she says. "That thing's definitely still alive... Somehow."

You give a simple "Thank you," to Nagatsuki Miyuki as she pulls away from the puddle where the false Caster is hiding - and seriously, just how did she survive that? - relaying her message to Archer. "Nagatsuki Miyuki says the fake Caster is still alive."

"Copy that. One volley, incoming."

"Hit the deck!" you cry out to Kirika and Nagatsuki Miyuki. Archer waits just long enough for your allies to pull back to safer ground before loosing his arrows on the scattered puddles. As each arrow impacts the black liquid it throws up chunks of concrete, and the corruption sparks and cracks as it settles on the ruined ground, silent; hopefully. "Alright, let's get the rest of these familiars taken care of," you say to your teammates. "We'll work with Archer and help him to target them. They should go down quickly that way."

The echoed replies of "Got it!" come from both Kirika and Nagatsuki Miyuki, and together the three of you get to work. Overhead, Kyouko's giant spear leaps forward, striking Walpurgisnacht dead center on its geared undercarriage, as further away Mikuni Oriko brings her barriers to bear against the falling debris. You wonder how their servants are faring.

The false Berserker grabs Lancer by the head as she raises her spear against him, slamming her into the ground with such force that the concrete shattered under her. Rider's body tensed, his muscles filling themselves with the powerful magic his partner had lain on him as she joined the fray, moments before the false Berserker decided her interruption was not to be tolerated. With no words but a great battle cry, Rider charged, making use of his incredible speed to appear beside the false Berserker in an instant.

For his efforts, Rider's head is met with a slab of concrete, as the false Berserker raises a counterattack; but in doing so, Lancer was freed from the death grip the black giant had her locked in. A strong kicks knocks the black giant off of her, and together she and Rider lay their spears on the false Berserker, slashing and tearing into its form. The false Berserker strikes back, batting the pair away as they approach, but for every time the black giant swings his weapon, the attack is repelled.

Charging her spear with a Sowilo rune, Lancer blasts the false Berserker with a burst of fire, searing off what would have been the black giant's face before sending it flying with a kick as she slips under the false Berserker's swing. The false Berserker catches pieces of falling debris as they both soar through the air, and heaves them at Lancer one after another. Lancer dodges, and Rider takes off, using the falling concrete as stepping stones to join the mid-air battle himself. Together, the pair succeed in thrusting their spears clean through the body of the black giant, but the wounds are healed as soon as they are dealt, and the false Berserker retaliates by slamming down on Lancer and Rider with the largest piece of debris within arm's reach. The pair are sent flying, but quickly regain their footing as they return to earth, only to be launched skyward again as the false Berserker lands with a tremendous shockwave, kicking Lancer and Rider back into the air once more.

The battle rises into the sky, and Lancer gives pursuit to her quarry. She rocketed skyward, outpacing the false Berserker in order to meet him at the zenith of his ascent, before batting him back down to earth with a full-powered swing of her spear as she cried out;

"Brynhildr Romantia!"
The false Berserker meets Lancer's attack head-on, the massive flame-wreathed spear crashing into the black giant with an explosive force that wracks the atmosphere with shockwaves. The ruined body of the false Berserker collides with the earth, shattering it upon impact and kicking up a great cloud of dust and debris. From within the cloud blue flames could be seen burning brightly, outlining the stunned form of the false Berserker as it recovered from its injuries, and Rider took the opportunity to strike. He charged forward, striking with both his spear and the short sword extended.

His strike would never meet the mark. The false Berserker sprang awake as Rider charged, batting him away with the thrust of an arm. The false Berserker quickly scrambled to reacquire a weapon. Lancer swung her spear and Rider charged forward again, but the pair were met with blows from the returning massive slab of concrete, with which the false Berserker parried their strikes. His strikes kicked against the dark pools of corruption, sending their contents flying; Lancer and Rider charged through the black liquid, striking true with their combined spears.

Rider raised Archer's short sword, but it was knocked from his hands as the false Berserker swept Rider's legs out from under him with a wide swing. Quickly, Lancer moved to pick the weapon up, but Berserker's next swing tore into her, and the force of the swing sending her into the black-stained ground.

The pair picked themselves up, and resumed striking in tandem, forcing the false Berserker to parry their strikes as soon as they came. With Rider overwhelming the false Berserker through his precise, rapid-fire jabs and thrusts, Lancer broke off the attack. Then, when the moment arrived in which the false Berserker was distracted, wholly engrossed in the fight against Rider, Lancer struck.

Several Sowilo runes activated at once, causing an explosion that launched the false Berserker skyward. With the belly of the beast exposed, Lancer rocketed towards her target, her spearhead engulfed in flames. This time, Rider wouldn't wait for Lancer to return to earth to make his strike. This time, he'd spring as soon as the false Berserker had been hit.

"Brynhildr Romantia!"



Berserker and the false Saber unleashed their strongest attacks, immense tidal waves of power which crashed through everything in their path, colliding with a tremendous eruption and rocking the ruined landscape. Care Berserker had for his master's well being, but he had his orders; "Destroy her, Berserker! I don't care how much you need to take from me, just get it done!" He would obey.

The false Saber charged, smoke still rolling off the blade after its last attack. Berserker steadied himself, parrying the strike and returning it with one of his own. The pair whirlwinds; the false saber fought with unlimited ferocity, but Berserker knew every one of his King's moves, countering each strike and swing as it came to him. The false Saber's brutal swings had much more power in them than they had in life - a wide swing fell short as Berserker dodged, and the falling blade tore the ground to shreds and send debris flying as it impacted - but his King's technique had faded with that increase in strength. Her swings were wild, lacking the martial prowess they had in life. There was space between them now as Berserker was pushed back by another wild swing. The false Saber raised her arms, slowly, deliberately, as her sword shone with malevolent light.


Berserker charged as his foe raised her arms, leveling his sword straight at the false Saber's exposed chest. His strike was true, and his sword neatly pierced through the heart of the false Saber before she could finish calling on her attack. With his opponent stunned by the would-be fatal strike for just a moment, Berserker plunged Archer's short sword deep into the false Saber's chest beside the wound he had just dealt. It was no longer his Noble Phantasm to wield, but the blade had lost none of its potency against the blackness which had corrupted his King's form. "It is regrettable business that we must part ways like this, my King," Berserker says. "Consider this my sincerest apology. If I cannot atone for the wrongs I have done to you, then let me at least put you out of the misery which I have caused you."

With a guttural response, words which Berserker could not understand, the false Saber grabbed tightly to his arm, and drew in close by pulling herself up along the length of his sword. "I̷͉̮̟̦͑̿̆̋̂̇͗̚ ̷̼̲̬̙̹͔̮͑̌̽h̵͎̔̐͝a̸̡̫͈̪̜̤̹̾̈́͂t̶̡̠̙̝̩̻̉é̵̡̱͕̻̗̞̲͈̑͊̐́́͗͊̈́ ̸̧͍͉̼̊͆͒̾ỵ̷̧̞̉̉ͅo̴͕̰̗̜͕͆̄́͗̕͜͜ǔ̵̹̤̤͜!̶̨̛͎̪͓̯͎̋͂͐"

Berserker's jaw clenched as he felt his chest being penetrated; in her dying moments, the false Saber had run her sword through his spiritual core. His gaze turned down to the blackened form of his King, and with solemn resignation he nodded his head, saying "I know. But even if you hate me, my King, I shall never cease to love you, as all who served under you once and still do."

A dying light was snuffed out as the false Saber's final attack failed to ignite. Her body fell apart, reverting to a puddle of black corruption, and Berserker fell backwards against the ground. He did not get back up.

"Shit!" Kirika cried out, as the Command Seals on her hand faded, just as yours had when you lost Assassin. "Berserker!" Your eyes dart over to where Berserker and the false Saber had been fighting. You see Berserker fall backwards against the ground, the false Saber's sword impaling him through the chest, but you do not see his opponent. A black puddle and a discarded short sword at his feet is all you can see of the false Saber.

"He ain't the only one in bad shape," Rider says, tossing aside a black-stained short sword as he uses his spear to keep upright, pushing past you to where his master is positioned. His heel is exposed and bleeding, and he drags that leg as he walks. "The big guy's gone, but he nicked my heel pretty bad... Lancer's got it even worse than I have, if you can believe it."

You can believe it. For as bad a shape Rider is in, Lancer appears worse. Her armour is shattered and its shards dig into her skin, adding to the over-large amount of blood and injuries dotting her form. "I am unfit to remain your servant," Lancer says to Mikuni Oriko. As she speaks, you notice that her eyes have changed colour, from their usual amethyst to a pale gold, and thick black veins snake their way up her neck from a wound at her side. "Please, master, dispose of me, before I become a threat."

[ ] Wat do?
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Day 47 Chapter 15
[X] Jefardi

Lancer's armour is shattered and its shards dig into her skin, adding to the over-large amount of blood and injuries dotting her form. "I am unfit to remain your servant," she says to Mikuni Oriko. As she speaks, you notice that her eyes have changed colour, from their usual amethyst to a pale gold, and thick black veins snake their way up her neck from a wound at her side. "Please, master, dispose of me, before I become a threat."

"Lancer..." Mikuni Oriko's voice wavers as she speaks to her servant. "I... I can't... There must be some way I can save you..."

Lancer shakes her head. "It is too late for me. I can feel the corruption penetrating my deepest parts. Please, master, dispose of me. I do not wish to lose control of my faculties and harm you; and you do not have the time to spare to devote to saving me." Lancer cranes her neck, looking up towards Walpurgisnacht. "At least in death, I may bring us closer to victory."

Mikuni Oriko looks to her servant, clenching her fist as she accepts the reality of the situation. Her eyes dart to Kirika, who is dealing with the loss of her own servant; doubtless both need the emotional support of the other right now as Mikuni Oriko makes her call. "Very well," she says, though her wavering voice is unwilling to accept her decision. A crimson glow shines from beneath the sleeve of her white battle costume, and she says "Lancer, by my Command Seal, I order you-"

"You're an idiot," Archer says, appearing from nowhere to scold Lancer and her master. "You both are." Master and servant look to Archer, forcing him to explain himself. "You think you have to kill yourself because you got a bit of mud in your system?"

"I have been corrupted before, Archer," Lancer says. "It is sickening, and I would rather give my life to help my master achieve victory, than become her enemy."

"Well, so have I. Only difference is I had this-" You didn't even see him Project it, but Archer taps Avalon against the side of Lancer's head a few times, as though drumming his finger against a table. Only, his finger is a divine artifact, and his table is the head of his fellow servant. Immediately, you can see the positive change in Lancer; her eyes have returned to their amethyst colour, and the violent tendrils of black snaking up her neck have vanished. "Still feel like killing yourself now?"

"How..." Mikuni Oriko and Lancer stare at Archer; precious seconds that could be going towards the fight instead spent staring incredulously. "How did you do that?"

"To make a long story short, it's something I learned I could do during my own Grail War," Archer says. "If we make it out of this fight, I'll tell you the whole story. In the mean time, I'm going to aid McRemic and her Lancer in taking out Medusa."

"You join him, Lancer," Mikuni Oriko adds, to which her servant nods. "We're almost there. The more we help each other now, the faster this battle will be over."

"Hey, Redman, think you could toss your magic my way?" Rider asks. "Got a bit of a broken heel that's making it hard to be useful. Think you can help a Greek out?"

"Unfortunately, your problem's not one Avalon can fix all that quickly."

Rider nods his head, and wearing resignation on his face, he beckons his master to him. "Listen, kiddo, you're gonna want this," he says to Kyouko as he hands her his shield. "I ain't stupid; I know I'm not gonna last much longer in this fight like this, so I want you to have that. It'll stick around for longer than I will." Kyouko takes the shield; you aren't really sure what her expression is supposed to be read as. "What I want from you is to coordinate with Caster's master. He's been stuck battling that fake of his for awhile, and it doesn't look like he's any closer to winning now than he was at the start."

"Yeah? What'd you think yer gunna do about it?"

"Well, with your Command Seals, I was thinking I'd throw myself at the fake, give it a few good stabs with that sword Archer gave me, and hopefully distract it long enough for Caster to finish the job."

"But you'll die, won't ya?"

"Yeah, probably." Rider tries to keep a smile on his face, leaning over to pat his master on the head as he says "But I've had a lot of fun this time around, getting to fight as many other great heroes as I've been able to. If I get to die helping Gilgamesh kill his double, then as long as I'm enjoying myself I'm okay with that."

Tomoe-san turns to face Kyouko the moment her guns have gone silent. The two of them share a brief, silent exchange, and Kyouko says "Alright." Her fist clenches, a red glow overtaking the back of her hand, Kyouko says "Rider, by my first Command, I wanta ya ta survive this fight; no matter what, ya gotta survive, understand?" Rider nods his head, and Kyouko continues. "Then, by my second Command, I order ya ta kill the fake Goldie." Again, Rider nods, and Kyouko concludes with her third Command. "Lastly, I order ya, teleport over there, behind the fake Archer, and stab that fucker until he bleeds, got it?"

Rider acknowledges his master's three commands, and one by one the scarlet sigils inscribed on the back of Kyouko's hand fade away, their power washing over Rider, conscripting his body to fulfill his master's orders, and ripping him from his place in reality to deposit him directly behind the fake Archer.

The power of the Command Seal deposits Rider just centimeters behind the false Archer. Locked in combat with Caster, the false Archer never noticed Rider until his arm had wrapped around the black servant's throat in a chokehold, and his short sword had penetrated the false Archer's back. Tightening his grip and digging the blade in deeper, Rider bent the false Archer backwards, exposing his chest to Caster.

"Come on!" Rider yelled. "Skewer the bastard while I've got him pinned!"

Caster nods, opening the Gate of Babylon as a distant Command Seal from his master empowers the golden servant. Mana charges the portals as they open, crackling with radiant golden arcs as their weapons emerge, dozens of Mystic Codes which each take on the form of Archer's short sword. Without a spoken word, Caster brings down his wrath upon his pinned foe, skewering the false Archer through with numerous empowered Mystic Codes.

The false Archer cries "M̴̘͍̗̒̀̿̐͊ò̵̗̺̗̬̻̝̀͠n̸̳̳̜̪̉̈́̃̉͝g̶̠̘͉̻͋̅ṟ̸̨͈̯̣̫̀́̅ẹ̷̤͖͓̐̀͋͑̆ͅl̷̢̡̡̡̋̇̾̓̂!̵̡̺̋" as he is pierced by Caster's blades, retaliating with a storm of blades that erupt from the muck in two concentric circles. Caster escapes the attack without incident, calling upon his own blades and Mystic Codes to intercept the attack. As the body of his pretender breaks apart, falling to pieces in a puddle of black corruption at his feet, Caster allows his golden armour to vanish from his body. In silence, Caster looks to Rider, the two warriors speaking not a word to the other, and Rider takes one step forward towards where his master waited for him, then two more.

"Looks like I can't obey all your commands, master," Rider says, taking his fourth step away from the battle. "But at least I had fun. Take care, kid."

After the fifth step, Rider fell.

What the hell is that? is your immediate thought as something rises from the muck behind the false Rider. Its shape takes form, becoming that of a winged horse, which the false Rider mounts. Once on her mount, the false Rider charges through the throng of servants who have come to defeat her, tearing up the ground as she races in and out, crashing through McRemitz-san and the two Lancers at breakneck speed. The false Rider directs her mount to climb high into the air, dodging the arrows of Archer and the Sowilo runes of Lancer which lash at her as she charges, before angling herself in a steep dive as she charges for her enemies, to a barely-heard "Oh shit," coming from Archer's mouth. But the false Rider is not met without opposition as she descends; McRemitz-san steps forward, priming in her hands another shot of her powerful attack; "Gouging Sword of the War God..."

The weapon is launched as McRemitz-san punches the metal sphere, sending it racing towards the false Rider. In an instant, causality is reversed as the attack strikes first, piercing the heart of the false Rider's mount and sending both it and her crashing to the ground. Her mount taken from her, and now overwhelmed by the number of servants brought to bear against her, the false Rider doesn't stand a chance.

McRemitz-san's glove is torn to shreds, and her fist is smoking. That must hurt a lot, you think, as your eyes fixate on her smoking flesh appendage. "Well, that takes care of that one," she says. McRemitz-san looks around the battlefield, seeing no more of the enemy's servants have been left standing; but also noticing the lack of Assassin, Berserker, and Rider. "Guess things didn't go quite the way you'd have liked, though."

You nod your head. You'll find the time to mourn for your fallen allies once the battle is over. But for now, "We've still got the big one to deal with," you say, staring up at the ticking monstrosity hanging above you. After that super-powerful attack, and after summoning familiars as strong as servants, you shudder to think of what tricks Walpurgisnacht might have left to use against you.

Walpurgisnacht's body ticks once more; and here come the buildings, right on schedule.

[ ] Wat do?
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