Confringentur 2; a Madoka Magica / Fate/Stay Night sequel

--[X] Oriko
---[X] jokingly asking if she's been corrupting their daughter as of late/if there's anything you need to be worried about; this is all in jest of course, you know that Oriko is a responsible young woman who wouldn't let Kirika do anything too crazy without letting them know beforehand
I'm laughing at this, specifically, because we (the audience) know that it was Oriko who convinced Kirika to get a tattoo, but we (Archer) don't even know that either of them have tattoos in the first place. One of life's little ironies that we're asking her this, isn't it?
I'm laughing at this, specifically, because we (the audience) know that it was Oriko who convinced Kirika to get a tattoo, but we (Archer) don't even know that either of them have tattoos in the first place. One of life's little ironies that we're asking her this, isn't it?
Hey, you're the one who suggested for Archer to ask Oriko if she's been treating Kirika right (you'd think it'd be Kirika that they'd have to worry about), in order to have Archer Dad things up. Granted, in the plan Archer's 100% joking but also kinda being slightly irrational as parents do when it comes to their children, like you suggested he'd be.

EDIT: Reworded things to be more accurate.
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Hey, you're the one who suggested for Archer to ask Oriko if she's been treating Kirika right (you'd think it'd be Kirika that they'd have to worry about), in order to have Archer Dad things up. Granted, in the plan Archer's 100% joking but also kinda being slightly irrational as parents do when it comes to their children, like you suggested he'd be.
Oh, absolutely. I know what I asked for, and I got it. But I still think it's funny because we (the audience) know that Oriko has, in fact, corrupted Kirika in a way that we (Archer) aren't aware of. Neither party is innocent when it comes to the way their relationships moulds the other, but as far as Archer is aware it's still entirely Kirika's game to play, which makes asking the question unintentionally funny.

If Rin's saying it's "Ruin your day" bad, it's "Ruin your day" bad. Considering the fact that Archer's daughters are directly involved... It sucks, but I'd rather have the problem under control before, say, *exploding in our face*
@NMS - could you please include @Enetious great idea of
If this has anything to do with Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed (as they previously speculated) inform Rin of what you've learned from Caster and connect the information she presents to you with it in a logical fashion
into your vote? (If that's okay with En, of course) I'd think that this is a wise exchange of information.

If Rin's saying it's "Ruin your day" bad, it's "Ruin your day" bad. Considering the fact that Archer's daughters are directly involved... It sucks, but I'd rather have the problem under control before, say, *exploding in our face*
@NMS - could you please include @Enetious great idea of
If this has anything to do with Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed (as they previously speculated) inform Rin of what you've learned from Caster and connect the information she presents to you with it in a logical fashion
into your vote? (If that's okay with En, of course) I'd think that this is a wise exchange of information.

[x] Plan: Work interrupt
Don't want to be a bother (just want to understand your side of things), but is there a reason why this can't wait until after school? 'Ruin your day' doesn't mean 'urgent', and it obviously has to do with Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed and the black mist surrounding Caster's vision since Rin'll be talking about the Warped Seeds. So what would require Archer to drop everything immediately when they've let that situation sit for weeks with no effect outside of the occasional spawning of Warped Witches and Caster's vision slowly growing murkier over time?

Personally, I think they should at least wait until they can all meet up after school in mere hours to deal with the threat as a team, as there's no way Archer could do anything significant on his lonesome before that time aside from maybe pissing off whatever's responsible and triggering something while everyone else is busy - if he could even find the threat at all assuming it's not just Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed.

That also doesn't account for the social ramifications that could come to head, such as showing to Minako that Archer would abandon family first in order to deal with something that isn't immediately pressing, which could cause some issues - this is especially so after Minako's been stressed out about Kanna being pushed into her life, even temporarily, as she doesn't like magic stuff interfering with her happy life unless absolutely necessary.

Sorry for the wall of text, didn't mean for it to get this long - this isn't supposed to be a rant or sound rude or anything (even if it sounds like it, not using emojis and such things out of respect for SVS), just genuinely want to understand how you guys are seeing things and to see if I should be voting differently than I am if I'm missing something.
There are, for me, three things I considered:
* As @NMS said, Rin's time is a rare ressource; we don't have her support for long, and we need to use her as well as we can.
* While "ruin your day" might not be urgent, it *can* be; Rin has not given us any indication that it's not urgent, and depending on what we learn, we might have a different analysis re: timeframe than her. (If, say, the fake grief seed reacts violently with a homunculus, that's pretty umremarkable to Rin; for us, it's a whole different matter.)
* Third, I want to spread the knowledge. If the Incubator takes out Rin, I want *someone* to know what she discovered.

Your argument about the social ramifications is a sound one, and one I happen to agree with; I just consider the arguments listed above more gravely.
There are, for me, three things I considered:
Thanks for responding with your points, I appreciate it. Hope you don't mind if I bring up some arguments against them?
* As @NMS said, Rin's time is a rare ressource; we don't have her support for long, and we need to use her as well as we can.
But is waiting like a few hours really wasting her time? She'll still be here for like a day and a half now, right?
* While "ruin your day" might not be urgent, it *can* be; Rin has not given us any indication that it's not urgent, and depending on what we learn, we might have a different analysis re: timeframe than her. (If, say, the fake grief seed reacts violently with a homunculus, that's pretty umremarkable to Rin; for us, it's a whole different matter.)
But Rin's given no indication that it is urgent, though. Especially not urgent enough that it can't be put off for a few hours or so. She's just delivering bad news, according to her words so far. Using context clues - as previously mentioned in my above post - this likely has to do with the whole situation Caster's worried about, which isn't immediately pressing. If it really were that pressing, Rin would've used different phrasing in order to bump Archer's urgency up instead of simply telling him that she's giving him bad news, or it would have happened weeks ago since they've been able to leave that situation on it's lonesome for so long already.

A violent reaction between a homunculus and a Warped Seed would most certainly be remarkable for Rin, as she's a good person who cares about people much to her chagrin early on in F/SN.
* Third, I want to spread the knowledge. If the Incubator takes out Rin, I want *someone* to know what she discovered.
Quite honestly, I'd like to see the Incubator try. You have to remember that
  1. Rin has her own Archer.
  2. Rin has been training under Zelretch in the Second Magic for nearly a decade now, and she has still survived and kept her psyche intact the entire time. For reference, most of Zelretch's apprentices can't last a year. I'm sure Rin is great at surviving things in general by now.
  3. The Incubator alone couldn't do anything to Rin, and if it somehow manages to move some entity or opponents through the entirety of the Quintet's territory without being noticed by them at all, Rin could likely use her Magecraft to either curbstomp whatever it is (such as a Warped Witch) or she could use it to run away; you must remember that this is many years after Rin was in F/SN, and as such her capabilities are vastly superior to what they had been during the Fifth Holy Grail War, not to mention that she's a Magician in training.
  4. Rin will be telling everything she discovered to Archer over the phone, right now; we're basically voting right now on whether or not Archer will address what Rin tells him immediately or later.
[X] Plan: Do what the situation Calls for.
-[X] If Rin's information is Urgent
--[x] Talk to Rin, and address the problem as she presents it
---[x] If this has anything to do with Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed (as they previously speculated) inform Rin of what you've learned from Caster and connect the information she presents to you with it in a logical fashion
---[x] Apologize to Minako and tell her something came up at "work".

-[X] if Rin's information can wait
--[X] Talk to Rin, but don't let the problem ruin your day
---[X] If this has anything to do with Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed (as they previously speculated) inform Rin of what you've learned from Caster and connect the information she presents to you with it in a logical fashion
--[X] Talk to
---[X] Kirika
----[X] praising her performance in the sports festival today, she did good
-----[X] ... *fatherly head pat?*
---[X] Oriko
----[X] jokingly asking if she's been corrupting their daughter as of late/if there's anything you need to be worried about; this is all in jest of course, you know that Oriko is a responsible young woman who wouldn't let Kirika do anything too crazy without letting them know beforehand
-----[X] Is this how it feels to be an overprotective father?
---[X] Minako
----[X] whispering sweet nothings to her and just being happy with the family that you now have; maybe talk about events that went down while they were making sweets together, or maybe about their next date
---[X] Caren Ortensia
----[X] about what she thought of Oriko's performance in the sports festival, while taking this chance to keenly observe her words and actions to try and understand her better
---[X] Homura
----[X] giving her all the praise
-----[X] ... *fatherly head pat?*
----[X] asking her and Kirika - after both their sports festivals have ended - if they want to go anywhere special to celebrate

I think this is a good enough compromise.

Will this work?
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I think this is a good enough compromise.
I don't think this is going to process the way you think it will. You would have to make each alternative vote its own distinct entity within your own vote, as in
[ ] plan whatever
-[ ] if not urgent
--[ ] Enetious's vote in its entirety
-[ ] if urgent
--[ ] NMS's vote in its entirety
I don't think making your vote refer back to two other votes would be parsed accurately by the vote tally.
We're currently at 3-1-1 in favour of NMS's vote. If anyone wants to say their piece or attempt to convince others to pick their vote, you should do so now.
Day 6 Chapter 5
[X] Plan: Do what the situation Calls for

"You did good out there today," you say to Kirika, reaching a hand out to give her a fatherly pat on the head. She smiles for a moment, before the smile fades and she looks down. "What's wrong?" you ask her.

"Well, I was thinking about whether or not dad would be proud if he could see me." Kirika speaks in a low tone, and both you and Minako purse your lips. But then Kirika surprises you, smiling as she melts into your arms, wrapping hers around your waist as she says "But it's fine, because I've got a much better daddy now."

"You're seventeen," you say, doing nothing to stop your eldest daughter from embracing you. "Don't you think you're too old to be calling me 'daddy'?"

"Nope!" Kirika proclaims the word with enthusiasm usually reserved for speaking Oriko's name, saying as she buries her head into your chest "You're my daddy, and there's nothing you can do about it!"

"Well, all right," you say, smiling as you release Kirika from your embrace. Usually you only get to hug Homura; it feels nice being able to hug your other daughter like this. "But I'll remember your insistence on calling me 'daddy', and one day I'm going to do something with it that'll be sure to embarrass you. It might not even be unintentional, either; and when that happens, you're going to wish you had listened to me." You give Kirika another pat on the head as you add "But that's fine. It's the job of a parent to embarrass their child."

"Come on, dad, cut it out!" Kirika says, pushing your hand away as she retreats into the arms of her lover. "You're making me look like a little kid in front of my girlfriend!"

But you merely smile, saying a simple "What did I tell you?"

Minako pouts; all in jest, clearly, as she says "Look at you," to Oriko. "You've turned my daughter against her own parents." A sly smile creeps over Minako's face, and as if her jest weren't clear enough she adds "Just what other ways have you been corrupting my daughter, Oriko? What else do Archer or I need to worry about you doing?"

You know Minako speaks in jest; Oriko is a wonderful girl who has been nothing but good to Kirika, but for the briefest of moments you see something flash in Oriko's emerald eyes, some sliver of guilt that speaks volumes about her own thoughts on how she has influenced Kirika. In that brief second, you feel not just sympathy for Oriko, but genuine concern for Kirika. "Don't worry," you say to both girls. "We know Oriko wouldn't let Kirika do anything too crazy without telling us first, right?"

Ortensia has been noticeably silent throughout this exchange. In the spirit of learning more about your master of Assassin, you give her a gentle nudge, and ask "What did you think of Oriko's performance earlier? She did good, didn't she?"

Ortensia takes a moment to compose her words, before saying "She could have done better in the three-legged race. But aside from that, I don't think a more judgemental guardian would have any complaints about her performance."

It's a calculated answer, to be fair, but it isn't incorrect. It just highlights the negatives of Oriko's performance rather than the positives. You look over to gauge Oriko's reaction, and she's smiling. Oriko definitely knows her cousin better than you do; is there some code hidden within Ortensia's words that only Oriko hears, or is she so starved for familial recognition that she'll even take what Ortensia is giving to her? Yet despite her nonchalance and her calculated answer, Ortensia still bothered to show up; still bothered to cheer for her cousin; still bothered to sit with her after the event. You wish you knew Ortensia better, because she's just confusing to you. She says things that are calculated in their their negativity, yet she still bothers to show up and give her support in spite of the way she speaks.

Your phone vibrates in your pocket; it's Rin. "Sorry," you say to Minako and Kirika. "But I have to take this." You fish your phone out of your pocket, answering it with a "What can I do for you, Rin?"

"Hey Archer, can we talk?" she asks, her voice sounding as though she just woke up. Knowing Rin, she probably did. "It's about that lumpy Grief Seed you left me, and... Well, it's kind of important. Like, 'ruin your day' important. You got a minute?"

Your eyes dart back to Minako and Kirika; they're looking at you, and the concern for what Rin has to say must be evident on your face. "I'm with my family at the moment," you say. "But, if you think it's important, I can spare a few minutes. So, what did you find out that's got you so worked up?"

"Oh, I found something good out all right. Turns out your girls have a witch problem."

"I'm well aware of that. Why do you think I asked you to take a look at-"

"No, I mean the other kind of witch." Rin cuts you off with some less-than-pleasant news. "The kind you get in our system, not theirs."

"That is something all right," you say. "Something disconcerting, but still something. How do you figure; and furthermore, what do you suppose a witch is doing in Mitakihara?"

"I figure because there's really no other good explanation for what this thing is." At first, you want to ask Rin how she figures that to be the case; there are probably plenty of explanations. All of them involving influence from either the Incubator or Walpurgisnacht. But you let Rin speak. "When I first started looking at this thing, I was working under the assumption that it wasn't very well made, just like how you told me. But the more I looked, the less true I started finding that. It's only poorly-made if its purpose is to replicate a normal Grief Seed, and I guess that could account for why it's not functioning like one. I mean it does, kind of, but I'll get to that in just a second. It's also made in a really antiquated style; that might be another reason why you thought it was poorly made. You definitely wouldn't find any modern witches making anything like this, and in that light I can understand why you'd think it wasn't made correctly if you couldn't see what it was doing."

"Well, then what is it doing?" you ask. "You said it kind of functions like a Grief Seed, so elaborate on that for me."

"Right. See, it's basically a Mystic Code designed to create familiars- Those fake witches your girls keep running into. The way it functions like a Grief Seed is that both this and a regular Grief Seed are built to form a familiar made from Grief around a simple core. Kind of like... Oh, what's her name? The witch who makes familiars from chocolate?" Rin steps away from the phone, but you can still hear her ranting to herself as she fails to recall the name of the witch. "Aarhg, what is her name? She's friends with one of the Aozakis, isn't she? Shit, what was her name?" When Rin fails to find a name, she presses onward, saying "Anyway, it's like her, but it's all made from Grief instead of chocolate."

"Uh-huh, I'm with you so far."

"But the difference lies in... The application, I guess you'd say. Based on what you and the girls have told me, a Soul Gem that gets corrupted by significant amounts of Grief turns into a Grief Seed, but this thing cuts out the middleman entirely and starts life as what it is, without bothering with any of the weird soul-horror stuff. Whoever made this, as far as I can tell, was more concerned with replicating the familiar-creating aspect than she was with the 'turning little girls into hideous corrupt monsters' aspect. Like, that's it. That's all whoever made this cared about was creating familiars out of Grief. It's actually a really incredible feat of dark magic, the way she basically took one look at something from a completely alien system of magic and whipped this up with nothing more than some liquid curses and a little elbow grease; and yet it manages to be incredibly elegant in spite of, essentially, pushing the boundaries of what dark magic is capable of. Whoever made this may not be a witch from the Age of Gods, but she's hardly someone you'd want to mess with."

"As for why you've got a witch in the first place, well, the answer is pretty simple. You've got this huge, ugly knot of some really tainted magical energy right about where Homura said Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed fell. Your witch probably caught wind of that and decided it was free real estate to set up shop in. If I had to guess, she's tapping the stuff to make these lumpy Grief Seeds from right from the source."

In other words, Homura's inability to retrieve Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed is the reason she and her teammates are now in this mess. You know the situation better than that. You can't fault Homura and her friends for not thinking this far ahead when they already had enough to deal with back then. "I see," you say, not sure what else you can or should say in light of this information. "Thank you, Rin. Actually, what you told me makes sense, in light of something Caster told me recently. He said there's a black cloud that's settled over the city to the south that's obscuring his ability to See what's coming. There's been nothing about any clouds on the local weather channel, so I'm assuming this is metaphorical for whatever our friend here is up to. Does that sound about right?"

"Maybe," Rin replies. "Smart money says there's no such thing as coincidence and the two are related, but I'm not in the business of interpreting the stuff that comes out of your Gilgamesh's mouth, so I'll leave that up to you whether you want to draw a connection between the two or not."

Do you
[ ] Go investigate that part of the city immediately
[ ] Wait until after seeing Homura compete to investigate
[ ] Wait until the team meeting tonight to bring an investigation to the table
[ ] Other (write-in)​
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I wasn't sure how urgent urgent was, so I ended up reversing the script; and had Archer bonding with his family before Rin's call, and having Rin lay the facts out afterwards. Now we can decide for ourselves how urgent the news is. I also went ahead and expanded on what Rin told us from the last time this plot point showed up, because I was unhappy with my original infodump and thought I could do better.
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Do we have anything else we want to address while we're waiting? Anything we want to say to or ask Rin? I wasn't able to fit us whispering sweet nothings to Minako in public, but maybe there's something more substantive we want to say to her?

I don't know; again, I'm just fishing for things that can maybe go in to the next update if Homura kicking ass doesn't make for a long enough update.