Confringentur 2; a Madoka Magica / Fate/Stay Night sequel

There weren't too many people who showed up to vote this time; I wonder why. Hopefully this is enough information to keep all our interests hooked for a while longer, and hopefully we get more votes this time around. Sorry there isn't much in the way of direction for the vote. I wasn't sure what kind of options to give you guys in light of what Caster is telling us.
[] [Homura] Win the sports festival and get a victory kiss from your girlfirend.
[][Archer] Go beyond with your cheering. Be the loudest most obnoxious proud father you can be.

"Before the Pleiades Saints, there was nothing," Caster says. "I am unsure how that is possible, but beyond a certain point there is simply no building occupying the space where Angelica Bears now sits."

*insert sarcastic comment about how there used to be empty space where all buildings now sit.*

So, Angelica Bears is magic then. It was either created by one of the Saint's wishes, or one of their Servants. Teddy bear girl is supposed to be partnered with their Rider, who's supposed to have a building for a Noble Phantasm, right?
[X] Plan: Health & Sports Day
-[X] [Homura] Win the sports festival and get a victory kiss from your girlfriend.
--[X] As long as you're not going so hard that you look obviously inhuman, feel free to show off a lot.
-[X] [Archer] Go beyond with your cheering. Be the loudest most obnoxious proud father you can be.
--[X] If you can get the opportunity to slink away where nobody can see you for a moment, come back with a projected sign that is garish, huge, and noticeable from a thousand miles away.

I've got nothing plot relevant, but here's my piece. Plus, any good story needs some silly fluff, right? We don't have to be at war every single moment.
So, Angelica Bears is magic then. It was either created by one of the Saint's wishes, or one of their Servants.
I know you haven't read the manga, but in the manga Angelica Bears is created from Mirai's wish. So... Yeah, we (the audience) already know this. It's just that we (Homura and Archer) don't.
[Archer] Go beyond with your cheering. Be the loudest most obnoxious proud father you can be.
-[X] [Archer] Go beyond with your cheering. Be the loudest most obnoxious proud father you can be.
--[X] If you can get the opportunity to slink away where nobody can see you for a moment, come back with a projected sign that is garish, huge, and noticeable from a thousand miles away.
Kirika has zero problems making out with Oriko in public, and yet somehow you two are proposing that we go above and beyond her shamelessness. This is Japan, mind you. That sort of cheering just doesn't happen the way it does in the states, and will get us lots of stares from a lot of people.
[X] PlaguePaladin

Yeeeeees! Let's me it a huge #1 Foam finger. Or maybe two. And if asked, say that we picked up the habit in the US, while we were there on training. And that we are *just so proud* of our girls! And that they're the best! Maybe tell some embarassing stories!


But which you're sure is totally not about her and the hypothetical male you having children together, not at all.
And we should look into either asexual reproduction or genderchange magic once this war is over. If the 'doka wants children, I'm not opposed. Just, maybe, wait till at least one of us is financially secure and we're done with school?
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[X] Plan: Have a nice time at the Sports Festival.
-[X] [Homura] Try and win the Sports Festival without looking superhuman.
-[X] [Archer] Support your daughter from the stands.
Feel free to improve on this, I'm not super into the whole public embarrassment thing.
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Yeeeeees! Let's me it a huge #1 Foam finger. Or maybe two. And if asked, say that we picked up the habit in the US, while we were there on training. And that we are *just so proud* of our girls! And that they're the best! Maybe tell some embarassing stories!
What embarrassing stories do we even have? Both of our girls were teenagers by the time they came into our lives. For Homura, our most embarrassing story is probably the really terrible talk we gave to her that ends up embarrassing us more than it does her; and for Kirika - the important one to the discussion at the moment - the only embarrassing story we know about her is the first time Minako walked in on her and Oriko making out, and that was when Minako ended up giving Kirika the talk.
And we should look into either asexual reproduction or genderchange magic once this war is over. If the 'doka wants children, I'm not opposed. Just, maybe, wait till at least one of us is financially secure and we're done with school?
In 2018, I remember reading that some Japanese scientists had found a way for two females to have a child together that was biologically theirs. So it is definitely possible, but the question then becomes one of viability. Is our body capable of having a child - and this is a very important question because it also determines if Oriko and Kirika can have a child as well - or would we have to have Madoka carry the child?

I want to say that it is possible, because the way I'm treating puella magi bodies, they're still running all the normal biological functions, it's just that those functions have been taken over by magic and no longer require us doing anything to power them. Obviously this would require an abnormal upkeep of mana, since at that point we'd be living for two, but I'm going to say that it is possible for a puella magi body to carry a child. So, uh, watch out, Mami, and I hope you use protection when you're older. But aside from her, the other girls will be waiting for some time before the science is there.
Feel free to improve on this, I'm not super into the whole public embarrassment thing.
Neither am I. It feels completely out of place.
[X] Plan: Have a nice time at the Sports Festival.

We can embarrass them when they're older.
[X] Plan: Have a nice time at the Sports Festival.

Fine, I'll relent. But I should note that, at least for bigger sports like Baseball, that kind of cheering isn't unusual in Japan. I mean, just look up 'Japanese baseball cheering' on images and look at that stuff. Maybe nothing to the extent that I was telling us to do, but what I said certainly wouldn't be considered insane in Japanese culture, just a bit d---ish.

Plus, we're in Madoka Magica's world. IIRC, isn't this version of Japan a lot less needlessly polite, or am I just stupid?
Fine, I'll relent. But I should note that, at least for bigger sports like Baseball, that kind of cheering isn't unusual in Japan. I mean, just look up 'Japanese baseball cheering' on images and look at that stuff. Maybe nothing to the extent that I was telling us to do, but what I said certainly wouldn't be considered insane in Japanese culture, just a bit d---ish.

Plus, we're in Madoka Magica's world. IIRC, isn't this version of Japan a lot less needlessly polite, or am I just stupid?
If this were actually a bigger sporting event, I'd give you that much. But this is a single school doing their sports festival. That's pretty small in my book.

Anime Japan is... Difficult to quantify. We see in episode 1 that Madoka and Sayaka are willing to get up to some horseplay that would probably earn them strange looks if they did that in public in real Japan; and in anime in general, emotions and reactions are often exaggerated. Granted, the exaggeration is done so that the emotion is more clearly conveyed, but it's still there. I'm in a bit of a weird place; I'm trying to present a world that is feasible to what we see in anime, especially to Madoka Magica, and while I do try to temper my world with elements from reality, I'm aware that I'm not creating a 1:1 picture of reality either; just something that could be believable as its own world.

I can see Archer and Minako cheering for Kirika and Oriko, maybe even cheering louder than a lot of other parents might be comfortable with cheering, but I have a hard time imaging them - both as characters and as part of this world - being as obnoxiously over-the-top as you were prescribing them to be.
-[X] [Archer] Go beyond with your cheering. Be the loudest most obnoxious proud father you can be.
--[X] If you can get the opportunity to slink away where nobody can see you for a moment, come back with a projected sign that is garish, huge, and noticeable from a thousand miles away.
This is just over the top, trying to hard, and asking for trouble, and that's why I can't see it. To me, this seems like too much for anime Japan for all but the most raucous and intentionally obnoxious comedies. I could see this happening in Crayon Shin-Chan, for example, but I couldn't see it happening in Madoka Magica.
[X] Plan: Have a nice time at the Sports Festival.

I surrender. *sigh* Still, let Archer project the giant foam finger at home, and let him be praised for his restraint?
[X] SaintBenot

So this is what it feels like to lose one's night owl status for a time... but at what cost?

Anyways, Archer could safely assume that the Saints either Wished Angelica Bears into existence or one of their Servants constructed it for them (for all they know it could be their unknown Caster's doing). The thing that would lean it towards the former is the fact that it seems that this teddy bear museum has history behind it as far as Homura's Google-fu has implied, with no one the wiser to it popping out of seemingly nowhere despite being in the public eye and having digital records.

Archer could also deduce that the thing shrouding Caster's vision (aside from the Saints) could either be something to do with Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed or it could be a third party of some kind capitalizing off of the power of a defeated nascent Beast. Once Rin pops in with her deductions it should be clear that the Warped Witches are artificially created by some third party, leading credence to the latter theory (major spoilers from a previously deleted chapter, you are warned).

Regardless, we should have Archer bring up these thoughts to the Holy Quintet next time they congregate.
Day 6 Chapter 4
[X] Have a nice time at the Sports Festival

An upbeat melody plays over the PA system, announcing the start of Shirome High's sports festival. Someone's voice announces the arrival of the first-years, but you aren't paying attention. Instead, you've got your eyes trained for a certain someone bound to be marching onto the track with the rest of her class. That's when you see her. You jostle Minako on the shoulder and say to her "Look, there she is," before waving to Kirika and calling out "Hey!" Kirika turns her head slightly, but doesn't break rank to wave or give response.

Beside you sits Caren Ortensia, who faintly smiles and gives a brief wave in passing as Oriko marches past, but whether she's doing so out of obligation or because she actually cares for her cousin is a mystery to you. Oriko's eyes light up as she catches sight of Ortensia waving to her, but she keeps her head firmly fixed ahead as she leads her class to the designated rally point.

"We athletes hereby pledge to honour the spirit of good sportsmanship," says the head coach as he leads the year in reciting their pledge; "And compete fair and square with everyone until the very end!"

"... Until the very end!" the year recites back.

You and Minako keep your cheering subdued for as long as Kirika or Oriko aren't competing, mirroring the politeness of the rest of the crowd; but all bets are off as soon as you hear the announcement "The next event will be the three-legged relay between all classes!"

"Whoo!" Minako cries out beside you as Kirika takes her place on the line with her running partner. "Go Kirika!"

"You can do it!"

The girl tied to Kirika's leg isn't Oriko; a shame for her, given the dirty looks Kirika is shooting at her. But unlike Oriko, Kirika's running partner is around the same height as her, so perhaps the rest of her class chose to partner them with each other rather than potentially losing the event by sticking them with their taller classmates. Oriko also takes her place at the line, looking coolly away from her partner, a boy her height who looks quite pleased that he's been paired with such a beauty. If only they knew. The starter pistol fires, and Kirika and Oriko take off. For Kirika in particular, you can see the difficulty her partner has in keeping up; Oriko's partner is in a bit of trouble as well, but unlike Kirika's partner he manages to keep up for the length of the entire race. Kirika falls behind when her partner isn't able to keep running at speed with her, and Oriko and her partner are the ones who end up taking the medal for their class, a respectable fourth place against the rest of the year.

"You had that one in the bag, Kirika!" Minako calls out. "Don't go so fast that your partners can't keep up with you!" A few rows down, you can hear another set of parents berating their daughter for failing to keep up with her partner; they must be the parents of Kirika's partner, if you had to guess. All the other girls in Kirika's class managed to keep up with their partners just fine.

The next event doesn't involve Kirika's class, but the event after that does, and the man on the PA system announces "... The scavenger hunt!" for all classes. Kirika races off to grab her paper from the desk, quickly unfolding it and dashing off before the rest of the competitors have even had the chance to look at their items yet. You see Kirika race over to Oriko, grabbing her by the wrist as she drags her girlfriend over to the judge before presenting both Oriko and her piece of paper to him. The judge looks over Oriko and Kirika's paper, before declaring "Yes, okay!"

You have no idea what was written on the piece of paper Kirika turned in, but her intuition was correct, and the crowd goes wild. "Great job, pumpkin!" you and Minako both cheer in unison, while beside you Ortensia gives another polite clap for her cousin. But the biggest set of cheering voices all come from Kirika's classmates; not just from her incredible scavenger hunting prowess, but also from the show she gives to them as she kisses Oriko. The boys in their class seem especially enthused by their victory celebration.

A jump-rope contest is next. You and Minako do your best to cheer on Kirika - Oriko has plenty of cheer being thrown her way by many of her male classmates, much to Kirika's obvious chagrin - but it isn't until the next contest that things get really interesting. "Our next event will be the girls' cavalry battle!" is what the man on the PA system announces. The sun glinting off Kirika's pearly whites is blinding as she takes her chance; before anyone else can claim her as their partner, Kirika has immediately hopped onto Oriko's shoulders, posing with her girlfriend like Napoleon atop his famous horse.

"Go Kirika!"

"You can do it, pumpkin!"

An unenthusiastic "Yay, Oriko," accompanies your cheers; but it doesn't even look like Oriko and Kirika needed the help. Together, they demolish the competition. Even after their other classmates have fallen, the two of them continue to tear through the opposing classes until it's just the two of them standing tall and victorious.

The rest of the first years' program follows in similar fashion; Kirika and Oriko dominate the competition individually or whenever they can work together, but fall behind - Kirika in particular - when they are forced to go at the speed of a partner who isn't their preferred one. Together, Oriko and Kirika account for the vast majority of their class's wins against the rest of the year, putting their class in second place overall; they would have been first, were it not for their unfortunate first event.

It's not time for the final event in the first-years' program; a relay race. You know Kirika is fast; even without her magic she's the fastest puella magi on the team; And when she does use her magic... Watch out. You hope she's smart enough to know not to use it to give her the edge here; but her class is so close to winning. If they can take first place in the relay race, Kirika's class will have enough points to win the first-years' program entirely. You see Kirika and her classmates discussing the race beforehand, and you wonder what their strategy is.

Their strategy is a little unusual, to say the least. They've chosen some of the more athletic boys - and Oriko - to lead the charge, and stuck the less-athletic students in the class in the middle in descending order, with the slowest girl in the class taking up the second-to-last spot. 'What are they doing?' you ask yourself, until you see Kirika bringing up the rear, and it all makes sense.

Their plan goes off without a hitch. Oriko and the boys plow through their competition to create a fairly large time gap between them and the other classes, before using that gap as a cushion so the less-athletic students don't have to worry about holding their classmates back. But it's close; the other classes are able to catch up, slowly at first, but they catch up faster as each student after is progressively slower. For a brief moment, it almost looks like Kirika's class isn't going to win. But then the girl behind Kirika hands her the baton...

"Go Kirika!"

"You can do it pumpkin!"

"Fight on, Kure-san!" A parent of one of Kirika's classmates joins in your cheering. "Kure!" Followed by another. "You've got this!" Another. Soon, every parent of one of Kirika's classmates is cheering for her. One by one your daughter passes her competition, until she's running neck-and-neck with the fastest boys in her year. You can see the sweat rolling off Kirika's brow as she pumps her legs, and she makes one final push.

A triumphant "Goal!" is shouted as Kirika crosses the finish line, and the crowd erupts. But rather than drink in the energy by herself, Kirika makes straight for Oriko, kissing her deeply in celebration, before breaking the kiss and holding both their arms up high.

"You were amazing out there, pumpkin."

A break is called for between years, and you, Minako, and Ortensia have found a nice, quiet place under a barren tree to sit with your girls. Kirika, still basking in her triumph, doesn't respond to Minako's praise until after she accepts the cookie which Oriko has offered to her. "Of course I was!" Kirika proclaims as she swallows. "There's nobody in that school who's faster than me!"

Oriko smiles, feeding her girlfriend another cookie from the lunch boxes you brought. "You really were something to see, dearest," Oriko says, kissing her girlfriend on the cheek. "I'm so proud of you."

Ortensia smiles as well, but offers no compliment to Oriko in turn. At least, not unless you count "I never knew how popular two were with the boys in your class," as a compliment. Oriko doesn't appear to think so, her face turning a bright red as she stares in any direction other than that of her cousin. Neither does Kirika, silently glowering at Ortensia, but saying nothing.

Your phone vibrates in your pocket; it's Rin. "Hey Archer, can we talk?" she asks, her voice sounding as though she just woke up. Knowing Rin, she probably did. "It's about that lumpy Grief Seed you left me, and... Well, it's kind of important. Like, 'ruin your day' important. You got a minute?"

Do you
[ ] Talk to Rin, and address the problem as she presents it
[ ] Talk to Rin, but don't let the problem ruin your day
[ ] Tell Rin to call back later; you won't let this ruin your day
[ ] You'll call Rin back as soon as you've seen Homura compete
[ ] Other (write-in)
[X] Plan Detective Tohsaka Calls Archer While He's Being A Dad
-[X] Talk to Rin, but don't let the problem ruin your day
--[X] If this has anything to do with Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed (as they previously speculated) inform Rin of what you've learned from Caster and connect the information she presents to you with it in a logical fashion
-[X] Talk to
--[X] Kirika
---[X] praising her performance in the sports festival today, she did good
----[X] ... *fatherly head pat?*
--[X] Oriko
---[X] jokingly asking if she's been corrupting their daughter as of late/if there's anything you need to be worried about; this is all in jest of course, you know that Oriko is a responsible young woman who wouldn't let Kirika do anything too crazy without letting them know beforehand
----[X] Is this how it feels to be an overprotective father?
--[X] Minako
---[X] whispering sweet nothings to her and just being happy with the family that you now have; maybe talk about events that went down while they were making sweets together, or maybe about their next date
--[X] Caren Ortensia
---[X] about what she thought of Oriko's performance in the sports festival, while taking this chance to keenly observe her words and actions to try and understand her better
--[X] Homura
---[X] giving her all the praise
----[X] ... *fatherly head pat?*
---[X] asking her and Kirika - after both their sports festivals have ended - if they want to go anywhere special to celebrate

There's really not much that could ruin Archer's day considering the stuff he's had to deal with in the form of the Saints, unless it's an immediate doomsday scenario that needs to be addressed immediately. Archer's made up of strong stuff, having a body made of blades and all that.

Obviously whatever's spawning the Warped Witches is connected to Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed in some way (considering that's where they're popping out around), even if it's the Grief Seed itself that's spawning them somehow. Hopefully that'll add onto what Archer's learned from Caster earlier in the day, and he could come up with and idea of what's really going on; if not, Rin could probably pop in to investigate the black mist stuff herself while she's here, assuming she's not already going to investigate the location of Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed in order to find out more about the Warped Seeds in the first place.
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Rin could probably pop in to investigate the black mist stuff herself while she's here, assuming she's not already going to investigate the location of Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed in order to find out more about the Warped Seeds in the first place.
Counterpoint to this, is that we know the lay of the city much better than Rin does, so if there's something out of place we'd be more likely to notice it than Rin would just on account of us being more intimately familiar with weird shit A-Z in Mitakihara than Rin is. Or if something isn't obviously up to no good, but is the kind of "up tpo no good" that you'd only notice if you know what normal is like in the area.

That's more the idea I was going with; are we going to stay put and head to Homura's school after lunch, or are we going to have to leave to see if anything has popped up that we weren't previously aware of based on what Rin's told us.
Counterpoint to this, is that we know the lay of the city much better than Rin does, so if there's something out of place we'd be more likely to notice it than Rin would just on account of us being more intimately familiar with weird shit A-Z in Mitakihara than Rin is. Or if something isn't obviously up to no good, but is the kind of "up tpo no good" that you'd only notice if you know what normal is like in the area.

That's more the idea I was going with; are we going to stay put and head to Homura's school after lunch, or are we going to have to leave to see if anything has popped up that we weren't previously aware of based on what Rin's told us.
Ah, gotcha. Personally I think Archer should be a Dad over a Servant for now, seeing as how there's no immediate crisis that needs to be taken care of (that they know of, outside of the Saints who have been pretty good at keeping bystanders out of things so far). Rin'll be around for a bit, so Archer has some time.
Ah, gotcha. Personally I think Archer should be a Dad over a Servant for now, seeing as how there's no immediate crisis that needs to be taken care of (that they know of, outside of the Saints who have been pretty good at keeping bystanders out of things so far). Rin'll be around for a bit, so Archer has some time.
Well, if you're proposing that Archer should be a dad right now, do we have anything we want to say to Kirika and Oriko? Minako? Maybe we want to prod Caren to be a better person towards her cousin? When we're done and we head over to Mitakihara, is there anything we want to say to Homura and Madoka?
[x] Plan: Work interrupt
-[x] Talk to Rin, and address the problem as she presents it
--[x] If this has anything to do with Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed (as they previously speculated) inform Rin of what you've learned from Caster and connect the information she presents to you with it in a logical fashion
--[x] Apologize to Minako and tell her something came up at "work".

Rin only has a limited time to be here. Maybe if we didn't already make her use a day of that up getting books for Hitomi, I'd be okay with... I don't want so say "brushing her off", but I can't think of another way to phrase it.

Point is, Rin is on a timer.
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Well, if you're proposing that Archer should be a dad right now, do we have anything we want to say to Kirika and Oriko? Minako? Maybe we want to prod Caren to be a better person towards her cousin? When we're done and we head over to Mitakihara, is there anything we want to say to Homura and Madoka?
Like mentioned before Archer will probably bring this all up next team meeting, at least where Homura, Kirika, and Oriko are concerned. He's already interacting with Minako well enough, both of them cheering on and supporting their daughters. There's no way Archer would be capable of changing Caren's ways, though considering his experience with Rin he'd probably see that Caren's actions do not match her words and that she truly cares about Oriko.
Rin only has a limited time to be here. Maybe if we didn't already make her use a day of that up getting books for Hitomi, I'd be okay with... I don't want so say "brushing her off", but I can't think of another way to phrase it.

Point is, Rin is on a timer.
Rin can wait until after school, it's really not that long of a wait time. They'll have all afternoon to deal with things. Besides, Rin is a smart (and good) person, I'm sure she'd yell Archer's ear off if he abandons his daughter to investigate something that isn't immediately pressing.
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Like mentioned before Archer will probably bring this all up next team meeting, at least where Homura, Kirika, and Oriko are concerned. He's already interacting with Minako well enough, both of them cheering on and supporting their daughters. There's no way Archer would be capable of changing Caren's ways, though considering his experience with Rin he'd probably see that Caren's actions do not match her words and that she truly cares about Oriko.
I wasn't talking about the stuff Rin is going to tell Archer. I meant more the "You did good, let's get ice cream/go out to your favourite restaurant for dinner to celebrate after class" sort of thing. Or just talking in general; when was the last time Archer and Oriko talked about something that wasn't work-related, for example? Or maybe he just wants to play the concerned parent card and make sure she's treating his daughter right (even if he knows she is). I don't know, it just feels like we're going a little light on the parenting part right now, despite you wanting us to be the parents over the servant.

Also, I would like to point out that Archer doesn't really know Caren all that well. Before this, how frequently do you think they interacted? Over the holidays, maybe, if Oriko invited her for dinner, but aside from that? It just seems like a bit of stretch to have Archer going from
Even after all this time, getting a read on [Caren] is so hard you still haven't figured out whether she loves - or even cares about - her cousin in the slightest.
to "Yeah, I guess she does truly love Oriko despite me not being able to see it."

You don't have to change anything; I'm just fishing for some more things to put in the coming update in case Rin's infodump + Homura kicking ass doesn't give me enough to work with.