Confringentur 2; a Madoka Magica / Fate/Stay Night sequel

No, he's referring to my ability to address the question in the manner which I believe would be accurate to the portray of Kirika's character as I've written her. I tried answering your question earlier; I ran through about a dozen different replies and gave up each time, and I found I was unable to come up with a response that wouldn't incriminate me.

Ah, apologies for putting you in such a position.
Where the shit did everyone come from all of a sudden? Seriously. @NMS, you were here hours ago; were you really just waiting for everyone else to show up before voting?
[X] Plan: Sports Festival Episode - German edition
-[X] Talk to Archer
--[X] Ask if he'd be willing to cook for Madoka and you the next time she's a around. You want to arrange a romantic dinner
--[X] Dare ask dear old dad about, uh, *interpersonal* relationships
-[X] Talk to Minako
--[X] Why is she so abnormally excited for this?
-[X] After breakfast
--[X] Talk to Madoka
---[X] Exchange hugs and be cute, as is standard protocol. Also, kisses
--[X] Talk to Hitomi
---[X] Has she started work on anything more defensive yet?
--[X] Talk to Kyouko
---[X] Join her in cheering for Sayaka

We *know* that Archer's interested in sports, and we know it was Archery. But! Archer is *also* someone who is good at relationships, and - at least to our ears - the bodily side of them as well. We have asked Kirika, let's get a less focused opinion. Also, added a Kyouko vote.
[X] Plan: Sports Festival Episode - German edition

Not sure why we are German now, Because I still have to drink alcohol even once, but okay this sounds good.
We *know* that Archer's interested in sports, and we know it was Archery. But! Archer is *also* someone who is good at relationships, and - at least to our ears - the bodily side of them as well. We have asked Kirika, let's get a less focused opinion. Also, added a Kyouko vote.
But what we don't know is that our dad was also an inspiring high jumper. The same way we captivated Madoka with our high jump prowess in PE that first day, so too did Archer captivate every single other character in Fate with his high jump. Also, our year is going towards the end of the day, so having us cheer on Sayaka this early on would be pointless.
Not sure why we are German now
I won't be including that part of the vote name if it wins out, because it does go against my "no meme names" rule, but if you can't figure out why we're German you must have worse eyesight than Twix; and he wears eyepatches over both eyes.
I won't be including that part of the vote name if it wins out, because it does go against my "no meme names" rule, but if you can't figure out why we're German you must have worse eyesight than Twix; and he wears eyepatches over both eyes.
...I noticed just now the reason why.

I didn't looked into any of the profiles about location here until now.

All this time I though he was Swedish...!
Nope. The Swedish comes from 30 years back, when I was ten and thought I needed a nickname for the internet, for my real name was with 9 characters exactly one letter too long for X-Wing. And I thought (silly kid that I was) that Swedish sounded cool. And I'm running around with this nick for a long, long time; when you find a Swedish15, there's an even chance that it's me.

@SVS - this was not meant to be a meme-name, more like "This is my spin on the former plan."
Once more I pop in at a point where making a new vote wouldn't sway enough people by the time the next chapter comes out (I keep on going to sleep around the time SVS puts out another chapter), so I'll just contribute by saying that Shirou/Archer canonically doesn't really like sports stuff past maintaining their body (since Shirou needed to have a durable body for all the stresses of Magecraft and Nerve Circuit creation); the very reason Shirou stopped doing athletic stuff is due to getting too good at it (or by already being too good at it) to the point he wasn't benefitting from it anymore, instead diverting his time to something more practical in the form of practicing his Magecraft.
Day 6 Chapter 2
[X] Plan: Sports Festival Episode +

That's right, the school's sports festival is today. You imagine today will be more or less the same as last year; you and Kyouko will be the ones carrying your entire class to victory, and you're sure Oriko and Kirika will be doing the same for their own class. "I'd really like to see Madoka do better this year than when we were at Shirome." Minako nods; you're sure she's hoping for Madoka to do better this year than she did last year; "And, if you don't mind me asking, why are you so excited to see me do laps and play games with my classmates in the first place?"

"Because when else do I get to see my two favourite daughters in action?" Minako asks. "You girls are always out doing your own thing, and I never get to see you girls in action. Now, maybe the things you get us to are better left unseen, but still." Minako pouts, as if to ask you "How could you ask your own mother a thing like that?" "You girls are my pride and joy. I want to see you succeed at everything you do. Even if it's something as mundane as a school sports festival."

Your face must have turned red as Minako layered her loving sentiments on you, because it was that moment Archer chose to speak up, saying "Geez, Minako, no need to embarrass her." Your father sits down across the table from you, handing you a plate with asecond serving of breakfast. "But to make sure to eat up. You'll need the energy if you want to be at your best."

Your body certainly doesn't need the additional carbohydrates, but you suppose it's easier for your parents to carry on as if you were a normal girl, than to treat you the way you are and look negligent to an outside observer. "Thank you," you say, accepting your seconds. Dad's cooking is still as good as ever, you think as you contemplate over breakfast. You can still remember the look on Sayaka's face the first time she tried some of his cooking. She said she would be your best friend forever if you gave her the rest of your lunch. You didn't, but somehow she's still managed to stick with you after all this time. "Hey, the next time Madoka comes over, would you be willing to cook us something?" you ask Archer. "I'd like to arrange a... A romantic dinner."

"Of course I can," Archer says. "Let me know when Madoka's coming over and I'll have something special whipped up, then me and Minako can take off for a night on the town so we're not in your way or anything."

"Thanks, dad. That sounds great."

Archer nods, asking "So, what brought this on all of a sudden? Got something special in mind, or did you just want to do something nice for your girlfriend?"

"A little of both, I guess," you reply. "Lately I've been feeling... Well, like me and Madoka have fallen behind, compared to our friends. I want to try moving our relationship further along, but I... Kirika told me I should stop overthinking everything and just go with whatever the mood's telling me to, but that's really hard to do."

"Your mom might be better at giving you that sort of advice than I am," Archer says. "You wouldn't be wrong to say 'm as dense as an eroge protagonist. Minako's the only woman I've ever had a real relationship with, and frankly I'm amazed she puts up with me."

"Well, you do have a great-" You aren't sure whether Archer stopped Minako, or if Minako stopped herself, but you don't care, and you don't want to know what Minako was about to say. She clears her throat, saying "I think you're doing just fine, actually. You're going at your own pace; it's fine if you're not moving things along as fast as your friends are. I'd actually prefer that to how fast Kirika and Oriko moved their relationship along." Yes, like you need any more reminders of how much farther ahead of you your Big Sis and her girlfriend are. "Anyway, if you ever need relationship advice, just come to me, okay sweetie?"

You'll try to remember that. "Right. Thanks, mom," you say. You hope Minako's advice is palatable and won't embarrass you just to think about.

You finish your second serving of breakfast, shower, change, and grab your school things. "I'm heading out!" you call. You hear no response, but you know you'll see your parents later in the afternoon, so it's fine. But there's someone else you'll be seeing much sooner than that. You've always said that that first glimpse of Madoka as she greets you at the intersection is when your day truly begins, and today is no exception. "Good morning, Madoka," you say as soon as your pink-haired girlfriend is in your arms. "I missed you."

You and Madoka greet one another with kisses, one melting into another melting into a third. If you were Kirika, you might be tempted to try slipping your tongue between Madoka's lips during one of your kisses, but you are most certainly not your Big Sis. Damn that Big Sis of yours, and damn Kyouko for first putting the thought into your head. Besides, you don't know if Madoka would want that. "Good morning, Homura-chan," Madoka says. "I missed you yesterday."

"I missed you too, Madoka."

"Are you excited for the sports festival?"

"Actually, my mom is more excited about it than I was," you reply. "Personally, I'll be happy as long as you're there with me."

You pass the time between now and when you meet with Sayaka and Hitomi in relative quiet. A few words pass betwen you and Madoka, but for the most part you and she are content to bask in the company of the other, kissing occasionally when the moment presents itself. Eventually, you spot your blue- and green-haired friends at their own intersection, and the gang is complete. As Sayaka and Madoka talk, you turn to address Hitomi. "Have you started work on anything more defensive-oriented?" you ask her. "It's fine if you haven't; I'm just curious."

Hitomi shakes her head. "Not really," she replies. "Spending the day with Makoto-san didn't leave me with the time to get much of anything done. I spent what little time I could brainstorming a few of the ideas Tohsaka-san mentioned, but outside of what I've already been working on, I haven't started anything new."

Yes, that's right. You remember Hitomi mentioning something about her work on a few other Mystic Codes, a few days ago. "Why didn't you bring those up when you spoke with Tohsaka-san yesterday?"

"Because I wanted to spend more time with my boyfriend, silly." You don't like how guilty Hitomi looks as she says that. "Besides, Tohsaka-san said she'd be around for a few more days. I figured I had the time to spend with Makoto-san, as long as I remembered to bring my work to Tohsaka-san before she left. Did she say when she would be leaving?"

"Wednesday, I think," you reply. "Today or tomorrow would probably be the best times to speak with her, since I'm not sure what time on Wednesday she has to leave in order to make it in time for her flight."

Hitomi nods. Beside her, you can see Sayaka nodding at something Madoka says to her. You spot Kyouko in the distance, waiting at the front gate of school.

Do you
[ ] Have anything to say to Kyouko? (write-in)
[ ] Have anything to say to Nurse Ortensia? (write-in)
[ ] Change perspectives to Archer?

[Archer] Wat do?
[X] Plan Sports Festival Preparations
-[X] Have anything to say to Kyouko?
--[X] Yes, ask her if Rider'll be cheering her on when she participates in the sports festival - he's basically her cool Uncle/Brother/Cousin at this point, right?
-[X] Have anything to say to Nurse Ortensia?
--[X] Yes, ask if she sensed anything odd with Kazumi when her and Tomoe-san were fighting; also ask if she'll be there for Oriko during the sports festival
-[X] Change perspectives to Archer
--[X] Go check up on the base's progress and talk to
---[X] Lancer
----[X] asking how she's doing now that she's had time to cool off and focus on something else
---[X] Assassin
----[X] checking up on her and informing her that her sister has been summoned to the other side as a Lancer... somehow, much to their misfortune during the battle last night
---[X] Caster
----[X] What isn't he telling the Quintet about the whole Saints situation? He isn't normally so quiet about a crisis at hand, is it what comes after that they should be worried about?
----[X] Can he get anything on the Kazumi clone specifically? Anything at all, such as her origins? What about her berserker state?
----[X] What can he divine about Angelica Bears before the Saints started living there; knowing the general layout and potential clues of any subbasements or access points would be nice to know
--[X] Prepare with Minako for the sports festival, like arranging for transportation, making snacks in the form of sweets for the girls as a treat (have fun making cookies and stuff with Minako), making signs to hold and cheer with, etc.
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--[X] Meet up with Caster up on the school rooftop once more to ask some questions
Caster is still working on the base, remember? They aren't going to be done until Wednesday. Now, if you wanted Archer to speak with Caster, you could always have him pop in to see how that's going, but if he's doing that are we sure there's nothing we want to add for Lancer and/or Assassin?
Caster is still working on the base, remember? They aren't going to be done until Wednesday. Now, if you wanted Archer to speak with Caster, you could always have him pop in to see how that's going, but if he's doing that are we sure there's nothing we want to add for Lancer and/or Assassin?
Not really, as Brynhildr already knows all about the Sigurd situation (and it'd be bad to even bring it up) and Aife would probably try and get out of base building if she were told about her sister just now.
and Aife would probably try and get out of base building if she were told about her sister just now.
Aífe has a Noble Phantasm that specifically prevents her from coming into conflict with her sister. If we let her leave the base, what's the worst she could do, realistically? Call her sister shit and get arrested on a disorderly conduct charge after following Scat around like a stalker and throwing old Burger King wrappers at her?

Also, do recall that she's being given a certain sweet sword on the condition that she help with construction, and that we don't have to tell her about her sister. Maybe we just want to say hi and make smalltalk with Lancer and Assassin because we're good people.
Aífe has a Noble Phantasm that specifically prevents her from coming into conflict with her sister. If we let her leave the base, what's the worst she could do, realistically? Call her sister shit and get arrested on a disorderly conduct charge after following Scat around like a stalker and throwing old Burger King wrappers at her?

Question, does that work both ways? Like Aife can't attack Scat, but is Scat also prevented from attacking Aife?
Aífe has a Noble Phantasm that specifically prevents her from coming into conflict with her sister. If we let her leave the base, what's the worst she could do, realistically? Call her sister shit and get arrested on a disorderly conduct charge after following Scat around like a stalker and throwing old Burger King wrappers at her?

Also, do recall that she's being given a certain sweet sword on the condition that she help with construction, and that we don't have to tell her about her sister. Maybe we just want to say hi and make smalltalk with Lancer and Assassin because we're good people.
Edited the vote. Bit worried that this may distract Aife from her work, but eh, we'll see. Don't know her character well enough yet to know exactly.
Question, does that work both ways? Like Aife can't attack Scat, but is Scat also prevented from attacking Aife?
Nope, Cu put a Geis on Aife to prevent her from attacking Scathach in life. Though I suppose Aife could activate her NP and manually apply it to Scathach as long as she can maintain it if she really wanted to.
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Edited the vote. Bit worried that this may distract Aife from her work, but eh, we'll see. Don't know her character well enough yet to know exactly.
Well, I did say that we didn't have to tell her about her sister. We could just have said hi and made smalltalk. We're not going to ever learn her character if we don't interact with her.
Day 6 Chapter 3
[X] Plan Sports Festival Preparations

Beside Hitomi as you and she walk, you can see Sayaka nodding at something Madoka says to her. You spot Kyouko in the distance, waiting at the front gate of school. Sayaka spots her too, breaking off from her conversation with Madoka to run over to and embrace her girlfriend with enthusiasm. Your gaze turns to Hitomi, as you contemplate whether it's unusual that only two of your seven closest friends aren't in a relationship with another girl. Or whether it's fair that, of all your friends, only Tomoe-san has as much trouble staying in a relationship as she does. "Is something the matter?" Hitomi asks as she catches you staring at her.

"No," you respond. "I was just thinking about some things." How do you ask this without it sounding strange? "Is it ever unusual for you to think about how many of your friends are dating someone of the same sex?"

Hitomi shrugs. "At this point, it's just something I've come to accept about my circle of friends," she says. "Though, when I think about what you told us back then, I do occasionally wonder if you'd be different had a boy approached you before Kaname-san could. Do you think that would have changed anything?"

You try to imagine Madoka as a boy; his smile is still full of Madoka's signature kindness, but there's something in his pale pink eyes that looks like a mixture of both shyness and confidence all wrapped up into one indescribable emotion. He's a little bit taller than you, and his voice is slightly deeper, befitting the effects of male puberty on his form. His lips are thinner than Madoka's, but there's a familiarity to them that draws you in, makes you want to kiss them - to be kissed by them - even though you know it's just an image in your head. Even as a boy, you still want to be loved by Kaname Madoka. "I don't know," is your response to Hitomi. "But I know I'd still love Madoka even if she were a boy."

Madoka, now without a Sayaka to distract her with conversation, reaches over to take your hand into hers; "And I'd still love Homura-chan even if she were a boy," she says. Madoka's face turns bright red, and under her breath the mumbles something which you'll let her keep to herself. But which you're sure is totally not about her and the hypothetical male you having children together, not at all.

"'Sup Spooky, Seaweed," Kyouko says as she and Sayaka finish their morning greeting. "How's it hanging?"

"Better than last night, that's for sure," you say. "Are you expecting Rider to show up and cheer for you when it's our year's turn to compete?"

"Who knows?" Kyouko says. "I mean, it'd be cool if he did, but I guess I could take it or leave it if Killer decides ta show or not."

Madoka presses a finger to her lips at Kyouko's question, before asking "Do you think Nurse Ortensia will be taking the morning off to see Oriko-chan competing?"

"I doubt it," you say. "She doesn't strike me as the kind of person who would bother."

"Well, this is certainly a surprise."

You and Minako arrive at Shirome's high school shortly before the first-years are set to compete. In your arms is a stack of lunch boxes containing sweet treats Kirika and Oriko might enjoy eating in-between events, and in Minako's hands is a small signboard proclaiming support for your daughter and her girlfriend. You and she are moving through the crowd to take your seats at the bleachers, when you spot an unexpected mop of ash-white hair. Caren Ortensia turns towards you and Minako as you call to her, rolling her eyes but making no complaint as she scoots over and gives the two of you room to sit down beside her. "Well, you two aren't a surprise, so I guess that events things out."

"Did you come to cheer Oriko on?" Minako asks. "I know you're not good at showing it, but I'm sure she appreciates that you've come to see her."

Ortensia nods. Even after all this time, getting a read on that woman is so hard you still haven't figured out whether she loves - or even cares about - her cousin in the slightest. "I haven't heard from Assassin all morning," she says to you in an attempt to change the topic. "Have you heard anything from her lately?"

"I stopped by the construction site earlier to see how things were going," you say. "She was quite interested to hear that her sister had been summoned."

Assassin's face contorts as it changes to a bright red colour. Her fists tremble uncontrollably, and she screams at you "You're telling me that bitch was also summoned?" You take a step back as Assassin glares at you. "That bitch was summoned and no one thought to tell me until now?"

"Calm down," you say. "We only found out ourselves last ni-"

You never get to finish that sentence, because in one swift motion Assassin has knocked you to the ground. "Tell me where she is, right now!" she screams, punching the ground beside your head with enough force to leave a crater. That would have been your head, if you hadn't moved.

"What good would it do if I did tell you?" you ask. "You've got a Geis that prevents you from fighting her, don't you? How do you intend-" You have to move your head again; and again; and again, in order to avoid Assassin's punches.

"I don't care!" she screams. She's stopped punching, but her hands haven't unclenched yet, and are still trembling. "I'll break it if I have to! I don't care about the consequences! As long as I can kill her that's all I care about!" It takes both Lancer and Caster to pry Assassin off of you, but without binding her mouth there's nothing either of them can do to stop her screaming "It has to be me! Me! Me! Me!"

Ortensia hardly bats an eye at your use of the word interesting. "That doesn't surprise me in the slightest," she says. "Those two have always had a... Poor sibling relationship. It's almost enough to make me pity her."

"Do you know why Assassin hates her sister so much, then?"

"I doubt she'll ever tell me the reason, but from what I can gather, it all boils down to jealously, pure and simple." Beside you, Minako sits in silence, the look on her face one asking 'What have I gotten myself into by coming here?' "Growing up, she always felt overshadowed by her sister in the eyes of their parents, and for everything she worked for, her sister had it handed to her, one thing after another. Eventually, the desire to prove herself to her sister turned into a hatred for her." Ortensia smiles, adding "Of course, this is all just speculation based on what I've seen of her dreams. I'm sure there's more to the story than that, but I can only speak for what I've seen."

You nod, and ask Ortensia "Speaking of things that you've seen, what do you make of that girl Tomoe was fighting last night? I asked Caster and he didn't have much to say about her, but maybe your sense for the supernatural caught something his didn't."

"Well, she's not a human, that much I'm sure of," Ortensia says. "Your girls give off a strange vibe, but they're still recognisably human. That girl isn't. As for what she is, I don't know. She could be another homunculus like that Hijiri girl, or she could be a witch that's taken on a human form like the Assassin servant from a year and a half ago. Or maybe she's something else entirely. There's enough weird things going on in this district that it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest."

"Yeah," you say as you fail to make a count of all the weird things you've seen since being summoned. "There sure are."

You keep your distance as Lancer talks Assassin down from her rage, and the two return to their work stations as Caster stays behind. "You wanted to speak with me, I presume?" Caster asks. "I doubt you would have come all this way just to tell Assassin that her sister has returned. Come, tell me what it is that ails your mind."

You hate to sound accusatory, least of all not when Caster has been nothing but helpful - the complete opposite of the Gilgamesh you once knew - but you need to know. "
Is there anything that you aren't telling us about this situation with the Saints?" you ask Caster. "You aren't usually this quiet. Is there something you're not telling us, or is it something that comes after all of this that you're worried about?"

Caster's gold earrings give off an audible *clink* as he nods his head. "There is a black cloud which looms over this War," he says. "My Sight is clouded by it, and I fear for what may be the cause. There is some trickery at work by the Pleiades Saints which obscures my ability to See them, but this black cloud is not of their doing. It comes from the south of the city, spreading its tendrils over more and more of my Sight the longer I stare."

The south... "Where Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed fell?" you ask. "Do you think that has something to do with it?"

"It would seem that much has to do with our masters' inability to recover Walpurgisnacht's Grief Seed," Caster says. "It would be foolish to assume that this is unrelated. It is unfortunate that my Sight cannot penetrate the darkness, or else we might have a better idea of what is coming. But I fear for its arrival, Archer. There are few things in this world which can hide from my Sight; all of them, to my knowledge, are spells or Noble Phantasms of the highest caliber. Whatever this is, Archer, it is powerful, and we would be wise not to forget that."

You nod. "I'm guessing the fact that you can't See much about the Saints means you're in the dark about the origins of that girl who looks like Kazusa Michiru? What about her weird, berserker-slash-Dead Apostle-like state?"

"It is as you assume, Archer. I know she is not Kazusa Michiru, but I cannot See what she is that might wear her form. Having not met her in person, I am not equiped to make that judgement, not when my Sight is as obscured as it is."

Again, you nod. "What about just their base, then?" you ask. "You were able to see some of the Saints' pasts, so maybe you can tell me about the layout of Angelica Bears before the Saints started living in the basement? What's down there?"

"Before the Pleiades Saints, there was nothing," Caster says. "I am unsure how that is possible, but beyond a certain point there is simply no building occupying the space where Angelica Bears now sits."

[Homura] Wat do?
[Archer] Wat do?​
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