Confringentur 2; a Madoka Magica / Fate/Stay Night sequel

The only weaknesses they have are that they're actually, in a funny twist of fate, weak to Human civilization, so if she's in a city or something Madoka's Marble Phantasms are going to be the worse option compared to orthodox magic, but they're also probably the easiest thing to teach her. Notably, Marble Phantasms are the opposite of Reality Marbles.
Well, at least until Sidonia destroys it, Mitakihara still technically counts as a city. I suppose it wouldn't be very helpful if I said something like "Fortunately, there's not going to be much of a city left after Sidonia levels Mitakihara". So if these are weak to the City type, then it might not be the best idea to teach our Madoka-mon how to use Marble Phantasm. Teaching her Nuzzle (causes paralysis) or Lovely Kiss (causes the target to fall asleep) might be better choices instead.
... Is it bad I just thought of hooking Madoka up to the mystic code network so Mirai and Hitomi effectively have infinite mana?
... Is it bad I just thought of hooking Madoka up to the mystic code network so Mirai and Hitomi effectively have infinite mana?
Well given what we've seen so far that takes Scathach or Aife about a day of production to make a ring, which we don't have, on top of the range limit we've seen. But if we could, this would be quite a good idea.
... Is it bad I just thought of hooking Madoka up to the mystic code network so Mirai and Hitomi effectively have infinite mana?
Well given what we've seen so far that takes Scathach or Aife about a day of production to make a ring, which we don't have, on top of the range limit we've seen. But if we could, this would be quite a good idea.
On top of which, we then have to contend with Homura possibly not being okay with other people drawing power from her girlfriend's soul. Range limit or not, that feels like something Homura would step in and say of "The ring is mine".

But also we're forgetting that with Kazumi and Kanna providing more than enough power to Mirai as it is, Saki and Umika aren't needed, so either of their Mystic Codes could be used to draw power from Madoka instead without having to waste time making new rings. But Homura might overheat because of how much power Madoka is capable of putting out. Anyone might overheat.
Homura should be fine-ish. She let Madoka wear her soul gem for a few hours and only got only slightly feverish/high as a result. She should be doing better in a situation where she's actually using the man Madoka is giving her.

OR she might instantly explode from the fact she and Madoka are wearing matching rings.
Homura should be fine-ish. She let Madoka wear her soul gem for a few hours and only got only slightly feverish/high as a result. She should be doing better in a situation where she's actually using the man Madoka is giving her.

OR she might instantly explode from the fact she and Madoka are wearing matching rings.
You know what? Thank you for reminding me that, even though we have spare transmitters, we would still need another receiver if we wanted to hook Madoka up to Homura (or anyone else). Theoretically, our eggheads could work through the night to make one more, maybe even two more if they divvied up the work, and they'd be ready just in time for battle tomorrow, but that also relies on us being willing to tap Madoka for power. Which as I said, Homura might not be willing to let us do just on merit of it being Madoka.
Day 29 Chapter 31
You and Madoka lean in, closer, until your lips are about to touch when- "Ah-hem." When the sound of Archer, clearing his throat out in the hallway, interrupts you. "Finished talking already?" he asks, as he excuses himself and Aunt Illya into Madoka's room. "Didn't you say you had something important you needed to help Madoka with?"

"Yes, right, sorry," you say. "The truth is, Madoka, something's come up and it's important that we figure out a way to help you with it."

Madoka stares at you, confused; equally confused by the arrival of a person she's never met before. "Um… Okay…? What is it?" she asks; "And, who is that behind you and Archer?"

You'll let Aunt Illya introduce herself first, because Madoka knowing that she's a prominent mage might help to better segue into possible solutions to her problem. "My name is Illyasviel von Einzbern," she says. "I may not look it, but I'm Archer's sister, and Homura's aunt."

"Oh, wow!" Almost immediately, Madoka's tone goes from concerned to enthused, and her eyes light up. "Homura-chan, I didn't know you had an aunt!"

"Neither did I, until recently," you say, as Aunt Illya curtseys for Madoka. "But, the reason she's here with me tonight is… Part of what's come up that I need to discuss with you. You see-" Because of recent events that you can't actually discuss with Madoka because someone had to go and hypnotise her without your permission – it's recently come to my attention that there's a… Hole, for lack of a better term, leading directly from the local leylines into your soul."

"We should have figured sooner, since you are one of the city's leylines," Archer adds. "But we didn't have any concrete evidence until earlier today. Unfortunately, that's also the most likely way Sidonia's corruption got into you," Archer says. "I know we're already taking measures against letting any further corruption enter you, but I'd still feel more comfortable, and I know Homura would too, if we could come up with a way to bolster your soul's defences around that opening so there's no possibility of Sidonia somehow hijacking you tomorrow."

"Aunt Illya is an accomplished mage, and since she was in town visiting for a few days, I thought I'd ask her to come along to help figure this out."

"More like I insisted on coming along once Homura said she had something she needed to take care of,' Aunt Illya corrects you. "But the point's basically the same."

All Madoka can do is stare. "Um… Okay…?" The same words as before tumble out of her mouth, but this time she trips over them, completely unsure of what she should say. "So… How are you supposed to fix that?" she asks. "Can you even fix that, or is it just… Part of who I am, now?"

"So, fixing the connection from your soul to the rest of the city's leylines is probably impossible," Archer says. "If you were… Well, normal-" All Archer can do is scratch the back of his head awkwardly. "-Then there might be a way of fixing it, but if you were normal that kind of thing shouldn't even be happening in the first place. But since you are a leyline, it's more likely that the hole is a natural phenomenon that serves to connect you to any other leylines you might be near to, and trying to close it off might be disastrous for you. If we tried, I don't know what could happen."

"So our best bet is to come up with a way to bolster your soul's defences," Aunt Illya says. "Just like Archer said we were going to do. There's a few ways that ca be accomplished." Aunt Illya scoots over to the bed where you and Madoka are sitting, and gestures to the open space on the opposite side of Madoka from you. "Do you mind if I sit down?" she asks.

"Um… I guess so."

With the okay from Madoka, Aunt Illya sits down beside her. "Homura really loves you, doesn't she?" she asks. When Madoka nods her head, Aunt Illya says "I can see why. You're such a cutie. I bet you two make all the other girls jealous when they see you together." Madoka beams at the compliment, while you're left wondering where the heck this is all going. "I'll admit, I don't really know you too well, outside of what Archer's told me about your… Situation. But you're someone important to Homura, so that means you're important to me, too."

"Thank you," Madoka says. You're still unsure where Aunt Illya is taking all of this, but you sit patiently, staying quiet while you and Archer look on.

"Right, so, there's three ways I can approach bolstering your soul's defences," Aunt Illya finally says, getting to the point. "The most obvious would be just to tell you to get the heck out of here, but Archer's already informed me that your family's not moving, correct?" Madoka nods her head. "So, first thing's first, I could either tie a Reinforcement spell to an object and have you hold onto it, or teach you how to do it for yourself. The latter would be the easier method, but either way works. This'll keep you safe by boosting your body's defences and will also give you the added benefit of being able to fight off corruption, or any familiars that try to poke their heads into your house tomorrow."

Four pairs of eyes all find their way to the familiar in the shape of you. With its grin unmoving on its face, it stares back at all of you, as if to ask "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Now, Archer also tells me that Homura's been kind of reluctant about letting you flex your magical muscles, so if she's not comfortable with me teaching you how to use Reinforcement, another option I've got would be to set you up with a Bounded Field. If I tied it to you, with the right properties it would basically allow you to completely deny corruption access to your body."

Aunt Illya leans in, and with a mischievous smirk on her face, she whispers to Madoka "Unless that corruption came from Homura, right~? You'd give her access to your body if she asked, wouldn't you~?"

Fortunately, Archer is there to pull your aunt away from Madoka. "Oh, give her a break," he says. "Madoka, don't listen to a word that woman says. You and Homura are doing the right thing, taking your time with that stuff." Narrowing his eyes, Archer adds for you "Don't be like your sister."

You guess they heard you talking to Madoka earlier.

They're never going to let you hear the end of this, are they?

"Anyway, there's also a third possible option we could explore," Aunt Illya says, fortunately getting herself back on track after being scolded by Archer. "It would probably be the most effective way too, in a vacuum. The problem is, it's also got some…" The words die in her throat, and it takes Aunt Illya a few moments of contemplation before she settles on "Peculiar magical reactions, that would make it less than ideal in practice." You and Madoka both look to Aunt Illya for clarification, and she says "I'll spare you the super-technical stuff, because I'm not Tohsaka and I don't want to melt your brain giving you an information overload, but the short version is, it would end up being severely weakened because you live in a human civilisation."

That's just about the strangest restriction you've ever heard of. "Why is that?" Apparently, it's also the strangest restriction Madoka has ever heard of, as well. "Why does the fact that I live in a city impact a… Magic spell you're considering?"

"Just trust me," Aunt Illya says. "If I tried to explain it to you without you having a sufficiently advanced background in what I'm talking about, it would just confuse you even more. Just trust me on this."

You'll try your best to trust Aunt Illya on this, but you still wish you at least knew what this option was she was considering. "The first and second options are fine with me," you say. Looking to Madoka, you decide to let her have some input as well. "What about you, Madoka? Are the other two suggestions my aunt brought up okay with you?"

"I guess so," Madoka says. "They're just… Expanded versions of what you've already got in place to protect me currently, right? That Reinforcement thing sounds like what Archer put inside me to keep the corruption from taking over, and the, uh… Bounded Field?" Three heads nod in confirmation. "That sounds like it's similar to the charms you and Oriko-chan put up around my house to keep Kyuybey out."

Aunt Illya nods her head. "Sounds like you've got it right on the money," she says, before stopping herself as she hones in on one thing said by Madoka in particular. "Wait a second- What thing that Archer put in you are you talking about?" She turns to Archer, and asks "You didn't-?"

"Look, I didn't have a choice, okay?" Archer responds. "It was either that, or let the corruption take hold of her. You didn't see her, Illya. If I hadn't stuck Avalon inside of her, Madoka might have-"

"Things must be even worse than you let on if that's how far you're taking this." All Archer can do is nod his head, and all you can do is nod your head along with him. "So then, what do you need me for, if you've already got Avalon protecting her?"

"Because, as far as our source is correct-" Your source being Kazumi's great adventure through Madoka's corrupted leyline channel, "-All our other efforts have done is to purge the corruption that was already inside Madoka at the time. But based on what our source had to say, the situation is a lot worse than we were led to believe, and I'd like to take every precaution possible that Sidonia isn't able to hijack Madoka's soul for her own ends."

"All right, then," Aunt Illya says. You nd Archer both nod your heads, and you let Aunt Illya proceed. "Madoka, if you're okay with it, I'm going to go ahead and tie some Reinforcement spellsl and a Bounded Field to you. Is that okay?"

Madoka nods her head. "Yeah, that's fine," she replies. "This all sounds a little scary, but I've already got an idea of what you're doing, and I know Homura-chan wouldn't have brought you here to do this in the first place if it weren't really important to keeping me safe."

"That's right," you say to Madoka, as she reaches for the familiar of you – why hasn't this thing gone away yet? Its siblings all went away when you old them to, so why-? – and picks it up to hug, squeezing it like it were a plush of you. The familiar's permanent grin displays more satisfaction than you think you've ever seen an immobile face show before, and you understand why it hasn't gone away yet.

Madoka was right. Even if it wasn't formed from your memories of her, there's no way anything that came from you could turn down the chance to be pampered by Madoka. "I promise, Madoka, this won't hurt a bit," you say. "Just let my aunt do what she needs to, and we'll have this all taken care of in no time."

"Then me and Archer can get out of your hair for a while, and you two can go back to being all lovey-dovey with each other," Aunt Illya says. "Sound good?"

Archer rolls his eyes, and says in an exasperated tone "Don't encourage them. Homura's the responsible daughter. Don't encourage her to be like her sister."

"But I haven't even met her sister yet~" Aunt Illya pouts. "'Cause someone won't let me~!"

After you're done here, do you
[ ] Make your way north towards Shirome, hypnotising as you head back to Oriko's mansion
[ ] Finish hypnotising down here first, head back to Oriko's mansion once you're finished here
[ ] Other (write-in)
Since marbles are apparently weak to cities, we're going with the first and second choices for keeping Madoka safe. I hope that's okay.

Now, once we're finished here, we've got two options. We can either make our way north back to Shirome, hypnotising as we go; or we can finish hypnotising down here where we are, and only head back to Shirome once we think we've done enough hypnotising down here. Either way, the goal is to get north back to Oriko's mansion, so Illya can meet Kirika and Minako. From there, we can either get our family time relaxing out of the way first, or we can head back south, meet up with the rest of our two teams, and continue our earlier discussion then, saving the family time relaxing for when we're finished.

Or I suppose Homura could stay here and be huggy-wuggy-uwu with Madoka, while Archer and Illya head back out and do all the heavy lifting. That's also an option. It's not a particularly responsible option, but it's an option.
[X] Make your way north towards Shirome, hypnotising as you head back to Oriko's mansion

I figure we can do the rest later in the day; meeting Kirika and Minako is what Ilya came her for in the first place.

Since marbles are apparently weak to cities, we're going with the first and second choices for keeping Madoka safe. I hope that's okay.
Look, I know it sounds really odd, but it kind of makes sense. Animals have a sort of 'manager' called Gaia, who has all the leylines and nature stuff. When Humans gained their own opinions and separated themselves from nature, they formed their own manager called Alaya, who has mysteries and civilations. Marble Phantasms are asking Gaia to do stuff, but if you're in a city, Alaya is the manager, and so Gaia has less influence over that area.
[X] Make your way north towards Shirome, hypnotising as you head back to Oriko's mansion

I figure we can do the rest later in the day; meeting Kirika and Minako is what Ilya came her for in the first place.
Now, to kill two birds with one stone, what sort of things can the five of us talk about over dinner? Besides that obvious stuff of who Illya is and what she's doing here, or of her squeeing over meeting her other niece and sister-in-law.
Now, to kill two birds with one stone, what sort of things can the five of us talk about over dinner? Besides that obvious stuff of who Illya is and what she's doing here, or of her squeeing over meeting her other niece and sister-in-law.
Well, how about:
  • Talking about how Germany is
  • Discussing Kirika and Oriko's love life, and maybe Ilya's
  • Perhaps talk about Shirou's past overall, since IIRC he hasn't opened up to Minako about that (now is certainly the time to do so), and with Ilya to give some perspective
  • How much of an ass everyone in the Magus Association is for real, like, even El-Melloi II is one of the most forward-thinking, inventive and reasonable people in the Association and he's still a bit of an ass
  • On the above topic, maybe just give Minako a crash-course on magus society as a whole for fun, that could be interesting for a muggle. Could probably combine this with Shirou's backstory.
That's what I've got.
Day 29 Chapter 32
[X] Make your way north towards Shirome, hypnotising as you head back to Oriko's mansion

"I promise, Madoka, this won't hurt a bit," you say. "Just let my aunt do what she needs to, and we'll have this all taken care of in no time."

"Then me and Archer can get out of your hair for a while, and you two can go back to being all lovey-dovey with each other," Aunt Illya says. "Sound good?"

Archer rolls his eyes, and says in an exasperated tone "Don't encourage them. Homura's the responsible daughter. Don't encourage her to be like her sister."

"But I haven't even met her sister yet~" Aunt Illya pouts. "'Cause someone won't let me~!"

"I know; and I'm sorry," Archer says. "You came all this way to see your brother's family, and instead we've kept you busy with whatever random nonsense we needed to take care of. But I promise you, you'll get to see Kirika and Minako once we're done here."

True to his word, once Aunt Illya finished setting up the promised safety measures for Madoka – and once you were able to pry your familiar away from Madoka's embrace – Archer made sure that north was the first direction you all headed. Your familiar is still fuming, or at least as much fuming as can be done with a perpetual grin on its face, but you're sure that it's actually fuming underneath that grin.

"Oh, behave, will you?" you say, doing all you can to hold back from kicking the stupid thing before it actually causes a problem. "What if mom sees you looking like that?" What if mom sees it at all? She may have thought the birds were cute, but there's no guarantee that she'll find this facsimile of her adopted daughter equally so. You'd better find a way to put it away, and fast. "Actually, don't answer that. Maybe just go away before mom sees you at all."

"Don't be mean to her, Homura," Aunt Illya says. "Sure, she might not be what your mom was expecting, but she's still from you. She's still your mom's precious grandkid."

"No, I think Minako would just find it unsettling," Archer says. "She's not really much of a fan of how all this magic stuff puts her family in danger, and seeing something that looks like a funhouse mirror of Homura might just make her upset, especially so soon to when she has to leave."

With far more reluctance than its grinning face can display, the familiar of you finally goes away when asked to leave; and not a moment too soon, because your long walk – good lord, you don't think you've ever appreciated the train quite as much as you do now – north to Shirome is finally over. You check the time on your phone; school is definitely out by now, and for all you know Oriko has already made her way home by now. You hake your head; no, she's definitely home by now, unless Kirika was somehow able to convince her that they should take off together so they could be alone.

You doubt she'd go that far. Your sister loves Oriko, but she's not going to skip out on taking care of her mom for her.

Unfortunately, where one familiar goes away, another decides that now is the time to play. You hope this doesn't become an issue, that you're unable to control when your familiars come and go. You assume it must have been the residual thoughts of Oriko in your mind as you approached the mansion that drew out the familiar shaped like Kirika. "Oh, not you too," you moan, cupping your head in your hand as your party rounds the last corner to-

"Oh, wow!" Aunt Illya's excited chirping is almost enough to break through the headache you just know your familiars are going to give you. "You really live here? It's got to be as big as Tohsaka's place in Fuyuki!"

"I wish we lived here," Archer says as he buzzes the front gate. "This is actually where Kirika's girlfriend lives. She's letting us stay here until this all blows over, since Sidonia knows where we actually live and we needed a way to keep Minako safe until then."

Aunt Illya nods her head, and the three of you all wait patiently for someone – probably Lancer, if Oriko is already home – to open the gate and welcome you in. The fourth member of your party, your Kirika familiar, is much less patient with their waiting, and despite all your attempts to hold them in one place they squirm about with almost as much energy as the real deal.

But it isn't Lancer who opens the gate for you; it's Oriko herself. "Good afternoon," she says to you and Archer. "I trust you both had a safe journ-Eh!" Oriko's words are cut off as your Kirika-shaped familiar breaks free from your hold, and lunges at Oriko, full-throttle. It leaps into her arms, forcing her to catch it, before lavishing affection on her as though it were the real thing; and, again as if it were the real thing, Oriko reciprocates. "Goodness, Akemi-san, just what is this adorable little creature?"

"I tried my hand at making a few more familiars," you say. "My most recent batch are… Effigies, I guess you ould call them, made in our images from my memories of the times we've worked together." You stare at your familiar as it nuzzles Oriko's chest like a baby looking for its mother's affection. Or it would, were it not for that constant grin which gives its actions a much more Kirika feel to them. "They seem to mimic, uh, exaggerations of who they take after, I guess. The one that looks like me is drawn to Madoka, while this one is apparently drawn to you."

"I just hope there isn't one of me that Kirika will have to share her affection with," Oriko says. "I can already see this little one causing problems."

"There is, but I think we all lucked out in that department," you say. "That one's much more reserved." You hope.

"Well, then, let me let you all in," Oriko says. "Your guest as well." Oriko curtseys for Aunt Illya, and says to her "My apologies for not introducing myself sooner," as if the reason she didn't weren't evident enough. "My name is Mikuni Oriko. I'm the owner of this mansion, and the girlfriend of Archer and Minako-san's eldest daughter. Who might you be?"

Aunt Illya curtseys in reply. "My name is Illyasviel von Einzbern," she says. "I'm Archer's sister. It's so good to meet you, Mikuni-san."

Oriko lets you all in, and as soon as you've taken your shoes off, you are greeted by an enthusiastic hug from Kirika. "Welcome back, sis," she says. "Everything go all right?" Before you have a chance to say anything, Kirika has already shot a glare at the miniature Kirika nuzzling itself against Oriko's chest, and has addressed Aunt Illya with a questioning "Who's the colour-inverted you, sis?"

"My name is Illyasviel von Einzbern. I'm Archer's sister and, since you're calling Homura your sister, that must make you Kirika, right?" Stunned, Kirika can say nothing as Aunt Illya says "So that makes me I'm your aunt. It's good to finally meet you. You're almost as cute as the tiny version of you your sister made."

At a loss for words, Kirika can only stammer out a stunned "Uh, thanks… I, uh, I never had an aunt before. Mom and my real dad didn't have any siblings."

"Well you've got one now," Aunt Illya says, approaching Kirika and drawing her into a hug; "And I'd say you've got the best aunt in the whole world, 'cause I am going to spoil you two rotten, just as soon as all this is over."

Much like yourself, processing the appearance of an aunt you only tenuously knew of before her surprise appearance, Kirika can barely think to say anything. "Uh, I'll let mom know we're having a guest, then," is all she can say. "Sorry I'm not saying much. This is kind of… Unexpected."

"No worries!" Aunt Illya says. "You'll have plenty of time to get to know your new auntie when this is all cleared up!"

Everyone follows Kirika into the living room where Minako is working, and immediately- "Wow." Aunt Illya is struck by your mom's appearance. When Kirika gets mom's attention, Illya curtseys and introduces herself, before sneaking an aside to Archer, saying "I can see where Homura and Kirika get their good looks from. She's really pretty."

"Kure Minako," Mom introduces herself to Aunt Illya much less dramatically. "I appreciate the compliment. Both of my daughters are lookers, but I'm afraid I can only take credit for Kirika. But Homura's parents did more than their fair share in making sure she turned out just as beautiful."

"I'm sorry for presuming," Aunt Illya says, offering another bow to mom. "Aside from your eye colour, you two really do look like you could be related, so I just thought-"

"Oh, no, I take it as a compliment,' Minako says. "It makes me glad whenever anyone thinks that Homura could have come from me." She smiles, and pulls you into a hug. "She may be adopted, but I'm just as proud of Homura as I am of Kirika."

"That's good,' Aunt Illya says. There's a wistfulness in her voice as she add "Big Brother was adopted, too, but I'm sure dad didn't think any less of him for it," that makes you remember how Archer described the Illya of his timeline.

"She was so angry, at first, because she thought our father had forgotten about her and replaced her with me."

"So, now that everyone is home-" Minako speaks up to grab Archer's attention. "What's for dinner?"

"Well, since Illya's visiting, I thought maybe I could make something fancy to celebrate another member of the family coming into all our lives."

Mom rolls her eyes. "Archer, everything you make is fancy," she says. "Even rice and grilled fish. So really, what's it going to be?"

"How about my dad's favourite?" Archer asks, turning his head to grab Aunt Illya's attention. "Hamburg steak. I'll make a vegetarian equivalent with tofu for Oriko, if that's okay with everyone?"

"You're a vegetarian?" Aunt Illya asks Oriko. When she nods her head, Aunt Illya says "Then I've got a dish I think you'll love. It's a vegetable stew with lots of cabbage that grandfather used to have the maids make. It's really tasty, and it's great in the winter 'cause it really warms you up inside."

Oriko nods her head. "I would appreciate that, Einzbern-san," she says, as Aunt Illya pouts at being addressed so formally. "Pardon me for asking, though – I don't want to be rude – but are you perhaps foreign? Your Japanese has somewhat of an accent; are you perhaps Scandinavian?"

"Close," Aunt Illya says. "My grandfather's family is from Germany, and so was my mom. Only my dad was Japanese, and after grandfather-" Aunt Illya bites her lip, saying "-Kicked him out of the family, I stayed in Germany with my grandfather until I grew up. How did you know?"

"Ah, that's easy." Without a word or gesture, Lancer appears at Oriko's side, and Oriko says "My servant, Lancer, is from Iceland. Your accents aren't identical, but you had a similar enough accent that I thought another Scandinavian country might be a good guess."

"Oh, wow… She's so pretty~" Aunt Illya marvels at Lancer's appearance, and she turns to ask you "Does everyone on your team have their own servant?"

You nod your head. "Two of the Pleiades Saints are missing servants, but everyone else on both of our teams has a servant of their own. I'm sure you'll have a chance to meet them later tonight. It'll be good for our newest member to learn what her teammates are capable of in the coming fight."

Looking at the plate in front of Oriko, you aren't sure if Hamburg steak can really be called 'Hamburg steak' when it's made from anything but. It doesn't look particularly offensive, and judging from Oriko's lack of disgust as she eats it, it clearly must not be particularly offensive, either. But it just doesn't seem right to you to call it 'Hamburg steak' when there isn't even any beef in it.

"So, Illya, you aid you were from Germany?" Minako asks. You don't have to ask how mom is enjoying dinner; you know she's Archer's number one fan. When Aunt Illya nods her head, Minako says "I've always wanted to take Kirika travelling to a lot of different countries. What's Germany like?"

"Cold,' Aunt Illya says. "Around this time of year, Germany can get really cold. I don't mind the cold, since I'm used to it, but even still I prefer to spend the colder months in Fuyuki, instead. That's where all my friends live, and sometimes I even get to see my other big brother, too."

"He's not home that often, I take it?" Minako asks. "Tohsaka's always complaining about not being able to see him, either. What does he do?"

"Shirou's almost always doing some sort of humanitarian work," Aunt Illya says. "Right now he's in Egypt helping people that got caught up in all the craziness that happened there last year."

"Sounds like he'll be kept busy for a while, then," Minako says. "Are you proud of your brother?"

"Yeah. Even if he's not pursuing the path of a mage, like Tohsaka, Matou, or myself, he's still doing a lot of good in the world. Probably more than what the rest of us are doing, actually. Tohsaka always tries to make the advancement of mage society as a whole sound like something that's really worthwhile, but personally I think helping the needy and the homeless in war-torn countries is doing a lot more good for the world overall."

"I couldn't agree more," Oriko says. "Your Shirou is doing God's work. I shouldn't envy him for all the good he's doing."

"Well, you girls are trying to save the entire world, aren't you?" Aunt Illya asks. "I think that's plenty good, too. You shouldn't feel like you aren't doing enough."

Kirika nods her head. "Oriko, don't let what someone else is doing make you think you're not doing enough," she says "'Cause you totally are."

Aunt Illya turns her attention over to Kirika now that she's spoken up. "You two are really close, aren't you?" she asks. "I could tell from how jealous you looked when you saw Homura's little familiar hugging her. How did you two meet?"

Kirika is taken aback by Aunt Illya's question. "Well, we met at the bookstore, actually," she says. "It was the middle of summer, two years ago; I was buying some manga, and Oriko helped me pick stuff up when I dropped everything I'd been carrying. I wasn't nearly as, uh… Me, as I am now, if that makes any sense, and since mom and dad had been divorced six years at that point, that had been the first time anyone who wasn't mom showed any kind of concern for me." Kirika scratches at the back of her head. "I, uh, I guess I took it a little too far when I asked a girl I barely even knew if she wanted to be my girlfriend, but I'm so glad I did , 'cause she said yes, and now the rest's history!

Archer leans over in his seat, and whispers something to Aunt Illya, who nods her head and makes a silent "Oh." "So, you two have been dating for two years, then?"

Kirika nods her head. "Yup, and they've been the best two years of my life, 'cause I haven't just been with Oriko in that time; I got a new sis, and a new dad, too, and me and mom got to move out of our crappy old tiny apartment and into a place that's actually big enough for us." Minako nudges Kirika with her elbow, and she hastily adds "Oh, and I guess I got a new aunt, too. Sorry; I'm really still taking this in. I knew that dad had a sister, but actually meeting you and having to process that you're a real person, and not just someone from one of dad's stories, is kind of…"

When Kirika can't find the right word to describe what she's feeling, she wags her hand, and Aunt Illya finishes for her. "I understand. Homura was also taken by surprise when I showed up. But I do hope you'll both warm up to me, eventually."

"They will, Illya," Minako says. "Just give it some time. You know, it took Homura an entire month after I'd adopted her before she was comfortable with calling me 'mom'. Kirika…" Minako looks over to Kirika, who is too busy giving affectionate glances over to Oriko to notice. "She's just surprised, since she knows even less about Archer's life and his family than Homura does."

Suddenly, a quite visible thought can be seen passing through Minako's mind, and she says "Actually, now that I mention it, I don't know all that much about what Archer's family or his life before all of us was like, either. He's told me a few things, here and there, but I only know the basic outline. But I bet you know a lot more than that, am I right?"

"Oh, do you want to know more about big brother's life?" Aunt Illya asks. "To be honest, I don't know much about your Big Brother, since he's, uh…" Aunt Illya pauses, unsure of how to continue, before she says "He's not actually from this timeline. I guess him being a servant of gives that away, but if you didn't know that already…"

"Oh, no, I'm well aware of Archer's… Situation," Minako says. "Frankly, that's the one part about him I can't say I love, because him being a servant means we can't have children."

Aunt Illya makes a sad "Aw," sound. "That's too bad, I bet you two would make a lot of really cute kids, too." Auntie Illya, please do not encourage my mom. You do not know how little encouragement she needs to get going. "But, back to what I was saying. I can only tell you so much about the Big Brother that I do know, and that's only all the stuff I learned about him after we met. But he was already seventeen by then, and once he graduated high school, he went off to study magecraft at the Clocktower, and as soon as he finished, he went out into the world. So, you'll have to excuse me if what I'm able to tell you is limited as well."

"No, that's perfectly understandable," Minako says. "You tell me whatever you're able to."

"It's not as if I'm trying to hide my past from you," Archer says. "It's just that… Well, the stuff I've done doesn't often come up, and it's kind of hard to talk about it because of the circumstances under which it occurred."

"Well, let's start from the beginning, then," Minako says. "I get that you're not from this timeline… However that's supposed to work out, but maybe you could tell me how and why you're thirty-four, when the Emiya Shirou that everyone else knows is only…" Minako looks over at Aunt Illya, and asks her "What, twenty-five? Twenty-six?"

Aunt Illya nods her head. "My Big Brother just turned twenty-six earlier this month," she says.

"That's because, in my own timeline, I died when I was thirty-two," Archer says. You see quivering lips from both mom and Kirika; they must have known that he'd died at some point in order to become a servant, but hearing that he'd died so young, young enough that he's now technically outlived himself, brings a shock to their faces. "After that, I became the World's property, so that's the age I was locked in as whenever I'd get spat out somewhere to take out the trash. In a cosmic sense, I guess I'm still technically thirty-two, but since I've got legal paperwork, and have had two birthdays since settling down with everyone, that's how I'm thirty-four. The Emiya Shirou that everyone else knows is the age he should be."

"So, what?" Minako asks. "You just went to school for four years, then threw yourself at the world for a decade until it killed you?"

"Pretty much," Archer says with some hesitation. "Look, Minako, there's a reason Rin always says to keep an eye on me, and it's not because she's afraid I'll stray. Frankly, I was an idiot. I'm still probably an idiot, but having a family, having to worry about people other than myself for once, keeps my idiocy in check."

Aunt Illya nods her head. "My Big Brother is the same way," she says. "So please, make sure this one stays safe. He's got too much to lose, and if he dies, it'll be really awkward for me to keep seeing my nieces."

"So… Was mage school just that awful, that you thought throwing yourself at the rest of the world was better?" This time, it's Kirika who asks. "'Cause I mean, if it is, maybe we should try a little harder to warn Shizuki off about going to school."

"It's complicated," Archer says. "Studying and the coursework itself isn't really the bad part; I just had other priorities at the time than to devote my time to studying magecraft. No, the real bad part, and the part that I know Rin has warned Shizuki about multiple times, is mage society as a whole. Sure, Rin and McRemitz are nice enough people, and some of the more forward-thinking professors aren't the worst, but they are not the average mage. The average mage is a self-centered ass who only cares about themselves and their research, and all else be damned. Frankly, I hope Shizuki gets the most out of her studies that she can, and then comes straight home without ever bothering to get herself mixed up in that nonsense."

"Who's Shizuki?" Aunt Illya asks.

"She's one of my friends," you say, now that you finally have a chance to speak. "She's a first-generation mage that Tohsaka-san is tutoring."

"Oh, wow, a real first-generation mage?" Aunt Illya sounds ecstatic. "Does she know how rare that is?" You nod your head; Tohsaka-san has impressed on all of you how rare Hitomi's gift is in the world of mages. "Goodness. Tohsaka's only said bits and pieces to us about a new student she'd been tutoring for the past year; to think they'd be a first-generation mage, and a friend of my nieces, too!"

"We're very lucky to have her," you say. "Now, Aunt Illya, maybe you'd be willing to tell us a little bit more about Germany? Oriko visits Italy every year to see her relatives-" At the head of the table, Oriko nods her head, and you can already see her fondly recalling the six weeks in summer she and Kirika spent with the Ortensia clan. "-and she's told us all about it, so I'm very interested to hear how Germany is different. You've said that it's cold around this time of year, but what else can you tell us?"

"Well, there's lots of things I could tell you," Aunt Illya says. "For example, Japan is famous for Mount Fuji, right? Well in Germany…"

[ ] Wat do?
Oh, Illya, you just had to start by talking about the Brocken, didn't you?

Anyway, I hope this tackles enough of the points Plague gave me earlier, and that nobody is put off by the absurd length of this non-omake update. It's almost 4k long, making it the longest non-omake post and the second-longest anything post of both stories. I would have split it up into two updates and tried to move at a slower pace, but we're approaching the deadline, and I wasn't sure if I could fit all of both the necessary team discussion as well as any after-meeting family stuff we wanted to get to in time if I split this up, so here, have one giant load instead.

I imagine we'll be jumping straightaway into our team meeting after this, so for now, please submit what you think needs to go onto our final team meeting agenda. That should include battle plans, update statuses of any projects we're still working, on, the works, anything you can think of. I'm still trying my best to make sure we're on track to bring today to a close on the 17th.
[X] Plan: Battle Plans
-[X] First, you're going to try and stay by the KISS method; you won't bother making plans for situations that might not ever come to fruition, so you'll simply try and improvise if necessary
--[X] The basic battle plan is that, upon the moment of the attack, if it can be supported, have Ramesses summon the Ramesseum on top of Walpurgisnacht's grief seed and have everyone start wailing on the enemy. If he doesn't have the mana to use it, then stuff him and your more fragile or non-combative members (Illya, Rin, Sakura, Hitomi, Hijiri, Niko, possibly Caren, and Nightingale) into Mandjet and serve as aerial support.
--[X] There is probably going to have to be someone to deal with Sigurd in order to make sure he doesn't just annihilate the city with Gram. Your options amount to Brynhildr (who has abilities made explicitly for fighting him), Heracles (who can and probably will defeat him and tank Gram at the cost of some lives), and Achilles (who can use Diatrekhōn Astēr Lonkhē to prevent him from using Gram). However, all of these options have flaws; Brynhildr and Sigurd are likely to kill each other at the same time, Achilles will probably be limited to kiting him during their fight and will probably die in time, and Heracles' lives might be crucial in the later stages of the fight. While you could have stat-beasts like Lancelot or Boudica fight him off, the biggest thing is that he does not use Gram; you are trying to limit casualties as much as possible. It's also not viable to use all at once, as Brynhildr's blinding rage, Heracles' huge frame, and the limitations of Achilles' ability that qualified him in the first place means that you could easily run into a 'too many cooks' situation. You ask that Oriko, Kyouko, and Illya discuss this.
--[X] If anyone else has additions they want to bring forth, they're free to do so, and will probably have their plans implemented.
-[X] Aside from that, check on the overall progress of the luck charms, and maybe get to work on mine-sweeping Walpurgisnacht's grief seed to see if you will be able to guard it tonight.
--[X] Also, see about outfitting Heracles with a sword to better use Nine Lives. Perhaps an overedge Kanshou and Bakuya, or maybe an overedged Durandal? Caliburn?
---[X] This also applies to any nearby heroic spirits or girls that want Noble Phantasms, your only limit being if it's a Divine Construct or outside regular human understanding.

Did my best, but man, this is a mighty big vote for something that essentially amounts to 'shove the weaklings in Ramesses' building or boat, send a big dude after Sigurd, Archer's going to the NP store you want anything?' Another sign that I'm running out of steam; I'm usually excellent at compressing big votes. Regardless, this is a pretty good update. I definitely appreciate the effort given to it.

Also, something I've been wondering about is the Nega-Authority Sidonia's going to get. Theoretically speaking, if she's using Walpurgisnacht as a base, she'll probably inherit Nega-Hope. If she develops her own, things get a bit more complicated. Nega-Authorities aren't 'the opposite of something', but rather 'a corrupted origin of something'. For example, Goetia is able to deny the existence of summons because he was the first summon. Tiamat denies manmade things because she's the origin of humanity. So if Sidonia takes on the origin of 'witch persecution', then the possibilities are either that we get free unlimited mana yippee, or, well... yeah.
Did my best, but man, this is a mighty big vote for something that essentially amounts to 'shove the weaklings in Ramesses' building or boat, send a big dude after Sigurd, Archer's going to the NP store you want anything?' Another sign that I'm running out of steam; I'm usually excellent at compressing big votes. Regardless, this is a pretty good update. I definitely appreciate the effort given to it.
I don't see a problem with it. Sure, it's a big chunk of text, but outside of cutting out the stuff inside the ( ) I don't really see anything that could be cut out. But, if you think there's a better way to compress this, feel free to make an attempt. I'll tell you if it looks better or worse. Regardless, I appreciate the compliment, and I appreciate that you appreciated the effort that went into making this update.

One thing I will ask that you add, however, is
--[X] If anyone else has additions they want to bring forth, they're free to do so, and will probably have their plans implemented.
Since at least Kazumi will probably have her own opinion on things, maybe if you have the mind to do so, you could add her thoughts and contributions to this as well? Don't forget that we've also got control over her, too.
Also, something I've been wondering about is the Nega-Authority Sidonia's going to get.
We can talk more once we actually see what we're working with and what it's capable of. Because I can guarantee you right now, it is not what you're imagining it to be.
Since at least Kazumi will probably have her own opinion on things, maybe if you have the mind to do so, you could add her thoughts and contributions to this as well? Don't forget that we've also got control over her, too.
Well, I certainly did try. Not sure about it. These two years of vote-making are starting to catch up to me, man.
Well, I certainly did try. Not sure about it. These two years of vote-making are starting to catch up to me, man.
Listen man, I get it. These two years have been rough on me, too. Just a few more days to get out of today, then one more big day, and we're done, and you'll probably never have to worry about making another vote for me again after that.
Also, something I've been wondering about is the Nega-Authority Sidonia's going to get.
We can talk more once we actually see what we're working with and what it's capable of. Because I can guarantee you right now, it is not what you're imagining it to be.
Hmm. My hypothesis is that Sidonia's Beast authority will be Nega-Wish. The corruption and negation of others' sincere wishes
That being said, I'm am curious to hear what you think the worst-case scenario for us would be. Not necessarily what you think Sidonia's Beast will actually have, but what you think would be the worst for us if it had.
Honestly, Nega-Wish would just be an outright loss for us. Since the process of becoming a Puella Magi involves, well, having a wish granted. IF Sidonia could use that to mess with us, either by turning us all back into normal humans or making most of us witch out... we'd be kind of screwed.
That being said, I'm am curious to hear what you think the worst-case scenario for us would be. Not necessarily what you think Sidonia's Beast will actually have, but what you think would be the worst for us if it had.
I think NMS has the right of it in that a denial of our wishes would fuck us over big time. The only magical girls that would retain any power would be Homura and possibly Kazumi, and as half of our servants are the type of Servants reportedly use up a huge amount of mana, our team suddenly becomes hugely limited. Not to mention that a Nega-Wish might do some time shenanigans with Homura, given that Tiamat's power was able to just outright erase human history to a certain degree. Nega-Wish would be so bad, the battle wouldn't necessarily become unwinnable, but placing Homura right before her wish at Madoka's corpse (since that would be the result of undoing her time manipulation), no allies, only basic magecraft and a failing heart, would have so little ways to actually win. Even without the time shenanigans I describe, we'd basically have to pray that Caren's NP can harm Sidonia in any significant fashion.