You know, I once posed a sci-fi concept of a galactic Caliphate to a friend of mine. He asked, "Why is everyone in the 25th century Muslim?"
I countered, "Why not? Why is 99% of everyone in space fiction irreligious, agnostic or atheistic?"
Oh it's totally fine for Mass Effect characters to never bring up religion (barring the odd human or alien), but God forbid we actually make people religious, or -gasp-! Muslim. If Mass Effect doesn't want to explore religion, that's fine. But if I want Space Muslims with Space Meccas that's just too much!
Like people get confused why I'm so insisted on making Muslims a bigger representation instead of Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Malaysian, Indonesian, Iranian or the like? The reason is simple: Muslims make up a substantial representation of humanity, and regardless what Muslim or non-Muslim country you come from, you can feel represented by the sheer fact Muslims are non-existent in most media. Religion first, culture second, is how I feel, you can make Muslims more normalised in media.
Compare Muslims in media to say, Australians. I bet you can name a fair few Australians in fiction, video games or movies or whatever. But Muslims? I really have to dig deep to find one in a video game.
I see this problem with how people view ME: Andromeda. The Anti-SJW crowd blame SJWs because "they triedto represent too many gays and trans people and that's why Andromeda sucks!"
No, Andromeda sucks because it was mismanaged. You can't fucking blame BioWare to want to include more people. Blaming BioWare on wanting to put a single trans character does not explain why it shipped the way it was. Stop trying to accuse games sucking because representation is evil durr.