Look we get it, you can't spot the influences on various locks from judo for example. They're in there. Almost all Western systems developed after the 1950s are deeply incestuous with various Eastern ones having looted them for various things, and those are often incestuous with each other. The bits people think are most important for their system are almost never original because somebody got there first.
judo was evolved into BJJ later on. and even then, the difference in conditioning between eastern traditional arts and western combat sports is abyssal.
I like it when fiction goes "You know people who tell you that being angry is bad and you should never be angry? They're wrong. You've got to get mad. You've got to get angry. You've got to rip and tear, until it's done!"
A cliche I can't stand is "couple pretends to be in love, then actually falls in love", like in Chuck. It's very possessive and sexist.
How is it sexist? Or possessive for that manner? It can be applied to any gender combination and basically represents people seeing more of the good side of someone as they spend more time with them.
I don't think its necessarily sexist but I think I can see where they are coming from. My mind goes to that movie with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds who play a boss (Bullock) gets her employee (Ryan) to pretend to be her fiance for a family gathering of hers, presumably to avoid personal embarrassment as a busy workaholic boss lady. They inevitably start falling for each other etc. The problem is the movie and many like it kinda heavily imply a womans natural place is in a relationship and focusing on family, something not often levied at working men in similar positions.

Edit: specifically the big issue is if during the "accidentally falling into love" part socially expected heteronormative behaviors are treated as inevitable biological or natural outcomes. That men and women just naturally conform to certain rigid archatypes.
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I don't think its necessarily sexist but I think I can see where they are coming from. My mind goes to that movie with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds who play a boss (Bullock) gets her employee (Ryan) to pretend to be her fiance for a family gathering of hers, presumably to avoid personal embarrassment as a busy workaholic boss lady. They inevitably start falling for each other etc. The problem is the movie and many like it kinda heavily imply a womans natural place is in a relationship and focusing on family, something not often levied at working men in similar positions.
Ah, the first thing that popped into my head was Spy x Family, which doesn't really do that. He's a spy who needs a wife and child for cover, she's a brutal assassin who wants her family and coworkers to stop bothering her about getting married. Neither of them know this about the other. The little girl they adopted is a telepath, which neither of them are aware of, but she knows their secrets and is fine with this. Her overprotective little brother knows none of this, nor are any of them aware that he's the most feared secret police officer in the nation the spy is infiltrating.
How many levels do you still need before you've maxed every skill/stat?

Well, I added a few since then. Maxing out the perk tree & SPECIAL happens at 286 if you have all the DLCs and pop the bobbleheads after levelling each stat to 10. I messed up with the bobblehead for Perception so I'm going to be stuck with 10 for that, and therefore will have all the perks unlocked at 285 instead.

So, another sixty levels, or so. Working on pickpocket for the purpose of looting the Institute right now; after that, probably punching.
they are useless and unrealistic, some chinese MMA practicioner beat the crap out of traditional martial artists a year ago just to show they are frauds. most eastern martial arts lack the kind of physical conditioning and actual fighting experience that mma/wrestling/vale tudo do (most of them do not actually spar at all)
If you're talking about xu xaidong he wasn't fighting because he thought eastern marital arts are bad. He wa fighting cause china is putting an emphasis on their heritage and that includes all their traditional martial arts even tai chi which is a less physical art. The fight was about the government putting tradition/culture over genuine safety.

Apologies @ManusDomini wasn't caught up to realize topic got a warning
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I don't think its necessarily sexist but I think I can see where they are coming from. My mind goes to that movie with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds who play a boss (Bullock) gets her employee (Ryan) to pretend to be her fiance for a family gathering of hers, presumably to avoid personal embarrassment as a busy workaholic boss lady. They inevitably start falling for each other etc. The problem is the movie and many like it kinda heavily imply a womans natural place is in a relationship and focusing on family, something not often levied at working men in similar positions.

Edit: specifically the big issue is if during the "accidentally falling into love" part socially expected heteronormative behaviors are treated as inevitable biological or natural outcomes. That men and women just naturally conform to certain rigid archatypes.

Wasn't it because she was Canadian and her work visa was coming up?
Wasn't it because she was Canadian and her work visa was coming up?
I can't remember the specifics, that quite possibly could have been an aspect but I am also fairly sure she brings him to see her family and lies about it to avoid embarrassment. My point, if I recall correctly still stands though, what was sorta eye raising was the it treated her falling for him, and there by becoming less of a bossy business woman as something that isn't just natural and inevitable but also desirable, passively framing her being a independent woman as something that had to be corrected.
Wasn't it because she was Canadian and her work visa was coming up?
I can't remember the specifics, that quite possibly could have been an aspect but I am also fairly sure she brings him to see her family and lies about it to avoid embarrassment. My point, if I recall correctly still stands though, what was sorta eye raising was the it treated her falling for him, and there by becoming less of a bossy business woman as something that isn't just natural and inevitable but also desirable, passively framing her being a independent woman as something that had to be corrected.

The movie you're thinking of is called the Proposal I have no idea why I remember this film so vividly, but I do. She was getting kicked out of the country and used Reynolds as her fiance to get a green card. They visit his family not hers in order to convince immigration. Her family is dead for the most part. The whole film is about how she treats him like trash and he puts up with it to get ahead as a writer (she runs a publishing firm). She agrees to publish his book if he marries her.
The movie you're thinking of is called the Proposal I have no idea why I remember this film so vividly, but I do. She was getting kicked out of the country and used Reynolds as her fiance to get a green card. They visit his family not hers in order to convince immigration. Her family is dead for the most part. The whole film is about how she treats him like trash and he puts up with it to get ahead as a writer (she runs a publishing firm). She agrees to publish his book if he marries her.
Oh sweet god, okay I am sorry, I yield the floor, if you want I can delete my posts. I still kinda think the things I talked about were applicable but given my frequent inaccuracy that may also be wrong.
I mean, there's absolutely this trend of, like, "Girls can be bosses/in charge/have a career and romance, but only if they're not B****** about it[1]" in our media.

[1] Which is loosely defined to be applicable to a lot of women in positions of power.
I mean there's definitely a trend that women in positions of power and with a career focus are never happy and need to have a man in their lives to bring them fulfillment. Almost always these guys are blue-collar laborers who show the women the joys of simple living. It's sort of like the Manic Pixie Dream Girl but for women. The major difference is that usually in MPDG movies the guys are actively looking for love or are noticeably lost in life, whereas in the reverse the women usually seem pretty ok until someone from outside tells them they need romance. Then usually they're caught in a swirl of events beyond their control instead of actively looking and pursuing love.
Not wanting, or even not being in, a relationship seems to often be treated as a terrible flaw in women, as is not having, or wanting, children.
To a point where any story that even hints at that (intentionally or not), is going to get a kneejerk reaction of annoyance/disgust from me.

Tangentially related.
Was just reminded of Assassons Creed: Odyssey.
You can play the whole game as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, or completely avoid sex.
Then a DLC hits where the character is forced into straight marriage, get kids, and gives you an acchievement "growing up" or something.

Was everyone in the dev team a bigot, a moron or both? How did nobody catch that?
I've never played a game, and probably never will because of that, which pisses me of because by all accounts it is a great game, except for the massive dump it decides to take on anyone who does not want a traditional heterosexual marriage with kids.
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Then usually they're caught in a swirl of events beyond their control instead of actively looking and pursuing love.

Most of the time it's getting stranded in a small town when they're on their way to their family for christmas.

Was everyone in the dev team a bigot, a moron or both? How did nobody catch that?
I've never played a game, and probably never will because of that, which pisses me of because by all accounts it is a great game, except for the massive dump it decides to take on anyone who does not want a traditional heterosexual marriage with kids.

While I certainly wouldn't have called the achievement 'growing up', IIRC the entire premise of the Animus required the main character to have children.

Well, I added a few since then. Maxing out the perk tree & SPECIAL happens at 286 if you have all the DLCs and pop the bobbleheads after levelling each stat to 10. I messed up with the bobblehead for Perception so I'm going to be stuck with 10 for that, and therefore will have all the perks unlocked at 285 instead.

So, another sixty levels, or so. Working on pickpocket for the purpose of looting the Institute right now; after that, probably punching.

Did you know there exist other games than Fallout 4 (and Stellaris)?:V
Most of the time it's getting stranded in a small town when they're on their way to their family for christmas.

While I certainly wouldn't have called the achievement 'growing up', IIRC the entire premise of the Animus required the main character to have children.

Did you know there exist other games than Fallout 4 (and Stellaris)?:V

The actual people who make the game don't give a shit about the Animus/frame story, and haven't in a long time. The players care even less. :V
While I certainly wouldn't have called the achievement 'growing up', IIRC the entire premise of the Animus required the main character to have children.
1. I don't give a crap.
2. I doubt devs give a crap.
3. I have been reliably informed that, no, it does not, they upgraded the machine so all you need is a genetic sample, that they got from the spear the main character carries with them.
4. Even if the premise required kids, they could have framed it as a tragedy of being forced to have kids even if you don' t want to, for the family and all that crap. But nope, instead the before gay/bi/asexual person is now going to happily marry some person they just met, because eff anyone not straight and into babies.