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  • I got to thank you for helping me shape my opinions on gaming. I went from sympathizing with gamers to sympathizing with the press more now. At least they can make a living.
    hi. i noticed u rated a non joke post funny. u can do what u wanna, i don't like it tho, and it's inappropriate use of a rating. thank u.

    u may not believe it yet most of the world lives in poverty and 'modern jobs' sometimes don't exist to give them the paycheck your fast food job does. please don't bully girls trying to be real, you're not cute.
    I agree with you on this: people who exult intelligence and/or expertise as being some kind of supreme attribute that makes you super speshul and totally qualified to run the world without having any other attribute to help are awful. And also completely wrong.

    Intelligence isn't some sort of ultimate virtue that matters more than everything else. Fuck that shit, and fuck the ubermensch wannabes who think like this.
    I've decided I want to read some fantasy fiction you would recommend. I'm going to spend a half-hour looking to see if you've posted in any recs threads and then report back.
    Well, the obvious one is A Song of Ice and Fire, though chances are you've read that. Discworld is obvious too even though I've read only a handful of books of that. Chronicles of Prydain. China Mieville, I've read Perdido Street Station and the Scar. I like the Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser stories by Fritz Lieber. I like the Elemental Logic series by Laurie J Marks.
    Of things I haven't read but have heard people swear by, there's the Deed of Paksenarrion by Elizabeth Moon, Tamora Pierce's books, Ursula K Le Guin's Earthsea books, the Book of the New Sun (which is a series) by Gene Wolf. Dying Earth by Jack Vance. I don't really like what I've read of Scott Lynch's Locke Lamora books but other people love them so whatever. The Black Company series by Glen Cook.
    If my posts seem clipped, it's because the 420 character limit in a pain in the ass.
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