The correct way to fry an egg

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    Votes: 16 64.0%
  • Sunny side down

    Votes: 9 36.0%

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-[ ] Make sure to activate emotion suppression mode on your human body if you ever think it compromises your decision process
I think that suggestion relies on the suppression too heavily, we have a human body and we need to care for it. We can use it for the most important moments where remaining calm is vital(like some white bunny cat with red eyes asking us life changing questions) but using it all the time would be detrimental to our own mental state.
I just so love love how Clarisse has crash landed face first into adolescence with no grace whatsoever, crushing in basically everyone she has any interaction with, experimenting with smoke and booze, having edgy self harm spots, being embarrassed by even the most bening of teasing, being visited by magical outerspace faery/eldritch abomination.
They grow so fast
Okay, I had not noticed that before, but maybe that can be a good idea?

I think that suggestion relies on the suppression too heavily, we have a human body and we need to care for it. We can use it for the most important moments where remaining calm is vital(like some white bunny cat with red eyes asking us life changing questions) but using it all the time would be detrimental to our own mental state.

Also, like someone mentioned earlier in chat: backlash. Let's figure this out, as well as we can.

Incidentally: if we wish, it should be for a magical post-scarcity and paradise.
<Madoka> You should wish for world peace!!!
It's worth remembering that hearing this sort of thing damages potential. Wishes must come from the heart, it takes a very unusual person to care about the whole world in the right way to make a wish for it, but once you've heard the suggestion it's hard to ignore it. This is why Kyubey sometimes gives people limited time offers.
people keep making references to princess principal, was it that good?
it wasn't the bestest forever and ever, but, as Kyuubey puts it in episode 4, it was fun.
Now their previous one, Flip Flappers, is an arthouse extravaganza paying homage to the craft of animation and is also basically Not Actually Crack: The Anime.
and we know it's not crack because it's clearly LSD
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ANYWAY back on topic.

Incidentally: if we wish, it should be for a magical post-scarcity and paradise.
Yeah, that was pretty cool. Well, except for the aliens. They were less cool.

Also, like someone mentioned earlier in chat: backlash.
Yeah, don't expect to get a lot done for the rest of the night if you switch that on.

using it all the time would be detrimental to our own mental state.

I just so love love how Clarisse has crash landed face first into adolescence with no grace whatsoever, crushing on basically everyone she has any interaction with, experimenting with smoke and booze, having edgy self harm spots, being embarrassed by even the most benign of teasing, being visited by magical outer space faery/eldritch abomination.
I'm not sure what part you're referring to with 'edgy self harm spots'? but other than that, :D

Awwwww <3

Been reading this for a while, always lurking haha. But this was a truly amazing post, and made me want to chime in! Thank you for the story, it is a real pleasure! Here goes...

To wish or not to wish...
Really would want to wish, for maximum Fun. If I were to think of a wish it would be something like
I wish to understand my place in the world. (add embellished prose here)

I think it complements nicely to Ryouko's "I wish to find my place in the world". Ultimately if we wish, I think it should have to do with protecting / guiding Ryouko, our prime directive or with solving our existential dilemma, of actually being a sentient being with a destiny (to protect Ryouko), thus not really having free will? At least that's how I see it.

But it just doesn't seem like a wise thing to do right now.

[X] stand your ground and resist this temptation
... for now.
-[X] run self-diagnostics
-[X] share the event with Ryouko, get hugs.
--[X] do the thing
---[X]get some alcohol, for courage.
(I... want to know what the thing is... haha....)

[X] deny anything about grief cubes
QB has nothing to offer us in exchange for this info that I can see.

[X] ask Madoka for relationship advice
We should keep tabs on the Goddess anyway, and when has she led us astray?
Been reading this for a while, always lurking haha. But this was a truly amazing post, and made me want to chime in!
<Sayaka> first

Thank you for the story, it is a real pleasure!
First hug reaction too <3

I think it complements nicely to Ryouko's "I wish to find my place in the world".
It'd be quite elegant, to be certain!

Really would want to wish, for maximum Fun... But it just doesn't seem like a wise thing to do right now.
Oh, I guarantee there will be Fun. Maybe some other things too. But definitely fun.

(I... want to know what the thing is... haha....)
I should very much like to share it at some point myself.

QB has nothing to offer us in exchange for this info that I can see.
He'd trust you more. /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
@Zephy27: Welcome, fellow former lurker!

It's worth remembering that hearing this sort of thing damages potential. Wishes must come from the heart, it takes a very unusual person to care about the whole world in the right way to make a wish for it, but once you've heard the suggestion it's hard to ignore it. This is why Kyubey sometimes gives people limited time offers.

Ugh, fine, drag me out of my fantasy (inside a fantasy). Just looked over chapters 1 and 2 of TTS and you're maybe possibly right, and Clarisse knows it. At best I can try to quibble over the interpretation:

Hieronym said:
The principal complication nowadays was the lack of secrecy around the contract system. Experience had taught both Incubator and Magical Girl that allowing potential contractees to talk about it with their more mundane friends and family members was a sure‐fire way to damage the purity of their wish and destroy whatever it was that gave a girl potential. (Chapter 2) (emphasis is my own)

Sayaka and Madoka spend forever talking about it with their magical girl friends, and neither of them seems to lose potential -- and Sayaka barely even has any to begin with.
So maybe it's safe to talk to our meguca friends?
Ugh, fine, drag me out of my fantasy (inside a fantasy). Just looked over chapters 1 and 2 of TTS and you're maybe possibly right, and Clarisse knows it. At best I can try to quibble over the interpretation:
There's WOG in the TTS thread
This is probably the closest statement to my conception of how the wish complexity thing works. There's nothing against having a complex, thought out wish--you just have to really mean it. If you're Sayaka, and your heart's desire is to heal Kyousuke, and Kyouko points out to you that, hey, you might as well wish for the power to heal in general...well, the power to heal wasn't really part of your intrinsic desire, but the thought planted in your head makes it hard to wish your potential goes down, or disappears entirely. This is what Kyubey alludes to in Ch. 1 of TtS, when it states that it's better to make the contract now, rather than risk anyone overthinking it.

Plus, you know, the whole limited-time offer effect.

Madoka, on the other hand, probably had enough potential that she could have handed Kyubey an entire page of less grandiose, non-universe-scale wishes after thinking about it for a year and still had the wish work.
There's no problem with talking about it, as long as you don't get distracted from your heart's true desire. But most people can't do that.
Thanks for the welcome :)

Oh, I guarantee there will be Fun. Maybe some other things too. But definitely fun.

He'd trust you more. /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

Oooo fun, and other things o_o I am afraid.
That's like, starting to be a relationship beyond strangers. I wouldn't want to be more than strangers with QB haha.

Sayaka and Madoka spend forever talking about it with their magical girl friends, and neither of them seems to lose potential -- and Sayaka barely even has any to begin with.
So maybe it's safe to talk to our meguca friends?

Did they talk about their wishes, or the implications of being a magical girl, and what that is like? I thought it mostly revolved around the latter. What they wanted to wish for was not discussed at length (don't recall Sayaka saying what she would wish for / hypothesizing and only recall Madoka offhandedly saying she'd wish for cake but that's it.). Mind you it has been a long time I watched it...

My take on that is if you start to lawyer finesse your wish, or get influenced by other people as to what to wish for, then it doesn't reflect your soul/crisis as much and thus you lose potential. Arguably, delegating Clarisse's wish to us subprocesses probably counts as lawyering, and "should" have the same effect :p But that would be no fun (if we decided to go for the Wish).
There's WOG in the TTS thread
There's no problem with talking about it, as long as you don't get distracted from your heart's true desire. But most people can't do that.
Ah, thanks. I don't think I've gone through the links from the Tumblr in a long while.

After Skelm's clarification, I think we're thinking similar things, Zephy. That said, it seems like even in this WOG, potential comes before the wish: the potential isn't inherently TOWARDS a particular wish. Maybe Madoka is a bad example, but she had potential well before she even knew the problem that her wish would solve. Plus, she could've wished for cake and it would've gone through, apparently, so the whole potential deal can't be too fragile.
I say all this because if we don't change the trajectory of our wish and wish for something concerning our moral status or our troubling relationship with Ryouko, I think we'll probably end up in a monkey's paw situation like Asami's. That's mostly just a gut feeling, but... the point is we probably shouldn't make a wish concerning ethics or morality.

He'd trust you more. /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
That's like, starting to be a relationship beyond strangers. I wouldn't want to be more than strangers with QB haha.
Gaining his trust may be the only thing anyone is safe from when it comes to this cannibal cat o_O
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"Does the mechanism you employ to share Ryouko's perception extend to sharing her sense of magic?" asks Kyuubey, calmly. "If so, you could check. I can't imagine that she'd be able to miss your potential."
That's.... nice?
people keep making references to princess principal, was it that good?
Was fun. And however dissatisfied I might be at moment with this quest, introduction to that anime, made this quest bit more worthwhile.

[X] politely explain where and how you found the grief seeds truthfully
-[X] if kyubey ask for them ask Ryouko to return only the full and overcharged ones
No need for wraiths to suddenly spawn in house then kill Hitomi, mother and father and neighbours. What else are we to do with them about disposal?

[X] Talk to Ryouko about our identity crisis.
[X] NOT kill our selfs

[X] start plan "Alternate Future Movie Night" to give some context
-[X] invite Kyubey, there will be carrots and catnip for both cat and bunny ancestors of his

[X] politely ask if there is time limit for wish
-[X] I wish to know what is going on, to be always able to make fully informed decisions.
*gets hit on head by book which fell from sky, it is guide book to plot, all quest and character lines, conditions for bad/normal/gold endings secrets, etc.... time for precog vs precog /scry vs scry war with Oriko*
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I didn't want to, but I feel like I need to add to my vote since I disagree with some high level ideas being considered.

I disagree with changing our behavior in any way, I feel we should be a person before a tac-comp and should not slave our self to the job we have. We are a sentient being who can make their own choices. We were made with our own soul and we now have our own human feelings. I think its also better in the long run if we become our own person who can act independently and not rely on stale logic like an incubator. We already had our own opinions and feelings as a tac-comp as that's what sentient AIs get, just now they are of the human variety.

I do however agree with giving kyuubey the full cubes since those can be though of 'as weapons'.

Therefore my vote is updated to:

[X] NOT contract
[X] Tell Ryouko to secure the cubes and ribbon THEN come outside to scare off QB
-[X] BUT give him full and overcharged cubes
[X] NOT Change your standard behaviour from now on to focus more on fulfilling your role as Ryouko's TacComp
[X] Talk to Ryouko about our identity crisis.
[X] NOT kill our selfs
Any wish made should be a Madokakami-esque wish. Though ideally without Madoka ascending and Homura being denied sexytimes love.

It may be a good idea to overload the full grief cubes and make some demons. They're far safer to farm than witches. Got to pick somewhere remote though for it. I also don't think there is any evidence them require humans to breed like witches do?
[4] Make a contract with me, and become a magical girl!!
[1] … is there a time limit?

[8] get Ryouko to secure valuables, scare off QB
[4] call for help from third parties
-[1] call for Hitomi

-[1](+3 -2) Text Kyouko
[2] Hide with Ryouko in bathroom
[2](+3 -1) Kill QB to death

[2] Breathe.

[5] Give QB full/overcharged cubes
[2](+3 -1) Avoid cube questions by killing QB to death
[1] Deny anything about grief cubes
[1] Tell the whole truth about the cubes

[6] Talk to Ryouko about identity crisis
[2] Consult with Machina later
[1] Ask Madoka for advice
[1] Embrace contradictions
[1] Defer decisions for later

[-2](+2 -4) Resolve to be less human, so as to be a better taccomp
-[2] Rely on emotional suppression to help achieve this end
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