The correct way to fry an egg

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Personal update: packing to move. The quest ought to resume a sane speed.

Well, lots of big revelations here.
I'd like to think this answers at least a question or two about the first time loop, in passing.

Are we sure Nanami is actually Nanami, and not someone disguised as her? Or could she be under some sort of mind control? This seems pretty out-of-character.
She's snapped at you randomly before. And, well, low soul gems will amplify negative parts of her character, as we first saw in the anime with Sayaka ranting at Madoka.

As part of keeping the quest SV-centric rather than being Discord-centric, I am here to post information!

One of our Chinese translators was looking at the scene with the Firebird costume and was briefly confused, as the costume was described as red but a Google image search for a "firebird" did not match that.

I took the opportunity to identify the ballet and point to an actual ballet Firebird costume, from the ABT staging.

Our translator opined:
I thought it was some kind of Chekhov's Gun for first time readers; there are so many unknown details in CQ, and I like this feeling hhh

Because it's been a little while, and it's easier for me to keep things in my head long term than it is for readers, I decided it would be a good opportunity for


Besides a Chekhov's Gun, an object may be something like a Bokurano Chair: a side-channel by which to pay homage to inspirations, and maybe exfiltrate some information on the secrets of the plot.

With that in mind, the premise of the Firebird is interestingly relevant. The hero is out hunting when he encounters the Firebird, and spares her life. She leaves him a magic feather. He soon wanders into a witch's labyrinth — well, a sorcerer's , anyway; he even has a soul gem, and has led astray and enchanted several young maidens, in a manner similar to a witch's kiss. Victory over the witch sorcerer is delivered to him by the firebird, when he uses her feather.

Consider: Have I previously fed you plot details through any other Stravinsky ballets, like perhaps the Rite of Spring, which besides its human-sacrifice connections to the Madoka situation also appeared in an American Ballet Theatre double feature with Firebird and which featured a non-traditional futuristic scifi plot and staging, critique of which was alluded to in the text? Has anyone left her any magic feathers?

The actual plot implications of all this are an exercise left to the reader (and to future-me, too, I guess).
Well, lots of big revelations here. Are we sure Nanami is actually Nanami, and not someone disguised as her? Or could she be under some sort of mind control? This seems pretty out-of-character.
I don't read this as ... like, out of line for Nanami? At least, for stressed, high-Grief Nanami.

Everyone seems focused on Nanami hitting Clarisse, which, I mean - fair. It's concerning.

But I would like to draw some attention to this:
This is bad. And … this is important, but at the same time …

"Are you physically okay?" you ask her. "It looks like someone has been hurting you."

"Shit," she says, taking a deep breath, and snaps her fingers, a little magic restoring herself. "You didn't see anything, okay?"

She's been shutting out the pain, apparently, which she's no doubt read about. You get a look at her gem, which is far lower than it should be, about 50% or so.
So frankly, I am now wondering what the hell is going on in Nanami's home life - home life, because she's injured, and stayed injured, and didn't call for assistance.

Is Nanami so proud she might fight a witch without telling anyone? ... Maybe. But ... she's clearly capable of healing herself. Why, then, not do so immediately after fighting a hypothetical secret witch fight?

Maybe she just forgot. High stress, high grief accumulation.

Or maybe she's instead in a situation where she can't heal, because she doesn't want to reveal magic. Where she can't fight back, and gets injured by people she could explode with an idle thought and her railgun.

And the first place my mind jumps to is ...

maybe Yuuka isn't the only one who needs extraction from a bad home.
I was assuming that was obvious. I should never do that in text. It's one of my real failings: not explaining the context of my thoughts.
Maybe she just forgot. High stress, high grief accumulation.
Lack of sensation of pain to remind her, too.

[1] Insist on discussing this behavior with her; if she tries to hit you again...
-[1] Use defensive / evasive magic
-[1] Call Ryouko for help

[1] Ignore this attack for now and discuss the compromised systems in further detail
-[1] Keep it quiet but demand an accounting later
-[1] Demand she go drain her soul gem as soon as we're done, Amy's not the only one compromised

Oh dear. A tie!
[X] Insist on discussing this behavior with her; if she tries to hit you again...
-[X] Call Ryouko for help

Can't say if it'll be good decision, but sometimes making one is better than nothing.
[x]Insist on discussing this behavior with her; if she tries to hit you again...
-[x] Use defensive / evasive magic
-[x] Call Ryouko for help
Clarisse? Turn off.
[Author's note: I have successfully moved and now I technically live in Manhattan!]

> Insist on discussing this behavior with her; if she tries to hit you again...
> Use defensive / evasive magic
> Call Ryouko for help

There is something you're not prepared for in this girl's emotional state. You are not prepared for her feeling of shame, for the intensity of the shame, and for her fear that her shame might be found out.

Nanami is far too ashamed to allow word of this to reach anyone.

"I'm sorry, Clarisse, I didn't ask you here so you could talk about my shitty home life," she says, increasingly agitated. "So you could go gossip with everyone about how god damned pathetic Nanami really is. I didn't trade my fucking life for that wish so that I could be repaid with humiliation from an uppity calculator."

You are taken aback by the intensity, and her increasingly aggressive posture.

She looks like she is about to attack you again. You throw up a small defensive barrier, and contact Ryouko, because if she really wants to fight, you are not sure you'll last very long.

Nanami interrupts her rant. "And I certainly didn't —"


You flinch, expecting to be hit.

But instead of attacking you, she has simply snatched something from the air, with a little flash of red magic.

It takes you a moment to understand what that was.

It's your message to Ryouko. It's your message to Ryouko, and you think she knows that.

"Stop that," she hisses.

"Nanami," you say, doing your best to keep your cool as things get scary again, "this isn't okay. You need grief cubes. Simona isn't the only one compromised here. You—"

"Clarisse?" she interrupts — and a hint of her distress leaks into her tone.

"Turn off."

Nanami's magic conjures and controls "technology." The control is a little fuzzy around the edges. Communications, and manipulating things that actually have control systems, are easy; things like "fire," and "the wheel," don't even count; and biologically designed components like the thing in Ryouko's head are borderline, limited by understanding. She cannot stop you from breathing, or thinking, or being conscious; at least, not with a simple "off" command.

But she can make thinking very, very hard.

Your cognition and your perception make heavy use of Governance-designed subsystems, meant to extract every last useful detail they can about the world around Ryouko, especially in combat. You normally have subsystems analyzing everything that comes in — estimating the density and structural integrity of the floor you stand on, computing paths and cover and potential cones of fire and threats, guessing the geometry of rooms behind a wall, and on top of it all, an attention mechanism highlighting the most relevant parts.

Now? You're disoriented and confused. It's all too raw: countless unfiltered, unprocessed, unannotated details competing in your visual field. The rough brick of the wall, the rust on the railings, the textures screaming for attention.

There's a girl who is standing right in front of your face, but she seems almost like a shadow of a girl, all the classifiers to guess her intentions and health and emotional state from expression and body language are missing. The girl —

The girl, the red girl, she has a name —

The second thing to hit you is the aphasia. Names for things feel so far away, even your internal monologue is struggling to understand what the things you are thinking mean.

The girl with a name is speaking to you, and it sounds almost like an unknown language. It's just raw sounds, untagged and untranscribed, a fragmentary puzzle, and when you do put a few fragments together, an archaic form of the Japanese language.

You guess from context that she is frustrated, and berating you.

From a visceral level, it sounds like it is getting worse. You think she expected you to be more "off."

> Call Ryouko for help


Ryouko is a name you know at all levels of your self. She's a presence you know, as well.

She has a thing —

A thing that has a name which you can almost remember… A soul. You can reach her soul.

You crouch down, and cover your head with your arms, and cower, and shut out the noise of the girl, and close your eyes and look at souls.

This helps.

This was never technology. It's unaffected by Nanami. Indeed, you can follow the links between souls more clearly than ever.

Ryouko, help.

And you wait.

And you wait.

And you wait —

And then she is here.

Ryouko and Nanami are fighting, sort of. It's not incredibly serious, and they don't seem to want each other dead. Right now it is a magic-on-magic conflict, less like combat and more like tug-of-war: two forces simply pushing on each other, a test of wills. Nanami has her gun shoved up against the tip of Ryouko's crossbow, the bolt just poking into its barrel, and sparks of red and green magic are flying, bathing Nanami's balcony in a strange light.

It's not usually a particularly efficient way to fight, but a novice will often attempt it instinctively against a stronger opponent, for what little good it will do. It's probably for the best right now, as far as keeping both of them alive is concerned.

The interface between the two weapons aren't the only place the Magic's are pushing on each other. Ryouko's magic, her own self image, is trying even now to bring you back online. This is why she's playing along, instead of just teleporting away to a better position.

Grief cubes, you emphasize to Ryouko, finding some semblance of words. She understands.

Ryouko is working from a disadvantage where you are concerned. It would have been quite easy to keep Nanami from shutting you down in the first place if she were here, but it's much harder work to push the magic back. She had made some initial progress, but now she's losing. She could win the fight easily, if she didn't care about you.

If you could only tell her that somehow, tell her to leave you be...

Maybe you can help another way.

You close your eyes. The magic is familiar. It's very like something you'd felt before, when you found yourself getting ready to attend class. That was Nanami too, you realize, in the form of her wish, and it was stronger.

No, it is stronger. That magic is already connected to you, forming itself into a pattern, not quite yet active.

Might you be able to turn it against her, for the sake of friendship?

It's hard to decide. Many of the algorithms you'd use to decide are still offline.

[] Leave it to Ryouko to subdue Nanami
>>> OVERRIDE <<<
[x] Fight back using Nanami's wish magic
> Fight back using Nanami's wish magic

Your perception, your sense of balance is returning. You rise. You know what to do, you know how to stop this.

You walk over to the two girls — still locked in that ridiculous stance — and grab them forcefully both by their arms.

"We can't go to class like this," you declare.

And just like that the two girls are de-transformed.

You step into Nanami's room. The stench of cigarette smoke is stronger in here, and it smells of garbage.

"Is there anyone who might have heard that," you ask, "who might check in on us?"

"Mom takes sleeping pills," says Nanami. "You couldn't wake her with a fire engine. And if Sho is awake, he's high as a kite. He lifted drugs from the hospital somehow." She shakes her head.

"What exactly is going on?" asks Ryouko aloud, climbing into the window behind you two.

"Right now," you say, "we are getting ready for school. This starts with Nanami cooperating, and using some grief cubes on her soul."

"What about the aliens?" asks Nanami, declining to cooperate. She looks frazzled.

"It appears the aliens can wait," you tell her. "Give me your soul."

Nanami tries a moment to object, to remove her hand so that it is as far from you as possible, but finds herself handing it over anyway, involuntarily.
It's actually a little fun, turning the tables like this, detransforming magical girls and commanding their souls.
"I asked Simona to cover for me," says Ryouko. "Our part of the meeting was winding down, and I wasn't sure what else to do. Should we get Mami or Kyouko?"

"The problem is them arriving in time," you say. "We have teleportation, and that should, in principle, just take a moment. Why don't you try it right now?"

"I … But I … I need to get ready for school," Ryouko concludes.

You nod, and you hold up a grief cube to Nanami's soul.

Teleporting itself would not really be an impediment, but going back in the middle of all those things right now would be. You can see a little bit into how it works. It's Nanami's wish, but she was inspired by Wakaba's interpretation, where you're playing the part of a traditional magical girl, who has come to attend school and engage in shenanigans and traveling into the past to save the future, or something. Playing hooky is perfectly fine, but showing up, that's important, because everyone's there.

You're a little tired of being a magical girl protagonist. It's not even so much the school, it's the stupid twists of fate, first with Ryouko and then with you. Somehow it's even more frustrating when they work out in your favor.

"We could at least let the others know what happened," Ryouko proposes.

"Of course," you say. "However, we are enveloped by a communications barrier, and it didn't go away when Nanami de-transformed, so it probably wants us to get Nanami ready for school as well. Perhaps if we hurry that along?"

Ryouko folds her arms and pouts. She does not like her current feeling of helplessness, either.

"I guess we'll see how well Simona can cover," she says, a little skeptical of the girl in general, but appreciating that she's run the whole thing pretty smoothly so far.

You change to a fresh grief cube, inspecting Nanami's gem carefully as you do so. It ought to be fully purified by now, but a thin, narrow stream of corruption continues to flow — a tiny fraction of the usual rate, but distinctively there.

This is a clear indicator that it has begun to carry a curse.

For Nanami's sake, at least, you did the right thing to intervene when you did. It would have only grown worse if you'd waited. As it stands, there's still a chance for her, with the right help. The MSY guidance for this particular situation is straightforward enough: restore her hope. She needs something to hang on to.

But where do you start? The problem is, she's dealing with so much.

Her home is a dump, her family treats her badly, she's profoundly afraid of being humiliated and found out. She's probably based most of her "cool" persona as a way to preserve some shred of a positive self image. These traumas have also left her with the anger management issues — which probably make her feel real bad, so she doesn't want to acknowledge them. On top of all that she is romantically interested in Hitomi, but likely feels that she isn't good enough, and expects that it's all hopeless. As for her own magic, she's probably realized some her terrifyingly unethical potential; she thought to turn you off, after all. And her magic itself… well, it must seems like someone is mocking it, and she's useless.

So what do you do?

What do you say to her?

> where do you start fixing things?

[] Nanami's family and housing situation is a mess. Focus on helping her escape, so she can lead her life from a better place.
[] Nanami was very afraid of being found out, expecting it would end her world. Demonstrate to her that her world is still intact, by accompanying her to school and having a normal day... socially normal, at least.
[] Nanami is afraid of losing her friends. Show her that her friends care about her, and won't look down on her for having this kind of trouble. Encourage her to reach out.
[] Nanami has self-worth issues. Speak to Nanami about her irreplaceable value. She is key to a brighter future for the entire world. Remind her that she's favorably compared the value of this knowledge to an entire continent before.
- [] Get Kyouko to bring her on board with a utopian scheme.
[] Nanami is afraid of her magic being useless, and the interloper is a threat. Tear that conspiracy apart right now. The interloper could in principle keep you from school! ...somehow
[x] (write in)
[] (write in)
[] Nanami has self-worth issues. Speak to Nanami about her irreplaceable value. She is key to a brighter future for the entire world. Remind her that she's favorably compared the value of this knowledge to an entire continent before.
- [] Get Kyouko to bring her on board with a utopian scheme.

This is totally not the best answer, or necessarily even a right answer, but the part of me that wants to smash the masquerade and be an agent of chaos is all for it.

Clarisse would make an excellent agent of chaos, and I am all for telling Kyouko all about her brief stint breaking the yakuza to heel. What fun we could have!

(Would it really be so wrong to take over the criminal underworld? Would it really?)
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[] Nanami is afraid of her magic being useless, and the interloper is a threat. Tear that conspiracy apart right now. The interloper could in principle keep you from school! ...somehow

So this isn't actually a vote yet. More just a, "yes this is important".

I also want to "Encourage her to reach out." But exactly how to have that conversation is ... unclear to me. Something between berating her and calmly working out a plan to get her to a safe situation.

Her motivations are understandable, but at the same time her actions show that she needs help. Her first priority seems to be not being humiliated. Which ... honestly, fair, humans fear humiliation more then death all the time. Particularly at her age and in her culture.

So how do we help her and protect her? I like the ideas up there, but they don't feel... aggressive enough? Or really taking her fears as seriously as she feels them. How do we both prove we are willing and capable of protecting her.
Wow, wish magic is bullshit. I'm a bit too frazzled to have an opinion on how to vote yet; I'll probably want to do a bit of a reread to look for more info.

Also, congrats on the move!
we are spinning too many plates.

I need to go reread and check who knows what about the status of Project: Maybe Get Yuuka Away From Her Abusive Father.

...a project which we have been far too lax about.

enough of that.

the bureaucracy is useless, Ms. Valentin tried to help by apparently attempting assassination via witch, and we have been too busy juggling alien diplomacy to actually do what we said we would.

Problem: we need somewhere to extract at least two of our Nicettes. Solution: Shizuki family properties of some description. Done.

Problem: we need either a great deal of hacky-hacks to alter records, or a great deal of money to bribe officials, in order to let us run roughshod over the law and just get Yuuka and Nanami somewhere safe without having to deal with people trying to return them to the custody of bad guardians. Solution: Ask Nanami's help in effecting her own escape; or expend Shizuki family wealth. Done.

Problem: we need the cooperation of the Shizuki family for this plan. Solution: fucking talk to people. We know Nadeshiko and Tomoyo are at least, in potentia, willing to house, feed, educate, and not-legally-but-practically-ethically-and-emotionally adopt lots and lots of kids; and I have a lot of trouble believing that Hitomi would object to the idea of having a relatively sane and grounded problem like "helping two of her friends be safe and happy in ways that don't really have much to do with magic or aliens."

Problem: we need the cooperation of Nanami and Yuuka for this plan. Solution: I will continue to advocate for talking to people. In the particular case of Yuuka, we need to coordinate with Wakaba and Yuuka's mother if I recall the situation correctly? and may need to employ some amount of deception to effect the initial removal of Yuuka from her father's sphere of influence.

Plan: don't talk to me about plans right now I'm a little frazzled and need to go reread like fifty updoots
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Wow, wish magic is bullshit.

Also, congrats on the move!
:D I like the new place. also I can take a ferry to work and write on the commute

This is totally not the best answer, or necessarily even a right answer, but the part of me that wants to smash the masquerade and be an agent of chaos is all for it.
It's big.
+ It will have better capacity to inspire long term than most of the others.
- It will require ongoing investment.
- It will seem a little distant in the near-term.
- It will face more obstacles.

I also want to "Encourage her to reach out." But exactly how to have that conversation is ... unclear to me.
- [] Find someone who's a good listener, someone kind, someone who Nanami will trust. Spend some time together as a group of three. Talk about your own challenges as well.

we are spinning too many plates.
Delegation! Delegation.

Solution: Shizuki family properties of some description. Done.
Okay but remember the name "Azalea House" is taken

I need to go reread and check who knows what about the status of Project: Maybe Get Yuuka Away From Her Abusive Father.
Largely unstarted. We haven't had much time. We can change this, however.
- [] Speak to Papa about the funds for this. Arrange something like a hotel room as a short term fix, then acquire property if necessary.
You can call him during a boring part of the day, you sneak.

Problem: we need the cooperation of Nanami and Yuuka for this plan. Solution: I will continue to advocate for talking to people.
- [] Talk to Nanami and Yuuka.
This is going to be harder for Yuuka, who might have trouble understanding.
- [] Secure their cooperation with bullshit wish magic, on the premise this threatens their attendance of school.
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[X] Find someone who's a good listener, someone kind, someone who Nanami will trust. Spend some time together as a group of three. Talk about your own challenges as well.
[X] Talk to Nanami and Yuuka.
??[] Secure their cooperation with bullshit wish magic, on the premise this threatens their attendance of school.
Can we make them listen to us without forcing them to do what we say?
I have a question how dependent is clarrise on her spinal components does her brain do thinking too or it just on the tac comp side of things? how does the soul handle being at two places at once I know there is a range limit but that's all i know about im just confused?
I have a question how dependent is clarrise on her spinal components does her brain do thinking too or it just on the tac comp side of things?
They both do thinking, and compatible sorts of thinking, without Clarisse thinking about it; it's just that the thinking is riddled with algorithms.

how does the soul handle being at two places at once I know there is a range limit but that's all i know about im just confused?

Since this is a quest about throwing souls, think of the "two places at once" bit as juggling!
[X] Talk to Nanami and Yuuka.
??[] Secure their cooperation with bullshit wish magic, on the premise this threatens their attendance of school.
Can we make them listen to us without forcing them to do what we say?
I will not guarantee success in convincing! It would help if you could lay out an argument that you intend to convince Yuuka, as I am unsure where to start.
Delegation! Delegation.
Tomoyo if this quest has proven anything it's that Clarisse is really bad at delegating and is kind of a control freak.

...also I would normally propose delegating to Nanami which seems a bit mean-spirited right now (like saying, "yeah, dig yourself out of this hole Nanami"); or else to Wakaba.

And now I'm just terrified that Wakaba has all sorts of horrible problems going on that I don't know about and can't see because things keep happening and do not stop happening and refuse to keep from happening and thus all of the times I have voted for trying to spend some time just being friends with Wakaba at school continue to not be the haps.

It would be nice if Clarisse could go for literally more than six hours at a time without stumbling onto another apocalyptic crisis.
Okay but remember the name "Azalea House" is taken
Azalea, Azalea ... a, a, a ... amaranth, apple, apple blossom, aster ... ah!

Azalea - "fragile and ephemeral passion"



I ... am not entirely sure what to make of that but okay!

How about Primrose House (childhood)? Sorrel (parental affection)? Wisteria (welcome)? Cinquefoil (beloved daughter) or moss (maternal affection)? Perhaps goldenrod (careful encouragement)?
I will not guarantee success in convincing! It would help if you could lay out an argument that you intend to convince Yuuka, as I am unsure where to start.
Invoke duplicity and invite Yuuka to the Shizuki house for a sleepover to buy time while we task Wakaba with locating and speaking to Yuuka's mother.
Who is Yuuka again? I keep thinking of Kazami-san and while I am glad we don't have to convince a genocidal gardener of anything, I am also pretty sure that she is not psychologically similar to our Yuuka.
Who is Yuuka again? I keep thinking of Kazami-san and while I am glad we don't have to convince a genocidal gardener of anything, I am also pretty sure that she is not psychologically similar to our Yuuka.
1) I feel like describing Kazami Yuuka as 'genocidal' is slightly over-reacting; in that I very much doubt she could be bothered to squish most people or youkai like insects with her unfathomable depths of flower-power unless they went out of their way to annoy her.
2) Shiina Yuuka is a short Nicette with brown pigtails, an interest in character and outfit design, and a certain naïve innocence that is both charming and deeply, deeply concerning.

In particular, we are, like, 104% certain that she is being abused by her father, who somehow (likely due to being a police officer) maintained custody of Yuuka through the messy divorce with Yuuka's mother who looks exactly like Yuuka this is very concerning.

Highlights of this abuse include, just for instance, during the "Yuuka kisses Madoka and sets off a cascade of hurt feelings all around" incident (cf. "You used tongue, girl" and "wandering into traffic and falling off of bridges"):
Wakaba reports to you quietly. I am really hoping for one of those magical explanations, she begins. Good news is, she understands the concept of permission when kissing someone, almost to the point of a minor obsession. Bad news is, I asked her who has permission to kiss her like that, and she said that only her daddy does.

She is definitely neurodivergent, and I am - again - like 104% certain her father is exploiting that; 150% certain that he is sexually abusing her; and 200-some percent sure that we need to get her away from him.
Azalea - "fragile and ephemeral passion"... I ... am not entirely sure what to make of that but okay!
I'm not saying anything in particular by it, it's just that the name is already in use. If you recall these counterfactual events that Oriko shared with you:

"Shizumi Konoha," says the girl.

Ryouko nods. "I am pleased to make your acquaintance."

"You are trespassing here," says Shizumi-san.


"I expect that she will return shortly," says the Incubator. "She has likely gone to get her friends." (Atk Up 20%, Critical Chance Up 25%)

She is definitely neurodivergent, and I am - again - like 104% certain her father is exploiting that; 150% certain that he is sexually abusing her; and 200-some percent sure that we need to get her away from him
I'm going back over these post and noticed this bit. I want to juxtapose it with another bit.
the bureaucracy is useless, Ms. Valentin tried to help by apparently attempting assassination via witch,
I point out that this might have been a solution to the problem, and we thwarted it. Now, I'm all for doing things ethically, and even if I weren't this may have been for the best! After all, it would do you no good if the girl just wished her father alive again. But what other measures targeting Yuuka's father might be on or off the table? What level of coercion might we actually countenance here? Threats? Beating him up a bit? Mind control? Could you Kyouko him?

And now I'm just terrified that Wakaba has all sorts of horrible problems going on that I don't know about and can't see
Please be assured. Wakaba is a sensible and balanced girl, possibly the most level headed one of the group, even more so than Clarisse. And Clarisse does not have reason to suspect that she is unstable (as she has seen with Nanami) or particularly vulnerable to being taken advantage of (like Yuuka). If she has conflict at home, it is either a more an ordinary suburban variety of conflict, or she is impeccably good at hiding it.

If you wish to take an analysis of Tenjou Wakaba to the meta level, I would suggest that you expect more variety in each character's conflicts. Bringing our meta knowledge to bear,
notice we already have a character who hides her serious home-life problems impeccably, in the person of senior high school class representative Hanekawa Tsubasa, of Magireco and Bakemonogatari, who you warned away from a contract earlier.

Instead of looking for unknown terrible things that could afflict Wakaba from home, I recommend you try analyzing her family as an allusion to other works in the genre which have been alluded to before.
I personally am up to considerable coercion. If the father is a sexually abusive dirty cop (he's a cop right?) then yeah, I'd be down to beat the hell out of him or mind control him into confessing or something like that.

Oriko could probably handle him with a little effort but she's got a lot on her plate too.
notice we already have a character who hides her serious home-life problems impeccably, in the person of senior high school class representative Hanekawa Tsubasa, of Magireco and Bakemonogatari, who you warned away from a contract earlier.
This is useful information! I have no idea who Hanekawa is beyond being Nanami's neighbor and I can only analyze facts that I actually have.

I will also say though that my intent behind suggesting Clarisse hang out with Wakaba at school, while mostly for just, like, actually getting a good bead on wtf is up with reliable minion #1, was also to be a useful exercise in normalcy and group bonding with some of the more vulnerable Nicettes, such as Homura-chan and Mami-chan; and thus while being informed that Wakaba is unlikely to spontaneously explode on us is nice and reassuring, we should probably still make time to hang out and be friends.

Being friends with people a good.
Oriko could probably handle him with a little effort but she's got a lot on her plate too.
Yeaaaaaaaaaah let's maybe not delegate to Oriko right this moment.
I point out that this might have been a solution to the problem, and we thwarted it. Now, I'm all for doing things ethically, and even if I weren't this may have been for the best! After all, it would do you no good if the girl just wished her father alive again. But what other measures targeting Yuuka's father might be on or off the table? What level of coercion might we actually countenance here? Threats? Beating him up a bit? Mind control? Could you Kyouko him?
Just off the top of my head, his job is already in peril. The chief of police wants to fire him.
"What about Shiina-san, then?" asks Mitsuhiro.

"Well, that's the silver lining, isn't it?" asks the chief. "I have a real nice excuse to get rid of him now if I ever need it."
"If this were the first time or something, it'd be another matter," continues the chief, "but it's a god damned pattern with you, Shiina, and no, I am not accepting reanimation, or anything supernatural, as an excuse…"
"It's all your god damn day drinking, Shiina," says the chief. "We've looked the other way for too damn long as it is."
"Chief!" exclaims Mitsuhiro. "That's — the man has a family, a mortgage…"

"Yeah," says the chief standing up, and heading to the door, "that's right, he's got that nice new house. Real nice house. You should stop by some time, take a look, tell me what you think."
Officer Shiina has a noted day-drinking problem, consistently pursues unpopular investigations such as "wait weren't multiple of these schoolgirls dead three days ago?" - which, yes, they were; but the chief of police does not wish to entertain investigations into zombie cyborg schoolgirls - and has a very nice, new house.

A very nice house. Newly-purchased. After a messy divorce. Which the chief certainly seems to think Officer Shiina is taking serious bribes to afford.

Contact Yuuka's mother, get her on side; call the chief of police and tell him that we're worried one of his officers is sexually abusing our friend. Or if that's too direct, call in an anonymous tip. If that doesn't work, threaten to or just skip to actually throwing our information to the press. Let the police department sweep that under the rug.

Yuuka's mom won the custody dispute - it's just, something screwy happened probably involving policeness or underworld connections or both:
That's very disconcerting, you say. Are you aware of any history with her father?

I think there was a messy divorce,
she says, and her mom got custody, but then something happened and she's back with her dad. It's probably not the best sign. I'm going to follow up quietly with Nanami once we're out of here.
Oust Yuuka's father from his position, take away that shield of authority - and then see how willing the state is to let him keep custody.

Just a thought! There may be better options.
I mean.. I think basic ideas of self determination kind of require that we bring Yuuka on board with this if at all possible.
I mean ...maybe her mother is worse? Probably not, but we should definitely find out. Even while keeping in mind that she is quite possibly basically a tool of her father's.

You know my step mother actually worked for CPS maybe I should ask for her thoughts.
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Monogatari / Madogatari / Magireco character meta-knowledge dump
This is useful information! I have no idea who Hanekawa is beyond being Nanami's neighbor and I can only analyze facts that I actually have.

Okay why not.

Meta knowledge dump time about some other SHAFT characters, mostly those who appear in Magia Record. This will be biased towards those who are playing larger roles in the quest.

Tsubasa Hanekawa! She's a class representative, an impeccable goody-two-shoes; her Monogatari plot opened with her burying a dead cat, with the high schooler (Araragi) who's been hanging around these parts. She is followed by other cat symbolism through the series as a consequence. She lives with her stepmother and stepstepfather (or was it the other way around? I forget.) She has is in love with the high schooler. Some people think she's a bit of a know-it-all, but she doesn't know everything, she just knows what she knows™.

She has a sleepy love song, Perfect Slumbers, but she also has another love song which is much more meguca... the problem it features imagery which is downright unsuitable for these fora, so I'll link this one without video (which is the longer full version with the fun guitar solo and things). I'll supply the translation separately here:

You are dear to me.
You are the one, that I am longing for.
My heart cannot stop this throbbing beat,
I will be by your side...

I'm not really that angelic,
You'll think I'm just being modest.
The feelings disguise themselves when
They are pure evil.

If I just let these feelings be,
Will I become a demon too?
These words repetitively running,
Throughout my hazy mind.

On that day, I remember, waiting for a change for the good.
I give up on that dream, yet I'm still waiting with slight hope.

What I want to say, what I cannot say;
It will never reach,
Even though we are ever so close,
I don't know what to do, do you know?

You are dear to me.
You are the one, that I am longing for.
My heart cannot stop this throbbing beat,

I will be by your side...

You will see that tune matches her Magia Record transformation theme.

Do not pass Bakemonogatari. Do not collect Chocolate Insomnia.
(It's a fine song, but we're not working with that character development.)
Let's see, what else figures here... Oh! Her voice actress also voiced Mitama in the Magireco anime, of all the meguca... though I guess we don't have an equivalent of her in this quest unless you count Clarisse, so probably a red herring. You were analyzing voice actresses though, right?

...? ;)

You helped Nadeko in class with some algorithms. She's got a love song which is actually remarkably popular in the anime-remix corners of the Internet, but I can't find the version where she's still wearing her cap (at least not with lyrics on top). She hates attention and gets by in her life by playing shy-and-cute. Here is her Magia Record transformation (her wish is for no one to see her). Notice that this matches the music; she probably is not at risk of hopping on board the Delusion Express before contracting. Snake.

The Fire Sisters! As I mentioned, they fight crime.
Araragi Karen, right, is the one who is missing. She has a song about being an Ally of Justice ("Marshmallow Justice") which explains her philosophy, and it is amazing. Bees.
Araragi Tsukihi, left, does a little dance in her song, which is also amazing. Phoenix.

Your high schooler, Araragi-san. Typical dirty teenage mind, up to his neck in investigating the supernatural — not particularly skilled at it, but he brings a lot of spirit into it, never turns down a mystery, and isn't in the slightest bit afraid of blundering into things and causing a gigantic mess. He does not have a love song, but is present in all the opening songs linked thus far.

Any connection to donut vampires is entirely undemonstrated in this quest.

Oshino Meme, memelord specialist in supernatural affairs. Concerned about long-term build-ups of energies in a place and its impact on the local supernatural ecosystem.

While you are welcome to peruse Senjougahara's love song opening, you have not faced her sharp tongue and weaponized office supplies in this quest. You have, however, met someone else wearing one of her signature outfits.

I begin to worry that I will not be able to afford Chiwa Saitō's overtime.

If you are being meta about things, you should be aware that she's Araragi's girlfriend in the series. Crab.

Kanbaru Suruga. Another high schooler you haven't met. Love song here. Monkey.