The correct way to fry an egg

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All they are fighting is entropy
Yeah, you say that, but:
Clarisse explains about — she names it Entropy.

"That sounds like a very heaven burden," you say, quietly, once you understand.

It doesn't seem fair.

"It's not fair," says a pink-haired girl, appearing from behind a dark curtain. "And it's worse than you know. But they do their best."
Entropy here is capitalized, pay attention to things like that, and Gretchen is flat out saying "Yeah, it's bad."
[x][Princess] Ask her to sit down, and ask Hitomi to bring a pot of tea, and prepare yourself for a long explanation of the state of affairs of the Star Empire and where grief potatoes come from, and why you think this is bad and why you don't like it. And then ask her for her thoughts on the matter, and then listen.
[X][Princess] Show her hospitality, and implore her aid
[X][Misc] Give Kyouko and hug, thank her for staying with us and apologize for making her worry in the first place
Adhoc vote count started by AceJade on Apr 22, 2019 at 1:30 PM, finished with 4700 posts and 3 votes.

  • [x][Princess] Show her hospitality, and implore her aid
    [X][Misc] Ask Hitomi why she says Mami and Oriko are making out
    [x][Princess] Ask her to sit down, and ask Hitomi to bring a pot of tea, and prepare yourself for a long explanation of the state of affairs of the Star Empire and where grief potatoes come from, and why you think this is bad and why you don't like it. And then ask her for her thoughts on the matter, and then listen.
    [X][Misc] Give Kyouko and hug, thank her for staying with us and apologize for making her worry in the first place.

Adhoc vote count started by AceJade on Apr 23, 2019 at 9:29 AM, finished with 4714 posts and 4 votes.

  • [x][Princess] Show her hospitality, and implore her aid
    [X][Misc] Give Kyouko and hug, thank her for staying with us and apologize for making her worry in the first place.
    [x][Princess] Ask her to sit down, and ask Hitomi to bring a pot of tea, and prepare yourself for a long explanation of the state of affairs of the Star Empire and where grief potatoes come from, and why you think this is bad and why you don't like it. And then ask her for her thoughts on the matter, and then listen.
    [X][Misc] Ask Hitomi why she says Mami and Oriko are making out
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I most of my drafts on a phone, so cut me some slack :)

Maybe later if you ship everyone wrong

Entropy here is capitalized, pay attention to things like that, and Gretchen is flat out saying "Yeah, it's bad."

She may have also been speaking about the burden on magical girls, instead of (or in addition to) Entropy.
No further comment about entropy (or Entropy, if they're different).
It read to me that Sakura just didn't know what entropy was until Clarisse and Gretchen explained it, which, um, strikes me as eminently reasonable? Like, it's entirely possible to go through life without getting an overview of thermodynamics; and I imagine would only be easier to do so if you spent a lot of time flitting between universes because your soul got exploded once.

And so consider it from that perspective. What was it like when you learned about entropy? I vividly remember being horrified, actually; I'd just learned that the universe is running down and no one could stop it. That the world - that all worlds, everywhere - was ending and no one was doing anything. That in the long view, everything dies, and crumbles, and is forgot; and that nothing will remain, not even the universe for things to remain in.

Except no; someone is doing something about entropy, here. Someone is fighting the long, inevitable decline of all things. Someone is, in a fashion, trying to save the universe entire. And they're doing this by being immoral monsters on an unprecedented scale.

The whole system - wishes, witches, entropy - that's unfair. That's a very heavy burden on the girls who get fed into its maw. That's probably worse than whatever impression Sakura got of it from the brief overview she was given.

Also, on a purely narrative aside, it would really bother me if the Incubators were fighting some sort of space monster or Elder God of Decay or whatever. I feel it'd sort of undercut their whole ... thing? That may just be me, though.
"And Oriko" — you begin.

"At her place, with Mami," says Kyouko.

"I expect those two are probably making out," says Hitomi.

"… wait, what?" says Nanami.

"Don't tell them you know," says Hitomi. "You'll spoil it. And Kirika will be jealous."
I have concerns. o_O

Given the people involved and the circumstances, I don't see that happening naturally.

I think we might have a crackshipper running around brainwashing people.
Okay don't get distracted by teenage drama.

We should totally get sucked into teenage dramas.

I think we might have a crackshipper running around brainwashing people.

This is why we need to talk with Hitomi about this, might be best to do it after the chat with Princess Ryouko instead of whenever I've got it listed for.

On separate note, I just had a thought:

Homura has a ribbon. She can go where she wills, be who she wants.

This is clearly marking that to change worlds, a ribbon is sufficient, we just need to make sure to keep access to it and we can swap as needed, maybe even just teleport into other worlds?
Okay don't get distracted by teenage drama. Don't. Ugh.
teenage drama is all that stands between us and entropy

Right! We need to discuss Important things!
Like, who who wants to dissolve a magical girl's soul, and turn her into feathers?

I vividly remember being horrified, actually; I'd just learned that the universe is running down and no one could stop it. That the world - that all worlds, everywhere - was ending and no one was doing anything. That in the long view, everything dies, and crumbles, and is forgot; and that nothing will remain, not even the universe for things to remain in.

Maggie, are you grieving
over Goldengrove unleaving?
Leaves, like the things of man, you
with your fresh thoughts care for, can you?
Ah! As the heart grows older,
it will come to such sights colder,
by and by, nor spare a sigh,
though worlds of wanwood leafmeal lie;
and yet, you will weep, and know why.

Also, on a purely narrative aside, it would really bother me if the Incubators were fighting some sort of space monster or Elder God of Decay or whatever.

elder god? you mean a witch, right?

It does seem a little far-fetched. They've never used space-abomination language to discuss entropy, and the idea didn't seem to be present in your understanding of Kyuubey's aesthetic sense.

The whole system - wishes, witches, entropy - that's unfair. That's a very heavy burden on the girls who get fed into its maw.

/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

All this tragedy... all this destruction...
You can change it, if you want!
The power to do so lies within you.

This is clearly marking that to change worlds, a ribbon is sufficient, we just need to make sure to keep access to it and we can swap as needed, maybe even just teleport into other worlds?

Well. A ribbon and being-the-Homu is sufficient. Ancient Homu has many more spatiotemporal powers than you do. But you could try things!
Eh, Kirika is basically worse-ish Homura. Granted, since her wish seems to still focused on Oriko, she might be surprisingly stable partner.

Throwing Kirika and Homura would be amusing. It'll either go splendidly, or they'll egg each-other with their respective obsession. Maybe.
Some thoughts compiled from my messages in the Discord, since someone requested I copy them here:

I'm glad the updoot finally explained what in Godoka is going on but I'm not smart enough to wrap my brain around most of it...

I am SUPER DUPER HAPPY that we have confirmation that Homura is fighting on the side of justice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate it when people interpret her as a villain and I'm so happy those theories have hopefully been dealt a fatal blow. <3 I love Homura a lot, she's an anti-hero and any writing that interprets her as a villain is automatically wrong in my eyes. <3

I'm really sad tho that Gretchen is trying to sink Homura/Madoka, I love that ship a lot. =[

Oriko/Mami is an amazing kismesis/hateship that I didn't know I needed until just now. <3

We now have pretty unambiguous confirmation that this is in fact a To The Stars / Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles crossover!!!! Thank you so much to Tomoyo for making a crossover of two of my favorite series. <3

Teenage relationship drama is clearly my #1 priority, it's much more important than a few trillion people being tortured for all eternity. I'm not sure why that would be controversial? (to be clear: I am both serious about my priorities, but also jokingly poking fun at my own messed up priorities)
[x][Princess]Ask her to sit down, and ask Hitomi to bring a pot of tea, and prepare yourself for a long explanation of the state of affairs of the Star Empire and where grief potatoes come from, and why you think this is bad and why you don't like it. And then ask her for her thoughts on the matter, and then listen.
[X][Princess] Show her hospitality, and implore her aid
[X][Misc] Give Kyouko and hug, thank her for staying with us and apologize for making her worry in the first place

The other issue with the Princess is that because of her role she's just not as moral or mature a person as our Ryoko. Like I am sure there's ways in which she is better, but ...
> Existentially Be

You look around the room, double checking what your eyes seem to be showing you. Kyouko, Nanami, Hitomi, and Not-Ryouko. And, also maybe not entirely sure this Hitomi is the one you're more familiar with, or if she, also, is on a magical ribbon adventure that only ever seems to draw more and more cute kissing girls into its orbit before crushing them under its distressingly unapathetic weight.

You let your body release its breath you didn't know it was holding, and focus.

You woke up in a strange situation, with people who aren't themselves, with a random amount of time gone, and people making wild crazy plans without you around to panic over them.

"I know exactly what to do." you inform the universe, the overhearing girls glancing at each other. Or focusing on you like they're afraid of any sudden movements they might make.

You sweep the blankets out of your way, and push your body up. Moving directly to where you stashed what would have been an unknown contingency plan in a better universe and not a reliable standby used thrice-weekly.

The collection of observers melt out of your path before following in your wake to your desk. Opening the second drawer on the left, you take the fourth notebook out of six from the organized lilac set.

Ignoring the cover (You are not panicking, the you who wrote this was only trying to be helpful) you flip past the intentionally empty pages to your plan. The way to impose order on chaos, to make sense of the senseless, and to make the routine of insanity logical.

A checklist.

Written in solid, dependable, logical block letters, the title proclaims the inevitable triumph of logic and sense over the enemies of disorder and entropy.

"I Just Woke Up and People Are Not Themselves and Reality is Broken Checklist"​

You nod with satisfaction. When it became inevitable that this sort of thing would keep happening, you did not despair. You did not panic (much). You planned for the future. And now current-you can build on this foundation.

Grabbing a pen, you sit down on the desk chair. First step:

"Do NOT make out with Ryouko"​
. . . You cannot check this entry off as done.

You made this happen tomoyo! Don't you call me nothing but talk again!
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Like I am sure there's ways in which she is better, but ...
Why, of course! For instance, she...


well, just as an example, she...


ah! she's more elegant! *nods vigorously*


You made this happen tomoyo! Don't you call me nothing but talk again!
If i call you that, will you write another one?

prepare yourself for a long explanation of the state of affairs of the Star Empire and where grief potatoes come from, and why you think this is bad and why you don't like it
For what it's worth — and this may or may not be objectionable — the Princess's inquiry is self-centered, and this doesn't directly address the matter of why other-Clarisse likes your Ryouko more than her.
For what it's worth — and this may or may not be objectionable — the Princess's inquiry is self-centered, and this doesn't directly address the matter of why other-Clarisse likes your Ryouko more than her.
If I had to guess, our Ryouko is farther along in being who she wants to be as opposed as to what others want her to be. Other-Clarisse sees our Ryouko and goes "This is who I wanted you to be able to be" or something.

Though that's just a guess. If she really wants to know then she needs to ask her Clarisse obviously. Who knows what the differing environment did to other us.
Going to do a general clean up to my vote, also going to add we should call people upstairs, our friends downstairs should know we have woken up. Also we need to send a message to Machina we woke up, mentioning that Ryouko decided getting SE!Ryouko to help was a great idea and we will be with her for a while instead of best girl. That will be done in place of asking Hitomi about possible shipping drama, we might be able to find things out from Machina instead.

Also, there was Tomoyo's point about our vote:

For what it's worth — and this may or may not be objectionable — the Princess's inquiry is self-centered, and this doesn't directly address the matter of why other-Clarisse likes your Ryouko more than her.

We will want to focus what we say a bit better. I'm going to make the talking section about her life and compare it and explain things. Here is my initial attempt at that and I expect to need to make changes.

[x][Princess] Introduce the princess to the tacComp link, then explain she needs to not mention what the goddess looks like
[x][Princess] Show her hospitality, and implore her aid
[x][Princess] Ask her to sit down, and ask Hitomi to bring a pot of tea, and prepare yourself for a long conversation about soul searching.
-[X] Start by having her explain who she is in her own words
-[X] Contrast her view of herself to our view, that of the spoiled princess
-[X] Also contrast it against our Ryouko, deliberately humble beginnings, had a normal life for a girl her age until the contract.
-[X] The powers that be have deliberately tried to manipulate her life, its clear she wants to do good things, but others are trying to make the bad thing look like the good thing.
-[X] The manipulation seems to be a staple of Ryouko's, our Ryouko has also been manipulated to be at the right place at the right time.
-[X] Her wish is hers, its a wish we can see any Ryouko making, but people like her Oriko want it for its power.
-[X] Ask if she has been hoisted to the position of living goddess yet
--[X] If not, advice her not to, souls are a lot more prevalent then she has been told they are and it will backfire for everyone involved as it will overload her.
[x][Princess] Ask her to sit down, and ask Hitomi to bring a pot of tea, and prepare yourself for a long explanation of the state of affairs of the Star Empire and where grief potatoes come from, and why you think this is bad and why you don't like it. And then ask her for her thoughts on the matter, and then listen.

[X][Misc] Send a messages to Machina explaining we are awake but Ryouko decided to swap with SE!Ryouko to get us help, make sure Oriko is told. Also ask how Mami and Oriko are getting along.
[X][Misc] Send everyone else a message saying we are awake but Ryouko has swapped with SE!Ryouko.
[X][Misc] Give Kyouko and hug, thank her for staying with us and apologize for making her worry in the first place.
[X][Misc] Cube/seed count!
-[X] Ask if she has been hoisted to the position of living goddess yet
--[X] If not, advice her not to,
Are you trying to cause a paradox?

... don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to discourage you; indeed, if that's what you're getting at, I'm quite excited that you'd entertain such bold measures and it would be fun! but you should be aware that's a possibility so that you don't feel blindsided by actually getting what you want
Are you trying to cause a paradox?

... don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to discourage you; indeed, if that's what you're getting at, I'm quite excited that you'd entertain such bold measures and it would be fun! but you should be aware that's a possibility so that you don't feel blindsided by actually getting what you want

That was on the fabled checklist of what not to do (there is alot of 'don't dos' in it) had Clarisse gotten past the first hurdle
Some questions regarding general approach and tone for tea. It looks like you'd prefer something more casual, not the high formality tea ceremony. Does this sound about right? Also, would you care to invoke your Moon Princess title with the Star Princess? Or perhaps invoke it, then dismiss it as meaningless here? (Or meaningless everywhere?)
I forgot to add in an objectives vote...

So I'm going to remove the advice part of the vote, I think focusing on asking Ryouko what she wants to be and do is more important. But also I need to make an objective. Ultimatly I want to save the SE and stop its torture of AIs. At the same time I want to somehow keep 2011 around and free of witches. But also I dont want to force madoka back into godhood as its clearly not good for her and doing so would lead to these events again.

[X][Objectives] Aim to save the 2011 timeline and the SE timeline.
[X][Objectives] Stop the torture of souls in the SE timeline and have them recognize AIs as having souls.
[X][Objectives] Allow Madoka to be both god and normal girl (magical girl optional)
[X][Objectives] Stop Governance from creating torture wheels and making Ryouko the embodiment of all of humanity.

[x][Princess] Introduce the princess to the tacComp link, then explain she needs to not mention what the goddess looks like
[x][Princess] Show her hospitality, and implore her aid
[x][Princess] Ask her to sit down, and ask Hitomi to bring a pot of tea, no need for the full ceremony, and prepare yourself for a long conversation about soul searching.
-[X] Start by having her explain who she is in her own words
-[X] Contrast her view of herself to our view, that of the spoiled princess
-[X] Also contrast it against our Ryouko, deliberately humble beginnings, had a normal life for a girl her age until the contract.
-[X] The powers that be have deliberately tried to manipulate her life, its clear she wants to do good things, but others are trying to make the bad thing look like the good thing.
-[X] The manipulation seems to be a staple of Ryouko's, our Ryouko has also been manipulated to be at the right place at the right time.
-[X] Her wish is hers, its a wish we can see any Ryouko making, but people like her Oriko want it for its power.

[X][Misc] Send a messages to Machina explaining we are awake but Ryouko decided to swap with SE!Ryouko to get us help, make sure Oriko is told. Also ask how Mami and Oriko are getting along.
[X][Misc] Send everyone else a message saying we are awake but Ryouko has swapped with SE!Ryouko.
[X][Misc] Give Kyouko and hug, thank her for staying with us and apologize for making her worry in the first place.
[X][Misc] Cube/seed count!
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