The correct way to fry an egg

  • Sunny side up

    Votes: 16 64.0%
  • Sunny side down

    Votes: 9 36.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
A good point. I had intended the "go to the Empire yourself" option to be an alternative to fighting. If you'd like to fight and then go to the Empire... hmm.
Might I ask you to add some form of "After you fight the witch" to your vote there, @AceJade ?

We've by sheer accident lured what might be the main villain of the quest out of hiding.

I don't think we should pass up this opportunity to stop Abraxas regardless of what else we do, it might be the only chance we get to kill/capture her and stop her time shenanigans from continuing to screw us over.

Though I suppose there is also the risk that we'd lose to consider, fighting the final boss early can be very risky... I wish we had more of the Gang of Nice than just Kyoko and Nanami with us.

Either way, edited my vote as you requested.
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I'm not entirely sure how much got resolved in that conversation either anyway except Ryouko kinda trying to run away because she didn't like something and then us throwing in her face exactly why her Clarisse likes our Ryouko better.
Well, SE is apparently 'prehistoric' of this timeline, so if it went away... everyone else might went away, too? I think?

I'm not entirely sure how to fix this... hm.

I don't mind much going to the alternate-past, but the change of quest genre would be too massive. While it'll still be enjoyable, the flavor would be too different...
[X] Fight the paradox witch
-[X] Ryouko
-[X] wake Nanami with handholding
-[X] wake Kyouko with handholding
-[X] use the star staff to fix the feathers in Simona's seed, extract if needed.

[x]Let the paradox happen
-[x]Foil Abraxas's plans

We talked SE Ryouko into brainwashing herself (without that explicit intention though), let her go through with fixing her own world..
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Though I suppose there is also the risk that we'd lose to consider, fighting the final boss early can be very risky... I wish we had more of the Gang of Nice than just Kyoko and Nanami with us.
If it comes to counterfactuals, why not wish for more feathers? :p That said, you have a Ryouko, even if it's not your Ryouko.

...let's see, this was earlier:
How long will it be in this quest until Tomoyo is walking around and sees us and the rest of the gang of nice doing meguca things and decide she needs to film it?
Maybe you can film them for her, preemptively, just in case.

On a similar note, how did Papa hide our little coma from Tomoyo?
Good question!

Why not let the paradox happen and have SE Ryouko go back and end the empire?
This is sort of what the paradox witch proposed, but she doesn't think Ryouko's mindset is compatible with that after you said those specific things to her.

I'm not entirely sure how much got resolved in that conversation either anyway except Ryouko kinda trying to run away because she didn't like something and then us throwing in her face exactly why her Clarisse likes our Ryouko better.
Well, the Princess did decide to rewrite her personality in an effort to be someone you like better. It's a question of judgment as to the extent that "resolves" things. Ryouko herself felt it was cheaty (afterwards, at least.)

if it went away... everyone else might went away, too? I think?
Hmm. If only your magic included a reality-enhancement field of some sort.
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If it comes to counterfactuals, why not wish for more feathers? :p That said, you have a Ryouko, even if it's not your Ryouko.

Hm. I didn't vote to wake SE!Ryouko because I was under the impression that she is romantically involved with Simona and doesn't know what a witch is. Given that I suspect she'd take sides with Abraxas against us, no?
Changing my vote, I thought about it and I'm not convinced a paradox would be horrific after all, so I'm removing the part about preventing a paradox.

[X] Fight the paradox witch
-[X] wake Nanami with handholding
-[X] wake Kyouko with handholding
-[X] Contact Homura for help since she's immune to time stop

[x]Game plan how to break time to save G!Ryouko and Godoka
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I didn't vote to wake SE!Ryouko because I was under the impression that she is romantically involved with Simona and doesn't know what a witch is. Given that I suspect she'd take sides with Abraxas against us, no?
Hmm. Only to the extent that she's involved with the rest of her fan club (which, notably, does not involve kissing.)

Unless you mean omake-sidestory Simona, because that's another matter entirely.
Break the world's shell! For the revolution of the world!
This is sort of what the paradox witch proposed, but she doesn't think Ryouko's mindset is compatible with that after you said those specific things to her.
Wait, didn't SE!Ryouko change her mind to realize her empire was built on atrocities and needed to be torn down? Did I misunderstand what happened in the chapter that badly?
Wait, didn't SE!Ryouko change her mind to realize her empire was built on atrocities and needed to be torn down? Did I misunderstand what happened in the chapter that badly?
Her complaint seems to be more that you succeeded too well.
The part where Ryouko is hailed as a living goddess must be important to her schemes.
Hmm. Only to the extent that she's involved with the rest of her fan club (which, notably, does not involve kissing.)

Unless you mean omake-sidestory Simona, because that's another matter entirely.
Break the world's shell! For the revolution of the world!
Her complaint seems to be more that you succeeded too well.
The part where Ryouko is hailed as a living goddess must be important to her schemes.

Huh. Changing my vote again then based on this advice.

[X] Fight the paradox witch
-[X] wake Ryouko through your link to her
-[X] wake Nanami with handholding
-[X] wake Kyouko with handholding
-[X] Contact Homura for help since she's immune to time stop

[x]Let the paradox happen
-[x]Foil Abraxas's plans

If paradoxes are the way to stop Abraxas's plans, then I say we should keep digging ourselves deeper until the paradoxes are so severe the current timeline collapses and we can rebuild a new one free of Abraxas.
Then I think I'll go with a plan to save everyone then. That said we need to do more right now then just come up with a basic plan.

Hmm. If only your magic included a reality-enhancement field of some sort.

So we could use our magic to make this world real, and then make sure the star empire doesn't get destroyed. That solves that part of the problem at least, but it still leaves the open question in how to get the law of cycles going in 2011 without removing madoka from existence.

Additionally, if souls have feathers, couldn't we use the star staff, or feather powers, to fix Simona's feathers and restore her to a not crazy witch? We have fix everything magic and we should be able to use it like that. We are already bringing in Ryouko so we should be able to pull this off without ending up in a coma again.

[X] Fight the paradox witch
-[X] wake Ryouko through your link to her
-[X] wake Kyouko with handholding
-[X] use the star staff to fix the feathers in Simona's seed, extract if needed.

[X] Remind Ryouko that we are trying to save everyone, so she does need to protect her world from annihilation and the incubators are trying to get all of humanities energy though her.
Additionally, if souls have feathers, couldn't we use the star staff, or feather powers, to fix Simona's feathers and restore her to a not crazy witch?
You can certainly try! It will be interesting.

We have fix everything magic and we should be able to use it like that. We are already bringing in Ryouko so we should be able to pull this off without ending up in a coma again.
Indeed; princess!Ryouko will have success channeling this sort of magic where governance!Ryouko wouldn't.

So we could use our magic to make this world real, and then make sure the star empire doesn't get destroyed.
Be aware. This might take just a tiny bit of magic.

it still leaves the open question in how to get the law of cycles going in 2011 without removing madoka from existence.
Throwing out some ideas here:
- Make a contract with... somebody.
- Use princess-magic to channel the Law of Cycles yourself
- Ribbon Madoka, and have her visit every witch personally
- Use some sort of paradox-magic to duplicate Madoka and (something else idk)
Early votes:

[3] Fight the witch
-[1] with Nanami and Kyouko
Holding hands with Nanami and Kyouko both during a fight sounds tactically challenging.
Perhaps you could give one of them the ribbon to hold if it comes to that?

-[1] Nanami and Kyouko and Ryouko
This has the advantage that you can use Ryouko as another handholder

-[1] with Kyouko and Ryouko, but particularly with star staff magic
This has the advantage of using the interesting tools that the plot has given you

Summoning Homura's aid on short notice here is unlikely.

[2] Allow paradox afterwards
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Where is she right now actually? Is she outside Ryouko's teleport range then?

Background monitoring places her with Amy at her apartment.

Complications include:
- The act of ontacting her (as you requested) from inside a temporal barrier
- Teleporting with a Ryouko who is not a teleporter anymore
-- Most of her network is in another universe
-- (Simona is a teleporter. She's also right here.)

Did you have an idea for stringing something together?
Background monitoring places her with Amy at her apartment.

Complications include:
- The act of ontacting her (as you requested) from inside a temporal barrier
- Teleporting with a Ryouko who is not a teleporter anymore
-- Most of her network is in another universe
-- (Simona is a teleporter. She's also right here.)

Did you have an idea for stringing something together?

I was not aware that witch labyrinths blocked our communications (I could swear I remember us communicating with someone in a labyrinth before?), and I didn't realize/forgot that SE!Ryouko doesn't have wormhole powers, so I guess it really isn't an option. =[
I was not aware that witch labyrinths blocked our communications
It's more the fact that signals outside this bubble can't move. Homura's timestop (a similar construct) does likewise.
I guess it really isn't an option. =[

Just trying to communicate is low probability, but you could do something like:
[] Tell Abraxas to rewind things as she proposed, but interfere when she goes to borrow a piece of Homura.
-[] (to what end? her skill with a golf club? use of time magic on something?)
[] Let her rewind time several times until Homura notices
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It's more the fact that signals outside this bubble can't move. Homura's timestop (a similar construct) does likewise.

Just trying to communicate is low probability, but you could do something like:
[] Tell Abraxas to rewind things as she proposed, but interfere when she goes to borrow a piece of Homura.
-[] (to what end? her skill with a golf club? use of time magic on something?)
[] Let her rewind time several times until Homura notices

Wait Abraxas can personally copy Homura's powers without our cooperation??? 0_0

We are going to have to win this fight very quickly then before she does so. Talking to her is also a bad idea because it gives her the freedom to do that uninterrupted while we talk.

And I guess I don't really understand how 25th century implants communicate directly since it sounds like it does something with quantum encryption? I guess I assumed it was instantaneous FTL quantum teleportation or something that would work because both of us are not time stopped. But if it uses any sort of EM signals instead I can see why time stop would interfere with that in the same way it stops bullets...

During the fight with the witch at the hospital, the communications dropped when they entered the labyrinth. That's in the threadmark 'I don't want to be enemies'

Oops I guess I remembered the opposite about that scene, thanks for correcting me!
Wait Abraxas can personally copy Homura's powers without our cooperation??? 0_0
Good point! She might be assuming some level of cooperation from someone to implement that plan.
(Do you know anyone with princess powers who can borrow others' magic? I mean, someone right here in this room?)

And I guess I don't really understand how 25th century implants communicate directly since it sounds like it does something with quantum encryption? I guess I assumed it was instantaneous FTL quantum teleportation or something that would work because both of us are not time stopped.
I don't believe the implants have communications that can do that. If we look back to the colony scouting mission, we see that Probe-chan is equipped with FTL comms capabilities, they're quite detectable (and thus quite targetable). This obviously would be very quickly fatal for magical girls in ground combat, even if the device is small enough and cheap enough to be placed inside a meguca instead of a spaceship (which is not at all certain, either).

I assume that primary communications are done over EM with some very clever point-to-point, spread-spectrum, and similar techniques — and that the point of the quantum components is encryption, not communication, certainly not FTL communication.
I understand whats happening, but I have seeming lost my ability to plan actions at all. Just a gaping void where goals and sub goals should be.
And I guess I don't really understand how 25th century implants communicate directly since it sounds like it does something with quantum encryption? I guess I assumed it was instantaneous FTL quantum teleportation or something that would work because both of us are not time stopped.
FTL comms exist, but I don't think that they're headware.

I understand whats happening, but I have seeming lost my ability to plan actions at all. Just a gaping void where goals and sub goals should be.
I'm still kind of lost on how Simona could have been a witch all along.