The correct way to fry an egg

  • Sunny side up

    Votes: 16 64.0%
  • Sunny side down

    Votes: 9 36.0%

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Hello, sorry, this is not the updoot
It was going to be the day to finish the updoot, but, well
setting-#2 for the story is on fire today and
Mom and Dad and my sister have evacuated
so I'm somewhat distracted over here

happy lunar new year!
happy 2022!
Hello, sorry, this is not the updoot
It was going to be the day to finish the updoot, but, well
setting-#2 for the story is on fire today and
Mom and Dad and my sister have evacuated
so I'm somewhat distracted over here

happy lunar new year!
happy 2022!
Fuck. I was visiting friends (as safely as possible) during the Boulder Wildfire late last year and we had to evacuate, so I hope I know at least a little how that feels, and fuck, it's awful. I hope that everyone's OK.

The amount of explosives is, nuts, though it's at least nothing close to the 2020 explosion in Lebanon. I really still hope they can get it under control and your family can go back soon, though.

Last edited:
January 2022
"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee," exclaimed Lauren, closing the door, and bouncing up and down a little. "Cynthia! You won't believe it!"
"What's up?" asked her roommate from the couch.
"I was downtown at Kindred to get some incense, and I met a Mysterious Stranger."
"Oh, that's nice. Was he cute?"
"Cynthia. Cynthia. He's. from. Japan."
"Oh, that's classy." She smiled. "Wait, was he a tourist?"
"I don't know," replied Lauren, pausing her bounces to adjust the phone. "Here, let me show you a picture."
"I just thought there was still something about tourism," said Cynthia idly. "Ohh, he's older."
"I don't know about visas, but we — I – he gave me his number."
Cynthia nodded.
"And I haven't even gotten to the best part," said Lauren, grinning. "We talked about vampires."

The Japanese visitor in a Hawaiian shirt silenced his ringing cell phone, and knocked on the hotel room door.
"Taidama," he called out.
Hanekawa opened the door.
"Welcome back, Oshino-san. How was your day?"
"Harrowing," he replied, peeling off his face mask. "I met our friend from Salem College at the local new age supply store, downtown. She is a fan of anime and has a predilection for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I was fortunate to make it out alive. Kyoumi, you look lively. Did something good happen?"
"I toured the R J Reynolds cigarette manufacturing plant. Afterwards, we sampled the hometown confection, Krispy Kreme donuts. We were initially skeptical of the puffy sugar, but they have something which they call, 'Hot And Now.'"
"You think the tobacco plant is involved?" said Oshino, inspecting the map.
"At first I suspected it might be, but no. For starters, it's too far south."
"It's what, four kilometers?" asked Oshino. "Well within our margin of error."
"There's another reason," added Kyoumi Araragi.
Hanekawa nodded. "Tobacco kills about eight million a year worldwide. This plant is an engine of death. An industrial accident would be a blessing."
"Fortunately, Araragi, I can quit any time I want," joked Oshino with a smile, chewing on another cigarette — unlit, as his custom.
"I am uncertain that Walpurgis would grant the world a great gift where this is concerned," said Hanekawa.
"It's not beyond her to destroy the wicked. Besides, I passed our center point on the way back. It's a suburban strip mall," said Oshino.
"Look behind the strip mall," said Hanekawa.
"Behind?" He looked more closely at the map. "A gym?"
"A gym, and the Winston Weaver Fertilizer plant."
"Fertilizer?" said Oshino, frowning.
"Manufactured from ammonium nitrate. I counted several railcars on the siding. The owner of the railcars is CSX Transportation. As they practice precision railroading and as there are ongoing rail car shortages, I suspect they will want the railcars unloaded swiftly, and there are likely to stockpiles on site as well. We might be looking at hundreds or thousands of tons, plus any finished fertilizer that is on site. The blast could make Beirut look small."
"I'm glad we have you along, Mrs. Araragi. You know everything."
Hanekawa shook her head. "I don't know everything. I just know what I know."
"The good news is this isn't Beirut, since it's not downtown," explained Araragi Kyoumi. "Even with a very large explosion, the population is limited, until you get to the university. By then the blast wave should at least be weaker."
Oshino, listening, checked his phone, frowning. The magical girl was texting him in Japanese — badly.
It was shaping up to be a relatively minor skirmish, so her chances for survival were looking up, and he didn't quite feel as sorry for her any more. Perhaps he could send Mr. Araragi in his stead. Or a vampire.

The Weaver fertilizer plant fire burned for over a week, but the ammonium nitrate on site did not detonate, the evacuations were limited, and no one died. The smoke, however, was quite foul, and Mom also caught COVID at the same time, so, it's been an epic distraction.

Actual doot soon.
Didn't really understand any of that other than possibe ammunition for walpurgis to throw around.
On 31 Jan 2022 the Winston Weaver fertilizer plant caught fire, distracting your questmistress. In subsequent days it made the front pages of national newspapers due to the ammonium chloride's explosive potential. It would have been the biggest explosion in US history had it all gone off, excepting only the atomic bomb tests. It burned for like a week.

But it did not explode and kill everyone.

Our Hawaiian shirt guy (Meme Oshino) is presented as one means by which magical girls find out about Walpurgisnacht, matching roughly his role in other SHAFT media. His colleagues are likewise accompanying him in this scene. (After Hanekawa graduates, she is going to travel!)
so I finally got around to reading and catching up with this after being recommended it for Goddess knows how long, and, let's see. this is going to be a long post and it's possible i've forgotten something enormous that makes half of it nonsense, so bear with me.

On 31 Jan 2022 the Winston Weaver fertilizer plant caught fire, distracting your questmistress. In subsequent days it made the front pages of national newspapers due to the ammonium chloride's explosive potential. It would have been the biggest explosion in US history had it all gone off, excepting only the atomic bomb tests. It burned for like a week.

But it did not explode and kill everyone.

first of all, that sounds emotionally terrifying. I'm glad you're okay.


so, Clarisse has an awful lot of problems right now, huh.
cosmic, universe-shaking problems, a lot of them are, but really, I'd put her tendency to turn madly, desperately passionate at #1. it's probably not magical spillover from someone else's personality. it probably is something to do with Ryouko's genetic predilection to bloodlust. it's definitely something to do with love and justice and all that good magical girl stuff. but mostly i think it's Clarisse's inexperience with squishy hormonal human-ness. really, the power of love is a frightening thing, and not just when used to protect. for example, that time when Kyouko 'accidentally' handed over root access to her endocrine system to Clarisse. that wasn't a bug. there are no coincidences in this world. only the mistakes of youth, runaway wish magic and other such troublesome inevitabilities.

maybe consider emotional suppression when that feeling shows up at inopportune moments? the power of love is certainly an amazing thing, but I don't think Clarisse has quite mastered it yet. and if mishandled it might just, with all the good intent in the world, doom an infinite amount of people to an infinite amount of suffering so I think perhaps a teensy bit of caution is in order! and the tools are available! she's not had much experience having emotions, still, so there's no shame in using training wheels in these high-risk situations. so:

[x] respond to out-of-control emotions with stubborn inhumanity. maybe set up contingencies keyed to dangerous emotional states and the presence of incubators.

third, contracting.

so, contracting is bad. really bad. it's something that's likely to only be offered when Clarisse is in a vulnerable emotional situation. it would, again, be a shockingly bad idea to contract for any reason that's on Clarisse's mind when the Incubators actually approach. however, Clarisse is exception upon exception. she's under no obligation to share the emotional vulnerabilities of a human 100% of the time. even if they are an exciting emotional rollercoaster.

but more importantly, we, ooc, know from canon that the Incubators not only don't have much control over the effects of wishes, but also can't even predict the effects of many wishes. with potential on the level of Clarisse's, she's capable of making wishes that completely wreck their system with them wholly incapable of realizing they've done so until the wish is granted. it might even be possible to make a wish that, after fully resolving its constraint on fate and the cycles of karma, leaves behind an uncontracted Clarisse. or some other sort of grand fraud. while i think the chances of making this work are slim at best, it would be very funny to pull off, and might be worth considering as a last-resort option. really if they can't offer total omnipotence, they're making a pretty bad deal. have they even watched any magical girl anime?

on the other hand... well, they're the Incubators. they don't have a monopoly on wishes. they're probably tapping off some of the potential there and then before even getting into the effects of being a soul gem. why not simply make a wish without even needing them? it should be possible.

[x] look into wishes without incubators. Sakura might know.
-[x] zettai zettai daijoubu is a type of wish magic, perhaps - don't underestimate it! even at 3% strength, don't underestimate it!
[x] find out if Nanami's magic is limited to Governance technology. if there's even a chance it can get at Incubator technology, it could be game-changing.

fourth, timelines.

so, causality is currently all twisted up like a pretzel and might shatter into pieces at any moment. this might be a problem for, well, everyone who can ever exist, really.

as a revolutionary girl with none of that soul gem nonsense holding her back, Clarisse shouldn't really be settling for anything less than saving everyone. and that means everyone. the Star Empire, the people of 2011, the Governance, the Ceph. maybe Gretchen, she doesn't seem to be doing too good. I'm not quite sure what this would entail, unfortunately - the job of rebuilding all of causality and the karmic cycles of the universe to not involve literally building Hell is quite a big one.

however, wish magic implies limiting conditions on how the timeline can be built. it's possible that a series of events in which a wish goes unsatisfied is inherently paradoxical and thus paradoxes the wish (and perhaps its maker) out of existence. the most binding of those, I think, is Clarisse van Rossum's wish. in the worst case, this might make her lifespan equivalent with the timespan of the phenomenon of 'human history'. this is sort of bad. it's possible that killing Walpurgisnacht would, um. mean that history has to end because there's no Clarisse van Rossum to witness it, and events would be conjured to facilitate that, in the absence of Gretchen or a time-looper. conversely, knowing the identity of the magical girl who became that witch allows speculation into her strengths and, such as they are, weaknesses.

as such:
[x] look into intercepting and purifying Walpurgisnacht early, over the Pacific in a place of minimal historical relevance.
[x] do NOT look into ascending to godhood right now.
[x] do NOT show the aliens feathers or ribbons yet.
[x] do NOT change the course of human history any further until Walpurgisnacht is out of the picture.

with that in mind, I'm going to posit a model of the current arrangement. rather than sequential events, it might be more useful to consider 'the Star Empire', 'Mitakihara 2011' and 'Governance 2460' to be three distinct 'scenarios' linked by the traversal of numerous magical girls, but not actually meaningfully linked causally now that everything is broken. in theory, there are only two timelines, but... well, we haven't actually committed to gluing the Star Empire and Mitakihara 2011 together. in broad strokes, though, a question might be - is it a good idea to reduce the timeline count to 1 by meddling with boundary conditions, or would that break too much and would it be better to just make a better-than-ever future starting in Mitakihara 2011?

the thing is... it's more complicated than that too, because we want to also help the Ceph. and we've resolved not to give up on past events, back with Sakura Momo. so we might need to save the Ceph from the insatiable bloodlust of Princess Ryouko in the past. I'm sure she enjoyed drinking their blood very much and was very very cute in battle but that is not a reason not to do so. so:

[x][Card] Offer the return of the memoria, but...
[x] Use it to ask about the subject matter and the aliens' history.
-[x] Particularly, their relationship with the Incubators (eee?)
-[x] Particularly, their war with the Star Empire (try to be tactful about this one!)

another thing:

there's a complicating factor to all this that might just be the Gordian knot we need to cut to fix everything.

we know that the Incubators want to encourage civilizations to become mental gestalts to contract on a species level. we know that the Incubators are themselves such a gestalt. we know that their goal is to use the energy of the soul to overcome entropy and prolong the universe, a goal they pursue single-mindedly, seeming to have no other interests. finally, we know that they lack the capacity to contract on their own terms, and consider emotion to be a form of mental illness. suppose, thus, that the Incubators' model for ideal grief extraction is something they already, willingly, did to their own civilization. and, furthermore, that they did so because they believed it to be the only way to prolong the lifespan of the universe. rather than raging against the dying of the light, they threw their own souls into the furnace, and now expect others to do the same. it's even possible that the universe would not have survived long enough for humanity to even evolve, if not for them. certainly we can't be confident enough that this isn't the case as to boldly and unreservedly wish the Incubators out of existence.

even so, if i can be bold, i would posit the possibility of a 'golden timeline' in which, perhaps, magical girls were never bound to the laws set down by the Incubators. perhaps what was best of the Star Empire was scattered to the winds of space and survived, in countless pockets across the galaxy, awaiting the resurgence of humanity. perhaps the Cephalopods were never brought so low as they were? perhaps even the Incubators can be redeemed or saved somehow; it would not be impossible for the power of a true magical girl, I think. perhaps the universe lives on, forever, its existence sustained simply as a byproduct of the countless little hopes and fears, triumphs and indignities, of innumerable mortal lives well-lived? or perhaps the goddesses, on their timeless thrones of stardust, weave threads of karma unending in which hope outweighs despair, and, in the vastness of eternity, find time enough for love and fleeting human lives? I think our Clarisse is fighting for such a thing. I think she can do it, if only she can find a way to spread her wings...

such romantic visions aside, there are things Incubators like. mostly grief yield. there are a lot of very unpleasant things they can do, certainly, but there are also a lot of very unpleasant things they would very much rather not do. it's also possible that the actions they would take when pressed lack subtlety or finesse, and that Clarisse's potential and uncontacted nature will make them hesitate to write her off, instead trying to manipulate her into contract, until it is far too late for them. they are powerful, but they have vulnerabilities, and the nature of their collective mind is possibly quite inflexible in its directives.

so, in summary:
[x][Next] Go confront Oriko and share explanations. Be a little nicer to her, but not unnaturally so. Remember that using her power can be traumatic and ruinously dangerous to her psyche, but plotting and carrying out murders was still her choice.
-[x] Do NOT ask Kyouko for help persuading her - Oriko's more likely to be cooperative without someone who's known to use passive mind magic in the room.
-[x] Reassure her about not starting a war with the Incubators any time soon. She seemed terrified about the prospect of a time war earlier. (Every time someone gives Kyuubey a grief seed, he gets a galaxy's worth of energy. Assume the Incubators aren't fussy about using it to deal with specifically you.)
--[x] Even so, ask her why she thinks a war with the Incubators is worse than creating Hell.
--[x] Ask her for help avoiding the 'war with the Incubators' scenario for now.
-[x] Discuss any interesting information about alien history with her.
-[x] Ask her about Clarisse van Rossum.
--[x] Ask her about 'Walpurgisnacht hates time travelers'.
--[x] Ask her for help planning an early attack on Walpurgisnacht.
--[x] Ask her about exceptions to the 'magical girls die if another magical girl receives their power', now that we know about at least two.
-[x] Offer to pull her in on the Paradox Committee, but only if Machina is okay with it.
-[x] Ask her about ways of bringing on board other territories' magical girls and dealing with the 'lack of new contracts' situation.
-[x] Maybe offer to use her power for her so as to spare her the burden of seeing terrifying apocalyptic futures. Full honesty, since she'll probably be suspect of this. It can't be worse than trying to be Kyuubey.

finally, and this is terribly important:

[j] If you meet the Dimension Witch, Yuuko, on the road, cut her down. Her bargains are crueler, perhaps, than the Incubators', and she takes more pleasure in them than they ever could.
[x][Next] Go confront Oriko and share explanations. Be a little nicer to her, but not unnaturally so. Remember that using her power can be traumatic and ruinously dangerous to her psyche, but plotting and carrying out murders was still her choice.
-[x] Do NOT ask Kyouko for help persuading her - Oriko's more likely to be cooperative without someone who's known to use passive mind magic in the room.
-[x] Reassure her about not starting a war with the Incubators any time soon. She seemed terrified about the prospect of a time war earlier. (Every time someone gives Kyuubey a grief seed, he gets a galaxy's worth of energy. Assume the Incubators aren't fussy about using it to deal with specifically you.)
--[x] Even so, ask her why she thinks a war with the Incubators is worse than creating Hell.
--[x] Ask her for help avoiding the 'war with the Incubators' scenario for now.
-[x] Discuss any interesting information about alien history with her.
-[x] Ask her about Clarisse van Rossum.
--[x] Ask her about 'Walpurgisnacht hates time travelers'.
--[x] Ask her for help planning an early attack on Walpurgisnacht.
--[x] Ask her about exceptions to the 'magical girls die if another magical girl receives their power', now that we know about at least two.
-[x] Offer to pull her in on the Paradox Committee, but only if Machina is okay with it.
-[x] Ask her about ways of bringing on board other territories' magical girls and dealing with the 'lack of new contracts' situation.
-[x] Maybe offer to use her power for her so as to spare her the burden of seeing terrifying apocalyptic futures. Full honesty, since she'll probably be suspect of this. It can't be worse than trying to be Kyuubey.
[x][Next] Go confront Oriko and share explanations. Be a little nicer to her, but not unnaturally so. Remember that using her power can be traumatic and ruinously dangerous to her psyche, but plotting and carrying out murders was still her choice.
-[x] Do NOT ask Kyouko for help persuading her - Oriko's more likely to be cooperative without someone who's known to use passive mind magic in the room.
-[x] Reassure her about not starting a war with the Incubators any time soon. She seemed terrified about the prospect of a time war earlier. (Every time someone gives Kyuubey a grief seed, he gets a galaxy's worth of energy. Assume the Incubators aren't fussy about using it to deal with specifically you.)
--[x] Even so, ask her why she thinks a war with the Incubators is worse than creating Hell.
--[x] Ask her for help avoiding the 'war with the Incubators' scenario for now.
-[x] Discuss any interesting information about alien history with her.
-[x] Ask her about Clarisse van Rossum.
--[x] Ask her about 'Walpurgisnacht hates time travelers'.
--[x] Ask her for help planning an early attack on Walpurgisnacht.
--[x] Ask her about exceptions to the 'magical girls die if another magical girl receives their power', now that we know about at least two.
-[x] Offer to pull her in on the Paradox Committee, but only if Machina is okay with it.
-[x] Ask her about ways of bringing on board other territories' magical girls and dealing with the 'lack of new contracts' situation.
-[x] Maybe offer to use her power for her so as to spare her the burden of seeing terrifying apocalyptic futures. Full honesty, since she'll probably be suspect of this. It can't be worse than trying to be Kyuubey.

i like these latest posts and votes and
i want to write doots involving these strategies generally, but
it is a little late and i have most of the doot typed up already

and would have posted it by now if I hadn't been afflicted by another incident involving an acute medical condition involving [redacted], and a further allergic reaction to the treatment which has made my face swell up and made it hard to keep my left eye open (this is being partially controlled with corticosteroids, and I have missed work for like 3 days now, I'm starting to feel actually-better but should have another 24 hours or so before it really goes down they tell me)

so... i will try to make sure to leave open ways for the sentiments underlying votes to be applied in the near term. i will try to include the things you typed as specific options!!!

i hope you understand <3
How cynical are we?
% kubectl rollout restart deployment tomoyo -n cq

My apologies. It seems there has been some News going on close to me. Near disasters. Big shootings, now, not a mile from my old elementary school. Bomb threats at my church! I have been recovering…

now, where did we leave you?

Ah, right. You were narrowly avoiding a Contract, touring historic Salem, and were just leaving a feather with Ryouko before she returned a SSR limited memoria to the aliens. No big deal…

> Leave a feather with Ryouko
> Return the memoria. It's not your memory.

The xenobiologist makes a funny sound.
Where did you get that?
It's the same one you gave us,
says Ryouko.
She replies with some idiom about salinity which you don't quite fully understand, but that take to be roughly equivalent to "bullshit."
You just conjured a rare memoria into existence, centuries afterwards?
You try to downplay it a little.
I think it was your story, you tell her. I was just holding it at the time.
She makes that funny sound again, but louder.

> [second thoughts]
> Don't show the aliens the feather

Maybe wait a bit before sharing the feather, you suggest to Ryouko. Perhaps try to find out more about their history?

You arrive back at the school in a quiet, out of the way spot, but on your way back to the classroom you run into a girl in the hall who wants your attention.

"Oh, hey, Shizuki Clarisse, right?" she asks. "I'm from the other class. Ito Chiyo."
"A pleasure to meet you, Ito-san," you reply.
"I'm glad we could meet. I've been meaning to say: Welcome to the school; it's good that you have so many friends to help show you around," she says. "I'm just, ah, a little worried."
"Worried about what?" you ask, confused.
She makes a face, and a noise. "Your choice of friends."
You look at her blankly.
"Hey, I'm not trying to be a snob. But you're a Shizuki and I'm worried that some people just want to take advantage of you. Charity is one thing, but this is becoming another. There's gossip. It will affect all three of you. Think of your family."
You take a deep breath. You weren't expecting petty schoolyard gossip. It feels so terribly small.
"Did you have a specific complaint against someone?" you ask.
"Miss Kaname is a ditz. Shiina doesn't have a working brain. Nakamura is probably going to end up in the Yakuza. None of them are going to get into a decent university, except Tenjo. Maybe Miki, in an athletic program. You are going to end up somewhere very different and you can't just take them with you; why invest in relationships that won't last and are going to take more from you than they give back?"
And it is a very small thing to say, but something about it hits you anyway. You can't just take them with you. You're not even sure if you can visit.
"I'm sorry," says the girl. "I just had to say that. I don't mean any of you ill will."
And then she is gone, and you are left thinking of all the replies that it's a moment too late to give.

You make it back to your classroom as the morning session is winding down for lunch break.
"Do you know Ito Chiyo?" you ask Hitomi.
"Oh! Yes, we're in the dance classes together. She's tutoring me. Why?"
"We met in the hall," you say, uncertain how much of her gossip to spread. If she's tutoring Hitomi it's a little bit less out of nowhere? You could see how in some manner she might feel responsible for all of you. It'a kind of a sad world view that she lives in, mind, but at least she's not trying to interject herself out of nowhere.
"She's probably on the way to get ready early," says Hitomi. "If you still want to watch a session to see what it's like, you can come by this afternoon?"

The afternoon session today, you realize, is dedicated to elective rather than to mandatory study, which leaves you with a large block of unscheduled time.
Officially, you are expected to use this time to find something to do with this time. You've had second thoughts about actually doing dance lessons, and have mostly written it off, but watching a session is something you asked Hitomi about… it feels like it might help you avoid trouble with Ito-san, as well.
You skim the schedules of the rest of the gang. Sayaka seems to have found a martial arts class, as you'd suggested earlier. Madoka has a session with Ms. Valentin. Homura and Yuuka seem to have been assigned remedial study while Wakaba and Nanami are doing "Independent Study." You should probably decide where to be by the end of the lunch break.

In the meantime, you try to get a handle on your hospital plans.

<Nanami> No one noticed you were away but I guess Ms. Valentin came by looking for you.
<Machina> We assume it was for you, anyway. Mostly she just stood outside and peered into your classroom.
<Namami> There were some of our mysterious transmissions at the time, but it mostly did not seem that Sayaka had anything to do with them.
<Clarisse> Interesting. Not that we can take that at face value, either. It could simply be a crude attempt to cast suspicion elsewhere.
<Machina> It could be a clever attempt to convince us it is Sayaka, by convincing us that they're working to cover it up. How many levels deep would you like to go?
You ponder for a moment. There's not a lot of headway to be had on this problem, but your newest problem…

The puzzle of Higanbana bothers you. Someone having something to do with Homura, adopting her symbols, almost a familiar of some sort, interested in her well-being. You can't quite place it, and feel that you really ought to be able. Maybe you'll work out how they're neutralizing Nanami's tech-magic, too. You suspect it's all closely linked.

Nanami interrupts this train of thought.
<Nanami> Question for you with regards to the hospital.
<Nanami> How cynical are we?
<Clarisse> Explain?
<Nanami> First of all, your neighbor with the hoarding issue. Easiest thing in the world to waltz into the hospital, grab a little old lady, and head back out via teleport. We'd be gone before anyone notices, but, this leaves us with a little old lady on our hands who has no place to fit into the system anymore, and who can't go back to her home either way. Oh, and she has lots of questions, and still isn't actually very good at keeping care of herself. If we leave it at that, I don't see a lot of great ways that keep her from just ending up back in there again. And, of course, this doesn't do anything about the other patients.
<Nanami> As an extra complication, Yuuka's mother isn't just a medical case, it's an involuntary commitment in the high security wing. So it's not as easy as bringing Yuuka to get us in, and unless we want her to be on the run from the authorities, we might need to do something more involved, and I don't think we can just give both of them new identities, unless maybe we want Yuuka to have a new identity too. Complications begin to snowball. And, of course, this is trespassing in someone else's territory.
<Clarisse> Do we have any idea whose?
<Machina> Unfortunately, yes. From what Mami-chan and Sakura-san have told me of the place, I believe it is the Azelea team's territory. Moreover, a hospital like you've described is a high value part of their territory.
<Nanami> It's their prized witch farm.

Machina shares a few quick sketches of three girls from her memories of Mami's memories: Shizumi Konoha, Hazuki Yusa, and Mikuri Ayame. Blue, yellow, and red. They share the eponymous azelea theme, which surprises you, since they don't appear to be related. They must be very close.

<Machina> In our timeline, they were offered membership in the MSY at its founding, but turned it down for years, even as their territory was surrounded on all sides, until the advantages were overwhelming. They were almost a problem. Shizumi-san is the eldest of the three, and the leader: cold, generally rational, but fiercely protective of the team's independence. She sees herself as the protector of the other two girls. She's also quite canny, reasonably powerful, and a dangerously tough fighter. She's the one who might actually know it's a witch farm, and just leave it operating, but keep it from the other two. If we try to shut down the place directly, she will make sure that they all give us hell.

<Nanami> Option two. Action at a distance. Find a journalist or someone willing and able to make a major scandal out of the operation. Leak them some of the damning data. Slow burn, could take months, could end up buried. There's ways we could make it more visible; post a data leak somewhere on the open Web, and combine it with a privacy scandal. That will get more people looking at it, at least.
<Machina> Months, however, is a very long time, which brings up a question of expectations management. Kaname-san seems to be emotionally invested, and of course Yuuka must miss her mother quite badly.
<Nanami> Which also raises another question. How much do we want to burden these idealist kids with the ugliness of the world like this place?
<Machina> Burdening them is a concern, but not the whole problem. Sayaka, Hero of Justice, will want us to do the right thing. She will be upset if she learns we declined the opportunity to take swift and decisive action, which is liable to impair morale, and group harmony. There's also a possibility she'd try to take action by herself.
You consider that. You are at least fortunate that Kyuubey seems to be upholding the contract moratorium for now.
<Nanami> Option three, try to sneak something in under their radar. If they notice magic, we send tech. Give them the miracle at Obasuteyama. Fortify all the little old ladies' blood with futuristic nanites, so they can metabolize the unwanted drugs, and solve the health problems that put them there. The witches scatter.
<Machina> This still puts us at some risk. It's possible they may track us down for vengeance if they figure it out, or if Kyuubey tells them.
<Nanami> Option four. Try to negotiate. Maybe we could bribe them.
<Machina> Shizumi is stubborn. Mikuri is young and hotheaded. I would raise the matter through Yusa. If we're honest with her, explain what we're doing, and the stakes, we might have a chance, but she'd feel bad about going behind Shizumi's back.
<Nanami> Then there are all the questions about actually finishing the job. Does all the attention mean the hospital operator actually discharges all the patients? Do people start investigating and asking questions we really don't want asked? Do they just find a new set of patients? Do they just try to tie all the patients to their beds? Who knows!
<Nanami> I wouldn't trust a grief cube bribe from a rival if I were her. Not for a sensitive operation.
<Clarisse> We can also expect that Kyuubey will be whispering in her ear the moment he has the slightest opportunity to undermine us. Otherwise we might just ask.
Machina sends a cheery/sad sentiment. Cheery, because the idea of dialogue is precious to her. Sad, because she knows its limits. Wouldn't it be nice if the world was that simple, that we could talk everything out and have peace?

> {% include PROBLEM_OF_DAY %}{% include QUEST_STEERING %}

[Hospital][] Exfiltrate your targets quietly.
-[] (write in what happens next)
[Hospital][] Perform a small magical miracle at the hospital.
-[] Bring Yuma to heal people.
-[] Use feather magic to restore people
[] Perform a small technological miracle at the hospital.
-[] Use Madoka and Sayaka as your agents.
[Hospital][] Host a big technological miracle and cure a whole hospital.
-[] (Write in further plans pls)
[] Leak the hospital's data to the press.
-[] Hype up the scandal.
[Hospital][] Send Kyouko to request a dialogue with the Azeleas, bearing all the best of her optimism about the future (and some bribes.) Building alliances might be possible with the right approach and a little wish magic.
[Hospital][] (Write in advanced Azelea management strategies)

[Afternoon][] Watch Hitomi's class.
[Afternoon][] Study in a quiet corner of the library with Nanami and Wakaba. Work on the hospital plan.
[Afternoon][] Work on delegating problems to the others.
[Afternoon][] Work on bigger problems.
-[] Reflect on your recent close call with Kyuubey, and your feelings.
-[] Attack the problems of wishes and entropy and contracts directly.
-[] (write in)
[Afternoon][] Oriko has knowledge, and schemes to answer for.
-[] Confront her.
-[] Try to make it more of a collaboration.
-[] (write in topics: time war, etc)
[Afternoon][] Spend some time with your girlfriend.
[Afternoon][] (write in)
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Hey :). It's back! I'm so sorry to hear about your life difficulties though; I hope things for you and near you go a bit better from now on ❤.

Anyways, this is a tricky one. I don't think we're ready to do a big reveal at this time, so large technological miracles seem out. Exfiltrating targets absolutely depends on discussing it with Yuuka & maybe the others first. So that, contingent on buy-in, create a scandal, small miracles, or trying to negotiate with the Azeleas. We can, of course, do more than one of these at once, e.g. we might want to negotiate with the Azeleas regardless of what we choose, though of course doing some of the other options won't be very helpful for that, haha. Still, not quite sure which subset of the acceptable options to choose.

Also, it's not quite clear if the Afternoon is supposed to be split up into two groups or not; it's not technically, but there's a blank line between them that had me considering them separately. Regardless, I'm thinking going to watch the class, as a combination of necessary downtime, keeping a promise, and also, knowing tomoyo, probably strange plot shenanigans.
I have remedied the extra line!

Regardless, I'm thinking going to watch the class, as a combination of necessary downtime, keeping a promise, and also, knowing tomoyo, probably strange plot shenanigans.

You could probably manage to reflect on your own feelings while watching! You're less likely to make quite as much progress on big research projects, though.
Hmmm... this hospital issue is deceptively delicate. I don't like the idea of using technological miracles here. Not until we've secured all the appropriate legal precautions to monopolize total control of super technology - the proliferation risk inherent in the possibilities of things like blood transfusions or organ transplants is simply too great right now. So let's go with...
[Hospital][X] Perform a small magical miracle at the hospital.
-[X] Bring Yuma to heal people.
[Hospital][X] Send Kyouko to request a dialogue with the Azeleas, bearing all the best of her optimism about the future (and some bribes.) Building alliances might be possible with the right approach and a little wish magic.

The Azaleas aren't too bad as long as your name isn't Hanna Sarasa or something.

I have a suspicion that a scandal just won't be worth the effort while it's still in the public's interest to have a trash can for humans they don't need any more. And nothing less than revolutionizing the world is going to fix that one.

Which leads onto, well...

Actually, I'm sort of undecided between delegating, investing wishes, and collaborating with Oriko. Delegation is, of course, astoundingly useful and will win us more time to work on problems long-term. Tackling wishes head-on will bring us one step closer to the power to revolutionize the world. And working with Oriko is absurdly efficient at nipping problems in the bud while they're still small and manageable.

It's probably best to keep a promise and go to the lesson if that's a thing, though. On the other hand, Clarisse's internal monologue might turn all pink and frilly and ornamental again, so maybe it's a bad idea to go?

But, you know what? I really want the power to revolutionize the world. So!

[Afternoon][X] Work on bigger problems.
-[X] Reflect on your recent close call with Kyuubey, and your feelings.
And if there's time,
-[X] Attack the problems of wishes and entropy and contracts directly.

I think, most important is that Clarisse needs to figure out who she wants to be in the context of the world, and who she wants to be in the context of love, and which of those feelings she can afford to act on in which contexts. A pretty dancing dress-up doll cannot revolutionize the world!
I have no idea what were doing lol. What were we doing? Can we have a sort of quick review since this story goes all over.
Before this doot?

You were going to school with Madoka when you found out that the little old lady from way back at the start was taken away ungraciously by some people who didn't even care for her cat. You have dinner with Madoka's family later. You were arranging a new place for Nanami to live (her mom and her brother Sho seem to be somewhat abusive company) and sending Yuuka there too (you think her dad does things to her she shouldn't). Meanwhile Nanami looked into the hospital where the little old lady went (basically a witch farm) and found Yuuka's mom. About this time you were called over by the curriculum coordinator Joanne Valentin, who isn't Homura as previously suspected, but could have had you fooled. Kyuubey tried to use your distress at the aforementioned witch farm to convince you to contract, offering godhood; instead you fled, ended up in America with Ryouko and conferred about aliens, whose ancient empire may have given architectural and thematic cues to Oriko's dark future. (Oriko remains under guard theoretically and has not been using much magic, but someone is nulling out parts of your electromagnetic spectrum data and you suspect Oriko has probably doing something behind your back with them or a related party, like maybe using a landline telephone while Kyouko is distracted.)
[Hospital][X] Perform a small magical miracle at the hospital.
-[X] Bring Yuma to heal people.
[Hospital][X] Send Kyouko to request a dialogue with the Azeleas, bearing all the best of her optimism about the future (and some bribes.) Building alliances might be possible with the right approach and a little wish magic.

After All magic is friendship!

Edit: Changed my vote.
[Afternoon][x] Watch Hitomi's class.
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We seem to have something of a consensus on small magical miracle, which I'm fine with, but I really think we should watch the class.

[Hospital][x] Perform a small magical miracle at the hospital.
-[x] Bring Yuma to heal people.
[Hospital][x] Send Kyouko to request a dialogue with the Azeleas, bearing all the best of her optimism about the future (and some bribes.) Building alliances might be possible with the right approach and a little wish magic.

[Afternoon][x] Watch Hitomi's class.
I am put into an uncomfortable situation.

I was the one who pushed for watching Hitomi's ballet classes, on the grounds that it was a reasonable bonding activity with Hitomi - expressing interest in something she loves, and decidedly not doing what other people were suggesting, i.e. "studying ballet in an attempt to garner power and without consulting Hitomi, or worse, doing all of this and then condescending to Hitomi by asking if she wanted to join our ballet studies group."

I ... I felt very strongly about this. It is, in the abstract, a good plan, I think - though I will admit my bias because I long ago decided that fuck it, big picture problems are not my problem, those are for other supervisory processes to fret over; my job is Friendship Problems.

And on the face of it, trying to find a grounded point of connection with Hitomi is a good idea - because she is somewhat adrift, her world has been rocked by a number of sea-changes in quick succession, and she is still trying her best to navigate the sororal relationships wish-magic has thrust upon her; and I think it is something of a moral obligation to either reciprocate, or break those relationships off. And the latter has dangerous and unpredictable consequences due to, again, wish-magic.


But as it stands, I -

I can't believe I am saying this -

The Slipper Princess was right.

All I ever wanted out of watching Hitomi's ballet classes was to try and shore up that relationship. That's all.
Pretty much all I have ever voted for are things that were intended to shore up other relationships, too.
But, well, like pretty much every other thing I have ever voted for in this quest, something in the vast and incomprehensible web of chaotic factors at play has ruined this.

Ballet is a clear and present danger. I cannot in good conscience vote for it, no matter my reasons, because - quite apart from the very real risk of random, completely unpredictable out-of-context elements abruptly derailing shit which has torpedoed pretty much every plan I've ever submitted to this quest - ballet has proven to be a literal threat to Clarisse's soul.

So no, I don't think I can vote for that.

Honestly, given my staggeringly bad track record of getting anything useful done for Clarisse, I think it's fairly clear that my judgment is fatally compromised in some fashion. I've tried, for years, to advance a platform of addressing the issues and concerns of Clarisse's family and friends, and feel like I have very little to show for it except an ever-more-intensely fucked snarl of impossible choices.

So I don't know. I don't know what to do. It is, I think, abundantly clear that I never have.
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Ballet is a clear and present danger. I cannot in good conscience vote for it, no matter my reasons, because - quite apart from the very real risk of random, completely unpredictable out-of-context elements abruptly derailing shit which has torpedoed pretty much every plan I've ever submitted to this quest - ballet has proven to be a literal threat to Clarisse's soul.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm wellllllllll
my agenda for Clarisse watching ballet does not involve threatening her soul; it tentatively involves:
— absolutely no dancing for Clarisse: that'd be silly, she doesn't even know the five basic positions
— a better understanding of Hitomi and her motives (and Papa / Nadeshiko through that)
— some time to reflect on Clarisse's emotions and motivations, with incidental insights such as I can reasonably work them into a coherent train of thought
— access to juan del mago's choreography, costume, notes, and set designs for the upcoming Rite of Spring and various Walpurgisnacht topics, which are merely retellings of the magical girl topics that confront Clarisse, which have been extracted via previously established in-universe mechanisms and which are definitely not the actual sources of her troubles (and which Hitomi is definitely not going to dance in, that'd be silly, she's not at that level either; her senpai, on the other hand, is totally in the middle of it)
I don't know what to do. It is, I think, abundantly clear that I never have.


This story is 100% doing unfair things to you, looking for some of the weakest weak points in the decisions that you have ever made, and some that you haven't, using all of these all against you, trying to drive you to regret and despair. But this was always going to be the case while you have an Incubator here. It doesn't mean you chose wrong. It doesn't mean your choices made no difference. It doesn't mean it's hopeless.

What it does mean is that there are rough times ahead as things come together — and when that happens, it'll be those friends who help you get through them.

I think you're doing quite well.
Come to think of it, we should probably ask Oriko about the ballet at some point. Or, failing that, skip straight to the nuclear option and get the performance cancelled by any means necessary, up to and including arson or Ceph attack on the venue (though, ideally, when nobody's inside?). It just seems. Um. Bad? Terrifying? Like the whole thing is just a paper-thin veneer over some frightening symbolic ritual that will doom everyone ever to infinite suffering forever? Probably linked to something even worse than grief potatoes?

Magical girls aren't ornaments! They're not disposable batteries, or fuel to keep the fires of Hell burning! They're not merchandise made for someone else!
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[Hospital][x] Perform a small magical miracle at the hospital.
-[x] Bring Yuma to heal people.
[Hospital][x] Send Kyouko to request a dialogue with the Azeleas, bearing all the best of her optimism about the future (and some bribes.) Building alliances might be possible with the right approach and a little wish magic.

Afternoon][] Oriko has knowledge, and schemes to answer for.
-[] Try to make it more of a collaboration.
I guess I have been pretty sympathetic towards Oriko for this quest, which is why I hope we can open up more with her.

Thank you so for continuing to wrtie this quest!
I will admit that I have a hard time watching any of those in the hospital suffering, but this time I can think of a way it might be possible.

Oh, by the way, I'm back and finally caught up since abandoning the story due to the directions it was going.

Regarding my plans, Nanites are capable of self-replication, meaning that just a small seed can gradually grow without our presence. In the future, nanites had to be specifically injected, but with Nanami's magic, what are the chances that she could make nanites capable of spreading like a contagion? Ryouko's teleportation is broken enough that Nanami could teleport in to a part where someone will eventually go, but that no one is at the moment, and drop a small seed of nanites before leaving without anyone noticing. Someone eventually comes by and the nanites attach to them allowing the nanites to replicate enough to infect others at the hospital, including the patients who can then be healed. Depending on the replication rate of the nanites, it could be anywhere from a few hours to a few weeks before most of the hospital is infected. Either way, we'd be long gone before anyone could notice something was up, unless we teleport into an area with security cameras. The biggest chance of detection (other than Kyubey) would be the hospital staff finding an anomaly in any blood samples, and even then, they'd have no way of tracing it back to us without a third party leaking information.

Am I basically proposing a traceless benevolent pandemic? Yes. If we're only going to heal one of them, how would we choose? And using magic on multiple patients is bound to be detected more easily that than poof-drop-poof. And it would only be a temporary measure anyways.

[Hospital][X] Host a big technological miracle and cure a whole hospital.
-[X] Drop a contagious sample of self-replicating nanites capable of providing health care without being detected, and then wait.
[Afternoon][X] Work on bigger problems.
-[X] Attack the problems of wishes and entropy and contracts directly.
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mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm wellllllllll
my agenda for Clarisse watching ballet does not involve threatening her soul; it tentatively involves:
– absolutely no dancing for Clarisse: that'd be silly, she doesn't even know the five basic positions
– a better understanding of Hitomi and her motives (and Papa / Nadeshiko through that)
– some time to reflect on Clarisse's emotions and motivations, with incidental insights such as I can reasonably work them into a coherent train of thought
– access to juan del mago's choreography, costume, notes, and set designs for the upcoming Rite of Spring and various Walpurgisnacht topics, which are merely retellings of the magical girl topics that confront Clarisse, which have been extracted via previously established in-universe mechanisms and which are definitely not the actual sources of her troubles (and which Hitomi is definitely not going to dance in, that'd be silly, she's not at that level either; her senpai, on the other hand, is totally in the middle of it)

This story is 100% doing unfair things to you, looking for some of the weakest weak points in the decisions that you have ever made, and some that you haven't, using all of these all against you, trying to drive you to regret and despair. But this was always going to be the case while you have an Incubator here. It doesn't mean you chose wrong. It doesn't mean your choices made no difference. It doesn't mean it's hopeless.

What it does mean is that there are rough times ahead as things come together – and when that happens, it'll be those friends who help you get through them.

I think you're doing quite well.


faith, hope, and love are and have always been gambles.
bet on friendship, one more time I suppose.

[Hospital][x] Perform a small magical miracle at the hospital.
-[x] Bring Yuma to heal people.
[Hospital][x] Send Kyouko to request a dialogue with the Azeleas, bearing all the best of her optimism about the future (and some bribes.) Building alliances might be possible with the right approach and a little wish magic.

[Afternoon][x] Watch Hitomi's class.