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hopefully they found all the evil cysts and you will make a full recovery have a wonderful life . hospitals I'm not a fan of going to them make nervous and anxious
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It's fine, your health matter more than the story. Take your time and heal fully up and enjoy your time to relax and recover. As most of us readers can state, we are sue to waiting long periods of time without updates, so it's fine. Feel better
I really got to recommend using speech to text it is amazing for typing when you just don't feel like it or can't or is just too many words I mean this whole paragraph was all done speech to text sometimes it requires doing some touch-ups but whenever I'm using my phone I almost always use speech to text to make forum posts it's so much easier than doing hunt and Peck I mean sometimes the punctuation needs a bit of touching up and it often doesn't add punctuation unless you specifically stated but overall it's pretty good.
So what you're saying is that sugar is the cure to covid?
*eats a whole cake*
I hope your get well soon
I always felt incorporating random chance into a narrative story-driven adventure is at best a tricky proposition and not something to be bolted
Sometimes throwing random ideas together work, sometimes it doesn't. *shrug* Either way I'm enjoying the story and the work you're putting into it. So the terrible situations are unlikely and the dice are saying "it's LSD time!"? It's sill a fun read and I look forward to the next chapter.
Usually the only reasonable way to use randomness in storytelling is XCOM2 style: pre roll all event dice, then reverse engineer a story by translating how a 1 on an event table was followed by a 20 for the event modifier to allowed the next 1 to count as a success.

There was a story on SB or SV that worked like that, and the catchphrase in universe and out of universe by author and audience was "GOD DAMMIT POE!!!"
I thought that was the Sam Dice, not Poe, but it's been a while since I read The One Ring thread, and am not on the Discord that much.
That's fair, I was debating looking up The One Ring as another story where the dice made crazy rolls.
(The Sam Dice continue to astound in Screw The Rules I Have Escalation versions 1 and 2. In 2 Taylor gets Slifer The Sky Dragon days after joking about summoning one of the Yu-Gi-Oh gods Ups And Downs also has some crazy rolls)

Hope your teeth feel better! I had my 3rd root canal in 6 months last Friday and that side of my mouth is still a bit tender, won't have the filling put in until March.

So I found the story I was talking about.

One Foot - Another Multiverse SI Crossover - Fantasy - Alt. History

[/spoiler] [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [/spoiler] -x- [/spoiler] -x-...
By @Ars Poetica
Well, that was rude.

Not to mention that it was, frankly, discussed that the author had both a Covid infection and a secondary infection. Was in the hospital for both. The secondary infection's source was found and treated, and he still had to recover from the surgery needed to treat the secondary infection, while dealing with a Covid infection. The minimum treatment time for a Covid infection is three weeks. Minimum. It's barely been two. And I do mean barely, from the first post about him being ill with covid to current.

So learn some patience, and some manners while you're at those lessons.
No, thank goodness!

I'm finally out of the hospital, I have a surgically opened wound on my back which has some neat foam and tubing attached to it sucking out all kinds of gross stuff with a pump!

A portable back pump! I had no clue these things existed, and I have no clue how many other pump related medical tools exist out there either... And I'm a little scared to check.

I've got my blood sugar down to the point where I don't need daily insulin shots, I got my medication down to the point where I'm just winding down off the antibacterial stuff, and now that I'm out of the hospital I can begin the recovery process and get ready to eventually go back to work. Actual work not the writing stuff, which I'll probably be able to write another chapter is so at some point once I finish getting all my affairs back in order.

Thanks for everyone's support and comments and good wishes during this rough patch of my life, and thanks for the people who sent me reading suggestions as I was stuck in the hospital.
Recovery! That is great news, that I am glad to hear. Best wishes on a speedy recovery and return to normality.
i am glad the worst is over but holy shit man sounds like you went through hell i hope it never happens to you again cause your an awesome dude
Off the top of my head, maternity related pumps, and blood pumping and filtering that can do the job of a heart for when doing transplants, alongside artifical hearts. I personally don't want to check beyond that.
Iron Lungs, which use pumps to replace the diaphragm; pumps to run an enema; a Stomach Pump; technically all the various items with the balloon you squeeze to do something are pumps, so the blood-pressure cuff and a number of other things I don't know the name of. There are lots of Pumps in medical technology, since a Pump is a very basic machine to increase or decrease pressure.
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