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Dam, stay safe, sounds like you need to go to the hospital if you're not at one already. Seriously, this sounds life-threatening, call an ambulance if you have to.
As of last Sunday, I have the following:

Diarrhea, fever, hallucinations, terrible dental work, diabetes, covid, covid pneumonia, high blood sugar, low oxygen count, and most importantly it's all wrapped up with some huge shoulder blisters so I can't roll over reach for shift without actual pain for every step.
That's rough, buddy. Try not to die, and we hope you get well soon!
Have you recently been rude to an old lady with a shawl?

Cuz it sounds like you're suffering from some sort of old (gypsy,bruja,voodon) ladys' curse

Hope you get well, hospital and priest of choice visit recommended (just in case)
Here is hoping that you can get treated and feel better, as damn, that all sounds.... bad O-O All I can say, is that I wish for your swift and safe recovery.
Wish you well. I also sending positive energy and praying for you health . And any placebo effect of feeling better can help by influencing the mind/body interactions 👍
As of last Sunday, I have the following:

Diarrhea, fever, hallucinations, terrible dental work, diabetes, covid, covid pneumonia, high blood sugar, low oxygen count, and most importantly it's all wrapped up with some huge shoulder blisters so I can't roll over reach for shift without actual pain for every step.
Damn. Sorry. I hope you heal well.:cry2:
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