It's highly unlikely that Ace is in danger of death. However, like many an author before and since him. Whenever he is not engaged by the audience, or otherwise has a vested interest in his own work; he gets bored and wonders off to do... whatever. He's done it with his HP story on fanfiction, and the gamer one. And it appears that its finally happened here. The biggest reason I've not raised a stink about it myself, is that he is also one of the exceedingly few authors that doesn't try to pass off their disinterest in continuing their work as "issues IRL." So at least he's an honest bloke, that just has a habit of writing till he's bored and then wonders off.
I... honestly don't have anything else I can think of to encourage another stab at the story like I've done in posts past. Without it being completely obvious that I was trying to entice another chapter, or more, from him. And to pass on advice that I've received from mods both here and on SB... don't beg, it's apparently intrusive to other members lives to beg for new chapters, no matter how long it's been since an update. Weirdly though, I've been the only member I can recall getting an infraction for it in the five years I've been a member.