"You okay, kiddo?" Battleship Missouri propped herself up on her elbows and glanced over the top of her mirrored crimson shades at the white-haired cruiser squirming furiously on her bare stomach. Mo would be the first to admit that her chiseled abdominal probably weren't nearly as comfortable as Alaska was used to—though the Iowa was hopeful that when, not if, she got pregnant the situation would change—but her snowy-haired friend hadn't been able to sit still for more than a few heartbeats.

This is cute, like ridiculously cute. Also, Mo already having maternal desires? Very interesting, I wonder who's the lucky person that gets to be with her.
Mo would, of course, have offered the much softer territory of her healthily developed bosom if she thought there was even the remotest chance that Alaska wouldn't blow every gasket in her body. Unfortunately, the cruiser was visibly starstruck just sharing a sunbeam with Mo. More intimate contact would send the poor girl over the edge.
Yeah that probably would happen. Though I do imagine such an event would make laska red in the face and send 100 foot jets of steam blast out of both ears and her nostrils (which for the latter turns into a literal anime style nosebleed.) followed by an immediate pass out on laska's part.

Alaska took a deep breath and let it out very slowly. "No," she muttered, her voice almost lost in the island din. She looked over at Mo, her pale blue eyes slick and glassy. "I miss Cameron."

"You boyfriend?" asked Mo. She might've been a newly-returned warrior, but the Iowa'd kept tabs on the strategic situation during her time as a steel hull. Or rather, her crew kept tabs, but they made sure to inform her, even though none of them could see her at the time. And… well, the large cruiser's escapades in the gulf were too adorable for her crew not to share with her.

Alaska bit her lip and nodded. "I've…. I've never been away from him before." She shook her head and batted a tear away with a flutter of her snow-white eyelashes. "I mean, I've gone on patrols and stuff but that was…"

"It's different when you've got enough on your plate to keep your mind occupied, huh?" Mo reached over and gently stroked the large cruiser's shockingly soft hair.

Alaska nodded. Mo had to fight back a giggle. Her hair tickled against the Iowa's stomach. "I miss him so bad. I know it's stupid, I'll see him in a few days. I know there's people fighting who're waiting way longer, people waiting forever. But…"

"But it still hurts, huh?"

okay this here is sweet. Mo is such a momboat, Hell I think that unless South Carolina came back for some reason. Then Mo is gonna fill the role as the Momboat for all the USN ships. Also about Mo's crew telling her about laska and Cameron when she a steel hull.

I can't help but imagine everything from one of her engineers whispering something into the machinery he's working on, to the Captain idly running a finger across the bridge railing while telling Mo the latest news about those two love birds.

Actually that makes me wonder just how much of the scuttlebutt did she come back with intimate knowlege of? My Guess is, ALL OF IT. or damn near all of it.

Don't worry Alaska, you'll be with Cameron soon, And then you two can catch up on all the sunbeam naps ya missed out on... just remember to put sunscreen on first though.
Alaska nodded slightly. "I hate it," she mumbled. "I'm so much better off than—"



"Shut up."

Alaska blinked.

"Kiddo…" Mo shook her head. "You're young. Like… ridiculously fucking young. And you're in love. Don't ever apologize for that, okay?"


"But nothing," said the Iowa. "Love like that is what makes us different from them." She waved in the general direction of the nazi twins' last resting place. "Okay? Love like that is why we fight. Yeah, people have sacrificed more, but they've done it because they wanted little boys and girls to have their saccharine love stories."

"You really think?"

Mo nodded and tapped the large cruiser on the temple. "You know I'm right, you know why your captain took you out."


Mo has a damn good point here. Never apologize for being young and in-love. For love really is what makes shipgirls different from the demons of the depths. To protect the ones you love from those who'd wish harm upon them, that is something worth dying for I say.

"Look," Mo adjusted her shades. "You really wanna honor their sacrifices?"

Alaska nodded emphatically.

"Love your boyfriend," said Mo. "Love him like you mean it. Marry him. Buy a house with a white picket fence and have all the babies."

"Oh," Alaska nodded and visibly internalized that. "Okay, Mo."

"Actually," Mo gulped, realizing the enormity of the mistake she might've just made. "Don't— um, scratch the babies one. Don't think his hips are up for it."

Alaska's only response was an infuriatingly unreadable giggle.

Missouri what you have done! You've let the Genie out of the bottle! There's no putting it back now, well I guess it was already gonna happen beforehand, but its a definitive thing. Though the image of Laska and Cameron in that setting there with DesRon worth of kids running around with perhaps another under construction is adorable.

though something tells me that what Mo told laska was also directed to herself as well. So that she could honor the valor and sacrifice her crew made in the defense of Hawaii.

For a while, newly christened Admiral Irons had been deeply concerned by the fashion choices of his fleet. Namely, the incredibly short mini-dresses worn by the Tennessee sisters. Dresses so short they were almost flashing their panties to the entire base just by standing still. It only took a few inches of elevation difference before London and France were on full display for all to see.

Probably wouldn't want to be the poor fella that trips and falls around those two if they're near by... or maybe you do.

Though then again their appearances might already cause people to trip and fall or just walk into things because they were...distracted. SECNAV hath Mercy if they drop something and bend over to pick it up.

Not that neither of them seemed to care. If anything, Tennessee seemed abundantly pleased that he'd noticed the crisp white trapezoid peeking out from under her dress, and made comments to the effect that he could examine her underthings in greater detail and under more flattering lighting conditions whenever he wished. To ensure they were up to modern standards of course.

OH my Tennessee you are bold and very forward I see. RIP Admiral Irons, infinite Bully for you. And I'm gonna call that its probably gonna be Tennessee who gets into the Admirals pants first. It just... seems natural and I'm not exactly sure why that is the case.

He knew that Cali and Tennessee wore panties. He knew the color and cut they liked, as well as the exact size. He did not, however, know if any of his other battleships even owned a pair. He couldn't exactly ask them of course, and he was far too busy to deal with the situation in a more oblique manner.

But like the great white wale Moby Dick, the problem of Schrodinger's upskirt would haunt the newly-christened Admiral for the rest of his days.

There's two ways to fix this Admiral Irons, either trip and fall infront of the other and look up when they give ya a hand back up.

Or Send a Terminal Lance Corporal to find the information out. I mean it'll probably keep a otherwise bored Marine occupied. So you'll have less problems occurring.

Also Schrodinger's Upskirt? :rofl::lol:rofl::lol:rofl::lol:rofl:

Right on cue, and louder than seemed humanly possible, battleship Wisconsin pushed a rolling office chair across the floor of what'd once been the Ambassador Hotel's convention center and crashed to a stop right next to the comparatively diminutive light cruiser. "Arigato!" Wisky's thunderous contralto didn't really work with her attempt to mimic Naka's bubbly idol accent, and for a moment there Naka was worried she'd have to buy a new mic. "Battleship Wisconsin, dess!"

Okay, major question, how in the hell did that rolling office chair hold up Wisky's Stern? How is that even possible? Should the chair like instantly break under her displacement? At the least the wheels shoulda popped off when she leaned back after kicking off (otherwise her Leggy game would just drag along the floor and carve a trench out of it)

Also, RIP headphone users.

Then Naka noticed something else. The second Wisky wheeled her way into frame, her viewer count skyrocketed by almost six hundred percent. And, sadly, Naka knew exactly what the reason was. Or rather, what the reasons were.

yeah we all know Idolru. We all know what those reasons are

As one might expect for a battleship named after a frigid northern state a stone's throw from Canada, Wisky was bundled up in thick white turtleneck sweater. A sweater who's insulating qualities were slightly compromised by the large keyhole cutout right over two fantastically enormous breasts.

Well… not so much enormous—although they were each meaningfully comparable with Naka's head, if not larger—as proportionate. As far as Naka could tell, Wisky wasn't any bustier than Jersey or Nagato. But the littlest Iowa was just so huge that those well-balanced proportions yielded bunkers that commanded a shocking fraction of on-screen real estate.

I can very easily imagine that. And SECNAV hath mercy on us all the Day Wisky goes to try out the Virgin Killer Sweeter. Well I guess she won't be on a stream for that, but if she was?... There'd be so much incoming traffic that the service hosting the stream would just simply crash.

"Oh, fuck yeah!" Wisky bumped Naka out of the way with a single swing of her impressively vast Iowa-class hips. She hunched over the table, her fingers flying through the archaic DOS commands to boot up the game. "Hey, Naka?"

"Yeah?" Naka carefully extracted her chair from the drywall. "What's up?"

Dammit, I just imagined Wisky talking her sisters and a bunch of other botes into office chair bumper cars. Though how Naka's chair even survived the bump and crash into the wall is currently beyond me. However I do image that it crashed sideways into the wall so like two face. The idol has one half of her face covered in dry wall and the other half is perfectly fine.

"You should get Jon St. John in a room with Jersey."

"Yeah, I should," said Naka absentmindedly. Wisky was already almost done with the first level, and the view count was still at its shockingly high level. It was a conundrum, a question that Naka couldn't force her brain to dismiss. "Hey… just play for a minute, I gotta do something."

"Hai hai."

That there... I'm not sure what would come of it. But It'd be awesome, and lordy there'd be a Storm of swears coming, now whether or not if its just normal conversation or just if they get into a competition of who can make a better insult. Either way, keep destroyers away from that room at all costs!

Naka rolled her eyes and tore a sheet of paper out of her notebook. She pulled her chair over and settled in right next to the big Iowa. Then, with stealthy precision worthy of a warship trained in the art of night battle, she slowly inched the paper over until it blocked the camera's view of Wisky's vast tracts of land.

Instantly her view count tanked to its previous level.

She pulled the paper back.

Just as instantly the view count rocketed back to its previous level.

Naka frowned. The littlest Iowa must never know of her power.

Naka it doesn't even matter, She already knows of her power. She's a weeb, a cheesy weeb. How can she not know the power she holds?... Okay there's a couple ways she might not realize it. However I predict she realizes it not only because of her weebness but because she quietly launched her drone before rolling into the camera frame. And its been quietly on station towards the back of the room, unnoticed yet observing everything. So yeah she knows the power, and she's already thinking of ways to use it to her advantage. :D:p

You only were able to do that Naka because the Cheeseweeb allowed it. She will not shatter your illusion of her being blissfully ignorant of the magnitude of the power she holds. At least not right now.

She drew herself up to her full height, exhausted Yuudachi hanging like a ragdoll from the scruff of her neck in one hand while the other balled into a fist so tight sparks flew, metal groaned, and blood trickled between her fingers.

"You goddamn crayon-eating, glue-sniffing, sand-fucking inbred retard cuntfucks!" She roared at a dozen or so marines the Admiral had detailed to her for punishment. Spit flew from her mouth and her chest heaved with the force of her furious breathing. "Why in the name of everloving fuck did you think giving this—"

She shook Yuudachi angrily, but the little destroyer was out cold.

"Her own SECNAV-dammed body-weight in fucking rip-its was at all a good idea?"

Holy shiiiiit what the hell were these marines thinking? Also, I know Jersey loves her marines, but I sure as hell think this stunt here has seriously strained that love for this group of marines. Like seriously, Poi of all people to give that many rip-its to? The only way it coulda been worse is if they gave that much to Shimakaze.

I seriously remember if Poi is gonna remember anything from when she was under the influence of the rip-its.
"Um," one marine, a Lance Corporal, spoke up. "In our defense, ma'am… we were bored and she was cute."

Jersey bit her lip to keep from physically biting the man's head off. Why. Why was the universe like this to her.

But of course, Bored marines equal chaos. And that's before anything involving shipgirls. With Shipgirls? Its chaos cubed still though. That Lance corporal must be a terminal lance because that Statement regarding poi could be taken in a very different light.... yet i can't help but think that those marines also taught Poi a few weird things. Because lets face it. They probably would just to see if they could. I dread finding out whatever else the Poi has picked up from the Marines, because lets face it, she's probably picked up quite a bit.

But cheer up Jersey, these marines don't look like they were drunk. Bored Marines have the possibility of teaching a Destroyer weird and possibly lewd things. Bored Drunk Marines will Certainly teach a destroyer weird and quite possibly lewd things probably by accident, though if done intentionally then the reason for it if for nothing else would be to see what would happen.

"Admiral," light cruiser Jintsuu clutched a clipboard to her chest. "We've got a problem."

Admiral Richardson glanced over the top of his laptop. "Is this a Yamato got stuck in the kitchen again kind of problem," he asked. "Or a problem problem."

As much as the inevitable kitchen remodels were going to cost, he'd much prefer having to deal with that kind of issue—or even the passive-aggressive "I am available for nakedness" texts Mutsu had been sending recently as her hormones were competing with her desire to not impose on her Admiral's duties—than the latter.

"The latter," said Jitsuu. The second Sendai dropped a sheaf of recon photos on Richardson's desk. "We've spotted the Tosa princess at the head a massive fleet."

"Course?" asked Richardson, fearing he already knew the answer.

"Here," Jintsuu pointed exactly where she was standing.


*clasps hands hands together*

Okay quick comment about the other stuff before I get into the 10 bork-alarm theory crafting bit.

I can easily imagine the remodeling of the Kitchen to better accommodate Yamato's hips is going to cost around $20 grand easily. Reason pretty simple actually, my parents remodeled the Kitchen once from a rather stuffy layout to something much more open and spacious. And that cost almost $10 grand by the time it was all said and done. So for something to keep Yams from getting stuck at any place its probably gonna cost a whole lot more.

Good luck dealing with those Hormone moods from your wife Richardson. You're gonna need it. At least she's being passive-aggressive about it... for now. Not even SECNAV can help ya if she decided to be more than passive-aggressive about it though.

Okay... now its time to start theorizing on how and why Tosa is making a dammed end run on Sasebo. But first my initial reaction to that final bit of Dialogue.

Okay now to sit down and theorize on why Tosa has decided now to launch an attack. Mind you, this attack couldn't be random. Something pushed her to make an attack, espeically since the last time we saw her she was about to...urk..l she about to get the freaky on with Aaron. :sour: As seen here in the chapter "The Sister Nobody likes"

"I…" Aaron gulped. Before he could get another word out, the smile vanished from her face. She bared her teeth in a snarl and roared in anger. Her vast gauntlet tore at the table ripped it from its anchors in rage.

"Take him away!" she thundered, spit flying from her mouth and oozing down her chin. "And assemble my fleet."

Now with this in mind, lets look at other events going on overall in the story. Hawaii has been Liberated, Ari has come out of Remodel around the time Pearl is retaken Maybe a little afterwards. Arizona (and Hiei) discover that Yamato is back and is currently staying at the Richardson home. Ashigara got her man but Jame's sister Cathy is causing issues because she doesn't believe what reality has become. Jane Richardson catches wind of it and decides to send a squad of smols to Cathy to help the stubborn woman. Then we've got the shenanigans on Oahu as seen in this chapter(and a couple others) and now this with Tosa making an attack on Sasebo.

I've got three theories on what the possible cause for Tosa launching her attack could be.

1) One possible reason is that a member of Tosa's fleet, possibly something like a scout plane caught sight of the plane that was carrying the Chibis and noted the vector that the plane had originated from. Or some radar installation picked up the plane and a very strange return and made note of where it came from. I mean we don't exactly know how well spooky things can detect weird things like the Chibis. So it could be very possible that they were picked up by some kind of air search radar. which gave very bizarre returns on the plane that was carrying them (I mean we don't know what they'd pick up as on radar but you can't really say that they wouldn't show up... on at least what ship girls and Abyssals have. Modern stuff is kinda out the window. but I'm getting distracted)

Maybe Tosa recognized what the Chibis really were and what their existence meant for her future. Maybe she was able to recognize the nature of who summoned them and pieced together where their origin point was. Either way Tosa sees a major threat to her and she's going over to deal with it before it can actually threaten her position. However another part of me thinks that Tosa might try to Capture the current littlest Richardson because... well if Jane could summon Smols at her age currently, then what could she do when she gets older? What if Tosa could turn that potential threat to her position into something that could be used to her advantage?

2) Now the Second possible reason reason for Tosa launching an attack on Sasebo is this. Her Target is Mutsu, more specifically the twins. Why you may ask? Simple, one of her scouts probing the defensive line caught sight of Mutsu and managed to get back to Tosa. So like with the above theory regarding Jane and the Chibis. Tosa recognizes the kind of threat Mutsu's children would pose in the long term. And therefore the Abyssal princess is going in to take Mama Mutsu and her unborn Children out before the latter have a chance to grow up and threaten her.

Alternatively, like with the above theory involving Jane, Tosa could also be trying to take the twins and use whatever power they'll one day hold to her own advantage. Because lets face it, if shipgirls are indeed minor sea goddesses as what Wash thought/believed when she spoke with Gale's Mother about Children way back in the story. Then by Mythological convention, the child of a shipgirl and a human would be a Demigod. Demigods in myth have in quite a few instances become full-fledged gods themselves. And a Monster like Tosa would almost certainly recognize this fact and then try to use it to her own gains. After all, a newborn is far easier to shape to one's end goals in the long run instead a child that has already been taught things that are deemed undesirable.

Now I know that the Elphant in the room is what about the slug, and I'd say that Tosa would probably do her best effort to disable the Slug's ability to fight back before capturing her... or perhaps more gruesomely remove Mutsu's babies and then take them. If I'm not mistaken the twins are far enough along that they could be born early and be fairly okay. All this though is if Tosa's aim is to take the twins alive. If it is not... well I don't think I need to say it right?

3) This one is kinda iffy but it does make a fair degree of sense for why Tosa is taking such a risky Gamble. One of her forces spotted Yamato somehow and managed to report the sighting back to Tosa. Yamato is the only ship who (besides Musashi and the Iowa Sisters) poses the greatest threat to Tosa's position. Unlike the others who are currently elsewhere and therefore not an immediate threat to Tosa. Yamato is at Sasebo, currently unable to sortie but she's there, perhaps as the one thing Tosa believes is a clear and present threat. So Tosa is launching a massive attack as a Decapitation strike to take out Yamato before Yams has a chance to get any kind of experience, even if its simply gunnery practice at the range, and have the opprotunity to grow even more powerful. After all if you see you enemies strongest surface ship seemingly stuck at port and currently unable to go out, wouldn't you want to try and sink that surface ship at its moorings or before it can get out to the open sea?

Furthermore, Tosa might understand just how crushing the loss of Yamato would be to Japan's morale. Which would then make the Island nation much eaiser pickings for the Abyss. Though I don't think Tosa knows that only a very small handful of people in Japan currently know that Yamato is back. However that's irrelevant because if the rest of Japan's first exposure to the fact that Yamato has returns is news of her Sinking by Tosa's hand. Then the negative effect on morale will be the same, if not greater.

Also, thinking on it further, just imagine what kind of monster(s) Tosa could probably give birth to if she does sink Yams (or just a sizable portion of the Sasebo fleet before she pulls back or is otherwise forced to retreat). It isn't a reason for her attack but it would be a benefit of it. If she is able to accomplish whatever goal it is she has.

Though I cannot rule out a sinking feeling that it isn't just any one of the reason listed above, but rather a combination of all three... Why kill just two birds with one stone when you can bag three at once....

We won't know for certain what the reason for the attack is until the next update or three but dear god I practically see someone in the Sasebo fleet won't make it out of this engagement. I mean if the last run in with Tosa almost saw Hiei die at Tosa's hand when she was much weaker. What in SECNAV's name is gonna happen now that Tosa is not only much more powerful than before, but her fleet is far stronger (and almost certainly larger) than it was last time she engaged the Sasebo fleet?

Sure the Sasebo fleet has grown quite a bit itself and Ari has gotten a remodel and thus stronger...but will it be enough though to decide the upcoming battle in the favor of Humanity the world wonders. If it is, then the question will be what price will be paid to achieve victory?
I can't help but imagine everything from one of her engineers whispering something into the machinery he's working on, to the Captain idly running a finger across the bridge railing while telling Mo the latest news about those two love birds.

Actually that makes me wonder just how much of the scuttlebutt did she come back with intimate knowlege of? My Guess is, ALL OF IT. or damn near all of it.
Mo's a special case. Even though her spirit was invisible and inaudible to her crew, they knew she was there. They'd go out of their way to keep her happy, from her engineers cooing sweet nothings into those ancient turbines to her captain reassuring her that she's done good work when she steamed home from a patrol. And of course, all the yeomen aboard keeping her up to date with boat-related gossip.
Missouri what you have done! You've let the Genie out of the bottle! There's no putting it back now, well I guess it was already gonna happen beforehand, but its a definitive thing. Though the image of Laska and Cameron in that setting there with DesRon worth of kids running around with perhaps another under construction is adorable.

though something tells me that what Mo told laska was also directed to herself as well. So that she could honor the valor and sacrifice her crew made in the defense of Hawaii.
"So... I get why we're babysitting Sara's kids."
"Why do you have a pillow stuffed under your shirt?"
*clasps hands hands together*

Okay quick comment about the other stuff before I get into the 10 bork-alarm theory crafting bit.

I can easily imagine the remodeling of the Kitchen to better accommodate Yamato's hips is going to cost around $20 grand easily. Reason pretty simple actually, my parents remodeled the Kitchen once from a rather stuffy layout to something much more open and spacious. And that cost almost $10 grand by the time it was all said and done. So for something to keep Yams from getting stuck at any place its probably gonna cost a whole lot more.
Yams isn't really breaking things. She'll just get hips hips wedged at a weird angle and have to stop cooking or cleaning until someone comes along to get her un-stuck. She doesn't just smash her way free, who do you think she is, Mo?
Good luck dealing with those Hormone moods from your wife Richardson. You're gonna need it. At least she's being passive-aggressive about it... for now. Not even SECNAV can help ya if she decided to be more than passive-aggressive about it though.
Passive-aggressive texting is all she's able to do right now. She's way too fat to pounce on him anymore, bote twins are heavy as fuck.

1) One possible reason is that a member of Tosa's fleet, possibly something like a scout plane caught sight of the plane that was carrying the Chibis and noted the vector that the plane had originated from. Or some radar installation picked up the plane and a very strange return and made note of where it came from. I mean we don't exactly know how well spooky things can detect weird things like the Chibis. So it could be very possible that they were picked up by some kind of air search radar. which gave very bizarre returns on the plane that was carrying them (I mean we don't know what they'd pick up as on radar but you can't really say that they wouldn't show up... on at least what ship girls and Abyssals have. Modern stuff is kinda out the window. but I'm getting distracted)

Maybe Tosa recognized what the Chibis really were and what their existence meant for her future. Maybe she was able to recognize the nature of who summoned them and pieced together where their origin point was. Either way Tosa sees a major threat to her and she's going over to deal with it before it can actually threaten her position. However another part of me thinks that Tosa might try to Capture the current littlest Richardson because... well if Jane could summon Smols at her age currently, then what could she do when she gets older? What if Tosa could turn that potential threat to her position into something that could be used to her advantage?

2) Now the Second possible reason reason for Tosa launching an attack on Sasebo is this. Her Target is Mutsu, more specifically the twins. Why you may ask? Simple, one of her scouts probing the defensive line caught sight of Mutsu and managed to get back to Tosa. So like with the above theory regarding Jane and the Chibis. Tosa recognizes the kind of threat Mutsu's children would pose in the long term. And therefore the Abyssal princess is going in to take Mama Mutsu and her unborn Children out before the latter have a chance to grow up and threaten her.

Alternatively, like with the above theory involving Jane, Tosa could also be trying to take the twins and use whatever power they'll one day hold to her own advantage. Because lets face it, if shipgirls are indeed minor sea goddesses as what Wash thought/believed when she spoke with Gale's Mother about Children way back in the story. Then by Mythological convention, the child of a shipgirl and a human would be a Demigod. Demigods in myth have in quite a few instances become full-fledged gods themselves. And a Monster like Tosa would almost certainly recognize this fact and then try to use it to her own gains. After all, a newborn is far easier to shape to one's end goals in the long run instead a child that has already been taught things that are deemed undesirable.

Now I know that the Elphant in the room is what about the slug, and I'd say that Tosa would probably do her best effort to disable the Slug's ability to fight back before capturing her... or perhaps more gruesomely remove Mutsu's babies and then take them. If I'm not mistaken the twins are far enough along that they could be born early and be fairly okay. All this though is if Tosa's aim is to take the twins alive. If it is not... well I don't think I need to say it right?

3) This one is kinda iffy but it does make a fair degree of sense for why Tosa is taking such a risky Gamble. One of her forces spotted Yamato somehow and managed to report the sighting back to Tosa. Yamato is the only ship who (besides Musashi and the Iowa Sisters) poses the greatest threat to Tosa's position. Unlike the others who are currently elsewhere and therefore not an immediate threat to Tosa. Yamato is at Sasebo, currently unable to sortie but she's there, perhaps as the one thing Tosa believes is a clear and present threat. So Tosa is launching a massive attack as a Decapitation strike to take out Yamato before Yams has a chance to get any kind of experience, even if its simply gunnery practice at the range, and have the opprotunity to grow even more powerful. After all if you see you enemies strongest surface ship seemingly stuck at port and currently unable to go out, wouldn't you want to try and sink that surface ship at its moorings or before it can get out to the open sea?

Furthermore, Tosa might understand just how crushing the loss of Yamato would be to Japan's morale. Which would then make the Island nation much eaiser pickings for the Abyss. Though I don't think Tosa knows that only a very small handful of people in Japan currently know that Yamato is back. However that's irrelevant because if the rest of Japan's first exposure to the fact that Yamato has returns is news of her Sinking by Tosa's hand. Then the negative effect on morale will be the same, if not greater.

Also, thinking on it further, just imagine what kind of monster(s) Tosa could probably give birth to if she does sink Yams (or just a sizable portion of the Sasebo fleet before she pulls back or is otherwise forced to retreat). It isn't a reason for her attack but it would be a benefit of it. If she is able to accomplish whatever goal it is she has.

Though I cannot rule out a sinking feeling that it isn't just any one of the reason listed above, but rather a combination of all three... Why kill just two birds with one stone when you can bag three at once....

We won't know for certain what the reason for the attack is until the next update or three but dear god I practically see someone in the Sasebo fleet won't make it out of this engagement. I mean if the last run in with Tosa almost saw Hiei die at Tosa's hand when she was much weaker. What in SECNAV's name is gonna happen now that Tosa is not only much more powerful than before, but her fleet is far stronger (and almost certainly larger) than it was last time she engaged the Sasebo fleet?

Sure the Sasebo fleet has grown quite a bit itself and Ari has gotten a remodel and thus stronger...but will it be enough though to decide the upcoming battle in the favor of Humanity the world wonders. If it is, then the question will be what price will be paid to achieve victory?
No Comment Intensifies.
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quick someone find the ekranoplan,

Come on you know it'd be awesome to see the girls lined up and do a drop 20ft off the water
edit OTOH
there are plenty of heavy guns at home who's biggest check against them is speed and short legs, and if Tosa wants to run chest first into a meat grinder, well thats on her
But of course, Bored marines equal chaos. And that's before anything involving shipgirls. With Shipgirls? Its chaos cubed still though. That Lance corporal must be a terminal lance because that Statement regarding poi could be taken in a very different light.... yet i can't help but think that those marines also taught Poi a few weird things. Because lets face it. They probably would just to see if they could. I dread finding out whatever else the Poi has picked up from the Marines, because lets face it, she's probably picked up quite a bit.

Actually, if LCS and LSD shipgirls come back (the first true LSDs were commissioned in 1943-1944 with the Ashland and Casa Grande classes)... wouldn't they, by definition and/or by association, be both Marines and Shipgirls?

What happens when they get bored? :o
Breaking news: Bored Marines develop massive 3D Steel printer! Obsolete battleship parts ready in days or hours!

Battleships Iowa, Alabama, North Carolina, Massachusetts expected to join the fleet within the year!

Unfortinitly, only Iowa is fast enough to keep up with the rest of the fleet so its unlikely the others would be brought back to service.
Unfortinitly, only Iowa is fast enough to keep up with the rest of the fleet so its unlikely the others would be brought back to service.

Oh, you were talking about real life, not story.

I was thinking when I read your post, "pretty sure the others could keep pace with Arizona, Pennsy, Texas, Wash, and others pretty easily."

Yeah it would be nice to see a battleship showing the flag in foreign ports again, it just doesn't seem to be practical.
Oh, you were talking about real life, not story.

I was thinking when I read your post, "pretty sure the others could keep pace with Arizona, Pennsy, Texas, Wash, and others pretty easily."

Yeah it would be nice to see a battleship showing the flag in foreign ports again, it just doesn't seem to be practical.

No, i am talking about story. Just saying its not practical to recommission NorCal and the SoDaks because of their limited speed. Iowa can more easily keep up with the steel hull fleet

I figured why not salvage whatever parts of Jerseys hull are left and use them to rebuild Iowa again so she can join her sisters.

And since Wiskys crew survived her sinking, they are perfect to crew Iowa.
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No, i am talking about story. Just saying its not practical to recommission NorCal and the SoDaks because of their limited speed. Iowa can more easily keep up with the steel hull fleet

I figured why not salvage whatever parts of Jerseys hull are left and use them to rebuild Iowa again so she can join her sisters.

And since Wiskys crew survived her sinking, they are perfect to crew Iowa.

Yeah, without the miraculous works of bored Marines, you would only have enough salvageable parts for one battleship.
The reason why they aren't reactivating the other BBs is that of age. Pretty much the last time NorCal or any of the SoDaks received a full refit from the Navy is from before the 60s, whereas the Iowas received some TLC in the 80s. even the Iowa's been picked to pieces for spare parts for Wisky and Mo. Iowa is pretty much a hulk right now. The speed difference is a minor issue compared to the age of those ships.
Yeah, without the miraculous works of bored Marines, you would only have enough salvageable parts for one battleship.

That, along with parts, and crews, etc. make it just too impractical for the older BBs to be reactivated. But, using whatever can be salvaged from Jersey, Iowa could be rebuilt and be fit for duty once more with the Wisky survivors as her crew. Though turret 2s condition is a major problem.
That, along with parts, and crews, etc. make it just too impractical for the older BBs to be reactivated. But, using whatever can be salvaged from Jersey, Iowa could be rebuilt and be fit for duty once more with the Wisky survivors as her crew. Though turret 2s condition is a major problem.

If there is anything on Jersey to be salvaged. They would not have stripped Iowa and left Jersey untouched. She was not in operable condition when she was sunk. That's why she was being used in the summoning experiment. As much as we like the idea of steel hull Iowa running around with her ship girl sisters, its more likely she ends up as a 6 gun member of the battleline at 20 to 25 knots because she only has half her original powertrain.
It's more like that she doesn't join the active fleet at all because she's old, has been stripped, and it would take about the same amount of effort to just build a new BB as it would be to get her back to combat status. It's not just an issue of her having been used as a parts hulk, she's old. Ships can only last for a certain amount of time. While I do agree that having some steel hull BBs running around now would be cool, we do know that if Iowa's hull is around for 100 years, that will happen.
If there is anything on Jersey to be salvaged. They would not have stripped Iowa and left Jersey untouched. She was not in operable condition when she was sunk. That's why she was being used in the summoning experiment. As much as we like the idea of steel hull Iowa running around with her ship girl sisters, its more likely she ends up as a 6 gun member of the battleline at 20 to 25 knots because she only has half her original powertrain.

If any of Jerseys engines are salvageable perhaps they could be used in Iowa. Barring that, maybe new engines.

Would it be feasible to disassemble Jerseys third turret and use it to replace turret two?

@Archduke If age is the issue they wouldnt of bothered recommissioning Mo and Wisky.
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If any of Jerseys engines are salvageable perhaps they could be used in Iowa. Barring that, maybe new engines.

Would it be feasible to disassemble Jerseys third turret and use it to replace turret two?

@Archduke If age is the issue they wouldnt of bothered recommissioning Mo and Wisky.

Only engine parts. The entire engine would be impossible to replace without cutting Iowa completely apart. And Jersey's have not only been abandoned in place for 30 years, but they have also been blown up and submerged for however long the salvage takes.
Changing parts between the ships guns would take a lot of resurfacing and refinishing to make them work together and it's possible that they couldn't be installed. Every time the guns fire stress is put on the parts. When the parts were shipped from the factory they were identical, but after 60 years of service, each one would be unique. Some of them could be made to fit, some are probably too far gone.
Frankly building or making ready existing BBs is just not feasible, due to leveling effect and well a decided lack MSGB,
You might as well be throwing rocks at steel hulls....

Say what if we put a rail gun on a barge and let the Desrons toe it, nothing fancy just straight line under the horizon shot purely to punch holes at the water line
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Only engine parts. The entire engine would be impossible to replace without cutting Iowa completely apart. And Jersey's have not only been abandoned in place for 30 years, but they have also been blown up and submerged for however long the salvage takes.
Changing parts between the ships guns would take a lot of resurfacing and refinishing to make them work together and it's possible that they couldn't be installed. Every time the guns fire stress is put on the parts. When the parts were shipped from the factory they were identical, but after 60 years of service, each one would be unique. Some of them could be made to fit, some are probably too far gone.

So TL;DR, we're not getting Iowa back till she's sunk or scuttled.
So TL;DR, we're not getting Iowa back till she's sunk or scuttled.

Pretty much. Just about anything can be rebuilt. They could have rebuilt Oklahoma after Pearl Harbor, but she just wasn't worth the cost. Rebuilding any of the existing battleships, without some kind of deus ex machina, would be incredibly resource intensive.
ah, I've always seen it as MSSB, or Magical Sparkly... ...what Darkhound said.

Even then, the Levelling effect wouldn't do much to hurt a Modern BB, as I believe it just reduces a modern weapon to it's WWII counterparts level of effectiveness, so a new build 16" should work just as well as a WWII one.