Because I just can't seem to stop myself. Have a preview for the next 'An Officer and his Dogs' omake.

...Fresh from his shower William quietly reveled in the softness of the towel he dried off with. Though as he dried off his back his eye twitched just slightly as the sensation of the towel dulled and then abruptly ceased as he reached the very bottom of his back. At least the transition area nowadays when he dried off his was just merely uncomfortable to touch, instead of it being searingly painful as it had been when he had been released from the hospital a little over two and half years ago.

Giving a small shake of his head to push aside the memories of the recovery period he went through before he was allowed to be on front lines again, William wrapped the towel around his waist and exited the bathroom of his quarters to get dressed for the day. It didn't take him very long to get most mostly dressed. Though before he put his T-shirt on over his head, he looked at his image in the mirror. In particularly at the two marks on his left side, one was roughly the size a silver dollar and stretched across two ribs. The other mark though, it began a few inches above the bottom of his ribs and ended towards the middle of them.

Allowing his shirt to slide down to his wrists, William touched the second, angrier mark on his side with the fingers of his right hand. Lightly tracing the slightly curved path of the trench of the scar with his finger tips. "I still don't know how the hell I lived through that day..." He quietly spoke to no one but himself.

He closed his eyes for just a moment, but in that moment he could still see it. The two twisted pieces of steel sticking out of his side, the flak vest underneath the life jacket he had been wearing being the only thing that stopped those twisted pieces of metal from killing him outright. The sensation of finding it nearly impossibly hard to draw a breath, and nigh blinding pain when he did managed to force in a full breath. This and much more swirled through the forefront of his mind for that brief moment.

Then he opened his eyes again, and the moment passed, the memories that came with that moment were back where they belonged, as far away from the front of his mind as he could push them. Taking a deep breath, and being thankful for being able to do the action without pain, William threw his T-shirt on and then finished getting dressed. His watch showed that it was 0415.

As Lieutenant Corgi opened the door to exit his quarters, he met a rather nervous looking Pfc Sandbar on the otherside of the door. "Uh sir, I have some bad news to give." Sandbar said to his superior, bracing for what was to come.
"What is it Sandbar? It better be something important." Corgi asked the marine, he was prepared to go through the routine he went through when Petty Officer Third Class Simon Lake had joined his team.

"The Barracks pantry is all out of Coffee Sir." Sandbar said with a dreadful tone.
Corgi blinked a couple times in confusion. "Are we really out of Coffee Sandbar?" He asked him, in a way that sounded like he couldn't believe what he had just heard.
"I'm afraid so sir. I checked everywhere." The marine answered honestly.

'Oh Hell no.' Was Corgi's only thought at the situation...

there's gonna be quite a bit that's gonna happen in this next one, including how well Gunnery Sergeant Clayton and the rest of the PT Corgi support staff are holding up in Port Fourchon. I will say ahead of time that the POV's of the next omake is gonna be switching between Corgi and Clayton a couple of times. It probably won't be mirrored reflection type of deal. But I won't know for certain until I actually write the whole thing out.
Corgi blinked a couple times in confusion. "Are we really out of Coffee Sandbar?" He asked him, in a way that sounded like he couldn't believe what he had just heard.
!? :confused: !?
That can't all be laid off on Lt.j.g. Slacker. Something is really rotten in the state of Denmark for that to even be remotely possible on a military post of any kind, even allowing for war shortages.
!? :confused: !?
That can't all be laid off on Lt.j.g. Slacker. Something is really rotten in the state of Denmark for that to even be remotely possible on a military post of any kind, even allowing for war shortages.

A public service message starts running on tv:

[Black and white footage of the New Orleans Naval base]

Narrator: Naval Station New Orleans, the Guardians of the Gulf, lies seemingly empty.

[Footage of napping Corgis]

PT boats lie listless from lack of proper handling. Why? Because everyone is staggering around half asleep.
What caused this condition? A new Abyssal weapon? A contagion? No, a far greater crisis....NO COFFEE.

[Footage of people going about their morning routines]

Hey, Mister Banker! Do you need that second cup? Wouldn't it be a better investment in the hands of a hard working sailor?
Officer, don't throw out those grounds! Day shift can still get another pot out of that!
Hey, Mack! Make that thermos last past two more truck stops!

We can all do our part to reduce coffee intake, and free up a cup for the fleet!

[Fades out on shot of Ship girls and steel hulls in formation]
!? :confused: !?
That can't all be laid off on Lt.j.g. Slacker. Something is really rotten in the state of Denmark for that to even be remotely possible on a military post of any kind, even allowing for war shortages.

Its not that the base has ran out of coffee, its just the supply the PT boat Barracks has ran out. The problem isn't all that bad... okay it can be but that's only because you have to leave the PT Corgis unattended long enough to head over to the base's mess hall and get some then come back to the PT Boat Barracks.

Believe it or not, its the not the LTJG's fault. Shocking I know but the coffee situation wasn't his fault. Shortly before his mauling, he did put in a request for more Coffee... a request that was filled, but the Can never got to the barracks at the time it was suppose to.

The circumstances as to why will be teased at later in the omake when I get to writing that part~

A public service message starts running on tv:

[Black and white footage of the New Orleans Naval base]

Narrator: Naval Station New Orleans, the Guardians of the Gulf, lies seemingly empty.

[Footage of napping Corgis]

PT boats lie listless from lack of proper handling. Why? Because everyone is staggering around half asleep.
What caused this condition? A new Abyssal weapon? A contagion? No, a far greater crisis....NO COFFEE.

[Footage of people going about their morning routines]

Hey, Mister Banker! Do you need that second cup? Wouldn't it be a better investment in the hands of a hard working sailor?
Officer, don't throw out those grounds! Day shift can still get another pot out of that!
Hey, Mack! Make that thermos last past two more truck stops!

We can all do our part to reduce coffee intake, and free up a cup for the fleet!

[Fades out on shot of Ship girls and steel hulls in formation]

okay this is both funny and legitimately something I could imagine seeing running on TV. :lol:rofl:
Omake: Wolfbait's daily life
Part IV, ladies and gents.


"The hell do you mean 'Richardson sent chibis to your house!?'"

The news had taken me by complete surprise. My sister was a goddamned idiot for not keeping her opinions to herself. I could barely keep myself calm, my chest heaving.

"J-Jane s-said that maybe y-your sister could be cheered up?" Haguro nervously replied. She was fidgeting hard, as was understandable.

"Motherfucker!" I shouted, banging my hand against the table. "My sister is going to be laid up in Saint Thomas for the rest of her goddamn life because of this!"

"Isn't that a resort?" Myoukou asked.

"Saint Thomas isn't a resort. It's Akron's goddamned insane asylum. People who underwent psychotic breaks are kept there so they don't go off into the wild blue yonder seeking God, or killing their families because they might be government agents!" I informed them. "That girl made a mistake," I said, before burying my face in my hands. "She made a big goddamn mistake."


I felt Ashigara put her hand on me. She was starting to become aware that I didn't like to be touched too much, especially with no warning. The sensation of her fingers slowly pressing against my back practically sent a shock through me. "What is it?" I asked, turning my head around.

"What exactly is going on with your sister?"

I closed my eyes and let out a low sigh. She was like me, willing to skip past the bullshit. Opening them and centering myself, I could see concern in hers, even a bit of fear. She had never seen me angry, and there was a reason why I didn't try and get angry. "I need a drink first. Somethin' hard, too. Does Nachi keep a stash around here?"

"As a matter of fact, yes," Myoukou replied, before dashing into their room. She popped out a minute or so later, a short stretch that felt like an eternity. "I know she has difficulty…" she took a deep, measured breath. "…dealing with the nature of this war? Is that correct?"

She grabbed a shot glass and filled it, handing it to me. She said it was rum, spiced with something. I put the glass to my lips and tipped back, feeling the hard sting of the alcohol going down, followed by that nice, fuzzy warmth of a good drink. Thank god the legal age was 20 around these parts.

"An understatement if I've heard one," I remarked, taking a deep breath. "Cathy's a long story, but the short of it is that she dealt with a lot, and then the War happened."

"May I ask what exactly?"

Another deep breath. "Our dad suddenly died a few years back, amidst a whole bunch of family drama that's not my story to tell. Short of it is that my mom's family got back in touch with her, and they weren't happy," I began. "But it left an impact on Cathy. She lashed out, had a hard time at school, even beat a kid up," I paused, trying to keep myself centered. "We managed to get her help, though, but mom and I knew it was only a matter of time before something made her fall off the deep end."

"The Abyssals," Haguro said.

I nodded. "The funny thing is, she saw what was on the TV. She saw those images of pre-dreads ripping our carriers to shreds, and it did something to her. She refused to believe that was what was happening, and she still does."

"So how does she explain this war, then?" I heard Ashigara ask.

I let out a laugh, a bitter one. "She thinks I signed up to fight a war against the Russians and Chinese, nevermind the fact that the latter are just flat-out gone. But even though the Cold War is over, everyone knows those two countries have lots of nukes pointed our way, and she thinks the whole 'Sea Demons' thing was made up to keep people from panicking over it."


A silence fell upon the room with the dropping of that bombshell. The three women were either trying not to drop their jaws to the floor, or were picking them up. "Yeah," I said. "And every shipgirl is but a cosplayer, too, before you ask."

"She…" Myoukou gulped, her hand shaking as she removed her glasses. "…thinks we're actresses?"

"And that Ashigara is desperate, and will likely ditch me for some other man the first chance she gets."

I could feel her fuming behind me, shells being loaded into the breeches and rifles being removed from their racks. "She thinks my love for you is fake!?" Ashigara barked, before huffing and puffing behind me. She was about ready to blow my house down, but could she sail up the Cuyahoga and get in range, though?

"The only reason I know is because my mother forbids me from blocking her text messages," I added. "Cathy wanted me to date one of her friends, and thinks I joined the Navy because I was too cowardly to fix the problems at home left in the wake of my dad's death."

"I need to call up Nachi," Myoukou said before rising from her seat. They were on the warpath now. "I had suspected something was strange when I talked to her on Instagram, but this is…"

She couldn't even finish her sentence.

"May I see those texts?" Ashigara asked. I took my phone out of my pocket and unlocked it, pulling up the messages and handing it over. I could see her eyes widen in the corner of mine, no doubt shocked at what she was seeing.

Another sigh left me, as I realized that I likely fucked up. I felt numb, barely able to move as Ashigara scrolled further and further up. Only the most recent ones concerned her directly, but Cathy had sent dozens, all implying or outright telling me to break things off.

'It's part of her facade'

'My friends miss you.'

'Leave her and this war and come home.'

"I…" Ashigara gasped. "W-What is this all about? Does she hate me that much?"

Myoukou and Haguro stepped over, eyes no doubt going wide at my sister's texts. "It is clear that we need to have a little chat with this girl," Myoukou growled. "Nobody should so blatantly insult our honor, or insinuate that not one of us deserves happiness."

"You realize that she has issues, right?" I objected. "My mother's been trying to help her through them. It's going to be bad enough once Jane's little surprise arrives on the front door, or hell, even the backyard if she's pulled some rather bizarre strings."

"Backyard?" Haguro asked.

"Railroad line runs past there, probably sees much higher traffic these days."

"I was told that was how they were being shipped, actually," Myoukou said.

I froze. The poor bastards tasked with delivering what was undoubtedly priority cargo were in for a bad time.


Holding the door open, a creature many would call a smaller, more adorable version of Haruna waved the others out. Food and playing cards could only get them so far, especially with the trip slower than anticipated.

The rush of the wind, and the grinding of steel on steel filled the air, while the skies above were painted brilliant shades of orange, gold, and red. It was a shame her full-size counterpart wasn't here to appreciate it. A sudden rush of sound caught her attention, a quick line of silver with bright lights passing by in a split second. They were going so fast, and she couldn't help but wonder how Shimakaze was feeling.

"Au!" Cried the small destroyer, falling off the side of the box. Haruna could see Yuudachi and Shigure helping her up, before dashing out.

Their first view of the American sky, and it was beautiful. None of their counterparts could get this far inland without ill effects, but they were fine, even if they felt a little out of place. Their surroundings were completely dry, nothing but sand and mountains in the distance. The sight of it all gave them just a small inkling of just how huge America was, and just how far off their destination lay.


Somewhere in the distance, she could see the lights of some town, shining more brightly as the sun slowly dipped towards the horizon. Flashing red lights zipped by, alongside another train, loaded with shipping containers, bearing labels in English such as 'Hub Group' or 'CMA CGM.' Each was no doubt packed with food and other goods, to be loaded onto container ships and doggedly sent across a hostile sea towards a country on the constant brink of starvation.

The sheer number, each double-stacked, caused the jaws of every chibi to drop to the floor of the train car they rode. The stacks upon stacks of shipping containers, with all sorts of colors and markings, never seemed to end. Only small gaps between each train car offered them a glimpse of the land beyond, and the only thing that broke up the endless line was a pair of locomotives, perhaps marking a halfway point in the train. Even as fast as they travelled, the containers kept coming, until finally, after what seemed like an eternity, they saw clear land, and only a blinking red light receding into the distance.


The others were silent, having borne witness to what several years ago was considered business as usual.

The group began their climb onto the top of the container, hoping to get a good vantage point for their trip. The tan-colored box of corrugated steel had been given refrigeration, no doubt because of their surroundings. The motor could be seen on the opposite end, humming away and keeping their temporary home cooled.

A few cars ahead, they could see the locomotives, three painted orange and black, and lights shining brightly from the cabs. Behind them were several cars loaded with damaged tanks, no doubt from previous battles with Abyssal ground forces. The train stretched even longer still, with what Haruna could make out as trucks, trailers, and more containers as they rounded a curve.

The details grew harder to make out, as the sun finally dipped below the western horizon, the once-vivid colors growing duller and darker with night setting in. The group sat down, taking a moment to appreciate the calm, in spite of the breeze kicked up. It was still amazing, though, especially as the stars finally began to shine. There was barely a light in their area, and it wasn't long before the clouds and countless stars of the Milky Way made their appearance.

The only humans on this train were too preoccupied to appreciate a sight like this. The horrors, and the bravery, seemed so insignificant. But it didn't mean that what was going on didn't matter at all. Their counterparts had a war to win, and they had a troubled soul to soothe.

They had a ways to go, but once they arrived, they would do their best. Anything less was unacceptable.


Karen Hunter was awoken by the sound of her phone buzzing, sonar pings indicating that the call was from her son. Something must've happened if he was calling at this kind of hour.


"Mom?" James replied, his tone serious. "Listen closely before you say anything else. Can you guarantee that this call will be private?"

"James, what's going on?" She asked.

"We have a problem, and I want to make sure Cathy doesn't butt in."

"O-Okay, okay," Karen replied, before quietly sliding out of bed. She carefully made her way into the basement, shutting the door into the laundry room behind her. "What's going on?"

"As I said, we have a problem. I was informed by Haguro about twenty minutes ago…" She heard her son gulp. "…that Admiral Richardson's daughter has caught wind of some sort of, and I quote, 'social media debacle' between Cathy and Myoukou, and has summoned and deployed a group of fairies over your way. They're being shipped by train, and will be arriving within the next thirty-six hours."


"They're magical creatures, obviously," he began explaining. "They come with the shipgirls and perform the functions their crews did the better part of a century ago. I have no idea how some kid managed to summon ones of her own, but implications aside, once Cathy sees them, she's going to freak, and you and I both know that ends with her locked in a room at Saint Thomas."

Her eyes widened. "James—"

"Mom, she's been denying this for god knows how long. The moment she's forced to confront reality head-on—"

"She was going to in about two weeks," Karen cut her son off. "One of your girlfriend's sisters, Nachi, invited us to come meet her down in New Orleans. We're taking Amtrak there." She heard him curse under his breath. "Language, James."

"I'm a sailor, mom. I think I get to swear like one," he pouted.

"Not when I'm around, James," Karen countered. Even he could get stubborn, though it only happened in situations like this, when something was on the line. "Anyway," she took a deep breath. "I've been doing everything I can to help Cathy, but the only way she's going to accept things at this rate is by facing it. Would you rather she face the enemy directly?"

"That's what I'm trying to prevent, mom!" He shouted. "She saw them on TV and it broke her! What happens if a cruiser force penetrates the Saint Lawrence? What happens if gunboats sail up the Cuyahoga and right to our house? I've heard stories from the Marines who were on Woody Island. The things they say they saw, mom…"

"Then let me do my job!" Hissed Karen. "I'm the one who has to deal with her every day. I'll let her know tomorrow, and I'll take it from there," she said.

"Let me know about what?" She heard Cathy ask behind her.

"Motherfucker!" James shouted.

"Mom? The hell's going on!?"

Karen took a deep breath, before hanging up. She needed time, something Cathy was denying her. "Go back to bed. I'll explain tomorrow."

"Is Jimmy finally marrying that bitch?"

"Catherine Amanda Hunter!" She shouted. "First off, this ain't about yer brother bein' in love with that woman! Second off, we're gettin' a present from someone high up in the Navy, and it's meant fer yew!"

Dammit, her accent was slipping.

"For me?" Cathy asked, her jaw on the floor. "Why in God's name is the Navy sending stuff for me?"

Karen quickly composed herself, taking deep breaths. That accent reminded her too much of those bad times… "First off, what in the hell did you say to Myoukou!?"

"What does that have to do with anything?"

"Because apparently, word spread to an Admiral, and while I have no idea what the frak he thinks about this, his daughter decided to take things into her own hands," Karen explained.

"The hell is she sending!?" Cathy asked, confused.

"Apparently," Karen couldn't help but laugh. "She's sending fairies."

"So, dolls, then. Why are you making such a big deal about this!?" She asked, raising her arms.

"Because those aren't dolls," Karen began, exasperated. "They're some kind of… thing."

She heard Cathy huff. "Magic doesn't exist, mom," her daughter countered. "How many times do I have to say it? This isn't some war against ghost ships, this is World War Three!"

"What if they gave a war, and nobody showed up?" Karen asked. "The Russians have holed up. The Chinese are gone, from what I hear. I might not know too much about this country's military, but I know that they wouldn't make an entire country vanish."

"Gee, maybe it's because nukes are a thing!?"

"The news said nothing about nukes. And don't go on about cover-ups," Karen continued. "Your brother is out there trying to make goddamn sure we don't get blown up, and needs us more than ever—"

"We need him, Mom!" Cathy cut her off. "He fucking abandoned us when we needed him to step the f-fuck up, and s-say enough is enough!" She began sobbing, before sinking to her knees. "That stupid movie they p-played as a news story…"

"There was nothing he could do, Cathy," Karen huffed. "I was the one who had to handle it. I was the only one who could. He shouldn't be the one to deal with my insane mother and idiot brothers."

"A-And lemme guess? I-I'm insane, too?" Cathy continued sobbing.

Karen leaned back against the wall. Inhale. Count to four. Exhale. "You're someone who's stressed—"

"You think!?"

Another low sigh escaped her. There was no winning this. "Just go to bed. We'll deal with this tomorrow."


Everything is bright, surreally so, but she is okay with it. Everyone is happy. Everyone is together. Her brother is assembling models with their father, and their mother is on a lounge chair, flipping through a book. And amidst all of it, her friends are there, too. It all seems fine, normal, even.

She feels warmth, comfort, and joy because of it. Everyone is together. Everyone is safe. She sees both sides of her family, hugging, talking, and eating. She smiles, for she knows that this is right, the way things are supposed to be.

"Is everything, like, alright, poi?"

The voice takes her focus away. A girl whose hair sports strange mats, and a voice almost like a squeaky toy. She scratches her head, before turning around. Her brother is no longer making models with their dad. He's with that bitch, the one with the wavy brown hair and the headband. Another, with short, raven-black hair stands behind them, an almost nervous look on her face. Another one of the liars. Ashigara and Haguro.

Her friends are gone, replaced by more of the liars, the actors, the cosplayers. Her dad's side of the family is replaced by a man in a Navy uniform and that woman. The one who called herself Mutsu. She sees a young girl chasing a pair of even younger ones around, and they seem happy, but it's all part of the lie.

Her mother's is replaced by an office lady and some woman with an incredibly long side ponytail, and others. A blonde with a sunny attitude. A brunette dressed like a traffic cone. A dozen girls in sailor schoolgirl outfits.

"Come on, poi!"

Before she can object, she is dragged along, the young girl stronger than she looks. All of it screams wrong, lies, damnation. Others dressed like the blonde sit beyond the railroad tracks at the river, tended to by someone she thinks is an angel at first, until she sees that halo turn into a headband, and the robes into a miko dress.

Kongou. The queen of the freaks. A woman who creepily lusts after an Admiral, and who is one step away from becoming the Joker. Cathy knows the stories, and knows the woman's personality is unlikely to be part of that act, merely a convenience. Her 'sisters' were allegedly just as nuts, too.

"Normally I don't care for iced tea, deesu, but on a hot day like this, I think we can all use some!"

She is surrounded by them, those who tear those closest to her away. She sees one stand over her father's grave, somehow on the other side of the river. Another embraces her mother. Ashigara leads Jimmy back inside.


"Is something wrong, deesu?"


"It's okay, poi!"

"No it isn't!"

"Please, just join us."

"I won't!"

"We want to help you."


She feels them surround her, and she feels herself encased in steel, no doubt her casket. They speak more lies, and yet why do they not taunt her? Why do they act so friendly? She fights back. She knows that friendly is not always good. But they stand firm, and she feels her bones break as she punches and kicks, desperate to flee—

Cathy awoke with a start, unsure just what she bore witness to. She was surrounded, forced into the madness that had gripped everyone. Her racing heart, her heaving chest, all of it once again was taking forever to calm down.

She couldn't go outside, not with half a foot of snow still on the ground. Even under her blankets, she could still faintly feel the cold from outside.

That dream of hers… all of those women…

She was being dragged into their world, and there wasn't a damned thing she could do. She didn't want to be caught up in their messes. She didn't want to wake up next to some woman who'd keep her in an unbreakable grip. She didn't want to be part of some harem.

And so she silently wept, for this was the beginning of the end.


On the Home Front (Part 4)

Even with countless merchant vessels sunk and much of the Navy having followed, America hasn't allowed itself to take things lying down. The economy may be in a rough state, but recovery isn't impossible. In between emergency naval budget expansions, Congress was able to pass bills expanding and overhauling the American rail networks, keeping thousands employed as new lines are constructed and ones in desperate need of repair are finally tended to. In British Columbia, efforts to construct a paved highway and two-track rail line to Anchorage and Fairbanks are underway, in spite of the exceptionally difficult terrain. The Alaska Railroad has also been ordered to have a double-tracked line wherever possible, but shipping the steel, ballast, and construction equipment is difficult in the face of Abyssal raids. Most people figure they'll only achieve their goal once the lines connecting them to Canada are finished and what's needed shipped up.

In spite of it all, Amtrak was unable to get the funding for its NEC projects, the money instead going towards a dedicated freight line. However, in the wake of the Invasion of Hawaii, Amtrak has found itself incorporated into evacuation plan proposals for New York, Boston, Miami, Washington, Seattle, and Los Angeles. Of course, the question is of how to keep the trains from being bombed, with answers ranging from "Let the Air Force cover them" to attaching modified flatcars with Phalanx mounts or 25mm Bushmasters.

Shipping companies, needless to say, have taken a hit, with many of their workers dead and much of their assets beneath several kilometers of water. Several straight-up went bankrupt, while all Chinese firms vanished with their country. Their containers and remaining ships in the US were seized under Eminent Domain, cleared out, and promptly stuffed with food, medical supplies, and other critical materials for the convoys. Amazon, however, has managed to somehow remain afloat, even with the high risk to any products they ship in from overseas.

On Cathy (Pt 2):

Cathy is desperate to keep her grip on reality as she sees it. Even if she sees a picture of a shipgirl in action, she refuses to admit that she sees a full-size warship and a woman. She thinks that she lost her mind in a different way, that her reality became fragmented, when the truth couldn't be far different.
Omake: Hunt for Graf (Spee)
Hunt for the Abyssal Graf Spee
Part 1

Intrepid smiled softly and hummed herself a tune as she sailed in formation around the convoy. The trip to America had gone smoothly, and nobody had sighted any U-boats. The weather on the trip back to Britain was looking to be worse, but winter storms had never stopped the convoys before.

At the convoy's lead was her big sister Icarus. The older destroyer was dashing about on the seas, her arms spread out wide as she made adorable sounding airplane noises. Intrepid had half a mind to tell off her big sister, since they were still on duty, guarding a convoy of important supplies and all, but she decided not to. Icarus always tried to act so seriously whenever they were on base, and it was nice to see her big sister relaxing and having fun again.

Unfortunately, Intrepid didn't have to tell her sister to stop. "Icarus, stop messing around!" came the harsh shout from Eskimo. Intrepid always thought that the Tribal was much too serious. She may have been bigger than either of the I-class, but that didn't mean she had to be a stick in the mud. There were plenty of cruisers who did that without needing her help.

Besides, nobody had seen any U-boats yet. Icarus should still be allowed to have a little fun, right?

The splash of heavy shells indicated that no, Icarus wasn't allowed to have fun. At the moment, none of them were.

"Intrepid, stay with the convoy! Icarus, with me!" Eskimo commanded suddenly, and the two destroyers veered away, towards the direction that the shells had come from. Intrepid tried to watch what was happening as she maneuvered to the lead position of the rapidly panicking formation, but the action was too far away.

She watched as Icarus and Eskimo fired at something over the horizon, their 4.7" rifles blazing away as they rushed their assailant. Intrepid watched as Eskimo, then Icarus dipped out of sight. She listened as Eskimo was blown away by heavy shells. She could only imagine damage dealt that corresponded with her agonized screams of pain before another salvo brutally silenced her.

Intrepid nervously kept an eye on the lead transport as she listened in on Icarus' battle. She barely heard the SOS call from one of the transports, but was more focused on her sister's fight for her life.

"Trep!" Icarus shouted over comms, the staccato of her guns blazing away in the background. "Get the convoy out of here! She's a panzerschiffe! The G-" Icarus' panicked shout was cut off by a brutal explosion. Intrepid watched in horror as one of her sister's main battery mounts soared skyward, cresting the horizon with a plume of fiery smoke, before plunging back down with a sickening crash.

Terrified by the brutal execution of her divisionmates, Intrepid screamed when the shells began falling amongst the convoy. Her resolve managed to survive the first transport capsizing under the fire from the Abyssal panzerschiffe that she still couldn't see.

The destroyer turned around to try and assist the men as they leapt from the burning ship. But she wasn't a destroyer as she had been. She was a girl, she'd be able to help one, maybe two men.

Halfway through her turn, Intrepid froze, unable to turn away, as she watched burning men fling themselves from the ship's decks, the flames clinging to cloth and skin. She watched as desperate men screamed for release, their skin burning. The transport split in half, and oil spilled out from the middle, quickly catching alight and scarring Intrepid's memory with the sight of men burning in the waves.

When the Abyssal appeared above the horizon, revealing the horribly corrupted visage of a ship far larger, and far more dangerous than her, Intrepid broke and ran.

Exeter paced the docks, waiting for permission to sail out and find the missing convoy. She scowled at the gray clouds hanging low. They'd lost contact with the convoy yesterday afternoon, and if they didn't make contact within the hour, Admiral Stearns had given her permission to go out searching.

It took the heavy cruiser a moment to recognize the shape coming into Portsmouth harbor. A lone destroyer making full steam. She looked heavily damaged too. The destroyer's bridge was ruined, which was a sure sign of a knocked out communications.

A few minutes later, the destroyer came into the harbor, and barely paused to dismiss her rigging before taking off at a sprint onto dry land. Right into Exeter's waiting arms.

"Report, sailor." Exeter ordered.

The destroyer in her arms shook for a moment. "HMS In-Intrepid, reporting. Please d-don't make me go out t-there again."

"Hey, calm down, Intrepid. You're safe here." The cruiser said, her demeanour softening immediately. Exeter kneeled down in front of Intrepid to inspect her. The damage seemed mostly superficial except for the blown away bridge. "Can you tell me what happened?"

"I-it c-came from now-where. It k-killed Eski, a-and Icarus." Intrepid shivered, and Exeter wrapped her in a warm blanket she had prepared for the incoming convoy .

"Can you tell me who did it?" Exeter asked softly. "It's alright if you can't right now."

"She did." Intrepid whispered, "T-the Graf Spee."
I wonder how much trade is going to be done with Central/South America? I would suspect that if they are building a lot of rail lines, getting together with other nations that can get onboard with an expanded rail system would be a pretty good idea...

As a bit of a side note, while my sisters and I were going through stuff to close out my mom's estate, we came across my Grandfather's service records...

...served eight years on the USS Florida, BB-30...

...written up on the USS Florida for hanging his laundry 'topside'...

...assigned USS Antares (AG-10)...

...became Quartermaster...

...Confined 1 day in brig, bread & water only...

...did a stint stateside at the start of WWII...

...assigned USS Merak in '44...

...written up on USS Merak for 'Obscene Language'...

...assigned USS McNair (DD-679) post war as Quartermaster (I found his cruise book too!)...;

...assigned USS Roanoke...

...assigned USS McCloy...

And there are pages and pages of stuff yet to go through...and sometime there is going to be a shipgirl with a rather salty faerie at the helm...
You know shit's real when a sailor gets written up for Obscene Language.

Did you ever meet him? If you did, how do you picture, your image of him with his service records?
You know shit's real when a sailor gets written up for Obscene Language.

Did you ever meet him? If you did, how do you picture, your image of him with his service records?

I never got to meet him since he passed when I was five. There are pictures of us together when I was a baby still, but I have no memory of him...

When I showed it to my oldest sister she was shocked to see it because he never said an unkind word around her. I do miss not knowing him, not just because he is family, but also because he lived through a lot of history...and my only tie left to that time is my uncle.

"The hell do you mean 'Richardson sent chibis to your house!?'"

Well now, This first bit here means just all sorts of fun times await Cathy.
"Isn't that a resort?" Myoukou asked.

Oh Myoukou you sweet summer child, you've never know what the Crazy house is, and my sincerest hope is that you never experience it.

I felt Ashigara put her hand on me. She was starting to become aware that I didn't like to be touched too much, especially with no warning. The sensation of her fingers slowly pressing against my back practically sent a shock through me. "What is it?" I asked, turning my head around.

"What exactly is going on with your sister?"

on one hand it is good to see that Ashigara is becoming aware of what her Future Husband does and doesn't like. It is also very good to see that she's trying her best to help him anyway she can.

But on the other hand, that singular question there just opened the floodgates and oh dear oh my I can already see what the mess this will bring will be.

"As a matter of fact, yes," Myoukou replied, before dashing into their room. She popped out a minute or so later, a short stretch that felt like an eternity. "I know she has difficulty…" she took a deep, measured breath. "…dealing with the nature of this war? Is that correct?"

She grabbed a shot glass and filled it, handing it to me. She said it was rum, spiced with something. I put the glass to my lips and tipped back, feeling the hard sting of the alcohol going down, followed by that nice, fuzzy warmth of a good drink. Thank god the legal age was 20 around these parts.

"An understatement if I've heard one," I remarked, taking a deep breath. "Cathy's a long story, but the short of it is that she dealt with a lot, and then the War happened."

Yeah I can relate with James here about having a drink before talking about heavy stuff.

I nodded. "The funny thing is, she saw what was on the TV. She saw those images of pre-dreads ripping our carriers to shreds, and it did something to her. She refused to believe that was what was happening, and she still does."

This bit here and the bit before hand about the family drama. The latter I can easily see how it can push someone to the edge, personally I've experienced something similar regarding family drama and I had felt like I was gonna go nuts before it was over.

Poor Cathy here got driven to the edge and then seeing what she saw just threw her clear over the edge. Still though this a good look at what Blood week was like, I didn't quite realize that there was images, newsfootage even of the carriers getting shredded by abyssal pre-dreads during blood week. Though then again considering this day and age I really should have expected that.

A silence fell upon the room with the dropping of that bombshell. The three women were either trying not to drop their jaws to the floor, or were picking them up. "Yeah," I said. "And every shipgirl is but a cosplayer, too, before you ask."

"She…" Myoukou gulped, her hand shaking as she removed her glasses. "…thinks we're actresses?"

"And that Ashigara is desperate, and will likely ditch me for some other man the first chance she gets."

I can't stress enough just how bad it is denying reality can be for Cathy, but everybody knows this. However for to believe that about shipgirls, and that opinion about Ashigara. While I did know it prior from the previous chapter I still involuntarily winced when I see James mention it to all of them. Like ouch, Cathy yer in mondo trouble now girl! The only way it could get worse if she ended up doing something to make Jane Richardson cry.

I could feel her fuming behind me, shells being loaded into the breeches and rifles being removed from their racks. "She thinks my love for you is fake!?" Ashigara barked, before huffing and puffing behind me. She was about ready to blow my house down, but could she sail up the Cuyahoga and get in range, though?

I'm curious to know whether the latter sound is the little clicks of fairy sized rifles removed from racks or the clangs of full size rifles being removed from their racks. Either way, YIKES! Angry wolf is fucking terrfying, because I can't help but imagine her eyes have a red tint to them right now and may or not be glowing.

Myoukou and Haguro stepped over, eyes no doubt going wide at my sister's texts. "It is clear that we need to have a little chat with this girl," Myoukou growled. "Nobody should so blatantly insult our honor, or insinuate that not one of us deserves happiness."

"You realize that she has issues, right?" I objected. "My mother's been trying to help her through them. It's going to be bad enough once Jane's little surprise arrives on the front door, or hell, even the backyard if she's pulled some rather bizarre strings."

"Backyard?" Haguro asked.

"Railroad line runs past there, probably sees much higher traffic these days."

"I was told that was how they were being shipped, actually," Myoukou said.

I froze. The poor bastards tasked with delivering what was undoubtedly priority cargo were in for a bad time.

Please don't hurt the Cathy when you have a word with her. She's just extremely troubled and needs serious help! Still though, Good for James to object to what could have easily been a long walk off a short pier for Cathy. The reveal by James about the railroad running past his backyard probably helped cool the Myoukou's from their war path. Maybe.

Though for the people deliverying the priority cargo, what exactly is meant by them being in for a bad time? My first guess would be how Cathy would react to seeing them bringing it up to the front door of the Hunter homestead. However a second thought crossed my mind, Jane sent smols, which means MSSB and last I checked Smols aren't content with staying still. They'll get up and go on walk abouts, which will cause the people tasked with bringing those smols to James' house will have a hella time making sure the package doesn't lose it self.

Holding the door open, a creature many would call a smaller, more adorable version of Haruna waved the others out. Food and playing cards could only get them so far, especially with the trip slower than anticipated.

The rush of the wind, and the grinding of steel on steel filled the air, while the skies above were painted brilliant shades of orange, gold, and red. It was a shame her full-size counterpart wasn't here to appreciate it. A sudden rush of sound caught her attention, a quick line of silver with bright lights passing by in a split second. They were going so fast, and she couldn't help but wonder how Shimakaze was feeling.

"Au!" Cried the small destroyer, falling off the side of the box. Haruna could see Yuudachi and Shigure helping her up, before dashing out.

Their first view of the American sky, and it was beautiful. None of their counterparts could get this far inland without ill effects, but they were fine, even if they felt a little out of place. Their surroundings were completely dry, nothing but sand and mountains in the distance. The sight of it all gave them just a small inkling of just how huge America was, and just how far off their destination lay.


Somewhere in the distance, she could see the lights of some town, shining more brightly as the sun slowly dipped towards the horizon. Flashing red lights zipped by, alongside another train, loaded with shipping containers, bearing labels in English such as 'Hub Group' or 'CMA CGM.' Each was no doubt packed with food and other goods, to be loaded onto container ships and doggedly sent across a hostile sea towards a country on the constant brink of starvation.

The sheer number, each double-stacked, caused the jaws of every chibi to drop to the floor of the train car they rode. The stacks upon stacks of shipping containers, with all sorts of colors and markings, never seemed to end. Only small gaps between each train car offered them a glimpse of the land beyond, and the only thing that broke up the endless line was a pair of locomotives, perhaps marking a halfway point in the train. Even as fast as they travelled, the containers kept coming, until finally, after what seemed like an eternity, they saw clear land, and only a blinking red light receding into the distance.


The others were silent, having borne witness to what several years ago was considered business as usual.

The group began their climb onto the top of the container, hoping to get a good vantage point for their trip. The tan-colored box of corrugated steel had been given refrigeration, no doubt because of their surroundings. The motor could be seen on the opposite end, humming away and keeping their temporary home cooled.

A few cars ahead, they could see the locomotives, three painted orange and black, and lights shining brightly from the cabs. Behind them were several cars loaded with damaged tanks, no doubt from previous battles with Abyssal ground forces. The train stretched even longer still, with what Haruna could make out as trucks, trailers, and more containers as they rounded a curve.

The details grew harder to make out, as the sun finally dipped below the western horizon, the once-vivid colors growing duller and darker with night setting in. The group sat down, taking a moment to appreciate the calm, in spite of the breeze kicked up. It was still amazing, though, especially as the stars finally began to shine. There was barely a light in their area, and it wasn't long before the clouds and countless stars of the Milky Way made their appearance.

The only humans on this train were too preoccupied to appreciate a sight like this. The horrors, and the bravery, seemed so insignificant. But it didn't mean that what was going on didn't matter at all. Their counterparts had a war to win, and they had a troubled soul to soothe.

They had a ways to go, but once they arrived, they would do their best. Anything less was unacceptable.

okay this was heart meltingly adorable. Like seriously, I thought was gonna die from cuteness overload here. A great and powerful force has been deployed to soothe a troubled soul. I can only hope that they find success in the Herculean task that lays ahead of them.

I must say very well done with painting the mental picture of that sunset. I could literally close my eyes and see exactly what I believe those fairies saw. Its a crying shame that their full-size counter parts can't see scenes like this themselves.

Karen Hunter was awoken by the sound of her phone buzzing, sonar pings indicating that the call was from her son. Something must've happened if he was calling at this kind of hour.

I like how in this scene Karen does her best to keep the conversation private. She's a good mom, and I'll bet that some ship girls will ask her for advice on how to mom sooner or later... though if its our hungry wolf that asks for it. I hope its after she's tied the mooring line with James. Otherwise she'll be dealing a possibly super angry mama, and that wouldn't end well for our wolf.

She heard him curse under his breath. "Language, James."

"I'm a sailor, mom. I think I get to swear like one," he pouted.

"Not when I'm around, James," Karen countered. Even he could get stubborn, though it only happened in situations like this, when something was on the line. "Anyway," she took a deep breath. "I've been doing everything I can to help Cathy, but the only way she's going to accept things at this rate is by facing it. Would you rather she face the enemy directly?"

James, Rule #3 of life, you never fully get the license to swear in front of your parents, even during a phone call, at best they tolerate you saying a certain amount before they smack ya.

Karen's got a point though, far better for Cathy to face things with a shipgirl instead of a direct encounter with the enemy.

"That's what I'm trying to prevent, mom!" He shouted. "She saw them on TV and it broke her! What happens if a cruiser force penetrates the Saint Lawrence? What happens if gunboats sail up the Cuyahoga and right to our house? I've heard stories from the Marines who were on Woody Island. The things they say they saw, mom…"

James, I do understand your feelings and fears here. Pefectly so, but you're not there to deal with her every day. Your mother is, let her do her job.

Still though, I am, morbidly curious to what all the marines saw on Woody Island. I mean we've seen a good bit in-story thus far, but I just know there's a fair amount of grisly details we don't know about. It actually makes me wonder how many Marines who helped retake Woody are still mentally fit for duty. I can't imagine that the sights they must've seen had been kind to their psyche.

"Let me know about what?" She heard Cathy ask behind her...

Just this whole part here and further down, Poor Cathy, she really can't bring herself to accept what's going on even if the evidence of it ends up staring her in the face. Its a damn good thing that Jane is sending Fairies to help Cathy accept the truth of the situation. Because if she had to confront reality via abyssal attack... she'd irreparably break from it.

"Gee, maybe it's because nukes are a thing!?"

Cathy... Do you even understand what MAD is? If anyone used nukes, there wouldn't be anything left. Not really save for the grips of a long lasting Nuclear winter and whatever survived the firestorm. Your mom's right, you can't cover that crap up. Its literially impossible to do. 60 to maybe as late as forty years ago. You could, but in this day and age? Nope.

Another low sigh escaped her. There was no winning this. "Just go to bed. We'll deal with this tomorrow."

I do feel for Karen, Poor woman has so much crap to deal with its a damn miracle she hasn't snapped under the strain yet. I sincerely hope that she gets some much needed relief soon. And I pray that Cathy gets some measure of relief too, but not the brand she subscribes to. Nyet, the kind that'll come when she finally accepts the truth and apologizes for the harm she's done. And then with that, she'll find family, not just her mother and brother, but her (likely) soon to be sisters-in-law to help her heal. I look forward to this possibility, and I pray for it to happen.

Everything is bright, surreally so, but she is okay with it. Everyone is happy. Everyone is together. Her brother is assembling models with their father, and their mother is on a lounge chair, flipping through a book. And amidst all of it, her friends are there, too. It all seems fine, normal, even.

She feels warmth, comfort, and joy because of it. Everyone is together. Everyone is safe. She sees both sides of her family, hugging, talking, and eating. She smiles, for she knows that this is right, the way things are supposed to be.

"Is everything, like, alright, poi?"

The voice takes her focus away. A girl whose hair sports strange mats, and a voice almost like a squeaky toy. She scratches her head, before turning around. Her brother is no longer making models with their dad. He's with that bitch, the one with the wavy brown hair and the headband. Another, with short, raven-black hair stands behind them, an almost nervous look on her face. Another one of the liars. Ashigara and Haguro.

Her friends are gone, replaced by more of the liars, the actors, the cosplayers. Her dad's side of the family is replaced by a man in a Navy uniform and that woman. The one who called herself Mutsu. She sees a young girl chasing a pair of even younger ones around, and they seem happy, but it's all part of the lie.

Her mother's is replaced by an office lady and some woman with an incredibly long side ponytail, and others. A blonde with a sunny attitude. A brunette dressed like a traffic cone. A dozen girls in sailor schoolgirl outfits.

"Come on, poi!"

Before she can object, she is dragged along, the young girl stronger than she looks. All of it screams wrong, lies, damnation. Others dressed like the blonde sit beyond the railroad tracks at the river, tended to by someone she thinks is an angel at first, until she sees that halo turn into a headband, and the robes into a miko dress.

Kongou. The queen of the freaks. A woman who creepily lusts after an Admiral, and who is one step away from becoming the Joker. Cathy knows the stories, and knows the woman's personality is unlikely to be part of that act, merely a convenience. Her 'sisters' were allegedly just as nuts, too.

"Normally I don't care for iced tea, deesu, but on a hot day like this, I think we can all use some!"

She is surrounded by them, those who tear those closest to her away. She sees one stand over her father's grave, somehow on the other side of the river. Another embraces her mother. Ashigara leads Jimmy back inside.


"Is something wrong, deesu?"


"It's okay, poi!"

"No it isn't!"

"Please, just join us."

"I won't!"

"We want to help you."


She feels them surround her, and she feels herself encased in steel, no doubt her casket. They speak more lies, and yet why do they not taunt her? Why do they act so friendly? She fights back. She knows that friendly is not always good. But they stand firm, and she feels her bones break as she punches and kicks, desperate to flee—

Okay this entire sequence here makes me think about a prior theory i had, about MSSB striking back the more and more you tried to deny its existence. This entire dream sequence just reinforces that theory. Don't try fighting it Cathy, you will only hurt yourself and possibly those you love too if you try to keep fighting a battle that cannot be won. MSSB has cometh for ye, let it in, it will not hurt you. It wants to heal you girl, just lay back and let it happen, set boundaries if you must. but let it in, and your soul will be healed.

That's what I think anyways, now who's channeling this MSSB into her dream... maybe it herself unconsciously, the part of her that on some level accepts what her reality has become. Maybe its the one who's sent her Fairies unconsciously channeling some other aspect of her power to try and tell Cathy to accept how things are now in her sleep.

Overall this was a very interesting dream sequence even if it was a nightmare for her.

Cathy awoke with a start, unsure just what she bore witness to. She was surrounded, forced into the madness that had gripped everyone. Her racing heart, her heaving chest, all of it once again was taking forever to calm down.

She couldn't go outside, not with half a foot of snow still on the ground. Even under her blankets, she could still faintly feel the cold from outside.

That dream of hers… all of those women…

She was being dragged into their world, and there wasn't a damned thing she could do. She didn't want to be caught up in their messes. She didn't want to wake up next to some woman who'd keep her in an unbreakable grip. She didn't want to be part of some harem.

Yes Cathy, there isn't a thing you could do about it, well there is, and that's to accept it. Life will become much easier if you do. You ain't gonna end up in a Harem, this isn't that kind of story.

now whether or not if she does end up with a shipgirl remains to be seen, I personally don't think it'll happen but who knows what'll happen.

Though she certainly has one thing right, if a shipgirl wanna cuddle ya, you ain't breaking out of her grip. Either from her super human strength, or from the equally likely possibility that you've been tied up Gulliver's travels style by her fairies, except yer tied to the girl with fairy sized mooring lines.

On the Home Front (Part 4)

Even with countless merchant vessels sunk and much of the Navy having followed, America hasn't allowed itself to take things lying down. The economy may be in a rough state, but recovery isn't impossible. In between emergency naval budget expansions, Congress was able to pass bills expanding and overhauling the American rail networks, keeping thousands employed as new lines are constructed and ones in desperate need of repair are finally tended to. In British Columbia, efforts to construct a paved highway and two-track rail line to Anchorage and Fairbanks are underway, in spite of the exceptionally difficult terrain. The Alaska Railroad has also been ordered to have a double-tracked line wherever possible, but shipping the steel, ballast, and construction equipment is difficult in the face of Abyssal raids. Most people figure they'll only achieve their goal once the lines connecting them to Canada are finished and what's needed shipped up.

In spite of it all, Amtrak was unable to get the funding for its NEC projects, the money instead going towards a dedicated freight line. However, in the wake of the Invasion of Hawaii, Amtrak has found itself incorporated into evacuation plan proposals for New York, Boston, Miami, Washington, Seattle, and Los Angeles. Of course, the question is of how to keep the trains from being bombed, with answers ranging from "Let the Air Force cover them" to attaching modified flatcars with Phalanx mounts or 25mm Bushmasters.

Shipping companies, needless to say, have taken a hit, with many of their workers dead and much of their assets beneath several kilometers of water. Several straight-up went bankrupt, while all Chinese firms vanished with their country. Their containers and remaining ships in the US were seized under Eminent Domain, cleared out, and promptly stuffed with food, medical supplies, and other critical materials for the convoys. Amazon, however, has managed to somehow remain afloat, even with the high risk to any products they ship in from overseas.

Okay I really liked this part here, not only because it shows even more of the home front situation. But also because it tells us that there has been Abyssal raids up around Alaska. Furthermore I love seeing how a major railway company is playing a part of evacuation plans for major cities. I furthermore like how they try to address the pressing question of how to keep the trains from being bombed, and I think a combination of the two ends of the spectrum shown for the range of answers should be followed.
Because at the end of the day, saving money really doesn't matter if everyone's dead. What matters is keeping people alive and safe as possible from air attack. Though what stops a heavy from closing in and just shelling the rail lines... well I guess the Defensive lines would help with that and so would steel hulls and ship girls.

and its a natural thing to see that many shipping companies have taken heavy or catastrophic hits because of the war. Really it doesn't come as a surprise, not at all. Nor is it a surprise that the remaining ships and assets in the US of the vanished Chinese firms were seized and repurposed for the war effort.

Honestly, it doesn't surprise me that Amazon has managed to stay afloat. It really doesn't they don't really have a truly centralized distribution network that is almost completely dependent on sea travel per say. The general decentralized nature of Amazon is what has allowed it to survive where's so many other didn't. Though I do image that buying items from over seas costs a premium and a half. Just because of the risks.

Cathy is desperate to keep her grip on reality as she sees it. Even if she sees a picture of a shipgirl in action, she refuses to admit that she sees a full-size warship and a woman. She thinks that she lost her mind in a different way, that her reality became fragmented, when the truth couldn't be far different.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. The sooner Cathy accepts what she's seeing, the better off she'll be. Lord knows that if she acts like she does now infront of a battleship it won't end well.
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"Trep!" Icarus shouted over comms, the staccato of her guns blazing away in the background. "Get the convoy out of here! She's a panzerschiffe! The G-" Icarus' panicked shout was cut off by a brutal explosion. Intrepid watched in horror as one of her sister's main battery mounts soared skyward, cresting the horizon with a plume of fiery smoke, before plunging back down with a sickening crash.

Now Call me crazy if you must. But if I had to hazard a guess to which shell type was used to kill Icarus, I would bet that it was HE striking somewhere amidships. Because AP for gun caliber Graf Spee had would just pass through without really cooking off anything to make an explosion like what we see here.

HE shells on the other hand, with German Fusing? That would penatrate just far enough in that when it blows up, It'd cook off anything that it was near. Hence forth why we see Icarus' turret fly up in the air as her main magazines and quite possibly her torpedoes were cooked off all at once. Its the kind of thing that'd produce a violent enough explosion to send a turret, even for a ship as small as a destroyer, that high up in the air.

Terrified by the brutal execution of her divisionmates, Intrepid screamed when the shells began falling amongst the convoy. Her resolve managed to survive the first transport capsizing under the fire from the Abyssal panzerschiffe that she still couldn't see.

While its quite possible that the abyssal panzerschiffe here can visually see the Ships of the Convoy optically, I have a strong feeling that its using its radar. Because this is an Abyssal Graf Spee , which means it'll have the FMG G(gO) "Seetakt" set for radar. And my bet is that its the later version instead of the earlier version given that this monster was able to hit with relative accuracy against targets from over the Horizon. Now whether or not if its actually a bit more advance and tied to its guns...I'll remain on the fence for that, but I won't rule it out. After all we've seen that the abyssal are evolving on a more or less general level and we yet have any idea of how long this monster has been roaming the waves.

Though then again, the optical vantage a Destroyer will have will always be lacking in comparison to a cruiser of any kind. Even if that cruiser is actually a pocket battleship.

though I do feel sorry for HMS intrepid, poor girl has seen hell and what (to her anyways) is the devil. She's gonna need all the hugs from Exeter, and I do suspect that she'll have nightmares of seeing men burn at Sea. Its not a sight that is easy to remove from one's mind. And it won't surprise me either if she's got some measure of self-loathing for running away and leaving the Convoy to its fate. Of not trying to help the men that ended up burning. Among other things, she'll probably always ask herself if there was anything she could have done to save her Division mates, or the Convoy. Trauma like that will leave nasty mental scars that may not ever fully heal.

As for Abyssal Graf Spee? She's only going to become much more dangerous the next time we see her. Since she's sunk two destroyer ship girls, and a Convoy. If the trend we saw with Abyssmarck was anything to go by, then Abyss Spee will have a demon or two with her when we next see her. Or she's become even more deadly than she was already. Or worst of all, some combination of both.

What ultimately comes of it though, like all things, remains to be seen. However the outlook is quite foreboding.
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I've said it before and I'll say it again. The sooner Cathy accepts what she's seeing, the better off she'll be. Lord knows that if she acts like she does now infront of a battleship it won't end well.

In New Orleans:

Cathy: So now I am supposed to believe that this cosplayer you're dating is actually a Japanese ship from world war two? And her short, fat, friend here is a (laughs scoffingly) battleship?

Pennsy: I can't believe I let myself be put under house arrest and then be sent as you people's chaperone just to listen to this B.S! (grabs Cathy by the shoulders and picks her up) I hope you can swim. (Tosses her in the Mississippi)

Ashigara: I will save you, my soon to be sister! (Jumps in after her)

Karen: What the hell? Are you insane?

Pennsy: YES! (Stomps away)
Omake: Doggos!
Well like I said, here's the third installment of the 'An Officer and his Dogs' omake series. This took longer to write out than I thought it would. this also ended uo being quite a bit longer than I originally intented it to be.

Omake: An Officer and his Dogs part 3.


William awoke gently, the first few things he noticed right away was that there were roughly eight warm things around him. He realized he was on one of the couches that were in the main room of the PT Barracks. He could feel the cold blast of the AC on his face, yet he knew that he was sweating, and had been for some time now. In the Diffuse lighting of the room, he looked around and saw what the cause for the contradiction in temperature was. The eight PT Corgis of the daytime patrol were gathered around him on the couch in a cuddle puddle and he was the center of it.

In the diffuse darkness, a smile cracked across the Lieutenant's face. Though as he also became aware of damp he was from sweating he started to stir. Though he did give the nearest dog some rubs on the side of their face. "Thank you, for watching over me last night; but can Y'all let me up now? I need to shower something fierce." William said with a small chuckle.

A small flurry noises followed as the PT Boats obeyed the Lieutenant's request, from the soft almost unnoticeable jingles of dog tags lightly tapping against the metal loops that helped secure their collars, to the muted click-clack of the Corgis nails tapping against the tile of the Barracks floor as they jumped down from the couch, and much more muted pitta-pat of the dogs' footfalls as they moved across the floor to give the Lieutenant room to stand up and stretch.

When Lieutenant Corgi finished his quick little stretch, he looked at the glow dial of his wristwatch to see what time it currently was; it was 0340, just a little over half an hour before he was supposed to wake up. 'Well, can't complain about waking early this time.' he thought to himself as he looked around the main room with his dark-adjusted eyes.

It took a moment, but he noticed something was off with one of the chairs at the table where the support staff would have meetings, eat breakfast, every now and again play poker at. A sixth sense of sorts went off at the back of William's mind. Never being one to ignore such a feeling, he fished his phone out of his pocket and found the flashlight app.

Though it did ruin his night vision, the bright LED light did confirm his suspicion that one of the chairs was left slightly crooked from what it normally was. A bit of further inspection of the legs showed some light teeth marks that weren't there before. He also noticed a small scuff mark leading to the Barracks door, and curious teeth-mark like dents and scratches on the doorknob.

The Lieutenant raised an eyebrow at this, it wasn't particularly often that the PT Corgis went and sneaked out of the building. He reminded himself to keep a keen eye for any clues as to what one of the dogs sneaked out for, and then determine whether or not if he needed to brace himself towards having an email waiting for him in his inbox sometime later today.

Now though he shuddered as the AC, a frosty 65 degrees for the comfort of the PT boats, was able to direct its chilly hold on his damp uniform and body. "Right, I need a shower," Corgi said to himself as he suppressed another shiver. Seeing that his small suitcase was still off to the side of the door; where he had left it when he had arrived here yesterday. The Lieutenant picked it up and carried it over to one of the spare rooms. He figured it'd be another day or so before LTJG Jackson's personal effects were removed from the CO's quarters and thus freed up the room for whomever it would be that'd come and take his place.

So instead of using the CO's quarters and its standalone bathroom to wash up, William entered the empty XO's quarters, which when he was originally stationed in New Orleans, used to be Clayton's room. The fact that there was a fairly thick layer of dust on the top of the empty dresser meant that no one had gone into the room since Clayton and the rest of William's support staff was transferred over to Port Fourchon some two months ago. For the time being, the Lieutenant would make this room his quarters.

Setting his suitcase on the dresser, William stripped and headed for the quarter's shower. He liked showering with the water just a few degrees below its hottest setting. It helped eased the tension that built up in his muscles from the stress his job had, or after he had spent more than a good part of the day running around with the dogs.

Fresh from his shower William quietly reveled in the softness of the towel he dried off with. Though as he dried off his back his eye twitched just slightly as the sensation of the towel dulled and then abruptly ceased as he reached the very bottom of his back. At least the transition area nowadays when he dried off his was just merely uncomfortable to touch, instead of it being searing painful as it had been when he had been released from the hospital a little over two and half years ago.

Giving a small shake of his head to push aside the memories of the recovery period he went through before he was allowed to be on the front lines again, William wrapped the towel around his waist and exited the bathroom of his quarters to get dressed for the day. It didn't take him very long to get most mostly dressed, though before he put his T-shirt on over his head, he looked at his image in the mirror. In particularly at the two marks on his left side, one was roughly the size a silver dollar and stretched across two ribs. The other mark though, it began a few inches above the bottom of his ribs and ended towards the middle of them.

Allowing his shirt to slide down to his wrists, William touched the second, angrier mark on his side with the fingers of his right hand, lightly tracing the slightly curved path the trench of the larger scar with his fingertips. "I still don't know how the hell I lived through that day..." He quietly spoke to no one but himself.

He closed his eyes for just a moment, but at that moment he could still see it. The two twisted pieces of steel sticking out of his side, the flak vest underneath the life jacket he had been wearing being the only thing that stopped those twisted pieces of metal from killing him outright. The sensation of finding it nearly impossible to draw a breath, and nigh blinding pain when he did manage to force in a full breath. This and much more swirled through the forefront of his mind for that brief moment.

Then he opened his eyes again, and the moment passed, the memories that came with that moment were back where they belonged, as far away from the front of his mind as he could push them. Taking a deep breath, and being thankful for being able to do the action without pain, William threw his T-shirt on and then finished getting dressed. His watch showed that it was 0415.

As Lieutenant Corgi opened the door to exit his quarters, he met a rather nervous looking Pfc Sandbar on the other side of the door. "Uh sir, I have some bad news to give." Sandbar said to his superior, bracing for what was to come.

"What is it Sandbar? It better be something important." Corgi asked the marine, he was prepared to go through the routine he went through when Petty Officer Third Class Simon Lake had joined his team.

"The Barracks pantry is all out of Coffee Sir." Sandbar said with a dreadful tone.

Corgi blinked a couple times in confusion. "Are we really out of Coffee Sandbar?" He asked him, in a way that sounded like he couldn't believe what he had just heard.

"I'm afraid so sir. I checked everywhere." The marine answered honestly.

'Oh Hell no.' Was Corgi's only thought at the situation. His surprised expression morphed into a scowl which made Raphael flinch ever so slightly. "Well, guess we'll have to head over to the base mess hall to get coffee and a bite to eat on the go. We've got time, and I sure the dogs will behave themselves until we're back." William said with a hint of resignation.

"Are you certain that's a wise idea, Sir?" Raphael said with a palpable measure of unease. William couldn't blame him for that unease, but he gave the marine a curt nod.

"Yes Sandbar, but that's only because I know the dogs won't do any funny business since I'm the acting CO here, right?" The Lieutenant said to Sandbar, though the last word was accompanied by his gaze shifting down to the PT Corgi that had crept up to the two to listen in.

William was amused when the dog straightened up like a precision milled ramrod. Head up, eyes forward, ears pointed straight ahead and its short tail stood at exactly 55 degrees, the dog raised its front paw as high as it could without disturbing the rest of its stance. It was what the Lieutenant long ago realized was the PT boat version of a salute since the dogs didn't have the anatomy to give a proper Navy Salute.

"See Raphael, they won't misbehave, but we better hurry, because they will try to sortie themselves if we're late. And take it from me, the mess that gets generated from that is a nightmare and a half to clean up." The Lieutenant said with a grave voice as the marine stepped aside to allow him through, before following hot on his heels. There was Coffee to be had, and they didn't have time to take the scenic route, though they didn't have to run yet either.

Raphael Sandbar was many things, tall however wasn't one of them being all of 5'6" in height. He found himself almost breaking out into a jog to keep up the Lieutenant's brisk walk, then again though, the Lieutenant towered over him at an impressive 6'2". Lieutenant Corgi just simply had a much longer stride than he did. Though Sandbar couldn't help but notice that Corgi seemed to be thinner than he should be given how loose his NWU jacket seemed to hang around his neck. As if though the Lt burned off far more than he took in more often than not.

William for his part, walked across the base with Raphael at a brisk clip in the predawn hours as he mulled over what it could have been that one of PT Corgis sneaked out for last night. His legs moved on autopilot as his mind thought of and almost as quickly discarded different ideas at what it could have been. He needed to figure it out sooner rather than later, just in case if it was something that was going cause him headaches later.

It was when they were passing one of the buildings where the K-blimps liked to laze about that Corgi heard the salty, aggravated gravelly voice of an MCPO, Corgi knew it had to be an MCPO, few people had such equal measures of salt, gravel, and at times barely restrained anger for the crap they're dealing with in their voices as MCPO's did. "For fucks sake where did this fucking cat get a fish this goddamn big anyways and why do they always leave these fucking things around like their some kind of goddamn present?!" The voice more or less roared out in frustration from the roof of the building.

Hearing the calm peace of the slowly waking naval base be shattered by the old sailor's fury made Lieutenant Corgi raise an eyebrow, he knew K-blimps behavior, if only because they got into enough scuffles with the PT Boats that he had to spend some of his precious time observing the damn floating cats to figure out when they were likely to start shit with his dogs.

And from those long-ago observations, William knew that the cats were rather lazy creatures, they would hunt, as all cats do. But they usually went for more easy pickings, or just floated down and stole some fisherman's catch from time to time. He and Sandbar had made it a few dozen yards past the building that had a fuming MCPO on its roof when he spotted something, a fish head, a big fish head that was partially eaten and laying on the pavement.

Despite its state, William could gauge that the fish had to have been 25 pounds at least, something that was a fair bit more troublesome than what a K-blimp would be willing to put up with for a fishy snack. William briefly regarded the fish head and then moved on towards the mess hall, which was now coming into sight. He had a very good idea now though what happened last night. But the reasons behind it, he couldn't discern the why though. And that worried him more than he was willing to admit.

Regardless though, He was going to have words with the PT Corgis after he gets some coffee and a quick bite to eat on the go.

While there were a few early risers in the mess hall, it was mostly empty. William did spot a pair of ship girls sitting at one table, destroyers from the looks of it, their cruiser minder must've been somewhere in line still. However William didn't dwell on the fact, rather he moved with an appreciable amount grace despite not having a drop of caffeine in his system.

Though because he had no caffeine in him currently and he was in deep, brooding thought about what one of his PT Boats could have been doing with a K-blimp that ended with the PT corgi giving one of the floating cats a fish. Lieutenant William Wallace Corgi had a most terrifying expression on his face, one that brokered no argument and demanded answers to questions even if the Lt didn't ask any.

But William wasn't thinking about any of that, rather he was thinking of gulping down as much of the life-giving black elixir as possible. While he might have been able to worry about what it was that one of his dogs were doing at night without Coffee, he knew he'd barely able to do much of anything else without it. Occasionally he dunked a donut he had grabbed from the line into the coffee before wolfing it down so he'd be able to say he ate something this morning.

He realized that he had utterly drained his coffee mug by the time he got to end of the line. Taking a moment to wolf down some sausage links and finish off the last donut he had picked up before he took care of his tray and doubled back for more coffee.

The fact that Corgi didn't sit down at all for the five and a half minutes he was in the mess hall before he left it with a refiled coffee mug in one hand and a bagel in the other may have been very strange to some people. Others though would have rationalized it as being par the course for someone who had perhaps too much work and not enough help to get it all done. Most however might have been silently thankful that the heavy and perhaps intimidating aura that was hanging around the LT was gone now.

Raphael Sandbar was just plain confused as he got out of the mess line with coffee and a breakfast burrito. He was right behind the Lt and yet the man somehow blurred on ahead and out of mess hall before the marine had finished going through the line. "How the hell does he move that fast without running?" Raphael said quietly to himself before someone spoke up behind him.

"That's because William has spent a long time with the PT Corgis. Kinda have to be fast to keep up with those dogs. Especially if you think they're up to mischief of some sort." Spoke the familiar voice of Lieutenant Gallow. Sandbar did not jump forward slightly with a squeak of surprise. He just merely stepped forward involuntarily and turned around on the heel of his combat boots.

"Save the formality marine, you don't need it right this moment," Gallow spoke preemptively to Sandbar as the latter downed a quarter of his coffee in one go to wash down the hearty bite he took out of his burrito.

"Yes, sir." Sandbar said more on reflex than conscious thought after he swallowed the bite. "Is he always like this?" Sandbar asked Gallow as he took another bite.

"Not particularly. Listen, you might wanna hurry along back to him Marine, something tells me he's gonna need your help." Gallow said as he sat down at a table and took a lazy bite out of an egg and bacon sandwich.

Sandbar gave Gallow a nod as he finished off his coffee and burrito before put up the tray and mug and then hurry out the door.


When Lieutenant Corgi entered the PT Boat Barracks, the dogs quickly gathered round, but the glare on the Lieutenant's face didn't let up. "Alright, which one of you snuck out last night and why?" He asked them in a manner that wasn't too dissimilar to a father asking his kids why they came home late.

Instantly all the Corgis started to look around, occasionally they'd meet William's hard inquisitively stare before looking away, all except one. It didn't take William long to notice that one dog didn't even look him in the eye all at. 'So they're the one' he thought to himself before he picked the PT boat up.

The corgi felt like it was at least ten kilos heavier than its appearance suggested but the Lieutenant barely noticed the weight. "Alright, what did you do?" He asked softly, but with steel hiding behind the soft tone of his words. The dog looked at him for a brief moment, before a fairy crawled out from its collar and told him something with a series of "Heys"

The Lieutenant's face fell a bit and then twisted in confusion and deep concern. "What? Payment for Services rendered? What services? And why did you go to a blimp cat? ... What do you mean I'm better off not knowing! What did you do!?" William said the last part in utter exasperation before he brought the dog a bit closer to his face after the Fairy didn't elaborate further.

"Whatever you did, it better not come back to blow up in my face later, got it? Because if I get in trouble for it, yer fluffy butt will belong to DesDiv17, and word from the scuttlebutt is that they've found some 'amazingly kawaii' costumes sold off base that they wanna put some of y'all in. Maybe I should see if that rumor is true or not." Lieutenant Corgi spoke in a level, matter of fact manner. It wasn't often that he had to talk to the dogs like this, but with everything he had observed since waking up and what the PT boat he was currently holding did say to him. The few ideas of what it could have been that saw this Corgi sneaking out, catching and then giving one of the K-blimps a big fish from the lake last night didn't bode well.

From the frantic "Heys" coming from the fairy balanced on top of the Corgi's head and the small up and down shakes of the head, the Corgi itself gave him. William knew the dog understood him clearly. With that matter settled, he placed the corgi back down and gave it a quick head pat before he started moving to get the Dogs ready for the day.

Pfc Sandbar got walked in through the door just as William started taking out the bags of Dog food.

The rest of their morning would go rather smoothly. Where's elsewhere, a certain Gunnery Sergeant was finding himself in a rather unenviable position.


Gunnery Sergeant Jim Clayton was not having the best of mornings. Not that the dogs were giving him and the PT Corgi support staff of Port Fourchon more of a hassle than normal with getting ready for sortie and the changing of the patrol rotations. That went smoothly. No, it was something infinitely more annoying.

The Fairies of Port Fourchon's PT Corgi night patrol rotation was trolling him, again.

Jim knew they existed, he knew they were around, but for the life of him despite his best attempts, he could never see the little fuckers. Not directly anyway.

Jim also knew that they knew he couldn't see them, or perhaps they simply didn't choose to reveal themselves to him. He honestly didn't know or frankly care about that.

Rather what he did care about was the fact that his Coffee Mug twice now had been moved to a slightly different part of the desk he was sitting at currently. Usually when he briefly looked away to reread part of the post-patrol reports that would be aggregated into an overall report of the night's patrol findings.

Jim didn't have the kind of ability William had to look at a post-patrol report once and be able to transcribe its contents into the overall report. He had to look back at the large postage stamp piece of paper a couple of times to make sure he didn't screw anything up.

Of course, the Fairies would take that moment to move something around on the desk. Whether it was his Coffee mug, a pen, a paperweight or some other small item; not that it was delaying his work, well except for the Coffee. But it only delayed things for as long as it took for him to grab the handle and take another generous sip of the life-giving liquid.

Clayton set the mug down and went to read the next report. Except he noticed that the paper clip holder had been moved closer than it had been before. Clayton sighed and moved it back to where it belonged before he picked up the little report and began transcribing its contents.

For being unable to see the little gremlins, Clayton was glad that he could read and understand the little reports they wrote and left on the desk. Even if it threatened to give him a migraine whenever he tried to figure out how that was possible.

He reached over for the Coffee mug and his hand closed around empty air instead of the mug's handle. He finished transcribing the sentence he was working up before his eyes shot up to where his hand was, and he noticed that the Coffee mug was a few centimeters to the right of it.

"All right ya little shits, I know ya still in here. If Today's the day I finally see one of ya, I'm gonna grab and shake ya like the Corgis do with a new squeaky toy!" Clayton spoke in what amounted to a low bark. He eyed the desk's contents suspiciously, daring for any of the objects on it to move in front of his steely gaze.

When nothing did, he huffed once and got back to work. He went a solid five minutes before a commotion outside tore him away from his task with just one report left to transcribe. "Oh now, what's going on?" Clayton groaned.

"MOTHER FUCKER THEY GOT INTO MY PEANUT BUTTER STASH!" Roared Pfc Ellen before Jim heard a series of swears doppler past the door to the office. Clayton didn't know why, nor did he want to know why, but the woman loved her peanut butter sandwiches and she got rather peeved when there wasn't any Peanut Butter in the Barracks.

Though this was his first time learning that she kept a stash of the stuff somewhere in the Barracks building, from the way the sound of her swears changed pitch as she had passed the door, he guessed Lisa must've kept the stash in her room. Jim sighed and went on to finish transcribing the last patrol report before checking the compiled report one last time. When he saw that nothing was amiss, he sent it up the chain of command.

"William, please get back to us soon. The dogs just have way too much energy lately." Jim said with a sigh as he got up from the desk, the desk normally occupied by the Lt and walked out into the rest of the barracks. Jim would swear that the dogs seemed to be celebratory about something he couldn't even begin to guess at, given the energy which they ran around the main room.

Jim felt in his bones that today was gonna be a long day.


Lieutenant William Corgi had finished compiling the night patrol's post-patrol report early and was now helping Private First Class Sandbar wash the PT Corgis just outside of the Barracks building. He had his NWU sleeves rolled so they wouldn't get soaked. Though this did end up showing a handful of small scars that dotted his arms, scars from his days before the Navy when he raised and trained hunting dogs.

William was very glad that the dogs weren't giving him any trouble with their washes, at least going as far as to not shake off before they got out of the tin tub. Thus he was at best; slightly damp from when the Corgis did shake off before Sandbar had the chance to close the towel around them completely.

William took comfort in the fact that the Corgi he was rinsing off now was the last one. Poor Sandbar had to have been soaked to his boots by now.

Though William didn't notice that a marine was coming closer to his location until they were about 25 yards away, it was only then that William noticed the marine, he rolled down the Sleeves of his NWU's, got up and approached the man. "Can I help you, Marine?"

"This is for you, sir." The marine responded before handing him an envelope. William blinked as he took it and opened it up as the other marine left. As he read what was written a small smile crossed his face just as Raphael came up behind him.

"What is that Sir?" Sandbar asked Corgi rather inquisitively.

"Just something from Admiral Raleigh, He wants to discuss with me about who's gonna replace LTJG Jackson at this posting. Don't worry Raphael; I'll make damn sure that whoever takes over here takes good care of you and the dogs. I'll personally vet Jackson's replacement before I head back to Port Fourchon." William said to the other with a reassuring smile. He noticed that the dogs were acting in a manner that was usually reserved for when they were getting two thick strips of fresh cooked Bacon as a reward for a particularly well-done job.

He didn't think much of it as he went off towards the administration building; the Lieutenant was glad that the Admiral found someone to take over management of the PT Corgis in New Orleans. Though he would ask his superior if he could speak with whoever was going to replace LTJG Jackson before they officially took over the posting and he returned to his posting in Port Fourchon. He wanted to make certain that the mess with Jackson wasn't repeated again.


Gunnery Sergeant Clayton had just finished three and a half hours of washing the PT Corgis of the night patrol rotation with the help of his Marines and Petty Officer Third Class Lake; Sanderson was busy doing maintenance on the PT Boat's Rigging. Washing the PT Corgis was a task and a half itself, given the amount of built-up salt from sea spray that had to be washed from their double coat of fur alone.

When they got covered in mud or something sticky it was even more of a process to get them cleaned up again. Though how exactly did a full half of the dogs of the night patrol rotation end up with blotches of Peanut butter stuck to their fur baffled Clayton to no end.

He tried asking Ellen about what happened but her responses only baffled him further. Well, he couldn't complain too much, the dogs were due for their weekly wash in two days anyway, and the peanut butter debacle helped him get out of washing all the dogs on his own as the price for losing the keep away game two days ago at least.

Though he and everyone else helping him save for Lance Corporal Desmond were drenched with the water the dogs shook off of themselves before they happily leaped into the awaiting dry towels Desmond held out.

Jim would readily admit watching the dogs get dried off was kind of adorable. They looked so happy to be clean and dry, even though he knew that chances are that they'll end up muddy or otherwise messy again sometime soon. Especially if they were going in for scheduled baths soon, much to his dismay.

"Hey Gunny, what with the transport trucks pulling up to the barracks, I don't remember seeing anything about us getting something like that." Sergeant Banks spoke with a confused tone, causing Jim to turn and see that a pair of heavy duty transports was coming their way. Clayton was confused, very confused at the sight because those trucks were normally the kind used to transport ship girls.

The Last time Gunnery Sergeant Clayton had checked, there wasn't any Ship Girls currently assigned to Port Fourchon, nor were any being assigned to it in the immediate future to best of his knowledge. So the Heavy Duty transports pulling up to the PT Boat Barracks confused the hell out of him.

That confusion grew, even more, when he saw people get out of the backs of the trucks, from the looks of their uniforms Clayton could see that these were Army personnel. Eight of them total disembarked from the two trucks carrying with them a sizable suitcase and a large duffel bag each.

Clayton stood up as one of the Army personnel walked up to him. "Are you Gunnery Sergeant Jim Clayton?" The Army trooper asked him with strict professionalism.

"Yes I am, who are you and what's going on here soldier?" Clayton said in response to the man's question. He wanted answers and he wanted them yesterday.

"Sergeant First Class Stacker, we're here to manage the PT Boats stationed here." Stacker said to Clayton, and Clayton couldn't help but smile at hearing the news.

"Thank God, I never thought Lieutenant Corgi would able to get some of the Army's Dog handlers to help us out here." Clayton said with relief on his face. Those this relief was short lived as Jim saw Stacker's expression change.

"Gunny, that's not it, we're taking over operations here while you, the rest of Lieutenant Corgi's staff and six of the PT boat squadrons stationed here are transferred over to New Orleans effective immediately." Sergeant First Class Stacker said to Clayton in an almost apologetic manner.

"What?" The sheer flatness that Clayton said the word within his response to Stacker's statement was flatter than the flattest flattop. Jim honestly thought he misheard the other, he just couldn't believe what he had just heard. "Say that again SFC. Stacker, I think I didn't hear that clearly." Clayton spoke with complete disbelief.

Stacker for his part placed his duffel bag down and pulled a pair of envelopes out of his breast pocket before handing them over to Clayton to read. Clayton took the envelopes and noticed that one was unopened and was from the Navy; the other envelope was from the Army and was already opened.

Clayton opened the Navy Envelope and read the letter that was inside. His mouth hung open as the letter confirmed what the Army Sergeant had told him.

"Stacker, how long does my team have before we depart for New Orleans?" Clayton asked with a stony expression on his face.

"About an hour, hour and a half top Gunny." Was Stacker's swift response to Clayton's question, Jim couldn't help but bit his lip a bit as he mulled things over.

"None of this makes sense, Army in charge of handling Navy Dogs on a Navy facility?" Clayton said with palpable exasperation at the absurdity of the situation he was now being confronted with.

"I know Gunny, Hell everything stopped making sense when those demons from the depths appeared, and any chance of normalcy coming back went right out the window when the world heard the first Dess," Stacker said with a completely straight face.

Clayton looked at Stacker for a moment, before he started laughing. Jim would give credit to the Army man for making him chuckle, even if the army Sergeant was completely correct about the statement. Jim still had to laugh a bit, it was the only way to keep sane in the madhouse that the world had become.

"Alright Stacker, I'll tell the others to pack their things and get ready to depart within the hour. However, before my team leaves, I need to know which PT Boat Squadrons are staying behind." Clayton said to the other as he led the Army personnel to the PT Boat Barracks.

"Just one squadron from the day rotation and one from the night rotation Gunnery Sergeant, that's all." Stacker replied crisply.

"Okay, Oh and before I forget, there is a 38-page booklet that Lieutenant Corgi wrote up detailing how to manage the PT Corgis. I highly suggest you read it if you wanna avoid learning a lot of things about the PT boats the hard way, among other things." Jim said to the other as he opened the door to the Barracks. The nod the other gave him at least took off some of the tension Jim felt building up in his shoulders. Oh, he knew his outfit was in for interesting times ahead.

Though as he told everyone else of his unit what was going on, and then made the radio call to the deployed day patrol rotation about which ones would be returning to New Orleans and which ones would be returning to Port Fourchon, one thought remained at that back of his mind.

When is William going to be informed of this development?


Lieutenant William Corgi walked out of the Admiral's office with a fairly neutral expression on his face after his meeting with his overall superior was done. He kept up the professional appearance he had maintained all throughout the half-hour meeting until he was about two dozen paces away from the door to the Admiral's office and around the corner of the hallway.

It was only then that William allowed himself to falter, with an almost explosive sigh. The Lieutenant placed a hand on the wall to steady himself. His left eye twitched a fair bit and his hands were shaking to a degree.

"This has to be some kind of punishment for all the personnel requests I sent in last eight months. It just has to be. It's either that or maybe this is some kind of test he's putting me through. There's just no way can I fully believe that I'm the best at my job that he knows, just no damn way, he's a flag officer. There's gotta be at least six other people that are as good as or better than me at managing PT boats." Corgi mumbled to himself as he mostly pulled himself together and continued on out of the administration building.

When William entered the PT Boat Barracks, the PT Corgis sensed something wasn't right with him and gathered around his legs like a small fluffy fleet of escorts. Moving in sync with his footsteps and only partially dispersing to allow him to collapse onto one of the couches face-first with a miserable groan.

"I'm doomed." Lieutenant Corgi groaned out with his face between the couch cushions, he was suddenly feeling far older than he actually was. Sandbar took a seat on the neighboring couch.

"Lieutenant is something wrong sir?" Sandbar asked Corgi, from the short time he had come to know the man; Raphael figured that him acting like this wasn't something that happened often, if ever, without good reason. The Lieutenant for his part lifted his face out of the cushions of the couch with a look in his eyes that could be likened to that of a dead fish.

"Yes, Raphael. Something's very wrong and it's about who's taking over LTJG Jackson's posting here." William spoke with an almost monotone voice that was tinted with faint despair.

"Who's taking over the LTJG's post sir?" Sandbar spoke quietly, nervousness now creeping into the Marine's voice.

"Me." Corgi said with a slight groan. This made Sandbar very very confused. The PT Corgis, on the other hand, got very excited and started to run around the main room in what appeared to have been victory laps as fast as their stubby little legs could take them.

"Sir, I don't follow why that's a bad thing." Sandbar said, not sure how exactly the Lt. would take his statement. He watched Corgi sit up on the couch and face him. A look of dread and exasperation creased his face.

"Because that means my Staff is getting transferred here along with most of the PT Boats we were handling out in Port Fourchon. This after I finally got the Corgis we were managing in Port Fourchon to lose the last of the bad habits they had picked up here in New Orleans and now there's a fair chance they'll relearn those bad habits."

"Sir, I'm certain tha-" Sandbar started to say but stopped when the Lt. raised his index finger to stop him from finishing that statement.

"It's not just that Sandbar. There are far more K-type blimps here than there was at Port Fourchon. Far, far more, and now there's going to be far more PT Corgis here than there was for the last two months. Those blimpcats aren't gonna take too kindly to seeing so many dogs flood the base again after spending two months with at most 8 of them being present at any given time. How many more scuffles do you think are gonna happen between the two groups Marine?" William said with a large hint of resignation in his voice.

Sandbar thought of it for a moment and then his eyes went wide as the realization hit him like a train. The Lt saw this and nodded at the marine.

"Seems like ya realized it, a bunch of people is gonna end up being kept up by the racket they'll make if and when they get into a scuffle. This means sooner or later, I'll have to answer a rather annoyed ship girl whose beauty rest has been interrupted by the Cats and dogs fighting, in addition to dealing with the paperwork that'll come from the inevitable noise complaints. More paperwork from reorganizing the PT Squadrons, getting the needed supply forms filled out and sent, redrawing the patrol routes for the PT boats to accommodate the changes being stationed in New Orleans brings to how far out they can go. And SECNAV knows what else may come! New Orleans might be tamer than other Ship girl bases in most respects. But that's just for everyone else!" The Lieutenant said with exasperation as he threw his hands up into the air.

"But for us PT Boat Handlers. It's the third most chaotic place to be stationed at! Only Everett and anywhere in Florida are worse, with the Florida Key West station being the worst of them all! You wouldn't think that four PT Corgis could cause so much trouble, but I know a colleague who's manning the Key West station who has to deal with PT Boats who have a very hard time not herding all those protected chickens every day." He said before letting his arms fall to his sides and sitting back on the couch. The Lt. exhaled and seemed to sink into the couch a bit as the steam left him.

"And what makes Naval Station Everett so chaotic for the likes of us sir?" Sandbar asked, wonder what was so bad about that place for PT Boat Handlers like him and the Lt.

"All of those Destroyers stationed there Raphael. They spoil the small handful of PT boats stationed there completely rotten." Corgi said in a flat monotone before wiping his brow. He glanced at Sandbar and realized there was a question the marine wanted to ask but was hesitant to do. William figured what the young marine wanted to ask him and so he beat him to the question.

"To answer the question you probably have, you're being reassigned to my unit Sandbar." William said to the Pfc to assure his unspoken concerns. The Lieutenant gave a ghost of a smile when he saw the marine relax completely at the statement. Though William checked his watch and noticed the time. He remembered that the admiral had informed him that his team and the day patrol would arrive in trucks within the next few hours. The Lieutenant sighed and then stood up from the couch.

"Okay, enough mopping about, we need to prepare for what's coming Sandbar." William spoke with a sense of renewed vigor, even if his voice held a measure of resignation in it. "Ah, this may be kinda dumb to ask but, did anything happen while I was over at Administration?" He asked the marine.

"Not much sir, just a pair of enlisted coming in to remove LTJG Jackson's personal effects from his quarters." Was the swift response from Sandbar, William gave a nod at the other's response before he motioned for the young marine to come with him.

There was much to do before everyone else showed up and William didn't want to hear Clayton complain about him commandeering his room. Or worse, have Clayton take his quarters instead. William knew his friend well enough to know that it was a thing Jim would totally do.


Gunnery Sergeant Jim Clayton was in Hell. The kind of hot and humid Hell that only could be produced by 18 excited PT Corgis in the back of a transport port truck with him, two other people and the bags and boxes of their personal effects that couldn't fit up front in the cab. He sincerely hoped that they were about to pull into New Orleans soon.

He wasn't sure how much longer he could take the rocking motion the truck had as the dogs moved from one side of the back to the other seemingly every other second to look out a window. Let alone the heat in the back. The AC, despite being on full blast, just simply couldn't handle all the heat generated from the energetic PT Corgis moving about inside.

Clayton was thankful that the AC was at least keeping the temperature in the back survivable, even it wasn't comfortable. He glanced at the other two people who were back here with him, Banks and Sanderson, to see how they were holding up to the car ride. Sgt. Banks looked like he was green around the gills but the plucky Sergeant gave him a thumbs up.

"Don't worry Gunny, I'm not gonna lose my lunch in here." Banks said to Clayton with all the bravado he could muster.

CW5 Sanderson, in contrast, looked far better than Banks did or how Clayton felt beyond being very sweaty. "How can you remain so unaffected by all this Sanderson?" Clayton asked the Navy Warrant Officer with a curious tone.

"Simple Gunny, I grew up in South Florida and rode airboats in the swamps all the time as a kid and teenager. This isn't anything compared to the jostling those things could give. Heat and Humidity is bout the same as summertime thou." Sanderson said, letting his accent slip a through.

"I wonder how Lisa, Simon, and Stanley are holding up in the other truck." Banks said as he glanced to doors that of the back of the truck, some distance beyond which was the second transport truck.

"If we're lucky, Lisa is just feeling dizzy and overheated." Clayton started before Sanderson spoke the other half of the statement he himself refused to say.

"If we're not, then Ellen's thrown up twice in there already." Sanderson said in a resigned tone like he was expecting that to be the case. Clayton shot Sanderson a rather harsh glare.

"Don't fuckin Jinx it Sanderson, we can try to be hopeful for once you know!" Clayton all but hissed out between his teeth.

Whatever it was that Sanderson was about to say next was lost to history because one of the Corgis spotted something familiar out of one of the windows and started to bark happily. And then they all started happily barking inside the truck with great enthusiasm, much to the misery of their human handlers riding in the back with them.

Even though he and the other two with him covered their ears with their hands; the sound inside the back of the enclosed transport was just a couple yards short of deafening. But it did tell them one thing. They just pulled into New Orleans, which meant they had 15 minutes at most before they'd be out of the trucks.

Lieutenant Corgi had just finished with the last of the cleaning and other preparations when they heard the sound of the transport trucks pulling up to the Barracks. William knew it couldn't be anything else other than the transports, because he could faintly hear the barking from inside the Barracks building. He nodded to Sandbar and the two hurried out the door.

If William was asked, he'd say it was almost ominous how the sound from the transports came to a sudden stop as he and Raphael approached them. William motioned the marine to go open the back doors of one truck while he did the other. They both stood off to the side of a door on their respective trucks before they opened them.

It never ceased to amuse, amaze and utterly baffle the Lieutenant, in that order, to watch the suspension of a Transport truck bonce up and down slightly every time one of the PT Corgis jumped out of the back and landed on the ground with a rather heavy thud.

Following the dogs out just a minute later was Clayton, Banks and Sanderson, each of them carrying a couple boxes, a duffel bag or both. William helped them down and noticed that they were drenched in sweat. "Rough ride Gunny?" He asked his friend Clayton knowing full well what the answer was.

"Yeah William, It was a rough ride. Almost fifteen minutes of non-stop barking as we pulled into the city made it all the worse." Jim groaned out as he stepped off the truck. William gave his friend a sympathetic pat on the back. He glanced over to the second truck and saw Pfc Sandbar helping Simon, Lisa, and Stanley out of the second truck.

William winced when he saw Pfc Ellen; poor girl looked like she was a quarter second from hurling. He was honestly surprised that she hadn't hurled during the trip.

"All right Gunny, What is there to unload from here and where's my personal effects?" The Lieutenant asked the Gunnery Sergeant.

"Everything else that wasn't in the back with us is up front in the Cab Lieutenant. I'll give ya a hand with it after I set this stuff inside." Clayton said as he, Banks and Sanderson hurried off. William turned back to see if Pfc Ellen had improved any bit, he was relieved to see that she looked less sick than before given that she was carrying her stuff to the PT Barracks building now.

The Lieutenant also noticed that Pfc Sandbar was heading up to the front of the truck to start unloading what was packed there. That was his cue to unload his personal effects from the front of his transport truck. Moving up to the front and opening the door, Corgi carefully removed a stack of two small boxes that were labeled 'Memories of friends departed' and 'for if the worse was to come' respectively.

"Do you want me to help you with that Sir?" The marine driver of the truck asked William.

"No Marine, You've probably had enough with moving the PT Boats; I ain't gonna trouble ya any further with my units' things." He said in a frank manner to the marine, who simply nodded once before he relaxed in his seat.

These two boxes were not the only personal effects William had, he had a large box that had everything else in his quarters and a medium box that had every personal item in his office to get as well, but these two small boxes were the items he had the highest priority to get inside and in his quarters. As he was coming in with those boxes he saw Clayton jog by, giving him a small nod as he passed.

This Signaled to Corgi that Clayton himself had packed up the items in these two boxes, thus keeping their contents unknown to others. Which made him breathe a sigh of relief, he didn't want anyone other than Clayton to know what laid within the latter, and he didn't like talking about what was in the former all too much because of what it reminded him of what he had lost, what he had gone through on that fourth day of that horrible week.


It didn't take long for the members of the U.S. Navy's 5th Patrol Torpedo Boat Support Unit, or more colloquially named 'Dog Squad' to finish unloading the trucks and settle back into their old base of operations, New Orleans.

The rest of the Afternoon and Evening went without much of a fuss beyond some initial confusion of which PT boats for the Night Patrol Rotation would sortie and the expected madness that'd come from feeding forty-four PT Corgis of the returning day rotation.

Though now with the sun having already set, Lieutenant William Wallace Corgi sat in his office and concluded transcribing the last of the patrol reports from the day patrol rotation before sending them up the chain of command.

The only real thing of note in today's patrol reports was that a dozen floating mines had been discovered and destroyed about 50 miles from the coastline of Pensacola, Florida.

But the fact that such things had been found at all troubled the Lieutenant greatly. While he wasn't Admiral Raleigh and thus he didn't possess the power of divination that Flag Officers all seemingly had. He knew that only two things could possibly deploy sea mines without being readily spotted were submarines or some kind of long-range PT boat.

While both possibilities disturbed the Lieutenant, a third perhaps equally disturbing thought came to him a minute after he sent the report to his superior. "It could be that these were deployed a while ago and they've just now drifted that close because of the currents." William said quietly to himself as he pulled up an image the Ocean Currents within the Gulf.

While the image of the Gulf Stream currents made the idea of the ocean currents having pushed the mines to the location there found in, it didn't ease any of the tension William felt. In fact, it only ratcheted it up slightly as he tried to think of where those mines could have been deployed originally to have ended up being carried by the currents to where they had been found off the coast of Pensacola.

However before he could think any further on it, he heard a knock on his door. "Enter." William said with a strong hint of tiredness in his voice. He saw his friend Jim enter the room. Holding a large and familiar kind of can in his hands, a coffee can. And there was a note on top of the can as well.

"I was about to head out with everyone else to get something from the mess hall when I saw this at the front of the door, damn near kicked the thing when I stepped out. I sent everyone else ahead to get chow, but I figured you needed to see this William. Because I have no goddamn idea what this is all about or what it means." The Gunnery Sergeant said before leaving the coffee can and note on the Lieutenant's desk and departing for the mess hall.

Lieutenant Corgi picked up the note and read it, whoever wrote it she, and he was certain it was a she, was apologizing for taking the Coffee that was for the PT Boat Barracks from supply. Raising an eyebrow from the way the note was written, William picked up the can and noticed it was lighter than it should have been.

Popping the can open, he saw the stay fresh seal had been removed and so had been a quarter of the Coffee inside. William looked at the note again with a strong suspicion of the kind of person who wrote it and this time he gave it a sniff, just to confirm something he had suspected. On the note, he smelled the sea... and a small hint of Diesel fumes on the paper among a few other things, which told him one thing, a submarine wrote this note, which meant now he knew why the requisitioned coffee had failed to show up on time. Thus leaving the PT boat barracks without coffee.

William found himself grinding his teeth in frustration as he closed and took the can back to the pantry cabinet that was next to the Barracks Coffee machine. "Damn Subthieves," William grumbled to himself as he went about the rest of his night.

Something occurs to me, is Missouri currently the most popular or well known BB to the american people? After all, she did star in the Battleship movie a few years before giving her a bit more exposure than her sisters or any of the older BBs not named Arizona.

Also, what happened to the USS Texas museum?
Something occurs to me, is Missouri currently the most popular or well known BB to the american people? After all, she did star in the Battleship movie a few years before giving her a bit more exposure than her sisters or any of the older BBs not named Arizona.

Also, what happened to the USS Texas museum?

Missouri has probably been the setting of more movies than others, even when they weren't filmed on board her.

Texas self summoned, and her steel hull seems to be magically restored to 1945 condition. As to whether that means she is a steel hull independent from the shipgirl Texas or whether they are linked, it isn't real clear.
I think, don't know this for sure, but I think the shipgirl Texas is commanding the steel hull Texas like she's playing World of Warships. I might be wrong, don't quote me on this.
The Sister Nobody Likes
Battleship New Jersey was in an unseasonably foul mood as she steamed into Pearl. It'd been Missouri's experience that her older sister tended to default to snarled curses and general malingering—that one unfortunate phase with the dress not withstanding of course—but this was extreme even for her.

"Motherfucker!" Jersey cursed through teeth grit so tightly Mo could hear the squeal of straining metal. The second Iowa glared at a passing seagull and jabbed a pair of furious finger guns at the ambivalent seabird.

As far as Mo could tell, the decline had started around when news of Battleship Row's return reached the fleet. It'd been subtle at first, a minute change in the background of a painting already awash with undirected malcontent. But by the time she got to the mouth of the harbor Jersey was grinding her teeth so furiously Mo swore she saw sparks.

"We're gone for… what?" Jersey threw her hands out, her nose contorting in a snarl. "Eight cunt-fucking hours and all goddamn hell breaks loose."

"I dunno, Sis." Wisky shrugged. The littlest Iowa shoved her hands under her plate-carrier to adjust the thick turtleneck she was wearing. "We got more heavies, and damn good ones too."

"Yeah!" snapped Jersey. "That's the goddamn point. That's what I fucking mean."

Mo cocked an eyebrow under her mirrored crimson shades. Jersey's mind ran on its own brand of logic at the best of times, and when she got this angry she started having half the conversation in her head. "What?"

"Just…" Jersey balled her fists. "Can… can I not have one fucking day!" She roared at nothing in particular, "to celebrate my sisters coming back from their goddamn graves before something else steals the fucking thunder?"

"Hey," Mo put on a knot and pulled up closer to her big sister. "The navy's got a lot of standards, but I've only got the one family."

Jersey glanced over at her tanned chocolate sister. This close, Mo could see that her ice-blue eyes were red and streaked with bitterly suppressed tears. "You don't know what it's like," she muttered. "When Wisky went down… I know she did good, but…"

"But it hurt," said Mo. "Yeah, I know." She shook her head and pinched her temples. "I was… it hurt me. I can't imagine what it was like for you."

"Oh," Jersey shook her head. "I fucking imploded. You know I tried to fuck Sushi tits?"

"No," Mo lied. Just about everyone in the surface warfare community knew about New Jersey's first attempt to spend the night up Musashi's skirt. Not nearly as many knew that she'd been kinda-sorta dating another at the time. Even fewer knew how badly it'd broken Jersey. Mo didn't think her sister needed to know just how broadly her mistake was known.

"It was bad," said Jersey. "I… fuck. Then you went down swinging like the mother of all badasses. Hell, you and Wisky both."

Mo blushed and she hastily looked away. She was in the right place at the right time, nothing more then that. Wisky though… holding together as long as she did was nothing short of miraculous. Mo took her crew down with her, but the littlest Iowa held on long enough to get every man off safe. "Yeah. Yeah she did."

If Jersey noticed her sister's choice of pronoun, she didn't comment on it. "You know I blew up full of fucking schoolteachers?"

Mo nodded gently.

"Yeah… fucking… scared-ass civvies wouldn't know a head from a hawser. Just trying to…" She trailed off. "You know Victory's up here too?" she tapped her temple.

"The Victory?"

Jersey nodded. "Fucking stormed the admiralty and demanded at cannon point to be given something useful to do or some shit. I took her down with me." The battleship tapped a finger against her temple. "Now the cranky old bitch won't leave me alone."


"Yeah," said Jersey.


"You don't know the fucking half of it." Jersey scowled. "She keeps screaming 'it's spelled with a U' and trying to get me laid."

Mo and Jersey looked at each other for a moment. Then Mo let out a single snorting laugh. Moments later both Iowas were doubled over laughing at the mental image.

"I missed you, sis," said Jersey.

"You too."

The two Iowas smiled, then slowly glanced back at the their third sister. Wisky was trailing at the back of the formation, her attention firmly focused on an unmistakable orange dot jabbering something equally incoherent and enraging from the shoreline.

"Naka?" asked Mo.

"Yeah," Jersey hung her head.

"Fuck me."

"Welcome to my life," Jersey hung her head and stepped up onto the concrete pier. "Look, Mo?"

"Yeah?" The chocolate Iowa planted her hands on her hips.

"I've gotta do officer things," said Jersey. "Keep her away from the Japanese."


"Naka-Chan!" Wisky's thunderous contralto echoed over the waves loud enough for the entire island chain to hear it. "Ohayo gozaimasu! Watashi wa uuchu senkan Wisconsin dess!"

The elder Iowas hung their heads and muttered in the perfectly synchronized cadence that only two sisters frustrated beyond all human comprehension at their weeaboo of a sister could manage. "Motherfucking Wisky."

"Excuse me?" The softest, gentlest voice support carrier Shinano had ever heard come out of something that wasn't an escort carrier startled the littlest Yamato from her nap.

Well… to tell the truth, it was less of a nap and more an excuse to stay in her room bundled in a comforter with a small but tasteful collection of stuffed animals. She'd never fully lost consciousness, although she had lost any conscious knowledge of where her body ended and the warm blankets began.

Which wasn't to say the big carrier wasn't tired. She was. Maybe not so much physically, but running her part of the air battle had taxed Shinano's mind more than she thought possible. She didn't know how Akagi and Kaga did it.

But her mental exhaustion wasn't the main reason Shinano was holed up in her room. Well, not her room, but the Hawaiian hotel room she'd been offered as temporary quarters. If she left her room, she'd need to meet people. People who'd probably want to thank her. She knew the part she'd played in the attack wasn't much compared to Akagi or Kaga, but she was still proud of it.

But she just… meeting new people was almost more mentally taxing on the carrier than coordinating a full-strength strike package. She wasn't capable of that right now, especially without any of the very few people she actually was comfortable around to lean on.

"H-hello?" Shinano pulled her blanket back just far enough to expose her eyes. Hawaii was warming back up fast, but it was still a little chilly in the mornings.

"It's Sara," came a musical voice through the door.

"W-who?" muttered Shinano. Truth be told, she was probably somewhat more tired than she was letting on.

"Saratoga, dear. From the US Navy? Can I come in?"

Shinano blinked. Sara… oh! Right, yes. "Mmmhm."

Sara pulled open the door and slipped through. Her airy sundress fluttered with the gentle movement, and she'd undone the top few buttons to get more airflow over her vast bunkers. "My, I don't know how you can stand this heat."

"It's not that…" Shinano bushed and buried her head further in her blankets. "Oh."

"Mmm," Sara smoothed her dress and sat on the edge of the bed. "I was a carrier too."

Shinano nodded. "I know." She blinked, and slowly retrieved a rather ragged bunny with a missing eye and visible stitches holding in what was left of his stuffing from her hoard. It wasn't the prettiest animal in her collection, but it was the softest. "Um… Miss Sara?"

"Hmm?" Sara blinked, then smiled. "Oh, thank you." She took the bunny in her arms and clutched it to her chest. "I… I understand you've been trained by White Plains?"

Shinano nodded. "I was."

"Good." Sara pursed her lips and nodded sagely. "Good, she's… you've had a good teacher."

"You… you want to be one too," said Shinano very softly. "Don't you?"

"Hmm?" Sara glanced over.

"A carrier."

Sara said nothing for a while, then she simply nodded. "Was it that obvious?"

Shinano shrugged. "I think… I think I'm better at noticing it. I'm between worlds… like you."

"You've certainly made a name for yourself," said Sara.

Shinano shrugged again. "I was in the right place," she said.

"Mmm," Sara nodded.

The littlest Yamato sat up on her bed, still bundled up in her warm blankets. "Miss Sara?"

"Oh, yes sweetie?"

"I…" Shinano bushed. "Can… can you tell me how you managed so many planes?"

"Oh…" Sara thought for a moment, then stiffened. "Of course, sweetie."

"My love, how nice of you to join me." Tosa sat at one end of the table. Her immense granite form was clothed in what could've passed for fine evening wear if the fabric—if it was fabric*—wasn't coated in a film of oil and rot. Necklaces bracelets ornamented her titanic body, but they were made of blackened, twisted metal and polished bone.

Her milky eyes hovered aimlessly in the distance, never quite following the stuttering movements of her head. Her belly was bared by the daring cut of her dress and already swollen with young. The constant heaving writhe of what had to be dozens if not hundreds of demons squirming in perpetual struggle within her was the only motion that wasn't tainted by the jerky, malformed marionette quality the rest of her motions displayed.

Her frigid lips parted in a smile, her craggy teeth all but lost in the inky bit of her mouth. "Sit," she said, gesturing with the massive goblet she held in one hand to the opposite side of the table.

A guard pricked captain—Admiral, according to the stars on the facsimile of a uniform she'd forced him into—Aaron in the small of the back. He winced, but forced himself to come closer to giant demoness. His chair was like hers, a throne of concrete and iron as uncomfortable to sit on as it was to look at.

"Much better," said the princess. She set her goblet down, leaning over until her massive breasts almost spilled from her gown. "Eat," she said, sliding a talon along the still-twitching body of a terrified fish and gutting it without hesitation.


"Eat!" She roared at him, spit flying from her mouth and splattering on his face. Each drop was scalding, burning into his skin like super-heated steam. He screamed at the pain and braced himself for the next onslaught.

It never came. If anything, the princess looked… concerned. Not for his well-being of course. It wasn't the look one person gave another in need, more the look you gave a dropped phone before inspecting the screen for cracks. She was worried about damage to her latest plaything, nothing more. "You must be hungry."

Aaron nodded. The princess was feeding her captives, but only just. Enough to keep them alive, but what she thought appropriate prison rations were… Just the thought of it turned his stomach almost more than the constant writhe of her distended stomach did. "Y-yes."

"Then eat." She pushed the gutted fish towards him. Then she stood. Her massive hands came to her back, undoing the clasp holding her dress closed. The fabric fell open, her massive breasts flopping out, each already oozing bloody oil like pus. "Unless… something else is to your taste?"

Aaron couldn't move. Slowly, she strode round the table and draped her arms around him. Her naked breasts stained the white of his uniform. Her lifeless eyes met his for a moment before pitifully rolling off to the corners of their sockets. "You love me," she said with a cold smile, "don't you?"

"I…" Aaron gulped. Before he could get another word out, the smile vanished from her face. She bared her teeth in a snarl and roared in anger. Her vast gauntlet tore at the table ripped it from its anchors in rage.

"Take him away!" she thundered, spit flying from her mouth and oozing down her chin. "And assemble my fleet."
She's big, she's crazy, she's tougher than anyone she's met so far, she's got this weird urge to act like things are normal and/or that she's got some of the things the shipgirls have (e.g. admirals).

Aaaand her one appearance in combat to date gave her the kind of "wow you beat down THEM" credibility against Team Richardson, sort of like how just about the first thing we see Thanos do is beat up the Incredible Hulk in a boxing match.

So yeah, there are some parallels.