Omake: Hunt for Graf (Spee)
Hunt for the Abyssal Graf Spee
Part 6

American repair baths were so much more luxurious than those back in Great Britain. Whereas the British bases had individual baths with room for one shipgirl, the Americans had a swimming pool converted for repair useage. There was a shallow end with dividers if a shipgirl wanted to sleep in private while they underwent repairs, and there were plenty of toys in the deeper end for destroyers or energetic cruisers to keep themselves entertained.

Exeter had only needed a quick dip into the repair pool to have her guns unjammed, but was keeping Achilles company. The light cruiser had lost her enthusiasm after losing her bow, and was wallowing in the hot tub. Respecting Achilles' privacy, Exeter was lounging nearby on a helpfully provided beach chair with a tablet and a lemonade that was half frozen from the brief walk between the repair pool and the mess where she had acquired it.

The heavy cruiser's fingers tapped audibly on her tablet's surface, breaking the comfortable silence of the near empty pool. A dial tone rang out, and repeated itself twice before the call abruptly ended.

Why was Intrepid not answering? Exeter hadn't spoken to the destroyer since the skirmish protecting the convoy. Intrepid hadn't made her daily FaceTime calls, hadn't sent any texts, or done anything that might have been considered a form of communication.

Exeter tried calling again, but to the same result. The call dialed, then automatically hung up when nobody answered.

Why was she not answering? Had Intrepid merely lost or misplaced her phone? Or had something worse happened because of how she had ended the call?

Exeter didn't know. If she stopped to think about it, she knew that her imagination would run wild and provide an answer far worse than the reality, but with no way of knowing how bad it was, she couldn't prove any wild theories wrong.

She looked over the room, desperate for any respite. The well lit pool had none to offer. Achilles was lounging in the hot tub, but her eyes had lost their shine, seeming dull and unenthusiastic. Exeter sipped at her lemonade, but the normally sweet drink just felt bitter on her tongue.

She needed to clear her mind.

"I'm going for a walk. I'll be back in a little bit." Exeter said. Achilles only gave a soft grunt of confirmation, which sounded neither affirmative or negative. Regardless, the light cruiser made no action to stop Exeter's departure.

Stepping directly outside might not have been the best idea. The comfortable heat of the pool was immediately replaced by a chill that bit at any exposed skin and froze the light sheen of sweat and humidity from the pool. Naturally, a scarf would have completely negated the effects of the cold, but Exeter had left hers in her dorm room.

Norfolk itself was as lively as ever. Construction workers yelled over the rumble of their equipment as they helped rebuild the base after one too many bombardments. Destroyers played in the snow, with a large chunk acting as if this was their first ever experience with it. Exeter's march took her past the bombed out baseball field, where a host of DEs had built snow forts and we playing some form of capture the flag.

None of the activity helped Exeter's poor mood. Snow fell from a hazy sky, and the cold bit at her skin. A terribly aimed snowball sailed past her head, but even that didn't manage to dislodge the feeling of despair that was seeping through Exeter's psyche.

Idly, Exeter turned on her radio and listened in to comms chatter. Various reports from patrolling ships. One of the remaining steel hull destroyers reported a mechanical failure and was returning to base for repairs. A K-blimp reported a U-boat between the destroyer and port. Overtop it all, Akron sang one of her annoying memetic songs.

The radio chatter made Exeter realize something that only deepened the dread and despair in the bit of her belly. They hadn't heard from Leander since splitting up at the convoy.

Exeter's march quickened as her mind raced. Not hearing from Intrepid was one thing, but Leander was too strict to not even check in. Something had to have happened. Had the Abyssal Graf Spee attacked the convoy while Leander was the only real protection? Had something else attacked? Had the decision to return to Norfolk with Achilles been the wrong move? They hadn't been attacked on the return trip. Had her mistake cost Leander's life, along with those two destroyers and the crew of the convoy?

Eventually, Exeter returned to the shipgirl dorms. She considered returning to the repair pool, but she was in no condition to provide any sort of support for Achilles right now. Instead, she returned to her dorm room.

The room itself felt much too large for Exeter's admittedly spartan tastes. Meant to house a pair of battleships, it instead went solely to the largest shipgirl on base, which happened to be Exeter. A pair of massive beds dominated one end of the room, while a pair of desks filled most of the other. The only decorations were a wall clock, an artistic depiction of the shelling of Fort McHenry in 1812, and a small photo of Exeter and Kaidan that had been taken soon after they had started dating.

Exeter sat heavily in one of the provided chairs, which groaned slightly under her weight. She pulled a pen and paper out from one of the desk's drawers, and started drafting a letter. It only took a few moments for her to give up, and crumple the sheet of paper into a ball. Into the trash bin it went. After three drafts failed before Exeter slammed her hands down angrily and gave up on writing a letter.

It was at this point when her phone chimed.

She scrambled for her phone, fumbling it twice but never quite dropping the device. Kaidan had texted her.

K - Hey Ex. How's Norfolk?

E - It's okay. Have you gotten my letter yet?

K - Nope. Must still be in transit.

K - You having fun?

E - Past couple days have been rough.

K - This about that convoy?

E - Hmm?

K - Yeah. Convoy pulled in late last night. Leander said that you and Achilles held off some Abyssals.

E - We got shot up, but got the Abyssals. They caught us by surprise.

K - At least you're doing okay now, right?

E- Yeah.

K - Any idea of how long your mission is going to take? I'm planning to make a roast when you come back.

E- No clue.

E - And you know I can't tell you. Opsec and all.

K - Right. That.

K - Well, I await you letter, and will see you when I see you next. Love you!

E - Love you too.

That was a burden off of her shoulders. Leander had stayed with the convoy all the way to the UK. It implied that the Abyssal Graf Spee hadn't attacked. But why hadn't she attacked at all? Had the destroyers been a diversion? But for what?

One question answered only brought more questions.

Though, the conversation did inspire an idea. Intrepid may have been out of contact, but that didn't mean Dreadnought would be.

Exeter scrolled through her contacts, looking for Dreadnought. The old battleship's name was between Dorsetshire and Edinburgh, and it surprised Exeter that she hadn't actually ever sent Dreadnought a phone call or text message.

Regardless of whether she had in the past, now was the time to do so.

E - Hello Dreadnought.

Exeter had a brief moment of panic as she waited with bated breath for Dreadnought's response. Was she being too formal? Did she screw up someho-

D - Hello Exeter. How are you?

E - I'm doing fine.

E- I'm sorry to bother you like this, but Intrepid hasn't been answering calls. I'm worried about her.

D - Intrepid has not been doing well. The way you ended that call was rather abrupt.

E - How bad is it?

D - She's been sitting near the docks all day, waiting for you to come home.

D - She won't talk to anyone, and has been refusing to eat or drink anything above the bare minimum.

D - If her repairs were done, I would wager that she would try and find you at sea.

E - That's bad. Doesn't explain why she isn't talking to me though.

D - She left her phone in my room. I simply never noticed.

E - Can you get it to her?

E - Hopefully, being able to talk to her will help get her back to normal.

D - Certainly. I will send you a message when I give it to her.

E - Thank you very much, Dreadnought.

D - It's no problem. I'm happy to help.

A few minutes passed agonizingly slowly. Exeter paced her dorm, impatiently watching the clock. She watched every second tick by. Finally, she received a text from Dreadnought, saying that she had given Intrepid her phone.

Exeter didn't waste a moment replying, and instead called the destroyer over FaceTime. The call dialed once, twice, and for a moment Exeter feared that Intrepid wouldn't answer.

Then the destroyer's face appeared on her phone's screen. Her hair was unkempt and tears stained her eyes and face. But Intrepid had answered.

Omake: A Certain Lady
* * * * *

Hiei leaned back against the mooring post and cast her gaze out over the sea. The night sky was clear and the moon and stars shone brightly against the dark waters.

It was, in her perfectly objective opinion, a beautiful night.

The battered missile destroyers tied off nearby to await repairs did not in any way detract from the scenery. In a way, they added to it. Because beaten and worn as they were, those steel girls had fought tooth and nail to bring their crews home. There was a beauty in that defiance and unyielding spirit. That great middle finger to the wretched powers that tried to kill them and subject their charges to horror and oblivion.

A gentle breeze ruffled her hair as she turned her attention down towards the small collection of items she'd brought with her on this little nighttime venture.

"I know you're not a fan of booze, but you're more than welcome to a drink if you want." Hiei stated with a grin. She set about pouring out two cups of sake from the bottle she'd procured at the PX. It wasn't anything fancy, but it would do.

A sip later had her wishing she'd tried a bit harder to get something more fancy in the end. Or gotten some beer. It was a bit more difficult to go wrong there. And if you did, it was at least cheaper.

"Blegh." It went down more like torpedo juice than anything resembling sake and Hiei knew her face was something unpleasant at the moment.

"Oh, har har har. Like you're any better."

She set down her cup with a grumble. Sure, she hadn't been expecting much from the Japanese equivalent of 'two-buck-chuck' as John would put it. But this was beyond bad. Bad enough she'd be willing to caution her worst enemy about it. Maybe. She'd have to see what mood she was in if the time ever came.

"Haa..." she let out a loud sigh and relaxed, looking back up at the sky.

"You're really missing out you know... And I'm still super pissed. How? Just how do you go out like that? So easily and without a single word?" Hiei growled out, feelings of ire replacing those of geniality.

She narrowed her eyes.

"You know it broke him. You know if it wasn't for Jane. Wasn't for me. He'd be dead right now. I don't think he'd have killed himself, not outright. No." Hiei clenched her fist so hard that the sound of steel grinding and moaning in protest began to fill the pier. "No, he'd have worked himself to death. Hell, that's what he was doing already when Blood Week hit."

"At least raising Jane meant he had to be human enough to be her father. And he can't be her father if he's a broken machine in a coffin." She reached out for the two other items laying next to the now abandoned bottle of sake and empty cups; a carton of cigarettes and a gold plated lighter. "She kept him going long enough for me to get there in time to kick his ass back into gear. But she's just a kid. And the more self sufficient she got, the less she needed her father, the less of a grip he'd have on the brakes going for that cliff. Hell, she's not even ten and she's already more responsible than some adults."

Hiei's anger faded as she sighed.

Her silence stretched on as she let herself cool down. She hated getting so angry like this. It hurt. It really did. Kongou's and anger did not mix well. Real, honest anger that is.

"Yeah. Yeah I know..." She flipped open the lighter and toyed with the cam. Never giving it enough of a push to send up sparks. "You didn't have a choice."

She finally gave the cam a solid push and the lighter sent up sparks that blossomed into a steady flame.

"Doesn't make me any less angry about it. Your choice or not. It did a lot of damage."

The flame flickered in the breeze, but refused to dim.

Hiei manhandled the carton of smokes with her free hand until one of the sticks came free. She pulled it free with her teeth and tossed the container to the concrete carelessly. She'd probably toss the rest into a drawer or someplace out of the way and forget about them when she got home. It wasn't like she was going to turn into Vestal or anything. The woman was never lacking for something burning to chew on.

John always had one on the day of Langley's death. Only one and only then. If it hadn't been for his first wife's odd tradition of doing the same on the death day of her father, he probably wouldn't have ever touched the things. He hated them with a passion after all.

It wasn't that day, but Hiei had missed the last visit to the grave. So she had opted to make up for it tonight. For better or worse.

"You gave him the weirdest habits."

She chuckled as she brought the lighter to the end of the cheap cigarette and set it alight. After it caught, she snapped the lighter shut with a pleasing clink and stowed it away in her pocket.

"Yes, I, Hiei, just said that."

One breath later and half the stick turned to ash.

"You couldn't have burned incense or something? It's a lot more reverent. And it smells better." She loosed the smoke in one long exhale, forcing the grey cloud to billow out like dragon's fire.

Hiei leaned forward and ran a hand through her hair.

"Yeah, we did make a lot of memories thanks to you. Would have been nicer if you'd been there though~"

A mirthful snicker echoed out.

"You know exactly what I'm implying. Mutsu's not the only one who likes to tease and torment."

The cigarette continued its slow burn as the moon lazily gazed down.

"What? Of course I'm happy for them. His happiness is my happiness. His love is my love. And mine is his. We both know this. And so does Mutsu." Hiei stated as if it were the most painfully obvious thing in the world. "It was her idea for me to give him that kiss at the reception. I was gonna wait until after, but she said it would be better during and that waiting was a poor show of spirit."

She laughed.

"One-hundred percent her idea. I swear upon my honor as the Emperor's Ship and as a Kongou-class battleship." She really shouldn't have been surprised when she thought about it. Mutsu was incredibly sharp. Far more so than anyone realized. It wouldn't have surprised her if she had the majority of it pieced together long before John and herself had put everything out in the open for her. "I'm still wondering what her endgame is with that. The tabloids had a field day with it though. And I'd put money SECNAV has a copy of it framed somewhere."

She reduced the remainder of the cigarette to ruins and blew out another cloud to match the first. The smoldering butt was crushed between her fingers and set aside. A glance at her ash covered hands made her grimace.

"...That wasn't the smartest idea." Hiei mumbled as she brushed her hands off.

"Oh, but you should have seen his face right after I came up for air!" she exclaimed right after with a laugh. "My only regret is that no one had a good camera angle on him right then and there. It would have been the perfect shot."

That had been a wonderfully hilarious and treasured moment.

Her smile dimmed into a yawn as she felt herself unable to resist the need to stretch. Wow, she'd been out here for a while.

"Well, it's been... a thing." She stood up and dusted herself off. There had been too many emotions running around to really say if she'd had fun or not. But it hadn't been a bad evening. Not at all. "Time to get home and get some sleep. My dear old friend is on her way over and we need to get the welcome party all ready. Last time didn't go so well, you know."

Hiei rolled her shoulder. Oh, there would be a reckoning.

"Oops. Can't forget this stuff." She gathered up the cups, empty bottle, and carton from where they lay on the concrete. The lighter's comforting weight still rested firmly in her pocket.

"See you later. I'll give everyone your love." She turned with a wave and began making her way home.

The pleasant breeze broke out into a brief, but heavy gust, tousling her hair into a rather unpleasant mess adorned with a few errant leaves.

Hiei rolled her eyes and blew a few strands out of her eyes.

"Bloody carriers."

* * * * *
Well done, Old Iron. Bravo on letting the mystery last this long. This was a good reveal, if, in fact, it is a reveal....
Well done, Old Iron. Bravo on letting the mystery last this long. This was a good reveal, if, in fact, it is a reveal....
Danke! And... maybe? *spooky noises*
Richardson's late wife is the carrier Langley, which implies massive implications, because that means there's more running around somewhere, unable to get into the fight. And thus the question becomes one of why? :thonk:
Yeeessss~ Imagine. Theorize!

But please don't chase me with pitchforks and torches?
@Old Iron has confirmed that Jane's mother was a carrier. Most likely USS Langley.
There was more than one Langley just so you know.
.... SON OF A.... this explains so much and yet so little at the same time.. Nice one Old Iron...
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American repair baths were so much more luxurious than those back in Great Britain. Whereas the British bases had individual baths with room for one shipgirl, the Americans had a swimming pool converted for repair useage. There was a shallow end with dividers if a shipgirl wanted to sleep in private while they underwent repairs, and there were plenty of toys in the deeper end for destroyers or energetic cruisers to keep themselves entertained.

I find this quite interesting the difference between the British and American Shipgirl repair baths. Though then again I shouldn't really be surprised, The US simply has more resources to give to shipgirl comforts.

The light cruiser had lost her enthusiasm after losing her bow, and was wallowing in the hot tub. Respecting Achilles' privacy, Exeter was lounging nearby on a helpfully provided beach chair with a tablet and a lemonade that was half frozen from the brief walk between the repair pool and the mess where she had acquired it.

Seeing Achilles with a dour mood is... unnerving to say the damn least. Seriously someone cheer that girl up! She needs to be cheered up.

The heavy cruiser's fingers tapped audibly on her tablet's surface, breaking the comfortable silence of the near empty pool. A dial tone rang out, and repeated itself twice before the call abruptly ended.

Why was Intrepid not answering? Exeter hadn't spoken to the destroyer since the skirmish protecting the convoy. Intrepid hadn't made her daily FaceTime calls, hadn't sent any texts, or done anything that might have been considered a form of communication.

Exeter tried calling again, but to the same result. The call dialed, then automatically hung up when nobody answered.

Why was she not answering? Had Intrepid merely lost or misplaced her phone? Or had something worse happened because of how she had ended the call?

This doesn't bode well, like not well at all. I'm extremely nervous about what's going on with Intrepid's mental at this moment. It can't be anything good. After all the poor girl had her call with Exeter interrupted by contact with the enemy. So Intrepid is probably thinking all sorts of things may have happened.

Norfolk itself was as lively as ever. Construction workers yelled over the rumble of their equipment as they helped rebuild the base after one too many bombardments. Destroyers played in the snow, with a large chunk acting as if this was their first ever experience with it. Exeter's march took her past the bombed out baseball field, where a host of DEs had built snow forts and we playing some form of capture the flag.

You know, this really does make me wonder how frequently abyssals attempt raids on places like Norfolk. The fact that there was any damage means that either something got close enough to start shelling before it was driven off/sunk or perhaps maybe there could be a Abyssal Carrier out there. The later is kinda unlikely but who knows for certain, I sure as Hell don't.

None of the activity helped Exeter's poor mood. Snow fell from a hazy sky, and the cold bit at her skin. A terribly aimed snowball sailed past her head, but even that didn't manage to dislodge the feeling of despair that was seeping through Exeter's psyche.

Idly, Exeter turned on her radio and listened in to comms chatter. Various reports from patrolling ships. One of the remaining steel hull destroyers reported a mechanical failure and was returning to base for repairs. A K-blimp reported a U-boat between the destroyer and port. Overtop it all, Akron sang one of her annoying memetic songs.

This doesn't bode well. Not well at all.

Still though that bit where Exeter listens in on the radio chatter... that makes me wonder two things. Just how many Abyssal subs are there running around in the Atlantic? And how are they still operating despite possibly being constantly low on supplies?

The radio chatter made Exeter realize something that only deepened the dread and despair in the bit of her belly. They hadn't heard from Leander since splitting up at the convoy.

Exeter's march quickened as her mind raced. Not hearing from Intrepid was one thing, but Leander was too strict to not even check in. Something had to have happened. Had the Abyssal Graf Spee attacked the convoy while Leander was the only real protection? Had something else attacked? Had the decision to return to Norfolk with Achilles been the wrong move? They hadn't been attacked on the return trip. Had her mistake cost Leander's life, along with those two destroyers and the crew of the convoy?

oh crap! That's not good, not good at all!
The room itself felt much too large for Exeter's admittedly spartan tastes.

Hopefully those tastes change after time spent in the US. Exeter, you're Future Husband probably isn't too big on the Spartan Aesthetic you know.

She scrambled for her phone, fumbling it twice but never quite dropping the device. Kaidan had texted her...

Okay this whole section here between Kaidan and Exeter talking Via Text messages was endearing. I can seriously see the Love these two have for one another and I certainly see them tying the knot (or would it be Mooring line?) and having a kid or two (or five :drevil: )

That was a burden off of her shoulders. Leander had stayed with the convoy all the way to the UK. It implied that the Abyssal Graf Spee hadn't attacked. But why hadn't she attacked at all? Had the destroyers been a diversion? But for what?

One question answered only brought more questions.

Though, the conversation did inspire an idea. Intrepid may have been out of contact, but that didn't mean Dreadnought would be.

Indeed, If those destroyers were just a Diversion. Then what the hell was Abyss Spee really going after then? Something tells me it must have been something else. Maybe a different target of opportunity? But then that just makes me wonder what it could have been? So many questions... so few answers...

Still though its good that conversation gave Exeter the idea to contact Dreadnought. If anyone's gonna answer it'll be her!

Exeter scrolled through her contacts, looking for Dreadnought. The old battleship's name was between Dorsetshire and Edinburgh, and it surprised Exeter that she hadn't actually ever sent Dreadnought a phone call or text message.

Does Exeter have the contact info of every British Ship girl on her phone? Its actually rather likely now that I sit and think about it. That makes me wonder if ship girls in the USN do the same... oh dear that's a lotta numbers to add in for a newly summoned ship girl. Or does someone else enter the contact information into the phone before handing it to them? Hmm.. things to ponder about.

E - Hello Dreadnought...

Okay this whole conversation with Dreadnought did confirm my worries and fears about Intrepid's well being. Poor girl did not take it well to hear her Mama come under attack and have to suddenly hang up. While I'm still surprised that Intrepid isn't fully repaired yet but I'm rather thankful she wasn't. The idea of Intrepid heading out to sea looking for Exeter woulda caused a panic in the heavy cruiser.

A few minutes passed agonizingly slowly. Exeter paced her dorm, impatiently watching the clock. She watched every second tick by. Finally, she received a text from Dreadnought, saying that she had given Intrepid her phone.

Exeter didn't waste a moment replying, and instead called the destroyer over FaceTime. The call dialed once, twice, and for a moment Exeter feared that Intrepid wouldn't answer.

Then the destroyer's face appeared on her phone's screen. Her hair was unkempt and tears stained her eyes and face. But Intrepid had answered.


This bit, just these bit here. Few times has a single word ever made me have such feels. Oh I can certainly imagine Exeter spending quite a bit of time in the next update speaking with and reassuring intrepid. Partly because of how scare the poor destroyer has been. And Most certainly to make up for lost time. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Exeter ends up spending the next 5 hours talking with Intrepid. Yeah I can see that when Exeter eventually gets married to Kaidan she's gonna do her damn best to legally adopt Intrepid as her daughter.

I don't honestly see it playing out any other way.
Okay time for me to look, review and theory craft on this newest "A Certain Lady" omake because hot damn There is a lot of stuff happening here.

Hiei leaned back against the mooring post and cast her gaze out over the sea. The night sky was clear and the moon and stars shone brightly against the dark waters.

I wonder what Hiei's doing here...

The battered missile destroyers tied off nearby to await repairs did not in any way detract from the scenery. In a way, they added to it. Because beaten and worn as they were, those steel girls had fought tooth and nail to bring their crews home. There was a beauty in that defiance and unyielding spirit. That great middle finger to the wretched powers that tried to kill them and subject their charges to horror and oblivion.

You know that's certainly a good way to put it Emperor Dess. There is indeed a beauty to remaining defiant and unyielding against unspeakable monstrosities from the deep.

A gentle breeze ruffled her hair as she turned her attention down towards the small collection of items she'd brought with her on this little nighttime venture.

"I know you're not a fan of booze, but you're more than welcome to a drink if you want." Hiei stated with a grin. She set about pouring out two cups of sake from the bottle she'd procured at the PX. It wasn't anything fancy, but it would do.

Wait a second... why I am suddenly getting vibes to both the Chapter were Kongou visited Mikasa and the "A Certain Lady" chapter were John Richardson visited his late wife's grave? That's most strange...

"Blegh." It went down more like torpedo juice than anything resembling sake and Hiei knew her face was something unpleasant at the moment.

Now Hiei you're insulting those that have tried Torpedo Juice before. That's just simply bad Sake, not potent booze. If you want Torpedo Juice, go looking around for a USN Ship Engineer. They probably have a still tucked away somewhere aboard and They'll be more than happy to share some with ya... provided if you don't say anything about the still's existence on the ship. :D

Actually that makes me wonder how much of the stuff would take to make someone like Hiei drunk.
But then that would mean having a drunk Kongou... :o

"Oh, har har har. Like you're any better."

She set down her cup with a grumble. Sure, she hadn't been expecting much from the Japanese equivalent of 'two-buck-chuck' as John would put it. But this was beyond bad. Bad enough she'd be willing to caution her worst enemy about it. Maybe. She'd have to see what mood she was in if the time ever came.

Okay now I'm thinking that she's talking to the late miss's Richardson but if that's the case. How come she's not at her grave? Hmm... I think I'll find an answer late on...

"You're really missing out you know... And I'm still super pissed. How? Just how do you go out like that? So easily and without a single word?" Hiei growled out, feelings of ire replacing those of geniality.

She narrowed her eyes.

Hiei, Pissed? What? Wait... what do shes mean by going out so easily and without a single word? If she is indeed referring to Langley Richardson... doesn't she know people can die real easily? I mean sure humans can survive some crazy stuff but we can die from something simple too.

Unless... no no, I shouldn't jump to conclusions just yet. There's plenty of other explanations that involve the nature of the Dess sisters that can work... maybe...

"You know it broke him. You know if it wasn't for Jane. Wasn't for me. He'd be dead right now. I don't think he'd have killed himself, not outright. No." Hiei clenched her fist so hard that the sound of steel grinding and moaning in protest began to fill the pier. "No, he'd have worked himself to death. Hell, that's what he was doing already when Blood Week hit."

Okay, now I know Hiei's talking to the late Misses Richardson. But still though, why is she doing so where she is? Here I thought the living spoke with the departed at the site of their final resting place... unless... no, no. Dammit Corgi don't go crazy with the conspiracy stuff just yet.

Still though learning these details about how John was... good lord, I figured he wasn't in the best of places after his wife passed but I didn't think the man was steadily working himself to death! And he was already doing that when Blood Week hit?! Jeez that's not good. No good at all. Like seriously that's bad.

"At least raising Jane meant he had to be human enough to be her father. And he can't be her father if he's a broken machine in a coffin." She reached out for the two other items laying next to the now abandoned bottle of sake and empty cups; a carton of cigarettes and a gold plated lighter. "She kept him going long enough for me to get there in time to kick his ass back into gear. But she's just a kid. And the more self sufficient she got, the less she needed her father, the less of a grip he'd have on the brakes going for that cliff. Hell, she's not even ten and she's already more responsible than some adults."

Okay to start picking this one apart here. First off, its a damn Good thing raising Jane helped keep John from going off the deep end. I can't help but think though that at one or more points when Jane was still just a Baby that John held her and silently cried/ had tears run down his face. Really I can't help but think that must've happened at least once or twice.

Two, its good that Jane helped keep him going till Hiei entered his life to get him back on track. Good work Jane, you helped save your Daddy big time.

Three. The part of Jane needing her father less as she got more self-sufficent she got and thus the less of a grip he'd have on the brakes is unfortunately true. Though I swore Jane was ten already, hmm, but still the fact that at such a young age she's more responsible than some adults. Wow, that's impressive. But it shouldn't be a surprise, I mean Jane's gonna be the future SECNAV someday, tis best to start practicing for the job early after all :D

Her silence stretched on as she let herself cool down. She hated getting so angry like this. It hurt. It really did. Kongou's and anger did not mix well. Real, honest anger that is.

oof, Poor Hiei. But then again, in way or another Kongou's aren't just the embodiment of Dess and MSSB. In some sense they Embody love (totally not my biased opinion, honest!) so naturally of course honest anger is something that wouldn't mix well with them.

"Yeah. Yeah I know..." She flipped open the lighter and toyed with the cam. Never giving it enough of a push to send up sparks. "You didn't have a choice."

She finally gave the cam a solid push and the lighter sent up sparks that blossomed into a steady flame.

"Doesn't make me any less angry about it. Your choice or not. It did a lot of damage."

The flame flickered in the breeze, but refused to dim.

Didn't have a choice?... What does she mean by that? ...wait why does it seem like she's having a conversation with a ghost?...

okay I kinda figured Shipgirls because of their very nature could talk to ghosts if they wanted to. Whether it was those of their Crews or someone else who wasn't one of their crew but only under certain circumstances. So maybe Hiei really is talking with the late Misses Richardson here.

But I just can't shake this nagging feeling I've got about what Hiei said about her not having a choice... A feeling that's starting to make me worried...

As for the flame flcikering but refusing to dim? Well if the lighter is a Zippo then that makes sense. If it ain't though... Immah chalk that up to MSSB

John always had one on the day of Langley's death. Only one and only then. If it hadn't been for his first wife's odd tradition of doing the same on the death day of her father, he probably wouldn't have ever touched the things. He hated them with a passion after all.

It wasn't that day, but Hiei had missed the last visit to the grave. So she had opted to make up for it tonight. For better or worse.

For better or for worse huh? So Hiei is doing this in preparation for that confrontation with Tosa. I assume this much though. Lets see what happens further in.

"You gave him the weirdest habits."

She chuckled as she brought the lighter to the end of the cheap cigarette and set it alight. After it caught, she snapped the lighter shut with a pleasing clink and stowed it away in her pocket.

"Yes, I, Hiei, just said that."

One breath later and half the stick turned to ash.

Hiei, like you're one to talk about giving others strange habits. You're a Kongou after all. Strangness runs through yer veins... or is it pipes? Eh its both.

Well I shouldn't be surpised that Hiei made the Cig half gone in one breath. I'm just surprised she didn't make completely gone in one breath. SECNAV knows she's got the capability to do so.

"You couldn't have burned incense or something? It's a lot more reverent. And it smells better." She loosed the smoke in one long exhale, forcing the grey cloud to billow out like dragon's fire.

Hiei leaned forward and ran a hand through her hair.

"Yeah, we did make a lot of memories thanks to you. Would have been nicer if you'd been there though~"

A mirthful snicker echoed out.

"You know exactly what I'm implying. Mutsu's not the only one who likes to tease and torment."

That's a cool mental picture. Hiei breathing out smoke like a Dragon, though I do agree with her. Incense is more reverent. Though sometimes it smells better.. What? I'm a bit biased to Good Cigars and Pipes my self :V (But its an occasional thing. I ain't no Vestal)

... Hiei, did you just imply what I think you implied just now? You did didn't you! Oh crap John you better watch out. Emperor Dess may yet come for you! Mebbe.

I'm not sure... but I wouldn't put it past Mutsu to share with Hiei... Maybe. Trying to figure out the exact nature of the Relationship between John and Hiei is difficult, even for me.

"What? Of course I'm happy for them. His happiness is my happiness. His love is my love. And mine is his. We both know this. And so does Mutsu." Hiei stated as if it were the most painfully obvious thing in the world. "It was her idea for me to give him that kiss at the reception. I was gonna wait until after, but she said it would be better during and that waiting was a poor show of spirit."

She laughed.

"One-hundred percent her idea. I swear upon my honor as the Emperor's Ship and as a Kongou-class battleship." She really shouldn't have been surprised when she thought about it. Mutsu was incredibly sharp. Far more so than anyone realized. It wouldn't have surprised her if she had the majority of it pieced together long before John and herself had put everything out in the open for her. "I'm still wondering what her endgame is with that. The tabloids had a field day with it though. And I'd put money SECNAV has a copy of it framed somewhere."

Hmm I've got a fairly good guess what Langley's ghost must've said for Hiei to respond like that. Still though, learning that it was Mutsu's idea to for Hiei to give John a kiss at the reception is quite a surprise. Like its a big damn surprise. I was bloody certain that was something Hiei did on her own accord. I kinda don't believe her statement about it being Mutsu's idea...

Though then again if Hiei is swearing upon her honor as the Emperor's ship and as a Kongou-class battleship that it was 100% Mutsu's idea. Then she's telling the truth. As for Mutsu being incredibly sharp. I totally believe it, like I mean if Laska and Tago can be sharp and sneaky about stuff. Then Mutsu certainly can do the same.

But indeed though I wonder just what is Mutsu's endgame there? It couldn't be to give Jane even more siblings right?... right?

But yeah I can imagine SECNAV has framed copy somewhere too. I'd say don't bet against Hiei regarding that, you'll just lose yer money... but then that also means SECNAV has an idea of what Mutsu's endgame is as well... I mean, the last time SECNAV sent a message to John he mentioned that he better have Twins with Mutsu... and then Mutsu ended up pregnant, with twins.... hmm more things to think and theorized about

"Oh, but you should have seen his face right after I came up for air!" she exclaimed right after with a laugh. "My only regret is that no one had a good camera angle on him right then and there. It would have been the perfect shot."

That had been a wonderfully hilarious and treasured moment.

Man I wish we coulda seen his face too :V:V:V

I'm certain it was hilarious moment. Probably a mixture of confusion and several other emotions. Or something.

"Well, it's been... a thing." She stood up and dusted herself off. There had been too many emotions running around to really say if she'd had fun or not. But it hadn't been a bad evening. Not at all. "Time to get home and get some sleep. My dear old friend is on her way over and we need to get the welcome party all ready. Last time didn't go so well, you know."

Hiei rolled her shoulder. Oh, there would be a reckoning.

Oh yes... for better or worse there will be a reckoning. My hopes is that its Tosa who gets her ass handed to her seven ways to sunday. I damn well know Hiei is gonna do her best to get some payback for last time. Now whether or not if she ends up saying something that has a profanity in it kinda depends on how much of John rubbed off onto Hiei.

Though I'm certain this bout will turn out far better Hiei. After all you have another Standard and Yams on yer side this time. Plus two subs, I think, you'll be okay... mebbe... I hope.

"Oops. Can't forget this stuff." She gathered up the cups, empty bottle, and carton from where they lay on the concrete. The lighter's comforting weight still rested firmly in her pocket.

"See you later. I'll give everyone your love." She turned with a wave and began making her way home.

Yeah don't forget that stuff Hiei. You don't wanna get charged with Littering ya know. It'd be very embarrassing.

The pleasant breeze broke out into a brief, but heavy gust, tousling her hair into a rather unpleasant mess adorned with a few errant leaves.

Hiei rolled her eyes and blew a few strands out of her eyes.

"Bloody carriers."




Okay with that out. Now for theory time. THough my reaction to above may still crop up.

Folks this is one of the Big mysteries of BelBat that's finally been answered. And with that answer comes indirect confirmations of bunch of other stuff. Though now this makes me seriously wonder and worry when I look back to the prior bits and look at Hiei being mad that Langley died so easily. Like I'm seriously worried about Mutsu now. Good god, I'm fucking hoping that one theory I had about trading one life for a new one to begin doesn't happen with Mustu. I don't think John could handle that...

Okay time to divert from that dark theory and talk about other stuff!!

Like since Jane's mother was a Carrier. And Jane herself has been shown to summon chibi versions of various ships. That means Jane is most certainly not a regular human. Though her true nature isn't exactly known yet. Is she a bote? A Naval Base? The embodiment of the Navy itself? The Embodiment of a Flagship? Or some other kind of Demigod? We don't yet know.

However I were to hazard a guess, I'll say that Jane's a Battleship. If for nothing else then because way back Jane had it written in her Diary that she wanted to be both an Admiral and a Battleship one day. So we'll go on that until evidence comes up to suggest otherwise.

Whatever it may be it certainly helps explain why Jane understood Naval stuff better. Why she was able to list off the maximum ranges of various guns, why being read chapters from a Boiler manual was considered by her to be a Bedtime story. Why she felt at home with the shipgirls (talking about right before Hiei and the Gang Sortied for that first round with Tosa.). How she was able to keep up with Shimakaze as they ran around the house during Christmas time. And how she was able to eat so much, after all her own father said that Jane ate more than he had when he was her age. And many more smaller details than I can clearly recall at the moment.

So this means we may be able to reasonably expect the same with Mutsu's twins. Though maybe they'll have larger appetites because their mother was a battleship? Unsure but certainly not something to rule out. There is a great deal of theories and stuff to make there.

Many of which I'm certain I'll find hints or at least general ideas to their answers when I go back and read the entire story again....


Catherine Hunter caused an incident on social media with Myoukou
Jane learned about this and Decided to send Chibis to Cathy to help her.
A few chapters ago Tosa Suddenly ended 'sexy times' (gags) with Captain (Admiral?) Aaron before anything could happen and orders her Fleet Assembled.
A more recent Chapter revealed Tosa and her fleet was heading straight to Seasebo Where Jane Richardson lives.

Tosa is coming after Jane Richardson specifically.




*Panicked Corgi Borking*