I'mma just say that the only way I see this going down without Mo ending up on the bottom is if the entire Surigao fleet spontaneously self-summons to protect their sister's grave, while Wisky also self-summons to protect her big sister. Even with an airlift. Capital ships were never really intended to fight more than two significant targets at a time--and definitely not more than one peer-level threat at a time. Even if Mo does have the odds in her favor, she'll drain her magazines long before she can sink the entire Abyssal TF--and once that happens, she's either a sitting duck, or a fleeing one.
I'll also note that, depending on the distance from the edge of the Abyssal TF's ice field to the TF itself, an airlift would, at best, just barely be able to get the girls from Everett to the Pearl area in time to do anything, given the six-hour flight from JBLM to Pearl and the need to fly in C-5Ms from other bases to carry Jersey, Mushi, and Shinny...